The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, January 26, 1872, Image 6

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' Deliveky. Out sptetxlkl new
briekand iron ten tliousand dollar
count; jail law received terrible
bactwi' Our Democratic Coantjr
AilmluMiHao has received terribly-
litniiiliatiug backset! Our trust
tvwtiry inl gwitleiwinly Sheriff is
deeply chagrined! Oitr affable jail
contractor is the only one In the whole
lot that look on undismayed at the
knock, tlio clteaater, the awfal cahmi
ity that lias befallen our beautiful, oor
magnificent, our costly new brick and
I i ii,M,li.WaarfitT iTllll
11 VII 4.1 II laanwfH"
And here a the how of If : Ow Dem-
ocralie county admlniatten deemed
td, botli for the purpoee of keeping
the taxes iu Una county bigood shape,
and for the, better aeenrlty ot all
pri mm thai :it might be necessary to
put under lock Hud key. After ma-
Lire deliberation tliey decided to builil
a neat, tasty Utile twextory brick Jail,
and to make H secure aud safe for the
, ., it, .,., rth .
.-iitiact. tt mav be. but la joiw;
style as uk protU-marjriii wouldallow.
i : .iraHi luaw tb.' kevs to Uie
prisoners, the cells were woe w llg ov,r $10,000, and Uk first
rt,tlof Iron, leu out without the least !
neat, but not guady "T GL A Uopublicau city d-!
t!FwZZ ' CO-t of about ;
nuAvasJventoawcsrthytaurocker.i.lK'ro Hay until wanted, there -.
.. uZ, iu i-li sv vl both and in a Kepubll-
. i . . 1.UI.M". .. j j -
inndtt atllarrisburg, and
t!::et is caught and brought to Hit-tuy
and lodged In the new i'rom
borne unexplained cause tlie prisoner,
though plaoed in the pitiful
thoiKiud dollar jail, and he the only
; ...IllVlllt 'Mill
id fumlslieil with food,
t i. nn
tire and good bed, does not take kindly j
D the situation, and makes up m
mind to levant from this uwo-ceiieu. ,
puent-locked, artUkally flutabad ton
thousand dollar jail. Thli bei.ig lus ;
liiLnd. lie waits mitU tlie Slienff kindly !
waits upon Mni Tuesday morning
with Ms breakCut, after devouring
which, aud upon the departure of Uie
b;:t.;iu", be also departs! And thus it
is onr Comity Administration have re
ceived a humiliating backset the uu-
"Mteful thief left without even send
jut even semi-;
lug a card of thanks to said. AdintnU- j
(ration for erecting, mm oeauuiui
riructure, at such a trifling cost, so
that he and otliers like Win, might
a i. . svf If a atnrttiirtit mill
verity, ami leave when they felt so
Sued! Rough o,iUs County Ad-
.'..istnition. ahit It? Humiliating
.. .. . ... .
Is no name lor it; UK-y are us-unti ,
mad i Theu our Sheriff '. Just to-1
powers tliat be and receives the reward ! paper, and is lu every respect superior new town seem to possess the nei'ei
ef Hie faiUifirl-ite cash. But a few ,0 iu manv predecessors. The sio' vim and public spirit, which
..i i-i- fmv-itollar steal I selections are evidently made with s,H.aks well for its future grow th and
think, after be bad taken so much j al interest. iQnltferi or ti.e muer
p dns tomake the "darmfeol" cotn- ent denominations have altiited in
T . .. - .. . t. .i.f ... Utin Ti! mid christian neonle in
t)itao;p. ior uiui w aci i "' vui-
rageous Cishion "its enongh to make
a prtacher kuss!" Cliagrincd is
What the Sheriff is ! We have lost all
confidence in the gratitude of forty
ilnl'ar thieves so has the Democratic
f;.:i:itv Administration so has tlie
Sheriff! Its a case of serious dls- lively during the week among our ad
Kitlsfactlou to. all concerned ! As tills vertisers, as tlieir smiling cxamteiianees
'. ..iiti'id, artistic, Iron-clad, ton thou-
s.t:;d dollar conuty JaiL is thorou alily
completely and decidedly, outside ami
i:i and throughout, a Deiuocraiia b
stltution, originated by Damocr.ifs,
ordered by Democrab, mid built by
rwuuvate. du Bjuiuter. being a
Republican JouraiU,. don't propose to j
lunn.i ' w
Wy anything aoow ii, jor
ba If the Jail had been bntlt under
Republican administration, we would
1 - o iid-stlll less.
