The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, January 13, 1872, Image 4

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SATURDAY, JAN, 13, 1S72.
,, (. ncMbllcan Male
(Yutrnl CouiaUUer.
There will lie a meeting of lite Hc-
pnblicaii State Central Committee of
Oregon, at Salem, on the 1st d:iy of
Uimarr. 1872. for tlie purpose of ftx-
tng the time ami place of hoMing the
a . J j It .1 I'll n.-nra'
.... .. . . . ... - , swenriutf umwH'ywo.iiu v '
m arten conveying u u. tfheso,.
formation of tlie. removal of Mr. '
T .i" Ithc '28th ult. confirm wo m,,c
.neac laiwrvHil w! iimu ouiiHi- , .
. i en 1- 2S WmI state that tlwgrocsaro -tewWofOnyon,.
welded a . ; k rf excitement ex-
tecmig oi gemnu .,.,,.., w . ts KfTorts have been made to
may Ny,BrcV lias I , ,
. r. a . .. o.., ,-.w
given .guucmi sMtstacumi u yei-
forrniur tho duts tliax.fncf . ire
has shown a wore than common j
seal and activity iu striving to ele
vate the physical, intellectual and
WlUltf'dlir,i""''t''"",'T " 'J Bolicitoreueral l?ristow ha re-
Money orden amounting to t!3,-1 signed. The President has a.-kctt
879 were issued from Oregon City ' him to reconsider his resignation
jxwt orrica last year.
"Cynics," was the subject lectur
ed upon, by Kev. P. S, Knight, at
Oregon'ity, last week
An BxImiwtHl iliuftaua'.
The following bit of charming nn
sophistication, purporting to ha
i I... .. ,.;..,.,.r wlfii hi New
. . 1 IM I'll 11 1 1 1 ..Til II. I. ,'"11... .. ... .... -
At Patterson, N. J., harles Pnr-, V(rli f0 iHujirim and weeticled man!
rough ,mmittd
mi the 10th of December. I its i .. ,1(..r .
Jvu' : Although Ml
body remained in the room till tl c j ;;
T. R. ODKN'KAT., Ch.
C. M. Foster
F. O. Motown...
James Welch....
Dean Blanchard..
S. S. Mann
T. W. Crook....
David Rushey ....
W. M. Wilson....
W. M. Turner....
W. M. (itUwiis..
John Barrow
W. II. Halev....
T. W. Davenport .
CP. Crandall...
U. ft Nichols....
JVC. Franklin...
W. J. Snodgrass..
T. B. Cornelias. .
K. . Moodv....
J. W. Watts
T. B. Odenenl ...
. Baker.
. . . Clackaroa u
....Cohmil iV
..... Umatilla.
I' i .ion.
. . Washington.
Wasi o.
I ...... . .. ,. .., inc. ivlien I liivuen von f ..
Thc average of the "oU, w,,p 11 " ding, thai I m W
i . " Mini tW! C.lT.'lilR," CI III '
J.. r. ! M. K. hulitlay (chool at Salem is , ' . . nfe properly, hut "with fup CO"'
ffttma Mf I... .. , Kdwnnl Power, a civil ongmccr " l. ... .. l.,m-ii,..t von inav now
wnota sucih tor uie , . s,"" u" ''.,, ii",,n..iit.
year 11,000. " 1 I Wh
On Prion Waml in j J,r r to "l ; l" f 'who to,X?$Si
u. r..An i for pnxlttccg artificial ram by mca , imW one u -u ' ..
river a band of '-!,l00 sheen were 1 1 , , ,.., nor a vuv. llcaM l WIi W mJJ
. , 1 I of gunpowder and cannon. Ho Wtcs ;.. -,,.(,,, n:l,iH i r-.-'j mttted 10
d,W"e many instances in wbVlf rain has S dWi-t 1";. JJ
1 llll'lt.- tllU IVUIM:" CiHHlHH.. J 11 1 ...41 ... nr. evw c. ."f ...I. .1, .I.ti.nrl
fully. Tb0 f unntewleiKi.c., in v"' : J II i that similar results Must. similar ,..u'l rfyW fvt
many, lve bven m-st ; WAhWJ. j The little town of Nicolaus, Sut- Ho naueststho use of 800 tio,! ' ' '
rwl-lesslv iiLVia-idl. Tliev httVC tsi I onianu, tmoos" - ".rmin,v.CaLwa!? submertred to '.:...... r-,j..t ..,, r.l i 'ftwhrh my eight cn ""rttMiay,
The Multnomah county hospital
; has twenty-seven patients.
trt lll'.j CM- 1)..:iM.tA.1 w niVL
ing tne nine aim piao; 01 i.umii.g uro .! inc nn.-iin! nnunw. .-t.-
!QiivuUswli "better as goot" by the
mm i li j t jv..:. r hie kii
otlier Uisiiu.'ss. na pcrwia aueim- uwiiuuiagou i v " ! (Jovcrnmcnt hicU.r.
