.s -t .... . . . . ' WM. n-nnf wti-ft v - mi-..- r iflfc ' ''tYi ill 1 HMMiTflTIH 'If ll T WlTfl - ' :MliV fc-.r-WW' attKift fJWi- "" ' ' " " ' eatti'WUlW'W H L , ' vol.. IV, (' 5lft r ri ni.iKHF.il KVruv hatwuiAV. By COLL. v:j CURVE, I.W REGISTER 13UHDIW03, Carta F Firtl S r - to. TERMS- IX VWASCK ....... Tore-' Twu lb Ten eo (i-ii- Pills CO. HATES. . T.n ill ml aSvorilw in Kjilnii! of W ; ca'll nkoi I liii ni Ion tl. UW I mi ill" nin ti Miittw rflSt'r.t JOB WORK. r.ii raeeivo i now iyo.e , Sri;'- of :- l:s c.iris, a ir.ion jni -. ir-ci toexn. ! H ktMftot "prmu t'iV-iicr inaneer, 'jOl'l','1' than ever iBSl bll5rel ni ibis As it Cor i? Bi'lrter. Th ft i-.i nr? jnllioriiw tvtr sawi'erlpuons, bur.:, i vis'in.',;. svtllci I' u Iv Hi.;: 1 1. 1 W. 1 v.. v. y. n I,, i ). TomW . Ha V. Mel Ivl' i'in. LiUier. Siin .Is poller, Slut I i swmion. .t ft WefH. M-.n'un Istn, rK i C'.iin. N 'mil, Jntftawnymw "lU'SlNKSa OAltfcS. D. I?. 51. !.. I , jlrln nii5 Snr? on. Alhim.V Or. I'S OS TaKWTIf MK w MAI lVr. AWt ov 1IASI) AS1 CuSHTA.NTI.Y 1.1 Urofi'rt s and frfnarto" W.inl ftmfta 1 V""v; ,'1,r''- lOUfSCOi lH8ra 1015'. YanUvv ntiiiini', Oliv, 't'.. hi' I iv'nli. irtwwitr !(' BUI A r rutvjuuujr UMisI j. ii. m it ilrix. tt tOI.If'ITOBSlN r loM.in ii iim. KCKKYASlH'EOt' liflfce avci' Ilio oltl HI Kroii; si.-'i , Portland. Oregon. Ivl i ri.ir.K. Allornrjn ami i:iilr n I.w, A' Nil ?(UC1T0J!S IN CIIAM'l.in (I.. Kllnn noIUi'j'pii iilf), Ainusjy, prescon. tenJu'Hn. j 1 h 'l. ri: V K. B. m-MfpEEY. otai j Paoflc. K.OIl & ElttJ.nPKHEV, Ainri-)s )tl t'ouuKfllon n I.nw, AIiltANV. OUEOO! O.Ucc in Ptttttoli brick, up-s'iilrs. 5vl OUO W. CiliAV, 1. I. S., i UAllCATK i iF CtXOIS eali lunuul L'olee, fi'.w' roflki ,Nel' 1VI? . r, ' lilt- liyi .-f lm,.;..l 7' .-,li. lltsi, it.lM ai.i. VJXHJ Min is In the line of liis w4iwMiNi in the ftfc'iest and most unproved met laid, itifd a' us rensoliaMC inlcs as can li had e.wwlK'l'e. X ilrmi. ili le n iiiiinl-;leic.l lor Ilio nin l"ss exiiacl Ion el leelli if do divl. i laico.in rarristi brick blootc up s'liiiN. Kesldoiiec Ursi Ikiiisc soul lull I iiujwantionalcliiiivli, finntliijt on coiiii bonne bloek. JiJ-la " w7 7ic. ks7 mTd., II OMEOF ATH 10 PHTSHIAN. OFFICE (IX FIRST STREET, (iNEdoor west ol lima telblll, in Itarkliart's two fini'v Uriels :ii)i sialis', nveriJi'O. 't'ni'i'ell's ulnro. RnnlOHNefc 4'0l'net 8illinwl Fer ry stivels, AtUniy, Oregon. i lii-"l IiEFFKl. A HVS3BS' WatcrWlioola Sl'llKriK'AI. 1'I.l'MKS. And (ienernl 71111 Mnrltincry. .1. F. IIAt KENsm. Ajient. Sir! Albany, Ore;on. 20 DOIiIiAKH !i DAY TO MALE AND FEMALE ACENTS. To Intro lute llieeelelirute l S33.00 Ilil'kf icuifi;; jilai'lahll'. yriTCH ALIKE ON BOTH SHIES. ANii 1. 1 he ol' ultttitle rcwIiiij uifti'hine in ihe I 'iillel siaieilleeir"! lo use tbooohibnited Wilson foe I sold for less ihm, o, and nek nowlir.brijsl by all to lie the busi family sew in machine, for linht or heavy wwfng, in t lie market . On: III five. Address MIXER A PEARSON. Hen. AgtL. Sm3lf Allmny, Imijon. AS.KAVV BOOK STORfi. E.tafal'sli i n ifsse. K. A. Frct'litiid. rxEAi.Kt: IN BVKHY VARUtTY (IF I miscellaneous books, k-IksiI Ijnoks, blunk IkxiIis, stailonerv .1, . Hooks Innioiioii o or.ler at short notice. Albany, Hoc .1. WO. TUBNIAG - TURNING. I AM PREPARED TO DO ALL KINDS of turnhnr: keeiion hnnil .mil mnkr. tn nnlfir niwldikvlmitonit'd chairs, mid upln- Dtna wheels. Mills. c,ni., im-s..