The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, January 19, 1872, Image 6

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Win. Send His ItoH'.NAtKW to
JBAvr.-A most wonny auu ,1 not before, Iwwcvcr, grout
Justice 01 the feteo, of IH'niocralio (jain.g- luv.l to the and
pwllritfe) (bedrock, at that), whore- I Among tlte casei of good re-
. skies not wen hundred and twenty- wwd Wv jwo watal:ilng alcohol,
two miles gontlieast of llarrlsburg in ! Tlic'wooden OHM I, 'Ming 'the eans
this county, not long state was called ; tl,.ui.ul) (bowfag how
mon to mete out stern ktk to a ) e,. tK, .,, Hii 0!1 )0xn nm.
fellow creature, brought before him on '( llnvn l(j kilwom t.,,,m, .rhe
a charge of theft. This noble old t were marked " I-idiOH," pioba
Judge, title to his J:ic!;sonlau-Dcnio- t,:y tluongli a mistake, but the mistake
critic iustinets, hearing and won; yve fwWfefHseff had the fire
thoroughly sifting the evidence iu tlie K ( p,.nllittM (o t ,ke it- cmlIS0 a
cue. I'ouiiU tlwprlon guilty, and. (ime oi;si.,. j!cAn. j.
with great solemnity, showing that ! j.lrliei. 4 (., have also received
lie felt the full force of the iwpon- fvight by ,lui mm Vl.S(.t gjg
nihility resting upon him as a Justice : Mui)kvl g,ttw J,,g proximity to tire.
of the react, pronounced the sentence j
of the Court to be that the prisoner be ; A Una. I itv. Chicago mu t liave
Incarcerated in tlie Statu Penitentiary, 1 fJevn by all odds the city in the
at Safem. for the space of three years. . world. St. Lotli U reported lo hate
Some of the Judge's friends demurred j extended hospitalities to f',000 fugi
.it the judgment of the Court, intimat-1 tives from Chicago: nut-intuit'., K
ingtkit tlie Court was cxec-etlUg it 1 000 do.; Philadelphia, l,8CO,C00 do.;
authority in the premises. The idea j New York oyer 2,l)0t,w0 do.; aiui iv
tliat tlie Court diiln't understand itself; ports from oilier' cities and towns,
mftleourlVmocritic ofiicial a? mad aggregating a total popt.latioti of
a wet lion ; Hie dignity of the rco- .something over oT.VHUXX) for Chicago,
nlfot tlw mat Aafc of Oregon. In tare already been . ohli-lied. and still
i e- - m
had hnrn notraffed! He 1
then and there, iu the most forcible ,
If not elegant laiiguag.1, assert kI that
he had as imicb right :is any oilier
judge to send a man to the penitentiary;
Uiat there were always iu any com
munity, and the one be lived In was bo
exception, a set of dodblasstcd fools
who tho't they knew it all ; but he
lateadld to get even on 'em, as he
would Immediately send his resigna
tion to the President, stating his reas
ons tlicrefor, and then they'd catch
merry 1 ! We are not informed
whetlxt the Judge has actually put
his terrible threat into execution, but
wc couldn't blame him if he has, for
citeli tiawarrantab.e interference with
tiie rights vested iu a J. P., most cer
tainly calls for sudden ami condign
punishment 1
Klecilp. At a meeting of the M. ! Mr. J. A. Winter gave hi a call on
K. Library Association on Monday j 'i'uesday. lie lias lilted up a gallery
ewnlhg last, an election was bad for : Kugeue City, and will soon he giv
offlccr to serve during tlie ensuing j 'mg the cltbsens there the benefit of
.ear, with the following result: J. hi skill as a first-ciass arti-t.