. . I f .1... ....... ...Wl I ... 1. 1 'nr., It,, .ml (.:l. : . '
nei' oi eacn meiuiwrw urcyv.Mm j jiermieiiuency sriuhuij
M re puvieo.
l ; 1 ' - i i.'itt,v;.i vi v wiv - t. .
been conducted in llieinrcitofhclf, : her. journals, .claims to ibvb a onbur nwnt o(o 1( myc
HiU tlii t tmunote tlie welftre of handsomest women In the state. . , , .., ()P i.,r T ' '', . , . ,.,, Li i,,.
" " ., . lain.-, "
the Indians. Much neglectand abuse I As things generally go uj com..,
and waste has been the result. Good '. ries, wc suppose she has the home
I ami welutve In en
il a venr. V. o
h Ihiii now. and I i " ' mMte pru-
overllow of Pear i,,.,.!...,,,! ,iv eleetneal batteries, tv r! pies, oniy th- under c;u-UviU
, ,, ! lie .lamp, ilowev t. i i.ui.Kiuai mwm
and such men as may be needed to . , 0nVB i ,mt ptrmnn
mrinteudeiOs arc not so numer- j liest num.
ous as to justify taking their heads In San Prancisco, porter-house
off with impunity ou ulight proyoca- 'steaks sell from 13 to 18c per
tions. A good reason, no doubt, has j pound, while in Portland the price
been represented, but what was it, I is from 20 to 2." cent! per pomid.
and who made it, and is it cor. ."Why is it," asks the lSnWlm.
rcct? The Cathulic church of Salem is
Since writing the above, we havo I . t0 crect a 10W. K.i,00i build.
read iu the Salem Statesman that
It has trnnsnireil that Mr.
SnniM -r' One Term Bill.
ing dim.'g the coming summer.
In Marion county the fanners are
! resuming their plowing, and many
. . itiMnr smice histe.vl ol lemon
liivoriug; Utt thuti Orliimlo wa? try
higtoktouue right tlie girl.
Hhodidn'tmiieh like either ot us go
fug iutothe kitchen atnll.
'i i iimi ri niv eoniliv? mi heautl-
loug ' 1'iillv in the ha.k gardwr; rV
' ;. iwat maiiv naals htlt hanily c xpect-
e.i so many "plants. Among the most
Commis- niiUKWiis is one variety w ith a very
essurea, which grow out of a de- .Mr. Meachatn was uotdtstntcresUHl- Salem is afflicted with a lot of
rminationto -ratifv a fcclintr of ; ly worku:g for the i good of the In- chronic grumblers - refuse work
mmX hatred to Gewcml Gran U Vniatilla Council 1fe$fr&m tLat therc ls 1,0 WOrk'
Bronoli late hero eiamiiiiog into
.......... - mi iinniirj i miv r ' ci "
""T",-n. r -..i iroentiHid who is known to begrcat- 0f them are breaking tip their pas.
Senator Sumner s lull to lumtt..e( l (;raut'fi conft.lence in i :,. t,,;. ' tn ,im.
ooeupancy of the Proidontial chair ; ,,0 0t his Indian policy, be-. , ....
to one term, is one of those spiral S prejudic-ed with tlidea that a
tf .1p. Air. Meachatn was not disinterested-1 Salem is afflicted with a lot of
prsonal hatred at
iv,..., ..Hoi lintrni'l in
w his in fortli fuivihtv the reasons in iavuroi1! () Rnnrlav nilrlit before New
pposin that he, like Karl chuR, their removal from tho I matilla ; a cltiz,.u 0f Eugene sat up
KiLned inlluence over Cier-1 ZTt
man Pemihlicans, holds the balance 1 Slll1CTii.tende.,t was rsonally in Year, .nd when he commenced
of power in the llepublican party in j t0lesl0,i u il.oir removal. ringing all Eugene turned out with
bis Senatorial fist. He lias yet to j t Prunot has evidently acted buckets to extinguish the fire. As
learn, it seems, that the Republican . m mllcu .aste. His aeal l as tly couldn't find any they proceed
party is composed of elements a Uvertopplcd his good seme. Py his 1 ed to 1 he Court-house aril extin
little too wise in the faculty of dis- j tempered zeal, he has prevented guished the liell ringer by pouring
trimiiiatioii to bo drawn the , t;10 Cl,1JSumniation of plaus for the j water 011 him.
