Maui; 5 guto. A TA5U.ii: A8JKIAD. How a Into Metlsodlst Mfalstpr Got Mm Hiihm o AH American travelers of 1855 or thereabout, will remember the " Kan dall'a Commercial lxMrJing-lioii','' on King street, London. Americans made it their BOOK! in ttlOM tow. Among tlie guests at that time was the late Ht-v. S. M. MuCliutock. oo of thebet Metliodist who tw lived; Iiiit whom every body wlio knew him would call "Mat," in spite of his theological doctorate. There was nlo another American traveler, lie liad been a clergyman, and afterwards bad very creditably represented in Con gross a Massachusetts district. I shall i ill him the Bev. Lata Grafton., al tliongh that is not lii- name to a T. One evening "Mae" said to the lieverened and Honorable Luke. " I had hoped to offer'yon a treat this evening. There Is to be a 'Held night' ill tlie House of Peers. I expected three tickets for the gallery, one of which was to be for you. Lnluokily 1 liave only two, and so I cannot invite vou to Join our party." " Much obliged,' siid tlie lieverned Luke, "but t am going to the Lord, this evenlnr." "Have you an order Xo." "' T)ia.. ,'nu wmif I,. Slim if t . ! . ,l.k ll.,. 11 i.I o.n t nntnw 111- lu iuc gnm . . lotiiegallerycisiiaiigoontnenoor. Itnnosible s you cajft go upon the ilwresceat with a speeiul ItitrorJnc- lion by a peer; have you an Introdue- ton!- ".No." coolv replied tlie Heverened Luke, "1 hare not any in- t induction : bull have traveled berorey and J never found any ditliculty In going where I wished. I am going upon the floor of the peers to-night. If you are in the gallery you'll see me there. Ah reroir." Night come, and after much crowd ing and pushing. "Mac" anil his friend forced tlieir way into the gallery of the Hou of Lords. They were hardly seated when they saw the lieverned Luke walking up the floor, accompanied by an elderly gentleman; iha ..v..nliir his lordshln anneared to i be much more attentive to his , A uierieau friend than to the procced- ings of the House. At last, long after midnight, Brongliatu arose and de livered a short but ttery speech. At the dose he shook hands with the K: rerned Luke, who bowed and took his leave. An hour later "Mac" found the ivvcrened gentleman ijuietly seated In the coffee room of their hotel. -Mr. Grafton." said he "we saw you on the tloor with Lord Brougham. I dulti"t know that you were acpiaiuted with lUlordsbiD." "I was not! 1 never I a ... - . i e . . t i saw him until to-night." " You had letters to Min?" " Xo, nothing of the kind." "Then how did yon manage it?'! "It was a very simple atl'air." replied Luke, "hardly worth mentioning : but, as you seem rather curious, 1 will tell you about it, though it is hardly worth while. 1 walked up to the iters' entrance, where I was of course stopped by an official. "This is the peers' entrance,! Be said, "you can't pass here ; if you have and order for the gallery, go to-theproiwrdoor. I luidersland ui mil, i ."send in my card toLord Brougham. " 'To Brougham, beg your pardon; pass on If you piease.'" "I was stopped once or twice," continued the Kcverened Luko ; "but 1 just Silid, my card lias been sent to Lord Brougha'ni. Xothiiig more was wanted. So I waited a few minutes in the anti-room. A gentleman came in reading a card through lit eye glasses. I knew from the picture I had .seen that this was Brougham, and stepped forward to meet him. ' Tlie Honorable Hiid lieverned Luke Graf ton, of America. I presume," said he. Yes, my Lord." i replied ; "and as fin American, 1 cm aik your lordship's eonrtesv. In America no name is more inamj uuauiwi Ueury hrongham. From