The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, January 19, 1872, Image 8

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rs o
m. Vlul EperlniciH.
Xo, the cupboard contained not
. 1... . I I...!. I ot.
that John Villa I 4 drinking hamw hail
bo loiijl allowed to Uraw nearer ami
irer the J,Hr, at least had enteral it.
Uh. ray poor, wnr-e than fitlier
!m children." wept Harriet Viml.
iiiking hopelessly into a taken chair.
IVhal "ill Nome of yon
Then she leaked about her 8n (lie
terrible s pulor of what had o:nv I en
a happy home and thought how many
oilier homes liU.' her. K id beau riiih
lessly wrecked thai one man lllljllt
Lr.irsri' himself with his riches! and hi
an iustau! her resohltlotl wui formeii,
Simon 1'opp.i'ivaile should see his
Tiie village H juowllar was Seated
gloatingly behind Ins well patrouljal
liar, when a woman Scllntlly elwl ami
shivering from I'leaiitiliiiitil wind'.
tared the room, and, looking neither
to tiie right or lert, walked dp to him
and said ill tr ies so solemn that he
ootild not repress an Involuntary shud
der :
' Sim a VnoiKTwaile, will you
come witlime
" I go with Vi)Uf where to"' i-ried
lie, almost believing that she had hut
lr -nt's.
" Never mind where to 1 will lead
tho way," and the woman draw lier
poor, thin shawl more tightly around
her shivering form and turned toward
tiie door.
Tlnrv was something in lier voiiv
and uiamier that seemed to BIHjrnethr
him. and more from that thin any
five volition lie called one of his liire
'ings to the Uir anil followed her on;
into the atr.
Woman, where are you leading
e?" ha demanded, after they bad
walked in silence for some minutes.
1 am taking you to see a uriliik-
inl s liome, site ni"Pcn, grasping in
arm as if fearful tint he W
escape : but something swmeil to irge
him to go on.
They reach d the wretched domicil
which Vlttnl ealted home.
Without a word. M Vinal, for it
was she. began to point to its utter
degradation. As silently as she, he
looked around him.
Mother, have you 40:11.'?" said a
fihet voice ia one corner. "And did
you bring us anything to eat? for we
are, oh, so Imngn
The mother ipiiekly lit a fragment of
a candle. IIkmi she seized tn
nlln I
-Heller and drag'-d liim to tin' corner.
There." siie s.iiil. uohltiiigto the
thin, wan features of tlw two eliildren
nestled there. "There, Simon Cop
perwaite, behaldyonr work.'"
The nmi-sidleri drew back hi nti
amvted horror,
"JlyGod!" Iw cried. ' I bad not
thougiit of th' but John Vinal skall
never have .uiotlicr drop from tue,
plead as he mav '.'r
Dh mother." pleaded the chiid,
4'do give us just one crumb apiece,
Un tie and me, we feel so faint."
Just tlien John Vinal entered. The
nun-seller turned upon him fiercely,
- Wliat do you mean, John Vtnal?"
lie cried out, drinking and spending
your money lot ram, while your wife
and children tiro actually starving ?
Have you no manline-s about you r"
But John Vinal was nearly sober
ilien, ard he replied with e pvil flrm
ness :
Simon Copperwaite, wliat did yon
mean bv sclliui me ii mor till 1 fonrot
my dear ones in the maddening pleas-
uresof the bowl? Why have you curs- j
ed me all the rears with your en-
lioemeiws to drink at vour aeeiirsed
bar? Why do you sell the poison tliat
is killing liie. and nuir.lering my loved
ones, winie oouua iieipie; in tiie
bhaitlS ol tin; destrover I
writhe and
groan from day to day?"
Yes," said Harriet Vinal, with a
idgb that seemed to rend lier very
strings, "my huduind was ktwt rtluteflaw and good preaching, we 1 the politeness which conies from lov--'tb
yon, and you alone, that ! make it possible to iive where, ivfth- iug.kmdiKS's ; for, as theywalched l
fldetln What he is now. Yon ; out the wholesome restraints, it j ;tt, Kaf .llltiftllly WlWWtinc the i
ed him, as you have led many wouallie wore tlrin lii-mam lit loose. 1 , , , , ." , - .
has made him
have led linn, as yon
ithers into your accursed toils, and
now you behold your work all arosud
you. Are you not proud ol it.'"
