The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, January 06, 1872, Image 8

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    fam fk jisbr.
A Faithful f.hfpi-rti .
ticrliardt was a Herman sheplierd
bov, and a noble fellow was he, too,
although lie wa very, very poor.
One day while; he wax watching ! of budnew,
hw fl.K-k. whieli was feedinif in a lint 's-fwe Mr.
valley on the borders, ol a forest, a
hunter came out of the woods and
total :
"How for is it to the nearest vil
lage?" "Six miles, sir," replied the Itoy,
"but the road is only a sheep-track,
and very eusily Hassea'
The bunter glanced at the crook
ed track and sa'ul :
"My lad, 1 am Imngry, tired and
thirsty. I Wvo lost my con, an
ions and missed my way. Leave
vour sheep and show me the
"road. I will pay yon well."
"I cannot leave my sheep, sir,"
rejoined Gerlianjji "They would
stray into the rSr?-ts, and lie eaten
by wolves, or stolen by robbqrs."
"Well, what of t&it'r iieried
tbolmnter. "They arc not your
cheep. The loss of one or wore
wouldn't lie mneli to yotff master,
awl I'll give you more money than
yon have earned in a whole year."
'I cannot go, sir," rejoined (Jer
hardt, very firmly. "-My master
pays me for my t'.nie, and he trusts
me with his sheep. If 1 were to sell
my time, which does not belong to
me, and the sheep should get lost,
it would bo the same as if I stole
"Well," said the hunter, "will
you trust your sheep with mo while
you go to the village and get some j
tbod and drink and a guide? I will i
take good care of them for you,"
1 he boy shook Ins bead. 'Mite
alieep," said he, "do not know your
voice, and" UeVhardt stopped
"Ami what ? Can't yon trust
me? Do I look like a dishonest
man?" asked the linnter, angrily.
"Sir,' said the boy, "you tried to
make me false to my trust, and
wanted me to break my word to
my master. How do I know you
woidd keep your word to mo ?"
The hunter laughed, for he f It
that the boy had fairly cornet jd
him. lie said : 'i see, my lad, ti at
you area faithful boy. 1 will not
forget you. Hiow me the road, and !
I will try to make it out raysoK" t
derliardt now offered the humble !
Mm. Bnffon S?rit. around his nrek and kissing him so
,.. :ft'rAoiiUtlittlH( cf ilOren lioliwl on !
" l?nt niv poor nerves, Ocorgc I i astonishment.
Ah. yes, your nam. Confound i Brtt you Went aay every moni
vou nerves Mrs. Ihiffon; you hk , w witlia clKr iii vi iwwth," snkl i
:.hvavs thrown ; your nerve la '".v i the wife, a miu at j luti-r.
fee: I say the wife of a poor MM i .. Ami put it back in thecal as I
Its no bush with nerves:-1 Iiedvf 1 won asj go oat of sight," sia he.
Ami Mr. Bhffon sjiftefitiJ? Mt off .. jjrtp- here U old ease With
tlK' f:il of his cigar. pulled lm liatoii uiroc dgr.pj i it. 'lliev are badlv j
his head, and .dralo away to ins place ; ,.K.wwj alont l!ie ends, vmi see 1 hat
, , , , , these thr.e (tors have lasted me a
BnfTbn liad readied i .-car1''
I IK' 11 M-'iCNl.tJ SUM UUH II 1M" ll. i.ii.i..
In wmeminove! as .i hi-
t-. mjicr Was aone-
Agents Wanted.
M all
Oh. you roirue .
"And now I cue' I will
three of them together'
So saying be thro them into the
Mrs. BitrTbn tteelana that night
was the happief t of all her wedded
A Washing
cause a comp1
ton editor is mad bo?
df v lieaded hi editor-
till tlicii' he wu;
n-dinmed of hiuis'if, a be always was;
! fir (icorge BiuTotl v. as a good-iioarUM
: felfow, ueMnl Ms fiery tcmptr.
j Bear pri I" he muttered ; " poor
I Kinllyl Inm too hard on her. bHie'.s
the mother my ehllilret:, and n
1 good wife if niin ever had one. It's
not In r fault if she fU3 had nerves."
