AtiTOVMIlU. acBATCHM. Tbo veterinary editor of " t likes' otA 2'tW W cororoetils (he foUowiMg for scratelies in a horses Take KUhJwte of alno. one-drachm ; glycerine, two ouiiees; apply every morning. An English Hunter possew-s a novelty lu the form of a cow with a wooden leg. Tlie animal having Tamed one of her hind less a skil.fn: veterinary suigeou tci aw exieri ment of anipoution. The operaltoii was nweessful. A xxxl n kg was provided, ami the cow walks about very comfortably. To Thai a Horse to SfTAW). Tlie Amtrica &t"ck JoixwU contains tin following directions : Take your horse on the bam floor ami throw a atrap over Ms buck ami fasten it to bfc fore foot; lead ldui along and say whoa; at tlie same time pull down Hie atrap, which throws him 0,1 three feel and makes him gtou Muldenlv. This to the best way to teach whoa, though you van put on tlie war bnilic ami sii. Whoa, ami give a sharp jerk that i stop him about as soon as the strap' t his foot. Then put hi;n In hariie with a t'oot-straii. as directed OOtli the head of "training to harum'' ami drive him up to tlie door. The n ment be undertakes to atari take hi foot up and say whoa. Get in ytttr carriage and get out again, rattle thr thills, make all the noise iu and put you can and give him to understand by snatching his fiiot each time he moves that he niti't stand until you tell him to go ; and titter a few time yon can put the whole family hi tin carriage aud he won't stir out of hi tracks. Rats in the IIexxert.-A lady who has a immUr t line hens to which abe Iiad devoted a good deal oi re and attention dut iii!: the winter, in hopes of obtaining an early and a fair crop of fresh eggs was surprised at the meagre result actually reached. The bens made noise, in singing and cackling, enough for every day layers aud yet on I v occasionally did she get an egg. The lady at length determin ed to watch operations ami ascertain if possible the Catee of the failure. She saw the hens go upou the nest, but If slie was not present when tuef am off. no ess was found. At length coustaut watching and waiting solved tlie mystery. A day or two since, while on the watch, a hen came off the nest and commencwi cae-kiing. Almost instantly an old nit came out of a hole, and runinug into a nanei, whidi was thrown down on its side. and, hi which the hcu's nest was, at once nosed the egg out ujwn me ground, then lav down ujion its hick, and getting the'egg between its fore paws and nose, coinmemvd fciueaUiig, when two otlier rats came out, and taking the rat with the egg byJhe hind legs dragged it, egg and all, into the hole. The lady attiring that she can substantiate tlie foregoing fact by at least three witnesses, Pwitry Standurd. Sage Brush Asms a FEimuznt. Something may be learned sometimes wliere lea-t expected. In tlie Hum boldt Valley, living at one of the old stage stations, four or live years ago, was a family who made a line garden from year to year, around the station, ilage brush growing large and vigor ous was all the resources for fuel. The wife desiring to cultivate a few vegetables and try the experiment of growing strawberry vines, had the toil broken close by tlie bouse, and while setting out her plants found that a portion of the same lad become mixed with the ashes that liad been thrown there. She became dubious about the welfare of the plants aud set the most of them on a portion of the ground free from ashes; but hav ing a few left, and not wishing to throw them away, she set them, with no expectation of seeing them live, where the ashes were mixed with the earth. As the season advanced, the plants thrived, blossomed and bore fruit ; but tlw few set out as she called it "In the ash-bed" produced amazingly, and few (Trailed the others in quantity of (knit. The next