The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, December 09, 1871, Image 6

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-Mail going North,
M.; going South,
Mail Matteks.-oIo--j
at 7.45 A.
cloe.- at 5.15 r. M.
Po-Mortice open on Sundays from
8.30 to 9.30 A. M., and from 6 to 7
1". m. ?
Mail for Corvallis, clones at G p. M.
E. A. FKEELAN1. P. 31.
A mian y Collegiate Institute.
The examination exercises of the Al
luiny Collegiate Institute, under the
popular supervision of President War
rtl transpired this week. We un
derstand the exercises have been very
well attended by the patrons and
friend of the Institute, da' by day.
We werti present during the greater
portion of Thursday afternoon, and
were favorably impressed with the
precision ami thoroughness which
characterized the great majority of
the pupils in their recitations. In a
class of ten, in algebra, two problems
each were drawn by lot from a box,
and nearly all of them recited prompt
ly and ixrforcned correctly that which
the slip of paper required of them.
"We were ple;ised with the manner in
which an exercbo Li spelling was con
ducted. The spelling was lirit oral.
It was not only necessary tliafc the
word should be correctly spelled, but
i:i the process, each s;vl!able was re
quired to be distinctly enunciated. If
a word w;r3 utlssetl, it was left for the
pupils to detect, as the instructor con
tinued to-give out new words, just as
if none had been missed. All could
see that this system secured precision,
spirit, and a wide-a-wake interest. The
spelling alter this was by each pupil
writing, the words on his slate in the
oixler in which they were dictated by
cue l i-oiessor. oiates were tnen ex
changed, and one young miss was ap
pointed to spell the words from the
slate which she held. xs errors were
leteeted on the different slates, they
were announced, and marked off by
the pupils who discovered them. At
the close of this critical examination,
slates were returned: to their owners,
and each pupil read out the number of
misses, marked against him. Two
valisitWa points, we eorrid see, M-ere
gamed- by this system of spellim
First, each pupil spells every icard, or
attempts-to, which is given out. Sec
ond, the pupil is taught to write the
wonl eorreetlyv We all know there i
a difference between oral spelling- and"
spelling words a we write. The best
sf spellers often become perplexed
over words as they write ; and we
think .this system o the Institute will
in a ineasure obviate this difficulty.
The number of 'pupils present indica
ted the flourishing -. conditio! of the
Institute, and- their- decorum and
promptness the wholesome discipline
by which they have been trained. The
institution deserves the liberal patro
nage of our people- The new term
commences with Monday next
Large Potatoes. Through the
loIitene5.s of Mr. Alonzo Gra3r, we
received oa Wednesday two huge po
tatoes, of the white kidney variety, as
a specimen of wltat can be produced
i:i tliat line over in Washington Territory-
Th largest was some ten
i;ichc3 In. length, and. woitfd make an
ample meal ton- two- persons, They
vere raised on the farm of Mr. Si
Iejmy, who-lives some ten. miles dis
taati'rpm the towa of Seattle, W, T.
Jlr. Gray has taken a firm in the
same neighborhood, autL speaks hope
fill y of the future pnospeets of the
country. As they propose to- locate
the "terminus' thereabout, they have
struck it rich.
Farmer's Cluh. Why tfo not the
farmers of Linn "county organize a
fanner's club, or something of that
kind, to hold its meetings monthly,
for mutual improvement? ; The bene
fits resulting from these clubs directly
to the farmer, and Indirectly to the
county, are invaluable, lu the older
States, such clubs exist In almost all
of the counties. They have proven to
be fruitful sources of information in
every instance, where the organisation
has been thorough. All topics per
taining to agriculture, horticulture nnd
stock-raising are there to be discussed.
In those clubs which have come under
our notice, some one leads off In a
short essay or address, on some topic
to which lie was assigned at the meet
ing before. The members of the club
then criticise the views presented in
the essay or address, presenting their
views formed from experience, on
the subject, and thus by mutual inter
changes of experience, iuUi valuable
information is a iiiired. A farming
community, or .county, that desires
to operate'and progress the mo-t in
telligently and successfully,; cannot
well altbrd to be without such an or
ganization. The strange anomaly of
seeing an agricultural State, like Ore
gon, importing all articles of consump
tion, except wheat. Would certainly be'
obviated, were there a substantial
fanne r's club in successful operation in
each count y. m '
Graded SheeP. Mr. W. C. War
ri:ierv of Bethel, who lately visited
the farm of Mr. C. J. Ingram, of this
county, for the purpose of securing
some of tfio fine sheep owned by Mr.
