i i 1 f i f k r - Sil'AUK ov It. Mr. A. Ii. Paxtou requets m to say that in soon a a new tntikling can In? erected on the site of the old onev he t-iJl bo ou hand to take thoc superior "itombm tults M is the securing of Which he h;U became proficient. i 'f hanks. A. Whaeler, T5 i of Khedds ha onr thanks fur continued favors. Al. U a brick. i SlA.6xtd-Ooriithlai tiodgeXo. 17, A. F. & A. M., holds an election for officer. to-night. Tkimmikos. A superior lot of dress trimmings tit V. O. Harper & Co.'s. F IMCs rr VKKf- A new furniture store L- soon to be opened in thU city. -I V, ? ', -'; Cooictxc AViikAt -Ok Hogs. -A correspondent of ;m exchange says : On the 14th of August, 1S70, I put up 15 hogs, weighing l!,400 pou;id :inl fii them 5,' bn4u J- cooked wheat the week. Osi the 13th their weight was "J.tlOO pound ; gain, 200 pound-, or a gain of 133 A pounds to the hog, being "nearly two pouiids a d:iv. The next week I fexl them G buhels of the cook ed wlieat, prodiKi;& an i'l, ,,ta-e o" poutuVs or 14a pouhdi to tbeh", bviifju yam ot ovcv2 pound j?w-ad thiy. The third week 1 lW "JL. 10 buheis of cooked wlieat, ivfuJtbig in a gain of 2 St) pound-, or S7 1 ;s p!untU a head, or 2 10-21 a viiy. The fourth week 1 fed them 11 ,1 ItnUiels ofoook ed wheat, t!ie giin heiirg 320 pounds or 31) 3 pound- a bead, 'or a i'iu-iio:i over three pound a day each. The bog were then sold ami" taken away. Tiiey gained in four week ','5 4uud; o.i 32'abushel. of wheat. In this gOOd wei-e The tock, manner of feeding I ret-envd a price for the wheat, a the hogs soldftt $3-23, per, 100 pound, breed wa the Uu--i:.n China : :i'Kut llfrctM months old. Scai.iki Oat.-5. An . old farmer, say? the . Fm't. e claims that there i no feed o good to keep animals in lle.-h dining the winter as scalded oit-5. For mare cows, and sheep, that are to raise yourg, it is superior to ahno. t ry other iVed, as it not nly j.uts the animals in oood condi tion to furbish Hu.iitc. nhusid iytlj-j - but the yoinrif attiirili are strong and aie tivel iivnl, t.rau is also an excellent feed fjr breeding ninnR given in the 1" inn of m;uh, . , -.. . , , . . . -, j Caiie of IIon?i-c. "When a horse rofu h; to eat, fays '-'the O'uj fcrnier, be should not be maJe J do any move servicer that ' clay for itrhiay he known that be i tired oat or sick. It is bar barous to compel a horse to perform labor ivi.e;i iu,tisij a condition that h; i Tiv-es grain, 'yet it is 6ft en tlon and l.y men too, who ttiink they are mer ciful. SAiLTOCA-ROLL.-One quart of water, two ounces of butter, one gill of yeast, and ;i little salt. Mix them sit nine o'clock at night,, as thiek as you t-m sir witli 3 Jsysijoyr iu(; "ptit tliem in a war. 11 place. Next niorn iniX, two liours bt-forii breakfast, take moivi llotir, make them into a liybt dough, pn ilM-uh iu jKiua, ami let them sfaitd viiitil light, Jk.ke fifteen or twenty minutes in a hot oven. Ska Foam Pik. Talve, a Jemon, jp-atetlfC i-ccl, s luce" c be nlp fid juice into a liowl .a stu-e to remove Vvcry seed ; to Avhlch add a tea cupful of white sugar. .one of.new . milk or "water, a table 'sjiooniiilof corn starch, juiilthc yo'!.s of tw eggs well beaten; our this mixture into a nieo paste trust and bake slowly. Heat the whites of two eggs to a stiff froth, and when the pteiijti :t doie,)our it over just tostin'en, i.'ot bfowiw A fethoillst minister", traveling on horseliaek through the State of 2kIiUn ehusetts, 0:1 a sultry summer's day, entered a cottage by the road-side, ami . jiartook., ot ; the v I'efreslinienta.vyhleh , was cheertuny set rctore him. For some time past there, had been no rain, and the country nroltnil seemed literal ly parched Hp. The minister entered into conversation with the lady of the house, and remarked 