- i nc -nitwnoiia Albany, Nor. 8, lsrts-1 Jtlllfl M. METZI.EIC I III SiXKSS UAHIiS. JOHK3 CONKER, P ANKING A XI! -- Exchange mce AMIAMi', OlUXiOS. rpobits i:i."!:ivkd snsJErr TO chew lil ITt'il lit! i' 1 imtmioiloTSui Portland, i fill sa'o lit Kt'A i knnrfttrmmn v. Kfffissrr, itei il ml'. 1 reTOltfcl. 'Re-Tin's in II. W.S 1.1! I I. il lilkirie hull r r.'.'.liii,-'. i t p. m. iii.n A. M. Alijitny, Pu'f). l, 1 MAtiliLK WOHIC9. MOWnOK & STAIC1KB, l vnliM'-i In ilonnmeBt Omisfcs, Tombs, Hvad and Tool Stones, ExccitleO In CaHfuruIa, 'Vniii! .! . lilt'. ami Haiku! BA1.EM, UKKQON. I.A?.1I KI AT AJ.r.lAY. BOW. S.lHlt.VM'. L'oaior in Boots, Shoo, and Finding am!Av, om::i, I TSVITK THE ATTKSTWN OF THE : i puol!u tollielr lull Muck of l lie lattoi (itylo!) in Kcnttomuu'S lunl yonHi' boot!), ! Shu"". suHW.O.ftN' 1 1 leu, etc , We., n VWlU astoiho vory Ifl'oHl tiling out In tho lino im Mies' nu'j niMv- KHllofK, Njliuoml.". i Ni'.vpo:-; lltH, Aiiloinefe huslcitifl, iml i many oilwr new uivl fasbumnOle iylti, ! ihi it oivn 1 t tlw OB Bo'il S.iiiw, wlili Ji : iliiv v. ill will us rapidly as they tail llnd piuvluisers ho wlsli liralliii gcu Is at Hi- mot itiajmnfilile tatos. 'I'liey rcanoul: fullv Invito "OU to ttiine nirl ft) ilir sttiek. HikiV, Bliobi,otf., ina lertr roj-mlreil to order, and till in rk warrunSttl. ! CITY li.iUT STOlllS, I IUST STREET, tii nt door Wml of Keirlut rBtOJr. 47v;l (IT V .Al A I! K ET, l !R."T VIKKKT, AI.MAXV, ORrXiOIii, J. L HARRIS, PROPRIETOR, II.I. BSl'EAVOR TH KEEP CON siantly on liund a fall wipply of AI.I. KIMIS ov nr.Aw, Wliluli will ! of Hie very IhI nnall! The !iifBol niorket lrice Raid for 0oe-. hoifs ani sbeep. Third iliKirvest of Ferry, on Miulli of First si root. J. L. IIARlilS Albany, Dee. Ii. Hit-livl J. C. NKXBFiKUALL, Xotary Fublic, KKAI. ESTATE A IMTtl'E Ai;t:M, ALBANY, OREGON. T-EXTS(iii.I.KiTEliAMiTAXIl'.Mli IX, tor nou-ivd tents an 1 others, maliiiis out real estate imperii, ote. Mi,, -one ilner ; awvo tel.-fniiili ollieo. sva Albany CollCfftate Instiliifc. ai.hany, onr.uov. rnBttS INSTITUTION Wil !. KEul'EN ON 1 Monday, sepieniiior 4. IS71, with n corps of teachers cattab'e anil earnesi. his! na tion bo tlioroiVtb and iinictionl. And the sysiotit of order un.-iiiiiias.-e I. Foipnr tloularsuddivss It. K. WARRKN, A. M.. Prosl lent : Or, Rev. E. B, HEART, l. Al'a;i) i The Kjes! The Hum! ' Ornllsl mill Ami.! AilNtwy, Oregon. Dlt. uol.HEX Jis .v. son of lite iiolorf I old onlhalmle uoctor i S. ('. ilolilen. llr. (isilden has had I exiVrlenoe hi tinitinjt 1 Hie 'a rions iliseasi-s to -bich the eye and ear are subject, ani feels eonnileai ot Klvinn entire sat Wt.ct Ion to I .I.,.-,..,. .r.. .....I..., care, ' April 18, 09. DR. K. O. SMITH, DBNTlftT, HAS LOCATED IN A I, lnv, and is now rca lv lo wall on the I'ttbU'llS of i lnyand vlcinllv.wilhaiiew invention in denial wort., ft consists In Hiinportlnx tho plain to tho mouth ndlhotit eoverlna ihe whole mnf, tjut heretolore. TJhmc wishing an lib Ijil teeih are reuai'iu ed to call and oxnmfno for themselves. Also, plntos mended, whether litirllallv broken ordivlded. TVotli.exImete l willi out pain. Offleo over Turrell's store. All work warranted. 