The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, January 13, 1872, Image 7

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The Puller of t!it Oppoatttoit.
The opposition is in a most des
perate situation. A fair, oien and
manly contest is not to be thought
of by tliem for a moment, for then
el! of their inconsistencies, contra
dictions and departures wcii'd have
to come to light. It would then
hare to lie confessed that while they
tare the name Democrat, they have
Uut Utile else wfciett unites the laitli
of the party together nothing sub
stantia! upon which the individual
members of tin organization can or harmonize amog thcm-
plant their feet and feel that ly Ljlves, Were Ibtoerly the most in
are oi,c in principle. They would vctoratc eiiemiwtlf the Denieeracy :
l ave to make a fYank confession of
their diForgaitired condition, and
their utter inability to get up a
magnet, in the dap of o platform,
or code of principles, mfliccntiy
strong in its attracting properties to
uruig tn-e
wiaciy-uiverging cie -
mcnts of the party into unification.
There seems to be but one course
for them to pursue which holds out
any hop? of success, and that is for
them to keep their own deformities
in the Jwejgjnndjiid-out of sight
so far as jx stable under weighty
charges, real or imaginary, brought
. against the l!epubl:can "arty. If
they can only succeed iu occupying
the position of the aggressive party
all the time, and thus compel the
' .
Kepublicau party to fight on the
defensive, so far as position is con
cerned, t!:cy will fight at an advan
tage. '1 hey arc now making a stren
uous effort to R"curo this vantage
ground. The Tammany exposures
no sooner began, than Democratic
journals commenced making a great
outcry about Republican stealings.
Their zeal and anxiety, however,
caused them to go, in their imaginary
allegations, beyond the limits of pru
dence, and nobodjri held up his
hands iu horror, ffoiri the simple fact,
that the chaig&i were not believed
by anyoneas most of them were
pure indentions. That this was
the lpin hold of the opposition,
however this spirit of aggressive
m isreprei entation has recent ly been
illustrated in the United States
Senate iu a debate upon the civil
service abuses. The opposition en
deavored to convey the impression
to the country there, that a regular
system of corruption and stealing
now exists in the civil service, which
the Republican party are endeavor
ing to shield from investigation.
Such an allegation is false, because
the Republican party are willing to
assist in the most searching inves
tigation which can be made. As
Senator Wilson of .Massachusetts
raid, "neither the Administration
nor the Republican party had any
thing to conceal. Everything was
open to the full light of day. Any
investigation which any Senator
might call for should be made. It
was not honorable nor just, how
ever, to try to produce the infprcs
sion that theft, robbery and corrup
tion were everywhere the rule
and honesty the exception. The
Administration was vigilant in de
tecting and punishing crime, and
concealed no ease of embezzlement
from the country. Of the immense
sums disbnrsed by Republican offi
cials, but few com pa ri lively had been
lost. During the administration
of Van Ruren, ninety-two out of
ninety-eight receivers of public
money were defaulters. Nothing
approaching it is now the case.
. ... mm m
The New York Pot says that
Gov. Hoffman renounces his long
cherished adherence to the Demo
cratic party. He is for a new
party, and is ready to act wit& the
' W jjal I know about farming" man,
or any other of that stripe.
John Quincy Adams, who says
be regards the administration of
President Grant as a. national calam
ity, left the Republican party be
cause of his admiration for Andrew
Connolly of New York has pro
cured bail at last
Come to the Fountain Mrud.
Tne combination made up of
I Imorote and disaffected Repub-
J licit for the purpose of denting
j Gen. Grant, does not seem to be
prospering jusat this time. De -
I tfiocraoy has always boasted of her
individuality, and it must be quite
humiliating to her now, to sec a large
class of her demoralized children
so willing to ojicrale under the
prompting eye of a class of men,
whose influence, in maintaining Re-
publican measures, has assisted in
brlnirincf her to her nrcscnt imbe-
oil condition. These same renegade
o o
publicans, who ate now skylark-
! .,, ;nn
i ing around, in a cautions, timid way,
for the purpose of doing, they can
not determine what, as they cannot
. mMj tosecsomany Democrats dodg-
f , ti oi- tKfe
... . t to w)iell
j t, wrmkjfi m an(i capcr
; . . fa rccj &i.
