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About The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 30, 1871)
JOB PRINTING. ALBANY REGISTER PRINTING HOUSE WITH N E W AND FAST F II E S S E .8, Ijitct and most Desirable Style or Ia undoubtedly J THE SHEBANG TO GO FOR "When vou wl Posters, or Visiting Cards, Business Cards, Bill Meads, Letter Heads, Envelopes, OaJI Tickets, Programmes, Labels-- lint why particularize, when it is gen erally acknowledged that we are J "Vnicn It conies under the hed of To convince yourself of the truth of the above statements, jtou have only to call (or send a liand ac companied by three stamps to pay return postage) when we will astonish you with i the capacity of the llrxs- i isteu office for doing Colored or PiaiH , work, and the re f markable ele V . i ganceexhib- ited by tlie ' ' ;': " Boas in Corraling the sta rips' for the same 'ben finished, "biz" in our lin A j uiiie Inelcall., A hint to the sufficient is wise as ' ,,T, ablinl kick's horse, or i words to that eflwck ? i - ' PRY GOODS. SEW STORE, SiEW GOOI5S! The undersigned will soon open An Entire Xcw Btocli Of O KY GOOD S9 Fancy Woods, BOOT,' ME MATS, int ., ETC. 4 ND KEOUEST A CALL TO F.XAMlNK r 'ii.cir s'uv'j. before purchasing else- ! where, assuring i'Uivlu'scrs A vin;? I" Per Cent In their prices. Wa have facilities for presenting the complete assortment of goods ever offerc I in this market, rit reduced rates; and have adopted a- our motto, "Quick sol.'S an-1 siituU j)Viis." Call aiil See for Yourself. KI-1NE-& Co., In Ir. Tites IH-ic!-, AUwuy, Or. Sept. 7 1-3 V 4 ew stock : All wlio want the BEST GOODS AT IOWJXT I RICK, Should give him a ca.ll. GEORGE TURRELL, First Street, Ailxmy. Albany, Sept. 0, 1S71. SEWING MACHINES. THE CZLEBKATED Kuril Eye Sewing Slachino. DRUGS, ETC JUST OPENED. CSS02S33 TORRELL nAS NOW OPENED OUT. AT STOKE recently occupied by A. Cowan ft Co., on First street, Albany, a new and well se lected stock of DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS, GENTS' CLOTIIIN, ens' ami poys Hats, liOOTH AX! KMOES, Weod Ware, Crockery WTare, Oroccries, Which he hris vinvl:a"ed in San Francisco, for coin, and which he will sell AT THE LOWEST PRICES, FOR CASH OK PRODUCE. Price 045; vithosUtal3e, g85 J2ffht rretxons U'Jt thr. Buckeye Sewing Ma chin is svpsi-krr to all others: . 1. It is the simplest shuttle machine made. - , 2. It has less wearing parts. 3. It has no small springs or compound cranks. ' 4. Is is better adapted to a large range of work without change. 5. It lias loss pieces of machinery. 6. It Is less liable to break necd'lea than any other machine. T. Tlie shuttle will wear longer tlian the Bhxittle in nnv other machine. 8. That it has the best feeding? device, which will never wear out, fjet out of or der, break needles, feed unevenly, slip on starched goods, or pucker the beam, so that one part of the fabric will come out shorter than the other, which all other feeds are liable to do. It makes every stitch of an equal length. It if stronger than other feeds. We can tsike a strons? niece of cloth, and put one end in onr machine and the other end in any other machine, and jrnar-i antee that onr machine will take the cloth from the other, in consequence of the su perlov streiurth of the feed, i It is the only feed