7v4 nperhangliiK, Calccmlnlng, Decorating, Ac. F. hams M. WADSWORTn will give promiil IllteiU on tn nil ...,i,,. c... i..,-!.. Sillis", Caleeiilliilnif. Ili.,.t-,.i ii... In this tlly or vMillhr, All work ciwiile.l In Hie latest stvlo. In tin. ...,,i at kityost llylaa rales. (WrOrderti left at runiitiirc WnronHiinsofCluu). Mcalovwill receive prompt atUmtlon. fovl ALBANY, ORKUON', JAM'AKY 19, 1872. MtUa Nonai'ini? Then," to. Xowr 1111)1 riNIIIIAMT'lN, I.A'IKI.V. A Fnltpn :,l iikt-i man foilud nut, "Wlmt I Know Aland lStrifilft"' in tlii tvi-o: Mill I.e. "Itili:! ilo'Vou know the I'cst way to rniw imtaioe.s" Siys '. -i do.'' ;-'ays lie, How." i " Why." says I, "jjritb lioM of the lopn wnfi both hiii.iN and pull "eni ii,,. tiaj Ii, . "(.'n t,i erasI." Sfcl vturtcd jmiMi 'and Tin (w on a trip ovel' the Ki'le Hallway. It'! .i Hi6il trtlio tn JfO on a r.illiuf. The ii'i'i'i kw nil tlUrohtdi ninitho leaves arn llirQiigfi.l lii4iliig Riitl tuinliig ail j e lint's. What la -I Spriu u.t- a lainU-t I-notv a iniilfpiili t. 'Green puis ha vu tttnffril to idiot, iim) so forth. The; lir-l thing I did at'lvr jtWtttg! i;iin the ittiii) tvas u try mid fnakti inv spjf iujit'1 aire.' 't'he uttmnpt proved a ( laitlrW. J.saw a fellow with a UflcifV iige tllijl "TOltlfl: and rtqttn to bim : : 'iJavc a e Hue t" I "tiaine of wlnt."rrlij be. ! , "Sevii-up," aid I. There i-n'l so inrtell biltenifss In :i l ton of boiled aloe, as thei'U was in t Ik: ' t -xpivjsioii of that fellow's fatv. In-1 iten-e tttohi and ma! lenity strtifts'itl ; ! to liie ni t very a-i he ytlk'd out, "No, i sir : I'm a inini-ter." I Well." said J, "yiai nwdn't gctj Iliad. Nofcody .c-vcr Woo! d believe it llllle-s VOII toNI 'till so." Then I told liini oueloier mspeetion he il!d look like a nihil iter a.iniei-ter ! peiliteiitiai'Ji am! I a.dvedh'un what lie j w.i- dot Hi; willi thoe o&vtU' lie said Ibey were not cards they j wi iv b.'ank tU'kaU for the titmiiaj-- ivliool iibi'di-y. Tljt'n I tltld, "What might yrur name l e?" lie said, ''Barnes.-' Then I said, with a smile, " Thcrfi 1 are loN of lurns all over the C0Ufttl'j ain't there?" 'I n tills ilaj he has never answered that ipiestioii. lb' moved into another ear. liaek of lee sat a litlie buy. lie had a half ticket. The eo'.itllietor pinaliiil it. I said tn him. "Is that hov ouiimd to have a whole ticket in i ravel on tin-'- train I-"' He said. "No." "Well,'" said i. 'he ha; got one.' "He hain't" said he. " I'll bet you." said I. Ml w a half ticket until yon punched it ; that made it a hole one." He Intimated he would punch me; so wo didn't continue to converse. I moved over next to a fellow who was devoid of no. e. "Ahem," said 1 "c.i-c of mayhem?" ' "No." sail hi', "ruvdorg chewed it off last .Inly." "Ah I" .-'aid I, ''not nnyheni, but .lulyl.e n, eh ?" " Ik- yon from York?" said he. "I ani." said I. "llo y,.u know smith?" said he. "Smith," said I, "what Smith?" " No, not Watt Sftvitli, but Mister Smith ; he keep; a store down there." ..He was very much surprised when I told liiin " I bid never lieanl of him." "Hewer of water and chopper of gra," 1 exclaimed, "what is your biz 1 .1. -.-I 1,1 11.' 1,11,1, . Willi miller." said I. i. v.. .-.,;,i I,., .. i . o n.. . ..:.i l,., , ...in... well regulated, Chndiau saw-mill "Ah." said I. "you are a niillcrirc. then.'1 Jllittlieii I made some fur ther remarks, l observed (he coun try looked line. 1 didn't exactly know how the country ought to look to look line, but I bit it light, for lie said "Yes," and he said we were passing through a dairy country. "Do they rim trains nights through a dairy country." 