year the same fUmily plant ad large area of ground to vegeta bles, and to try the experiment, scat tered the ashes of the sage brush which bad been saving all winter, plenti fully ever the soil. The result was larger vegetables and greater quanti ties than they had ever raised before. This may be au important fact to those Who are clearing up the sage brush land preparatory to its cultivation. Poison. Tlie instant a person Is known to have swallowed poison, by design or accident, give water todrink, cold or warm, as fist as possible, a gallon or more at a time, and as fast M vomited drink more; tepid water la best, as It opens the pores of the kin and promotes vomiting, and thus gives the speediest cure to the poison ous article. If pains begin to be felt in the bowels. It shows that at least part of the poison has passed down wards; then large and repeated Injec tions of tepid water should bu given, the object in both cases bring to dilute the poison M quickly and as largely at possible. Do not wait for warm water case tan which u neare-i at barifl, cold or warm, for every second of time saved U of immense import ance ; at the same ttuee send instantly for a physician, and as soon as lie aomes turn the case into hb hands telling him what you have done. This simple Act cannot be too widely pub lished: it to not meant to say that drinking a gallon or two of simple water will cure every case of poison ing; but it will cure many and benefit airr Its rapidly diluting quality. UH t Journal f U-Jth. Ibe last cup of a frolic k generally Keep your mouth shut and your eyes Beef Balls, Minoe very finely a piece of tender beet", fat ami lean ; minoe an onion with some boiled pars ley ; add grated, breadcrumbs and euaaw with ixppw, salt, grated nut meg and kmon-peel ; tuix all togetlier aiidinolsten it with an cars: beaten ; roll it into balls; flour, aud fry litem in boiling freshdrlppiug. Serve them with fried breatKiiiuins or with a thickened brown gravy. How to Make Potato Pie. KIM Cfttoh your potatoes, The best way I know ot Is to angle for them with a ttv. Mealv Irish potatoes are tlie. best, and should be led on torn meal or bran for a few days More tlK;V are taken from the wop. Hoi! until Very soft, cut out the eye; and peel them. Mash them. Strain them, to a quarter of a pound of pOtfti toes add a quart of milk, three table spooiisftil of melted htttter, four I eaten cggS a wine g'.a-w of wine, aiid sugar aud muting to suit your husband's taste. This i- a tellable dodge for get ting up a potato pie. A CUKE Foit CaXCKK. ( luilleV Yardley, of I'iltsl.'iirg, Pennsylvania, writes thus to the "mcliuiiUi agr: " l wish t'v tell how I cured my can eer Inst summer, without bald Of inonev. Kitlht years ago 8 Cilliccr i .... !'., ratmn on mv nose: :t irivw slow for several year-. Tile last two years it grew very last it became frightful. li liail luL'iin to eat Illy li lt eye. I had raid hundreds ot dolkirs aud hat tried doctors from fir and near with out finding relief, l ast summer 1 drank wild tea. pnttlng the tea grounds on my eaiHr every night as a poul tiee. In six weeks my cancer was cured. I am now sixty-two years ohl. 1 have told this remedy to several that had cancer. I know of two that have k'eu cured siifee. I believe wild tea grows over the country generally, always on high land ." The Earth Cuke For Ulcers I dried and pulverized some clay, says a writer in one of the Eastern IttperSi ami recommended it as a valuable remedy, to a woman in the neighbor hood who had for teu years a very bad ulcer on her ankle. She had paid our bet physicians over 50 for treatment, without relief. She applied tlie dry chiy almost constantly for six months, ami a perfect euro has resulted. 