V.Rickensto, President; Mrs.,1. C. Superintendent Plummor bu gono
Mendenliall. V. P.: Wm. Bice. Secre-' south to look alter the telegraph wires.
tary ; Dr. Lester, X reasurcr. uy iih
Constitution of tlie Assockitiou
the i
.j,.,rthiJiiii,1I.Is,iwde 1
A Committee was appointed to take,
into consideration the propriety Of
tectingalHiildiugfa- the purple of
tin Association. If the necessary
-nmMnt of funds can be raised, a
building suitable for a library hall,
lecture room, etc.. will 1 erected
immediately on the church lots. We
should be glad to sec tiie enterprise
Fob Ciiuj. On Wednesday morn
ing four young mechanics took the
can for Portland, Intending to take
passage on the steamer advertisrd to
o-til ou that day, en route for Chili.
The four gentlemen above mentioned,
all good mechanics and tirstrate fel
lows, were Jo. lloncr, Thos. Otly,
Clias. Klctt and Cbas. McMedam, the
first two sliecmakers tlie tldrd a
blacksmith, and the la t a tinner.
Tliey are all young, well-informed, in
dustrious boys, and their love of ad
venture has induced tbem to try their
"luck" iu the jioor man's paradise
South America. c wish them every
PmnmvK.-Xot Jong since, so It
is related to ns. a yonng lady i4
gentleman from the fir districts visit- !
ed a neighboring village to get spliced, j
The couple entered the burg on this .
gala oceaslon astride of one cayne. j
.Vrriveil In town tliey deliberately dis,- j
mounted, "put up" tiicir animal, per-
took of a sumptuous Tepast consisting
of craekftraand ehf ese. then mnahed
totheoflkeof a woitliv J. P.. and '
were solemnly united In tlie bonds of I
niatriuMKiy. Tub matter disposed of
to their entire sattsfaef ion, the happy i
pair gwapped spit, 'mounted their j
cayn, and beaded for (heir monw-
t , . ,. . ...
tain home. Success to the iirouitive
ntvle v
, .
A Safe Uetbeat. 11k Kast Port- j
land Bra claims to have more hand-j
some women than any town in the
.State. Iu answer to this, the Cor-
vallb Democrat calls cut to the Era to
bring on ids beauties, and he will dis
count them. Now we hare no boast
to make on that bead this week, but
are pretty certain that for Aornefy men,
we can bane it to any town of like
nntuilallmi thia sill n Rimlad ('mm.
on with your homely men.
Deuvebt Waoon, Mr. A. X.
Arnold baa purchased the nice little
mm and job wagon Mety owned by
Mir. Geo. Vf. Young, id Is ready to
deliver goods, etc,, hi all parts of the
city, at reasonable rates. Mr. Arnold
Is one of the molt accommodating of
gentlemen, and b as prompt as be b
trustworthy. Patronize him. !
Charmed. Mes-srs. A. t'arethew
& Co., a day or two since received
several a- oi good thai www
brought to Portlaml on tin? hark
W.'tMkr. It will Ik? renumbered thai
a On raged (! nine llay in the hold
of tlii vessel, but at l:it was ex-
they come, i.ut
.r,'' all
this vast
only o:jc
crowd, so f-r a. we have, by
tory !
', been able to learn.
to erect a carriage
Strange "aueeilote.'
isn't it
I rtatsONAi.. w. 15. t arter of ib.
j Corvatlis (iosttl made us a short call
1 on Tiatr-day. lie didn't a-k us for a
; loan, anil from fhis wa judge that
I cither our looks iliscouragvd tlie idea
of attempting a 'raise;" in this way,
1 or else hejmd rceefifly printed some J
I horse bi!b, b:k1 made a legitimate j
j raise.
! It. C. Clark makes a tmak for '
j .South America Vest week. Clark is
I oue of the most useful men in the
j country, and we are sory to lo him.
May tlie winds blow softly and iuf
J audi r gently through' the. scanty hairs
: on his marble brow.
Mr. Boyes. of Halsey, and Mr.
KUi. ot lirowiiaviire, gwappcu a few
wonls with ns mesday aiternoon.