1 asked, sweetly. He said yes and said (bey made mighty good cheese in that section. I relatiil 10 mm now "I until t like inite-y gtKHl cheese :" then 1 told him "t ruth was nuglily and would prevail, and cheese was mile-y and that was prevailing to considerable extent, too.",. 'Then we stopped for grub, and I can swear that I saw a man sell slices sawed off a policeman's club for Bologna sausage arid Sandwiches, and I was served lo a piece of Ihe steak I old .lohn Rogers was burned at. and it j w.as burned ten per eeidt. Worse than ; he was, ,iiu tougher than a parboiled pumphaiidlcou toast. The proprietor asked me if I had been served? I i lold him yes i had been served darned meanly. ! When I got into the car again the Millerite observed, "the pen Is might j Icr than the sword," I told bim that , wasn t the case wan a hog pen. Then we commenced about the grass erop. He said bo was much troubled with ground-hogs. "So am I," paid I; "where I boaiil we am annoyed to .i. -ni. on .,ii bi i"'"" ,! "linn. ",) said ho "do you have groiinu-iiogs in lurix? ' "Yes," said I, "Jots of 'em ; we call them sassniros." , For the spa oe of Ave mluutes he bowed his bead mid vreit. As soon as lie got through weeping I told him 1 had recently, visited New llnglaini. and how proliiic every thing y.as up there, and I observed to hltn how for miles along the side of the railroads tiki telegraph poles bad sprouted and wcie bearing apples, ipiinces, musk-melons, huckleberries and bananas. "No I" .-aid he. "Yes," said I. Then lie rose and said, "Wash I thought you was dead." My name Is not Wash," said 1. "Excuse me, sir," said he, "1 call ed you Wash because you remind me SO strongly of Ueorge Washington who did it viii his h iteh( t Ui man Who never told a lie." Says . "ii s nek yqtl alut a atemn if you were ,i would kill von. sir. and let your family go a li.'aekdmn hj' ih Ocfolitr." " Thrn he wenl Into (be next car where, Hie mtiil br went, tlien Ilio can dinned live whmtm, and I luiii a -lignt iillerealina Willi a silomi clinp. lie sold awful .-mall jiieees of pie for ten ei'ilts a lileee. and I asked him if i In- wmil4l ij three piece' I'iraipiailer. ne sun no Siys I, "by gosli you dodo it." lleswoiv he tlitlii't. Then I told him he didthat, there were throe, piece; to every ipiarUT of pie on his counter, and that w.i three pieces fur a iiiarUr ' lie set i a pure while biacU-ainbUn terrior at me, bill he was sq eiisn il lazy hefiii-Mie onuMojien hi.: Utoittfl to bile, t WMftlli botuil the ears a-jilii'. IjUi Hern tire at ;infihainton. at .v 'li. n I ...in .... ..... .-. i:r.r' ' w. liifnv liavl, von I tWWW WMWM ("i.iuiidruni. Hliy ii a railroad irave m like a mil lie teaeiier? Befaiite bo 1- always nealmg willi Ihti and sharps. Klillfill w is ha.iged in Hh.ghnmlun. The Inebriate Asylum ii in Eliijjlmin lou. " While thefe h life there is hope." Still tvatolilesi hut on time. Y(U"1. .IdllN. HKsfd Tilings,. A laic Kistern paper Cbtitillia the following iudicroii; narnitive : Some years ago, when tho writer was a reporter upon an 'eastern paper, it devolved upon him to w rite for the same edition tin neeonrit of the frfwefr tation of a gold-headed cane to the Pfir Tli. Miiiiii-.t (llri inn'i,iii .sl'.lirt ...... i .I'll.,",-.... n. ii e, a all Hie lie-l I I It lo,l HI a liaieill Mill 1 .1.:..'