The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, January 19, 1872, Image 2

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    rxnviv sews.
MKJoln1Ortl.,aumuc.paUe.1ti''J?i;rar1 h f"k "'J
from Jackxdii county, has bee"
leased fromtlio Asylum, enrol.
Mr. C. II Hummer was giving
leadings in "Frisco on t!ie 6tk
dotliOF-linc and vlicken thieves
-m continue active in 1'ortlaul.
It is reported at Olympia that
the managemeiit of the N. P. K. 1.
intend obtaining from Congress an
extension of the time in which they
are required to complete the road
between the Columbia river and
ii. final tmi.,u on IWt Found,
It k that thev desire, after eon -
netting tlicir read with lludd's In
let, to use steamboat navigation on
the Sound for tlie present, and to bo
relieved from building for the next
five or ten years, the forty miles
each year, on this year, as is rcquir
by the Joint Resolution passed about
a couple of yeans ago.
tock in I'mpia Valley are re-
ported looking well for this time of
More grain has been fowii in the
southern part of rmpqua valley
than ever tiefcre on the tiret of Jan
uary, says the Eusitiu
Campbell, t.;e mail carrier, on
his way to the Dalles from l'ort-
IHril 10 rnnnrfml ti I-.OVA liKT lilfi
place of his future labor on the G us
aie Telfair.
A ChiiK'se soothsayer has been
put in the Portland "lock up" for
A new military company was to
be organizeil in Portland last Tues
day eveuing.
i ! i i .i v;MiJdisltcdliw Wrist last Friday,
horse and mail in the nvcrat.W iter.-, ..
. Point, and toJmve inhered
on and frozen to death himself, as ' "f ,
, . i - . every moruiuc. Boawing liouw
he cannot be found. . . , .
marm is m despair,
George A. Eades, Collector of ofDallas m to ,,avo
Customs for Alaska, left for the)
J. S. Sauimoia was committed to : jr. Spencer, who was bnii-cJalwnt
jail last Friday iu default of $'2,500 j the head,
bad, n a charge of emberaling A youthful run-away couple from
fJ2,100 from the "0. & C. 11. K, . Webfoot, were before the raagis.
Company, committed on tho 4th trate nt liTetua Green to have their
inst destines merged into one, when a
T. Watson was fined $40 for message came from anxious "par
stealmg a $20 greenback from Van- ients" tp stop the merging process,
toon, in Portland, recently. on the ground that the girl was too
There is but one mud hole bo- young a thing to leave her mamma,
twecu Roseburg and Kugene City, j She went homo in tears, but deter
and that extends all tlie way, says mined to become a wile yet. '
SberbTVan Buren.
Germany has prohibited the sale j wi'e arrested for assault and batten'.
of Tlieodore Tilton's biography of ( She in turn had him arrested on a
Victoria Woodhnll. Sensible. j charm? of insanity. Both deny, and
. $7,088.80 was the amount paid j the On' on ion says it is impossible
by the Treasury of Yamhill county I for finite wisdom to forecast the
into the State Treasury last Satur- J result.
day. j The ice gorge which has for a
One Ijarber shop and an oyster j lorg time closed tho Columbia be
saloon liavc suspended business in j twecu the Willamette and Van
Saleni. i conver, broke loose last Sunday and
The new City Marshal ofCorval-1 floated down stream.
lis treated tlie City Fathers to oys- j
The Treasurer of Lane county
paid into the the State Treasury
$11,412.80 military tax, $883 poll
tax and $1,460 96 on the judgment
against the county in the greenback
case. Tlie interest on the latter
was not paid.
The mail matters which came by
the Orirlamme to Portland last
Saturday, consisted of one hundred
sacks of newspapers and twelve of
Eight miles from Oakland, a
blast weighing one hundred pounds
was thrown over three hundred feet,
and crushing through the roof of
George Smith's dwelling house,
track Thomas Morissey ou tlie
head, killing him instantly. lie
was upstairs at the time. He leaves
a wife and children. This was Jan.
The wool crop of Oregon for the
yeaending June, 1870, was 1,080,
269 pounds. The whole farm pro
duets for the suae time were valued
The Democratic journals of Cal
tforni havo been trying to save the
litigant law, and argue that its re
peal will kill ten Democratic papers!
The repeal bill has passed the
The treasure shipments from Cal
ifornia during 1871, aggregated
at Kalama, occupying a whole
- block. '('.