Pjjojiia f.H- weeks since Mr I I
' "
alwut M J
pktnres, camcnts, phoi.raph goods,
etc.. by fife in this c'ty. By great
good fortune he had an insurance jkI
icy of $1,000 iu the Union Fire Insu
rance Company. On the Hth Inst.,
this prompt and reliable Company
paid tlie amount of the polky, J,0CO, j
which, ol is u big U'.p to Mr.
Winter. Tlie Union ii ami re
liable Company. J. C. Meutiouiiall,
F.sq., is the agent for this city.
Caiii. Mrs. Bridge!'. irrnei' informi
the ladies brreabontj tlint she has
fi'.cuatl the services of .Miss 51. M.
Johnson, one of the most sacces fu!
of milliners, who vviil hereafter take
charge of her inllllnery establishment
on FllSt street, near corner of Broad
albhj, always ready to Jill all erdei s
for latest styles of millinery goods,
iln-s making, etc., at moderate rates.
An invitation is extended to nil to
Clln an(
Ee FtlOMPT. W. J, Itiltabldel &
Co. reqiie't all tliose indebted to them
to eowe forward promptly and pay np,
. tilcy ilrc elosing out their binlne
nud an hiitjUuaare not paid witidu
,M.cstihirty days will be placed in
tll,. jiatl(4 0f the proper oliher for
collection. Sec card.
Xi.w Gai.i.kiv.-A new gallery Ls
being fitted up for Jir Paxtoil in the
Froman Isiildiug,
illrecily opposite j
the OH gallery, in a lew days Mr. ,
I'axton will be ready to anvmmodate i
the public wit ii any kind of work tiiey ,
may call tor in tlie photographic Jlwj
. . 1 , ' .' . , ... I
,t.eviiiM-..i , wni. . linn r
, , , . , . .
l",m,d Blakt5 rwt-l charged
with an attempt to force
an entrnn.
into a home on the bank of .the river
west of the City Mills, lie was found
guilty and fined 1S and costs, by
Bccordcr lleiTon.
Imiiiovf.I). The HW S, under
new management and new dre-s
makes a line appenr.inee. 'i'he copy
before us reads Well, and we believe
Uaudly, Snyder & Co. luivc tlte pluck
that wbw success. UeruV cur J.jT.
DascinoCli'B. The yonng men of
this city have fonped a dancing dub,
electing K. C. Clark, I'resident;
Perry ltaymond, Secretary, and A.
C. tayton, Treasurer. They will
give a soiree every' two weeks.
iMFROVEHENm llie railway depot
b receiving a new addition on the
west, to be used we believe, as a woodshed.
Pacific Com AwujiAC -Com- j Latent News Items. PhiL-idcl-piledby
Henry 0. 1.angley. San Fran-1 phia ii to lutve seven more Arc engines. 1
ei-eo, for the year iifft, lv readied j LottUidUe, Ky., Itopeaoou to have a
us. IUS a worn oi i u ii.i", i uj
with fiiolsM' great value to the UW-
i lies man and of interest to the gen
ind reatlci
- , I
Kew Dtti ss. Tiie I Mil"" P !
publlibed by Gate pro., at Boseburg,
Dn gon.'cooies to r.s In a new dress,
Utily gotttii up and neatly printed.
1. ... 1. ....... I.. .1... m!:-
ii piopo;(.; v uo uHit;v ......
liciincausf iHvalleiitly in the future n-
in the past. BtHWftis to onr Gales.
AtTKit Vknimix. -Messrs. Win. 1
lii:ey. Hank Meudeiduill, Pat. Far I
roll and cIku. Mealey start wl ',
day for the Cascade range to look up 11 1
load of venison. They expect to be j
absent ten days.
A I, vm is Vou mk would not con
tain tin- mass of toMimony wliieli has
accimiHlatiil In tavorof MV.ei'v B'
M 111 1 if ItVf' CArtv; as a Mile, elllcient
and reliable reiiittfy In curing uougtai
colds and iuhnonary disease, Many
of the cures atv tfuly wonderful.
toS. niui 'mimirclal.