. ...... liiiu'ivtiiiuu aii.i -Niu-.ii;t ii.ae.iiiie. inai bad lieeu put in o;ier.if ion .'it tin; f.ic j tory. X'ow. what made lljr, Mndge I mad was fill ;, The inconsiderate bik' caueer who Hilda iiji tR forms got the I two locals inixti! uj in a frightful man ! ner. and when we went to press some thing like this was the appalling rc- suit : "Several of the Kev. Dr. Madge's i friends ealled upon hi in yesterday, and after il brief conversation the li;isll- riecting liog waj seized by the bird i leg; and slid along a beam, until he reached I he hot wafer tank. His friend , explained (lie object of. their vLsit, and prevented lam with a very li.anilsomi gnid-iieflued tiutewr, vvtiograiweti nun I liy the t:iilswiing bim round, cut his throat Ironicar to e ir, mid in less than I a minute tlie carcass was in the water. iiierenpo came forward and said tlicre were times when the feelings over-po.veivd one, and for that MMW I he Would not attempt to do more than thank tim e around him for the puiU- ner in which so huge an amiuul irSl cut into so iniiiiv fragments was m&Vf "TT ' 1 " "T ". ... . . ... ili.rm-i,.1.irl ti. iiill..i .:mi,,. rui,!.iiu In i wiV astonishing. 1 he tloctor concluded hlis remarks, when the machine seized him, and in less time ll.au if takes to i ...nv.4 h.- ! . i.i t,ii,iv.,.....,iJ ! and worked iniinto delicious saW. I The occasion will long be remembered ; ' by tiie doctor's friends as one of the j i nio t delightful of their lives. The j I In;-t nieces can bo obtained forlSeonts I a pomid, and we are sure that those , 1 . I I 'I ! wl '"V . .'I'0 '"''S Th? V '"U";" try wi.lliiouv that he has been so Iiaudsoinlv treated Mad? (Veil, about nine o'clock (hat morning that ollitv bad becuabandon cf? by every mill but the adveilising clerk, and lie ascended to the root and robed himself in boiler iron, so that he could hatch the venerable clergyman tearing round down there in the street, with his congregation, all wearing Ihe jsmoply of (.ill-, and carrying butcher knives and things. Tlie next day wo I explained an apologized, but the doe- tor Mopped im subscription ami beg an to take the rival paper. A New Kixn ok Wall. A wall, lately invented, is coming into use in Kngiaud, the advantages claimed for which are the very Important ones of the lion-absorbeney of moisture, nou eomlncHon olTeaf. economy of space, a waaluible surCiee, and withal eheap- ness. Overa finmeworksifstrongcrnss wires, of altout onc-eiglitli ot an inch thick, there 1 1 woven by a powerful prei-iire, fibrous matter, w hich is sat urate with a solution that render, it lire-proof, it is then subjected to a very powerful presstira. A coating of light Scoti's cement is then pui u on it for inside facing, and Portland cement for outside facing. By tliis iiicans surliici s are made Impermea ble lo moisture, smooth, and easily washed with water, thus saving the expense of repeated lime-washing;. It i; fumed into .-lah; in Iron frames. which are put together and closely and secmvlv fasteiusl with bolls. The slabs art: f'om one and a half to four inches thick. They are found to serve ! as superb panneling for dividing walls j and partitions. here the space Is of, itiiimrtanee. Ithas the advantage, per-, haps over concrete walling, in ena- j Whig a wall to lie of not more than I one and a half or two inches of thick-1 ness, and vet its quality is said to great- lv deaden sound. The Chinese, it is said, celebrate all their holidays by paying their debts, forgiving all tlieir