0.1 the "dryness of the season, when the hostess repli ed Unless we have rain soon, all my beet, cUetlmJcrs, and cabbage will be good for nothing; and I think that all the ministers ought to pray for rain." The guest informed her that lie. was a minister, ami that he should !e happy to comply with her wish. He accord ingly knelt down and prayed that the gate of beaten might lie opened, anil that the shower might descend and re fresh the earth; after which lie thank ed his hostess, mounted his horse, and departed. He hail not been gone more than an hour when the cloud began' to gather and the "hail and rain descended with such force as to wash the contents of the old lady's 'garden clean out of the ground 'There,'' said she, "that is always the way with those Methodists, they nev er undertake anything but they always overdo it !" A member of the Rhode Island leg islature has shot himself in the head. As his body fell aeroas ti "J4k. jiue lay partly iuConucviieut, it is un (";l:iin where the inquest will be held. The wound was on tl4-fca3& sine, uui I ne leet w.-- , border of MassaehuseH!!-. . The Touisville Courier says that Cal ifornia has loen unfortunate in the .-selection of name for her towns. The h.as a town which she calls I.os Ange les (the City of Angels), but whenever a Celestial shows las face there every body turns out to hang him. If yon want to find out a man's real disposition, take him when he is wet ! and hrinjrrv. If he is amiable then dry him ' and till him up, and you have got the greatest wonder of the century. Tt is said that Brick Pomcroy !nd Sunset Cox are the two largest contrib uters to the Pee monument fund in .New York, though the former gave J only ten.ilollar.;. The cholera has again appeared in Constantinople. Sixty ix-rsons died in twodaysjw' Ten of them were Fmg lishman. ' ST (3 VS iStlRANCK, ETC. l OLD STOVE DISPOT. JOHN BRIG OS, Iieuler itt II A N, G- E; S :. COOK, PA11LOU AND UOX, rJ0 o "r i: : Of the best patterns. AIAO : TIM, SHEET IISOX AKl CO!- rnt n isi!, Ami llie wsnal assortment of W'rnialiinjj icoorta to be oMaiiieJ in a tin store. jlopairs neatly ani promptly exeeutt1, 011 reasonable terms. Kliort reckoning's make lon friends, FKONT STKEKT, ALBAKT. lec. 5, lsso-1 LOOK THE SAX FKANCJSCO STOIIIi, Comer I'irst iii3 Ferry ?'ls., Al'utiey, Keeps 'constantly 011 liancl ' ' A. WttU Assortment of Stoves, And v iU lmyo for sa!e the eelebrateJ. DIAMOND HOCK COOK STOVE. 'iWintcrestInpr' nursemaid of Grass Vallev arau?ed the children hy lower ...... . . . inr a little sixrvear old srirl to the bottom of a dry well some sixty feet deep. The Ifltle one played roiuid tlurrbottQia, and war hauled up in safety, find. Being delighted -with Iser ex'ilot ttfia!il uer, parfi'its, rvrho forthwith tlireeteil the nursemaid "to let well alone." A French journal locates the Em press Carlotta in a beautiful, secluded valley among the Pyrenees. Her chief amusements A-onsist in hoi dins; con versations with the photograph of 31axi mill urn, putting the JMexieau Im perial Court in order and giving in structions to tiie ministers ot State as to the best way of managing the Em pire. An Italian journal declares that the Pope Is anxious to treat withe Tietor Jmanuers Government, but fliat the Jesuits bitterly oppose any fcuch move ment, f The same journal states that but for the vigilance of Cardinal Au tonelli one'ffactio of the -feuits would have ioisouejd the Holy Father a loag time ngo. "They want a young, vig . orouPppe, wlioAvm declai-ea religious crusade and Vct-iipture liome. Anew car twheel now coming into use on sonic of our railways, known as J'iKadlin's Elastic Wheel," is so packed with rubber lietween the hub and Hie tread.' or the part bearing on the rails, as to obviate