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About The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 23, 1871)
DRY COODS. : 1UJUCS, ETC. KW KTOK12, XEW GOODS Tbe iir.J!H-incd will soon open An Entire Xcw Stool. DRY Ci OO 1H., rs, kiiok, hath, etc., etc VND REQUEST A CAM. TO EXAMINE jlu-tr stock. Ijoforc mtrchasiug c!sc wh.v, u irin pur, luiser A Saving of Fifty- Per Cent lr their prior. CEO. F. SETTL.EMIEI1, DRUGGIST. (Successor to I. W. Wakefield), lRrrlHU Sew Itulldiitff, First !Mret, HE A L ESTATE K AUiASY, or eg on. REAL ESTATE Dealer in I l VG S AND M EI )I(I X ES, CKEMICAL3, We have facilities for presenting lb'1 iitrnt iMmp!i"f iiiriniliiiciit of gvxls ever nitcre-l in tlits market, at reduced ra'es; a-i;l have ii opted as our motto, "Quick Jts aru.1 mvill ;-ii.'" Call and See for Yourself. ; , X KLINE Jt CO., In lr. Ttc- llrlcfa., Albany Or. EW STOCK I JUST OPENED. GEORGE Tl'ltKELL TT AS NOW OPENED OUT. AT STORK 1 recent Iv occupied by A. Cowan A Co.. on First street. Albany, a new and well sc-Vis-tcd stock of DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS, GENTS CLOTHING, Gents' und Boys Hats, BOOTS AND HHOOi, , Wood Ware, Crockery Ware, TAINTS, OILS, 'GLASS, ETC. Which he lmi purchased in Son Francisco, for coin, and which he will sell AT THE LOWEST IKICES, for cash ok produce. Stitzel & Upton, REAL ESTATE BROKERS, All articles warranted pure, and of the best qualify. Fbysioians prescriptions carefully rani pounded. Albany, Oct. 17, lt&s-Cif CORNER OP PATENT M 1CDIC1N KS. PIPIFAX. rinilS CKLKBKATED GERMAN BIT 1 ters increases the nmt-tit', is a certain re lief for Jyp-Tpsia,J7iil:gr3t:on,IliUitruan'SS, and inaction of the Livr. This is to certify, that the formula used in the manufacture of the German Pittitax Hitlers has been submitted to my examina tion, end I cheerfully state the. ingredient are well selected ami combined, producing a Hitter which will no doubt prove in II KAl.TIiri LiTi.Kir. and imvwj" riigextioi. G. HOLLAND, M. D. Dear Sir: I have examined the sample, of niurrn prescnte-i, ana una it an exceed ingly pleasant cordial and valtHttU (r.-nic. II. 11. TOLAS D, M. D. SIIAFFEK, WAI.TEH V CO., ULI AGENTS rc-K T1IK VKITKD STATE!, Cm) 302 Battery St., an Francisco. 4v4 IS'IOVKS. ETC. All who want th firm uoons at wvect rmw, Should Rive him a rail. GEORGE TURRELL, First Street, Albany. Alhanj-, Sept. 9, 1S71. skwixu machines. W. II. 5ITARLAND cV CO., Opposite the hotel?, Albany, Oregon, SUCCESSORS TO O. I. TOMPKINS CO. STOVES, RANGES, Force and I Aft Ftimps, LEAD AND IRON PIPE, HOl'KE Fl'RMSinXO IIAtinWAKJE, Tin, Copper nnd Sheet ' Iron uurc. LAItUEKT STOCK. IN THE VAUFX Loveit Prices Every Time. TI1K CELEJJJiATED Buck Eye Sewing Machine. lrlcc $45 ; without table, $25 J?"u)4 reasons tthy Ovt Rurkrye Hieing Mt chine is supe rior to all athtrs 1. It is the simplest shuttle machine tuade. 2. It has leas wearing part. 3. It has no email springs or compound cranks. 4. It Is 1 letter adapted to a largo range of work without change t. It Urn Jew pieces of machinery. d. It it less liable to break needle than any other machine. 7. The shuttle will wear longer than the hnttlc in anv other machine. . That it ha-s the best fecdlnjf device, which will never wear out, jfet out of or der, break neodlcs, feed nnevenly, riip on starched goods, or pucker tlie seam so that one part of the fabric will come out nhorter than the otlier, which ail other feeds are liable to do. It mak4 every stitch of an equal length.