, , TW wwrial "fheCtamiiagneOiieneti." whei
i C''" '"l-iucvs .-! lie ivcntugctpr, t.te ...,., .. j-;,,. fanuAlgll Opened.
! iMorcimsaw ilnt it was ,h duty to fe m tot printer b aRrayi think-
liit-t the littk w.f. i wish, turn. ,y u , , .lI)011t ramt)tl)ng t0 m
I she had cxprr ed it. And ti!i tlauk-.
: iii, Itoeewvd to lilm tint it wou'd
not be a bo . I idea if he were to ijuit
smoking altogether, fie whipped a
lead p iuil out of hli ockiitaud made
a eaieuiwioin
"Four ciyir a day lliat's about
ray average at ten inub cadi, that's
forty "lit a -l iy. 't'firee liumtrcd&ud
sixi.v l'e days hi a year nm.tipiieil
by forty whew! why It's one him
llred and frrt--ix dotlatu a vear!
no would have tltmtgtit it : Mmn
hum iiint i'link it oter JterionsQ.'"
And thinking It over seilonly, he
resolvrtl tlia,', yet. lie would give up
suotdiut alli.:retl)cr.
Sfailjf a In-art tliat would have OOino
I hack, like the dove to the ark, afVr
it -tir-t trin-u;riK-io:i. has been fright
ened IhwoihI reeall by the savage clar
ity of an Hnftirg ring sphHt
- .
A man " illO has repeatedly tried
them', says all the short cut! to for
' tune art- horribly overcrowded.
Devoted (o (he Cause of
Crjan of the Grand :.odso
A 15 A V
Wnrdei1 in Albany
x. no ilira.iiiugui it at preacuU 2
Death v
SjLilS bi:it "omothno must bcf.;tl
ever) son anil (tanshtcrof the fituf
At Uie Wld-daj,
2! SPH i! lays Ilia vile han,l
,'l,e " ' i'"" St I ivst.iinllois rt'e,
tous extent mm,s ioae "n-vs "
By chllin;; on
it. C. HILL & soy,
n !',!;.,"uV,iT,Tr,,h,,ion' vherr J'"" n hsra
LrTn-,1, i f ' bHh.'nit in thai
inr.lcujtriine. Alio, ttui a nnUv an iWn. .
R vm s--o.-!ment of fx- li U-l ... mlcnl
"".'", eiiciniii.i, stilus, otis
iiun, oto. Agemsroi'tlie
I. O. G.
Illustrated Hooks!
C lclrtil I nk Wtl neuicdy,
oi'.i)iv;(in miamfcito Cimii Dr. D.Jm
Sons' me.1telnw.etc. ,OT
Hponce gwlUye m. l so .,;(, t-owaew
Ke..t iii sioek. AnoifMis for tiro
Horn? Khtmic Swl.-! nnrblae,
P1"?' "' '"out usrmlptci pfhnnwholit
iMiinui-o exlaut. Lliiiun t tiiaine
. . lt.C. 1IU.I. A SON.
ii'ium.v, .nino w, tMuva
And Mr-. Lutfon ! Xo sooner bad
her hurfiaitd left tin house than she
repreaelwd herself for her seltlslmess.
1'oor leorge.'"" said she; " I
ought not a-k it of Win. lie had
but few enjoyments, and LsnpooM it
i my dui.-. to endure hi- t' Oh,
wli it a tiling it is for a ivoniau to have
That idght as the fimilv sat around
W. SI. ItT3L & HO.
Have Jus; lvtxh 1 a IttCTU and well sclcc:
e.l swK-k of
HAR I AA' A li E ,
laufe iu
v lows, luuninun siccus.
in mid . ii iii idnwSf together with it j
Uie toe atter supper, Sfr. Bnffan to: IfrrmtrV & vJerhani
totayiiwithUiechlhlreu, aud did',armm AC(fld,u
t not take OUt his cigar ca je.
"Why don't you smoke, di'ar?''
said Mr!, i.'iitfon.
"Oh, my wife's i ervea woii't allow
it." said Mr. Button, with a good
natmvd laugh.