I t01)n(li, to us au( 0iiy 8i,OW8 to
, . . , f (jomHi.,ti011 thev
have descended. What used to lie
"old hickory's," and "unterrified,"
and "unadulterated," are now "lim-
! ber-jacks," and "shaky-legs," and
j "india-rubber-men," ready to as-
sume any si ap?, however deceptive
j or contradictory, to deceive the peo
I pie. Now Democrats, these roi c
: gadc Republicans will not advocate
I your measures, for they are ILepub-
licans in principle, their disafTectiou
. . ... , -
i being to General Grant, and not to
the cardinal principles of the party.
If they can use you to promote sell1
ish purposes, they will do so ; but
the moment you attempt to use
them to advance the claims of your
leaders, or to maintain your princi
ples, for which you tried to break
up the Government, they will drop
you like a hot potato. If you arc
iu a mood to take iir Republican
nourishment at all, as feeins to be
indicated by your trotting around
after these men, why not come to
the Republican fountain where the
waters arc mire and wholesome?
A machine has recently been per
fected in London with which a
writer, using a pen in the .usual
manner, can at the same time pro
duce a duplicate so small as to be
invisible to the raked eye, yet so
distinct that a microscope will re
veal every line and dot. A useful
application it will he for the pre
vention of forgery, as private
marks can be made which no imita
tor could see or even suspect the
presence of. .
To Anjocitx. A resolution
passed the U. S. Senate the other
day to adjourn Congress sine die
on the third Monday in May.
Whether the House will concur is
another question most likely not.
A bill is about to be reported in
Congress for the naturalization of
Indians. It proposes to give to all
theif proportion of reservation lands
and annuities, and, after living two
years a civilized life, to make them
An uncle of George Francis Train
has made oath that Francis is a lu
natic, and has asked to be appointed
guardian over him.
The revolution is advancing into
the State of Tamaulipas. Insur
gent forces appeared before General
Cortiuas' troops and fell back on
Comargo. It is supposed they will
entrench and fight.
A steam wagon exploded in Glas
gow, Scotland, recently, killing five
children, and wouuding seven, who
were following.
The Russian steamship Kunit
foundered in the Caspian Sea last
month, and all ou board perished.
She Ind a million rubles on board.
The ship Edward foundered off
Falmouth, England, Dec2pth,and
all on board were lost.
A conflagration was put out in a
room of the Cosmopolitan Hotel,
Portland, last Tuesday.
General Sickles is preparing for a
virrrtlYma aacAllll. linnil tflA Vru
Management, in both tbo Courts
aud the Legislature,
Tliey are considering Jlic propri-
i ety of offering a reward for wolf
Ip at Dallas.
1 I' rof. Oglesby, of Dallas, liad liis
. ' left arm shattered by the kick of a
horse, recently, says the Repulu
The hams of a deef killed by
some Dallas hunters weighed fifty
seven pounds.
James'M. Campbell, of Dallas,
in cutting off limbs, let the knife
; slip, and came near cutting off the
i leaders of throe fingers.
Frazcr River, I. (, 's still fro
zen over.
Victoria is troubled ever-V -report
that several ship loads of Fe
nians are on their way from San
Francisco to capture Vancouver
Island. It is reported that the
city is under martial law, business
j suspended, troops parading the
j streets, and great excitement pre-
Mr. Jacob Handle fell from the
roof of a house at Olympia last
week, but still keeps his "light
The Kalama Beacon says : On
Saturday night 31st ult., a Sweed-
i ish boatman, named Harold Je.isen,
was drowned iu the river between
the wharf and Emily Island, by a
skiff filling wiih water in which
hiniKcl aud a companion were, at the
time. Search for his body has baei
continued ever since, but so far with
out any trace as to where it may be
A large railroad depot is. to be
built at Kalama, occupying a whole
block. The rails have been laid
for the first twenty-five miles,
About two hundred men are cm
ployed on the next ten miles, clear
ing and grabbing.
A few days ago the Oregon 'an
contained an account of what was
called the largest steel works in the
world, located i;i Germany, and
covering a square mile of ground.