Alice Howard, of Lancaster, fill
the skating rink in Kugene, las
Snow1 fell at Y relet, Cah, on the
night of the 10th inst., to (lie depth of
one toot. Snow between there and
Fcott valley was about four feet
The telegraph line was still down
on the Scott mountain, Jan. 11.
The druwncd bodv of Andrew
J '"" W mm,
,n8 111 tl,c (t,h,'l),a "ver-nppoa.
i ctl t0 bve wPzcd at.
'. 1 ! 1 1 il .-.
' m6 to efo la a small boat
( has. Welch slije 1 ai d fell at a
crowing in Portland last Saturday,
btvaking his right leg.
The contractor of the Oregon and
California liailiuad declare his in
tention to finish the rod to Oak
land by the first of May next.
A post office has been establish
ed at Cornelius, on the line of tlie
0. & C. liailroad. G. M. Gieger
is E, M.
A boy named Isaac Bloom was
capsized from a Iwat near show in
the river at Portland, last Saturday,
but was rescued.
A llterairehibisbeiiiiionraaiied I
at Con affls.
-I....!... I.l...... ,,f fVirvallis
While moving the prow of the
old Watt Side, at Dayton, by ac
cident it slipped into the river is
there yet
The IloFoburg Phtimkakr says
that the stage upset going down
the hill on its way to Myrtle Creek
no one injured tave the driver,
John Curran ofPortlaml had his
Sylvester Penndyer was fined ten
dollars by the Police Court of Port
land for the assault made by him
upon Mr. O'Mcra.
Wilson, the keeper of burglar's
deot, at Portland, received senten
ces enough to imprison him for
eight months, and still other charg
es stand against him, says the On -
The Ashla:$ Jackson county,
woolen mill is again in operation.
A half pound nugget of pure gold
was picked up on Kogue river, re
peutly. Co rgeP. Ilolman, agent of the
Salcni oil mills, is offering to con
tract for the next crop of flax seed
at 81 70 per bushel.
Senator Corbctt has introduced a
resolution in the Senate to instruct
the Secretary of the Treasury, in
closing the accounts of W. L.
Adams, late Collector ot Customs,
to give the said Adams credit for
$12,190, which was tho amount not
recovered from the robbers whotewk
$20,000 from Mr. Adams while lie
was on his way to deposit it at San
Francisco under orders from tlie
Over one hundred sacks of mail
matter were received at Portland
last Saturday.
The San Francisco Chronicle
says that Joaquin Miller's poem on
"Dead in the Sierras,'' is "unmiti
gated bosh, containing no single
w Oil
n to recommend it, it is
nothing bat a string of meaningless
word, jumbled into ridiculous jin
gle, aiai miscalled verse."
W. (.'. Myers, of Jackson county,
an Importer of tine stock into Ore
gon, writes from f"U Louis that he
is preparing to ship to this State
another lot of pure blood hor -
.. . , I
oes, cows, sheep, low Ik, Hoi's ami
KAvrrji sew.
nkw lUMnsu.RK co.-oKxroN.
I lie Jtepuuiicaii fctawr toiiii
tion nu-t in Concord on the 3d and
adopted resolutions eulogizing tlie
Republican party as t he parly ol
progress, ai d declared that its nra
sion is not yet ended. They affirm
the success of tlie administration, re
duction of tlie del, tlie settlement
of the Alabama claimswhich de
serve the commendation oj'ull true
Republicans. They hold that the
Democratic party is repOnsible I'oT
the war and its conseipient ex
lXMises. and declare that all taxa
tion to be just must lieeipial to all.
They urge tlie abolition of .the
franking privilege, favor hoi.ety,
economy, retrenchment and revrm;
endorse ti e fnlniinistiTitiOii of Gen.
Grant and pronofc his re-election in
1872. K. Straw was nominated fiir
Governor, and Albert Twichell
Railro.iil Cominissioner. Senator
Wilson addressed th.e t'onventioir
! fully endorsing the administration
of rant as honest, patriotic and
economical. Iledivlared that l.e
knew that with two or three excep
tions the President had received no
presents since being sworn into office.
The Convention then adjourned.
Horace II. Cooledge was elected
President of the Massachusetts Sen
nteon the 3d inst, and J. K. San
fbrd Sx?aker of the House.
'J he Maine Senate elected Ren
ben Foster, President, and Fred.
Rubies, Scakcr of the House.