gnpport of a man purely on personal 'benefit of the Indians, which were 'ric coniraercial editor of the
grounds. Should General Grant unusual in their jtromises of load-1 ort Townsetnl Argvn wasprcscnt
rlopart in&itb or practice from tlie ; i; tl Indians into channels of civ- j 1 -.j, mognifioont "old watch
established principles of the Itepub-1 illation. This exhibition of .Mr. : n 0J i,ristmas day.
can party, ts adberente would re-! PVunot's judgment, certainly a fi u 4t ro.
pudiatchtmastiuick and e.nphati- pretty good indication that ho is cent!V) 0!1C cat thc olhcrba;1Iv with
cilly asthey did Andrew Johnson. , ut of his 'Miomial sphere." In what ,
Tba popularity of Gen. Grant in ; wo iaVe said, we wish it distinctly 1 '
r-r j 11!, , , , - i On last .-atnrday, Mr. Push, of
the party is based upon his zeal anil understood t'.;at no reflection ot dis- v '
... ii,..,i.: .... . . ij. 1 : I-ane cjntitv, accidentallv shot bun-
activity ui maintaining and develop-; quahhcatiou is intended to bo cast 1 , .
ing the cardinal principles of thc I ,, .hesuncessorof Mr.Meacha.n. i'lth revolver. Not danger
organization. He is kuown and j Yxom what wc have heard, he is a ou? '
appreciated by his fruits ; and no j geutieman well worthy the position, j The bark Shooting Star, from
eflort of Sumtier, or any other indi-! our position is, that a good officer San Prancisco to Nanaimo, went
vidual. bv means ot measures ua-cu . . ,ou ,1 never lie removea, simply 10 . -
gratify tlie whim or caprice or prej
udice of individuals.
I river.
Oyster farmers alxmt San Pran- make the transportation of the ma
cisco bay wcro apprehensive that ; terials.
the recent copious rains would in-j Pcv. Robert J. Kreckenridga
lom ! fw. nitJarik died at, his residence in Panville,
San Jose. Cal., exiiericnced an j Ky., on the 27 th ult., altera
aovilwuiftl-n Ucf month. ! illllCSS.
... Tho rWrrl of Indian
A female minstrel is giv- . . large tea Hiat tmtm on s nngew,
, . T... sioners uaye presettted tncir report Lmi't smell nh. I woutlcr wbai
,ng performances throughout Cab. j h . a chm. j; tWnillo lV1,,. s m, t:t,kln?
(brnia. She is usually attired m .. ftml abontwb j, tat weeds alwaya eotu.
gorgeous blue cashmere, and... con- q , (. , , mm , , ,0 ,,,,
seuueucc of tlieextremesnmlhiessot , i assihtso exeetlent, rempemto ana
till .V) T i I I
n 1 .1 11 1 u 1 11 1 II s! e r.hivs on a .art). I
and tier linger nans wtewa w .
near three inclics in length. The
ru.-tics are delighted with her.
; have saved about one
miilion dol
ti irWrrv a
I can llud a
Extensive preparations aro being
made in Sau PrattciScO to receive
the Japanese noblemen, Who are
Monev was stri;
York on the 28Ui.ult.
Tl,. i, ,!,! nmollnt. oteUl lVlTV O
all kinds outstanding to Pee. i!th,
was 390,290,740.
The mail service on the Central I V ;
true. 'IV all the gl
soon R9 tiicv (Sin. it' th
i h.rlian.1 like mine.
i 1 have hut one trial badness t:ike
1' I him so ihrk-h invav from IIIU. A law
yer !)- atttml to b;rinev. yen know;
1 and oiiM time they carry oil the enso
,f nntll Iwn at nlffht. (Vftflll anil often
he lt!W exainiueurwltnesses until balf-ia-t
iwel. and come home iKtrtecUy
i xhaii.-tnl. And the nasty Ihhijri will
0 that Ills
I -1
, - 1 tl.i. 1 iiiuii"""" !SlilVtiOI II. AH"
exFctea to arrive ano.u me ou. IaiIroad hft8 1,, ex.