Ingram. i:i a note to the Farmer thu3
' sjxjaks out in metting." The note
is dated November 14th, 1371, and is
as follows :
I visited last week the sheep ranch
aad farm of' Mr. V. J lugram, four,
miles south of -Albany, Linn county,
for the purpose of purchasing some of
his fine sheep, for tlie improvement of
my flock near Bethel. Tbo wool of
tumie of his graded Leicester and
i'otswold will favorably compare in
length and texture with the farfamcd
Angora goat,.
Christmas Will soon be here and
taking ;dYantage of this fact our Post
masterk EtU FreelaiuL. Ei., goes to
Portland on- Monday for the special
purpose, of purchasing a fine supply of
fcooks, albums, papers, toy,. etc. etc
to supply the demand always attend
ing the holidays. About the middle
f next week drop into his stoe, and
ettho first choice of rare and beauti-
J'r.l artigles to present to Sophrqais
Atlelaide or Mary Arvu
Iron. Laip Posts. Tlie iron lamp
posts tbr First street were hauled down
from the Uwpot on Thwsilajv and left
9t ' thw efereet - corners they are , to
cuectipy.' Fisst street will soon be
tiglited during these, dark plghta,,'
Xeaui.v aTuaoedv. Daniel Gaby,
Esq., -narrowly escaped drowning in
a branch of the Santiam, the other
day, while returning from this city to
his home in Scio. lie was ou horse
back, and attempted to ford the creek,
but the channel being deeper than he
expected, and the current very swift,
his horse was carried under a drift and
drowned, while he, after getting
loose from the horse, succeeded in
catching hold of a limb of a tree which
was fortuantly within reach, to which
he ''cramped" until assistance reach
ed him. A rope was thrown to him
from the shore, which he succeeded in
fastening to his body, -when he was
drawn out, a wet but thankful man.
We were pleased to me,et with the
Rev. Mr. Miller, station minister of
the Methodist church at Corvallis, in
our sanctum this week. lie came to
assist in the Quarterly meeting exer
cises of the Methodist church in this
place, lie gives a favorable report of
Corvallis. Professor Rogers, of Salem,
conducted the Quarterly meeting ex
ercises of the Methodist church In this
city last Saturday and Sunday.
Steamers.- The Orifianme leaves
Portland at 4 o'clock P. M. to-day
for San Francisco. On Wednesday
20th hist, the California Sails for Ptlget
Sound ports and . .Victoria. The
ffiwi' Telfair sails tot Snn Juan,
Xanalmo and Sitka to-day, at 5 P. M.
Where is William Warner ?
Wake up, William; there Is a pension
certificate in the Oregon City Agency
for you, and your presence U needed
to obtain it, Warner, come forth.
Dancing School meets at Parrish
Hall every Thursday evening. The
Professor proposes to give a Soiree
every two weeks.
Changed. The sociablH at Odd
Fellows Hall will transpire ou the
22d, instead of the 23d as at first de
cided upon.
Personal. Chas. Gay was in the
city on Wednesday,' well and hand
some. "
S .... -
Grand Ball. There will be a
grand ball given at Parrish' Hall, in
thh city ou Christmas' evening,
December 25th, 1871. A good supper
and the lest of music will be furnish
ed for the occasion. A cordial wel
come and general invitation is extend
ed to all lovers of the 'mazy dance.'
Committee of Arrangements: Isaac
Conn, J. R.Herren. Floor Managers:
1. C. Harper, X. 15. Humphrey,!. C.
Clark, X. Raum. Tickets, including
supper, $-1. 1 lv3.
December 6th, 1S71, at the residence
of the bride's mother near Peoria, by
Rev. Jaine-- Worth, assisted by Rev.
R. . I. Thompson, Rev. S. G." Irvine
and Mrs. Margaret (Maim.
With the above notice was received
a nicely frosted cake, for which we re
turn thanks. The pair have our best
wishes for long life, continued pros
perity and increasing happiness.
They Won't trouble You
Low. Who will nm readily reco
niae the truthfulness of the following
It is scarsely necessary to say that it
is froni the pen of Henrv Ward
Eeecheii than whom no man has ever
more naturally and beautifully depict
ed homl Incidents or stirred tip in the
human heart memories of home more
touching or powerful : "Children
grow tin nothing on earth grows so
fast as children. J t Win but yesterday,
and the jlad was playing with tops, a
buoyant boy. lie is a man, and gone
now. There I. no more childhood for
him or us. Lite has claimed him.