' ' ,
DiHsOLVtH. The co-partiiership
heretofore existing between E. E.
Miner and M. Pearson, under the
.,nmn nf Miner & Pearson, was dis-
olted on the 22d lust by inutuiil con- j
sent. Mr. Miner assumes sole control
of the lyiiuiew ' towttBBI &U moneys
U.'.j tlu firm should be paid, llie
young man from ylcoll8uM is ouce
112.1111 tui ietl aurin 10 sunt iotuiuwch,
! 1... , :.r 1 ..(.I.U ill. Tll-r IT. WCCX -
! ,, Mr. Miner's success in a baatoeu
note of view, since his residence
1 . . a .,--.
among n, stamps him as the pescsr
i f buainexi nual flcatlons of the very order just the kind of man we
Want among us. May success percli
upon tlie batineis of botli the gentle-1 glove, ,v-ltu Cuteidugi last be
meo. j tweeo the 5th and 14th insts. 'l'he
FOB Saia Three hundred awl
twenty acres offwell watered (at pres
ent) laud, suitable for anything that
aa be.grc upon. Uud adjoining
(15 or 20 miles off) produces excellent
wheat, gat, c., and u Lsn t u wt
tliaber. For sale, with or withaut a
mortgage at andvaocc on first cost.
Apply early awl oftVaat the Bjunta
iofBce. A greeiihack cttnitr will re
vive preference.
Onions- Machine.. "Hunter s
Grain" senator," ftBtnrrrt by
M. i . Rounds, Woodcock & Co.. at i
jancttai i ity, i- advertised In otir eol
antiu this tiioriiiiu;. Tail Separator
received the Dilnia at the Sttte'air
of HJ, u BMule n a MIMrir maimer,
,. t nm--! for eleanine wlieat
or oaU by auyluavhine In the market
This being acknowledged, and tlie fact .
tluit It is an Oregon machine, should
give it tlie preference auiong our farm
ers. Head the advertisement on tlili ;
page, and order t'-oin Messrs. Hounds, j
Woodcock Co., Jnnctioil I ity. WW
A Hcxawav. The hack-team tliat
conveys the mail trom the depot each
morninz to this city, stampeded on
Wednesday morning, to the regret or
! the driver as well as the owner, W.
:B. Cannon. The hack w;u badly,
demoralized, ami the team pretty
severely cut about tlie legs; The
; team liad beeu left standing in front
0f tlie (xiikling while the driver was
! Inside warming, it being a bitter cold
j morning.
j mfmv lX,noerotle
, . , ,..,........ aw,i
vi-wi.Thkat. P(r'
Him! !
for January, coiuci to ill la a
....... It U .l on thicker
i;u. MUT,. . J I -. . I
Jlt Imndrws ,1, are given. Volume
IX. couaMMM with the January
; number. Pri cents? or fSpCT
iit.ljieal readers to take advantage of
the otter. Address J. L. Peters, o'JO
Broadway, New l oik.
Paikftjl Accident. On last Fri-
npou tQ ex.
rf u;u,
M of ft me five
, ., . ,,,. . Mr
wlw lives about five miles up tlie Wil
lamette river from this city. The
sliver of wood was probably a quarter
of an inch in width, and had pierced
tlie hand through aW&ut the centre of
i the palm. Tlie Doctor found it tat
.-..,., t ralM a. aver out. and was
wnwlle(i t0 Wit it out It made a
terrible hole, and caused no little pain.
Tlie wounds were slowly heeling at
last advices.