Gold in New York. 10il3;:.
I.egil tenders lio'.jc luyiiig, 8,u
selling. ...
From the Portland dallies we learn
that the (vi.'iri.nii. woifdsailiHi 't'hurs
tlay for San Frauci-eo. The bark
linreimjim was loading with wheal
for Cork. Tlie Jmm I. em! will lie
j ready for sea in ten days. Thcimie
l-mkfmtrj arrived 011 vv cone-day
iiioruing woiifd have iiiiek ni .patch
for Honolulu. The bark ItViVw was
receiving cargo fbrSan Fntnclsco, The
ice-gorge In tne Colnmbla was report
ed broken, and a steamer was? to at
tempt the passage to the Cascades,
business reported very dull and . ex
petted to continue so for a month to
Portland markets continue quiet,
with no advance ill wheat or Hour.
We quote egg1 at one dozen, with
good demand.
A. '.any markets show no change in
price of grain wheat, $1. Our uier
i hnuts are paying 40e $ li for butter,
at:d 40e -j! dozen lor eggs, There has
been little, if tiny coocl butter iii the
market for niaiiv dacs.
H'.u.irtiou of i:xj).'iis.'fi In I2ie Wnr
l llrllll III,
Tlie tollowlng Is from an article hi
the New York ioroW of the ttli hist.:
tin' total nun' kt ot enlisted men,
now in the service is thirty thou and. I
The mi nber o staff officer's has been I
reduce J, and line oltlcers detached for :
stall duty have been sent hack to their !
regiments. 1 he luminal ngtll'es
show u gradual and a givat redilctlou
in tlie cxpetlittiivs. For the lical
year ending June 30, IStltt,' they wen
over eighty and a half miiiions, and
ljiT about forty millions. For the
next fiscal year the appropriations
amount to a little over thirtv-six and
jS&ttte two
J ',.-;
the cost of river rind harbor Improve-
its. Thus it n shown that the re-
uue, ion In expense' in Uie. Har Ue
pailmeut during ls;;i-"i'0 amount
ed to nearly tweuty-thrM million: of
.' liar-. add during the year lOfU-'Zl
then- was a Htrtber fitlnction ot over
seventeen and ft half millions, while
tnc snb-e pn nt appropriations and
timales point to a continued
in expense, t lie Secretary Suggests
that the services of extra lieutenants,
now authorized by law to act as regi
mental adjutants and quarter-masters,
con be dispensed with, and that Hie
positions now occupied by certain
non-commissioned officers can be dis
continued Wlthom injury to the sir-1
vice. White the roops have 0M
well clothed and fed niui cmiirarative-
lc Svi.ii.h,.he.vd. 1. reenmmeiids that
Adequate appropriations be made to
increase iheir comfort. Monitlcations I
and imi.rovemeuts are being made in
onr scacoast and liarDOT defcnses, m
accordance with the Ksjulreiuei.ts of
modern warfare. .
. . ,., j
The new Attorney General, .Mr. j
, . . I ' I
known to national politics six years
ftm, Aii Eastern man by birth,
Za o i.,,. ,,. ,v r.,w!,.n ' t, l mi l
moved to Oream while
it was vet j
R '
I'omtory, and engaged in practice
the bar. During tlie admintstra- j
I'resident l'ieree ho was appint-1
Pliio?. r tutli of tho 1 oi-i-iti ,iv I
ed Chief Justice of the Territory
In 186-1 he was etiofeti to the Uni
ted Mates Senate, and took his teat
on the dav of Mr. Lii coin's rewind
inauguration March 4, ll' Go. As
it 18 customary m that body, tie
new comer was a ipiiet listener for
the lirst year or mere. His (ir.-t
fpeeoK Wlla made iii'ISOT, on the
reconstruction menMiiw, then pend-
ing, and it attracted a degree ot at
tention dating its delivery, and of
praise afterwards, piieh as is seldom
accorded to a nov ice iu Senatorial
debate. From that time forward
lie won Ids way, until the cloe of
his term iu Ma4Ri last he stood at
the head of the list as a deep think
er, a close reasoner, and a profound
scholar. We doubt if he left be
hind iiithc Senate a man as well
qualified as himtolffor a creditable
discharge of the duties of Attorney
General. He will make a worthy
successor of William Wirt and Fe
lix (irandy, Ixltctifdmulk, (fll.)