a .boy 1 Have admired vour lordsiiip a writings. ID'S wriliugs, anu now. leiug in England, I could not be satisfied without meeting you. 1 have been told that this Is to be field-night in the peers, and I Hke the liberty to ask your lordship to Introduce me uj on the tloor of the Hou.3e. I need not nay that should you ever visit America, 1 shall be hippy to reciprocate tlie courtesT." "I "shall have great pleas ure In doing so," said Brougham iand wo went in, and had some plejpant talk. Brougham pointing out tb me all the celebrities present. "At last. " continued Reverncd Luke, without even winking as lie told the story, "I saw tliat the session was drawing to a close. " Pardon me, my . lord," I said to Brougham, "I had understood that your lordship was to speak to-night. 1 hope I was not misinformed, for If I go lack to America without laving heard a speech from Henry Brougham, shall feel that 1 lave failed in attaining one great object of my journey." ' Well, 5lr. Grafton.'' said Brougham, " 1 lad not intended to speak to-night, but as it wiU gratify you, I will do so with pleasure. "And so," concluded tlie Beverened Luke, " Drougliam made the speech which you Ifcard. 1 thought it was a pretty good one may be not one of his best, but very fair. If It had not been for me you would never have iieard Brougham speak." How far the Several Luke was romancing no one but himself knows. But that he wppearcd on the floor of House, escort ed by Brougham, and tlat towards unornlug Brougham made a capital apeeeh, H certain. , . A woman went to the theatre in Kaiuas City, and demanded free ad ra'ssion, which was refused, where upon slie drew a'revoher. forced her way in. and smashed all the windows in he lower story. A minister asked a tlpsey fellow leanlhig up against a fence, where lie expected to go when he died. ' If I cnnH get along any better than I do now,'7 he said, " I shan't go anywhere," wan uug.., --"""" "Y'h I the 19th of Xoiember. ting pair of plaid trow-ers m the Iviicnlom. Xolwdy could mistake this BKHSNIMJ thk Bihi.k. It is ,i,f it BrniiL'ham. All 1 ed ol Or. heunicott. wlw spent RELIUIOl. Sin produces fear, fear leads Into bondage, and iwndnge makes all our duties irksome. Fear sin, and you arc 9a IV. Rich men, have commonly more need to lie taught eonteutiuent tlwu the poor. A revival was reported to be hi prog ress recently among the oysteriiieit, saloon rough, and others of tlie most reckless and dissolute class at Kairliav en. Conn. Over one hundred conver sions were reported, and the work was still advancing. Rev. Or. Carpenter, of New York, has accepted the call of the Howard Pmshrtpriuii Cluireh of San Francisco. and willnter upon tlie duties of tlw pastorate early in January. It is said that the Jewish rabbi of the great synagogue at Berlin receives the nlgliegt salary paid to any living preaobeF It is $20,000 a year. The Lutheran denomination of this country number.' now almut live him- dredtliotuaDdoommutiicants, under the care, of some two thousand two hun dred ministers. The Pivshvferians of London nro- po to raise $150,000 to aid hi build- 1112 40 new churches, which are to cost 'not less than 18,000 and not more than V 25,000 each, Each church is to j receive a grant ot $3,7."0. The lirsi hall ol this u not to he giv Mi till nan 01 tile V.IIOlC Mllll Ul II a be expel tiueil on tl. .