I OW.-A protracted meet , g
Us now in progress in the Method ,
church in this pfcue , Tl wecfcnlgut
nipeiltiirs have not beeu very largely
a - - -
attended but Imve luerettsed in spirit-1
general have been warmly luvlted to
. r - . -.
tike part in the exercises, wnivii some
of them have freely done, ami a more
fraternal feeling is thus being develop
ed. BusrsESS. Business lias been very
attest. Our dry goods firms, having
run tlieir stocks down vefr low, are
making preparations to go to han
Francisco to lay hi fresh supplies.
More than double tlie amount ot goods
liavo been illsnosed of during the Fall
aud Wblter'tban usual, and bu-iness
bids lair to be still belter next season.
Xl;v.-BAKtuv.-Mmuy Khn.eer's
Ul First, streets Isflnkhed and will
"tst wek' Jolmny " ,he" ,,e Me
to furnish customers with groceries
and provisions or fresh bread,' i M
wants may require. It will be a great
' convenUsnce to tlie eftst-eildters.
Too TiifE. A cotemporary urges
its wealthy citizens to invest five or
ten per cent, of their means in the es
tablishment of manntor:es. If it
could be shown tliat investments of Lioil would nav two ner cent, a
r ., m. .1... I !....! ...1
nioiii i room tuu in-ihiiihu,
: B . . i
, t0 V some we k"" " ,f, to
6" thrmigli the eye of a needle tln
to put up t he r coiu unless tliey lad a
, V
i uv"' "' v
very next minute!
T ftflT i miin Ctf dlri''fdlM-cT Lid
ltuder will confer a great favor on tlie
owner, and will be suitably rewarded
as well, if he will return, if not the
gloves, at least tlie fastenings to this
Wood. Tlie recent cold weather
lias created an active demand for
wood, ! prices have advanced.
Balm and ash minted at P BMW
cord. Oak sells readily at $5. The
awl supply ia not very large.
Wheat. There aw still a tew
sma'llotsof wheat left unsold in tlw
vmmtv. outskh of the amounts re-
. . , i .k- hmtaa
served tor.-ced, aud tho. an. uun
held for lugvr prices than at present
offered by l.nvers. At present our i
- oflkHiui i,nt SI per bwheli
millers aix on ring . I
Our latest advice snow the toUenrtng j
quotations for wheat at the points
. -- . 1
irivfii : Corvalll ami Monroe, we
Harrishurg. Wcj Jefferson, I6;
Snjcm, l 10; Gervals 1 06; Port
la'nl, t 20. Liverpool quotations
alww a flnetuatiim market, prices lav
ing fallen fid within tlie last ten days
the kut quotation lielnglis Cd. TUi
Ivis fiirtlK'r ileressetl the San Fran
cisco markets. latest San Franelseo
nnotations show wlieat at M lui2 20
V cental- decittM of 80c ? cental j
within a Tew wwks. t he prosiiect lor
an advama in irice seems very re
mote and tkmhtful at present.
TAXCEXr. This new town on tins
O. & C. Kailroad, about seven miles
south of Albany, is pushing ahead,
and bids fair to become a place of
considerable business Importance.
Several new buildings are to be erect
ed Immediately, and otliers are con
tracted for, and will be commenced as
soon as the liuii'ier cin be transiorted
to lias place. Among tlio r.iore Im
iiortant buildings to bo erected Im-
' ,..ll-if. li . is a larm- warehouse 40x00
; t.over twenty feet high, costing ,
over six thousand dollars,. by Messrs.
Beard AO. It will be 'supplied with
i sti-ini .'levator, and other eonveu-
leiices. Tlie citizens are agitating the
piestton ot building a large new
ichool-lioiise. Those Uiterested in the
8ATISTACTOKV. Tlie attempt made
by Messrs. Kiihn & Co. and Parker &
Co.. some few weeks since, to clear
the Calipooia from its lasid to this city
of all obstructions so that logs might
be floated down to their mills, is pro
nounced a success. The river is pro
nounced clear oWll obstructions, ready
to receive the logs.
Xew Fi'KNTTuiut Shop. Messrs. E.