On the 3d instant, in Prince Ed
ward county, Virginia, a negro took
a child three years old front its
mother by force and violated itsjicr
son, after which he escaped, and
had not been captured at la-1 ac
counts. The coal mines at Newport,
Peun., has been on tire sii ce the
23d ult.
A man named Billings, the keen
er of a notorious house of ili-fame at
indsoc. Locks, Connecticut, and
TL . . ..,,., e i i La ,
two inmates, were found murdered !
on the morning of tho 8d inst. rev-1
eral parties have lieen arrested on
V ar vessels have wen scut to
flip ejiftstot Cnlia lor llie nrotisel ion
inccoasioi v una ior im piou-ciion
of American vessels from Spanish1
Workmen dug up from the ruins
at Chicago an iron-bomd box con
taining $20,000 in gold, sihrr and
uickle (join.
CincinnatU is about to build a
$050,000 hotel, fronting on Fourth
street and extending back to the
wall surrounding the building of the
Sisters of Mercy.
A locomotive at Dawson, Geor
gia, recently giazeil a woman and
took oik? of her ears off which was
the first she heard of its approach.
Not long since about thirty of the
most respectable ladies ot Medora,
111., proceeded to a low shop near the
depot in that village, and demol-
lshed all the classes and bottles m
,1 . t , i , i . l .i
the estabhslinient, and emptied the
whisky and cider on the lloor. i
The Jacksonville (Ala.) Rtpitl-
licim says there is a lady liv ing at
Cidnmbiana, Shelby county, who''
gave birth to a child a few days '
atro, at the aire of i.l years, Slie is i
the mother ot several children, the j
youngest ot wlueii, lietore tins one.
is .2 )-ears olJ, and the mother ol i
several children also. The old lady-
is doing well at last account".
If you wish to have a healthy
stomach do not wear a belt, or any
thing in the form of clothing, tight
around your waist, Dysposia with
girls and women is ofien earned by
reason ot tightness ot clotlmig over
the stomach. With men it is often
cau?cd by the high waist-baud on
their pantaloons or drawers, worn
tight about the bodv over the nit of
the stomach. Let all your clothing
be thoroughly loose at that point.
Bad as tight clothing is on any part
of the body, there is no placj where
it can be more productive of disease
than at, or about, or over the stom
ach. The stomach needs plenty of
room to act. im not pres.'j It from
without. If you do it will shrirvk
to get away from the pressure. A
great many pearsons have dyspepsia
because they havo contracted the
stomach from without Not hav
ing space enough in which to work
healthy, it becomes 60 shriveled uo
that it is not large enough to retain
what food the body needs for the
maintenance of strength and heultb,
Whavw 'Asms ottTkr x a m k ?-
A Artemus Ward was trav-
Cinij; 111 nir, iiirauiiig iu ue
bored, and fccliuii miserable, a man
Approached him, rat down and j
Mini :
"Did you hear the last thing on
Horace (Jreelcy ?"
"(Ireeley? (ireclcy?" said Arte,
nms. "Horace dreclev? Who is
j JC v
! The man was quiet about live
!..... I M . I
; mu.iiies. i ivny iwh ik nhii :
"George t raiicw I ram is kicking !
up 1 1 good deal of a row over hi
i Va gland ; do yon think they will i
! i.;. ;;. .,
, Mil 11(111 ft 1 '
Tmhl) Train, George Prawns
frain," raid Artemus solemnly. "I
never heard of him."
This ignorance kept the inan quiet
li.r fifteen minutes, then he said :
'What do v.. u think about Gen.
eral Grant's chaj ces for the Presi
dency? Do you think they will run
Grant, Grant ! I ang it,
said Artemus, "you apxarto know ;
more str:in"eis flian nnv nutfi I nvn
The man wasfurioiis; he walked
amf'SiS? IC"gl1' mm ',ack
Vou confounded ignoramus, did
you ever hear of Adam P
AHomus hxihed up and sa'd :'
"What was his other i.ame'r"
MiLL.i.NbUx.uiiKSd amKim; j
-A N B -
ih'W Uk of mtllluofv mnd. friiu-
nitruos iiviirai' and iiinircn s rtirniiimng
Kx).u. f nil kin-. is ot Hip IntiMt n4i
f;nliion:i!)lo styles, wlikh slii' olli rs In lilt!
