The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, January 13, 1872, Image 1

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    VOL. IV.
NO. 19.
rim.lisnEP, EVERY BATt'RpAV,
By fcoLL. VA5 LLEVE,
anrr eVrry l Sirs,
One your
f ' mow It
Bingic copies ....
...Three dollars.
Ten remit.
TmiKte'it advert tselncnis. tier square of
ten lilies or 0S nrw 1
subsoancnt Insertion $!
.': each .
Uu".'er nlvci- !
tucmcms msertcu "
ten us.
i ho most illitral ;
Having twelve 1 new tyie. stock of col
or.' 1 Inks, car Is, a OoptOU jo, etc.. wo
ore iirBPSEUtl tovxeetiteali inot prim
ing in a belter ninncr,Ai!' P'y,"1.'1
cheaper than ever before offeiv-.l in WW
Acr-uM lor HieKeln.
Tit" fiiiiowhi:; gentlemen (4n1ioi 1
to twelve aivt rreoipt for u iscrlpttoli,
advertising, etc., fr.lte 10 litsTUt:
llirum Smith, nrrtii
O. I' T;rki"'. H:o.'ri--urg.
IV er Hnmc DrOWnsVlOBi
W.W. Kfrtt, BiwnjiviUO.
E, B.Whocler -4o.
T. ii. a noWiS fawn.
L I jttheivfti'i FiiitHuacp.
It, V, porter. sieMV station.
Ftntdtnr Well Buet!nttta,roBsto
Claw. Ste'Ke.i..!at!knoii.. ui.e.
Ut'SiNiH t'AKDS.
. K. KSCE, 5S. P.,
I" Sij-nleltii n nl SnK on , Albany . Or.
. k-i irr i iv t; ! sin .ti Miifcur i.i
4pril. 1-7
roceiylns'tt largo stock Of
UroftCTle uiil Provlklona,
WcxhI and willow ware, tohneco, elsars,
con foot lonery, Y , v tneions. etc.. etc..
..l,..h..:..L,. ,t,,il n :,r. . oteo:,iie i,.v...inu .
Bon'.s dross stoa', Ainony, ufon,
J. It. HITcni'LI..
j. ls triL
UlITfTtlEi.L & 11!.5H,
Attorney ua Cottnaeton nt Raw.
r tor Iii ii linlraltf, Olliee over lite oil
btwt office, Front .street, Porttonu, Onyoa.
I, c. rwtu. rlJKK-
Attorney nn! CoaMelora nt low,
A FllnhiSarypwWtc), Altjlmy, Oregon.
f'ollootlonsanJ convojauuo )uoui;itJy at
emlett to. , L
M. H.Clt ANOlt.
5, n. m Mriinr.v.
KOlivry PnWIe.
Attorneys mid 'oHtlIor nt Law,
Office in Parrlsli bricir, up stairs. By
EO. W. GKAY, D. I. S.,
J nati tetnal l :)!'.
makes ttpmil y'Ka-( Im
pniviimiiktof Pinl iM i
IfeViol T.v'.h. IliHi. does At. I
worK in tue lino oi iu u'u-!-wt,u m m,
best and nint a;j)rrtve 1 met hod. ami at as
tvsonaljltralcas can lie hu.i efecwhero.
Nitrous Oxtteauministered for the raln
hlweslrai tioinii'ii etli if desired. Ofllntln
I'arrlsli urlek htmlj, up s'.alni. Uesldcnco
llrat house sottt hot' timKrCrfatkinalchnreli.
tiunttn;? on court house liloek. jJWS
wTo-Toaieb, n.
west of Broalatliin, in Ihlrklmri's two
lory brick (upsmintvover Oeo. TurrelFs
store. Itraii'KNCK -Tomer Sisih and Fer
ry street", AlbaBy, Oo-son. IW-71
"VVtor W lie els
And Ucnernl .Will Hnrhinery.
Allui, Oregon.
81i I
To Introduce the celebrated
Unekeye Sewing naenine.
I hooly shuttle sewing ninchlne in the
United States licensed to use the celebrated
Wilson feed sold for lew than 4fl. and ack
nowledged by all to bo the liest family sew
ing machine, for light or heavy sewing, in
Uie market, outtlt free. Addn i-s
MIX 1CUS l'EAHSON, lien. Agts.,
tOv3tf Albany, uivgon.
