The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, January 19, 1872, Image 7

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    Pig itgistrt.
FlUDAY. JAM-AKY 10. 172.
A MoJmtiilirOn of Bolr-llllf,
11 Xew York N(w,aml Demo
cratic journals generally, have been
very illustriously circulating false
reports about the number of On.
Grant's relative whom be lias a-
Hie Albany ifcfrtow, In nn article
Simon a column In kngth. says
vnnws luive breu committed miller
X wmgof Republican party ; de
BksitfctM and tfoiltngs have been per
titrated by tlhliont-t officials, a In
.'iny ai.c; n,t It Iminedtatelv
The Drinoe t ales is
the "improve."
1 I . , . T J VI' It I Ml 1115 I 111 I" I 1
'ill on pontwi to office since Ins elevation me?,fcrt. " compo-
1 to the I residential chair. It now : honevty nul moral vonristenev we
'turns out that of the thousands of j 3 .,. " ""Jl"'t7- 'V "-
i iimu iii-i, irfiiii mnrni ifiii-
Minister Washhun.c, of France, ; MivU(ta,R lo,,H,ig offices in the vSo7" 1X" I?
J-as gone to Nice for his health. t 0h, alH)llt (;rfccw arc rel-
Victor I Tu-i l as been defeated ; atives ofIYideiit Grant, and only
frr the Assembly.
..... ,nr;jj (Grant's ailmiuistration.
A shock ot an earthquake was j .
felt atShelftield,
"t.V)es of llOUCStv" Wlm slil u lii !i in
oiiiec, -net from mmt paktelbm "'
ur readers will perceive, by re-
i g.
Minister Sebcnck has gone
visit General Sherman.
"To fwi? the Devil for n Wlicb."
Joseph ( tillctt, the steal pen man
ufacturer, is dead.
to ' Romooftl.e f?ontl m
not seem to have! ai:V bettir
i n oi runnier, ureetejior
: than they do f Gen. Grant. The
noiicv of WiDnortHitf cither one of
-. j I 4 It '-
The last fcciie is t in fieiiently ' these for i 'resident, as against
the result o!" kerosene. (iiai.t, Uthus disposed of by the
- Mobile Rmtiter :
A woman in Iowa chops ami ' ... .' , ,
'l 1 Who will vniitiirn to ilenv that
"raeWmV' mora wood in a KV to cxchaige Grant for either of tlicro
than any w i kman in the timber. men is to swap the devil fora witch,
or lo jump out of the frying pan ink
Tobacco costs mora than bread in ' ti) q
Ccrmany, Holland, England and j ThoK5 wj, aa0pt the Passive
the United Hates.' ' Policy ar? unprincipled, seeking only
Fenatcr Sumner has seen the : for power and cK
I . .
longest Senatorial service twenty j
consecutive rears.
The President, 1iiid all the mem-
Senate Gilbert, of Florida, is ; ,x,,,iis Cabiit, agreed not to
the oldest of a family of eighteen L ftiy illtiixlt.ati).g Ii(.uu,.s 0
diildren. j their side-boards, cr tables, !. r those
Senator ( ameroi). of Pcnnsvlva. I ca!! "I""1 l,l,'m " New
is the oldest Senator, being
A church was destroyed by jight j
rung m Alanchcstcr, hi.gktii,ou utc j tj10 fllUfc ,y cv.,ry ovcr 0f sobrie
th. ty and humanity in the la, id.
There are twelve private galler
n of the thirteen were apxinted j ftrring to the article leaded "I.i-
liel," in the HKfiisTKK of Jmnmry
Oth, that the EnUrprl, In the
above stricture, garbled the ar
tide for tlie purpose of givbig it a
meaning to suit its ewii tmsclrapu
lous lasie, and disposition tu Ik"Uu
lair. The "typeg of hoiiesty," to
winch liie Enterprise po sneeringly
re ers, meant the "moral and rcli
giotw elements of society" of which
the Republican party is "largely
composed." The "mini' tors of the
gosjKd, Kihool-teachers, J'residents
of colleges and moral reformers
generally, including members of tl
different lrotcijiiit churches," bo
large a majority of whom ar?i still
enthusiastic members of the l'epul).
lican rty, are the, ones to whom
the sentence, "they are oonreicntious,
and act from mora! conviction,"
refers. An editor who wiii inton.
tionally garble an article tor , the
purpose of injuring a cause, or an op
ponent, certainly does ti0t act from
"moral conviction," but on the con
trary from a dishonest motive.