'Before God." exclaimed Simon
Copperwaite, solemnly. "I never
, 1 never '
w if I did not '
k; would do it, j
drauned of this. I knew
sell liiitior somebisiv else
and so I went to scllinc. Jkit I never i
thought such abject misery would How :
from it as this." I
'Our home is not the only one tliat I
has been atridtett you will go with
me still further 1 will show von others j
whose inmates von are starvimr." i
mid Mrs. Vinal, sternly. ' WiJI yon
come ?"
Hut Mr. Cojiperwaite Iwd wen
enougii. Taking his xcketlook. he
j)lai 11 banknote in Ifcirriet V'uial's
" Take that." lie said, "as a -art of
llKll-l.ll.lUIJII i!H I OWe JUII. IO-
morrow I wMepeak with you farther !
on tins iMiut, it you wui come to
And turuine from tiie
bode, the tb-uukard-inaker walked
away with Midi a sense of the miseries
engendered by the liquor trallie and
the criminality of those like him,
whose wealth was built 011 others
woes as had never dawned upon His
gnllty soul before. Tiie ooiwciencc
wiiich lie po:sfe.ed, which nil men.
however deeply steeped in guilt and
aline, possew, thongh it may long he
dormant, was at l;wt awakened, ami
be could.not endure the close atmov
!erc of the bar-room laden with vile
fumes; and muttering something to
the satellite who tended, about the
latenitss of tiie himr. he retired to bis
couch, but not to sleep. The battle
between conscience and tiie love of
gain, was raging all too fiercely.
The picture of that drunkard liome
arose so vividly before him during
that long night ; however, the dawn
of morning, light found him with a
new resolution to carry out that day.
And wIk!ii the beam of the rising nun
tiione over tiie eastern hills lie arose
' b'u household Intent 011 harrying out
his reformed purpose.
Barrels, bottle, jugs ain demi
johns were rolled or carried from Ids
1 cellar behind hU bar Into the street.
The neighbor began to cluster aromiil
Why. .Simo:i Cnppprwnito. wliat
; are yon going to do H they asked In
, Wait ami see." he said.
By and by (lie toners begun to onrat
to set their nMNiiinsdruiK He wait-
' i l. ......... ..M i.'. I .....I
: isi IIIIHl UK Mi'i" .hi .i-.iuiiini nun
on the heaped up emblems of their
I degradation in the street. Then he
brought a don'ii axes.
t here." lie saiJ, 'there is your
.. .. .t . ....... i.t... i.
cueini. oe-in.i in n.
i Tlvv looked at him one moment in :
I astoiiishu
nt; and t!ie!i with a deafen-j
! Ittg hnua nimn their iis tiifV fell np-
I oa the pile vth their axfts aed Bwde
short work of it. And half of the
.town, perhaps, were looking on.
dohii Viuattind hi wite eame up
land niw the wreik. And Harriet
Vinil clasped her bard; ia f rvent
; thankrulness. first I he temptation that
I had so nearly proved the ruin of her
' hom i won',; tempt her fnrstmnd into
the si;hi of sin and vliame ho mot.
simo.i Capperwalfe sli pped furwanl
1 and rni-id liis li and. Tiie mur.unrs 1 f
exeit il center Mtlou were all Instant
ly huslii'd.
1 " My fiietid-'." he criinl, in a voice
wiiich there was more genuine emotion
than one of the calling lie had fo'.low
eil m'iglii be ever expected to exhilm,
; ' you all Irtve Keen ivkil I have done.
, ami proiahly there are many 01 you
'that are amazed Simoj dmper
I wait staatHI make a holomust of ail
j his itih'k in trade.
