ALBANY, OREGON, JANUARY 20, 1872. NO. 21. VOL. IV PVBLIsnKP HVERT SATl IiDAY, By COLL. VAN CLE VE, IN REGISTER EUILEIIIGS, fmr Vrry and StreHt. TERMS IS ADVANCE. One rear Throe dollars. Mxnionttu Two dollar Single copies Ten court. ADVERTl-iNU BATES. Transient aivetflwmonts, per aquai ton linos or k. rtrsi liiscrtUin tt;wn MKxuant liUMMrtlou H. Larger jwver; tisrmtnis Inserted mi the most liberal Uyuis. JOB WORK. Bating received new type, stock or col ore..! inks, cards, a Gordon jobber, etc.. wc lire nremnd. toexccuteall ktndsol print ing in a totter Wanner, una rttiy ivr cent cheaper than ever boCiwe offered In tins city. AgMiU for Ihe Rolter. Tdie following gentlemen are authorized to receive sua receipt for Bn'-.riptloii6, advertising, etc., fortho Bboistkk: Illmtn Smith. HnrrWwun. (i. l Tompkins, Hnrrislmrg, Pe ernmne, Riwnevttie. W. tt. Kirk. Brownsville. Ki K. Wheeler. Mo. T. II. Revnolus, sutein. t I. liMftM. fta Ki':(ll('ISCf. D.'P. Porter, She Id'sSiution. Fletcher A Wells, BtieUH Istu, Polk Co ; ( :iis, N'.ekcll. Jacksonville BUSINESS CARDS. E. 15. RSCE, 51. 1)., Physician mitt Surg ". Aloanjr, Or. iFFlt'BON IBESOWBIU B OF M AIN t ) street. April, lsTtwtt "v. STdij bobs MVS OX l!Ni AND CONSTANTLY j recelvuign ia,-,'--stock f Ucoecrl " nnii l'rovisions, ; Wood one' willow wnre. Uilnieen. dears, ennfaerloiierv, i"utiie notions, etc- etc.. wholesu'e and rottttVoWXMitte B. C.nill ! Son's .'lu iotv. Albany, Oregon. Ui,L'!u. MITCHELL A DCXFIJ, Atiornejri itiiU Cornis: lor t Inw OOWCITOHStS'i II W'l.UY AXUl'KtK- : f mi's in a'lmlmit .. o-lk-e over the old i Jiosl Oltiec, Frtmt stuart, I'urlJanil, OlDao"-, J- I povell & mms, Mtr:n js in"! (luOBHeloM Bl 1,w, i vi, yiLK 11. i; IX CUAXCKKY (I ! A KHun-nolmj iKt'iik;,Alhiu),wwon. CcJdecUousnud e..n.(.,:r.Kvs promptly M i tende l m. . . ? I i:. n. CBASOB. Notary Pniille. C2SA-"OR & UVMPMUEY, Altomcjs nnI t'oiittiieltow nl liWi AIBAX Y, OREGON. Oi!U in Par.' rick, up slaJw. 5vl auo, w. tiaA1?. . o. 1 l: Yri ATK in ' i.'ii-v VT imii lieiitni i olieie, makes .ST-ml A W'UWl Jl- tm v ' Style " P r -4,v JT ;....,,) . tflso. ikwa all WCi'K 111 I 111 llll- "I IIIW rw ........ best and mod jpiwven nii-tliiid. and at as rutiwiuablc rutea n a;n be hud elsewhere. Nlfrous Oxkla adnilisteriil tin-the jiain lessiexiraehonof ecthlf iluslred. offleein l'.irri-h iidck bl" k,:u; staijjs. HcsWeneo rtrslhou-cmi'tihi i ( 'n i?iv,.'ftti(iiialehnivli, joniwin honseblauk. Ji2-ls W. G. JOAES, 51. HOMSOPATEia PHYSI3UN. OPJttC-fi OS RKsT s'lliKET. OXKdoor wes: of 1 1 ran lalbin, In llflrkiuirt'a two Blow or't" iupintjb,tuycr Geo, Tnnrll aiom. liKsii.KMi Corner Hlxilnind fer ry au'evn, Albauy, i '.vcoii. U'-'il LBfEEL & JUPEBS' WaterWhoels SPHERICAL FI.rMKS, And Ueiiernl tfill Mnclilncry. J. F. BACVKSfTO, Agent, filvS' Al!ii.v, Oregon. 20 DOLLARS A AV 1 MAEE AXU FliMALE AGENTS, To lntrod-.i - !lic eclooratod Riiekcyt! dewing Maclilne. OTITCII ALIKE "X BOTH MPES. AND O the olv shuttle --wing uiaciHUO In the putted rt.atrsH.s-ii:- 1 louse Iheirlelimlcd Wilson teed sold fo1 i "s I hail lie, and Kcks nowiadgodh)' all to be theiiost touilly sew ing ltjsn lijne, for light or heavy sewing, in the market. Ollt fit f 100. Address MIX KB A PEARSON;, Gon. Aets., l,-3:f Albany, uregon. ALB A AY BOOK STORE. EatnUislicd lu tsrs. E. A. Treoland, DEALER IX EVERY VARIETY Of nllseejtaneoos l ooks, school imoks, liliink. biMiks. sin:loncry. Books luqiorled 10 order at short lull iec. AllHinv, l.-ee. 8, iuO. nut.G - 'FL'RXEA'di. 1AM PREPARED TO DO ALL RIX119 of turnlnv; k. i pon make lo order rawhlikvlieltomed eliairs. and spin ning wheels, r-lio). near the "Magnolia Mins." JdllX M. 1IETZLLR. Albiuiy, Nov. r', I8(l F 'BUSINESS UARD3. JOHN CONNER, B A N K I N G -AND- Exchange Office, ALBANY, ORPAMON. DKPOSITS EKCElVEp, JJWKCT TO check at sight. ,wr s1t , ." Interest allowed on 1 hue deposits in coin. I Exchange on PortlainL San Francisco, an 'I New York, for mile at lowest rales, i collections madoaudiirom'itly remitted, j Refers to H. W. COrbett, Henry Fading, W. S. l-ndd. j Banking hours from 8 A. M. to 1 P. M. , Albany, Ken. 1, Kl-MvS MAKBLE WORKS. MOAROE & STAIGER, Dealers In Monuments, Obelisks, Tombs, Head and Foot Stones, Executed in California, Vermont and Italian Marble. SALES!, DREGOX. 