-,., low l.u. , the church 1ms been raised, and the " Jtt, iTi Tr.iir.iTi. ,' to be wWipeM fourth have been obtained. I till ihree- The total number of preacher ad mitted on trial in tlie traveling comicc- j tton of the M.'K. Chinch, during tlie nast year is 7!I5 The Bemtgd says: The San Fran cisco Benevolent Association Is spend ing at the rate of nearly 2,000a month in relief of tlie destitute, mostly wo men and children. The Society is much in want of funds and clothing. John Wesley Harper, Esq., oldest sou of John Harper, lisq.. of tlie firm of Harper Brothers, has built and fur nished entirely at his own entente, a Methodist church at Port IVastdngtOU, L. I. The church was dedicated oil relnt thirty Bcrip- years in collating the Hebrew tures. and assigned a valuable living because his studios prevented his re siding on it. that his wite was accus tomed to assist him in his preparation of his Polyglot Bible by reading to him, as they drove out fbr an airing. the portion to which his immediate attention was called I. When prepar- i iv after tlie great I . .ti. . i big for a drive the d. work was completed, she asked him what Book she should now take Oh!" exclaimed he, "Let us begin i the Bihie. Xu wonder (hat he was a happy, well-balanced Christian man. a ready to die cuhnly in Christ as he 1,...! K ..... 1 l.l j l; had been to live and labor tor him. His appetite for the word of cnea-ctt with its gratification. ot treltmg at some trilling defects m the translation, his great genius and 'ii'.r.-i.')-: I.-,' -i.lrlr t' full MtlaftiA. ; tloa in a lifetime perusal of its" sacred j pages Dm Sit It. We find tins going around : Beeeher explains that the reason be gave up Ti istoral visits was iiecause the raittes kept him waiting so long while inev were dressing, liesicies, tliev Would talk of nothing but servants, children's ailments and genealogies, until It got to be a (rule monotonous. Patience and resignation are the pillars of human peace on earth. Better to be alone tliau in kid com pany. ORISON STATE TKKPEUXCE Our last Mate lfiiiperauec Conven tion adjourned to meet In Salem Feb HarySad, ten o'clock, A. M. I llie undersigned were appointed a commltte to make arrangements for the meeting. Thev reeonimend that , -- r- w a - cue, anu at east "'e.c mi vtarr memy ineiii- ocr, ; mac communities hold mass tin meetings and elect representatives. These should be men and women of sound judgment and of known Tem perance iiabits and principles. All authenticated friends of tlie Temper snce cause are inv'ted to seats in the GouventJoa. They are also asked to send in them? of discussi"ii and sug gestions iiixmt the programme; as It is cousideretl by all best to lave an outline of business, and iersons ap pointed to icad the discussions. Those feeing a deep interest m any Temper ance topic should, without ear of be ing considered egotistic, Inform tlie committee of their desire to present tlie i.iatter to the Convention f"" We would also be grKitly obliged for the names of capable speakersl ami essayists. Thoscacipwlnted wtth kudl should forward their names and tlie themes tliey can profitably present, Friends of the good, the Imly cause of Temperance, do all In your power to make the coming Convention a tel ling one ; large, intelligent, enthusias tic and efficient. Papers prepared to lie presented to tiie Convention should lie short, not occupying more than twenty minutes In rending. comprehensive, and preg nant with facts and arguments. Delegate should come in time for the morning session ami intending to remain over tlie fohowing day, if the complete success of tlie Convention should demand it. A very interesting progittuuuc is being prepared for a two day's session, Name Of delegates should be for warded t i.T.Miarriaai.rialcm. Chair man of Committee on