A (jood Example.
; Vear's 1 lav. This is a noble exam.
J do in the direction of a reform
much needed in our country. We
pe the example will be copied in
i oCmiv ilifomtl.vnviAtt Itfll'n
ies of paintings in Xew York, worth j a lRllgllty; fa.,,ion 0f neglecting to
$ 1 ,000.000. j send us tlicir papers when thev on-
RiwiB otio.vh op TianK-U.v-ioxs.
Says the fpriugfield (III.)
They are discussing the question
in Virginia of reuniting Eastern and
Western Virginia.
Gen. Andrew Porter, formerly of
the P. S. Army, died at Paris ra-oei.lly.
The crop of oranges and lemons
in l.o Angeles county, (ah, this!
year, is fully up to the average.
Extensive beds of peat have been
discovered on the 1 a I'olsa Chica,
in I.os Angeles cbttnty, OA,
O'Donovan I'ossa has put in a
claim to Tweed's seat in the Xew
York Senate.
Jimnml :
There is considerable feeling bc;
in;r exhibited at the preseiit time in
differ! t cities in the Union in refer
ence to the custom of trades-unions
restrict ingtlie number of apprentices
employed in various callings. Al tin
dance of skilled labor is the glory
of all civilized countries and one of
their neatest sources of wealth,
I and if tlie tiades-uiiions iiorsist in
c mc not the teachings of your j their present system of preventing
Imiothv ears ! ( han-w nitrhtcans I the rlsuiir gencratibn from acquiring
often, but stick to what you know
lam " such as the above,
opied by the Gusnfte frora the
HnoisTER. .Vcifl Nort.'iweHt.
Egotism and vanity ! Mo ! for
shame! Such reckless assertions be-
ab.ittt truth however little that
may he. Pr'to v'iuI'.
Stat- Iu!.'iiuilly Sd:.
Another proof of the valuable
services rendered the citizens of Ore
gon by our untiring and ever lalwr
ing Senator, II. W. Corbett, is furii
ished in the following correspon
dence to the Oregonlaiu Thecor-
a knowledge of the useful art by
the old methods, new methods must
lie devised. It was one of the
greatest outrages of Southern slavey
that it dwarfed tho minds of slave
ohil'lrea, and no combination and
no.set of men should lie allowed to
debar the white chilijcen of the free
Stat8 from practical enlightenment
in reference to all and any of the
useful aits. The effects of restric
tion arc so palpable that prompt and
effective action has become vitallv
. , '1.1 T 1 ' 1 I (Illt HI. o it
IJcrlin, with a population of 900, ""P"""" ,B " S, ! Wrthy the attention of the Legisla
ture, the courts, the managers ot our
000, has seventeen daily uawspap- pmljer 27th, 1871, and explains
A ncwsjiaper in tho family is
equivalent to three mouths school
ing each year to the children.
Henry Ward licecher has been
offered fifteen hundred dollars to
deliver one lecture out West.
The Shall of Persia owns five
hundred Arabian steeds. He is not
a onc-horse Shah,
Elopements on this side of the
mountains may truly lc called
"Pacific Slopes."
. v. in 1 1 -
The weight of the salt in the
oceans of the world is computed at
17,0-10,800,000.000,000 tons. lief-
Mrs, Slyer, of llullalo, has pre
fcntcd her husband with three boun
cing boys. Her husband is doing
Late advices from Ispahan, Per
sia, shows that the famine continues
without diminution. Entire dis
tricts have been depopulated.
l'ritish sovereignty has been pro-'
claimed over tho African territory
recently annexed to the colonial
possessions of Great Britain.
The arms taken by the I'rtis
sians from the French, and subse
quently fold, were secretly bought
by tho International society.