5IKANC1! KHOl' AT .11.SI.VX Y. j. doW. M. tt CBAKK. row & crane;, Dealers In Roots, Slioe;, Olid Fludlngi AUI.VXY, OltEGOS, 1XVITK THE ATri.NTI.iX OF T11K lniblietoile'ir lull slock of the kttel nvloa In VcnlkMcn'a-nud yoath's boora, Blwiea, callers, oxiord lios.eto.,etc9 owU as to the very !a!cl Itflnf out In the Hue of Indies and niliws' xtutcra, lhnoflW, Xcwport ties, AntoineM.c bnakiaa, and Bianv oilier new and liishmnnlile styles, insi reeelvedat tlwCllylioot srMi-.wbich they win sell as rapidly nJ they can find purchasers who wish lir-n-i'lti-s goods id the most reasonable rates. They iespect fully invite you to unoe and. BOO ilu ir stit:k. Boot sh.K's.cto., uiaduiSr retired to order, and w uwt uxtrrttnleu, CITY DIXIT STORE, FIRST STREET, First door West of Register UnlUl ff. ttvi CITY M A It KET, FIRST KTKEET, AMLVXV, OBIWOS, J. L. HARKIS, PROPRIETOR, VPIT.L ENDEAVOR W KEEP CON W atantly on band a full supply of AIX Km MEATS, Which will lie of the very licsr rosaily. The hlghii market price paid for beeves, ho's and sheep. Third diMir west of Ferry, on sonlh side of First street J. L. Harris. Ailmnv, Dec. 13, 137H5W J. C. MEA"IENHALL, Kotnry Public, nF.AI.KT.Ui:AiVriUXEAtJi:ST, AW1ANY, OREGON. RENTS COLLEi TED A X DTA XTSPAID for non-rosflcnW and others, making out real estate papers, etc. OMee one door above telogmph o.'ilce. 8v8 Albany Coliffftet Institute, ALBANY, OREGON. TniS IXSTITI TION WILL REOPEN ON 1 Mondnv.Seplembcrl, ld71, wilhn corps of teachers cnimble and earliest. Instruc tion will be thorough uud pmeticnl, and the system of order unsurpassed. For par ticulars address B. K. WARREN, A. M., President ; Or, Rev, r.. K. liKA i , 1'- The Eyes! The Euro! DB. T. I GOLDEN, Oculist and Anrlst. Albnuy, Oreon. DR. GOLDEN IS A son of the noted old oplbalmtc doctor, A IV Hold, ll. Dr. Golden has hud exiicrieiiee iiuivatin.'-! l IIU ,111 l.Ml 'IT." -.. . . which the evcandcui ai'osuTiJM.rtn l feels conlldeiit oi xiviug ciuire salWuciion to those who aaiyipliieetJiewsitD uumr, ,w DR. E. O. SMITH, DEXT1ST, Has vnoi-aSf is at- Mn banv, and is now ready Epf,. lo wait on the eiilzciwof Al- UTft vm banvnnd vleinliv.wiib a new '" Invention In J'ivibJviIv .tit4,,'ff?"' ln supisirlliigthepriife'liitni'inonlhiriihiiut covering the whole roof, ns hereioforo. Those wishing arliiicial teelh are request ed to call iind-osaiainc. foe themselves. Also, plates' mended, whether iwrllnlly broken or divided. Toetll, extmele 1 wilh ont nalii. Offlco over Turrell's store. All worR wainmted. "v Fapcr-hnnfflnK, CalcciniuliiB, Decorating, &c. FM. WADSWORTH will give prompt . attention to rtll orders fur Paper hanging, Calisnninlng, I icioml ing. Ac. Ill thlscltvor vicinity. All work executed In the latest Style, in the best liiaiuier.and at lowest living rates. BSn)rdctfS left at Furniture Warerooms oiCbas. Mcalev will roooive prompt ulteuUon, lOvt Too Mitle ihni.loar One oftlie manr evils that exists at the present (lav is "that too little think ingan evil much fiuthcr reaciihig atiU Diorc ilestinetive in its influence than most perjons nWXWt. It is uhl that Turner, the oBfebrated Englteh artist, was .en to speml " Whoh Ji'.V sitting npona luck. iimUlirowin" peh bkwlntoa lake, nml when at evening hi- fellow painters showed their tlay s sk.lclies ami rallied him on having dime nothing, he answered: "I have done this at luast; I lmve ffnrnt how a lake looks when pebbles are thrown into it." He wiis thinking .is ho seem ed to be Idle, like another famous pain ter, wiio, on being asked what he mixed with his colors, replied : liiiAixs." He put thought into Ids woutlerAU fei-palnt ings. This is wiat we do in daily lite tlie mixing brains with our work, the ntting thought into what our lwnds find to do. How many mistakes would have been avoid ed, how much