- It is stronger than other feeds. We can take a stronir niece of clot h. and put one end in our machine and the i outer end in any otner macmne.anu froar antee that our injicliine will take the cloth from the other, in consequence of tbe su per ior strength of the foed. It is the only feed strong enough to feed thick sole leather, sewing on shoe soles. Ko soaping the eloth or any other aid Is required. It has no complicated machinery, and therefore is not liable to get ont of order. It has a beautiful movement, making nearly two thousand stitches per minute. The Buckeye Sewing Machine m.ikes the Jock stitch, t lie same as the Howe. Wilson, ,nKer. and Florence, alike on both widest, we offer a premium of one hundred dollars for any machine on this coast that will strongeror more elastic stitch than the Buckeye. For full particulars address, n MINER & PEARSON, Gen. Agents, Albany, Oregon. AGENTS WANTED IS EVERY TOWN and county on thts coast. Address, ; Ml KU A PEARSON, ' I . Albany, Oregon. Hepalrlns; Properly Dsse. 40v2 DENTISTRY. DR. E. O. SMITH, DEXTIST, TTAS LOCATEl IN Aly 11 liany, and is now read to watt ou 1 ne citizens of A hany and vic-inity.with a new invention in dental work. It. consists in support ing the plate to the mout h without covering the whole roof, tut heretofore. Those wishing artificial t-'th art; request, ed to call and examine for themselves. Also., plates mended, whether partially brokeu or divided. Teeth, extracted with out pain. Oflk-e over Turrell's store. All work warranted. 7v4 PAPER HANGING. Paper-hangingr, Calcemlninjr, Decorating, &c. 1 M. WADSWOUTH will give prompt . . attention to all order for l'aier hanging, Caleemining, Decorating, Ac., in this city or vicinity. All work executed in the latest style, In the best manner, and nt lowest living rates. 63?"Orlera left at Furniture Warerooms of Chas. Mealey will receive prompt attention. . 10v4 WANTED. . WASTED! -5,000 X3vxsli. Oats I WIM. PAY THE niGIIEST MARKET price for all the clean oats delivered at A.O. DAYTON'S, 3-m3 Albany, Oregon. FRANKLIN MEAT 3LVRKET, . Albwny, Orefrori J. 11. IIERROX, Proprietor, IS KTTLX. ON HAND TO SUPPLY Cus tomers with any and all kinds of meats, at the lowest market rates. By strict at tention to business, he hopes tojeive entire satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage. 8v4 J. It. HEBRON. Strayed or Stolen. Mi FROM MY FARM, TnREE miles east of East Portland, about the 1st of Augnst, 1871, , & ams.ll DAY MAKE, described as follows : About 14 hands high, 6 years old, branded C on the right shoulder, white, face, one hind leg white, shod before, and, 'when last seen, had a small bell, attached to a strap, around ber neck. -1 will amply compensate any one returning said roare to me. or giving me information of her whereabouts. ' F. P. CAVINESS. November 18, 187Mlw4 . -i-1 trtfruM Waslilnirtoxi Sts. PORTLAND, OREGON. Special atteutlou KIvcH h KALE &. ItritClIASK OF 11 UAL ESTATE, In all parts of Oregon. LOANS NEGOTIATED Ou first mortgage, real estate, and collateral security. Agents fir the sal sf Ixtts aad blocks In IIOLI.AOAV'8 ADDITIOXTO EAST PORTLAND. Have for sale a large amount of IMPROVED 4c UNIMPROVED FARMING LANDS, Sit sated In different parts of the State, on the line of the railroad. - ifvy.:.r.:.,-iK INFORMATION To emigrants and others, relating to the RESOURCES OP OREGON, 1'urnlshed free of charge. ALL CORRESPONDENCE WILL HAVE PROMPT ATTENTION. Stitzel & Upton. DR-GOOIS & GROCERIES. NEW STORE NEW GOODS ! J. MILT. REACH r li now oiening a Selected Stock of General Itferehaudic, i Consisting of f Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, O ldt 33-23L G 2 GROCERIES, HARDWARE, i Crock cry nnd slnss Ware, KOOT AND KII4RS, i PAINTS AND OILS, ETC., ETfr., I VND IS OVFEBIXG THE GOODS TO the public at prices corresponding wit h the times. j All kinds of merchantable produce taken in exchange for goods. Come one, come" all, and examine priens, at the old stand, formerly occupied by D. Bear h A Son , opposite Foster's brick, " " : li side First street, Albany, Oregon. 