D. Whitlow ;o. Iiave opened a new
house for the sale of furniture, etc-, in
the Froman building on First street,
tliree duors below tlie Bank. They
are receiving furniture of all kinds,
which will lie put in onler ready for
gale early next week. Tlieir ad. will
appear next week.
Foktl'S ate. Xew s from east of
Hie Cascades state that tlicre has been
some pretty severe weather tliere, and
plenty of snow, from one to two fret
In depth, but it has resulted iu a very
slight l,)s of cattle as yet. About
Walla Walla sheep Iiave suffered most,
reports giving the loss as amounting
r o n - -
to 1,200 or 2,000 head.
Xotice. Mr. Jotin Robiuett gives
notice In this Issue of the Register,
waroing4partie3 not to give credit on his
account to any person unless tliey
present au order with his signature
Iron.-The O. AC. Railroad lias
been rushing iron mils to the front,
using all their flat cars for this pur
pose. This lias retarded building
along the line of tlie road, as cars could
not lie obtained to transport lumber.
Picture Frames. O. F. Settlemelr,
drugget, will in a few days be iu re.
ceVpt of a large invoice of those
splendid rustic picture frames larger
sizes than lieretofore ami tliey are
decidedly the prettiest as well as tlie
cheapest frames we Iiave seen.
Rei-aiumi. During the week the
Mar.,lial lias been engaged in repairing
tlie sewer or drain on Ferry, betweeii
First street and the river. It hail be
come dangerous, and needed the re
pairs badly.
Hunters. Dr. Alexander and a
number of others left for a hunt in the
mountains on Thursday. As tliey
promised us a saddle of venison If suc
cessful in their raid, of course we Wish
tlicm the biggest kind of luck.
id!!. Hill
For a lot of these delio-
wc make our bow to the
ever attentive aud genial host of the
St. Charles. TlicSt. diaries seems
always to lie supplied with tlie best.
Pejbonai.. We understand tliat
Uncle Jerry Driggs and family pro
pose biking tlieir departure from
among us soon, to bike up tlieir resi
dence in Victoria.
V. It. t'efliior. I'sii . U atlll Mfirnr
of the city, ihe Council, as yet, (raving
i..i. i:.... .... i.t . i .
fcikeii no act loaon his resisuatlon
Thos. MonteithEsq., of the mill
firm of Beach, Moutelth & Co., arriv
ed home, from a two mouths stay in
Sun Francisco, on Weilncsday even-
Dr. Golden lias returned from his
visit to Marion comity.
Beek. Harris sella beef at the (M
prices, except Uioice steaks, which be
retails at 20 cents per pound.
.mm. i rokw "'"Ks
who broke out 01 our new jail on
Tue-day. was arrete.l I at tile section
linu-e on tlie O. C, Kailroad at
M.,ri,mi tlt, same tveniug. by SheritT
nille, -phe follow had kept ri;hf
along down the road toward? Portland
ami oTooorse was easily traced, it is
the intention to iste over the hole
made by the prtwoer, so that lie w ill
, OH;, to keep within the
. . .11 I V... .
bounds of reason until hetain ht'tmiis
ferreil to tlie ill"' of tlie excellent Bill
WadkiiKlsaiMl (irover, aPNiiein. ami oinuirrelol.
Gold 111 Xew York. 109.
Legal teudeis Ulc buying, 02c
The steamer -I jo H fnan Port
lawl for San Francisco to-morrow
tlie 27th ; tlie fkwk T e'fmr, Saturday.
weeki fuhroary 3d. The A,
Falkibnrj is loading for Honolulu and
will sail in a few days. The bark
HwriHgKm still lias 3,300 sacks of
wlieat to come forw ard before slie can
sail for England.
Wheat The decline iu Liverpool
has still fartlier depressed the S. F.
markets, aud we now quote at J2 10
ai 20 $ cental. Oats From $1 663
$1 83. lxntoes-llimiboldt,90c5l'f
Albany markets quiet. Wlieat
remains at $1 per bnsliel with none
offering. Oats scarce at 75c. Hams
scarce ; retailing at 20c f tt. Eggs in
fair supply at 10c P doaett. Butter
country roll in demand at 40c $ Ik ;
Eastern made, retailing at 30e ? ft.
