I. " ft ii jfi ft LOCAL MATTERS. Carriage Manufactory. A gen tlemiu from Chicago, Mr. Woodruff, for years largely engaged in that city la the manufacture of carriages, buggies, etc., has purchased property in llolladay's addition to the city of - Albany, and is now engaged in erec ting buildings thereon, both for resi dence and shops. His intention is to enter largely into tlie manufacture of all kinds of wheeled vehicles, and having large experience and ample capital lie will doubtless achieve ' a grand success. He will soon be fol lowed by eight families from Chicago, painters, blacksmiths, etc., who will be employed in the factory. As dwellings are to be erected in the im mediate vicinity of the factory tor all the employees, next season will wit" iiess quite a little city in llolladay's addition. Tims will another industry be added to those already in operation in our city, adding largely to its wealth and importance. Every branch of in dustry calculated to build up and in crease our "productive facilities should be carefully fostered by our citizens, and the parties interested in them should receive the kindest encourage ment from every person interested in the growth and future development of Albany. Mr. Woodruff has our heartiest wishes for success, and we bid him and his a kind welcome to : Albany. CmnsTM as Thee. A Christmas tree under the au?pices of the M. 13. Sun day School will be erected at the Court House on Saturday night, December 33d. It is requested that all persons lesiring to put presents on the tree will please to bring them, properly labeled, the card having the name plainly written upon, and sewed on , the article, so that it will not easily become detached. It is ao" desired that all presents be brought in pre vious to twelve o'clock M. of Saturday, so that the Committee may have time - enouch to arrange them on the tree. The Committee will be on hand to receive them from 9 A. M. until twelve o'clock M. Watery Reflections. These damp foggy morning?,' sweating days and dripping nights, offer fine atmos pheres in which to develop a clear type' of moroseness, and cultivate a splendid species of solemeholly. The atmosphere cannot be cut with a knile exactly, but it is an ever present verity, insinuating its dampness through the pores of one's clothing to. .'the very bare, and going through the inhalers down into the insides, and then keep ing up a perpetual state of dampness inside and out, and throughout. A man is facetiously represented as twelve pounds of solid matter wet up in six pale3of water ; but the in dividual who got that up never resided in Oregon, or he would-have put in more water. We believe in water. We like water. Water is good. It runs, and sloshes, and drips, and we would drink it we used to drink it but this damp, foggy, rainy weather jblimte one's appetite for water. There are more than six pails of water slush ing around tho?e twelve "pounds ot solid matter, and there is no famine, or parched place asking for drink in the whole system. Such a freshet is dampening to one's enjoyment. As a watery potato is not good, so this state of atmospheric damp- general ness is "no goot" to one's cheerfulness. Comk Out. A meeting was held at Odd Fellow's Hall on Thursday night, for the purpose of arranging for a grand time, sometime during the holidays an exhibition, fair, sociable, or some thing of that kind the object being to raise funds for charitable purposes. A committee of three ladies and ditto gentlemen were appointed to get up a programme and decide on the time and place for holding the affair. This committee is to report this (Saturday), evening, at Odds Fellow's Hall, and a general invitation is extended to our citizens, ladies ami gentlemen, to grace the occasion with their presence. We can have a massive time and accom plish a worthy deed if our people gen erally will take hold of the matter. Come out to-nirht. """ire. On Friday evening of last week a coal oil lamp in the hands of Mr. Dow, of Dow & Crane, burst, sending its contents over the wearing apparel of Mr. Dowand among the iwxes filled with boots and shoes in the store. By great presence of mind Mr. Dow succeeded in extinguishing his burning clothing, and, with the help of others, , the burning oil on door and boxes. While the fire pro are3sed it made a brilliant light, and got up a big scare. Our fire boys were a3 prompt a3 usual, but fortunate ly their Services were not needed. IvAILROad Accident. A construc tion or gravel train ran off the track ot' the O. & C. Railroad at Harrisburg last 'week, owing to, the displacement of the switch, upsetting several flat cars, loaded with gravel and Chinamen, the gravel falling on the Chinamen, killing two and injuring two other3 so severely that they died a few days afterwards. New Outfit. A supplement from tho West Side . office, McMlnnville, d-tted Dec. 8th, announces that an en tire new outfit has been procured, and that the paper will' appear hereafter as a 7-coIumn folio a creditable and readable journal. Good. May pros perity attend the new departure. Iay Ur.