" My friends, the reason simply k
that I Bare seen viat ' was itnug
1 that every dollar, nay, every Slugfe.
ieeut I g.dii from li 111 r selling was
jwrnugfroia others' misery and an
I giitsh, I ii ive known it nil these year,
j hive h ard it tlmudered fVoui the
mtljiit a.,.l iwtnnn; hut never till
Wt nljthi did it conie iioinc to me with
'sneh awftil foroe ixitore, 1 s;iw a
IrtiukiirU's home,
' 1 -aw two no;,!-, starved eliildren
there, and heaitl theirtmtlslied prayer
for only one morsel ot bread, which
wa not give to them. Isjiw the nb
- "'''1 V
y tia; sX'iliitj' filrii lure, the
of ifesolafldii hi which a
ui'.it i'tr
drunkards home is shrouded, and ti:"ii
I knew that on laysslf alone was rest
ing the rsjjisMlltjr of making it the
place it was.
"My friends, I nm not used to
making sik'fches. and I will end hv
; saying that I have ipiil
i ti-.ide lower. But to every man I
; have wronged in the past, I am ready
to make wii.itever ion is still ill
i my power."
I And Simon Copperwaite 'was as
i MmI ii I.T ....... 1 II..
i'l'ii 'i- in- iii.iii, n; MIO'IH IMll.
I eoer;. iikiii niio-e appeiue lornuil nail
I been klmlloil or iiad thriren at his bar.
I and aided hull pecuniarily in the re-
cnperatlon of his fallen fortunes. And
i sluimed by the knowledge (hat 11
I whilom ruin-seller was now an advo
! cite of tempi. ranee, the tipplers small
I anil gmat gave up their cups one
j usore, become sdLer citizens atul
: worthr men.
And with John Vinal, a kind bos-
: hand anil father once more, with the
Uiappy as the happiest again, John
i Vlual's ife regretted not her almost
S hopeless edbrt to convert a rum-seller.
Her DoIiik.
Society under free rnm is simply 1111-'
endurable; it grows simply worse and 1
worse every (Sty, till all decenev is
outraged and common silcty is a pre
Wetn. Now with in the "remedy 1s
suppression, l'ut your foot en the
repti'"; and Ifhestnl wrteirles, but 011
"'o etlier foot and s inceze the tiirliter.
But the snake-tribe say. Let hligo;
J'ou can't smash him.
It is inV)0i le to revent the traffic
hi alcohol by prohibitory laws ; there
fore, say the sages of the toddy-stick,
let it not be attempted. It is imp's
siHe t'. prevent cokl weather by tires ;
MH we wisely fon goall attempts to
make winter enrluiable? There are
several crimes besides drunkard-ma
king, not iimte snudtnble, and vet. hv
No !?,ivi r.imeiil vet devised cm nm-.
vent tint mluim of tin. killot l.v . I
1 ix aters and siioiiMer-hitlers: but onlv
i the rojraei coneerneil are ornxwed toj
rigid iaw ugalust fmudulont fiotWi
1 .iii-mi-i. ii.o, ,u eot voiui".
Of in a UuSm m not be wateB ,
l up for it. but tens of thousand;
may ! prevented from, the attempt:
for not a villain of them wl -lics to be
that exceptionable one who sliall serve
as scape goat for all the sins of the
crowd. And wliat is not possible in
the great festering cities is entirely
feasible in the more accessible couu-
try. A law that will save the towns
and villages, ihonirh it but half pro
tect the cities, will Int worth untold
efforts to establish and enforce.
Thin far in the history of the world
there has lieeu 110 entire SUOCei in
any goid work for the advancement
01 man in morals, intelligence, purity,
- I! ,. .,,.,1
lie wonid lie ti
bold ecneralisier who should advise us
to intermit nil exertion. The soell-
I Ing-book has been abroad for genera
miserable ; Hons, but Iimorani'i! i a mm snhstmi-
tial fact in all quarter. What .then?
j Rum the speinng-book, or tn- h:u.ler
j to get it before tfie faces of the unlet
tered? Only an Idiot would seriously
1 advise the lessening of effort because
lltere was not enough done now.