enemies, and shak ing hands all around. So that in one respect, at least, the "Heathen Chi nee" lias one excellent custom very conformable indeed to Christian prin ciples. Let ns hops' thai this salutary principle may be generally adopted. It is worthy of a carnival to celebrate it. Stlioolboys hear with pleasure of , ffic decline in whaling business. ' uiiiica of n Kmj;., (INK OF Tl'lK iaHlAMi-s QT THE WAR. Iii tho year 18111, a young man. then nvlilg n few miies fi'oui this eily. went Into' the Missoui'l Nf.ifo (Jiiard in a soldier. AtKpiltiKflold, and on (lie re-oijrrt n J zii (Ion of thls.bramh of the army, lie took service as ,-i (..VjiifedeMte. Afterwards he joined n company in ('oliineiT'p. Hays' reniiiient, and par- TiirtHftrt in thPlmftle .oiro .Im. KrotiK i i AVtxn noilK, However, his mother Wye him an old fiidiioneihjiiiMl ring, wjiieli had a heart upon it, and the letters " K. S. en graved upuii l!il;l,ei!il. She placed it on Iier son's hand witii a wish or rather it prayer, that he might n'uthroii';h (he war safely, and gel fUViy Ixlck to his home again. Il ii mil: known llt either the ring cir the r.nyer aettid as a hariu, Lill the you!,;:, limji went n:i- , iiarineii inr, ii irineii inroie.ii in iiiv WOOdV l ir its. - riBRMt in l.m on,. oMu.'wi, tin' wofmd' in irh, tii young man win vn.v mi 'k hf a i r.vi:i: At OIarltvil'e. Texas. During the delirium attendant upon 'It, ami w hile be was tossing lo and fro, the ring sMpiiod from his linger and was lost'. The closed .search failed to lini'h. and it was given up for good. There wailed upon I he young man, 'however, averypivtiy and amiable girl, who seemed lo he sorry when lie got well enough to rejoin his command. When be left he laughingly told her tint if t'he would find his ring, and lie livid, lie would ("inie hack ;.d marry her. If this promise was uaele at (lint with any degree nf sincerity, it would soon be forgotten in the excitement and care of a RsMicrV life, and oulv at rare interval pernaps, did he recall i ,,. the SICK riiijin and the ininlsterbie angel. Will ;.X 'I MF. WAH WAS (IVJii Tlie ynitug man returned, lo hli fiitlt- er's farm in .Jackson county and went to work in good eariie.'d. Two. years i ago bh litotlier died, and ouca more j the loss of the ring came back to him ' with redotiblid soirnw. He deter-. : mined to write to the lady ho had nursed him. and to in piire 6f Iier I win dier she was married or not, and whether she had ever seen or hoard anything, of the present ids mother had untile hhii. The letter was writ ten in Align d. Is 19, and, in March, isiu, wiiiit was iih surprise to receive ; an answer irom juk iddntk aj. (illit. L. ,c., . ', , ! Uhu vtt M8B g to, k : &4 u.ad' a l.?ht pi-o..,.se m mari'iage. W.f'U - mthUiiU ?it- I H -),it M mnKer : mff W ,e Wl,f' LMre 1,1 U,H ruf- ff'ffift'W as tollows j i . . , .'" "r" e"" j $ HH ffiM S f 'T, "" r?,n I which (he soldier had been sick. After M ''i'ig away some rilDbiSli beneath, the workmen came upon Ihe ring. It had slipped through a crack in the floor, and had been lying there, safe and found, for nearly live long years. Tin: LADY TOOK POSSESSION Of IT At once, and wrote immediately to its owner, as we have ftatcd above. Perhaps she looked upon its recover)' as an omen, and perhaps it was. At any nib1 It was a little- romantic, with all its ittf lifting circumstances. The eojTCSpondenee thus commenced, or