strong enonarh to feed thick sole leather, scwiiiff pn Phoe soles. Ko soaping the clot h or any other aid ia required. . , . - : It has no complicated machinery, and therefore is not liable to get out of order. It has a beautiful movement,- making nearly two thonaand stitclie3 per minute. " .The Buckeye Shewing Machine makes the lock stitch, the same as the Howe, Wilson, Singer, and Florence, alike on both sides. We offer a premium of one hundred dollars for any machine on this coast that will jnako a stron ger or more clastic stitch than- the JJuckeye. For full particulars address, - MINJiB A PEAKSOKl -i . i ; ' . -r Gen. Aarents- Alhanv. Oroifon.Oi GENTS WAHTEI) IX EVERY TOWN 2 and count v on this c;ost.f-' J: - ' ' Address. ' 'JUNEB A PRAHSOV. i! .V5 - ' . Albany, Oregori.: E. F. SKTTLS32IEK, HUG G 1ST (Successor to T. W. Wakefield), Parrlsh's w BtiiWliu, I'irt Street, ALBANY, OREGON. Dealer in I31UGSAXI MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, ETC. All article warranto I pure, and of the best quality. Physicians prescrintions carefully com pounded. Albeny, ccl. II, liuS-'Mi PATENT 31 E i I i ' ! N KS. PIP I FAX. rfHIS CELV:nRATEI EltM AK 1IIT 1 ters i-tn-reux'S the ojti tit, is a certain re lief for Dywx&ia, In l'g-.stion, HHlivusiuxs, and inueticnt. the J,:vir. This is to certify, that the formula used in the manufacture of the German IMpifux Hitters bus been sulunincd to my examina tion, and I cheerfullv stu:e th- ihgr;dients are well selected anil combined, producing a Hitters which will no doubt prove a IIJ3AL.THFUJL. TONIC, and pri vi".'' fliffcxlion, G. HOLLAND, M. 1. l'ear Sir: I have exaiained the sample of Hitters presented, nnd lin'd it an exceed-ing-lv pleasant cordial and vi'iinM" II. 11. TOLA.NI, M. I. S!f AFFI.IS, WAITKIS & .X tr'OI.E AfiEKW FOR THE fMTKl) STATES, Cm 302 Battery St., San Francisco. 4v4 STOVES, ETC. W. II. 5S'FAIli.AP;i & CO., Opposite the hotels, Albany, Oregon, SUCCESSORS TO O. P. TOMPKINS ft CO. STOVES, RAGSS, Force ncad JLiiH PumpH, LEAD Ai4D IRON P?PE, HOLSK ri'R?fISIIIX IIAIIDWAKE, i Tin, Copper and Slieet Eron : Ware. i . ' IlUGllST STOCK IX THE VALLEY. i. t - Lowest Prices Every Time. Itepalriuir Properly Douc. AQ2 PENTISTKY. E. O. feMITBI, DENTIST, nAS LOCATED IN AT banv, and is now ready to wait on the citizens of A I- tTr ban v and v ici n it v.wit h a new invention in dental work. It consists in. supporting the plate to the mouth v.-'nliout covering the who'e roof, as heretotore. Those wdshing arliticial teeth are request ed to call aiid examine for themselves. Also, plates mended, whether pnrtiullv broken or divided. Te-th, extracted wit li out pain. OOice over TurreH's store. All work warranted. 7v4 PAPEU HANGING. Paper-Iianslnsr, Cn!ceir!iia!?;jj, 11 Ieeoratin?r, &c. 17 M. WAT-SWORTIT will give prompt ' attention to all orders for Paper-ianging,Gak-emining, Ileeorating, ftc, in this city or vicinity. All work executed in the latest fit yiei in the best manner, and at lowest living ret es. CSsfGrders left at. Furniture. Wareroonts of Chas. Sfealev will receive prompt attention. 