Bo with laws against mm; if tliey
are not strong enough to suppress it.
I make them .stronger, not ilestrov them;
! nut on more fuel, not quench ibe fire
j because the wind will get in ,Wro-
'Let them learn first." said Paul
"to show pii'lv lit home." Itellrinn
begins in the family. One of the I10-
lest sanctuaries on earth 1 Imme. The
lamily altar is more venerable tlian
any altar In tire cathedral. The edu
cation of the soul for eternity begins
by the tireldc. Tiie principal of love,
which is to be carried through the uni
verse, is first unfolded in the thmily.
Poor Louis Napoleon is living in
al jeet poverty on only 125,000 a year,
although his suderinjts are mitigated
by the sale of his wife's ' property in
Spain, which will Increase his hiconie
Coiinj down oitc of tlic very steep I
streets, where tiie t-nvenioni was
bovered villi ice, I saw before me
an old woman, slowly and tiredly
III nor wav. wits one vi
the twor. hut iwixvtal)lo oll ladies.
. who dress in rusty lilaek, wear old.
' . . .... ..'!.
fatdiioiiod Iwiinets, and carry lic
hags. Some yomu; folks laugh at; Cl:a;:eini; to mention tl.ot ho had
these antiipiated figures, Imt thote ,a letter of recommendation from a
bfetta Invd treat tiiein with rawect, ntieman in the e.utnt-y, tlJevmor-
.,.i :...i i.:. i.:.,.- ;,.
laded old smts, the withered old
'aces, and the knowledge that those
lonely old. ladies have lost youth,
lnwnls, and otten fortuno, and are
patiently waiting to lie called away
from a world that seems to l ave :
msed by and forgotten tl.em.
Well, as 1 slipped and soiffiled
along, 1 watched U,e little black
bonnet in. front, expecting every
minute to see it 20 down, and trying
to (lurry and oiler my help.
At the coffer ! pvted three lit
tle eehool ga ls, and beard one of
them say to the othi r :
'0,1 wouldn't, she will do well j
enough, and we will lose our eoaSt" j
big if we don't hurry."
"But if she sboiill tumble, and
; bieak her poor old bonnet, I should
i teel so bad," returne l the see .i.u, a
pleasant (heed child, whose cyesfol-
lowed the lady, full of a sweet, p;ti
ful repression.
'Siie'.. such a funny-looking wo
man, 1 shouldn't I ike to bo hxv
walkii:;.f with lier," said the thii'd,
as if she thought it would he a kind
thing to ilo, but hadn't the courage
to try it,
"Well, I don't care: She's old
and ought to be helped, and I am
going to do it," cried the pleasant
faced girl ; a:nl miming by me. 1
-aw her overtake the old lady, as !
spe stood at a crossing, looking wi.-t-fiiljy
over t!se dangerous glare of
ice before her.
"PJeasc ma'nm, tsLan't I help
yon, it's so bad here V"aid thcklnd
little voice, as the bauds in the red
mittens were helpfully outstretched.
"0, thankee, dear. I'd no idee
the walking was so had. but I must
got home." And the old face light
ed up with a grateful rmile, which
was worth a dozen of the best coasts
of lktou.
"Take my arm, then ; I'll help
you down the street, because I am
a'.'raid yon. might (all," said the
child, offering her arm.
" Yes, dvar, so I will. Now we
gjl ggj ou beautifully. I've been
having a dreadful time, for my old
over-socks are all holes, and 1 slip
everv step."
"Hold 0:1, ma'am, I shan't fall;
I have on rnhU'r boots, and can't
tumble down."
So chatting, tin- two went safely
across, leaving me and the other
girls to look after them and wish
wo had done the little act of kind
ness tha; looked s j lovely in another.
"I think Kitty is a real good
girl, don't you V" said one child to
"Yes, I do, Iet's we wait till
she comes back. No matter if we !
do lose some coasts," answered the
child wliotricd to dissuade lierplay
mate from going to the recite.