Appte. JJjJ
Annies. 2ft.T0e box. Potatoes
ICE.-sOn Thursday morning ice had
formed thick enough to enable the boys
to use their skate the second skate
of the Winter.
Hams Which Have been retailing
until within the pn-t ten days, at lo -ac
now command 20c per pouud.
r"Xow is the winter of our dis
content, made glorious Summer by the
sun's warm rays, and everybody is on
Ihequlvlve for bargains ; and now. in
stead of buying goods at the old estab
lished prices, they all go to Weed &
Clement's Auction and Commission
Store to get groceries, provisions,
school books, stationery, Ac, Ac. at
wholesale prices, 20 per cent, less
tlian any other house in Albany.
. .
Tin.' knaves! swindlers!!!
These are mild terms with which to
designate those adventurers, who iiave
been induced by the high reputation
which Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy has
won to offer for Sale a worthless imi
tation of this celebrated medicine.
Remember (hat Or. Pierce's private
stamp, which is three and a half
indies -long ami lias upon it his jior-
trait, ami tlie wonts -i . o. iorcin
cate of Genuineness," is upon every
package of H genuine. Sold by
druggists, or by mail sixty cents. Ad
dresser. R. V. Pierce. Buttalo, X. Y.
A Large Voloie would not con
tain tlie mass of testimony which lias
accumulated in favor of HVnorV lint
ni f Wild Cherry as a safe, efficient
and reliable remedy iu caring coughs,
colds and pulmonary disease. Many
of the cures arc truly wonderful.
DlMWlutloti or 'pnrtrnhi.
exUtlnv betweei E. K. Mim-r and M.
Peamon, mi'ler Hie flrm-imiiin of Ulnur A
Pearson, to this day illsjolveil by inutiml
consent. E. E. Miner will Collect ami ri
cclve nil iiKinevs due the rtnii.iin l III iiiy
airnm-litediKMS. ' E. E. .MINER,
Albany, Ja. M, MTMlwt
Xotlec !
A persons are hereby warned not to atve
ereillt in iinv nersin in mv nnine without
I an older from uiy hand.
Lelwnnn, January 21, MffMtwt
Bound, Woodcock Ac Co.,
Proprietors A Manufacturers of
Grain Separator,
Received th Diploma at the Stato
Fair of 1871.
These Machine are warranted suhstun
tlnllv made, ni'Var not to bp anrpamed
in ewaolBa Wheat for wed, and arc equal
ly iisjnio l forcleanlna Us.
' Send in vmiror.leiv.iiiid we will warrant
satlsliutlo'n. AddreM.
BotnsiA wooix k:k co.,
Junethiu City, Or.
Jan. US, Un4tm3 "
Mr. BridKefbrnier
or Allium-mid vieiiiily, thai Miss M.
M. JOHNSON 1ms taken ehaw of her .
Milliner)- and UrenvMaklnx Ktore.
siie to pruiured to do all kinds of work
In that line.
Allauiy, Jan. i'J, lsTWuil
Read Tills
- i IX ...i.... t....i. i ' iii-..,...i.i..i a i y.
i. selves indebted to HlitubUI
( Mltf
u ...ill iu. I..,', l.. ii.,. i.i.,i1a Hit
eilllil.n iiiiiinii." i , n, in i. on," - -
aceomils will lie left in thu hands nf the
proier oflkwr for isjllecl kin. Wc are clos
Inx out onr biisiiicsn. and will collect au
amounts due in In thirty days.
...llnlnl.. ., j l n al.nvl tllVW. nil
Jan. 19, 1H72-2UU
est of O. W. Yomw tn the
Dellverr Ilualneis,
l am prepared to do any and all klndfpl
Jolw, on short notfco and wit b anMc Vh
mlch. Terms mwopable. ft
livcwl to any part JThe city. Jf j4ff
oiujjr tN aV TBAM '
Groceries, Provision, &?.