Ui'llus nt' AHmiiy uml surnmniliii connlry
nx llic lowest ra'es. In the
Dress Making- Department
I irttarantcfl entire rutisfaction. Cliansra
lothlns- Always nn hnnil, Indies' ami j
rhiMtnis' a u'ly lluuiu umter tiotlllUg, ;
cloaks, aek5, hpixmUL etc
Pms Trimming.- An extenfclyc Va
riety of sillt. sal in. tolion niid woolen I
dross uluuntitjis, Riw n Lit h'.o:c.
iloxUtuix. Hniiey-iKinti.astrneliaii tinil j
tratop-proor clovU, l tn bitqualliies.
I'hts, ;t".''.U"iftiHlciiMivtiVrom
Ptoe Of Ito an J s audow u, of latest , RTC Jj. C I! E.12 ICALS, j
haiS a!
Cfiteaom.' -Ttot styles eonslantlj on '
low nguiw.
Miwllnnroow. -I.lninss and fin l'.na .
:,n !lsdes and nnimie, a full aoR-
mcm ;
U.l'MUl' . ' -.!.. 1', I. ill. . .
I iimvi't in ci ivi; 1. 5 ; :.pii I . i. i'i i.'t. '
iiiiM.-i iivrv i:ii tvh m i i
OTHKU vAniinhs of
(II.IIVl? IK iSIC K ill
,,f-v 'lcfcnnlnatlon Wtivrtonivo a:lsfar
tim ln slvl(. .H ,(lujtv ol- wo..k m, j
priccs,laasj)aniof public nn-miau.
Cull at alon;
Opposite A. Carcthcro & Co.,
Flint street, Albany, Oregon.
Mils. SARAH li. WrtJMtY.
63?Ajrent for Xfrs. Carpentrr'a (,'ri.t
DK TKf) Diikss Muni l. Kov.4,7i-:lv4
Self-Oo 'ixing aad Sclf-Clcsing'
June 4, l ;T.
xrnK ;ate is so tNSTRt:rn5iThat I
I when the vcliieie unni'oui.'lic.s It the ,
wheels on one side pus over n lever which
is connected to the. irntn hlnjrc by n ro l,
thus niv.niit'P the mitf: 1mIVhs iiii uml IHS1-
inis it o)c:i. After gbtAx lurongh, thu
raiThure rasses over a similar lever, Iko
conneotod irltliihesatelicwniinirihe
; ro:a;ion, to shut iiiind yon
and las'.cn.
No Gcltin? 0ut of Tour Vehlcle !
v Raiinf or Latches Nor Pulliuir
of Btrlacl
Kxx ,he $$1 tmm- U "
And a
"Dead Open and Shut."
Tliis pate Is siniplo in Its construct ion,
loih or Iron and wood work, and not likely
tocet out of order. If a neat, chiiip ato
Is desired, It may lie nuulclhrht, with three
cross bars ol wood and oue-!on rib Inch
wire, neatly curved at the top, the lower
ciiu mil in i no noiioiu nurvu nu n is ine
style of a factory made pate. The Kates I
are now in prtietlciU uso in several of the
aiiintiesuroimd stoi Francisco, and plenty j
of lestlinonlnalscait given,
Having purchased the
Right for Linn Co., Oregon,
Has now on hand, and will manufacture
the above-ftnserliicdgate. Wherever It has
been used It has received the bUrliest en
comium", as the large numlier of certifi
cates from prominent farmer. in oil parts
of the country, now in my liands, will
Of All Descriptions,
On band and manufactured to order.
. HlarkamltblBg and Repairing
Done to order at most reasonable rates.
Shop footcffci tree opposite Beacli,
HonteUh A Co.s flouring mills.
Albany, Oot.JS.lKtSTS
j "They Who Have Nclhing for Salo
are Farthest hom Market
I Arc now licqitnr, Mfl ! ennUut!j -
I Tlie If Wt S!0l'k 0f (j00,1S
FuTflnscrfSfiali be Satisfied. !
Esid8 a Lara Stock of
1 r
f uts,BTC Stuffs, and Oils,
Tho ; keep
Yankee .oliocan,
Finest Tobaceo &, Cigars
Sl'lVES, PffliFUMEIiT,
(All kinds;,
Ever ytHinsj
a wtnufrtx
TPtrat Olaisis
Bat what is
Cinnrantccd To Be
Must to Good.
Arctic Soda!
P. C. harper & Co.
a S g ;
0 S 4 C
H p$n M 'a B '
K ' 2 S
'4 S
g fa