On the 3d hist., a demonstration
was made by Irishmen at Liverpool,
Eng., in favor of home rule for Ire
land. 4 . .
Ismail Pasha is said to be in
favor of a proposition to utilize tho
Pyramids by turning them into
weather observation stations. Util
itarian age.
i itself
Sir : About six months since my
attention was called by Atr. Hisdou
of Lane county, to the importance
of having approved the indemnity
lauds selected by the Mate, in lieu
of the 10th and 30th sections, that
in many places had been settled
upon. Many of those who have
become purchasers of these "lieu
lands;'' and have made valuable
improvements, have lieen quite un
easy in consequence of these lands
not having lieen approved. I am
pleased now to inform you that the
Commissioner has used every effort,
since I brought the matter to his
attention, to have prompt aetiou,
and I now enclose the letter inform
ing mo of the approval of list Xo.
1, embracing 41,1280 acres.
The Department is hard at work
upon the other list, which I have
good reason to believe will soon bo
completed, which will set at reft
these titles. Very respectfully
Tl IS- H.ltll.lMIVll
yours, ii. v. i. uivulti i 1.
Dar'rop the Interior, Gk
EttAi, Laxdoffic!,
Washington-, P.C., Dce.L'2,'71.
Hox. Hknuy W. Cowiett, V. S.
Senatk Sin : Agieeable to your
itHjiicst, I have the honor to inform
you that list No. 1, of indemnity
school sections by the State of Ore
gon, embracing tracts of an aggre
gate area of 4 1,280 7'2-100ths acres,
was approved by the Secretary of
the Interior on the 2ht hist.
Transcripts of list will bo pre
pared and transmitted to the Gov
ernor of the State, and to the local
office without delay.
I am, sir, very respectfully your
obedient servant,
school system and the public.
Bryant fop. Prrsidknt.
Here's what the Chicago Jiepubli
ccmj says on Blair's suggestion o!
running the poet l?rvant as a can
didate for the Presidential chair
agahvt Grant :
llhtir's idea is a queer one, to
run ilhamt ullen I rvant against
Grant as the figure-head of tho sore
head Kepuolicaus ami discouraged
Democrats, on a platform of free
trade. Air. Bryant is as venerable
as Horace Greeley ; he, too, par
takes of thebraiirbread which cheers
but not inebriates ; he neither af
fects profanity, prize strawberries,
protection or preposterous panta
loons. Being aooet, he could send
down his annual message in rhyme,
devoting one canto to San Domin
go, ro.d another to the reduction ot
the Debt, and could write his own
campaign songs. Thanks be to the
bran-bred, he has lived so long that
most lit his relations are dead. He
never was a tanner, in every re
speet he is superior to Mr. Grant as
a fashionable candidate. By all
means let us Have Mr. Bryant for
our next President.
The Shaof la mt James risk.
The news comes from Xew York
that on the 6th in4. Col. .Tamos
Fisk, Jr, was shot and probably
fatally wounded by Pdwarl S.
Stokes. It seems that after the
close ot the Fisk-Manslieid case, in
the afternoon, Stokes repaired to
the iieighborhood ot the Grand
Opera Hour?, Twenty-third street,
where he remained until Fnk left
the building in a carriage for the
Grind Central 1 iotel tor the pur
pose of pavi ig a visit to a Miss!
.Morse. Stokes did not follow him,
Jmt went directly to the same hotel,
arriving some twenty minutes boliiie
h'isk did. On arriving at the ho1
tel, Col. Kisk entered by the pri
vate entrance, and after making
some inquiries and giving some di be carried to Miss Morse
by a Ikiv whom ho casually mot,
started to go up stairs, and" had
gone about two htejis, when, look
ing up, saw Stokes at the head of
the ttairs, who instantly tirejd two
shots from a pistol at Fisk, the
first passing into his body two
inches above the naval, tint ether
penetrating through the right arm.
Fisk leaned up against the wall
faying, "I am hurt ; I am badly
wounded." Stokes in a few sec
onds walked coolly into the ladies'
parlor, where he threw his revolver
on the i-ofa.theu quickly passe i down
the staircase leading to the office,
As he pased the office he raid, "I
guess there's somebody hurt iip
stairs." He then broke to run to
wards the liai'ier shot). Tho pro
prietor of the hotel having heard
the pistol reports, shouted to the
portci's, etc., to "stop that man."