16$ first ettVet of the preparation was to remove the Inflammation aud relieve pain, and now she says there is no setir remaining, aud her limb which was stiff and lame, is as elastic as wiien she was a girl. The woman Is a very large, fleshy person, alniut forty years of age. I consider the tvst a very severe one, and resti't very satisfactory. About one gallon of pulverized clay was used. KtErrso Fish Fresh With St o au. A method adopted in Portugal for preserving fish consists in removing tlie viscera and sprtiikllns sugar over the Interior, keeping the tl-h in a horizontal position, so tliat tlie sugar may (lenetr.ite as much as possible. It is raid that fish prepared Iti this way can be kept completely fresh for a long time, the savor being a; perfect j as If recently caught. Salmon thus treated before salting and smoking ' possess a much more agreeable taste, i a table-sjiooiiful of sugar being sutll- j cient for live pounds ot lisb. DK4tO. DDD. Deacon IXnId onee eelingl.v salt), Alioiit his Betsey, lonp siiice dead, If ever an nnjel lovcil a mtuj, That angel, ir, was Betsey Ann ; If I happened to acold her, she wits so meek, (Which the Deacon did seven times a week!) Slie'd clap lier apron up to her eye, And never say nothln', but only cry." But, ladies, p'rhaps you'd like to bu told. That Deacon Dodd like otlier men. W aited a year, anil married again ; But lie married a moat iuvetcrate scold, And now' tls tlie Deacon's turn to be meek. As lie gets well rasped from .week to But rather tlian "open bis liead" he'd burst, lie wishes the second was with the first! But as she's as tough as a hickory limb. No doubt she'll live to say of him, "If ever a saint the footstool trod, That man. that saint, was fceacon Dodd." From "County Lore und City Lift;" Two or three of tlie ricliest men In tills country have reix'iitly given, in sententious language, the secret of tlieir wordly success and fortune. " There is uo secret about it," said Commo dore Vanderbilt ; " all you have to do is to attend to your business, and go ahead except one thing,-" added the Commodore, "and that is not to HI what you are going to do till you have done it." Tlie uilllionalre Deinocrat who has been mmiiiig for Governor of Pennsylvania ami who has no views whatever on political subjects, recently gave his idea of the way get rich iu tlw remark : " Economy aud safe investment are about the be-t means of attaining financial pros perity." George Ijiw, also, who Is a tolerably rich man, though not, we suppose, quite as rich aa Vanderbilt or A-a Packer, remarked In conversa tion a few days ago : " There U noth ing so easy as making money when you have money to make it with ; tlie only thing la to sec the crH, anil to take it at its flood;" and, when further pressed to tell the secret of his own auccess, he quickly responded : ' De termination to work, ami working." Tlie opinions are certainly worth something, and will doubtless be eagerly studied by young men am bitous of wealth. But they are in complete without a remark of A. T. Stewart, who Is richer than either Vanderbilt or Am Packer, ami who tokl an anxious inquirer, a short time ago, that he "considered honesty and truth great aids iu the gaining of for tuac.' Tribune. 'llie yearly mortality of tlie globe Is J3,m,m. This is at the rate of 91, 551 per day or 3,st0 per hour or Hi per minute. How to swallow a door Bolt It. "Not at heme1' skuouUuid-out lie. Self-praise depreciates. Be silent when a fool talks. Auctioneer, 18 HAI-SKY, OREGON. t For Sale I 1,000 lUfSHELS OF WrK W1IITK CHILI CLUB WHEAT Fdit SEED. "1VI.I. AT THE ItESIIIEM-r. "t I"''' V underslgne:!, U nines mntn or aoiii MAUT1N LL'l'EU. Jan. C, 1Si3-1Siii3 . FrnitTrt'en, lirapc Tines, Ac. ; i rrHK UNDEnsKiNEI) INVITES T1HC I ...... I .I,' i ... 