Jbpuhlieun, '
Hie editorial profesion is repre,
sented by eleven members in the
House, of Ilepreseutotiveti,
A Newark, New Jersey, manufac
turer has just made a pair of silver
plated skates for a daughter of Baron
I. uiblic iirk. A citizen of Washington
!is eolleeted nluety-tlglit dtftctt i
orcd cats. A railroad company in X.
II. has been indicted for hrghig fx-1
tortioi.ate freiglits. Eiglity thoiKnui
men ai' constantly employed in its. j
building Chicago, and nearly a many !
are buying goods daily at Weed & j
Clement's Auction and Commission1
Store, ch'.aper than any bouse in A I-!
i .
j ijaiiy
Lut est vw..
The Chinpje have biiilt'a theatre in
Portlaml, and give performances once
or twice a weejc. The orchestra music
is Immense, says the Bwlfcfa,
Tlie ClK'inekeU Hotel at Salem is
Two Coos county sportsmen killed
fortv ducks at oue shot apteoe.
The census shows. Ii! ))rrsons in ;
Oregon who are dWnaiiclilsed forhav-:
lug p.-'.iliclpati'.l in the rebellion.
The dilHcnltV U tween Spain and the
I'nited States is growing more lormi- ;
Philadelphia is to supply 500 locomo
lives tol(uslti.
The's revenue from the Alaska f
pastolnce was i .
Krie Stock went up in London oil iw- j
ivipt of the news of t'ik'.s death.
The State Senate of lliinoislaas p:i.s- i
ed the Ohio temperance bill, inaklug '
li pior dealer, re iiou-ible for damages
doiic bv drunken persons and requir i
lug eaeli dealer to give bonds iu $11,000.
Kossuth i. expected iu a short time
to return to his Hungary.
A poor man iu SllimncrcpllUty, Kan- j
sas. lias bill 51. COO head of cattle in the I
Snow Is fitteen indies deep at the
Dalles, with tlie thermometer at thiitv
degrees, and at Walla Walla thirty- !
three. Then' has .been great loss ofj
stock on theTonchct.
Nooii-d.iy prayer meetings are to lie
held in the Methodist clmrcTi at Salem.
The (acksonvllle Snittine) says that ;
onjast Saturday night sopie person I
sttpiOscd to bp a Chinaman attempted ;
to rob Mr. Adam Schinitt's claim, sit- I
iWted on the Smith fork of Jackson
creek. As the thief mounted the sluice
box. the content of a double barreled 1
shot gun were poured into him. The j
thief left a hat, tools and profusion of '
blood, and WHS tracked down the creek '
by his blo-nl, but was finally lot trace !
Tlie store of Mr. C Coleman, ai !
Plitenix. wasentltwly destroyed bv lire
on the Dth lust. I.o$9,0w. Insur
ance $7,000. The building wai an en
lire las;.
A Fort Wayne (Ind.; woman who
sued her husband forpay for fourteen
y. ars of ferviee in his household, ou
the ground that there was a Haw iu
the marriage ceremony, has liecli
awarded I.l'J f by the Allen county
Circuit Court.
An Knm.iiiA!. SiNuci'iti..- j
Among the many sinecures ui dcr I
the lllitish Government is one which j ,
is connected with jounialisni, This .
is tl eilit.isliip of the Loudon !