When a' begin hi ng is made it is like
raveling a stocking, stitch bv stich
gives avyay, till all are gone. The
house has not a child in it there is no
more nise in the hall bovs rushim
pell niill; it is very orderly now"
There is no more skates, sleds or balls
left scattered about. Things are neat
enough 'now. There is no delay for
sleepy folks; there is no longer any
task, lxjfore you lie down, or looking
after children ami tucking up tin? Ix-d
clothes There are no disputes to set
tle, nobody to get oft" to school, no
complaint. no import unities fyr im
possibly things, no rips to mend, no
fingers to tie up. no faces tole washed,
or collars to be arranged. There nev
er was Inch peace in the house! But
oh, it would sound like music to have
some licet clatter down the front
stairs! job, for some children's noise!
What u-ed to ail us all, that we were
hushing their loud laugh, cheeking
their noisy frolics. a:;d reproving their
slamming and banging of doors:-'
Groceries ProiiNionti, !lcc.'
Financial nni Commercial.
Dental. See new card of br! Geo.
W. Gray, elsewhere to-daj. As a
dentist Dr. Gray enjoys a high reputa
tion, and his praise is in the mouths
of scores of our people. He has late
ly introduced several new styles in the
mode of getting up teeth, which he
will take pleasure in exhibiting to all
who call at his office. He is a superior
workman, as his work attests, and
Lis charges are as low as superior work
cm be obtained anywhere. See card.
Ed. Register ; During my ab
sence the citizens of Albany elected
me Mayor, for which I make them my
polite bow. Being already invested
with the humble olhVe of minister of the
Gospel, and finding in its duties more
than I can attend to, I beg permission
to decline the honors of the Mayoralty
of your city. Respectfully
Albany, Dec. oth, 1871.
Election. A meeting of the
Linn Comity Agricultural Association
is called for the first Wednesday in
January, 1872, for the purpose of
electing seven directors, and other
business. See notice of the Secretary
Dancing School. The young men
and women of this burg, to the extent
of some twenty couples, gathered at
Parrish Hall on Thursday evening,
and done some high dancing for a few
hours. The-, dance was given by -a
party who intends-getting-; up a class
in dancing for the Winter.
Apprehensive.- On Monday the
railroad bridge across the Santiam at
Jefterson was thought, to be in great
danger, a;a huge drift had lodged'
against it, brought down by the high
water. But after the expenditure of a
good deal of hard labor, the drift was
broken up, and the danger averted".
In Danger. It is state that the
raise In the Willamette has already
caused some damage to the railroad
bridge at Harrlsburg. If the Willa
mette gets on one of her big swells
this winter, the strength of the bridge
will be sorely tried.
Getting Rich. We see that our
friend of the Farmer ha a new Taylor
pres3 on the way from Chicago, which
is said to be the perfection of mechan-
cal skill and beauty. Printing
agricultural paper. must 4 pan.
Hope so, at any rate.
Gold in Xew York 110?..'. Currency,
buying, S9c; selling, 904c.
San Francisco quotations show no
material change.
Portland quotations in statue quo :
Wheat. $1 25 bushel. Oats, $2 50
s2 GO is 100 lbs. Potatoes, l4S2c
lb. Apples, 37 . box. Onions, 2v
24Clt. Eggs"3035c doz. But
ter, 30372'e lb.
Following market quotations are
from the principal stations on the O.
& C. Railroad :
Eugene Cmr, December, 7.
Wheat, 1 ; Oats, $ l ; Bacon Sides,
I5e; Bacon Shoulders, 10c: Hams.
15c; Lard, 14c; Butter, 50c; Eggs,
50c; Apples, 50c; Potatoes, $1 25;
Wool none.
Junction Crrr, December 7.
Wheat, $1 05 ; Oats, ; Bacon
Sides, 13e ; Bacon Shoulders, 10c ;
Hams, 15e; J.ard, 14 ; ' Butter, 30c ;
Eggs, 40c; . Apples (dried), 6c ib;
Potatoes, $1.'
IlAKiiisniRO, December 7.
Wheat, $1; Oats,S0c; Bacon Sides.
12; Bacon Shoulders, none; Hams,
13e to ISc ; Lard, 12 to 14c; Butter,
40c ; Eggs, 30c ; Apples, 50c ; Pota
toes, $1 ; Wool, none.
.Jefferson; December 7.
Wheat, $1 12; Oats, 80c; Bacon
Sides, 13c : Bacon' Shoulders, 10c :
Hams, 14c; Tard, 14c; Butter, 40&
45c; Eggs, 50c; Apples (dried). 0e ;
(green), 45c ; Potatoes,' f 1 ; Wool,
35c. - -..-'
Salem, December 7.
Wheat, $1 15; Oats, 80c ; Bacon
i . : ' 1
Fivk! Mistakes. To name
all the foolish things common to young
people ivouid take us into the hun
dreds. ljut live are enough to remem
ber at -once. Here they are:
3. For a young man to think he
does himself credit by hanging round
theatre doors, smoking "bad cigars
and pacing for expensive oyster sup
pers, inj order to be. called iif nil" by
a cliquo of youths as soft iu the brain
as hinisji'lf.