heart-burning would have hem prevented, if we had al ways thought before we spoke, and reflected liclore we acted. It is a child's oft reiiented exoi-e, 'I didn't think." Hut we. unlike the Apostle, who. when lie bocuue a man put away childish tilings, still tlhig to ehililliood s lack of thinking. Let us then strive to be tlllnkers, not profouial students, not givat schol ars, but quiet, earnest, proeticnl every day workers who have good, substan tial reasons far your words and deeds. A Pleasant Little Story. Two mouths ago an aged widow lady in Massachusetts received a telegram that her only son was dying in Law rence, Kansas. Notwithstanding her extreme age and feeble health, she must see her son. She undertook the journey. The tram was delayed. when fine arnveu at i ucn me was taken violently ill. A young physician assisted her to a hotel and did every thlng be emiHl for lier comfort. Her detention by sickness and moderate means would not have allowed her to pursue her journey, but for the kind ness of the attending stranger, lie paid JftT bills, assisted her to the cars and aeeomiianied her to ISullalo. At parting she requesteil hlandtlress. The other day this stranger was seated in lis olliee in Albany. A stranger en tered) and after some conversation presented tlf doctor with a Govcru iiicnt bond for 1500, as n reward fur his kludueiu to the old lady, saying i she was my mother. She died a few days after reachhig me, and I recover ed." Had it not tieeii for your kind ness she, would have died on the road. 1 am her sou. wlio was sick. I am a banker, but money can never repay the debti owe to you for your generous kindneii to my dear, good mother. (Jed bless you !' A Goon PLACE for the Shakers. Lansing, Michigan, writes a Western correspondent, is a very healthy lo cality for the ague. It conies creep ing tip a fellow's back like a ton of w fid oats, goes crawling through his joints like iron spikes, and is followed by a fever which prohibits the patient from thinking of anything brit the In dependent Order of good Templars. It isn't tiie "every-other-day,'' but gets up with a man at daylight, and sleep- in tiie small of his back all night. His teeth feel about six inches long, his joints wobble like a loose wagw wheel, and the '-shakes are so steady that one can't hold any sort of conversation except by putting in dashes.'" ' Mu. Weustkr andtheCrocodile. it Is stated that in ascending the Cooper river, in South Carolina, Dan iel Webster declared to some of his friends who accompanied him, that he had it licforc him, as one of his ambi tions, to kill a crocodile or an allgator. An occasion tor gratifying bis wish soon offered itself. A line, large alli gator was perceived basking in the sunshine. Mr. Webster aimed at him, but did not succeed In killing htm. the hall being to small ; "but," adds the stoTry-telier, "I am convinced that lie made ts profound an impression on this Crocodile ns he ever is making on all the world." A BKAlTIrTL TlIOlGHT. Whcu engineers would bridge a stream, they often curry over at lirst but a single tun -ad. With tliat they stretfh a wire acroi Then strand Is added to strand, until a foundation is laid for planks ami now the bold engineer finds safe footway and walks rnn side to side. So God takes from in some goiden throaded pleasures, and .strcrclies it hence into Heaven. Now 1 takes a child, and then a friend. Thus He bridges death, nnd teaches the thoughts of the most tlndtl to find their way hither and thither between the two sphere! The Hidimoud Enquirer objects to the rtylti of the following from ths Now York fewd : "Prince Bismarck is Invaded by a protracted Illness." It mant'ains" that a correct expression w ould be : "Prince Bismarck is i Hi lied by a protracted Invalidity." When this question Is settled It will be time enough to consider the recommenda tions' m" the President's message. Thomas Nast, tiie great caricaturist for ffarwr' 11 ;. is thirty-four, five feet seven In his books and German. His first great effort was the Heenan