ratlier renewed, was eonlunied with an ever increa-ing ardor on tlie part uf Hie gentleman, imlil in tin: end In made a new and an Impetuous ofl'er of marriage. - w itbont tiiat the story would he Incomplete. I.a.t week, with money in his pocket, a good home in .lackson county, and a great lii piness in his heart, this young soldier now somewhat older and more set tled and sedate started for (llarks ville, Texai, tin; home of his betrothed. WHO CAN IXH'BT OP Tlir. RESULT ? lie will remain there probably a month, and return Hgaili to Missotni willi bis bride. When be does, no pnanise to give Ids name. 1'ntil then it is im possible, for the condition ot secrecy was attaeliiHi lo i tit iiiKrmauoii otiore we could obtain It. 'The chvuinstaiice.s. however, are ju-tas we have narratisl ; (hem in every particular, and furnish nuottier to the long list of romamic in cidents that have grown out of the war. I A Bei.ioiops Booster. a. man hi Cayuga, N. Y.. has a-remarkable Cochin China rooster. He has observ ed his ma der's practice of family wor tlllp, and as soon as the Bible is taken i to lie read before prayer, the rooster ' walks in delllK'nUely and take:? his I I K i I,.. tl,l, ,,,'ii. nmmM ..r,l. i . . i,,s . ... ... in in ittm house, and there remains in a very quiet and reverend posture (luring the whole sen-ire. t-eetmng to understand the won!;, for as soon as "Amen" is repeated he walks out without noise mid rejoins bis fiunily of hens. The children of the family in their out door plays have the company ol cjuuv tieleer simply by calling him Cochin. He allows them to piit their arms around him and perform, other acts of playfulness. The writer of 311 obituary notice of an estimable lady sa'ul that Hie bereav ed husband was "hardly able to bear the demise of Ins wife,'' Imagine Ids disgust on reading in print that Iier husband was "hnrdJv able to wear tlie chemise of his wife." He becometh poor that dealeth with a slack hand ; but tlie hand of the Oil igcut maketh rich. NO. 20. hiiiiikius, A tittle boy defliics snoring as li f ting olFsleep, Tile Boston 77wu'.s, has dijeovered that the "passive m!iticians" are llr i coitiiiis to Hie "masterly hiactivc iies." Why are washerwoman the silliest of people? ileoiiiise t.'icy put out their tuln U catch soil water when. ItmlfW ha lib What is the (llft'erence between a iiiil and a pill ? One is hard to pet up and tho other is liard to get. down. Teaclar "Cliarles. what da VOH know of Napoleon?" t1iarJes-''lie begins with a big ' and ends with a little, u." Leap year takes its name from (he lm t that those w ho marry during that year geneinlly Wnji out of the frying pan into the lire. Teacher "J.-rtie Sinitli, wlmt is :w isliasoi?" .id .fatieSml!h-''A parasol Is n thing in neep i ucssim on, im'u r.y inutes made of cotton and w halebone." Hood .aid he was loread to make broad grins under narrow circninstui ces,,'in.l to be a live Hood for a live lihood. A phy.