They took alter him and caught
him just as lie turned into the bar
ber shop, anff hrough.t him back
and detained him until an officer
came. He was then taken to the
Fifteenth Precinct Station House
where he was locked up in the Cap
tain's room In the meantime,
physicilttts probed Fisk's wound,
and failing to discover the ball, pro
nounced that the chances wore
against his recovery. Fisk hoard
the decision calmly, sent for Dudley
Field, who drew up his will, which
was duly attested.
The news flying over the city
created intense excitement, especial
ly among politicians. In a quarter
of an hour after the i ccurrence, t he
hotel was 'besieged by a multitude
clamoring fur intelligence, and a
large force of police had to be de
tailed to prevent intruders from en
tering the wounded man's chamber.
Win. M. Tweed, Jay Gould, Peter
11. Sweeney, Mis.-. Morse and her
mother and several of Mr. Fisk's
family were the only ones permit
ted to enter the r- in.
her favor, became her champion, and
has most effectually disponed of the
case, so far as Fisk is coucerned,
and, it is to lie hoped, so far as he
is concerned. X injury of a pecu-
uiary character, which Fisk may
have done Stokes, would justify
him in assuming the role of a das
tardly assassin to correct it. He
should suffer the full penalty of the
law. Society then will be the
gainer in the example which these
cases furnish.
Smtilip l.-uid Kwlndle In Missouri.
The State Heard of Education of
Missouri report, enormous swamp
land swindles in that State, differ
ing in details from the one in Ore
gon, but tending to the same result.
This may serve as a source of con
solation to the swindlers in this
State, on the principle that mi.-cry
loves company.
dames lisk, Jr., was thirty-seven
veal's of age. abolished slavery, and now
calls for school bonks.
Last year there were 8,000 deaths
from small pox in London.
Latrst fin
Alexis gave
go p.s r.
f),000 to the Chica-
'lie New York Senate has rati
fied the Fifteenth Amendment;
Trie rain storms of last month
did not reach Arizona.
A Republican club has been or
ganized at Aberdeen, Scotland.
Turkey and Spain ae maturing
a systems of free schools open to all.
One hundred years ago tlicri
were bufbnTiewspapcrs in Ameri
ca. Those fotiNiadu't much room
'to clip.
Atlanta, Georgia, is said to have
live dogs to one man. Peing a scab-aid
city all are provided with
Brigham Young Uquletaad compla
cent. He thinks God will protect and
vindicate liliii ; Hwt his enemies, ami
the encrnle? of hh people will fill be
fore the Lord, lie rofii to be Inter
viewed. The admission of Utah -detennlnedly
opposed on the ground
tint It would giva at present "absolute
authority in the new State to the Mor
mon Church. It. Ij urged that the ad
vantages to develop the resource and
for general prosperity are Jint as good,
if not better, a a Territory, ai they
would be If she was a State.
It I i stated that Baker ihe p 'inci. a
witness in Ihe Robinson murder ease.
hw been spirited away.
K'ibhcrs, garrotrrsand de-peradoe?
of all kinds now abound In suit Lake,
and it is unsafe to be out on the street,
after night. A man was stru; g up by
the neck on the night of the 4th, nearly
strangled, and tiien robbed.
The UfkCatore of Utah convened In .
Salt Lake nn the 8th hist., and Loren
to Snow, one of the twebc apoUles
was elected i're-ldeut of the Council,
and Orson fratt sjieakcr of tly: House, .
A large number of petition! were re
cently read in the French Assembly
praying for the restoration of mon
archy. Some of the petitions wanted
Count du Clmiubnrd, others Count 8
Fiaris for king. Their rcading'ercatetf
A Fashion Congress in Merlin
determined to invent tneir own
fashions, They resolved to found
a "Fashion School" to lie taught
by teachers with fixed salaries.
Nineteen copies of the first Bible
ever printed arc still in existence.