" I was to blame. (leorge," said the
wife. "Muokc if you want to, dear.
hare made up my mtad that after
a'i n eigar Is not such a bad thing. I
ought to lie thankful for i ; goel Iiih
band who always spends his evenings
at home with Lis family as you do."
Hut Mr. Lulfou did not smoke, aud
the evening passetl away plea-santly,
Jfo farther aliasioua was made to the
The next nioruiug Mr. Dulfon took
out his cicar ease tis iisiul and nut s
Per Year in Advance
, 01.25 for Sis SJctiihs.
: Washington. Slid Its Public RttUd
tugs. (1 round and (Statuary.
I Willi n d!u.';rai of the Hon of l'.epre
: sentiitti e nils, nutopl the United 8 ices,
llii.aj-ilvo Meet eagriteiMB), una vlahly
( i a ftt, of description mi i uistorlvalrefttiuig
, inu lcr.
i A Jhtfft)t-; of th's kttntlwMtiboQSt will tie sent
to those vi-!unx to a.-i ;.-i iivenls, for two
uoiuirs, snd m c ittuiniM for ruturu pusui!
ASSOKTXEXt ov iboxamv2j:;:i..
Nails, springs, nxk's, thtmble-SkelBS, bolts,
etc., etc., etc.
A well lfctcl stocU of
Wagon Timber, j
Bent riuis, shafts, noles, hkiltot' tts'.cs, etc. -
All of which are now offered to the ptt!
ttenl low lutes. As we . n ukc tin buslneM
A s;xt i uiy, we enu olid will kwiin iKiltcr
assortment, c.t lower prices, tlutn any
house in 1 his city.
kcw is ths Tiras ta sun-;cnxsE.
The tlrcates; Cabinet of Itirds, .Vui
Dials and Iteptiles, both Kutlve and
li'urelgn, ever published,
Tie., c'.e.'irtt volume contains t,v r Oft?
j hundred ewvivit ittttl and is a boob neo ie I
I an I useful i:i cvci'y lainiiy. Ii isef lai-e
; siseand hunUsonieiy uountt A ssumie oi
lie. work will he sent to tlio.; wliti dcsii-e
ioiu't as .events for thiiec dollars and live
! Dtaiups for return postage,
mum Tins list
Of new lK)oks, any one of which WO will
s"iet for one dollar. They are all bound
and iliu.-itr.ucd.
Machine Shop,
A.IM'IlERIir Proprietor,
I Manufactures Steam Engines
and biddiuirlils
cigar between hi- li;
wite a plettsimt piotHiy, wa.kcdaw.i)',
and when ho got to tile corner where
he usiialiy lit lii- cigar, h did not
liirbt it. but took it eurefhfiv from his
linsaiMl nut it back lii hlj 'i-iiir WWeU wo oSeTat redooodrate
The next eveubi(f (tunc, and the
Also rseetvlng and opening, a large awl
uengU4usfKMttuient of
nonfint.4 of hisserint tfi thd htiiiOTir nest and .-till no eTizar wa; liHitet
: . CT . r-. p.. r ... ..... . !... t-.l ....'.,r..i . i
li -. ..ii:.''!! h i- llt.till.1111, ll!i .
atsl as month lifter nioutli na--cd by.
W. H. KfliX A CO,
Vonteitli 0npWMf UtioU, t'ii.t si reel.
March li. 70-2
man, who, coarse as it was, ate it
gladly. Presently his attendants
oame up. ami then (, to his
surprise, iUiud that the hunter was
the Grand Duke, who owned all
the country around. The Duke was
so pleased with the boy's honesty,
that he sent fur him shortly after
ami had him educated, hi after
years Gerhardt became a very rich
aud powerful man, but he remained
honest and true tu his dying (Ly.
Honesty, truth and fidelity are
precious jewels in the character of
a child. When they spring from
piety they are pure diamonds, and
make the possessor very beautiful,
very happy, very honorable, and
very useful, a! ay yon, my readers,
wear them as (Jerhardt did ! Then
a greater Duke will befriend you,
tor the (ireat King will adopt you
as his children, and you will become
princes and princesses rtiyal in the
Ivingtlom of God. 1 viuj jftl
grim. something Abovt Youiw-fi.f.