1: ...I,,', f. ;i, n-lll Mill ill . '".. ,w ..o eoinilctu8ioc'kof API'tB, PEAK. I'Ll'M. . ! ( 'KERRY ami other TREKS. Also, GBAP1C VI KS Imst i:i thcSmtol Ornmiienial Trees, Winibs, M 1 'if ruin. iMMlierrl) s. S;rawl r.-ies. Kim". I iili'.msHiul llmli: irtlieh wh! Jmi as low as ill-s -eluss sioi-k mil t" nljnr If . J. A. Jlll-l.:Utl'. uaruwaue; NEW FIRM! W. II. HI HX & CO. Have lustrecoicilalir,jeiinil well solivt oJ stk of H AB 1 A Vll E , . Sneli ns Farmers' & Mechanic' Tools, f-iaxa&rrsn or- anvils, viimxiiki.- j tows, hainers, Bleilaes, ws,Wrtiiflfc , eruss cat au mid w; togetlier ! lava A.s.sRTJiTOi'iHoxA.H'n:i:i., NallSySnrtng''. uxUw. tliiml(lc-skuins,l)olls, 1-' etc., etc., etc. A well acl' Cted stock or Wagon Timber, SPOKES, HUBS, Bent rims, shafts, poles, hickory axles, etc. All of which arc now offered to the onli ne at I c rates. An we make the bushies a , ilty. we inn and will keenubrltcr naKoriiucnt, at lower, tluin any house in this city. Alio receiving and opening, a larc and splendid assortment of WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, Which we offer at re dneed rates. W .H. hi II.N & CO., Uontelth flnvproof hrick, First street Muixh lid 70-21 ItKAii K1A IK. BKAL ESTATE. stitzel & lptox, Real Estate Brokers and j Clcncral Agent. BRANCH OFFICE, ALBANY, OB.., 3.V. HEJmESHAtX, Agen. VI Hon. KstalillshotlJuly, ls. Anollice wBerc aonerhl infonnatlon eoneitrntlitt tno resources of Oregon can be olitaincd free j of charge. i Loans negotiated on first mortgage, real . rwt!ili untl i-allnteral S4n-urilies. We nave Ibr sale a large amount of property tiKHtod In tlie town of Albany. Atao, forming lamU, of every description, locatod in Lhi n and other counties In this .stale. To ttac Citixena of Albany, And vicinity, and to the owners of reales- r tftte : We take this method of lulling your attention to our place of busiiirwi. lhiv-, Ing determined toflien a bmni li ofllis1 hi yonretty, wocan offer yon a tnodhtoi for obtaining imrchiwrs one Hint is a)in i silted by- buyers,as it wives toetd mush time anil latxir iu "i an hing fur what they want. Our prhicipal ogehey,at t'ortlauo, i Ongon, is thoroierhly estnliiished, and the . office ao well turulHlied for giving huorinii- j tlou inmn real estate that il alfords the i most roniplete facilities for all parties hav ing uusmeM m our nne. Ton Incur no expense In placing your property on sale with us unless a sale is made. Office, First street, near telegraph office. JOHN 0. MKN'DKNHALi., Agent. Albany, March it, 7o-Wv3tt LIVKUy. LIVRY, FEED A.D SALE S T AlBXi S , ALBANT, ORKCOX. BARTCiES & MERRICK, ritOPRIETORS. ITF. ABB PBEPARKI) TO FUtNISII VT the putilic with neat turnouts in Die way of KtUh Itaffltlpa mul Carriaxi- and I'aat Ntock, On the most reawmahlc terms. Our livery Is all new, and of the latest styles, and wo shall take pride In givlugour patrons as m at and raiialile an out at as can be oli tained ill Hie S'ate. Horses boarded at reasonable rates, by the wis;k or tuouth. Haulu and carriages furnlhd for pur ties, etc. A share of public patronage Is solicited. BAKTliKH 4 MEBniCK. Albany, Dec. 17, UfJO-U BATUS, ETC. ALBANY BATH ttWBE. 'PHK L'N I) ER HI OK ED WtHtLI) RE- j X spwtfully tnliinii Ihei ltizensof Albany j V luai. no nas uucen enarge oi this establishment, and by kwptng clrnn rooias and paying atrlct attention o busi ness epect to suit all those who may fa vor him wltii their patronage. Having heretofore carried on not hing but Flrei-rlaas Uatr Pmuting Mnloona, Ho expects to give entire satisfaction to all. Children's and ladles' hair neatly cut and shampooed. Sept. 18-yt JOSEfH WEBBER. Nov. 4ia . I FURNITURE. C. MEALEY, DEALER IX Am3L MANUFACTURER Of FURNITURE j Cabinet Ware, r5EIllfCJ- Etc., Corner ol First and Broadalbin Ste., ALB NY, OR. Particular j ATTENTION PAID TO ORDERS OF ALL KNDS M HIS