A correspondent writes to correct
this story. I Ic says that everybody
ought to know that the largest steal
works iu the world were located in
the city of New York, and covered
many square mile.
A denizen of Eait Portland fell
off of one of the city bridges and
broke the handle of his face.
A young man named Hent was
followed by a couple of men and
knocked down and robbed iu Port
land, on Friday of last week. Sev
eral houses were robbed the same
night, say.s the Oregonian.
The two Goofl Templar lodges
in Portland are flourishing in a
most gratifying degree. Within
sixty days, sixty-five persons have
been initiated.
A State Temperance Convention
is to be held at Salem on the 22d
of February next.
Portland was visited with a very
severe rain storm last Saturday.
Oregon merchants have a "good
name" and plenty of credit at San
Francisco, says an exchange.
Mrs. Hellering, of Portland, is in
distress about her daughter Lizzie,
thirteen years of age, who ran away
from home last Saturday. Desires
information of her whereabouts.
The Raptist denomination at
Seattle are preparing to build the
largest church edifice iu Washing
ton Territory.
The Olympia land office disposed
of 14,608 acres of land during last
Olympia has two daily and five
weekly papers, and another is pro
jected. Her population is about
twelve hundred.
One hundred and thirteen couples
were"jincd" in Marion, county dur
ing last year.
Sam. May is released from "dur
ance vile," on a bond signed by S-
B. Knox, Jt L. Parrisli, J. Conser
and P. D. Palmer.
The Salem Mercury says it was
Gjo. W. Johnson who sold Sol.
Durbin the bale of sheep skins for
coon skins, and Tom. Richmond
sold tliem to him. Was, hey !
The Roseburg Pluindeakr tells
of a lad, named Hugh ' Parr, burst-
"g old gun barrel by attempt-
J ing to fire a squib from it last New
Year only, three fingers and a
half were amputated fromlthc lad's
It is stated that Kalama whisky
is a giiod "take off" one drink and
then a funeral.
Mr. Hayden ofEola has invented
a pair of pruning shears and ap
plied for a patent
Dominick Gerry, a member of
Co. IC, Twenty-third Infantry, com
mittcd suicide on Wednesday even
ing of last week by shooting him
self through the head, says the Van
couver Jtagistcr.
Four men recently crossed the
Columbia at Vancouver on the
ico. 4 1
The Portland Bulletin office has
moved into a two story brick on
the corner of First and Ash street.
The Qreyonian says tUe building
is better titled for a newspaper office
than perhaps any other in the State.
Good for the Bulletin.
The next State Fair is to be held
Oct. 7th, 1872.
The Statmitan says that Rill
Watkiuds is lord over all of the
Sa.lem Mercury.
A load of line timothy hay was
sold in Salem last Tuesday at $'25
per ton.
Gen Reauregard likes the new
Deiarture, and prefers General Ran
cock for the Presidential candidate,
A little girl named Hanly, in
Portland, had her foot crushed by
a. wagon wheel passiiig over it, re
A report is current that Sir Sam
uel Baker and his men, who were
exploring Central Africa, on the
head waters of the Nile, have died
of starvation. One report says that
the men' mutinied and shot Raker;
anothef states that only Baker and
his wife are left of the expedition.
The (ierman expedition to Ven
ezuela will be commissioned to en
force the national claims against
the Governments of the South
American Republics.
Hit Majesty, the Emperor Wil
liam of Germany, will visit the
Czar of Russia, iu St. Petersburg,
during the coming spring.
The members of the Right Cen
tre in the French Assembly having
made an overture to the Legitimists
for coalition, the latter, iu tlieir re
ply, say they will coalesce, but, at
the same time, will preserve their
independence, Thoy also announce
their disapproval of the . Orleaus
Princes as leaders.
The Emperor of Austria, in his
speech to Parliament, declares that
Austria is weary of international
conflict and desires peace and order.
The times were never so prosperous.
General Rosecrans is perfecting a
plan for the promotion of commerce
and amity between the United
States and Mexico, by encouraging
the citizens oftlie United States to
aid Mexico in the development of her
A Quebec dispatch says that a
trunk mystery case has arisen there
which has created much excitement.