Supposing your age lie fifteen or tliere
ahouts. t vau ilipire you tip to a dot.
You have 210 bones aud 5U0 muscles ;
yotn- blood weighs 25 M)iiinls : your
"heart U 5 incites in length and 3hiches
in diameter ; it beats 70 times ermiu
nte, 4,200 times per hour. 100,!0 per
tlay, and 90,772,300 pitr year. At each
heat a little over two ouiioil of lilood
tire thrown nut of it ; aud each day it
throws out and discharges alsjut seven
tons of that wonderfiil uttid.
Your lutigi will contain about a gal
lon otair, ami yon inhale-' I. (XX) gallons
per day. Tlie aggregate surfine of liie
air celU of your fuug', suppodug them
to be spread out, exceeds 20, 000 square
inches. The weight of your brain is
three pound I ; when yon nr-: a man it
will weigh eight ounces Your
nerves exeeeu J0,0otMioo i -nn,ir.
Your skla U composed of three lay
ers, and varies from one-fourth to one
eighth of an inch in thickiiess. Tlie
area of your skin is about 700 sduare
Inches, and von arc subject to an at
mospheric pressure of ilrteeu pounds to
tlie square inch Kauh square inch of
your skjn contains 3, 500 sweating tubes
or prcspiratory pores, ea- ii of which
may be likened to a little drain the
one-fourth of an inch long .making an
aggregate length of the entire surface
oTy otir botly. of 201, 105 fect, r a little
ditch for tlie drainage of the- body al
most forty miles long.
Caxada EsHGfU'no.v. A Que
bec paper states that the emigration
of French Canadians to the United
States this year, is twice as great as
it was last. Other nationalities are
following tbeir example in great
rtKAtj foiAili.
Ofijred ta thosa Getting up Clnbs:
Jtovk of 5H Puzzles
CourUhip made Itlttsy,
I'r.m, oi-il ftoi, fliic .loin until ' 'Bf! leve.
I IUIII MIL. ..... 1 .1.1.1 lll.VV, .111... j
further tnit;ce, we will oifcr the fol
lowing inducements to the getter
tip of chilis, hoping thereby to in
crease the circulation of the Goon
Flour and Saw eli'l Macula
And all kind ; of
I80. ASH BHA'fi t'A5TIXtM.
100 pictuie. j
Alt of tiijk- j
1000 tiklij
ki;al k.statk.
F.siatc Brokers
Cieuertil Agents.
and sue saw mat tlie evening cigar :
wasgkctiuj) for good, she declared 1
tliere never WM o good a bttsbaml in !
the worltl, and tliat she would do '.
something to give him an agreeable i
When a womau makes a resolve of
this sort, you may be sure soufletliing Ilea!
will certainly come of it.
One night a year later, as the family
ait .ii-iiii. .1 Itui tin. iiii. Vim lliitCmi 1
" Li. ' : BRANCH
'Ocorgc. it is a year to-night since
yon gave up your evening olgar,"
.fust what I was about to observe,
liUle wife,"' raid .Mr. Boffotl.
Yon were so goml about that,
dear, that I thought it was my duty to
make an effort to please you. So
come into the Iied-rooni, dear, aud see
what I have got to show yon."
Tliey went and Mrs. Jlulfoii uncov
ered an object wliich'liad stood hidden
in the corner, revealing a curious
little Iron and steel uoncern, in beau
tiful shine.
"A sewing machine" exclaimed .Mr. I A"J '""j- to the pwnersof real .
n ... e i ,;; Wetakcttiis ineuHxlol niiiinvour
ou.iti.1. attention to our plucu of business, llnv-
'! lcs, hear ju-t what I have lieen Lin tletcnuinej to epenabnwch otlict tn
wantinc r,?r so lona a time, you know, (your city, weeaj oflbr yon a mo Hum for
lloiv (lamblcrn tVln.
with (arast
r.;:- auc Teller ami Dream Itauk.
lliime Taming.
How tu Play Poker tu Win.