XjIKTEI. JUST RECEIVED FROM S. F. AND THE EAST, THE LARGEST LOT IVew and Elegant FURNITURE, EVER BROUGHT TO ALBANY! Come and See it! NKW HOOKS. Agents Wanted. FIVE TO FiFTOOLLARS A DAY CAN 1$B MA13E BY AGENTS, WHO SKI.L THE F0LL0WIK0 N'UW AND ELEGANTLY BOUND AND Illustrated Uoolcts! Washington. ntl Its Public Kuilil Ins, Orounda and Hrituary. With a (tlivtmm oi the Rouse of Itepre seiitiitlvasandSunatooi thcUnilcdS atus, thirly-ao si col enxiuvhigs, Brnl eahty ISi-'cs oi doscrlptlon and liLstoi'UliI rcudlnif mm 'ef. A sumpl- of !hl i'ie'..i boukv ill bo sent to those ivisllliuf to ai t ai ii jents, for two dollain, and live stamps lor iviiim ios:a.,'e. The'Crealeat Cabinet of Birds, Ani mals and Reptiles, both Native and POretgUi ever pubJishul. ; This elcsant volume contains er r one ! Ah !nM:r-tl -n, and is a book neoda I and useful in i.'vury ktmllV. It i of lav.'i size an. I handsomely hoimu. A naOiple of i iliis work will he seat io those who uimlre , to act as aijonts for three dollars and live I stamps for return'e. EXAM,fiE TH,S UST 'Of new books, any one of which wo will ! wild for one dollar. They ure all bound j and LUustru'.Bd. nook of COO Puzzles. 100 pictures. Courtship made ICusy. Ait of mak ing love. How tiainblcrs Win. 1000 tricks with curdfl Furl one Teller and Dream Hook. Itorsc Taming. How to Play Poker to Win. Ilow to ftlx 800 Drinks. Piice $.". M. The Art of Letter Wrlllng. Secrets Worth Knowing. A snide, to tho manufHCtnre of medi cines, perfumery, soaps, dyes, wines, cor dials, jiopu ar bevemgua; mannfauturera secrcm, und many otliein. Itugues and Kogueriesi. Veutriloiiiiliim Made taay. Ilase Uall Uook. We have in press a larRC list of books for the bollUK) s. All coniinunicatlons must lie addressed, Wnsliiiiii'to" I'liblishluK Company, Lock lw.v 183, Washington, I). D. 7vl C- - 6,666 --R SiiTiiQiisauil SixHunilrsil & Siity-ii SMndard Receipts, Selected from Tho Best French, Enjlish, Rna aian, Japanese and American Xttors.ts. THE EUREKA COMPOUNDING CO., or Wiuhington, D. C, ABE PRKl'AKGD TO KILL ORDERS for their culobmted couipoiuids, or will send the receipts so lhatany ihthoii can make their own coniKiundtniiil retain the formula. The Company's circular con tains CURES FOB HOItsi:, C A'lTI.I '.. SIIGEP AND HIVIM'l UISCASiiel, ( tlias, CROUP. DYSENTERY, GRAVEL, RHEUMA TISM, HARTS, FRECKLEsl, PILES, TETTER, TOOTHACHE, CHILS, WORMS. IIRUISKS. ntKg,Rixr;U(HMs,PEi,os, SORE AND WEAK EYES, ETC. Compounds of tho above, or any other desired, will be sentd'or onciloUarforone article; or two will lie sent forll W. Re ceipts for eoinisiimdlnit, with rujl direc tions, so cent si mil, or three for $ I. If yon want to know how to make Bour bon, apple, Irish, Scotch, wheat or sorghum whisky: blui-kherry, cherry, coftnac, cin ger, iH-acli mid nisihcrry limiuty; sistism khids of vlncRar; black, blue, Riven, red 'andlndelilik'ink ; cider, swwt and spark Ihiit; fourteen kinds of Wr; hlackhiK, hi paste and Mould, for harness, earrfaxcsuml all kinds of leather; dyeing, In every stale and color; slinvlni; soap, to promote the growth of hair; varnishes of twelve vari eties, and every oilier eomixnuid In kcii cml use, send lift y cents and stamp for re ceipt. All (roods warranted as represented. Hend stamp for circular. All communi cations must lie addressed to Eureka Conpeandlag Co., Boom No. tlx May's bulhtinn, Tvi Waailngton.D.C. Dttuo.i Kfa Murder In Albunr ' ASSEVEU YKTBEKX KNOWN, AND no Ihroatwilnf; ot It in inwn i. Death II It n tlilnir which temeilme mast befcTI every ton nil itnughieroftlii! limuan u i!y ; anil yet', At tlie Mld-du', or yonf life, it ilheannlay$ his vile linn'b Uion yon, there is:ill "a balm In tilleud, liy wlitivti you may he n'stoie-l to perfnut lu-nll 1:. and proiong your days ion uiiraeu. toua miwih