JOB HUNTING. DM GOOI8. DKUGS, ETC. in Tl T 111- th Wi lli d v. ito in iw lit .lit .1 t r, u- id t- h id ip iO JO T- itisj-rf IL r. TliJU ALBANY REGISTER PRINTING HOUSE WITH NEW AND FAST POWER AM UAttD PRE S SE'S, latest ami most Desirable rHrlei of Printing Material. Is undoubtedly THE SHEBANG TO GO FOR When yon wish Fosters- or Visiting Cards Business Cards Bill Heads, Letter Heads Envelopes, Ball Tickets, Programmes, Labels-- Bul wliy particularize, when it is gen erally acknowledged that wc arc ON IT When It come under the hesd of To eooTtncc yourself of the troth of tlio above statements, you have only to will ;or wnd a liand MS emnpanied by three stamps to pay return postage) when we witl astonish you with 1 thecapaeity of the RBfl- ister office for doing Colored or Plain work, and the re markable ele gance exhib ited by the Boss in CorraMog the stamps for the same when finished. When you have "bU" In our line, call. A hint to -a .- . rj ' , ' the siffleicnt Ls wise as a blind kick's horse, or words to that effect. "SEW STORE, SEW GOODS! The undersigned will soon open An Entire New Stock DRY OOODS, Fancy Gootln, HOOTS, SHOE, It ATM, ETC., ETC ND REQUEST A CALL TO EXAMINE llieir slock, before pnrclin-hig eisc isliere, assuring puroluisora A Saving of fifty Per Cent In tlicir prices. Wn have facilities for presenting. tue most complete assortment of goods ever ollercl in tliis market, nl reduced raloss an t have adopted as 0". motto, yuu tales and fmntl" Call ar.d See for Yourself. KLINE A CO., In nr. Tato-s Brick, Albany, Or. 8ept.SS,7t4v) NEW STOCK ! JTJST OPENED. GEORGE Tl'BREM HAS NOW OPENED OUT. AT STORE recently occupied by A. Covnn ft 1 !o., on Flrsl street, Albany, a new ami well se lected stock of DRY GOODS, FAHGY GOODS, GENTS' CLOTHING, Gents' and Hoys' Kats, ROOTS tM MIOIN, Wood Ware, Crockery Ware, CJr-r'ooorios, Which ho has purchased In Sin Francisco, fur coin, and which he will sell AT TOE LOWEST PRICES, FOR CASH OR PRODUCE. All who wont the 3EST UOCWI AT LOWEST PRICE, Slirnld Rive him a call. UEOIKiK TURRELL, First Strict. Albany. Albany, Sept. 9, 18J1. KYVIXii M.vUHLNLS. THE CELEBRATED Buck Eye Sewing Msiehtite. Priec s)4ii; without Uiiiie, $35 E'M rmssns ! ' Jhttoyt Hiwtng Ma thiiv in mjrrkr to all M rs : 1. It is the simplest shuttle machine niivln. 2. It has less wearing parts. S. It hi'J uo small springs or compound crank!. .... - 4. It is bettet adapted lo a large ranc of work wlthinit change. 5. It has less pieces nf niachinory. 6. It is less nnuic. 10 nivaa iiec uiv umo any other maehitie. 7. The shuttle will wear lmer t ban the shnttto many otlier machine. s That it has the bust baaing aovlco, wh!"h will Hover wear outlet put pi ,.r dor.bronk needles, feed unevenly, -ilp on starchetl goods, or pucker the seam that one i-art of the fabric willcomeine. shorter than! tin' other, which all other feeds are UablO to do. It makes every stitch of an .anal length, it is stronger Hum otlier feeiR Vvccan lake a si r.