How to Mis SOtl IJrIuks. PiIm
I TnMPtAK, and place it in the hantrs i0.
of everv farailv in Oregon. I Tlle Art uf -etier Writing,
i " Secrets Wurdi Knuwint;.
i The subject of must j a guiile to The manufacture of modi
i , , . ,. ., u . .1 i i ' ctnes, porfmnery, nouns, (ires, n ines, ior-
, be kept alive tnrottghottt the land, dims, ppimtar liveniffca ; uiauuiacTurera
Particular Attention r"l
duds of machinery.
0 repairing? aQ i
an and be made to permeate all elates , . 7HMmirtM
n - "o
OrriCE, ALBAHY, 0?..,
j. c. .ni:.i2iiHAi.i., Agtat.
nlien: coneral infonnntiini concerning tbJ
resources of Uretoti can ue uuiuined free
of ohargo.
Loan ncarotla'c ' on first mortptaire, ml
osiute an t coliiitet al seenrities. We have
formic a tnrSrc ainouut of property located
In the town of Altmny. Also, tureiiie,'
titnds, if every description, located in I.inn
.tud other couutic in this State.
To the Citizen of Albany,
,....:n" o'l nmin.' iiitetiiiscr- -one mar is a n
" . IWlB oies.ja.-iiM-, j;jarei, uy fn,JBr,aji It eavoa them liincli
tor IIOW 1 can make ail uie cmHireil s ,i,ue and labor in mmivIuic; fur what lliev
clothes myself, to say nothing of vour I want. Our pruiciitii agenm'.at t'oriiand,
mm thlrtX (Imran " " Oreton, 1 thoroughly estatiitsheu, and the
.. . ' ' . I oisoUiridftfsivWatorma'
" n here did you get the money, j ,i tpen real estate that it affords (be
Emily ?" . most ewnpetB MjMm I - for all rtthav-
Saved it from tlie erocer. thaih baslne in oar Une.
Ft " "K J,r""r J"B I foa icur noexneiew in placlnti vour
butcher mid the Istker, George. Ah, ,,n,,K.rty on sale with us unleas a sale Is
you otHi 1 know no a icw tent l
day wiil count up."
" Don't I ?" whispered Mr. Bulfon.
' i got the machine yesterday com-1
plete. for fifty dollars, and i have six
dollars lett."
' But your nerves. Emily ! A
sewing machine w ill drive you dis
tracted with its racket.
" It will make no noie at all, j
uear, sain Jirs. i.ui;ou, sniwg tiowu
OlUce, First ulreet. near telezmpb ofllcc.
AUnny, March ts, JlKKtvJlf
LlV I'.Klt'.
The White Pine A'stwsays: "The
melancholy days have come, the sad
dest of the year a little too warm for
whisky skins aud too cold for lager
at tlie niaeliit.c, aud setting it to work.
" t can rim it close oy nuoy s crauie,
when tlie little fellow is asleep, and it
won't mttt htm. it won't make no) ;
enough to interfere t.ith you in tlie
evening when you arc reading aloud
to me."
Mr. Button kissed bis little wif;
silently, and then returned to the sit
ting room.
" Well, dear," said lie, nficr they
were seated, " you have give me a
pleasant surprise, and now 1 think I'll
give you one,"
Mrs. BuR.-n's face Hudied.
" What wi slid you call tliat, Emily?"
said lie, drawing n bulky document
from his pocket.
She oiened it eagerly.
" licorge, this is an insurance pol
icy I"
'.in insurance in a life company my
dear, for f 7,XJ. If I die to-morrow,
you wiil get the money."
"Audit cost you $100 a year,
"About tliat."
" Where, where did you get so
much money ?"
" It's cigar money, dear."
Tears stood in tlie wife's eyes. And
when the husband said tliat, besides
giving up bis evening eigar, he- had
given up smoking altogether, she
could not help throwing her arms
! of society. No better wiry to ac- j
complisb this object can be adopted j
than by the publication of a news- j
paper devoetl wholly to this sub-ject.