There I left them ; but I think
they got a real lesson that dav in
w,i laui UIKiauriieil liy lUC 1111- i
mouse vellow muff, or the old socks. I
or the mieer hnniiPt. lmth their
i:,e ru ., . ,,. -.,.., ,i
.,. 1 1 i .
BJ.ect," t,!Cir V,J P!;1.Vma
lttli lomptttuon.
A Host I'liforiiinnts Kaonl?l;e.
A man may know all about the
reel's, and his heart remain as haul
as granite or adamant ; he may know
all about the winds, their courses
ami their currents, lilid be the sport
of passions as turbulent ami tierce
as they; he may know all about
the stars, and bis fate lie as the
meteor's that blazes for a little while
and is then lost, quenched in eternal
night; he may know all about the
sea, and be a stranger to the jwace
of ( Sod ; his soul nuy resemble its
troubled waters, which, lashed by
stonns and ruffled bv every breath
of wind, cannot rest, tint throw np 1
mire and dirt ; be may know how
to rule the spirit of the elements,
tod not know how to rule his own;
be may know how to turn aside the j
deadly thunderbolt, but not the
wrath of an antrrv (lod : von mav I
IrKiitvii, '.,n ..., 1 :..
wi I" diwv, an milt mail sii'iniis j
nas (iiscovereu, or ins skill invented;
but you do not know Jesus Christ,
if your eyes have never been opened
to a saving knowledge of the truth,
what will that avail you when they
arc glazed by the hand of death?
Equally by the death bed of tbo
greatest philosopher, as of the hard
est miser that ever ground the faces
of the poor, there is room and rea
son lor this solemn question, Wliat
shall it profit a man if ho shall gain
the whole world all its learning,
its wealth, and its honors and lose
his own soul. .,. Guthrie,
A Mother's 41th.
A lew years jo a boy entered
the countiiiir-rooin ot an eminent
merchant in the great city of Xew '
i York, and asked tor employment. '
iil-was loin iiitti no VAcaiv fvisl.
; ed at that time, and m Lt . i
1 leave the r.iom, greatly (lisniiiwtiib
. ' . ,
' oil.
: r. ,.i.... v o.-,.
cnia naiNn m, nv u, remarK-
nig l.e had the hig!,e:t trgaixl
for the jhtshu named, lhc bv bu-
gan at once to examine his valise
with the view of finding the letter
Taking out one after another of the
little articles which maternal hive
had kindly provided lor Wpaseatid
comfort, a small volume lell out,
which caught the eye of the mer
chant, who was looking on.
' What is thatr'SaMt he.
' "Oh, that is my Uible," replied
the hoy; l-a parting gift from my
'And do you read it ;" inquired
the merchant.
"Often," laid the b y, in artless
simplicity, "when I left home I
promised my mother that I would
read two chapters ia it every day."
"luiough," said the merchant ;
"I will tajte you into my employ."
He did so, and never did he have
cce.i-i.ui ti distrust the integrity fit
the hoy whom he then received into
bis, store, and who then and there
began a career which ended in a
riitwce ai;d honor.
The sight of the Illble a d the
assurance that he read it ;'- 11, was
a letter of introduction to the mer, and led him to take the
young adventurer into his e;n'lov
mei.t This incident is only 0110 of the
many that might ba .related of the
Word of God showing its readers
up to positions of respectability and
useful ncg&i
To all our young readers we
would say, honor the Word of
(oil , believe its tcstiiuotiie-: Fcareh
, its pages as for hidden tre.iMire-;
hind its restraints about your heart-;
let its teachings dwell in you richly
i.) all wisdom; live by its holy
light, and let your heads be pillow
ed upon ius supports when you are
called to die.. Guiding ?kih:
- -
Tlw new theory of defence in franco
is lumd, not as before, upon a system I
ot forts, put upon a series of vad iu
treueiied ratupi. Koiien has been
eho.-eii as thejirhicipul depot of these j
camp-, mid tlierefore, the great arid-,
lery school will be located there.
Rouen is surrounded by a regular net-!
work of railway, and is very strongly j
fortified by nature, Eighteen hull- j
diTd thousand franc; are to be voted
for improvements in the fortifications.