' KstabDNliPd iu IHOO.
E. A. Frcelmul,
idscellnpeous IksiUs, schrsil hisiks,
blank nooks, stationery. Hooks, Imported
lo order at short not ice.
AJbnuy, Dee. 3, 1S70. "
Of turnintr ; keep on hand nnd make to
order rnwhldc-liettomod chairs, and spin
ning wheels. Shop near the " Magnolia
Albany, Nov, 8,ww-l
E am
TFf n fS Ti fYO MTn TP
AwiAwiiW WiiiWVj
fl'lUKCT TO.,
J ? . tM-k nt slurlit.
nitetesf i'.llowe.liiltnicrixislt9iniiii.
) hi " ;e on l'nnla'iil, Son Frencivo,
an t Hon York, fitrnUotrt lowest rates.
tWrtction ma-teana proinKlyreitiiitel.
Reffru lo f. Vf, CorlMJtt, Henry I ailing,
fkinkfnj; lioitm from 8 A. M. to 4 P. M.
AiUuiy, Pel), l, kiil-iivJ
Delivers tn
Monuments, Obelisks, Tombs,
Head and Foot Stones,
Exacntoi in
Mai hie.
and Italian
f ALEM, OliKfiON.
Dealers in
Bnota, Slioca, and "Findings
J. public to tlatlr fttll slock of the latest
stvtoa in Rcntlcniou's and youl It's boots,
slicifs. (ratters, (Wford tics, etcetc, as well
Mtotbe very tatesfr thing out in the lino
of ladles' and misc-V gaiters, lulmorals.
Nr-witort ties, Antoinette buskins, and
uutny oi her new and fashionable stylus,
lust rCestved at the t i-y Boot S.ore, which
Hi v w ill sell aa rapidly as they can rind
purchasers who wish flrsttoS8 goods at
the most reasovable rates. They respect
fully Invite you to come and see U)W
stm:k. Hoots', shoes,ete., madeor repulroa
to order, and alt nw tiurrutu'.rf.
rtrnt door Wet! of Beslmter Biiild'i;.
roarr ktbket,ai.baxy,obeo',
V St antly on hanJ a fall supply of
Which will be of the voir lies' V
The lllihfel market price paiil fori)
and sheen. . ..
Third diMirwcst of Fcrry.on sontn stae ;
.,f rirai stn-et. J. i.. liAKiua.
Ainany, Dee. I), 1871-Uv
otary Ptiblie,
1 MMMN .ma oiners n uKin ,
! out real estate papers, ctc
O.Uce one door
above telejtntplt 0100.
Albany Collcgiutc Institute,
I I Moudav,Septemher4,tK71,witliaeonw
(if teiK'hers eanalilc tuid earnest. Inst rue
lion will be thorough and practical, and
i the system of order unsurpassed. Forpar-
: tleu!ursil.ldress
1 R. K. WARREN. A. M., Presfdcnt ;
Or, licvRR. UEARY, D. P.. Albany.
Tbc Eyes! The Ears!
Oculist aud Anrlst. Allmny, Oregon.
son of the noted
old opthiilmtc doctor,
i i' i;ol'len.
Dr. iolilen nas nan
experience Iii treating
I ne various (umruhbi iu
which the eye and ear are siibjtH t nnd feels
confident of giving entire satisfaction to
tliose who mav plneotheiuselvcsniiderltis
ww. April IS,
lianv, and is now ready
to watt on the ritlrens of AL
h-mrand vlrlnltv.wlth a new
Invention In denial work. It consists in
supporting the plate tothe month without
covering tho whole roof, as heretofore.
Those Wishing artificial teeth are request
ed to call ami examine for themselves.
Also, plates mended, whether pnrtially
broken ordlvldcd. Teeth, extracted wli li
mit pain, omco over TnrreU's store. All
work warranted. "v
raper-hunginj?, ateemlniHg,
DecorutiMff, dec.
M. WADSWORTH will give prompt
attention to U orders for I'ats'r-
hangtngtJajooiulnlng, Decorating, e. m
this city or vicinity. AH work executed
In the latest style, in the best innnuer.nnd
nt lowest living rates. Bjrordcrs left nt
FiTilturi! Wsrernoms ofcluvi. Mealev will
receive prompt attention.