-i niece of clot h, and put one end in Ottr niueii uc an I 'he other end In an i Other maehme,ana guar antee tbut inirmaehiiie will tako the clot li from the other, In consequence of the su uisriorstrenfttnof the feed. II the only feed strong enonah to feed thick sole leiiUier, sew lug on shoe soles. Kosodqingt ho cloth or any other ni l is n'ouirea. It lias no comidkiilisl machinery, and therefore Is not Itntdeto set out of order. It lias a beautiful movement, making nearly two thonsmid stitches per nilnnto. The' Rnekevo Stwln Machine t he lock stitch, the same as the Home, Wilson, Bjngeivand Florence, attke on uth sides. We ofwr a premlnm of nif mttUrm Mian for any machine on this ot that win make a stronger or more clastic stitch than the Buckeye. For full pnrtteulars address, MINER PEARSON, Gen. Agents, Albany, Oregon. A GBKTtl WAN1MD tN EVERY TOWN l and eonntv oh fhfs eisist. ArtdTast, MINER A ISaARSoN V Alliany, oivgon. GEO. F. SETTLEniER, DRUGGIST. (Successor to I. W. Wakefield), Pnrrlah New Building, First Nt reel, A 1.1' AN 1", OREGON. Dealer In DJU'CSANDMEDICiNKS, CHEMICALS, FAJXTS, OILS, GLASS, ETC. All articles warranted pure, anil of Uio hest quality. Physicians prescriptions carefully com pounded. Albany, O.n. 17, IsiiS-tilf PATENT MKDICINKS. PIPIFAX. 'I'lHS CELEBRATED GERMAN BIT 1 trrs tiwitrutHheaitplif, is n certain re lief for Iup?ixia, 1ml yssl'on, JMtiuumrss, and inacliun qf iit Llnr. This is to certify, that the formula used in 1 he manufacture of the German Pipitnx Hitlers, has been submitted tnmy examiiia tion, and I cheerfully state the ingredients are well selected anil combined, producing a Hitters which will no doubt prove i iiEALTiiri'i.TcMr,nn'l prcNx dwaUtn. G. I. 'I.I.AN1-, M.D. Dear Sir: I have examined the sample of Hitters presented. and And It an exceed ingly pleasant cor Hal an 1 m'.wtti's lmk 11. II. TOLAND, M. D. SHAFFER, WALTER A CO., E0LE AOF.KTS roll THU OXJTSB BTATKS, Cm) 302 Batter- St., San Francisco, 4v4 STOVES, KTO. W. 15. M'FARLASD A CO., Opposite the liotcla, Albany; rerron, SUCCESSORS TO 0. P. TOMPKINS ft CO. STOVES, RANGES, Force and Lift Pumps, LEAS AND IRON PIPE, 2Eo11o"ot Ware, HOUSE Fl'RNIKMlSU HA11WWABK, Tin. Copper und Siicet Iron Wnrc. LARGEST STOCK IS THE VALLEY. Lowest Prices Every Time. Repitlriiifr Properly Done. wanted. WANTED! 5,000 Bush. Oats IWn.I. PAY THE HIGHEST MARKET prkc for all t he clean oats delivered at A.C. LAYTON-S, !-iii3 Albany, Oregon. .FRANKLIN MEAT MARKET, Albany, Oregon, J. R. HERRON, Proprietor, Is RTUA C.N HAND TO SUPPLY CI S touierM wiili auvand.ull kinds of meats, at the lowest market rates. J'.y st pet al tetifion to Irasraess; he n'opesuiRlveoItftre saHstnctlon tooll wlm may favor hlut with their patronage, 3v4 J. R, HEREON. Strayed or .Stolen, IRO MY FARM, TintEE . miles cast of Eusi Port land, nl.n... 1.1, .lC t ...... -1 t.?l a small BAY MARK, itraerlhmi Jj as follows: About Ulmrnls high, 6 years old, branded Con the rlghl shovilder,whlte face, one hind 1c;; white, hod l'foiv, an I, when butt seen, had n smttll hall, attache-J to a strap, around hi r neck. I wMJ amply compensate an;.' one retnrtiin sal ! mare to me, or giving me informal ion of her whereabouts. F. P. CAV1NESS. November IS, Is71-Hwi PORTLAND HOTEL. METROPOLIS II O T E L . Corner Frout