I lmve always iu store a ftill ami complete Sj!y of
: ,. , H '
Whlcii I will sell for cash n-low as the lowest or exchange for all
kinds of marketable
Just received unri in torc
Which I w ill sell cheaper than ever before offered in this market
I extend a general invitation to all people ia this and adjoining
counties, to call ami examine quality and prices of goods, as 1 feel con
fident of my ability to give all thorough satisHtetlotl.
A. t . LAl'TOX.
Willamette Trantportntion
Company I
i i.t .miW .I... I '....) 4t ii will ills.
imtch a iKMit fi-oin Albany to Corvalitoon
I n fttlnj and t'riday r Eaeh Weh.
Also, will dispatch a lmat fmm Alliany
for Portland and Intermediate- place on
same days, lcavinvr Conistock & to. s
wlmrf. ' , ,
Tare at Reduced Ratea.
Pec. 16, 1S71-H
aires tvmabilnK on liand in the Albany
! ,. . .,, ...... ,,.. ,,.,t
r.Alin'is iiiw.w. .,..,
will lie sold at pnbiic nuct ion, at N. 11AUX a
store hi thl.s city, on the
titith day f Febrnary next,
to the liiffhcst bidder for cash :
Addressed to
PHckaae, ....M.W.WUcox.
Jlcka!.'C.s,C.O.P.,W.H....J. A. Kike.
)ox ....Wm. J.Conklln
Satchel ....J.Ii.Smlth.
i 2 i-astui, C.O.I , ?in.00....W. S, lAWronee
' Packan ....W.n.T hnmjiaon
I Allmny, Jan. 13, TMd
IMountalii Buliu.
Colds, or Liver Complaint, ihe BALM
is bsralaawa. as inanv have brum n-stored
by its pnrlfyln cnVcts on tin; system
IIM. ii- u-lli,
Becmninendeil hy many ihy-lciiu of
tlHM-oiiiun', una y mi urnwiwa.
P i'..i . i , n.l -JlM Uv
Improyed Band
HJomliiwSn ' Pluntn,
MMIng MieMnn,
.Vortu-n, and every
& Ptonhig Mill siip-
nllc, -Vl'iress
Slaehluery iKiisit,
1 11 allfoi-ntasit., San t'ranotoeo.
J Dlrrotmi of the l '"" m'P7,z;'::
'"H'wttran..,i,i rin strict acwrdanoe
.. -Mu with IM Wtfnil inw uiiwm
TSSSBSSSiSSi (upanle.
r IA. ' audi
- ANL- -
General Repair Shop.
turned to Allmny. and lakcrt his olil
shopon corner ot EUswortll and Second
sliifts, announces ids readiness to attend
to ail kinds of
EOliti'.SO, ETC.
Also, liiHjm iiuiiil and lor -ale, lbs
Strayor farce-teed
and other PLOWS,
which h . ill sell on tlio most reasonable
All work onlnistcd lo me will reeetvo
prompt attention, and be executed in the
Ixist iKisstble manner, with pood material
A share of public isilrona-'isollclted.
CJT Shop on corner E ! Iswort lui nl Second
streets, opposite. Pierce's Foriy.
10v4 F. WOOD.
sard Oil & Soap
I nluloiliindimtlnauoJ lunnlaB order
Hietr new
Lard Oil ait Scan Manufactory,
In the olty of Albany, are prernred to pur
chase, at ihe hbfliest cash raloi, all tlio
Hoga, Rancid Butter, Soap
Oreaae, Ac,
delivered to them in this Cftjr.
Tliey am now inaKnfactnring and have
on liand
Fancy Toilet ait Common Soaps,
In (Treat variety, warranted ca,mU lo Ihe
Ix'st in market, which they ollbr to the
trade at the most reasonable rates.
Orders respectfully solicited. Satisfac
tion guaranteed. , u
tarPaBtles having Hogs,RancId ButWr.
r$Taunnny kind, for salo, wlU do welt
to give as a oelljk C ABTWBIGHT A OCk,
Sv. , U71-11A1 '