Tt;. tuoisanu fwsm,
One bright, Jntw morning, Fred
Staulev came to the insurance office.
. ... i
where he was engaged a clerk.prompt-
iv, as toe chick was striKiug tunc, uu
t'.tiiiifl iimi'Ii iii liU uiimidp it fiirehrll
looking letter on his desk, bavihjr a
Ismail portrait ofher majesty, Queen
I Victoria, in oneeorner.nud tlie anbr
serintion beinsr plainly euouirh his owu
; name and addrcis.
i "What in the name of wonder
this mean?" Ite muttered to liii.
; for his folktw clerks had not arri
der can
tnd pitvcccileU at once to inquire with-
i in. lie found cause vnougtt tor astoa-
ishtneut. .
The lter informcil him Unit death
ha,) remowid from tills earth adUUnt
relative, and he was heir to ten
thousand pouiitls sterline, which, on ! tluttcitfl in the Mctw. making an un
proofofuWiitity.&e;, would be trjnw- ;-Mnal'rig!it tor thafwithboriiood; il'bc
initted to him. iwse, iatwever, ssiw the Mrange, and
From a poor clerk with a small sal
ary, ton man of fortune, was a great
change. at:d the young gentleman in
question, could hardly itflllze that it
was nut a dream; but subsequent
events proved it a substantial reality,
I w. I u....l.. t .1 1.1
Hint .i r. r rvu niauiuv ivituiiv" n
clerkship, and assmucu the dianictcr
of a gentleman seeking profitable in
vestments. From all quarter etime eonp'atnlav
lions, old friends, whose interests
liad not betrayed itself, in any marked
manner for a long time, all at once
remembered how deeply they felt for
his welfare ; aud new friends came, in
great nmnters, with sunny smilos, aud
smooth woils of flattering congratula
tion. Fred Stanley, although not quite
twenty-five, had been pretty well
ct.rv.i,.,! t tiuu-:ii.nrHu wAnl. iiiiri
nomeMd cnotigli sound sense to pre. ' cussion of the brain ; his mind wan
vent his heirg ; spoiled by goal for-! deml to scenes gone by, ami the names
! I tine
Uoth parents died when he was a
I mere chrhl, (their only one) and he
liad gaiueil, Ity manly exertion, aial
! steadliut integrilv. a responsible posi
tion in the olhce where we found bhn
:tt the commencenmnt of this story.
Tliere wits one who received the '
newsot tlie fiuliieu goou toriune oi i
I Fred Stanley, w ith a chill of sadness
! almost a sense of pain, and tliat one
was a young girl, w ho, the nignt be
fore, hail walked by his side, ami lis
tened, as if under cluu-med influence,
to the music of his voice, and after
wards dreamed of Uie beau ideal of
her thoughts, now having existence In
Edith W ellman was the name of the
young lady referred to; she was beau
tiful as the most delicate llowcr, gen
tle as a fawn, and the reason she telt
a thrill of pain on learning of her lov
er's good fortune, was tlie fear that it
would separate him who held her
never dying love, so far from her.
He had not said, "Edith, I love
you,'' but why need lie do so; little
acta of tenderness, little expressions of
love, have a language of their owu,
aud it is easily undepstood.
Edith's fears were not without some
foundation, for with new wires, and
new duties, and responsibilities, Fred
Stanley found bis time so much wcu
picd, the new society into which lie
now entered so brilliant, that many
days passed before time was found to
present himself at tlie humble cottage
door ol Uie pretty Edith Welhnan.
Even tlicn lie misunderstood Edith's
rptiiYine,. and went awav with far
.mr. r. ..!,.. .'...,,.,.,..;.,
iiiiieiviii uxuii iruui m eiiiii..iii-
ed at their last meeting, and lie thofight
mm inn not care very mucn mr mm.
after all, aud pciliaps it was better, if
such was the case.
She felt that he now moved In a
sphere above her own, and she thought
it a duty tine him. tliat tliey foiKet the
sweet dream ot tlie past, nltiiougn that
brjh mH1K,w was ber life. So they
- , . . , ., f
the hour.
i i
liusinests and Its caren occupied
much of Fred Stanley's time, for a
season, and then a lovely being swept
across his pathway, which made his
very existence seem a fantastic dream.