and Salmon Sis., PORTED, OREGON, This new and elegant hotel, with Xcav Fr.rnltisrc Thro'iphont, Is now - OPEN TO ntE Ptiur. Batli ' .am for tlto necomuiodatlon Ol UI1CXI.S. i FREE COACH TO THE HOUSE. Come and Sec I s. J. n. IspnENtJEH, Propr. Oct. 7, TlsSvt REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE Stitsel Upton, BEAL ESTATE BROKERS, CORNER OF Front and Washington Sis. PORTLAND, OREGON. si. Special atttatian pi ten to the lAXB & PUHCH ASK OK in: V I. K8TATR, In all patta of Oregon. LOANS NEGOTIATED On first mortgage, real estate, and collateral security. Agents fur the sale of Lots aad blocks In HOLLADAY'8 ADDITION TO 1". AST POItTLAND. Hare far sale a larjje aoiennt of IMPROVED INIMPROVED 1MKNINC LANDS, Sitnaleri In illflcrcnt parts of the State, on the line of the railroad. INFORMATION To emigrants and others, relating to the HESOITRCGS OV OREGON. Furnished flee of charge. ALL CORRESPONDENCE WILL HAVE PROMPT ATTENTION. Stitzel & Upton. DRV-(iOODS k (iROt'KlUES ' . " "-' ' """ NEW STORE ! NEW GOODS ! JT. MILT. BEACII Is now opening a Selected StncK or General Merchandise, Consisting of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Olo t lii xx&l GROCERIES, HARDWARE, Croclicry und GIiins Ware, BOOTS AND KIIOES. PAINTS AND OUJ9, ETC., ETC, t ND IS OFFERING THE OOCIDS TO J t he public at primscorrasponduig wit h the times. All kinds of men hontalileproduoe taken In exchange for goods. Come one, come nil. and examine prices, at. the old stand, formerly oeenpied by . Reach ft Hon,opwsiicFrtobrtok,spulb side First stmit, Allwny, Oregon. 31v37 pROCEItlES AND PROVISIONS, in full VI supply-just received by 3V4 DlBOlS. HEAL KSTATli, ETC. EM CARTER, RE.1L EsiTATE AtiENT, AIJIANT, OR. CIIVEU EM'WIAL ATTENTION Tt T Inning and scUtag ix-ul eastate,lciuv ing or 'renting city property: bus n num ber of very desimble farms for Bale, situ are 1 In deslm'tli' iOeidnfes, Alo, a nnm Iwr of deniable family pesldimoes and vacant lots in the city of AHiany for sale, otwa!fy,ensy terms. ELI CARTER, NOTARY Pl'BMC, "IITH.I. ATTEND PROMPTLY TO ALL W ImslnesA pertaining to t lint officx: which may be entrusted to his care. ELI CARTER, GENERAL FINANCIAL AGENT, MAKES A SPECIALTY OF COttECt Ins. adjusting or seeuriiiK debts, ne gotiating loans, col!c-!lng rents, etc., etc. ELI CARTER Is agent for THE NORTH AMERICA MlTMl IIFK INURANCE CO. THIS COMPA i ny is one of the most reliable, nnd presents a.s favorable terms for insnmnce as anv company In the United States. Persons wishing to avail themselves of the en-nt hem-ill s of life Insnmnce will And It their Interest to liufire In this office, and with a locn! nn-ent. All prikt-s crvlorsnl 61 UvHjntfcf Xi w York. Oflire comer of Broadalbin nnd First streets. 