-Parties indebted to Mr. A.J. Winter, at the Picture Gallery, .'re requested to come forward im mediately and pay, as he has sold the Ualleryand will remove to Eugene City within two weeks. Delays are dangerous, therefore come- forward, t pay up, and save costs. .... Street Lash's. First street is uosv Ijghted up during these dark nights by street lamps, the iron lamp posts recently received having been pnt up, and five large lamp, l"1 y Messrs. W. H. McFarland & Co., of this city, t: , erected thereon. -Albany . is . j putting , on city style and she's able to. Uuooms. Mr. NY D. Vaughn Iia.3 lately commenced the manufacture of brooms in our city. As he- makes an rrcllnt. hronm we feel certain he will meet with the success he deserves. Patronize home industries first, all the time. " - 7 - Dcixiards. Humor has i3 that a match game of billiards will be played- k this city on this (Saturday) even ing between a couple of Albanians. $303 what's the matter of the man : 'ijqrtng. . : '-"' r.,'?'.;: r - "fCriiNrnjRE. Charley Mealey is 'tarning out some of the neatest ffur--mture ever put up on the Pacific slope, . the most liberal figures, too. . Auction and Commission. Mr. II. Weed has secured the building now occupied by Messrs. Thompson &Irv ing as a saddle and harness shop, and about the 20th instant will open there in an auction and commission store for the sale of all kinds of commodi ties. Parties wishing articles disposed of at auction will find in Mr. Weed a gentleman every way qualified to at tend to the business. . Administrators and othei-3 wishing the service of a first-class, auctioneer, are advised to call on Mr. Weed, who lias an ex perience of many years in the busi ness, and will give the best of satis faction. We refer readers to his card on this page. Stealing W ood. Mr. Roberts re quests us to say that he will be much obliged to parties who have been stealing the widow Robert's wood, if they will steal all they intend to be fore he goes up north, so that he can make arrangements to supply the deficiency thus created. This is a reasonable re piest, and the thieves are most unreasonable if they do not comply with it, Married. Ruel Custer and Mr3. Lines were remarried, at the residence of D. Mansfield, in this city, on Thurs day evening, Judge Johns tieing the knot. The reunited pair started north Fridiy morning. May their second union prove stronger and happier than the first; After It. The "local" of the Oregonian is bidding for the Jack knife to be awarded to the homeliest man in Portland at the , Lutheran Fair the present week. Crandall always was an ambitious kus. : Grand Ball. There will , be ) a grand ball given at ..Fairish Hall, in thi3 city on Christmas evening, December 25th, 1S71. A good supper and the best of music will be furnish ed for tlte occasion. , A cordial wel come and general invitation is extend ed to all lovers of the "inazyydarice." Committee of Arrangements: Isaac Conn, J. li. Hen-en. Floor Managers: P. C. Harper, X. B. Humphrey, R. C Clark, X. Baum. Tickets including supper, $4. - 14v3. Xo eliange in the S; F, markets worth reporting. FOKEIUX SEWS. j News from France up to the 9th j inst. states that a change . in the French Government is imminent. Thiers is to relinquish the Presiden cy in favor of the Duke d'Aumale. This is the agreement, and will be effected directly. The Orleans Princes will then take their w?ats. The inability of Thiers to with stand the hostile influence of the members of the Right, and the in creasing power of the ' Imperialists in the army, are the causes leading to this change. '; At a banquet given by the Knights of the Order of St. George, at St. Petersburg, December 9th, the Czar was present. In toasting the Emperor of Germany the Czar said he hoped that the intimate friendship which existed between that monarch and h'mself would last