Credentials. LOVVKLT, L. KOGEKS, L. J. POIVKLL. f. H. Jlt'iJLA.VK, Committee. An awful thing has happened in Ilarrisbtirg. A tnaii was accused by his wifl of Infidelity to his marriage vow, when he replied that he "hoped God would paralyzeliis tongue If lie wasgullty." He had scarcely flnlsli ed the sentence when his tongue refus ed to perform lb natural function, Three Laving Ma ten. The wise Emperor Theotloslns hid three dsiurhter. WislHiie to dis cover which of them loved him liest. Ir- said to tlie first : " How much do vou love mc?" " More than mvself, " was the reply- Pleased with her affection. Ik- gave tier In marriage to a mighty king. Then lie came to tlie second, and asked lier how much she loved him "A much as I do myself," she an swered. Tlie Euineror married lier to a itnlee. Afterward lie inquired of his third daughter: "And how much do vou love me ? "As much as vou deserve, and no more." was her somewhat iert re sponse. Her fatlicr thought an earl good euomrh for lier. Some time alter this tlie Emmwr was beaten In liattle br the kin" of Egypt, and was driven from tlie iand he iiad long ruled so wisely. In his distress he naturally, thought of his atl'ectionate lirst-born, and writing an epistle to lier with his own hand, entreated her, in mot pathetic words to succor hmi. Her liiubnnu j was willing to assist his father -in-law to the utmost of his iiower : but the unnatural daughter declared that five knights only would Ixs stmt to him, to remain with Mm until he should re gain his OTOWn. Theodosius was of heavy heart when lie saw but live horsemen riding toward him. instead of tlie countless spears he hoped soon to see bristling on the horizon ; but he concealed bis emotion, and wrote for aid to his second daughter. Slie was willing to find him food and clothing tit for his rank during the vontiuuance of his misfortune, lmt would not suffer lier "doughty duke j to lead an army into the lield hi his behalf. Tlie Emperor, almost in despair. annlied lat of all to his third daugh ter, and she. shedding ftdl floods of tears, when she beam of her father's melancholy circumstances, prevailed npon her hustmnd to ratee a gallant host, bv means of which Theodosius was quickly enabled to resume tlie im jierial purple. Grieved that he bad given her credit for so little affection, when, as he found, it was tlie ruling passion of her heart, he without hes itation willed his seeptre to his loving child. To Keep Nails from Ri stixg. A scientific journal says: When nails are used in a position in wluch they are greatly subjected to air and mois ture, it will always pay to prepare them in such a manner that they will dot rust. This may lie accomplished ...... ,i:m ...i... l. l.....!.. ,iiiii, 'Mi u i,iiieiiutr Lav iieuiutg n Quantity of nails oii a shovel, and throwing them, while quite hot, into a vessel containing coarse oil or nielteu grease The nails .should not lie so hot tiiat the grease will be made to smoke freely. Cut nails prepared in God in- i this manner are improved in every rein-Wad sjiect. Tliey are reduced together and tuey win outlast any i;inu oi woou. even though buried in the ground ; while unpivpan.-d nails are coinplet . lv destroyed by rust In a very short time. I Coitiirn LOT8.vrcreE.Dc Witt j Talma ge says: If there be one gulf in hell deeper than another, it shall be I the doom of those newspaper men i whose lien is stabbing to death the ',, jpnritv of American society. The aiu ". , . 