The first hook was printed some
where between 14o0 and 1455, at
Uoldcu M'orih.
Be humble. T. Tilton.
Don't smoke. P. S. Grant.
Don't deceive. Baron Muuchaii-
The Marquis of Hartington, Chief
Secretary of Ireland, declares that
the Government must be firm in
putting down rebellion in Ireland,
and should set its face against leav
ing education in the hands of the
A mob surrounded tho jail at
Rochester ( Xew York ), where
Howard, the negro ravishcr of little
Mort, was confined, on Tuesday,
ai d attempted to get possession of
the prisouer. The military were
called out to repulse the mob, and
in so doing discharged a volley,
killing John Etter, Henry Merlow
and E. S. Manton, and wounding
John Hilbert and John Nolan
tho latter fatally. These men were
non-belligerent spectators, and the
action of the military is said to have
been entirely unwarranted.
The tone of the Spanish press in
respect to the attitude of the United
States on the Cuban question, is
very belligerent.
rinco writing the above, we havo
received nowscorroborating the main
features of the case.and stating that
Col. Fisk died about nineteen hours
after receiving his wounds. His
coolness and fortitude remained with
him to the last. In his will he gave
$100,000 in Xarragar.sott steam
ship shares to his sister, Mrs. Hook
er ; to h is father and mother $ii ,000 a
year each during life ; to each of the
Mis-es -Morse $2,000, and to the
Ninth Regiment Xew York Mili
tia, of which he was Colonel, $10,
000. The remainder of his property,
amounting to a large, but unknown
sum, to his wife.
His remains were placed in the
Opera House, where they remained
in state and were visited by 50,000
people. The fur. ral took place on
the 8th. Not less than 150,000 business chap lately attended the
people crowded the streets on the I sale of a hotel in Ohio. He hadn't
occasion. Tho procession was over cent in his pocket, but he stood
... ., . T up and bid boldly, " 1 wcnty-eight
a nine long, tusk's partner, Jay t0Ufmid ,Mhr,y It was knocked
Gould, was greatly allected by the jown to mi ; and, when the qnes
event. He visited Fisk in his dv-! t ion was asked, "Who is the pur-
Mind your own business. fata
cazy. Beware of Mrs. Livormore. Gen.
Love y.ur country. Jefferson
Don't read novels. Harper &
We concur in the above. T. B.
.Make money and do good with
it. W. M. Tweed.
Don't marry until you can sup.
mi a wife. (Nor then cither.)
Wisdom is bettor than soup. '
Daniel Webster's veply to General
I attrybut mi sucksces in life to
mi devoshuu to spellying.-Joiu
Let your motto he sell-re nance,
faith, lionesty, and industry. Jas.
Fisk, Jr. -
He that in the world would rise,
must take the papers and advertise.
An honest man gathers no moss.
A rolling stone's tiic noblest work
ol God.-P. V. Xr.sby.
"A good name is better than rich-
.. . i 1 1 ... '.1!
es. A sniewu uui unpruiuipieu
ing moments and gave vent to his
grief in tears. James Fisk was a
notorious character. He astonished
the world ly his financial schemes,
so broad so brilliant, but ho was un
principled, dishonest a most con
finned libertine. "He died as the
fool dieth, to consecrato a concu
binage. He had but a few months
ago broken off a most scandalous
intimacy with the woman Mans
field, carrying the subject of dispute
into the courts. Stokes received
..mi :...
Ctiaser . lius Hiiuuciouo ft.oup lv
replied. "The Pennsylvania Bail
road." Of course, he was not re
quired in person to put np the mon
ey from an imperial buyer 1 kothat,
whereby lie was able, in the course
of a couple of days, to sell tho whole
to another party for $35,000, and
clear the difference. The country
is now said to be full of scamps
buying hotels for the Pennsylvania
Eugene has six eating houses and
ten drinking houses.
Judge Ucloa Lake, of the San Frai -elsco
Municipal Court, who some time
ago attacked Charles Be Yonnf, pro
prietor of tho San Pranolwo Cltitotifa
In the streets and was indicted for an.'
assault and battery, has pleaded guilty
and Ikwi fined $300.