31v3 "1 ROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, in full JJ supply, just received by 3v4 i Dubois. REAL IKSTATE, ETC. ELI CARTER, REAL IKTATE AUENT, ALDAN Y, OR. CHIVES ESPECIAL ATTENTION TO T buying and selling real esistate, leas ing or rentinglcity property: has a num ber of very desimble farms for sale, situ aied in desirable localities. Also, a num Imt of desirable family residences and vacant lots in the city of Albany for sale, on very easy terms. ELI CARTE R, NOTARY PUBLIC, i riLL ATTEND PROMPTLY TO ALL V? business pertaining to that office which may lc entrusted to his cure. ELI CARTER, CSENERAL FINANCIAL AUENT, MAKES A SPECIALTY OF COLLECT ing, adjusting or securing debts, ne gotiating loans, collecting reuts, etc., etc. ELI CARTER jla agent for THE NORTH AMERICA JHTTVAL i T IFE INSURANCE CO. TIUS tXMPA- 4 n- l-i one nf the most nOiable. mill I presents-as th vonible terms for insurance l.a. anv convmny in the United States. Persons wishing to avail theinseiresot th great iwnents or life insurance will nna It their interest to insure in this office, and with a local agent. 411 jtoiicifs enthArseti by irv ii air of Afip m TAr. OtTlee corner of Broadalhin and First streets. 3v4m3 2WEKT POTATOES, per last steamer, by 5 j 3vt DvBOIS. CASH paid for VnEAT, OATS. PORK, Butter and E-Ttrs, by WHEELER, at Shedd. Hv4 C CLOTHING and 1UKJTS and SHOES-a J fine assortment, very low by WHEE LER, at Shedd.; llv HOME SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINES Plows, and ail kinds of Agricultural Machinery, sold by WHEELER, at Shedd. HARDWARE for Builders, for Smiths, and for Farmers sold by Wheeler, at SI I HDD. j ;llv4 r ARD AND HAMS, a splendid lot conn U try, by t 3v4 DrBOIS. JOHN KKLSAY. f JOSKrH MANXOIf. KELSAY & IIA1VNOIV, AttomeyN nt ronnsrlors mt Kdw, lltrtners for Linn count)), FFICE IN P1ST OFFCE Bl'ILDING p stairs), Albany, Linn county. Ore- o goti. (up Stfv3 DRFGS and MEDICINES, PAINTS and Oils. ilass and Putty, sold by Wlsetd cr,atSIIEED. j Hv4 WtXL SHAAVLS, long and square, plaid and striped, for sale by WHEELER, at Shedd. ! Ilv4 AN DIES, NtTTS, RAISINS, etc, fresli anu ciiean, iy 3V m inus. BILL-HEAD PAPER. ALL SIZES, JUST received and for sale at this office, low for cash. . , J IN WARE, GLASS WARE, CROCKE wv, Ijau'msl &c.rc, sold by Wheeler, at SUED!). j HV4 LANK DEEDS, MORTGAGES, ETC., on handlatest stylesand for sole low, at this office. FRESn FRUITS, peaches, grapes, apples, pears, etc., by . 3v4 lcBOIS. 17RES1I VEtJETABLES, in full supply, by ? 3y4 DvBOIS. SOAP-KAN ES CONDENSED, THOM as' Cold Water Bleaching, and other kinds. Sold by WHEELER, llv4 - i at Shedd. o 3v 1 codfish, etc., Just received by ' c4 . DrBOIS. NOTICE. rpo THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE J. Linn County Agricultural Association There will be a business meeting at the Court House in; Albany v on the first Wed nesday in January, 1872, at 1 o'clock P. M., for the purpose of electing Seven Directors for the ensuing year, and transacting such other business as may come before the meeting. i J. H. EVANS, December 9, 1871-td Sec. r OYSTERS AND SARDINES, NUTS AND Candies, and other knick-knacks, sold by Wheeler, at SHED, , s 7 Hv4 tar? S4tljscrilcrs finding an X after their nutnes arc in formed I hat their subscription expires with that number, and tliev are in vited to renew it. Terms 3 per annum, in advance; six months,t2; three months, .fJf!t,!,lvX received at, par from subscriljcrs in the Eastern States. CITY AND COUNTY. the TKro seiMling u-s tlie largest iiiunlH:r of new Mibsci l-U'l-sto the llEtusTut, aecompanied by the cash (the ntmilK-r not tol; lert than two hundred), before the fttvt of Jan-' n iry- 1S72. we will present-on tint lay, ix twenty-dollar gold pieces, with rlirecj extra copie3of the pajjer. Trt tlie person sending ns tlie largest inimlicr of new sultsciibers to the Kr isTEit, with the eash (number not to be less than one hundred), Iefore the first of January, 1S72, we wilL present on day three twentyMollar gold pieces, with two extra copies of tlie piiJKT. Toi the jierson sending the largest number ot new subscribei-s to the liKG i.'i Fit, wilh the (number not to lie !e;3 than fifty), we will pre.cnt on that d.iy twenty-live dollars in gold coin, and a copy of the paper. To the person sending tis the largest number of new subscribers to tlie Kkg I!ter with the cash (number not to be less than twenty) we will pescnt on that day ten