3v4m3 s WEKT POTATOES, per lnl fttpamor. ty 1 In IIDK " 1 CASH rld for WHEAT, OATS, PORK, Butter and Eggs, by WHEELER, lit Shodd. Dv (1LOTH1NG and ROOTS and SHOES - a J tine assortment, very low -by WHEE LER, atbbedd. Hv4 HOMK SHUTTLE REWING MACHINES, Plows, and all kinds of Agricultural Machinery, sold by WHEELER, at She!. HARDWARE - for Builders, for Smiths, and for Farmers sold by Wheeler, at SHEDD. l'v4 FARD AND HAMS, a splendid lot coun X try, by jSvt DUBOIS. JonN ki i-sav. josBrrt ha.nxon. liELNAY & I1AXXOX, Attorney-si and Counselor!, nt Ijw, tJUrtmrt for Linn cnunt;), OFFICE IN POST OFFCE BUH.PING iun stairs), Alliany, Linn c.inntj-. Otc gon. "IW DKI I.S and MEDICINES. PAINTS an l Oils, Glass and Putty, sold by VHieel- or. at f HEED. Ilv4 TTTlHIl Sfl V1 1.S, long ami sn'uire. piam W and Btril cd, for sale by WHEELER, at Shedd. llvt Ct Willi's, nits, RATSINS, etc.. fresh andcii. .by DUBOIS yiVtAX) PAPER. ALLM8B8, JT't6 1 rocelyedandlorsolojtt this uflicc, tow for HSli. . Tn WARE, GLASS WARE, CROCKE , Lumps. &c.,ftc.,N,.u by Whce-r. at SHEDD. B'"l.ANK DEEDS. MflRTfiAC.ES ETC.. on hand-latest stykn nd for sale low. at this office. "MiESH FHU ITS, peaches, gmH. apples, pears, etc, by 3v4 VsTtESIl VEGETABLES, In tnUnnlqr OOIP KANE'S CONDENSED, THOM O ns' Cold Water Bleaching, and other kl :i Is. sold by wiu-.i '''"j 11V4 O1 VOTERS, SARDINES, RED IIEKKIMti. .dlish. clc.just receivouoy 3V4 nr IBOIS. OYSTERS AND SARDINES, NITS AND Candles, and other knick-knacks, sold by Wheeler, at SHEDD. Hv4 NOTICE. rpo TnF. STOCKHOLDERS OF THE A Linn County Agricultural Association - Tliere will he a lius'niss meeting at the Court Hons In Albany.on the first Thurs day In January. Is7t, at 1 o'clock P. M.. for the purpose of. lect ing Seven Dircx-tors for the onsulns year, and transacting sneh other huslncss as may come before tho meeting. J. H. EVaNs. DoceqMia, lfli-ui Sea. Qar itahcrrfbera flndlogsrSafttr (Mr rulinoSarelnforiBCdthatniclrsdbscrlptlon evpinst with ibat mnbei-, and theyswe In vited to renew If. Tmw It per annum, In advance ; bti months, tt three ttontba. 'JfeiTIeal tenders reeciveil at par Irons sulMcrilKnain Hie Eastern : CITY ANO COIISTi; Ortglnal.l i ATeswIMe Aflhir. A little mousle peeped from a hole, And snntti'd the air for rood ; An old tom-cat assnoozlng near, Perceived the yonngsterti mood. Quite cant ions little mousle poo rod Around with wary eyes ; Old Tom drew ba k, prepar'd to aprbuj, As mou ie's nose he spies. Mousle thought he smelt a cat, And turned his tall Instanter ; Old Tom was vexed, and 'round the room Like mad began, to canter. He ran against a pile of plates And knocked 1 hem boiter-skelter ; Out doors old Towser tbo't 'twas raia. And made a rush for shelter. I- :o the stable door lie went. Tween fanner Joe's two legs ; Kortlop -U-yi- and dog and num. Were scrambling to their peg. The milkmaid saw t he squirming paN( And nen-amed aloud with fright ; II:- i 1 idle thought the girl was uuid, And kicked with all her might. One foot on Betsy's stomach lit. And knocked horovcr sprawling ; Tho oihur hit the yearling calf And started It to bawlbig. Tke noise alarmed a dock of goes W ho 'gnu to squawk and flutter? A set tin' hen, lu terror wild, Flew in a chum of but ter. The housewife flew to toko it out, Bm ran against the crib : The baby tuuiulcd 'cross a pot And 01 oke its 'lttle rio. A shriek urosc from baby's throat That 'waked the echoes round : The noise manned the sightless horsu, Who started with a bound. He ran against a beehive full, And knocked