Ousetti, 3sertif-flftxjk!y papfr witeh
hashaeu lor two hundred vears the
gfgM organ for all legal adv.citis
in;.;, but contains no news nor
toriftl matter, Kor many years past,
the salary attached to tins nominal 1
has I
800 (or I
years ago, i
M;000) a vear. Two
on the dentil of the incumbent, .Sir.
Lowe, tiie Chancellor of the Ex
chequer, wanted to aboil this
1' ""J"" ww-
ottice, hut was opposed bv Mr. Clad -
stone, who Iicld that it was both
ight and exjiedient to reserve it as
imoway of rewarding tioutleiucii
conuee'ed with the press, who have
rclldt,cd imp.i'tai.t Kervico to the
., ' ., ... ,. ,
'Ovcrnmciit. I he decision ot the
Ministry was to ix-taiii the oe, ;
and the moment this was known, I
about two huiafted candidates, all
. i - -.i r. . .1
connected w.t i literature or tho
press, c.)mjtcl for the vacant post. ,
(t was finally given to Thomas
Walker, late editor of the IhCd'j
... ! , mi '
liberal principles. I he appointment
in for lile.
n . i
Mrs. Louisa Lowing of Adrian,
McWgan, had a little niece living I
with her who didn t cat breakfast 1
enough to suit, so tlieiinut cram-
inert thick nieces of bread into the
nefl thick pjpoeii of bi-ead into the
child's mouth, a()d seasoned them;
with pinchers ot ml pepper. 'Ihcn!
the whipped the little girl with a
cane from in ancle tree because she
. . , ' " J WWnw "C ,
cried.' 1 he gentle aunt has been
sentenced to ,v a iineof eiOO.and
in addition will spend the winter
at the Detroit Homo of Correction.
Mr. ISri(is;crtii'Kicr
of Alhuiyniidvieliiltv, tlint JlissJt. i
M. .miinson pan taken charge of her
Hilliiiciy nr.d Orem-M.iklii-; Ktore. '
sl.e i nranarotl to do oil kinds Of work I
l.i that lino,
teiri'AU, AND SKE..ta .
Albany, Jan. 1, W7.!-ii)tl
Head Tli in !
A ll
s il.d'.liled to Ili.tiililiii-I l i,
X. seln
are rcgiieste,! to coll and nettle tiicir ac
counts immatnnioir,ama BUort inw nil
nico.inls wbl l left In the lmndi of th.
proper olHeer for collection. W hit (!oh our bneinesM, and will eohect all
amounts due us In thirty dgm
W. J. HILT ABlDlit, A CO.
Jan. Ill, !S7i-2(li4
cst of C. W. VonnR In the
Delivery Buxlncua,
I am prepared to do any and all kinds of
Jobs, on xliort notice and with quiek din-
pinch. Tenns naesonnble. rarkueH do-
en. Terms nisoiitiiiie. i'i
i'red totttiv nart of the cltv.
.lo. I'a(.kut'
eeltv. Ei?
tSf I.ool
out tor the BAY TEAM and JOB W A
JOv A.
N. AR.NOi.ll.
I have always in store a full and complete Sflpply of
2? X2. O -V X 3 I O BJ 3 ,
TOBV C.C O A Ji It V I O i IS si ,
Which I will sell for cash as low as the lowest, or exchange, for all
kinds of marketable
Jans retvlvvd ant! in rtoro
Which I will sell cheaper than ever before offer,.! In thi; market
l 'f' 1 extend a general Invitation to all people in I his and adjoining
comities, to call and examine quality and prices of goiV :, as I f. el con
fident of my ability to give all thorough satUfactlon.
A. C. LAYTO'4.
: I liii;i cti v ?r:i!sj)0!'t ss t ion
: WW, ANI!. Af;TK'!. 1)AT,:' P,L
Jl1 fai'tt.eri.o! i. e. tlie l r,ni any v. ill .IN-
; patchakettftqin Aibany to CorvaUlson
TaMday nml Friday of Enrh Week.