dollar in American gold coin.! Any lady or gentleman "wishing to avail themselves of the above liberal otter, can obtain sx.cinicu copies of tf;e Rmsistkr by application to this office, without charge. ITEMS. Last Saturday was prolific of itein-s, just because it was a day too late jo get into the papers for tliat week. A grand runaway occurred on First! street, tlie team making better time than any we Iiave seen run for many a day. The wagon wa spread out along the street, the horses became detached and left for their country home. Its just possible (hat the plan of leaving teams standing in the streets tieing the lines to the wagon and un hitching the tugs, is rather a "loose" way of hitching, and is rather an in ducement than otherwise for respecta ble horses to got up and git. Some' time in the day a fijrht occurred be tween two youngsters, which was fol lowed by a little combat between two of our oldest citizens, in which a good deal of blood was spilt. If people can not settle tlieir little matters without resorting to fisticuffs, this is about as good a time in tlie year to tsetlle up" as any probably better. However, we don't want any in ourn, and if any pugilistic disposed kus lias the matter of a grudge against as we take this early opportunity of informing him tliat las apology will be deemed amply sufficient for any injury we may have inflicted upon him. j . Insurance. In these times of fires it is a matter of importance to tlie property holder to know where he can assure himself 'against; loss to know what Company taking fire risks holds out the best inducements to its patrons The Pacific Fire Insurance Company, represented In this city by Mr. John Conner, long the favorite company with our property holders, has lately transferred all of its fire risks to tlie Liverpool and London and Globe In surance Company, which will also be represented in this city by Mr. John Cornier. This Company has already paid over $2,500,000 in cash, fire risks in Chicago. Its assets in the United States, lield by , the Directors in Xew York, amount to $20,034,361 24. It would seein from the prompt manner in which all losses by the Chicago fire have been paid by this Company, tliat it is to pe hereafter tlie most popular fire company doing business in the United States, and those of our citizens who own property not insured, can not do better titan to call on Mr. Conner and take put policies in it. By all means get insured at once delavs are dan- Extra at ILvlset. To accommo date I the tax payers of Halsey and vicinity, Sheriff Irvine lias agreed to give them an extra call, and will be in attendance in tliat place ou the 10th of January, 1S72, to receive and receipt for taxes. Taxpayers should appre ciate! this act 011 the P31" of ob am be promptly on hand to settle. So far, tlte SheritT informs us, lie lias met with prompt-payments, and hears very little if any complaint 6t the scarcity of money i ; . . - Lecturing. Mrs. A J. Duniway, editress of the Keio XortJttoesi, is on her way up the valley, on a lecturing tour.! ' She is accompanied by Mrs. M. M. Miller, who will also speak. We suppose they will reach this city next week, and give our citizens a benefit. Turkey. We did intend to have a nice iurkey for our Christmas dinner. but have been unable to see or bear of any loose turkeys anywhere in this vicinity. It don't seem to be a good year for stray turkeys. " t . 