10v4 WANTED. ; ' WASTED! ,000 53ush. Oats ImL PAY THE HIGHEST MARKET price for all the clean oats delivered at A. C. LAY TON" S, 2-in3 T " : " Albany, Oregon. FRANKU .MEATiMARKET, . Albany, Oregron, JT. IS. IIESISON,! Eroprf et or, IS STILL ON HANI) TO SUPPLY Cus tomers wit B any and all tindof meats, at the lowest market rates. By strict at tention to business, lie hopes togive entire satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage, j 3v4 J. R. HEURON. j 'Strayed or Stolen X' miles east ot fcast I'ortiana, about the 1st of August, 1871, n small BAY JfAKli, deseriliefl as follows: .Abouc 14 hands high, years old, branded C on the right, shoul.ler.w'bite face, one liind leg w7hile, riiml before, and, 'when Inst seen, had a small- bell, attached Ho a strap, around bcr neck. I will amply compensate any one returning saiu mare tome, or giving me m formation of her whereabouts. F. P, CAVLNKSS. , i Kovember 18, !S71-llw4 RE AL EST ATE REAL ESTATE Stitzel TTpton, HEAL ESTATE BROKERS, CORNER OF Front and Washington His. PORTLAND, OREGON. Special attention gdveu to the SALE & PURCHASE OF RKAL ESTATE, In all parts of Oregon. LOAN3 NECOTIATEI) On first mortgage, real estate, and collateral security. Agents for the sale of Iots aad blocks In holt. ada ys addition to i:ast poicti.and. Have for sale a large amount of IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED FAKMLVG LANDS, Situated lit difiercnt parts of tlie State, on the line of the railroad. INFOnMATIOK To emigrants and others, relating . ..' to the RESOURCES. OV OREGON, Furnished flee of charge. All CORRESPONDENCE WILL, HAVE PROMPT ATTENTION. f. ; - r:- -j.-i-; 5 .' ij -j.v.:r"i:V Al 1 i' t ' X ' .' titzel A Uptons D11Y-G00DS & GllOCEKIES. NE W STORE ! NEW GOODS ! 3. MIUT. 13 EACH Is now opening a - Mcleelcd; Stocli of Cienerul J!tleruliant!ise, " t'onsisting of Siaple and Fancy Dry Goods, 0H0CER3ES, HARDWARE, CroeSicry ami Gains "Wsire, IiOWTX ASD SHOES, PAINTS AND OILS, ETC., ETC., i VXD I'S O'FFEBINt; THE iMU)S TO t hf pubile at jirlces corresponding with the times. ; AH l:ind." of nierchanlableproduce taken in exchange for gtiods. . . (.'onie one, ;oitie all, and examine nrtces, at tlx; old stand, formerly occupied by D. Uracil t Son, rpposite Foster's brick, sourh side First street, Albany, Oregon. 31v3 a ROGER IES AND PROVISIONS, in full y. supply, just received by avi ihhois. UliJAL ESTATE, ETC. ELI CARTES, REAL KSTATE AiET, ALI5ANV, OR. CHIVES ESPECIAL ATTENTION TO T buying and soiling real castate, leas ing or "r-niing fit v property : has a num ber of verv desimble farms for side, situ atel in desirable localities. Also, a num ber of desirable family residences and vacant lots in the city of Albany for sale, on very easy terms. 12 5j I C A 5.1 X E El , SOTA58Y PCXSLSC TTiril.L ATTEND PROMPTLY TO ALL VY liusiness pertaining to that oflice which may be entrusted to his care. ELI CAIETEI5, CJEKEIt-Vl. VI3TAXCXAL A1S13ET, T AKES A SPECIALTY" OF COT.LECT J ing, adjusting or scouring debts, ne Ot iat ing loans, collecting rents, etc., etc. KL1 CARTER Is agent for - : - TSIE XORTIE AMERICA JIlll'Af. T1FK INSURANCE CO. THIS COMPA j ny is one ot" the. most reliable, and presents as favorable terms for insurance as any company in the United States. Persons wishing to avail themselves of the srrcat. benelitso!" life insurance will tind it 'their interest to insure in this otllee, and with a local agent. A!i policies endorstxl by th' Stale of AV-ie iTork. Oilice corner of .Broadalbin and First streets. 