Ina Fnirlv was wry beantifiil, her
: dark, wavy hir fell in ringlets over a
urow ami neck as lair as uie misiKiiieu
snow; and she had brilliant black
eyes whoso glance was dangerous to
tlie peace of mind of men more versed
iu the way1! of Uie worltl of fashiona
ble life, Chan Fred Stanley, and he was
readily ensnared by tlie winning
smiles, the wif, and brilliant conver
sation of the beautiful coquette, who
thong! it him a fitting subject to add to
a long list of conquests. So onr hero
lived for months following his en
chantress, as one In a dream. They
walked, rode, and sung together, until
Fred Stanley, never doubting that his
devoted love was reciprocated, gave
words to his feelings, oifering all lie
was or possessed, to the bright being,
who had led him with silvery cords of
attraction, to this step, there' to crush
his hopes with a laughing refusal, and
an expression of assumed surprise, that
he should for a moment, entertain
such thoughts.
She esteemed her victim, at least she
so declared, but only as a friend and
pleasant companion.
Thin was a deeply bitter disappoint
ment for him w ho had it to bear, and
the cynical idea, tliat all Uie fair sex
were false and deceitful, took posses
sion ofVoung Stanley's mind, and lie
sought iu business pursuits somewhat
neglected of late to forget tlie infatu
ation of Uie recent past.
Business prospered under the new
stimulus of personal attention, and
Uie fortune received but a year before,
was greaUy increased j but the posses
sor found that riches, by themselves,
do not bring happiness. i
Edith Welhnan knew of the circum
sfctnees. already related, coiifprhinw
Fred Stanley -the intattmtlon. the
profmsal. ami tlie disappointment, and
, Jl!d. without being aware of tlie
I wet. the camcot sympathy of one lov-
I Imy lining
ing heart
Had lie known this, nnfam Hi
bitter fccliftjr towards all wlio Itftouw.
M ,0lMe of womankind, would
; ly twi MtisnteraWy modified, but
! 3p his taiMtlm afl ap-
I "--"" i-ibsimhi itcnm
Sniiitunalter of a hnino nntinv,
remlereTI nceeasnry a visit to a neigh
Iwi itm town, and Fred Stanley ordered
a spirited Iionm to l uldliil for the
Abcorlied hi Uionjit, while riding
alonjc he tlWuat notice tlie nnproaeh
oi an cuionion, coiitaunng, among
other thiijgs, u elephant olhnge de
mensioiw. whom glitterim; trappings
to him terrible sight, and trembling
with lrigtir. lumen, and piuugeuasiue
with a sudden bound, throwing the
unprepared rider with great force;
InVeditig and uneoiisciou", to Uie
This accident occurred at the door of
the cottage when Edith Wellmnh liv
ed, and the lifeless form of Ikt former
lover was conveyed into tho room
where they had passed many happy
hours together; now, to all appear
ance, the object of Iter affection, tlie
cause of her pale, attenuated cheek,
lay in tlie cold embrace ot death, aud
Ktlith was (lilting liere and there,
rendering valuable assistance to the
sureeolis who were usingeveiyagenvy
witTiiu their knowledge to restore life
to the apparently lifeless man.
tor a long tune rreu Stanley nn-
tiered at the door ot ueatn. rrom con
UI J.llllll .iimi jail, eiCI,llti:,lji in. ii-
irhil in his conversation ; but w ben
Ktlith stood over hint, ministering to
his wants, she was unrecognized. But
still site watched over tier charge with
tho devotion of a fond, self-sacrificing
nn! itrc. and felt at last the joy ot see-
'ig nun lmjin.vuig, aim once more in
"s"1 . , .
air. ouiiiicy iiiimutci, mm io-
izetl the eontlitiou from wliieh he had
been rescued, by kind care and atten
tion from the Velhnaii family, partic
ularly from Edith, the thought came
as to how he could recompense such
He saw the pale face of her. who,
wlteti he was a clerk in bumble circum
stances, had been the object of love's
yonng dream, and the events of the
moffihs just past were drowned in ti
remembenmee of tirat night, when,
leaving Edith Wellniau at her cot
tage gate, lie returned homeward, with
the tellef that he loved, and was be
loved. Wliat had his wealth brought in
exchange for tliose sweet hours of liap
phiess? -nothing but care ami disap
pointment a feverish phantom to lead
him into quagmires of disappointnieut
and discontent.