AYe call on every Goad Templar
; in the State to assist us in our efforts
j to make this the organ of the
Grand Lodge a self-sustaining in
stitution. It can lie done if mem
bers will only exert themselves to
procure subscribers. To incite them ;
to renewed activity in this direction
we shall pay the following premi
ums, on receipt of the lists with
money enclosed :
To anyone sending us the names
of five Ritbscriliers and ten dollars,
a premium of two dollars.
To anyone sending us the names j
of ten subscribers and twenty do
lars, a premium of four dollars.
To anyone sending us the names
of twenty subscribers and forty dol
lars, a premium of eight dollars.
To anyone sending us the names
Veutriloqulsm Hade l.-sy.
JSa.c Uall Uook.
The Croat Medics! Discovery!
:.r tt j J- -r ni,.. j o-
JU.1U1UIUUS Ol it.'". . .t.IUU 04 '
Bout tettlronny to toflr Woaitw- r, 3
folCuratiiv isaccts. g t
We have In press a laro list of hooks for
tlie lioiivluys.
All eummutticattoaa must bo addressed,
WnsUlugioH I'uhllihin'; Company,
Lock uo. ba, Washington, i. U,
C -- 6,666 - -Ii
Sfaudard Receipts,
Selected from
Tho Best French, English, Rus
sian, Japanese and American
or Washington, D. C,
for their ooiehratcd ciinuiound, or
uill .-ii I il. HnSttlttfd an ; 1 I ...
of fiflv subecrtbers and one hundred 1 can make tfieh'owii eopwiAd,wid n-tain
, ,, , the i formula. i'hcL'oiairaiiy'achcnlui'con-
dollar twenty dollars. : tain
To anyone sending us the names
of one ImiHlred suljscriben and two !
hundred dollars forty dollars. j
These premiums arc good for '
t f t lie jaihUu H ith lirat turnouts In the
way of
Klyltob Bna;Klett find Carriages and
S'uat M.K li.
Onthmotrca-na-.lcteru, Our JtverJ thir 0m0,urt m liatOVef the par.
M SI; WnJS i ti "y wi to invest. The arti
UtaedtnffisTiittr 1)0 "-j cle or articles and the bill Uiercor, j BUKS.-,Rl!WaOMIIt,fl4MJim
thii'Slinoi,!);11 ttaMMl mte-,jy I or the money if preferable, will be Soim AUU WEAK ErC
sivixK onttAsm, ctiHN.i,
(lit .IV 101., UHKUHA., waiits, '
I'ttlOCIvl.lOS PltKH,
( iiu.s. wnitMs. Hi;tFlwi;i.
Hacks unit cari iaw funiinlicil for nar-
ties etc.
A sluire of imtillc iwtronnse U willctted.
AllKiny, Dee. 17, ls7.1-li
J apeot fully Inform ihc ei i izensnt' Alliany
aud vicinity that be lias taken charge of
thin establishment, and y keening clean
nioiiKtind mtyinjt Mriet attention to hnSl-r,r-
cm wis to unit til! these who may fa
vor hlui will, their pal intra"!. Having
liarotnfore carried on nolliln); hut
Firat-vlaaa If air DrulnK Kaloon,
tie cxnectd to irlvc entire ttfivrtton tn
all. Children 'a and Uvllos hair neatly cut
und shampooed.
forwarded on receipt of the sulcrip
tion and list of suliscriliers.
Tlie above is not intended, how
ever, to Lodge Deputies or Worthy
Chief Templars of lodges.
M. . CiEORCiE,
Albany, Or.
...miiouiids of the ahove, or any other
dosircd, wUl he sent for omi dollar for one
article; or tiro will Iw sent foril 50. Re
cclpta for coinxuiidlnK, with full direc
tions, iSD cents each, or three fur JL
If yon want lo kuow how to iiiuke Ilour
Ixki, apple, Irish, Scotch, wheat or sor,;lnun
whisky ; blackberry, cheny, onjtuac, gin
Iter, peach and nwiilK'rry bmndy ; sixteen
kinds cf vinegar; black, blue, ifrcen, red
nnd hidcilhk. Ink ; elder, swcot and spark
llni!; fourteen kinds of beer; blMcklujj, In
pasieund liquid, for harness, earrlnatcsiind
ullkiielsof lenthci'; dyeing, In every stele
and color; ghavitiK stn,to pmnioto tlie
Ifniwth of luir; varnlabe of twelve viui
clies, and every other comiHiund In Ken
cral use, send fifty eouU and stamp for ru-
"aiS'w Is warranted as represented. ,
Send nap for circular. AU communi
cations muni lie addressed tn
Eorefca 4'oaiiionndlcur r.,
Koom No. -tin May's ImUdlng,
XtI Waahlngton, 1). C.