3v4tn3 SWEET POTATOES, per la-st steamer, by 3v4 DtBOlS. CASH paid for AVIIEAT, OATS, POI5K, Butter and Eggs, by WHEELER, at Shedd. " Hv4 CI EOT 11 ING and IHMYTS and SHOES a J fine assortment, very low--by WHEE LER, at She Id. 1H4 HOME SIH.'TTLE SEWIXt i MACHINES, Flows, and all kinds of Agricultural Machinery, sold by WHEELER, at Shedd. n A K DWARF -for Builders, for Smiths, and for Farmers sold by Wheeler, at SHEDD. . Iiv4 TARD AND HAMS, a splendid lot conn- J try, by 3v4 DtTBOIS. JOIIK KEI.SAY. JOS.EWI ItAKNON. I4E25.HAV &. SS VWOX, Attoriceyt imtl Coi:scIorM nt Law, J'jrtner8 for Unti c.iinty), OFFICE IN POST OFFCE BUILDING (ui s.airs), Albanv, Linn count v, Ore gon. OlfvS DIH'(. j and MEDICINES, PAINTS and oils. Glass and Pnttv, sold by AVbeel jr, at SI i E ED. " 11 v4 "Vf 7"OOL SHAWLS, long and square, plaid Y ami striped, for sao by WHEELER, it Shel l. Ilv4 c 1AXDIES, NUTS, RAISINS, etc., fresh aii-t cneap, ny av4 ihjiu. BHdHEAD PAl'ER. ALL SIZES, JUST received and for sale at this office, low for cash. - - - .1 TIN WARE, GLASS WARE, CROCK E erv, Ijuni, &c, &c., sold by Wheeler, at SHEDD. 11v4 BLANK DEEDS. MORTGAGES, ETC., on hand latest styles and for sale low, at this office. I7RESH FRUITS, peaches, grapes, apples, ; ptars, etc., by 3v4 DUBOIS. FRESH VEGETABLES, In full 3v4 Dubois. SOAP KANE'S COXDEXSED, THOM as' Cold Water Bleaching, and other kinds. Sold by WHEELER, -,. Ilv4 at Shedd. OYSTERS, SARDINES, RED HERRING, codtish, etc, just received bv 3v4 DUBOIS. YSTEI?S ANI SARliINES, NUTS AND Candies, and other knick-knacks, sold by Wheeler, at SHEDD. :, Hv4 KOTicE.: : TO THE STOCKHOLDERS OF : TTIE Unn County Agricultural Association There will be a business meeting at the Court House in Albany, on the tlrst Thurso day in January, 1872, at 1 o'clock P, M.. for the purpose of electing Seven Directors for t he ensuing year, and transacting such other business as may come leforethe meeting. J. H. J2VANS, V December 9, 1371-td See, icr . J CiTT Subscribers finding un X after their names are inforinedjhat theirsubscription expin;s with that number, and they are in vited to renew it.. Terms $3 per annum, in advance; six months, $2; three monthf, $1. tSf Legal tenders received nt par from su!scriber8 in the Eastern States. CITY AKD COUXTY. Premiums. To the person sending ns tlie largest number of new subsen lersto tlie Register, acconipauied by the cash (tlie numlier not to be less than two hundred, befora the first of Jan uary, 1872, we will present on that day, six twenty-dollar sold pieces, with three extra copies of the paper. To the person sending us the largest number of new subscrilKM-sto the Ie(- : isTEit, with the cash (iuuuUt not to le ; less than one hundred), before the lirrt '; of January, 1S72, we will present 0:1 j that day three twenty-dollar gold j pieces, with two extra copies of tin? 1 paper. To tlie person sending us the largest I nuinber ot new subscribers to the It EG- I isteu. with the cash (number not to le less than lilly). we will present on tliat day twenty-live dollars in gold coin, and a copy of the pajx;r. To the ier.u sending n.i the largest number of new sub.-icribers to tlie IIeg ister with the cash (nuniicr not to be less than twenty) we will pesent on that day ten dollars in American gold coin. Any lady or gentleman wishing, to avail themselves of tlie above liberal offers, can obtain .specimen copies of the Register by 4ipplic.