as. long as they lived and be carried down to future generations, and that the fraternity of the arm ies of Germany and lJussia would be preserved. Thus would be con stituted one of the guarantees for the maintenance of peace in Europe. . i- roiiiicAi "If the Democracy want a really passive candidate," says the Chicago Post, malevolently, "let us recommend General McClellan." The Washington correspondent of the Boston Advertiser says it is admit ted on all sides that the income tax law will be prepared the coming win der. The total disbursements to the army during the past year were $118,54,073, of which $3.6S3,I72 was paid in the sliape of back pay and bounty to vol unteers. The IlvratV dispatch says that Sen ator Sumner is preparing an active fight to aUlish tlie Internal Revenue Commissionership. JJTe iwill bej sus tauwd by a majority Of leading Seua- . O' . . A Washington special says that Sumner will not accept the Chairman ship of the Committee on Klections, assigned to him by the Senate caucus. Tlie St. Louis Democrat has com menced figuring on the result of tg Presidential elections next year. It thinks that if Grant be renominated lie will secure 150 electoral votes out ot 319. Frank Blair thinks that if Grant is re-elected it will depopulate the South of whites. Frank has acted once be fore the role of a prophet, aud we all know with what success. His latest prediction is as foolish as his for mer one was, viz.: that Grant after his election, "would declare himself dic tator." Tlie St.' Louis Republican gives a list of forty-nine Democratic papers in Missouri who favor the policy of mak ing no Democratic nominations for the Presidency and Vice Presidency in 1872. An Iri-h Judge said, when address ing a prisoner, "You are to be hanged, and I hope it will be a warning to you." MEW. TO-DAY. Coming Back. Mr. Paxton having purchased the interest of Mr. A. J. Winter in the Picture Gallery, will soon take charge ot that institution, and be ready to receive his friends and the'pnblic. . ' Rheumatic Cure. Mr.'J.D. Love,' of Harrisburg, is preparing to go into the manufacture of his celebrated Rheumatic Liniment on an extensive scale. Its a big thing. ; The College Exhibition-Transpires Frinay evening, December 22d next week. The Odd; Fellow' Socia ble poues off on the same evening.. Good JOB OF Binding. Frank A Cook, of Salem, called on us : yester day. He has just finished a splendid job of binding for us. Quit. Messrs. Klefer & Roggers Iiave disolved partnership, Mr. Kiefer remaining a3 sole proprietor of the brewery. -.-- " Markets. Butter and eggs fluctu-j ating. The price of butter on Friday was 35c V lb ; eggs, 40c dozen . Other articles same as last week. ; " Hunters. A few more of those splendid shot guns left at Ilarper fc Co's. Gasoline lamps. is used in our street Dancing school is in full .blast at kParrish Hall every Thursday evening. NOTICE. FURNITURE. G. MEALEY, l&EALEf Itf OL ANUFACTURER Of T'-i Groceries, lrovlIon, Ac. ; f - - .1' 3. X FT RNITURE Ware, H. WEED, CITY & COUNTY AUCTIONEER WILL, open an ; AUCTION & COMMISSION T ORE ' ;. . ' . OX THE ;- 20tli or December, 1871, , ' , " , " IN THE THOMPSON Formerly occupied by Thompson & Irving ..i.! in tlie saatue aua Harness Dusmossa, ; Front , bet. Washington Ac erryts A IX PUBLIC SALES PROaTPTLY AT- J.X. loucluU to at reasonable rates. Goods sold for CASH at 20 per cent. loss tnan any nouse in Aiuany. tJ35Ca.ll and see hla feoods for the holl davB. II. WEED. Albany, Dec 16, 1871-U OYSTEKS, SAKIINES, REI IIERRLNtr, codflsb, etc, just received by 3v4 ' - lcBOIS. BET3m&, Etc., Corner of First and Broatlalbin Sts., ALBANY, Oil. Iitxticixltva- ATTExlfTIOlV IAII TO ORDERS OF ALL ENDS XjST his JUST RECEIVED FROM S. F. AND THE EAST, THIS LARGEST LOT Of New and Elegant EVZR BROUGHT TO ALBANY! rTX TOE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE X Linn County Agricultural Association There will be a business meeting at. tno Court House in Albany, on the first Wed nesday in January, 18ta, at 1 o'clock I M., for the purpose of electing Seven Directors for tne ensuing year, and transacting such other business as wy.nraio V??x;S meeting. - 0, . . December 9, 1871-td H. EVAKS, r .... :4 6CC OYSTKRS AND SARDINES, NUTS AND Candies, and other knick-knacks, sold by Wheeler, at SHEDD. Hv4 Gome and See it! GROCERIES, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, PROVISIONS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, CORNER OF FIRST AND