much of the ' emulation, jar, and noise, which ae uouiuaies the movement of the ordi nary car, and adds considerably to the comfort and safety of passengers. - American cheese is rapidly supplant ing' English cheese in the English market it-elf. During the four weeks ending September 1st, 1,273,000 boxes of.lt , were- iiii.o tJd into England, amounting in weight, to something over 5,000 tons, it sells . tliere at about o'd. ber pound for the fine qualities' which ia l.d. less than the English cheese can be Mld for, while 1 if is said to be quite equal to the Eng lish cheoe in quality, flavor and con dition. Even the famous Dutch cheese Buffers, by the .American competiou. The average cost for beef furnished to the army throughout the country Is 11.09 cents per pound. In Oiegon the cost was below this average. CiuKiiTo I)i.m. All Jliat we eat and drink passes over the top of tl;o windpipe,- without a particle ever entering it, -although the opening is larger than a ilime. Jiecause the very elfoit of swallowing draws over the open top a lleshy trap -door, which lits so closely, that not even a p u tkle of air can pass but the instant' '"what is swallowed has passed over the trap door downward,, it opens up with a spring, and we go on -breathing as if nothing' had ever happened; but if. we attempt to swallow a.rything too huge, this trajxloor belrigat the nar rowest part of the t-.rtss.irre, U kej it closed, not a partie'e of air can enter the lungs, and we die in a moment, of suffocation, as in drowning or suioth criun;. - - - y Jfyoucliew a piece of dried beef l for so'.n;, time, there will "be a white renu.rtnt left winch thero is tiotneJura tkin to swallow; if it bt; takeu and i picked apart," it "will ap'iear to be jiride of little. strings, uraglr and strong; these were attached v to" b more - llesh-like ' parts, .'-"which were chewed and sw;dhived. Jf. in eating, a man has a sharp knife, and cuts his meat wholly iu two, he may but two or three of these pieces in his mouth and chew, and swallow without dan ger ; but if the knife is dull, tloes not divide the pieces wholly, two pieces may "be tied together with one of these little strings, and while you have swallowed one part uearest t lie .swal low the other part may be near the teeth, and both held by the string, which holding the two parts: together and hanging-across the trap-door, pre vents its opening and death follows in an instant; hence the practical val ue of sharp knives at the dinner ta ble. '- - A long hair in a mouthful of food may so entangle it in the act of "swal lowing, as to cause a chocking; to death ; this is what is meant by being "strangled by a hair." ''Strintr beans" may occasion a choking to death in the same way, if not carefully, "strung.'" Hence all food should be cut line; should be thoroughly divided with a sharp knife ; should be taken into the mouth in small pieces, chew ed thorouglily, swallowed deliberately. The Boise Staicuhum la men ts f! lat Boise City feels too poor to establish a public J ibrary, ; though it ca n. ex pend, three thousand dollars on a . sin gle ball. - - " . 1 , An Indiana Democratic paper calls .the "passive policy'.' of the Demoera cy, as the "possum policy.' v, "-The Kalama" paper say there is an active demand for machines on. the Xortliern Pacific, liailroad. " "... 1 1 Ileister Clymer 1 is talked of as the next Democratic candidate for.Gov- Ako liiannfiietiire all kinds of In the best style, at lowest rates, for cash or country produce. DRY GOODS. B li.Tilalu. S. E. Yoai3T. J. Kurrows. ,AIN,- -YOUNG-', i - 'H - , .- . & GOJ Always on hand, t 7ti11 Supply of Pure Wines &. Liquors, l or medk-inal pnrjioses only. A well seleetcJ stock of . GROCEJ1IKS- AND i C'KOCKEKY Will always be found nt iny establisliiuent. T will sell a'l iro ls in my linns?, frr carili or pro-live on l.