1,1,.,,,),.',, I ,!,i, I accursed pictorial-, and 1 pray God ; that if these polluters of public morals ' may not lie arrested by the voice of conscience, or silenced by the indig I nation of our sorrow-stricken eonmui- nines, mat then they ina.e oe hui'ied out of this life speedily) that the plague may be staid. God redeem our country from the damning intln enco of a, corrupt newspajw' litera ture. A QuAtST Stoiiv. There l.s'a quint story dating from the time of Ckmim bus. which shows what mysterious personality and power tittle tribe)) could attach to lifeless matter. The cacique llatne.Vt it is relatcil. heard bv thiav,tJa i ni.ninia r - : - - ; " - , . . - - , - o ed his lieople togi.-ther and talked of the Spaniards bow they persecuted the natives of the Mauds, and how they did such things for the sake of the great Lord, whom tliey much de sired and loved. Then, biking one a basket with gold in it, he said. "Ye see here their Low whom tliey serve and go alter; and, as ye hive heard. Iliey see coming hither to seek this Lord. Therefore let us make him a feast, that when they come he mav tell them not to do us harm." So they danced and snng from'night to morn ing before the gold basket, and the then cacl'iuc told tliem not to keep the Christian's lonl anywhere, for if they kept him in their very bowels thev would hive to bring him out; so lie hade they ca-t him to 'the bottom of the river, and thislhey ilid. A man named Ketts allowed a poor drunken woman to freeze to death in his back yawl, la JS'ew York cltv, a night or two since. ,She bud n the snow a foot from his door, and though he knew site was freezing, and went out to see how she was getting along, he hadn't humanity enough to take her in by his fir,:. Eetts was ''censur ed" by the Coroner. The Czar of all the ltmsias cares little for outward Wtup he is a mail of remarkable simplicitv in all his modes of life. He wanders through the crowded streets of St. Petersburg alone; and hi the country, if aeconi paniedatsdl, goes out gf-ueiidlv with some member ofthe family. lie often drives hint -elf. there being neither out riders nor guards. , ft' Xew York women are said to sur pass in folly and extravagance the wo men of every other ilty hi the world. Tliey nre now wipjilring tJiemselttw with handkerchiefs which casts Uieir falliers and husbands fioui JjSlOO to$U00 a piece. "James," said a voting wife to her hubaiHl, a few days after marriage, --you srere honest enough to tell me tlie chimney smoked, why didn't vou tell me that you smoked yourself?" Fuoji Father to Sox. The fol lowing story may not be true, but If not it ought to ne : One day a young man entered a merchant's office hi Boston, and, with a pale and careworn nice said : "Sir, I am in need of lielp. I have been unable to meet certain payments because certain parties have not done as they agreed to by me, and I would like to get ten thousand dollars. I came to you because you were a friend to my father, and might be a friend to me. "Come in," said the old merchant, "came in and have a glass of wine I" "Xo." said the voting man, "Idou't drink..' Have a cigar, then." ' No. I never smoke.", "Well." said the old gentleman. "I would like to accommodate you, but I don't think I can." "Very well," said the young- man as he was about to leave tlie room. "I thought perluips you might. Good day. sir." "Hold on ! " said the mcrcliant, "Von don't driuk !" Xo." 