BROADATLBIN STREETS, A. C. LAYTON, PROPRIETOR. I haVo -always in store a fulland complete supjily of STAPJLE . ":: T ":. - AND : FANCY GROCERIES, O "V I & X O XS', TOBACCO AXD CICAB8, Which I will sell for cash as low as the lowest, or exchange for all kfcuL of marketable UNTO? XTLTCJ3E3S ( Just received and in store ; ' 100 TONS ISLAND SALT, Which I will sell cheaper than ever before offered in this market j tzT I extend a general invitation to all people in this and adjoining counties, to call aud examine quality and prices of goods, as I feel con fident of my ability to give all thorough satisfaction. ' ! - A. C. LAYTOX. W. J, UILTABIDEX- . . D. ANDREWS. W. 3. IIIL.XABIDEL & CO. Have just received, AT TIIEIB OLD 8TAXD, One Door Below Conner's Bank A full assortment of GROCERIES, BOOTS AWD ; .SHOES, FURNISHING GOODS, YANKEE NOTIONS, ETC., ETC., Consisting in part of Calico, Ginghams, , Lawns, Merinos, Toplins, Brillumts, Hosiery, Marseilles .. Denims, Dress Silks, Jeans, Diaper. Table Linen Crash, Ticking,; Delaines, Check, Stripes, , Skirts, Corsets, Table Covers, .Brown Domestic, ".: Brown Sheeting, Bleached Sheeting, Children's Shoes, juauies' an jjiisses onoes, , t Gents' Boots and - Shoes, ; Boys' Boots ud Shoes, Slippers and Gaiters, Linen & Silk llandk'ehief,, California Merchandise. ' EA share of patrrmnpee i TCffpectfnlly solicited. W. IIILXABUiKI & CO. 10v4 CiEO. IV. GRAY, I. I. Si, GKAmJATE OF CINCIK nati Dental College, makes Several JVewanct lm proved Style of Plates for Ar tificial Teeth. Also, does ali. work in the line of his profession in the best and most approved method, and at as reasonable rates as can be had elsewhere. Nitrous Oxide administered for the rain less extraction of teeth if desired. Office in t'arrish brick block, np stairs. Residence first h ouse son t h of Congregational chuTch , fronting on court house block. J73-18 - Blacksmi tiling i "'." ' " " AND -;'. - General Repair Shop. TnE UNDKUSIGJfED IIA1XG HK- JU turned to Albany, aud laken his old clim in r.iinf . f L'ilurnnil, o f streets, announces his readiness to uttend to all kinds of BLACKSMITmXG. illLTj St BIACIUN12 FOKG'.VG, ETC. j Also, has on hand aud for swle, th . - COQUIZ.I.ARD WAGON, ' Strayer Force-lccd ; f 6KAIN DRXX.X., STAR ftiotijar, i ; I C-STSTEEZ., 7. and other FLOWS, wliicli ht, "7111 sell on the most reasonable term1. CJIVJE ME A AM.. Koiice to ttae Taxpayers of Linn Count'. TTXDEE " THE PROVISIONS"; OF THE J law now in force, relating to the col lection of taares, all taxes are required to be paid within. 'lirty days after the days ap pointed for meeting the taxpayers in the several precincts, and all taxes not paid within that time are liable to costs as upon execution and that is one dollar and three per cent, from each person. I will, there fore, in pursuance of law, meet the tax payers of Linn county, at their respective places of voting in each precinct, on tho following days, to-wit : ir-HA ;m vjjn . ; nionaay, juec j i, im t. tt n i ijMaaj i . x ucoua v SWEET HOME. Wednesday M 13, BRUSH CREEK. BROWNSVILLE.. CENTER HARRISBURG.... PEORIA... .Thursday ..Friday, ..Saturday ..Tuesday, , .rnaay. ORLEANS. . . .... .Saturday SANTIAM: . . . . . . . . .TueMay, 14, 19, S3. 5, SjmilAM........i..lKiJI 'i vh aki .r tititk Wednesdav " 27. 8CIO .Saturday, " 30, " ALBANY Monday, Jan. 1, 1372. A" ,A"X' l " R. A. IRVINE, Sherift and tax-collector for Linn Co., Or, N. B. While in Brownsville I may bo found at Cooley Sb Washbume's store. Albany, Oregon; Nov. 25, 1871-12 All work entrusted to me will receive prompt attention, and be executed in tint ljcst possible manner, with good material. A share of public iat ronajjc ia solicit od. SSgTShop on comer Ellsworth and Second streets, opposite Picroc's Fei rv. iJv4 ; t vroov. Lard Oil & Soap MANUFACTORY. rpHE UNDERSIGNED HAVING COK X pleted and put in good running order their new : Larfi Oil ana Soap Manufactory in the city of Albany, are prepared to pwr chase, at the highest cash rates, all tho - Hogs, Rancid Butter, Soap. Grease, &c, delivered to them in thU city." They are now manufiieturug and havo on band . ;' I Fancy Toilet ana Common "Soaps, in great variety, warranted qual to fho best in market, which they offer to th trade at the most reasonable rates. Orders respectfully solicited. Satisfac tion guaranteed. eSTParties having Hogs,Rancid Butter, or Grease of any kind, for sole, win do well to give us a call. . ; - E. CARTWBIGHT & CO, Nov. 11, 1871-I0V4