On a bed of oonvahncence from
sickue-ss, Fred Stanley had ample time
foiyVellectivc thought, and with the
kifid attention be received, could but
bless the kinds and hearts of tliose who
ministered to his comfort.
All were not false, lie knew, now,
and although feeling unworthy the
pure affection of such an angel o! light,
as slie proved herself to be, hedeterm
iutHl to ask Edith Weliman to be his
wife; and tlie determination- once
formed, be was in great anxiety of
iniud as to tlie reply Tie would receive
troin Edith.
Once he had proposed In theenthns-
( iasm ot a fascinated lover, with no
doubt of success, aud his enchantress
laughed at his folly, and he thanked
(Jod nowi tliat tliose chains of madness
were loosened, as lie saw the beautiful
face of the only one In) liad ever truly
loved, and heard tlie sweet voice of
Edith, his blessed comforter.
YViUi such kind care, our Item's re
covery was quite rapid, and when able
to walk, Edith accompanied him ; and
while seated iu a rustic arbor, under
the sweeUy perfumed roses, lie look
her little white hand in Ids confessing
that she was tla! only iierson lie ever
did. or ever could truly Jove, asked
Lher to be bis wife.
EdiUi Welhnan was no dissembler ;
she modestly acknowledged lief loVe
for Fred Stanley, and very happy were
the lovers, who had been separated a
year in consequence of ten thousand
Three months after, they were mar
ried, and Fred Stanley NfStoWed all
tliat his wealth could purchase, or af
fection conceive, on the beautiful bride,
who. iu return, brought sunlight aud
happiness to bts plea.sint home.
"Why do you opjwse the giving of
the ballot to woman?'' asked a lady, j
Uie other evening, of a wn firmed bach- j
dor. "Excuse me madam," replied!
lie, "but 1 have not sullicient coutl-j
douce iu their capacity to conduct gov- j
enimeut affairs. " "Wliat evidence of i
their mental inferiority to mankind j
can you advance " queried the lady.!
"A simple tilct is enough to satisfy my
mind, and that is the frightful way iu j
.nr back
A stranger, meeting a man iu the
streets of Boston a few days since,
roughly accosted him with : "Here I
want to go to the Tremont House."
The deliberate reply was : "Well, you
can go ifyou won't be gone long.'1
A female barber "out West" lws re
tired from business on account of tlie
arrival of a "little shaver."
nnriar -iVCluml ol the Enrth.
The rM -JL.1
from lime
pmugmu raeury mat
to lime uie snnace or
I mU Si T' 1 0",m' IT?
JthT -Sj i'1
Hl2 ffiSlS e?'1t t, !d
n W r.teC" "'T10'',
reasoii of onr more rrect kiiowU-dse,
founded on eneful observations which
.v SS! TheJTJ,,J,Hl,,,i f,,r
many ytr?, I hese olerv:itions liavo
prowu tliatsuddcu catitropliesai al-
ways merely local; bnt t int all tte
great changes hi the surface of our
earui, as toe upheaval or mountain
ranges and tlie depression of valleys
and their ultimate change Into lakes
and oceans, are gradually going on,
even at Hie present day. The moun
tains itorrWrtiig the Parlnc Oerttn, m
fact the wtwfe coast of allftinibi. are
perpetually rising, aud have probahly
beoii doing so for halt a million years,
while the land containing hi Its
Imisoih our great American lakes is
slowly sinking, with a probable corres
ponding upheaval of the State of Ken
tucky, of Southern Indiana aud the sur
rounding countries. Geological inves
tigation prow that once our lakes had
their outlets south, till by depression nt
the north a new outlet was first formed,
alwtit forty thousand years ago.
through the Xiaaara to the St. Lnw
reneoBivcr. 'lTic division line of the
lakes and the Mississippi Valley lias
been slowly traveling southward since
that time; aud wlten the city of Chi
cago recently turned the Waters of
bike Michigan up the Chicago River
into the Mississippi Valley, she simply
re-established the oltl stage of att'uirs,
which, if I lie motion in question con
tinues, will be more difficult to main
tain in the future than it is now. For
tunately, this motion is wry slow, and
only a very remote posterity, some
thousand) of veal's heuce, will meet
with tlie difficulties we now foresee,
when the bed of the Chit'isto Kiver be
comes Krtrer ftnil lower at Its junction
with Lake Michigan.