UyeHin;:on B. . HILL & SOX, i Wiih H',vicrii)tton, M'lieii1 you eft'i hiiTfl it entn:0'inlel by o ,?x'-e-v;e4;aj:l in I lm hKO'lieiiUir line. Atw, :inOy on huinl ii ), 1 ussoriinent of fn-h lruKs. patent I me lieines, chl'trtleais, ruint.s, oils, iiy i Ktuits, muses, etc Adonis lor ine Ibratrd I ah Weed liemcsly, Or, Oregon Klieumntie Curei lr. D, .layno A Sons iuedtelmn, etc. Spi:nei!'s I'oailiee an t Ne'ialiee Powder kept in '.iv!j. Alo a.jents for the Home Miattle Kewln Mnrlilne, One of tlirtiniwt uwftil pieces of hoiiseboU linnlilirouxisnl. I nMiiiei erjnnnie. It. C. IIIU. 4 SON. AllKiny, June 10. 71-10, 3 ALBANY FOUNDRY And Machine Shop, A. F. CIIERKT Prpriolor ALBANY, OliKGDN', Manufactures Steam Engines, 'Jsh; aart Saw 33ill fachlo t-ry, wood woiiKixa And AGRICULTURALKACI5INERY, And all kinds of ikon as BJt.v cAvn:,i;.'i. Parttcnlnr attention paid to ropalrlns all ; Kinds of machinery. 413 I . ro'T'".8WKMWHSaTr-'CTrah PATEKT MKDH;IXKS. : The Great Medical IMscoTery I Dr. WALKEB'3 CALIPOaNIA i VINEGAR BITTERS, 4 Hundred of Thou:.T.ids ogj Bear tMtlmonr to their Woc .er- r. 9 Oo ful Curative EB'ccls. S 2aWHAT ARE THEY?s" Pt 3 THEV ARE KOT A VI13 "WANCV D R I i-J K ,ii;S Made of Poor Ram, Whisker, 1'rotd Spirits and ttrfuse Lie; nvatloct in i'.sp'.cl aid sweetened to iilrisc Iho latte called " Ton. ten,"" Appetizers," "Restorers," -tc., that lead tho tippler on to dninkenm m and ruin, bet r a true Medicine, made from tusKattvo ltoousnd Herbs of California, free I'riitn MMSl"'"0 Stimulants. Tccyarc tboOUEAT ULOOI) FURIKIEItand LU'CtilVlMJ I'UIN C'IPLKsperfcct Renovator andlnvlji retorof the System, carrying off all poisonous matter and restoring tlio bloodloalii nlthy eonitltlsn. Ko person can tako theso Bitters acconll:'.g to direr tlon and rcmalalons nnwoll. For luflninnititery mid Climslc It hen. iiint ism nnd (.oat, Dyspepsia r IndU icsllou, nillotia, ltcmlticnt mid Inter mltlont Fevers, Dlsensrs of lbs lllood. Liver, Kldaoys, aud lilnddcr, t'aewBIU Icrs have been most atfeccmfuh Hneh I!s eases sro caused by Vitiated Illuoil, vlilck Is Kcncralty produced by dcrani;;:neiit cf the Disesilre Organs. DYSPEPSIA OR INDIUESTIOM. Headache, rain In ttio BnonMsrs, Couftil, Ti,;iie nei of the Cheat, Diziiuess, Bour Fract sttoni of the Stomach, Bad taste In the-Monlb Dillotu At tacks, rslpltstlnn of fie Heart, loflammttlon ol the hnngi.Tain In the regions of tlio Kliineys.aud a hundred other palatal symptoms, arc lbs i 9 springs of Dyspepsia. They Invijorato tlie Stomach and ntlraulale the torpid liver and bowels, which rcnil'Ttliem of n equalled e!Qeac7 In cleansing the blood of aD Impurities, and Imparting new Ufa and vigor ts tho whole system. FORSKIN DISEASES, rruptlons.Tettct, -faltrjieum.filotchcs. Ipota, Pbuples, rostulea Bolls, Carbuuclca, Itlrg-Worms, ScaU-Hcad, Pors Kyes, Erysipelas, Itch, fentfs. biseoloratlons ot the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin, ol whatever nsmo or nator, cro Iherally dug no andcarrlcdoatof tho system la a choritluio kf the use OTthcae Bitters. One hnttlo In suck cases will convince the most incredulous of 11 curative effects. Clcanso the Vitiated Blood whenever yon tin! Its Impurities bunting throngh the skin In I1u plea. Eruptions or Sores ;' clcanso it when yes Und It obstructed and sluggish In the vclnsi cleanse it when It Is font, anil your feelings will tell you when. Keep tho blood para sad tM health of tho system wlllfollow. . PIN, TAPE and ether WORMS, lotkhujhl die irsum of so many Uiooaands, are efectualtf pestroyod and removed. For full directions, real carefully the clrealar around each bottle. J. WALKER, Proprietor. It. 0. licDONALD CO., Dmggtsts sad Gen. Agents, San Francisco, Cat,, and SI sad M Commerce Street, New Vor SOLD BY ALL PHU0016T8 AND U&ALKBs Sa H T I