'Xor smoke." "Xo." "Xor gamble, nor anything of the kind?" Xo." "Well," said the merchant, "vou shall have It, ami three times 'the amount if you wish. Your father let me have five thousand dollars once, and asked me these same questions. He trusted me, and 1 will trust you. Xo tliimks! I owe it to you for your tiitecr's trust." The St. Louis HtpuVic m and Sena tor Blair, although tliey are agreed on the "passive policy," disagreed as to one important feature of it, and that IS, which party U to make the nojiiination? Blair thinks that the best plan will lie for the Democrats to move forward in the matter, and nominate a liberal Hepiiblican whose principles are least objectionable, and then count on the assistance of tlieir liberal friends; while tlie "btMtUtM holds that tlie Democrats thould keep perfectly quiet, and depend on the discontented Republicans to make a choice, is it possible that the passive policy party is already on tlie eve of a big split? It is comforting to know that our new territory, Alaska, has otlier uses than the producing ot seals and ice beigs. Tlie ahaUty of coal mined in Alaska is said to be excellent, and the beds almost Inexhaustible. TIksc coal beds are found near the sea-coast, and also on adjacent islands. It is believed tliat when arrangements are perfected coal can be delivered in San Francisco at a cot of less than six dol lars a ton. Tlie value of assessable. coal-miues1)n the Pacific coast will be A Yankee in Texas, who sat listen ing to the stories of a Louisianian in regard to tlie marvelous growth of su gar-cane mi un pianuuion near e , Orleans, finally said, "That ain't not li- j iiig. I've seen cane in Xew England inore'u a mile long I" "What kind Of cane was It r"Wasthe general Inquiry. "A liurrleane!" answered the tri mnphant Yankee. " Poor Carlotta" is as crazy as ever Her latest mania is to imagine herself I surrounded by the court of Mexico. The lady of her suit Is made Grand M istress' of the Palace ; that gentleman a Minister of State, and so on. Often when alone she places the chairs around her in order, hangs dresses uixiu them and asks questions and gives answer , to these strange ladies. LIVERY, FEEI A. SALE STABLES, ALBANY, OREGON. BARTGES & MERRICK, raopitreToits. WE ARE riJEPARKD TO FURNISH tlie public with neat turnouts. in the way of Stylish Bnintles) and Carrlngca null Fnat Mtoek, On the most reasonable terms. Onr liver? is all now, aild of tho latest styles, nnd wo simll take pride in giving our iwtmnsns ueot and reliable an outUt as can be ol talned hi the Stale. Horses lioarded at reasonable rates, by tiie week or month. Ibidss and carrlajrcs furntshed for par ties, ulc. A share of public untmnngo is MMoltcd. B.VHXOE8 & MKUU1CK. Albany, Dec. 17, ls7in.j Dltt'tiS snd MEDICINES, PAINTS and Oils, (ilass and Putty, sold by Wheel er, St MIEEII. . llvl "Vr)OL SHAWLS. loiiR and soiinrc, Jiluid " anu stnpeu, tor lie by WUEEbEH, at Shedd. I iv l fUNDIES, Kl'TS, j and cheap, by 1IAISIXS, etc., fresh 3v4 JlcUOlH. BlblHEAH I'APEK, ALL SIZES, JUST received and for sale at this office, low for cash. TN WARE, CLASS WARE, ("TtOCKE- ery, Ijunps, Ac, Ac-, sold by Wheeler, in HMU1. ov. DIAXK DEEDS, MOKTOAUKS, ETC., 1 on liand - hitest styles-and for sale in . at this office. I.UIKSH VEGETABLES, tn fall supply. by J M UcBUlS. t!AP-K VXE-S CONDENSED, THOM- vj ns' Cold Water BUmliln iir, aim oiiiui- kinds. Sow by llvt WHI'KLEK, at shed I. OVSI'ERR AND SARDINES, Nl TSAMJ Csiudies. and other kulcfctaiacka, K1 hv Wheelor. at SITKDD. Hv4 BATU8. ETC. ALBANY BATH HOUSE. I si-etfully Inform iheeltteensof Albany and vicinity Ilia e lias taken ctauwi of this establishment, uud by kywihw.waa rooms and pavlm strlet attention to hust ncssexiieoWloBiiltall those who may, fa vor him with their palronaz"- Having heretofore carried on nothing t t'lrtlM H(r WrcMtstK nmloon; NEW HOOKS. Agents Wanted. FIVE TO FIFTY DOLLARS A DAY CAN BE MADE BY AGENTS, WHO SELL Till FOLLOWING NEW