It appears, further, tliat tlie State of
Aew Jersey is sinking, ami this is even
participated in by the City of New
York. Brooklyn, Long Island. &c, at
the rate of sixteeen or seventeen inches
tier ceutUry. This is insignificant to
be sure, but let it only go on for a
thousand years and it is sonic fifteen
tect. so that the new stone docks now
con" nencal iu New York City nt that
time will be totally submerged; but
then 1 1 iey will urobablv not last so
long, anil tho soil of tlie lower part of
the city may be raised half a foot
eviy tliirty years. It is evident that
.the most correct data may be obtained
at the sen-shore, as the main height of
the ocean possesses a perfect stability.
This main height is, of course, obtain
ed by continual observation of the tides
under dHferent circumstance, and if
anywhere the higliest titles reach a
blither level than they did ono hun
dred or two hundred years ago, it is a
proof ot depression or sinking of the
This depression is going on along
t he. coast of Xorthei n Frame, Belgium,
Holland, and north-west of Germany,
while the coa-4 of Sweedeu, along the
Baltic is slowly rising, including the
Capital of Sweeden, tlie city of Stock
holm. ,
The latest scientific journals report
two very striking cotemporary ' up
heavals in Spain, entirely authentic.
Tho most curious fact is that the short
time of scarcely a quarter of a century
was sufficient to produce an effect
which has surprised every Inhabitant
. .... ............ ... . --
who oiHerveu tlie circumstances iorm-
erly, and compared tliem witii the pros-
Jamora, it is-observed that troin the
Srt Kc-uifarzes, In the
province Ynlladolid ; whereas, twenty
three years ago, the summit ot mis
steeple could only lie perceived. The
same thing occurs to tlie same degree
and miller Uie same circumstances iu
tlie province of Alva, where from the
village of Salvatierra the whole of Uie
village of Sahieude can now be teen,
while in 1X47 the vane of the church
steeple could linrdly be perceived.
Tliese four (Mints are una line parallel
to Uie system of the Sauserrois Moun
tains, whlie tlie extreme points are
otfo hundred and forty miles apart.
All tlie movements we speak of here
have nothing to do w ith voloanie erup
tions , they are, of course, caused by
chauged conditions of Uie interior of
the earth's mass, which by these facts
is proved not to be solipi, the opinion
ot some modern geologists notwitli
stauding; tho earth, it not liquid in
side, must at least be soft ami plastic,
in order to inaKe depressions in one
place with simultaneous elevations in
One other InCf resting fact we must
mention in this connection; it is that
the higliest mountains are not (lie old
est, as one would naturally suppose,
but belong to tla- system last elevated ;
so Uie high Swiss Alps are much
vonnger tUn the lower Slutwuauguuk
mountains. M'tHJtdury ttml HmUler,
"That man, sMd a wag, "came to
Nashua fortv years ago, purchased a
basket, and commenced gathering
rags. How much do you suppose ho
is worth now y"
It was a conundrum we could not
"Nothing," be continued after a
pause ; "ami he owes for the basket!"
The presence, even, of a person who
has a fixed dislike to one, oppresses
and constrains a loving spirit, like the
heavy atmosphere of a Uiundcrstorm,
w hose real shock disturbs us leys t han
Us approach.
I TiintTT.ns-vT.-v T'im flvw FmL
Ke Vw COttMpOmteBt:
of a contemporary writes a foUowm
. u a n.. i..j.
Ifowid UWl,Kledaremark-
' ab.. iu fiu tto most remarkable of.
i ". ' fiuer, Mr. Jame J
(fries, who lately attendetl the Uulterl
shi.w ,!..,. .