Sayera fight in England years ago, and his last great one was in Tammany just now. If to the victorious belong 'the spoils, who a greater right than Xast to lie Mayor of Now York. 1 Wliat do you think of this for a line? Condemns! by a Ctock. nr wii.kie OOlXin. On a summer's evenine some years ago. a man was found murdered in a field near a certain town in the west of England. The name of the field ! was "Pardon's Piece." ! The man a small carpenter and ; builder in the town, who bore an ln dlffercneharatfer. On the evening j hi ipiostmi. a distant relative of his, I employed as a farm bailiff by a gen I tieman in the wighborliood, happen j cd to lie passing a stile which led from ; the field Into tiie mid, and saw a gen tleman leaving the field by way of j this stile rather In a hurry. Ho re cognized the gentleman, whom he I knew by sight only, as a Jar. Do bourg. The two pawed each oilier on the ' road in opiwsite directions. After a , -certain lapse of time estimated at I K-i i iir lialf an hour the firm bailiff hid occasion to pass hack along the same road. On reaching tiie stile he hoard an alarm raised, nnd entered the field to see what was the matter. He found Several' persons miming from the further slue of "Pardon's Piece" towards a law who was stand in.' at the back of the cattle sited, in a remote pan m uie enclosure, screaming with ten-or. At tiie boy's feet lay, face downward, the dead Isxly of a man. with his liend horribly beaten in. HisSvateh was under him, hanging out of bis pocket by tiie chain. It bad stojijied evklently lu conse (luenee of the concussion of its owner's fall on it at half past eight. The ' lxidy was still warm. All the other valuables like the watch, were left on ! it. The form Iwiliff instantly reoog : nized tiie man as the carpenter and builder mentioned above. At the preliminary iuijuiry. the stoppage of the watch at half-past eight was taken as ottering good dr ! ciunstaneial evidence tliat tiie blow that had killed the man iiad been struck at that time. The next question was had anyone ' been seen near the body at lialf-past ; eight y The farm bailiff declared tliat lie had seen Mr. Dnlioiirg hastily leav Ing the field itt, that very time. Asked if be had looked at iiis watch, he ; owned that he had not done so. Cer tain previous circumstances, which he mentioned as having impi-essed tliem- selves on his memory, enabled him to feel sure of the truth of this assertion ; without having consulted bis watch. . He was pressed on this important ! mint, but he he'd to Ills declaration. ; At half ist eight he bad seen Mr. ' I hibourg hurriedly leave the tlekl. At j half mst eight " the watch of the ! murdered man Ir.ul stopped. Had any other person been observed ! In or near the field at that time? j Xo witness had been discoverd who bad seen anybody else near the place. ' Had tiie weapon turned up with which the blow had been struck? It had not 1 been found. Was anv one known, robbery having plainly not been the motive of the crime, to liave enter tained a grudge against themurtlered man? It was no secret that he associated with doubtful characters, mule and female : but suspicion fiiiled to point to any one' of them in par ticular. In this state of things there was no alternative but to request Mr. Du Ixwrg well known in and out of the town, as a young geuMeman of inde pendent rortime, bearing an excellent diameter to give some account of himself. He admitted tliat he liad passed through tiie field. But in contradic tion to the bailiff, he declared that be had looked at his watch, at the mo ment before he had crossed the stile, and that the time by it was exactly quarter past eight. Five minutes later tliat is to say, ten minutes lie fore the murder had been committed, on the evidence of the dead mau's watch he liad paid a visit to a lady living near '"Pardon's Piece," and had remained with lier until his watch, consulted once more on leaving the lady's bouse, informed him tliat it was a quarter to nine. Here was the defense called