-ician has iliscovered that l he iiighlmaiv, lit nine casesoiit of ten, Is pnpnulkwn owing i bill to tUi printer. "Whlcb, my dcix lady, do you think the merriest plate in the world?" "That immediately above I lie atmos phere that surrounds tile earth, 1' should think." "And why so!" "Be cause I am told that there ail bodies Ins their gravity." Hoarding School Mlsa : "Oh, (iiar ley, I expect to graduate at next com mencement I" "Graduate! What do. you expect to graduate in?" "viiv,. i ni wiiiU! tune." Men laugh and pretend to lie well j pleased when women de'sceud to vul var joke, but in seekiilff wives tli.v 11IOK I A . . . .... , vliei WeJtcrn licwsuaner savs: a child was run over by a w.ignn thresv years old and crosseyed w ith panta lets on which never sp ike afterw ards." That wagon must have been one of the new fashioned kind. "What makes your cows so cross?" said an old lady to the milkman the otiicrday. "Cro-ji. um'am? They are the gentlest things in tlie world." "Well, the milk is always sour," tlie matron replied -sharply. A gentleman travetlns homeward from Atlanta met an old colored man. 011 whose lint was entwined the crape of grief. The gentleman said. "Yoin have lost some friend, I see?" "Yes. massa." "Was it a m ar or distant rel ative ?" "Well, pretty distant-bout twenty-four miles." An old Dutchman, who some veal ago waa elected as a member of thc Canadian Legislature, said, in broken Knglish style : "Vrn I vent to tlie Lecobiature I tougbt I vould find dem all Solomons dere, but I soon found ilea' vas some as pick fools ib-re as I vas." Yeomanry prill Drill Sergeant " Dress up, Mr. Biiinphtis. Yon must dress up." Mr. BiimniiHs (iudignanb ly) "Dress 1111: Canfmiml voud run better dressed than you are I" A Dutch Justice gives the following catch to a witness ; "You do awfullv swore yon will tell tlie truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, tlie best w hat you can't." There is a man in Decorah. Iowa. so penurious that, when shelling com: and a kernel flew into the wood-pile, he removed seven cords of wood to find It. A neighbor standing by (Imp lied a kernel near where Hie searcher was looking, but when he found it lie said : "You can't fool me with that small kernel ; the one 1 lost was a larger one." A Nebraska man has Invented' a; powerful, double-acting salve, whjeh. shows imwers never exhibited before by any salve. The inventor accident ally cut off the tail of a tame wolf, and immediately after applying some of tlie salve to tlie stump, a new tail pvw out. Then picking up (he bill, he applied some ot tho stive to the raw end, and a new wolf grew cut; but he was a wild wolf, and bad to be shot. An inquisitive youth ot South Bend. Ind., curious to know What tlie i?niall-. 1kx was like, looked into the window of the pest house at that place. Now lie knows how it is himself. "Do you think raw oysters are healthy?" a ked.a lady of her phvsl chns, "So far as 1 know, they are ; 1 never knew one to complain of belli" out of health," he replied. ' A cockney tourist met With a Scotch lassie going barefoot toward Glasgow. "Lassie." said 1C, "I should like to know if all the people iu this part go barefooted ?" "Part of 'em do, and: the rest of em mind their own busi ness," was tlie rather settling rcply ".Shall J help you to alight ?" safd as young gentleman to a bouncing coun try girl, who was preparing to jump from a wn iage hi front of lite-office. "Thank you sir"' sweetly replied tlie girl; "but I don't smoke." A Kansas man is reported to be suf fering w itii bytirophobia from his w ife having bitten him. Winm a girl marries why do, people talk ot her choice? In ninety-nine eas es out of a hundred, has' she any choice? Does not the man (probably the last she would have chosen) select her? The young lady who 'refused.1' Grant married a Galena brick-layer. . . . m J