A box was found the other day at
the Graud Trunk Railway depot,
containing the mutilated body of a
female in a partially decomposed
condition. The limbs had been cut
off, and the flesh chopped off in
large pieces. The boisas left by
a 6tranger, whose name is unknown.
Foul play is suspected, and an in
vestigation is pending.
It is reported on goodj authority
that all the RritUh troops, except a
few artillery, will be withdrawn in
the spring from Halifax, which is
now the only garrisoned city in the
dominion. .
Valmeseda has issued a procla
mation, in which he says that the
offer of pardon to the Cuban insur
gents cannot last forever. He now
proclaims that every insurgent cap
tured after January 15th will be
shot, and those surrendering after
that date will be sentenced to per
petual imprisonment.
The Committee of the Assembly
on the reorganization of the French
army propose to make terms of
military service five years on active
duty ; four years in the reserve ;
six years iu the secondary service.
Alarmed at Gladstone's Repub
lican tendencies, the conservative
section, led by die Duke of Somer
set and Yfrcouut Halifax, arc seek
ing to form a coalition with the
Tories, for the purpose of electing
Reverie Speaker of the Houso of
Commons instead of L'rand, and to
compel the retirement ofGladstone.
London opera of the 29th pub
lish a letter from Her Majesty
Queen Victoria, in which she says
that she desires to express b$r deep
sense of the touching sympathy ex
hibited for her family by the whole
nation, and for her dear son. The
feeling, says the Queen, shown by
her pi'ople during the painful and
terrible days of tiie Prince's illness,
their sympathy with herself and
beloved daughter the Princess of
Wales, and the joy manifested at
the improved health of the Prince
has made a yacep and ineffable im
pression upon her heart. The man
ifestionsof the people are nothing
new to her, for she met with the
same sympathy ten years ago, when
a similar illness from that under
which her sou is suffering removed
from life the best, wisest and "kind-
est husband that ever lived. Her
Majesty says she also wishes to ex
press the heartfelt gratitude of the
Princess of Wales, and concludes
her letter with a hope that her
faithful subjects will coutinuo to
pray for the complete recovery of
the Prince.
The conscription for the Russian
army for the year 1872 is six men
to every thousand.
Thiers delivered a powerful speech
in the National Assembly, of France
on the 2Glh ult., in opposition to
levying an income tax.
General Sherman and Lieutenant
Grant were expected to arrive in
Paris on the 28th of last month
The Germans have seized prom
incut citizens of the town of Revin
in the Department of the Ardennes.
because of troubles between the
Bavarian troops quartered there and
the French people.
It is understood that the. Ger
mans arc making a census of the
private fortunes of wealthier citizens
of the invaded Departments.
Admiral Pauls de Ramabi is the
aquatic warrjor who is to represent
Spain at Washington. Scnor Rob
erts will retire.
It is rumored that the President
of Silieria is in jail, charged with
appropriating some 40,000 of the
public money to fits own use.
While the Yale professors arc
agitating the establishment ot a
school for training editors, the Cor
icll faculty have decided on this de-
tiartn'.ciit of instruction. The course
in letters, as the new department is
called, will extend through four
years. 1 he prominent studies will
lie those relating to social and polit
ical science, literature, history, and
modern languages. Facilities will
be afforded for learning the printer's
trade, in connection with the Uni
versity printing othce.
One shipment of two tons and
another oi six tons of chickens and
turkeys were sent from Davenport,
Iowa, recently, the order was
made by the heaviest commission
firm in Nevada, who liad tne con
tract for supplying fowls for Christ
mas dinners of several societies be
longing to the Miner's Association.
Congress will be urged to pass at
the present Mission a bill requiring
postmasters to fulfill the duties of
pension azents. The plan lias been
advocated for years, but lias always
been stubbornly resisted by an in
fluential lobby.
mob attempted to lynch a ne
gro named Howard, who had raped
a young girl in Rocliester on the
2d of January. Tho police and
militia finally "dispersed the crowd,
but uot before several were kilteu
and wounded.
Mrs. Grant's receplton on New
Year's Day is pronounced the most
brilliant ever held iu Washington.
She was assisted in receiving dis
tinguished persons by Mrs. Colfax,
Mrs. Boutwell, Mrs. Williams of
Oregon, and Mrs. Cresswell.