an "alibi." It entirely satisfied Mr. Du bonrg's friends. To satisfy justice al so, It was necessary to call the lady as witness. In the meantime another purely formal question was put to Mr. Oubourg. Did he know anything of the murdered man ? With some apiiearanccof confusion, Mr. Dubotrg admitted tliat lie liad bueii induced (by a friend) to employ the man on some work. Further in terrogation extracted from him the following statement of facts: Tliat the work had been badly done; that an exorbitant price had been charged for it ; that the man on being remonstrated with, had lieliaved In a grossly impertinent manner ; that an alteiviitlonhad taken place between them; tliat Mr. Duliourg laid seized the mau by the collar of his coat and liad turned him out of his liouse : tliat lie laid called the man an infernal scoundrel (liebig iu a passion at the time) and threatened to "thrash him within au Inch of his life," orvwrds to that effect, if be ever presumed to come near the bouse again ; tliat ho had sincerely regretted Ins own violence the moment he had recovered his solf wssessiou ; and lastly that on his oath the altercation having occurred six weeks ago, he had never sjioken to the man, or set eyes on the man since. As tin matter then stood, tliese cir cumstances were considered as being unfortunate dreunistanees for Mr. Duhourg nothing more. He liad his "alibi" to anneal to. and his character Co appeal to ; and nobody doubted the result. The lady appeared as witness Confronted with Mr. Duhours on ! ine question ol tune, and lorml to answer, she absolutely contradicted him, on the testimony of the clock on lier own mantle-piece, hi substance. Iierevideucc was simply this. She had looked at lier clock when Mr. Duliourg entered the room, thinking it rather a late lmr for a visitor to call on her. The dock, regulated by the maker only the day Ixifore, pointed to twenty five minutes of nine. Practical ex- perlmept showed that the tuneu'ired to want the distance, at a .apltl pace, from the stile to the lady's house, wirf just five minutes. Here, then was the statement of the firm bailiff. hlmelf a respectable wltffits. corroborated by another witness of excellent position and character. The clink, on being examined next was found to Ik; right. The evldeuee of the clock-mater proved that, he kept the key ami there liad been no necessity to set the clock" and wind It iu again since lie had per formed both those acts on the day iire ccedlug Mr. Dnlmnrg's visit. The accuracy of the clock thus vondicd for, the coucnlslon on the evidence was Irresistible, Mr. Dulmiug stood convicted of haying been in the field at the time the murder was com mitted ; of having, by his own admis sion, liad a ouarrel with the murdered man not long before, terminating in an assault and a threat on bis side ; and lastly, of having altemped to set nn an alibi 6v a falsi, statement of the question of time. There was no alter- native out to commit him to take lm trWatlhc Assizes, charged with the murder of the builder iu "Pardon's Place." The trial occupied two days. No new focts of iWiportance were discovered In the interval. The evi dence followed tiie course which it had taken at the preliminary examina tionswith the difference only, that It was more careftd I v sifted. Mr. Du- bounrhad the double advantage of secunna: tiie services of the leading barrister in the drenit. and of moving the lrrenresslble sympathies of the jury, shocked at hi- position and eager lor proor or iiis innocence. iy rue end oftlie first day the evidence told against Mm with such Irresistible force that his own counsel despaired of the result. When the prisoner bad taken his place in the dock on tiie second day there was but one conviction lu the minds of the people in court ; every one said, "The clock will liang hiin." It was nearly two In the afternoon, and tiie proceedings were Wi the ixiint of being adjourned for half an hour, when the attorney for the prisoner was seen to baud a paper to the coun sel for the defence. The