AIs.., will dispatch a boat from Albany
for Portkuvi and Intermediate plaees on
si.r.te (tiiyH, leaving Couislock& Cu.'s
faro at Reduced Rates.
3. I.
Dec. 10, ISTi-M
THE t'i tUMWmi LIST Ol' II. PA! K
A mtce retliatntnK on IihikI In the A'.lmny
Express nk,ner one vr, nneliiime-l.
win ou tj M K. it vcm .s
toreii. tub dty. on tn
2Nth y r'bM""y '
to tBe highest bidder for en sli :
A'ldrrsse l td
cD..Uf xW
nox. ,...Wm. J.&ni.
I'aekage - . . , .W.K.Thomi)
W. Wlleos.
I'aekago jMlfflS0'!
.tlouiiinln liislni.
T'1 THK AWttCTBD with CoKcjlIS, 1
i o.!ds, or Liver C'Oinptalnt,iB li.U.M
Is lnvalname, as many haive beim restored I
Iteeommunlcl by mr.nv lilivsj. taiis .
lite country, and for sale by all drngKlstJ.
I'rerViretlatid nolii by
W'WiiiJ & K. RAYSIOXn,
Iipyeil Band
ITinlmrii thmm,
MMlng Mnthins,
Mortl I1.', nnd every
description ol Wood
workiiiir Maclihieiy
V P.anln'' Mill Bl
ililtes. Adlreiw
M.i; lilnerv liciy.r.
I li t 'uliforn!n-Ht., Sioi J mnelaeo.
Directors of the Union lniiurnnceCo.,
of Sin 'iiMeieo, an nseniii'iit of forty
live per rent, was levied to rc)inlr tlie capi
tal sfoik, pnyal.lo forthwith. This asseiiH
inent, lieiliK made In strict neuorilance
with tlie law, under the direction of tho
state Insurance Cnramlfssioner, and also
iwreeabtv with the wishes of the director
and si (sk holders of the Company, places
the Union in a position, not only to con
tinue in the IiIkIiosI rank on thlHcousLtiut
also to assume a dlst Intrulshed place among
American Insurance Companies. 9v3tui
18 HASET, OIlEaON. 4
ProvUiona, ftp.
Genera! Repair Shop.
" ii k i ni;ki;mi,m;ii havish tin-
sl.o'K.n eoiiier m Eilswortfl anil So)ll(l
Mrecln, rmnonnces UU rua llnuns to attend
to nil kindsof
i:i.ArKsinii!.Mi Mti.t. ,t maci:i5j:
F'.itii'M;, i.Y".
Also, lia . on tuDld and for laid, tb
Straycr rorcclccil
, GRAIN CrilA,
and other PLOVS,
vvliUJli ht vtll sen on the mini reasonidiM
All work entrusted to me vrll! re thn
proi.ipt iitteiitlnn, an I be executed in il.u
best manner, with good material
A share ef public patTonajt is eollcHod,
E.-SIif.pon ( i::Nwn.-i 1. mi,! Svond
lit reels, npp&tte I'leive's Feiry.
I0 f. WOOD.
Lard Oil & Soap
nnm undehsioned ravino cot
l pleted and put hi gooS running ordur
tutiir new
Lard Oil U,Mn Manranctary,
hi the city of Allmny, are prtparod to pur
ehuikut the highest cash rates, nU the
Hogs, Kancld Butter, Utmfy
Clrcasc, &.,
delivered to Ihcm In thU city.
They are now manufacturing and haw
on hand
In great variety, warrantor! equal lo tin
host in market, which they oirer to tha
trade at t he most reasonable rate.
Order respectfully solicited, SaUA
tlon guaranteed.
(Or Parties having Hogs, Hnndd Bnttn.
orfliwa of any kind, for sale, wlU do wad
Nov. U, 187H0Y4