Iu Louisville, Ky., on the 30th
of December, Mrs. Wcisert, wbilo
temporarily insane, killed her moth
er by. chopping out her brains with
a hatchet.
Tliere are 130 cases of small pox
in Jersey I ity.
Letter MUt JPnUKSM,
Sa.V Fkaxcisco, Dec. 29, 187L
Editor Register ; If I ever
go back to Oregon, as I certainly
expect to do, and hear any Oregon-
ian say a word about the eternal
drouths of California, I am resolved
to treat him. That idea will be
living joke in my mind for yean to
come. Californians have mention
ed to me here, that from what they
could learn, Oregon would be au
exceedingly pleasant place, if it
were not for the rainy winters. The
thing has sounded so absurd that 1
hare several times got cursed for
laughing in their faces. A man,1
kicked me off the side walk for it
yesteiday, and nearly broke my.
back, but it did not do the least
bit of good. The next man I met
was a prominent lawyer, who asked
me if it was very rainy this winter'
up the coast, when in spite of every
effort at restraint I broke out if,?
such guffaws that I could not spellt
a woru. lie made some remark,
about idiocy, and passed on. . . J
But seriously, I never have seen
such a storm as we have been hav- '.
ing all over this State, The rain
surpasses our worsfspellsof weath- "
er" in Oregon, and the wind blow;,
a hurricane most of tho time. Here;. .
at San Francisco, the wind is not
felt so much ; but I visited Sacra. -mento
a few day? since, and I as- ;
sure you the scene was terrible.
Sometimes it was difficult to walk
the streets, the wind was so strong. .
Some small houses were blown down. r
Locust and popular trees planted
for shade, and other ornamental
trees, were torn out by the roots; .
and the rain was driven into every
possible crack and crevice in the
houses, so that almost every build
ing, it is said, was wet through and
through. The streets were flooded
so that wherever one would go he .
must wade water. And yet this. .
water was not from the river, for, ,(
that did not rise above the levies '
it was simply the water falling on
the streets faster than it could run '
off. After all, this great storm i
the salvation of the State. Every- '
body feels hopeful, whereas before
there was much discouragement and
some actual distress. I rejoice with
them but positively, all'the disa-
rrnwalilnnncc if fi t -i Hwumi. winf.m
0 - - o " 1
LL I V A-U I I. . I II.. .1 III lilt V 'II I' 1 1 II I. 1111 ....
if it could bo concentrated into two. i. ,v
weeks, would not surpass the last
two weeks of this glorious Caliior.
mu iiaiy oi wie uccmeni. iinu
still it comes, and there appears a
good show for its continuance anoth
er week at least. The barometer ,
is at foulweatber point yet
There is a good deal of arguing
here about Oregon. People here
seem very generally to bo desirous
of learning all the facts about oar
pwie. ine uncertainty ot tne
crops in California is beginning to
tell in the wav of nroducinir discon-
i a
tent among her producing classes.
The prospect of a favorable season
this year, may allay this feeling for
a time, but eventually Oregon will
receive large accessions to its popu
lation, from here. , .
The Sacramento valley is a mag-
nificient country; there is not as fine
a body of laud any where. But at
least one third of the time, farmers
tell me, the crops are total or partial
failures from the drouth. This
must prevent its ever being a first
rate agricultural country. More
before I leave, unless I am swallow
ed up by an earthquake.
The New York World correspondent
writing from Havana under date of
IieceinlKr 23d, states that the Captain
General of Cuba lias decreed the prac
tical enslavement of the whole Cninese
population of the Island, numbering
64,000 souls. The decree orders the
15,000 field Chiuese to immediately
enroll themselves under the tutelage of
the Government and work hi tbeGoT
eraraent works at the rate of f4pcr'
week. Considering that all Chinese
who are now working under contract
shall be windenUircdat the expiration
of their terms or be sent to jail, this
may be considered afhir?) proposi
tion on the part oftlie Captaiu Gener
al. General Sherman and Lieutenant
Grant arrived iu Paris on New
Year's Day.
Tho New York WorkiTs down
on the "passive policy."
Fi h again offers to resign.