We learn from the Eugene City
Journal, that 3ir. Bush, residing
near tlie eily, was accidentally shot
in thc breast by two balls, from a
pistol in the hands of J5r.d Edmotid-
j tended from CbtOQ t iTeliama.
I5tS Tweed after hiding away
thr comn time was disco vcrcl and
arrested on thc 20th lilt.
Connolly's bondsmen went hack
ill as it tloe.i 1
sprinkle tlie lining m
U-phv he diln s to )l
rhadaten-ihie fl'i
-dreadful. Urlmd
biKluc-I Uilhk I.
of live or death
hjfe. So I s.:i up,
n.ii.L- nril mrl .int
im. and he had to sixaid New ; o'eloelf. Aft. r Hull
.!. t-t, lv.hwr i'iifoxtr"fttfld at r . .1... :.. i:., . I I'CH I COtife.--, il
ay, mm urn.. " i ear h uay in i.iuuv, head peeping t:
the time.- 'J he wounds, though ex- (. W. Vou Mort lias been ap- J window blhid'f 1
tremely dangerous, arc not ueccssan- j 'mlci Commissioner of Public
ly fatal. i Works by tlie Mayor of New York,
Eugene City has been divided j iu the place of Tweed.
Into two election precincts, called ; The new bridge across the Hud-
North and South Eugene.
happened to-
on porsonal envy, or hatred, or am
bition, can mislead the party to any
great extent. A man who makes
his disainxiintments or grievances
the basis ofplitical action, is un
reliable as a leader, and unworthy
to be ranked among statesmen.
Tbis'one-tenp" principle is a legit
traiW measure of legislation, but
sprung at this time by Senator, Mim
, ,
r'"-o - i were on a piece m iir;" -
ocr, it is properly regarded as a mJ wm gny
whiww "" miicg from them was a piece oi iim-
Orant. The Democratic party so Aftpr mhitshitlg tMt mms
accept it, and am promptly wheel-, for this Umher to
kg into line to give it a most e fue, Xot retur!ling for
thnriastie support Le dymgmen, ; womeu Ml tMr
they catch at every tn.rtw:chiitire aml Rtartcd to mint for
evry plan, ormeasnre, which piom- thcm TJ)is u al, yj.t y katmo,
iscsju the least to aid in the defeat me the neitday the bodies f
of PreMeut Grant, and save thc Mven Ig(H wll0 j,
isganiznioufromnshing. They U were fouild.
seem to tbrgetthat Jefferson and wercleft jn the
Madison, Monroe ami Jackson were ; of
two-term men, and au Puren tl ' rty.
would have lioeu had they possessed '
votes enough to elect him
Frozen to Dratli,
A iarty of emigratits wcro pas
sing through Selino county, Nebras
ka .Inrinor Kuod.iv of Inst, month.
m.' ,1.1 .k, nA Past Portland last Sunday. He
1 lie CO.U t.:.; fct.cj wiMi'uvii
to camp and light a fire. They r thc oldcrt i,l6ane ina"
in the i mteu states.
22d durit g a heavy snow storm.
Thc stages between Portland and
Hillsboro have been drawn oil", the
railroad doing the business.
A man ninety-fix years of aire,
named McEween,from Astoria, vas
tilaced in the Insane Asylum at
wmiamVra nuKt give way liere, as it
has in other things, to thc cxigen
cies of tlie present desire. They
tta Klux Ootrsn la Himonrl.
At larshalland vicinity, in Saline
county, Missouri, tlie Ku Klux have
rush into the arms of Ssenatcr Sum-; ljcen giving an exhibition of their in
ner, and williawu aud Hatter, licl ; humanity and bleAdthirstiiiess. Pro
sudbesbbber him, so long as be ojneertedly, on ChrisUnas da? last,
exerts himself in the way of deteat- a large number of them, well armed,
;n On. firant. All tliis. howev-! turned out at that place for the rmr.
py ' 1
, but shows tlie 6trength of Gen. pose of slaying the negroes. Patrols
Grant, aud te utter detpeiatrou of
his enemies
I .were placed near the town.aad every
traveler was nattea or questioned
1 All I.Ostl.ORb WOA WtlriDri.lnil n wl
A cook (negro) employed on the , rcigi)cd KUj)rm(, oycr
1rk Casarewitch. lvintr at Seattle, i .. . . , . ... .
, i t, piutv. Jkuv nuiuuer ui negroes uueu
buMflilremsBiron1fcn,plac- , thcao Uood thirsty wretches is
edit in his stateroom, went to bed J mt at iman. yrf a m
ancontrtctod a severe aiKl lastii ; Wib0 Marshall at 11
COW. .olin.Mi.....f; .v w u I vilr that he saw iho .1
winter, there was a black burying
party the next day.