Tlw object h to render aiiy future hi
ve tment of Paris impossible.
Josh Hillings says that the lion and
the lamb may lay down in this world
together fora fu minute., but when
tlii- lion comes tu git up: the lamb will
be niisdng.
tjie puWie wltlitieat Itirnoiits in the
way 1 if
Klyllxb HnKfCirfi and I'.in ri;; aul ,
I'usl Mocii,
On I he most aasoiiallie terms, pur itvory
1.- 1 1 1 llli, , mil 1 'l llluilti-i ril li..-, illl 1
stiail Inko pri le in j'lvln rjiir ptttronsfts
in ui ami reliable mi oulUI a 1 tun lie ols
lajne I la the slice.
Horses iKmr le l at rcasoiinnte nitts, by
the week or month,
llaeks mill (nfrtafc fnmfsheil for imr
ties, etf.
A aiuire of pnMie prttronaafo Is s,:ii Iter,
n iirriiKs MKKitirK.
Albany, Dee. 17, lfloli
Dinw un l MKDIC1NKS, PAIKTH and
(lils, (J!ai nnd I'utty, soltl by Wlieel-
oob shawls, innj; ami snnnre, plaid
ami st l ined, for sale bv W HKK1.I.H.
it S'.iedd. ilvl
Vunrt cheap, by 8vl liy
1)1! Ill U.S.
nil.HiMAI) IMl-Kll. AbbCOZkA JUST
I) rei'tiod and for sale ul this ollk
for tush.
. tiry. I.iiunis. ,e., Vte., sold bv o heelei
at SlIKlU).
.Miilt'l'UAIlKS. ETC..
I on 1.. 1 ii'l styles and for wle
17 us' Cold Water lllcaehlim, nnd oilier
Sold by
at Shodd.
Oindlos, and other knlck-kniuita, wild
by Wheeler, at SIIKDD. Ilvl
MTlia, ETC."
1 pt!ctful)y inform 1 he cttteensof Allwny
and vlclnltv that ho ha taken elmrge of
this cdtiiblfsliincnt, nnd by keeping clean
rooinsundijoylniislrlet attention to biisl
neas expects to suit all those who may fa
vor him with their jwtrotoage. Having
horetofore aurled on nothing out
rmt-elBMi Hair Uremlua Kaloona,
tto expects to give entire satisfaction to
all. Child reies and Indies' hair neatly cut
Agents Wanted.
Illustrated I Sooks!
IVas'aliigtiui. mid its j'ubliL- IJuiUl
lns. i; run mis and iftatuary.
With a rtlajmui ol Oio Himseot Roijhs
IH'iusol l!
An tmjpl
t s-:,;i:tt ot 1 lie I in t'ls:
el eiujtrhvu
iptloa and ii
.toi l. :e l"' -11.1111.4
lit Im
1 x m i
in 0101
lii n :i e. f(
for te
ISirils, A:.i-
The (ii eates t'abinc. ol
mats and Itept lies, both Native ami
I'oreigll ever publlslied.
'iliis i .1 itui c!uiae u 1 11 tit-
cimt volttilie
una plat .nn 1 en
I lusutul
je and llui
1 every uooij.v.
..Oiliei y tjomi'l.
I '.h- seiit to lli'i
is for three do
itnn ptnu
i wmi'40
a idVnmie ui
io Wlw ii'i."
liars and UVe
nhmt this list
if new books, ftlij' 0)
i n l tor one (ioliar,
o 1 tlliutmtu t.
e of which we
They are all bo
Hoojl of 500 Puzzles
Courtship made Lijsy.
100 iik tanei,
Art of inaiv-
111 love.
Huiv Camblers U In. IOM ti iukd
wiih trd.
Fiir'tine Tijicr aud-Dreaoi Iljuk.
Horse Tiuniiig.
How to Play I'uker 1 Win.
How lo Mix 00 JDiin ks. l,kc
The Art of Letter tVrillug.
Secrets Worth Knowing.