counsel ro-e, showing signs of agitation which roused the curiosity of the audience, lie ileununleU the im mediate hearing of a new witness. whose evidence in the prisoner's favor he declared to lie too important to lie delayed fiir a single moment. After a short colloquy between the judge and the barristers on either side, the Court decided to continue the sitting. The witness appearing in the box, proved to lxi a young woman in deli cate health, thi the evening when the prisoner had paid his visit to the lady, she was hi that lady's Service as housemaid. The day after she liad been permitted, by previous arrange ment with her mistress, to take a week's holiday, and to go and visit her parents in the west of Cornwall. While there she had fallen ill. and had not been strong enough since to re turn to lier employment. Having given this preliminary account of her self, the house maid then narrated the following extraordinary particulars in relation to her mistress' clock. On the morning of the day when Mr. Dtilxmrg had called at Hie bouse she had been cleaning tiie maiitlepiece. She liad rubbed the irt of it which was tinder the clin k with lier duster, bad accidentally Struck the pendulum and had stopped it. Having once lic forc doue this phe had been severely reproved. Fearing a repetition of the offence, only the day after the dock had been regulated by the maker, might lead perhaps to the withdrawal of her leave of absence, site liad de termined to put matters right again, If possible, by lierself. Alter poking under the dock in the dark, and failing to set the pendulum going again properly in tlwt way, she next attempted to lift the dock, and give it a shake. It was set in a mar ble case, with a bronze figure on the top, and it was so heavy that she was obliged to hunt for something tliat she could use as a lever. The thing prov ed to be not easy to find on the mo ment. Having at bust laid lier hands on what she wanted, she contrived so to lift the clock a few inches and to drop It again on tiie mantle-piece as to get it going once more. The next necessity was, of course, to move tiie bandl on. Here again she was met by an obstacle. There waSadilticultv"in opening the g.ass case which protected the dial. Alter uselessly searching for some instru ment to help her, she got from the footman, without telling luni what she wanted it for. a small cliisel. V ith this she opened the case after acci dently scratching the brass frame oi it aud set the hands of Die clock by guess. She Was flurried at the time, fearing Unit her mistress would dis cover her. Utcr in (he day she totind tliat she bad over estimated the inter val of time that bad passed while she was attuniitiug to put the clock right. Slai had, in tact, set it exactly a ouarter of au hour too fast. No safe opportunity of secretly ..! the. dock riirlit again Iiad I occurred until the last thlugMt night, f siw had then moved the bauds back to tiinrhrhi timo. At the hour ol the. evening when Mr. DulKiurg had called on her mistress she ixi-itivclv swore that the dock was a quarter of an hour too fat. It luul pointed, a her mist ress had declared, to twenty-rive minutes to nine tiie exact time being, as Mr. Dubonrg had asserted, twenty minutes past eight. tiite-tioned as to why she had re frnined from giving thisextraoriihitiry evidence at tlx1 inquiry before th" magistrate, slie declared that In the distant Coinish Tillage to which she liad gone the next day, and i.t which her illness had detained her from that time, nobody had heard of the inquiry of the" trial. She would not have been then present to state the vitally important circum stances to which she bad just sworn. ' If the prisoner's twin brother had not found her out on tiie previous day. and laid not questioned her if she knew anything about the clock, aud had not, hearing What she liad to tell. Insisted on her taking the Journey with him to court the next morning. This evidence virtualy dlecidedthe trial. There was a great hurst of relief lii tiie