Small pox is still hat" in Brook
lyn, New York.
bodies of five ; two hanging by the
neck, three lying on the road and
one terriblv wounded, haviuff bis
I shoulder shot aay. At hut acTThesp tl
John I). ue8,a pioneer printer,
has been appointed policeman of
Portland. He will look after the
bad "cases."
Mr. Foudray, in company with
Hon. Samuel E. 3Iay, has arrived
at Salem. -
The Salem Statesman thinks the
!xd water of the Willamot, where
an active enrretft prevails, more
healthful than the averag3 of well
water. ,
Thc pfyuilation of Forest Grove
is 000. They have no "gin mill."
P.ev. Clinton Kelly has laid off
an addition to Eart Portland, which
he calls Kelly's Addition.
Peal estate speculators at Steila
coom bavmot made their "ever
lastin fortin.
About forty Fan Francisco boys
amti'cd themselves recently by iclt-
ing a Chinaman with stones. Hope
ful boys for the penitentiary.
The Clovcrdalc, Cal., stage was
stopped Christmas night between
Geyserville and Hcaldsbnrz, by
two highwaymen. They obtained
Wells, Fargo & Co's. box, but it
contained no treasure.
The East Portland City Marshal
employs the little boys alxmt the
city to catch the swine which arc
left to run at large, and the citizens
are wondering how it is tlicy can't
mt pigs penned up!
County orders in Lane county are
at par.
Euaene City has four
o .
Springfield has a ekatiug rink
and a minstrel troupe of its own
getting up.
The editor of thcYreka Journal
has been elected Assistant Engineer '
of tlie ti re Department of that City,
and feels highly honored.
A aetitlcman in a hotel in San
Francisco, discovered his Macassar
Oil disappearing very fast. He
thereupon substituted some croton
oil in its place. It proved effectual
a servant ffirl wore a bandage
on her head for two weeks, and now
is totally bald.
Tlie Grand Duke was at Cleve
land on thc 26th ult.
It is reported that General Sick
les will be a candidate for thc U. S.
Senate from New York against
dreadful accident to.
I ran to open the dooy : a friend of
Orlando's, who is not, I eonfisw, very
much to, my taste jtieli a red-law,
was tut situportms my
di-ar hov lmllti1 T. 'I .s.
1ni I Pec. 27th, says there were u4 pas- o, what ha, liapjviie.
sengets laid up there ly the snow
son river, New York, is completed,
and trains pass over it
dear coat .putu
il make ' him a
: ive to air it. and
Kit e lluffUC water,
it it ou iicdu.
;!it the other night
., !iad told mc that
;:Vi it ivai a ua.
vo.lld il. lain him
ua u?u.'it, with a
worry until ouo
I was a little anx
night it co.d Iu my
ngli the up-stairi
fear it wa
not until Hirpu o'clock tliat 1 litanl a
cab driving up the street and saw it
stop at our i.wr; then i thought 1
sliniilil faint, for 1 was sure soma
A dispatei. from Cheyenne, dated gj
proved the opportunity by charging
63 per meal.
The Km-sian fleet has been or
dered to remain at New York for
thc present.
Alexis was politely asked to go
out on the plains for a buffalo hunt,
but declined.
Tlie President of a Boston street
railroad company has licen tiiieil
20 for permitting forty-seven pas
sengers to be crammed into one
There has been paid out of thc
United States Treasury the sum of
S800,000 to indemnify States for
money advanced in equipping troops
during the late war. There arc
claims of this character which have
Iwcn Suspended by thc Secretary of
the Treasury amounting to 84,800,
000, no money being available for
Conkling. the purpose of meeting thc pay-
It was reported in Chicago on ! ment, tlie law authorizing the Scc-
crled I.
Mis. White!"
Otiilug at all ;
haii-Ud. Ap
uiii exhaust a
IM bring him
thc 28th ult., that J. Young Scam
moti and several prominent citizens
have purchased the Chicago lie-
puhlkan, and will place it under
the charge of Sydney Howard Gay,
formerly of the New York Tribune
ami more recently connected with,
the Chicago Tribune.
Jesse Grant, the father of thc
President, was much improved on
tho SWth ult. Case hopeful.