The McMlBllvllle Wit$itr, of the
12th Inst., says : Mr. Hem v who emi
grated ft) this State from Iowa 1 ist sum
mer, and took up a homestead in this
county, where he had been residing
since, earns to blsdeath in tho follow
ing manner a few davs. ago : While
the snow lay on the h'i'lls lie went out
hunting for deer, and toward night a
shot whs heard from the hotm. Not
coming home at night search was made
for liim. but without avail, and next
morning Mr. Fleinmlng looU hU track
and followed it until it. came upon the:
Ixsly oftlie unfortunate hunter by the
side of a deer, whldi had been shot
and had its throat cut. Ills gnn. a Un
arm witlipne barrel for shot and tin
otlier ritled, lay by his feet with both
barrels discharged. A bullet in the
muzzle of the rifle-barrel and his open
knife on the ground, witll otherchvuiii
stmeos, seemal to Indicate that he had
shot the deer and after cutting ifsthroat '
was In, the act of re-loadlng the ritle.
He was cutting the patching from
nlwuttlie muzzle when, hi some mi
accountab.'e manner tlie shot-gun bar
rel was discharged, and a single shot
striking the knife Wade, glanced and
entered bis eye, causing Instant death.
A Cuban Savace. Valmascda's '
last proclamation bring? the Cuban
question, so-caUad, to a sharp crisl.
In his official capacity as Captain Gen
eral, he announces that all male Cu
bans captured after January 15th will
l nut to death on the smit : all sur
rendering theimelves after thai dale
reduced to j)cna servitude for lite; all
white women sent out of the country,
and all colored ones returned in chains
to their Spanish owners.
Iloylc, the ajstle of whist, under
the old dispensation, is said to liavc
diwl full of years and honors. .V. V,
tvmng Pott, I his is not true. He
has merely Allien asleep, waiting for
the last trump. iV, V. Rorirf, VVon
ilcr if the grave-digger held a "full
hand" of shades 'ilwiisnUe Courter
Jrrn!r. lie doubtless met the deuce
Willi n grlm-ace. OWcfljo Evening
Journal. And is now expecting the ' '
Angel Gabriel to onler him np. Ar. .
K UomnmrcM, It Is cruel to talk of
iiiin thus after he has "banded in his
'chips." ,i,ist because the old man
"went it blind" you are all inclined
to "raise" htm. Origan Jhletin.
As he "went it blind" and "passed
the buck," you all seem inclined to '
A Famous Doctok. Tlie celebratr
di lady doctor Miss Fowler in prac
tice In New Jersey, was recently mar
ried, and is now Mrs. Ormsby. 8he
Is a sister of Fowler, the nhreiiolrwrhr
and has met with extraordhiiiry suc
cess as,' a medical nraetioner of the
homapathh) school.' Her income
from her pmcflee has for years past
been from lo 000 to 20,0W) a year, i'
She treats patients of both Sexes ; lias
the names c: over 600 families on her
books, and I; is more business than al!
the lialf dozen men doctors of the phu "
Iut together. In carrying on lier pro- ,
tcssion slie drives between forty and
fifty miles every day. Slie is remark-: '
ably successful as a doctor. She -Is a ::
handsome woman of forty, elear-ltead-
ed. stout-bi arted. strong-willed, vivac
ious and intellectual. Her husband Is
a New York merchant.
The Chicago tire is not the most fear
ful disaster of tlie past year. The Chi
nese floods, of which we received a
brief account, submerged 20,000
square miles of territory, an area ex-wedingtliatofoue-thinl
of England
and IV ales. W lieu tlie fact of the ex
tremely dense population of China Is
taken into consideration, the annallina
j Mtl,re of the catastrophe will be be?
ici nppreciaieu. ine nood occured
in the northern part of the empire and
was occasioned by tlie breaking of the
bmk of a river. Wheu the first break
occurred, the people might perhaps
have stopped it, but instead ofsettiui?
the people at work, the officials went
to sacrifice to YueiiRhcn. a fabulous
tortoise or fish, who Is supposed to eon
trol the waters. When their devotions
WOTejjy ah thc darage was past