-?tion to thia ollice, without charge. "-; ;rund Slew Year's Festival. In response to a call published in th Register of last week, requesting a meeting of the -people to devise means of raising money lor charitable pur, a meetingwa3 held and tlie fol lowing programme adopted for a Grand Soiree and Fair, to lie held at the Court House on Monday evening, Jan uary 1, 1S72 : MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT. . . . M , . , C 1V-- ur. tjtrimn, nainnan; i rui. t .ir ren, II. C. Clement. The band special ly invited. TABLEAUX AND CHARADES. Prof. Sox, Chairman ; Capt.-T. B. Humphrey, Mrs. Barrows, Mrs. M. V.Brown, Miss Katie Lyle. REFRESHMENT COMMITTEES. On Cake : Mrs. W. Monteith, Chairman ; Mrs. Lyle, Mrs. J. F. Backensto, Mrs. J. II. Foster, Mrs., R. M. Powers Mrs. Dr. Griffin. On. ice. cream Mr. R. C. Clark, Chair man ; Mr. W. II. Kuhn, Mr. G. Young. On Nuts and Candy Mr. John Millard, Chairman ; Mr. Stmuder Price, Mr. P. Fan-en, Hiss Selina Newman, Miss Julia Elkins, Maggie Irvine. COMMITTEES OX FANCY TABLES. No. 1: Mrs. Coll. Van Cleve, Chair man ; Mrs. P. C. Harrier, Mrs. A. C. . Lay ton, Mrs. J. C. Mendenhall. No.' 2 Mrs. J. 31. Irving, Chairman ; Mrs. S. E. Young, Mrs. AW R. Butcher, Miss Libbie Graf. No. 3 Mrs. L. ' Blain, Chairman ; Miss Mary Han non, Miss Aurelia Blain, Miss Laura Tate, Miss Emma Burkhart. No. 4 Mrs. C. C. Godlej-, Chairman ; Mrs. A. W. Sweeney,' -'Mrs. Thos. Mon teith, Mrs. "VVm. Colwell. PICTURE GALLERY. By the G rent Masters I I-OST OFFICE. Coll, Van Cleve, P. M. Gen., and Perry Raymond, D. P. M.; Miss Mary Finlayson, Miss Susie Dcekard and Miss Com Irvine. , Committee on Tickets. . ' R. 31. Powers, Chairman ; J. C. 3Iendenhall, Geo. Iluinphrey. committee on finance. Rev. Dr. 'Geary, Chairman ; Dr. Tate, D. Froman. . . , ' ' . , EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Dr. Griffin, Chairman; A. N. Arn old, C. C. Kuhn. .. v The Chairman of the above Coni mittees are requested to see the mem bers of their respective Committees as soon as possible ; to proceed immedi-" ately to work ; to report to the Execu tive Committee for instruction, .', if necessary, cr to report progress, and to prepare for a general meeting for final arrangements at the Court House on Saturday evening, Dec.: 30th, at 7 o'clock nreciselv. . By order of the meeting. - W. R. BUTCHER, Sec. Grain Drills. Three or four mbre of those exceellent Grain Drills 5 on -hand and for sale, veiy low to close out, at Frank Wood's corner, of Sacond and Ellsworth. Call immediately. ? : -' 2-I6; . FuTtXTTuitE Of all kinds, styles and finish, cheap and lagli-priced,; calctila-, ted to suit the fancy of the mbst fastid ions, or the pockets dfoke poomtf cao be obtained at . Mealey'a. t Tlie ware rooms are overflowing with an entire' new stock, and those in need of any thing in the line of furniture are re quested to give the establishment: tri early call-? ,;,;,,"" f si:iii. ' -i , A ..,' '. ...f' 'X-!k A. Wheeler, dealer , in gene'i-al . merchandise. s A large . stock of jj all kiud3 n,?w iu store and for sale at Jowj J ra tes.; t AH kinds of produce bought, at; ' highest market ratc3. : . Cash paid for Wheat, Oati, Pork ; Butter, Eggs, &c., &c. . ; -