A guide to Ulfl iuioiiir';ie!!ir" of nieiti
elnes, pei iimiLry, apoptf, uyea, wine, cor
(li;ilu. po;m a;- U-vem're ; : 'iiiiinnlui'tnrers
.M.vt'els, anil iii-.iny ottlei's.
Itogni's and Itoguerlcg.
Ventriloquism Made Kay.
lU.e BnU Hook.
Wc tun c In proas a tnrga list of bookafoy
Uie boliduya,
All couuiuinlvuliona nnut lica tdresisi'.l,
'.VosliiliK toil I'lltll:iill'( I'OUlp uij ,
Look liox 1S3, IVa-llLns'.on, 1), u.
ri T
1U - - 0,000 - - It
: SiiTiiousaHdSixnuiiareS&Sixty-sii
standard Receipts,
Selected fronf
Tho Best French, English, Rus
sian, Japanese and American
Of IVasliin glon, 15. c,
lor their eeiciimtcd eoiiipoiiutui, or
i will send the iwetpts so Unit any H'is)n
! can tuakoHnilrowi) coniponrtd.and retain
1 1 he fo;ii iuilu. Tiie CouiiKiuy's t lrculur con
; tttUii
. riiVIM: DHIvtsKsS, CI III Nit,
choui', dysj: NTi;itv,
t'ltlH KI.I'.s. Pl CSjiS,
i CIIIMS, tVORMH, nRlisti:-).
I HIHtNS, III KlitVOKIMH, l' i;i,os,
Compounds of tho aliovo, or any other
desired, will Iw sent for one dollar for one
article; or two will be sent for$l 90. Re
eeipls for compounding, wllh lull direc
tions, 50 ccuts each, or three for it.
If you want to know how to make Hour
DOB, apple, Irish, Si otch, wheat or sorghum
whisky ; blackberry, cherry, cognac, gin
ger, peach and raspberry brandy; sixteen
kinds of vlnegnr; block, blue, green, red
anil Indelible ink ; cider, sweet and siuirk
llng; fourteen kinds of beer; blacking, In
paste and Mould, for harness, carriagesand
all kinds of leather; dyeing, in every shade
and color; shaving soap, to promote the
growth of hair; varnishes of twelve vari
eties, and every otter compound in gen
eral use.'scnd fifty cents and stamp for re
ceipt. All goods warranted as represented.
Send stamp for circular. AU communi
cations must be addressed to
Em-elm ('MpmiMlla V.
Room No, nn Mav - buUdtn
X Ma'ibuildli,
Washington, K
KMC.. RTfl.
Murder in Albany VKT ISKKX KXirtVS, AI
110 . ::: .1 1 n:.: ; ol it ;u pilM,.-nt.
j Is a thhi; bHl "ome'ime inns' tx-Sill
1 e'.en soii and (tiiu ;liiei-ol the liiniian fauir
liy ; anJ vet.
At tii- Ilidxduy,
! Of year l!i. 11 Uivuse lnj- tits ile tianit
rapon j on, 1 here i .'.in "a iflilMi In (It im I.'1
lli' 1111. 1 pre.OH 0I llU.VSlOB illtiHUtir
.on uxteat.
55. V. IIILt &
Wi ll 11 nivscivi' ion, wller'j voa inn h.ivo
tteniuniMii (etlby onweX'ierleii e! in 1 lia-.
lyxrlleutttrllne. AlHo,tsuiSCiuitl,v on nun I
n soot Assortment of -tnijfs. imtent
me liuiiieis chenitenl', fithits, olis, il
s.liS,ieve-', ..e, A;els ler itui
t'.'lolirat.'rt W,:U We
il Ueiucdy,
; Pr. !'. Iiiynif
snflve row low
Or, i.)rc"on Itlicmuatlc c
ft Siiih' 1 1 1 . lirilii,:, ou'i
8!aeeS l' I :
kepi in s.ik:!;. Aioa;i ;
Horn? SUutUo Kcwi
i ii-i!'nf itie mot umifiili-:
j luioi 1 . nee c.;iinl.