AXII ELEGANTLY BOUND AND Illustrated Books! Washington, nnd Its Public IJulld Ings, Ground and stalaary. With a (liiermni of the Hnuwnf Rrora- wntativvs and Semite of the I'nltcd Slates, thti'ty-rtve steel enxiiiviiiipj, and eighty DaffM of Ueseription uiid hUtorlcal reading lllltll,'!. .1 xoiij' of this hamUonK bvok will he sen t to those wihhi)! to net a agents, for two dolhu's, and rive smuiiM lor ret uru pustagc. The Greatest Cabinet of Hints, Aal malsaml Itejitiies. both Native and 1'oreign ever iiublUhed. Tlii rtemt volmue mntalnt uctr one iHii'hvrteofcrpftil?s, and lsu Iwok needed and useful In every family. It Is of kn size and ilOJidsouioiy Iximut. A tnuiplo of tills work will he sent to those who desire to net ns agents for three dollars and five stamps for return postage. EXAMINE THI8 LI8T Of new !xoks, nny one of which wo will sen d tor one dollar. They are alt bound and UJustfatO'I. Il'ouk of SOO Puzzles. 100 pictures. , Courtship made K.isj . Art of mak ing love. How Gamblers Win. 1000 tricks wi:h cards. , ( Fortune Teller and Dream Book. Horse Tanilug. How to Play Poker to Wla. How to Mia mo Drinks. Fries 5U. The Art of Letter Wi lting. Secrets Worth Knowing. A Jtuidc to llio mauufocture of meili- I eines, perfumery, soaps, dyes, wines, cor- diaus pnpumr uuvomos j uumuaicuuecs secrets, and many otfters. Itogues and Rogueries. Ventriloquism Hade Easy. Ua-e Hall Dock. . We have iu press a large list of books for tlie liolidiiyf. Ali oouimunlcatlonii mint ' addressed, WusUbiKtoii rubllNlilus; Couipau, Lock box 1S3, Wiuhiugton, I). V. 7v4 C - - 6,666 - R Six Tlionsaud SiiHundred & Siity-sii Standard Receipts, Selected from The Best French, English, Ktu- Japancso and American THE EUREKA COMPOUNDING CO., Or Waihingtonf D. ., ABE PKEl'AltED TO FIIA OUDER8 fur their itsielmitcd compounds, or wiU send tho reeelpw soj that any person can imike their own compound.and rotaia the formula. The Coiuixmy'a clroularcou- uuiu CUBES FOR HOltSK, CATIIH SHEEP ADD SVViSe DISEASES, CORKS, CROUP. UV8BKTEIIY, GRAVEL, RHEUMA TISM, WARTS, PK ICC RLE". PILES, TETTER. TOOTHACHE, CHILS. WORMS, BRUISES, BURKS, RINUH OKMS, PELOJfS, SORE AKO WEAK EYES,. ETC. Compounds of the altovc, or any other iii-shi'd will wntfor one dollar for one irlielw or two will In; sent forll 50. Ro Viirts for eompouudina, with full dlree tlo is, 50 cents each, pr t hree for 1. If you want to know how to make Donr u imB,Ii,lsli,Siioteh,wheatoriiorjjhiiui whlikv ; olackberry, eliony, ciwnao, k In Ker,iHehand rasiilierry brandy; sixteen klnifsof Tlnejjiir ; bint, blue, ifreon, red and indeUhle ink ! elder, sweet and spark UnK fourteen kinds of laier; blaekiutr, in naste nnd llnulil, for hiirness. earrlagesiuid ail klndsof leather; dyeing. In every Sliad0 and color; sliavlnx soap, lo promote the irrowth of holrj vnrnlshes of twelve vari eties, and every other eomiiomid tn gen eral use, send lift y cen ts and stamp for re ceipt All Komls warranted as represented, fiend sinmp for circular. AU coniaiani- cnt ions must be addressed to Kureka 4 oul pousuliBff;, .wa 7vl PRUGS. ETC. Harder in Albany HA8NKVEU nCtato KNOWS, AXD no tUroiming of I; ut iuvsodl Death Is a tbine which siinietimo mmt befall ymysoti and itaujjhterof the buuian bun Uy; and yet, At the nttl-day, Of jrouf life, it disease lays Ids vile hands upon you, i ken is si ill " iwi, IHJj " by which you may lie restored to perfect health, nnd prolong; your din s ion m'.racu tous extent. BEow ? By calUng on R. c. hsll & my, With a presjiiptioii, whoro yon can hnvo it ebmnoniided bj one ezporhmead in that particular line. Also,,iy on I ,, a good assortuicnt of fnsb drue. naient medicine-, eimnl.nls. rXtsVfW stuffs, trtusea, e:c. Agents for tho Velebrnl.'d Ink Weed it ouiedy, Or, Oreson Itlienmarlc Cuw ; Dr. I). Javno A Sons' ine'lieines, otc. SiieiK-c's Positive mid Xesativc Powders kept in stock. Also n;,'eiii.sior the Home Kbnttle Aewliia; Sorlilne, One of the most useful pieces of honsclioid furiiiiuroexinnt. t'aUand cxninlne. . . K.C.1I11.L 4 SON. Albany, Juno 10,7HUv3 ALBANY FOUNDUY And Machine Shop, A. F. CHERRY Proprietor, ALBANY, Oil KG ON, Manufactures Steam Engiucs, Flour and Saw 3Iarbin- trj, WOOD WORKING And AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY, And all kinds of IRON ATill HBASS t '-ISTI5US. Particular attention paid torepnirin?ail kinds of luacbhicry. tlvS PATENT MKHK IXKS. Toe Great Meillral Discovery T Sr. WALKER'S CALIFORNIA VINEGAR BITTERS, si Hundreds cf Thousands Bear tcstlmonytitlic'lr Wonder, f, sf o o ' xui uursuve auccis. .; : 2siWHAT ARE THEY?Ip SF . 'SsFANCY drink, Usde of Poor ItttW, WhUker, Pros! Sslrits and Refuse Lloawdoeloral,iaeoJ sad sweetened ti ideas lira taste, called "To lcs,"" Appetisers," " Bestorers, thai icsJ the tippler oa to druiiLciiacssand ruin, bctsr s true Medicine, uiailo fruin llie Sativo i;oot oaH Herbs of California, free from nil AleuhwIlO Btimulants. Tlioy sr tlta (iUEAT ULOOO PURIFIER and I.I 1' 13 tilVISG PUIN CIPLBaiierfcci Kcnovstor sudlnvlgoratcrol Uie Sy-tata, earrj-tag off nil ;,olsonon matter acd restoring Uie blood to a healthy condition. Xo person eaa Use these Dllters according to diroe Hon sad roiualn long na ell. kTarlaflammutery nnd Chronic Ilhem matism nnd dient, l) or Iudl Bestles, Billons, KcmlHeut nnd later rail tent Fevors, l senses of tho lllood. Liver, Kidneys, nutUlladdcr, tliene Illt ters hsvo been most succcssfal. Such Pit ease sre esntod by Vitiated Blood, wlilce Is generally produced by derangement of tbs Digestive O renin. BVSPEPHIAOll 1 Mil O EST ION. BesaSsho. Tain In tho Slionlden, Couetis, TiidiS, nsss of tho Chest, Diniuess, Soar Eructnhoas el the Stomach, Cad tasto la the Mouth Bilious AS tacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation ol tho Lnngs.Paln in the regions of t'.iiiKidni'ys.and a handled other palatal tyuiptoms, sro the off springs of Dyspepsia. They Invigorate Vie Stoniaeh and sdmnlats the torpid liver snd bowels, i Mcli rendortlictn of en, eqoallcd eOcocy la cleuuslug the hlood ef nil Impurities, and laiparting now life and vigor ta tho whole system. FOR SKIN DISK ASKS, F.rnptlons.Tcttcs, sBsltHhtasi,Bia(chca. Bpou, Pimples, Pumale Boils, Osrbaoclcs, tUag-Worms, Scnld-llenJ, Core . Eyes, Erylpel;u, Itch, Kcnrfu, Discolorotlons ot the Skin, Humors and Diseases of tho skin, ol wlistevsr nam ornstnre, are literally dug no and carried ant of tho system In a short tluio by tho Mfl of thcau Dlttcrs. One bottle In such esses will eeavlnec the most incredulous ef tiudl 'carstiTssffeets. Clesnso tho Vltlstod Blood whenever you flail IUlmur4tles bursting throngli thoskln ltirira pics, EnipUons or Sores i tloanso it wlu n yo And U obstructed snd slngglsti U the veins: cleanse It when It Is foul, andyoar feelings wiU tell yoti when. Keep tho blood pnro and tin heslth of the system will follow. : PIN, TAPE sad other WORMS, lm-klrlli ihosystemof soaaany thoasands, sre effcctnsllf pastroyed sod removed . For full directions, rets csrtfutiytte cwslsr around cseh bottle. J.WAXKIlt, rrsprJor. . B. McDOXAUD CO., Druggist" and Unn. Agents. Boa Frsnelsea Csl snd S3 and 81 Comuiarco Street. New Toft 80U DT ALL DUUOOISTS AND DEALgO - l ffl s x m DC THEY AnE KOT A VILE 11