crowiled ftwribr when the wo man's statement had come to a;i end. She was closely cross-examined as a matter of course. Her character was Inquired into ; corrolmrative evi dence, relating to the chisel and the scratches on the frame, was sought for and obtained. The end of it was that, at a late hour nn the second evening, the jury act nutted the prisoner with- out leaving ing their Ixix. It was not too much to say that his life had been ShV ed by his brother. His brother alone had persisted, from first tola d. lu ob stinately disbelieving the clock fur no other reason than that the clock was the witness which assarted Hie prisoner's guilt. He had worried ev erybody with incessant Inquiries ; he had discovered the absfiuse of the housemaid after the trial had b it'.i ; and he had started off to Interrogate the girl, knowing nothing ami -us-peeting nothing simply Jdeiermlii 1 1 ig to persist in the one gyerlasting question with which he p a- " ! everybody: "The clock Is going to hang my" brother; can yon tell me anything about the clock f" Four months later the mystery i if the crime was cleared up. One of the disreputable companions of the mur dered man confessed on hi- death-bed that he had done the deed. Tliere is nothing interesting or remarkable In the circumstances. Chance, which had put Innocense in peril, bad offer ed Impunity to guilt. An infamous woman, a" jealous quarrel, and aV scucent the moment of a witness on the spot these are really the eommon place materials which had composed the tragedy of "Pardon's Piece." nvawRoim. Josh Billings says: It is a si itlsttcal fact that the wicked work liarder tew reach hell than the righteous dew tew get to Heaven. The Springfield RepvfiH.can discov ers (bat some ear-rings are "long enough tototieh the shoulders." That's nothing some of them touch the bot tom of the pocket. It was a Wiyhig of Guthrie : " If von want to keep a dead mall, put: him in whisky ; if you want to kill a living man put the whi-ky iu him." An old lady, observing a sign over a tailoring establishment, bearing the Inscription, "Fountain of Fashion, exclaimed: "Ah! that mud he the place where the squirts come from." A little hoy was recently presented with a toy trumpet, to which he be came greatly attached. One night when he was about to lie put In his "little bed," and was ready to say hi prayers, lie handed the trumpet: to his grandmother, saying: "Here, grain ma, you blow while I pray." "The wall-tlowers of society are pleased at the advent of cold weather, w herein there is a chance lo get a lit tle chap on their hands. Why is a married flirt like a wheel ? Because she goes round with the lei lows as well ay 1th the hub. "Poor thing, observed a .tendcr hearted lady, iu speaking of the death of a young friend, "she had just gol a forty dollar set of furs, and Leatitles they were, but she won't nei d such things now." What do you suppose she meant by that? One of Darwin's strongest argu ments In favor of Ms theory that man Is adecondiint of tliemonkey. i: that monkeys always part their hair in the middle. It Is a noticeable fact, how ever, tliat monkeys have quit It since it has became fashionable among cer tain men. "Are you connected with u newspa per here?" asked a countryman or an inmate of the Indiana Insane Av ium. "Obi no" was the reply : "I have been to the insane asylum and am cured ; a man never runs a news paper after lie is cured. "This world isalla fleeting -how," said a priest to a culprit on the gal lows. "Yes," was the prompt reply, "lint if you have no objections I'd like to see the show a little longer." A little girl not far from Bclietiecta dy, after noticing for some time the glittering gold filling in her aunt's front teeth exclaimed : "Aunt Mary. I wish 1 liad coppertocd teeth, like yours !" " Darling it's bed time. All the little chickens have gone to bed. " " Yes, mamma, so lias the old hen. " Nature lias never been culled im modest, yet uo .sooner does Old Win ter walkthrough her forests than she shows her naked limbs. p