'I- ' Snow. The snow commenced fall ing on Saturday night, and continued with i intervals through t Sunday and Monday,, when it lay on the ground from six to nine incites in depth. Disastboc -Funs. Karly on Mon day evening a ' fire broke out lii tlie twotory' frame ou, First street, ad joining W. II. kuiin & Co., ueitri v opposite John Conner's bank, by whnrn. tlie building was completely destroyed. Tlie fire caught in the tipper part or the building, used by-Mr. A. J. Win ter as a picture gallery, imd as the en tire upper portion of the building was wrapped in flames before the fire wj:s discovered or an alarm given, nothing was ' saved. From the lower story, used by Thompson & Irving as a sad dlery, the greater portion of the gooiK if not all, were removed by our ! citir zensaud firemen, but of course - tin y were more or. less damaged, j The wind blew a gale during tlie whole time, and had it not been for the heavy fall of snow of tlie two days prcviou-:. which lay on the roofs to the depth of from two to six Inches, it is altogetl r probable that a large portion if not the entire business part of the city would have been consumed. Our firemci. were promptly on the ground, lut as everything was frozen tight it was sometime before they got to work. 3?y the free use ol hot water the engine was finally eot into working condition,, when tlie fire was soon under control. The new brick recently erected by" rei . " a. . . vipfou of. r-ing atyoining the 'burnt district" on the west, and into which they Intended to move the next day, wars wanned up considerably, but although huge sheets of flame played above and were carried clear over tbe flat roof by the winds, driving parties from the adjoining building, yet tin: roof was not even scorched, the depth of snow on the roof being sufficient to stay tlie flames. The fire could hoi hive occurred at a "more auspicious time for insurance oomnanles ! ami - 1 . property-holders. As the Begisteu Bi'ilding stands on the corner of retry and tirst streets, only seventy five feet from the building consumed, we at one time concluded to "fcdte a rest" for a "few days"; but fortunate ly for us tlie boys got their machine to work, and we are prepared to still offer our services to the people in turning out all kinds of printing, at fair rates forcasty. As to the cause of the fire there are many rumors. It is asserted by sone that a man was seen to emerge from the building just before the fire was discovered ; others believe the fire was caused by the falling of a stove pipe, and still otlier tliat the spontaneous combustion of cliemicnls used In tbe gallery camed the burning. Mr; Winter had, but a few days pre viously, sold a portion ot the contents oi ine gauery to Mr. l'axton, Intend ing to remove the balance in a few days to Eugene City. He had aii in surance we believe of f 1,000 on the stock. Thompson & Irving Were fully insured. . m v '-' ; ! ' - roE M ashed Mr. Staiger, of Mon roe A Staiger, marble- cutters, let - a piece of marble slip from his grasp n Monday last, said marble lighting on his big toe, mashing it as flat j as a pan-cake.? ! Old Times. 'Ilie Fannie JPtUtii came to our 'wharf on Tuesday, creat ing quite a stir, reminding one of old? times, before tlie advent of raihto&f. CmasTMAS Tree. Don't forget the Christmas tree at the Court limine to night. ' "': " , ;."" j Slkigihng Has been indulged in to a limited extent during the week. MIIKJDDM. " I A. ... Wheeler, dealer In general mcrcliandise. 'A large stock of all kinds now hi store and for sale at low rates. All kinds of produce bought at highest market rates. C-ish paid for Wlieat, Oab, Pork. Butter, Kggs, &c., &x. I WILLIAM DATIDSOX, REAL ESTATE DEALER, No. Frosts Street, Portlantl, 41 r. REAL ESTATE in thlsCITYand EAT PORTLAND, in the most desirable, local t- tinL.0C.L0TS'AI-, BLOCKS, and BLOCKS, HOUSES and STOKES Tabio, . IMPROVED FARMS, and vatuabloun- aY - wu wuer propcrlv.i. purchased for cotnreffpondents.ln th Is TitV TVBi?raV"t-llVB OTAM and TERR1- . AD VANTAGEO JEttMS. ?" tfArrana A N EfOTIATElKd CLAIMS A LLDEi iniivKE1?"1 UNCIAL and AGENCY BL SIN ESS transacted. - AGENTS or 1tta nvrrrw j TIES and TOWNS i iB TthVATI? f Ve- S22L forward the sua. to the above id- FUHXITUKB Of all kinds. arvlJ nA j m m 7 -ifA finish, cheap and high-priced calcula ted to suit the fancy of the most lastid ious, or tbe rackets of the pooresvan re wuwneu t at. jiieaiey'a. , Tito ware rooms are overflowiriif with All AItIv new stock, and those In need f any thing in the line of furnhmv. U quested to give the establishment an eariy can. : - , lml.r