-live:t , i-lieuj-er than ever before o he red in this market. All kinds (f rep:Jnn done, on short i!0!kt nn I entire stitisl'tion wan-Anted, at mv stove and tia store. KoV.w-11 jrr.irs ciKAinvoin.. DRY 'GOODS,! SPECTACLES. MONEY CAN NOT UVT IT, FOR ' SIGHT IS 'PRICELESS I "A HtiifU ia Tiisu av:'lc." Fire and. Marine Insurance Compr.Tiy, Nos. 4 ltj and' 4 IS California St., , SAN FfjAXClS'vA, 'CAXIFOUiaA. (ockiitiliIer Iiicli vidua I3y . I.i:iM?. Cash capita!, in gold eoin, - - $7-"iO,0Q0 CO Ueiiosit in Oregon, - - ... 50,000 00 'K ' t . .. ross promptly nud rquiCutily al- jiistc1, aiitl PAII IK COLD C'OIX. rym COMPANY IIAVIXG COMPMEI) I with the laws of Oregon, )v nmkin;? a di'iiolt of llfty thonsaiul dollars, ia now prepaivd to eilect insmtoiee a.traliwt loss or damage by Jlre, and also amiinst marine and inland uaviyation risks, on liljeral terms. (it STAVE TOrCIIAltlJ, Pi-estdent, Ciias. 1). JIavkk, Secretary. J. C. MENDENHALL, Agent, Albany. Albany, 1S71-1S UllSEllY. Klx. Miles Noiitti of Albany, Unit Co., NEAR THE RAILROAD. ISODICIT THE ATTENTION OK AET. inn-sons deylrin to pureha-e fruit tree to eall and examine my. stock, which is comnoswl of the largest aiid best selection in the Slate, consisting of apples, pears, ohorries, plums, prunes gi-aous, blackber ries, currants and roses. AL--o, black anil white walnut, English walnut, hlokorv. pecan, rodbud, honey locust, hackberrv, fend a nnmber of other varieties of trees and plants too numerous to mention, all of which are ottered at low rat ok. 1 HKNUY W. SSKTTLKMIR E. Dec. 17,1870-15 ;. -- - NKW TO-DAY. IlHi the Diamond Kieotaele will gtremcrve it. - Wti JOV C-FKlt A or. ASS TO 1'lIK public which la pronounced by the most celebrated opticians of the world to be the most perfectf uatural, artiiicial help to the human eye ever known. They are Kround under our own supervision, ut our 0- roiuiufcictory, iu New Haven, and are so constructed lfcit tW-. core tx center of the lens comes directly in front of the eye, producing a. , CXIIAK AI JISTIACT VISION, As in the nntnml, healthy siht, and pre-ventin.-jT all unpleasant sensations, such as g-limuiering and wavering of siht, diczi ness, etc., peduliar to all others iu use. These ? kisses are nianuiiict iiredfrom m i nute crystal pebbles melted together, and derive lhciriinme,"iiaiiiond,"on account of their hardnessatid brillia.yry. Thevaro mounted in the tlnest manner, at our own manufactory, in all styles of jold, silver, steel, rubber, and shell frames, of the best quality. Their durability can not be sur passed, and their linish is aneli as will suit ihe most uial'.-ioils. None genuine unless bearing our trade-mark, 0 Stainiicd 011 every frame. For ssilo by the principal opticians and Jewelers, throughout the count 15'. Manu lActnred by J. E. Spencer & Co., practical opticians, New York.- For sale onlv by -. . T1TITS IKtOTriEUS, ' Dealers in watches, clocks, .jewelry, silver ware, etc., Albany, Oregon. - -, Entered accordinsr to act of Congress, in the year 1SG!), by J. E. Spencer & Co., In the clerk's oiliee of the District Court of the United States, lor the Southern District of New York. 50v3 INSUJiANCE. PACIFIC . VlitE AM) 3HAKTXE SAN FRANCISCO, CAD. DRUGS, ETC; "They-Who Have Nothing1 for Sale are Farthest from Marhet V .!?l,T77.,S86.Ca J. HUNT WM.A1iVO!!1.... A. J. K ALSTON.. A. UA1UD .. . .President. .. Vice Pwsident. ....Secretary. Marine Secrctarj', A. CAROTHERS & CO., WHO KNOW TUTS TO BE TIIUE, Are now licepinp-, nnd also constantly re ' ' civing addition to. The Largest Stock of Goods j USUAL TO TIJEIR .TRASS ABOVE PORTLAND, The. louillii.T lire and marine insurance commnyon this coast. fe.r0,c deposited in Oregon. IjOss.