The Ku Klux prisoners who
plead guilty at Columbia, S. C,
were sentenced as follows : ono to
five years imprisonment and a fine
of $1,000 : eleven toeighteen months
and a fun; of 100 ; one to a year
and a line of $100, and one to three
months and a fine of 620. John 1
Miller was found guilty, and a mo
tion tor a now. trial and arrest of
judgment, not granted.
Cen. Putlcr made a speech at
Princeton, Mnsa., on the 28th ult.,
criticising tlie fishery treaty severe
James II. Packet, the veteran
tion't be frlaht.
blockade. The eating houses lm- only While h a little e
plication to business,
man. and 1 thought
All right. Belle," nid Orlando,
"Smith telU the truth I'm exhaust
ed." And. dearest aunt, bo wa . so mueh
so that he snoke unite thiek. and
teouWu't siaud up without tottering.
Mr. Smith was kind enough to help
J him no stair--, and he lay upon tuo
j bed so prostntted I'nit I thought ho
was going to Utu. 'i'iien I remember
eu tne rrenen ur.imi ,mi .vu .i.t
case, of sickness. I ran to get it oSL
"Have a little brandy add water,
dear V" I said.
The very tWpg. Smith is ex
liautu), too. Give some to Smith,"
he siiil.
And so 1 rtpronelied myself for.not
naviug tnougnt oi i; ueiore .nr. ennui
was pone. Tint I gavi a glass to Or
lando, and, under Providence, 1 think
it Rived his life; for, O, how had lie
.a1. !
" Brlle." mM h. faltering in ids
speech, the room Is going around so
fa-'t that I can't catch your eye. And
besides, there's two of yon, and I
don't know which is which."
I knew were dreadful symp
toms. "Take a drink, dear," said I, "and
I'll try to wake Mary, and send her
fnr 111.' .lM'tor."
retarv of the Treasury to use money "NTo,'".-aid he. "I'll l all right
. .. . . ,r . now. Here's your health, You're a
for this purpose in the I reasury not; bl.,(k, ad ovu he fell Cist
otherwise appropriated Laving been j asleep.
i j- la-n O, whv do men think so much of
rejiealerl in l?iV. money-n'iaking is not health better
TJiero is due our Govenmient iltsn anything eNe.
from that of Colombia one hundred I thVoff flt And I
managed to divest him of his coat.
Jilit wnen it jCtttDO to his boots dearest
aunt, did you ever take off a gentle
man's boots! probably not, as you aro
a single lady what ii task ! How do
they ever get them o:i ? I pulled and
pulled, and shook aud wrineled, and
gave it up. But it would not do to leave
Uieni on all night ; o I went at it
again, and at last one came off so
suddenly, mid over.I went on the lloor,
and Into his hat, whiehl had pill down
there for a minute. I could have cried.
And the other came off hi the samo
and seven thousand dollars, being
thc balance of awards under the
Convention of 1847 and 1804. No
payment has been made since 18G8.
Tho Colombian Miuister at Wash
inoton asks an extension of time of
lour, years, as his Government is
Chicago is now threatened with
smallpox. way, jrjst tw hard and jnU as sudden
A Missouri statesman has tptro. j at "iajt. Then I put a soft blanket
i i t.-ii l tUtum nr over Orlando, and Kit in my sewlng-
duceda bill nithe Pegislature or M m fafe
that State to punish lying. Poli-1 breathed ! And I had as you may
ticians will watch that bill closely
e.l to death, nnd cannot restock twin-
selves, f ormerly, iiir iro.--slxiicuco
to one uliilling per dojeu,
now It is from half a crown to three j i.,.iiorii mere is a inrirc,
actor, died at BrooklyU onthe 27th iyfflWel0y4ter sold at fifteen pence per
ult. 'dozcu.
liii.ev ftirt n.iKl. fti'mwlftil fiulMl lln
.might have killed himself by Ida over-
. - application to uusmen lor iiti mat i
There is groat esclterucnt In Eng- knew. The pttfcct one goes flrst, It
tfKtStfi, IS "o L diuerently should I have felt
pita luarg ,.,,: 1K7i it I lmd any thimr hai.nen.'d to mv be-
rfLuBi The beds have been dredg- loved Orlando! He has not had so
,." 1 . .... .i . ..,-1... i ut 1 1 i.r ln,r ahiivi 1 ll.itiL-
e.ii..ii-i nit .. uiiii.
he sees the folly of ovoi'v,,rk; tlHmgli
If courts will keep op'n ,-o late, what
tan poor lawyers do 'I 1 think ft l
very inconsiderate of the judge. I
wonder Whether he has n wile the
nieun old thing. ExekmfK.