it over sad ; The injured bees rushed forth enraged And 'gau to sting like mad. They stung the horse, the rat and dog, And Bet and tanner Joe ; They stung ihe housewife on the nose, Tiie baby on the toe. Tho cow was stnng Inside the car j The calf twice on the tali ; The hen was stung quite In her eye While olu Ing on it mil. The horse did kick the cat did squaU, Tlte dog did yelp and Bet did bawl ; Farmer Joe and wife set up a yen, That drowned the baby's tor a spell. The noise they made 'Us hard to write ( They raised an aw ful din : If mousle had remained at home, This never would have been. Weather Record For the month of December. This should have ap peared last week, but in tlie hurry waa overlooked : Dec. Morn. N'n. Nit. Tmp. Wthr. Wd. 1 iO BO 47 45 c a ? 13 4.1 12 41 r S 3 33 49 66 4.) r a frost 4 83 5.) lit 83 r S 5 84 57 64 5 r 8 8 53 m 80 6! c 8 7 47 63 60 60 c n 39 4i U 43 e n frost 9 40 44 In 40 sh s 10 34 41 39 33 c 11 35 44 41 c s 13 46 84 60 60 sb S 13 4H 52 64 61 e s 14- 43 ft 44 45 fog n 15 45 60 47 47 fog n IS 33 47 39 39 c n from 17 99 36 S3 32 snow ne 19 ! 2tf 23 Si snow n 19 31 83 34 32 tm n 20 34 Sli Si 35 r n 21 31 42 33 38 sli a 22 US 42 44 41) sh a 23 3- 33 S3 SS c n 21 32 39 38 3(1 snow s 23 26 41 91 24 snow n 20 12 19 21 17 snow n 27 22 26 26 24 c u 28 30 41 49 40 raslt n 29 .111 48 44 47 sh a 30 33 40 40 38 r s 31 44 48 47 46 8 S Mean temperature for the month, 41 den. mi,.u , ... ,i, not, K. .!..., . 1. ... ..... .... sixteenth, 17 deg. Highest temperature (luring the month on the fifth. 57 degrees j lowest on tho 96th, 12 dog. Clear days 4, cloudy 6, showery fi, ratu 3, snow Mg jT J. L. Harris is otfering seven ami eight cents per pound for 20. 1 Beef, fork or Mutton. Here's your chance to sell your stock for cash. WILLIAM DAVIDSOM, REAL ESTATE DEALER, No. dl Front Mrcel, Portlaad, Or. REAL ESTATE In thisClTYand EAST PORTLAND, in the most desirable locali ties, consisting of LOTS, HALF BLOCKS, and BLOCKS, HOUSES and STORKS ; also, DIPROVED FARMS, and valuable un cultivated LANDS, located in ALLnartSof tho STATE for SALE. , REAL EOT ATE, nnd other property, pit -chased for com) "indents, In this CUT and throughout the STATE and TERRI TORIES, with rrc. are ami on the moss ADVANTAUEOl S TERMN: Ri ICSES and STJ'BES leased, LOAW S'Eft' AI.l. USL SCRIPTIONS PROMPTLY COLLECTED: and n general FINANCIAL and AGENCY BUSINESS transacted. AGENTS of this OFFICE. In all the Ct TTESand TOWNS in the STATE, will re ceive descriptions of FARM PROPERTY and forward the same to the above acV dress. jivg Furniture Of al! kinds, gtylea and finlsli, cheap aiHi higrrrkwi, calcnhv tl to suit tlie fancy ol the most fastid ious or tla? pockets of the poorest, can be obtained at Mealey's. The ware- rooms are overflowing with au entire new stock, and those in need of any thing hi the line of furniture are re quested to pive the establishment an early call. 1ml. KHKDDH. A. Wliccler: dealer iu general mereimndise. A large stock of all kinds now in store and (or sale at low rates. AU kinds of produce bought at highest market rates. Cash paid for Wheat, OsK Pork, Butter, Idftrs etc., e.