-'.s proiuplly and equitably adjusted and l aid in yoid coin. f " LADD &. TILTGIJ, Gon. Agents Tor Orrg'on nml VwTotiintozi Tcrt'y. A!i:A?:V, OSSGOJi. 20v3j " Notfec of Copatitefslilp;''-" NOTICK IS UEKEUY OIVEN TITATTIIE firm of Heueh'.t Monteith, heretofore j , . I jLVurm 01 i$esen'; MontcUh, heretofore ernor Of Pennsylvania. 1 leister lias tenajrecl in the milling business in thecitv trietl puce and wdn-t climb ww cent. - - ' 1 i . , ij ., Gov. Brown of .Missouri, makes a bid fhr the 'Pp.-fcs.um candidacy .for" President by presenting in bi.s mes sage to the Iegislature 11 scathing de nunciation of the national administra tion. ' 1 11 1 1 . . The St. Ijouis Dsmocrat pokes fun at Carl Shurz as an advocate of the '"'possum policy," and saj-s that he pretends to carry the German ele ment of the country in hU "marsupial "" John, " said a master to his appren tice, as he was .about . starting 011 a . short journey, "you must occupy my place while I'm gone. 'Tliank .you ' feir," demurely replied, ; John, . vl'd rather sleep with the boys !" themselves Ilenrv Mvers htkI a. s: irnr in the millins business, under the lirni imiiiuw oetieii, monreiTn B t;o. i Albany, Or., Oct. 21, 1371-7v4w4 M es " a- a u & i e S f mi ZZ '.8 5 P-i go S3 - 'Aobicutuhal mnmiu Aud tho A CAIiD. sri:w rWii-ANP ttrTtiAi:'tJirK ln.suruovtv Company, of IJonton, i.H the only company en doing business 011 this eoji'st KoveriKi'd by the . ' B5;iss:Je!n.eil s ZVoii-forf. iiisre I.nw. This company - was ineorporated A. I). 183", and has accumulated assets of over $:oo.ooo co. The following lapsed policies have been paid on tiiis ooaRt, untter t n:s jaw : Celebrated' Bain Wagon! BLAIN, YOUNG' & CO., t?iRE-rr.oor isascii, Amount mnured. ,O00 10,000 ' 1,000 - 2.r00 . 6.OO0T No. of - Over due at policy. tim-j of death. 1:5, 04 - (I months. S.l,(d;5 " 4 months. SH,2.rt 3 months.' 2'.l,li'!a 10 days. SfVi.W ' 11 months. Had the above policies been in any other cornea nv thev would have been forfeited. The n'ove "facts speak' for themselves, and to the -wise and prudent further com ment ia imnfcBssiiry. , KVEHSON & MIDOIKMTSS. ' lien. Agents, San I'raucideo. L. FLIXJN-, Local Agent, A1.T5AXY, OltEGOST. " ' Fe'j.2, li7l-2y - ; BUILDEUS, ATTENTION : SASH, BLIND, AND DOOR I'-A. O T' O I :Y - 'First Street, Kg ,0 lit J ' 18 S' S8 . 1 , S. II. ALTIlOl'KKi .. J. I'. Ti ACKEM TO. JC.V1UU1IT. ALTSIOITSE & CO., jTo Stsreet, on le Ilivor t:uik, ALBAN V, OKKtiOX. .- f ' Keep. 09. hand W full assortment, antl are . pxx'puretl-to . -s, JfUKXISH TO ORDEE, ' Doors, Stasia, ' Blinds, mid - . '' -f .fAi-J-; " '(-i-,?i.:';"i-'- Suclv as CItOWJV, PAXjKIo BAJKO &. SEHIOS ' HIOI.U, ',-. Of all sizes. , , And AT SUCH PRICES That '- r " ?:-!; i,-'i '-:; '-.'' ; '' Purchaser j Shall be Satisfied. ' , .'- i v t- : :: - Besides a Larrro .Stock oft r PATErCEDlCU, Faf nts,me Staffs, aiul Oils, The kecV n Yanliee '..JVoti outs' Jonfeo-fcioriery Finest Tobacco & Cigars 1 WCSTSWiI02.rS CnTLBR S PIOUS, PERFUMIUZ 1 .-. (All kinds),. t ? ' ' ' i - - 1 4 .;':jt. -1 TOILET SOAP, AXD- WINDOVV AND DOOR FRAMES? l'loorfng, Siding, : And-. r All other kind of Building Material. ALSO: PREPAJREI) TO ' DO HILL, work, - fui-nish Bbaker ; fans, zizaer shakers, suction funs, driving pulleys of any kind, at our factory on. Lyon street (on the river bank), next below Marfcham's -warehouse. - ALTHOUSE & CO. Albany, Feb. 10, 1869-1 USUALLY OBTAINED , IN . ,t . A : 8TBICJTLY. SF'inEs-fc Class DRUG ESTABLISHMENT. . . . ,NO AUTJCIiiB SOI,l -Bat what i' '.Atz; Guaranteed To It e JUST AS REPRESENTED, ;:"vV: -'f '!Aad'tp'-"'; " - - must loo -A.xctic Soda I . A. CAROTHERS Si CO, ,-';.;',,,- -..i-.j?,.' ,'t''j. "... ,'' I -'.'-' . ! -.-',. -.-" ; ': v. :-