Mads of Tnav Rnm, Whtstuiy, Prowl
BplrltandlCerniOl.lttur i:. it .r.-il,.f icod
and sweetened to plcaso Hie callc.I"Ton
ice,"" Appetizers," " Rofltovcfc,'' ie., ti r-t tet'l
do tlprler in to drankcaaeni a-.d rota, bat w
atrne Medlelae,malefroi i li:e mire liooU nail
Ilcrba of V ilfornla, freo fiH nil Alcottvlio
8ilinnlam. Ttioraic WiodltKAT III.UI
PUUIPIiSltand l.ttfK (It VIS1J PUIN
CIPMt a perfect Itenime t aiUI.-.rlgoratorcl
the Systci.i, carrying off all pai ocens maUcr aad
rostorioi! tlio blood to nhrai::.y coadltion. No
person cai tako tbeso El'tora i i-'cordlng to dtreo
tion and cmatnlon-yuv.- II.
For Inflammatory an t Obraalc Rhea
inallam nud (Join, Duicasia r Iudi
ffcstloti, Illllons, ttealllent and Inter
tnltieiit Fever, Discuses oflba Hlaod.
Liver. Kidneys, and Bladder, firs - lilts
tcra leivo been most lUCQ atnili Bach Ills,
cases are canted by Vitiated Ttlood, wl icb
la gcoerally produced by dcrsn ;cmcnt of iu
Uiffcstlvc Organ.
Ileadacbe. Fata tu ttio Sliou'.iioi t, cant tn. Tluhl
ncisof theClieat, Dlulircsn, Sour nruotatlom at
thoStoinaeS.Badtastii U till Maui Dillons AS.
tacks, ralplUtloaof ttiollcait, la.taintoatl-ja t
tho Lnutrs,Pain la tho reglorj of t'aa Kldaeya.aad
a hundred other palafnl nj'upt. a-.s, aro tho oO
aprlagaof DypeP,1-
Thry lnrljorato tin Btomnth and stlmnlata th
torpid liver and bowiis, which render lliom of un
oqnallcd calcacy In cleanaiaa t!ia Wood of all
Imiinrlttca. aad Impartlas newtifo and vigor U
tlie wtiola system.
FOABKIN 0MEASBS, r nrttons.Teltor,
Ssltltheum, Blotches, Bnotsj PitapleS, Pustnle ,
Bolla, CbBBCle, Blnj-Wo: ms, oald-IIead, f or J
Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scarfs, I ic jlo-atloiti ol
the Skin, Hatnora and Diaeaaci of tho Skin, ol
whatever name or nature, a literal)? dng ae
and carried ont of tho ayttemlna alwrttiao
the ttn of these Bitten. Oat bottle In auca
eases will convince the moat Incredulous of fkeK
Curative offer ts.
Cleanaa the Vitiated Blood whenever you Snd
Hs imparities bnretliiir lhron;;:i t!;cskln lnIlo
plea. Eruptions cr Sores s cleanse It when yoa
tnd It obstructed and tlii'i , s!i la the velasi
elranse It when Ills fei!, am'. - nr feelluK win
tell yoa whan. Kaep tin bloo.1 pare and tat
health of tho system will fniliw.
. FIN, TA PB ad other WO It Mrt, Inrkhurti
the system of eamaay Ihoasandu, aro effctiuUl
deatroyed sad removed. For fall dlrecUoas, read
carefully the etnaou around each bottle.
J.WALKER. Proprietor. R. It. McDONALDa
CO., DragglaU aadOca. AgenU. Baa rranelaer,
CaJ and Maadlt Commerce Street, New fork.