! tV, SSIT Z
iiicl before he WJia Wye okl, hi
.tfu ii.. ZSJ m ,i,i ..,ni
ftiEJSrffii. hhwn
SS&!S&L ,2SK.52
years without children, when his wlfc
gave birth to twins? a boy and a girU
In Uie 1 years that followed 10 chit
dren were bom to Uie happy couple.
each of the first throe births being
twins, ami each silbsequent DIrth al
tcrnntely lietwecn twins and single
births until 15 vaan were accrmitilMh
Al and 18 children composed Uie fain-
ii vuvie. seven pairs oi twins neiuit
born during tlie time. Mr. Jeffries, Ir
aceonnts be froe, Ubhly 45 years otdV
and Is still youthful in appearance and
very stout. His wife never had better
hcaiili in all her life titan at present,
tiioiign sue win not weigh tuu pounds;
iter greatest weight at any time being
110 pound. The boy of the flrrt
twins weighs 105 pmmds, the girl 129
pounds. All the boys win) are grown
have made large men ; the girls are of
good size and ;U1 the children, healthy.,
lint five out of 19 have died. Mr. Jet
fries has 10 brotliers, all of whom wr
large men, ami within the families of
thoe II brotiieM tiicre are 37 pairs of
twins, making 74 twin children, to say
norhlngof tiic host of single births.
Five of Mr. Jeffries' childreu are mar
rkid. and added to the above singular
facts, iiutwulKtaudiug the absence of
silver locks on his head, lie is the
grandfather of five children. Thla
may seem an American 'fib,' but I
will vouch for tlie truth of it."
A wife's text "The right man fn
the right place" a husband at homo
iu the evening.
A hen pecked husband, who had
married his wife because she was hand
some, declared i hat, "a thing of beau
ty is a jaw forever."
"Here lies a man who never liad mn
enemy!" Then here lies a man wht
never had an idea. Wendell I'hflUw.
One of tlie most curious things with
which we are acquainted is that a
watch should keen perfectly dry when.
It h i, a running spring Inside.
' Evo was Uie only woman who never
threatened to go aud live with her
mamma. And'Adatn was the only
man who never tantalized his wife
about the way his mother u-ed to
A man who has had some experi
ence out iu Jifonnondom, says Ukv
way men live out there is partlculary
trying to the hair. We should say go.
One wife tries ours.
A red-hot copperhead out West In
dignantly refused to allow a physlctert
to attend him hi a bad case of fever,
because lie promised to effect a- "radi
cal" cure.
Nervous haste at a railway station
made a Boston lady emm her wallel
down tier throat, and empty a lemouv
adc into her pocket. The prompt use
of a stomach pump saved Uie pocket.
Tlie gratdtoppers haying been a
long time a
a plague to man, have now
of tlieir owu. It is a sort of
.. ..k.
i uintmc ui I
mi,"Hl flea. They hnvent yet becu
i interviewed as to how tliey like It.
. mnwitwi voiimr msfeui nnm
pnlimo.tin: t IsLfi r thomrlit
.em join- belowi Dretnren.'
farmer gathers what he sow
1 while a seamstress sews what she
Many young men are so Improvident
tliat they can not keep anything but
late hours.
Noauk, Connecticut, boasts of
three-eyed cat, aud iuquircs, "How'Ia
hii t for eye."
An exchange wants to know wheth
er a lover can be called a "suitor"
when he don't suit her ?
If three feet will make a yard, now
how many hands need you employ to
make a wash hoiMi in it ':
There lsu man at Xlagra Falls now
who has actually succeeded iu cheat
ing tfic huckmen there.
France rc-chrlstenwl What used to
be called hi Mle Franceh- now called
a Vale of Thiers.
It is nsscrted that a great deal ot
i the mischief iii the world has becu
caused by homely women.
Fashionable virtue Flirt with-your
friend's pretty wife : pretend you an
iu love witii her older sister.
The man who popped the question
by "starlight" got his .sweetheart's
consent iu a twinkling.
Why Is a water-lllly liken whale T
Because both come to the surfiioe to
"The devils rag-bag" Is Connecti
cut for a fashloiuiTdy attired belle.
The sting ofa bee carries conviction
with it- It makes a lice-leaver at once.
A new version of an old verso
Loathe the poor Indian !
What's tlie proper age for a parson f
Tlie parsonage, of course.
What should a clergyman preach
about ? About a quarter of an hour.
Good -places for match making,
Sulphur springs.
The best time to cut Core When
It aches.