11?, June to, ri-tt
a Hi
An 1
IMaoliine lSiij,
: JliiaHfarlarcs Steam Endncsi
u '
An ! all kinds of
khuti of uutelibicry.
raid 1
The Great Mfdicr.5 fliscovory !
p Hnndred3 cf Thoe-ands f.
2 Bear teitlnnnir o thlr Wonder
fnicarativo Eirccu. rra
: 8"g 'i TnEV AltS NOT A VM M
t Mii.ii' of Poor Hum, W'liskoy, l'rml
Siilritnnml il(Hrsilocto;o(l,lpla I
tnd sweetened to plcaio tho tute, Citlod " Tots
lc,"" Appetlscni," " llfjiorern," ,'.c., !mt IcSl
tl'10 tippler on to drnnkcuesi ruin, bet US
a true McdlciBc,maJc frpiri ttioKuttvo Hoots en I
Herbs of Cslltornla, free (Vptn p1l AtmUelio
Siimnlania. Taoarii theCUCATIlliOOl)
(lIPI.Espcrrcct rtenovulor andlnfljoratorot
tlio Syntcin, carrying on" alt pottinimiis matter and
rcstorlag the blood to a lit tllly condition. No
ppraon can take tlicac r.iUcro aecordkig to Croc
tloa and remain Ion; unwi lt.
For Influiuinuiary nnd Chronic tJbce
mntlsni nod flout, Dyspepsia or ludU
Ecsllou, lllllnus, Itclllilteiit nnd InliT
uilticut Fevers, Dlacnsts of the Hlnoil,
Liver, Kldiicjs, mil llloililer, t!ico
lein liavo been moatsiicr Mful. H111I1 I)i
cascs ro caatcd liy Viilnted Blood, nli.cii
is generally produced by (loraiiiteoioiil of llw
IliKoatlvc Organs,
1) vsi-KI-si A R INDtOEHTfON,
llcadactio.Falu l.-itli 6hoe.ldoi-N, Couirlo, Tl!i
wess of tlio Cliest, Dlv:xlnt's:i, Konr Cmctaltona ot
the stomach. Bad taslo la tlio Mouth Dillons At
tacks, Palpltatlcn of tlio Heart, lnflamnialbn ol
tlio Langs, Pain In tnerrgloiiB of I'mKldnpyii.and
a hundred other painful syatptems, arj tlio ol
spriugsof Dppn3la.
Ttiey Invigorate tlio Btora.neli aid f llinnlale tlis
torpid itver and hov.-i-ln, wiiich remlflr tlicm of nn
equalled efllcacy In cleaiiKlni ttie blood of all
Impurities, and Imparting new 110 and vigor W
the whole system.
FORHK1N DIKE AMES, t riirtloiisjcttoft
Salt Illieum, Blotclies. Kpot i, Hrnpicl, rustulea,
Bolls, Cartanclca, Rms-Worms, Ocald-Hoad, Sere
Eyes, Erysipelas Itc'i, Eeun's, Dincoloratious ol
the Skin, Humors and tllseascu of the Skin, ol
whatever name or nature, arj literally Atg np
and carried out of tho system l:i a ehorttlme by
the use of these Bitters. Ono bottle In snob
eases will convince Uie most Incredulous of thell
Cleanse tho Vitiated Blood ticnever you and
Its Impurities bursting tlrroKb tlieskm lnPln
pies, Eruptions or Sores ; cleanse It when yo
And It obstructed and sluggtih In the velnsi
ctcaase It when It h foul, and your feelings win
lell yon when. Keep the blood pure and tin
health of the system will follow.
. FIN, TAPE and other WORMS, laAringti
1I10 system of so nany thousands, ore effcctuallj
destroyed and removed. For full directions, road
carefully the etnatar around each bottle.
J.WALXKR. Proprietor; R. H. MnDONAtD 4
CO., Pn(gl-s aud (Jen. Agents, Baa Francisco,
Cat,, and and M Commerce Street , New Vol
il 3
hi! H