2. For a. lady to be annoyed localise
gentlenjien do not always give her the
best half ot the street and the nicest
seat in he omnibus. She should not
forget that these conventional courte
sies are inot her right farther than they
choose to concede them.
3. Foj- an unfledged clerk to think
he must) buy extravagant gloves and
cravats for every festive occasion, be
cause Jones, whoe father is worth
thirty thousand dollars, does so. The
best way of proving his manhood
would be to let such things alone
stlf-denjuil is I letter than fortune.
4. For a girl to think she is estali
lishing her charater as a young lady of
fashion,) by allowing her mother to
toil thiiough all the drudgery of the
house, land investing her monev in
gaudy brooches and artificial flowers. L
o. r or a man to suppose nnnsell a
gentleman, because be touches his hat
to a party of splendidly dressed ladies,
while he scorns to extend a helping
hand tojthe old apple woman strug
gling across the street. .
complete supply of j
. I have always in store a full and.
, . -AND ; FANCY
P 21 O -V'-'X'SS X
3ST S3 ,
Which I will sell for cash as low as the lowest, or exchange for all
ki:ls of marketable j
XJ 20" "3? JEL 3T PR.ODUC3L3!
- Just received and in store
Which will sell cheaper than ever before offered in this market
tW I extend a general invitation to all people in this and adjoiirinjr
counties, to will ana examine niiahtv and nrices ot szoods. as I lel eon-
tident of my ability to give all thorough satisfaction. j
.In Chicago, it is said, men are not
allowed !to smoke in the streets. This
argues ajn excess of the fire fright, and
is no nire than jf, after an inundation
of the city, men were forbidden to
drink in the streets.
Sides, 15c; Bacon Shoulders, 12(514c;
Hams, l'JSlSc ; Lard, 14S16c; Butter,
(fresh), 45S50c; (packed), :J0S35c;
Eggs, 37..c ; Apples, 40c; Potatoes.
CmniCii Services. We are request
ed to, notify the public that Rev. Mr.
Sweeney will preach ' in ', the Baptist
church on Saturday evening .(.tft-ujjht)
at half-past sly o'clock :
1 ; Wool, 34S3U.
Gekvais, December 7.
Wheat, $1 15 ; Oats, 75o ; Bacon
Sides, none ; Bacon Shoulders, none;
Hams, none ; Lard. 14c; Butter, 40c;
Eggs, 374; Apple3 (dried). Gel? lb; Po
tatoes, $1; WojI, none.
Our markets show no change in
price Wheat, $1 15 bushel. Oats,
75SS0c 1ft' bushel. Butter, 40c lb.
Eggs, 40c H dozen.
The Xew York Times Axi The
Ring. The St. Louis Deuiocrul has
this interesting mention of a promi
nent writer of the Xew York press,
who fought so gallantly against the
Tammany ring :
George Jones, of the Xew York
77Me,i3jnot an Englishman. He is
Raymond's old partner, ami . was one
of the original proprietors of tlie
Times. Re is a native.of Xew York.
The story about the Englishman grows
out of the fact that Lewis J. Jennings,
managing editor of the the Time?, is
an Englishman bjr birth. - He is the"
author of the-slashing articles on the
ring tliat have made the Times famous
as the champion of the people.
Those articles have appeared every day
sometimes two or three of them in a
day for more than a year.. Their
force has been terrible,, and. at last all
opposition lias been overcome. There
never was in newspaper history a
subject more fascinating than that of
the millionaire robbers of Xew York ;
and Jennings,, in the Times, has done
It ample justice His editorials and
Xast's caricatures have done the coun
try an Immense service. Though one
was bom a England and the other in
Bavaria, they are pretty well natural
ized.; and we doubt wbethrr there are
many persons in America who will
regard them as crushed when they are
reproached as foreigners.
God's Uvery is a very plain one ; but
its wearers have good reason to be con
tent, If it have not so much gold lace
about it as satan'a it keeps out foul
weather better and besides it fea great
deal cheaper. i
EO. W. IiAV, I. f. S.,;
T'nati Dental College,
makes ffepnral Kvatid Jm
pncitl Stfitf-s vf I'lal". fir Ar
tificiul TrHh. lllso, docs ALL
work in t lie line of IiN T,'fssioii in tlio
bent ami jtnost approve! method, and at as
naisonable rates u.s can fx lun.l eistiwherc.
Niirous xide adinini-ifcivil tor the pairi
l'ssex1 Ru-1 ion of twtli if desired. Dffiee in
I'arrisli lm-k block, up-stairs. Eesidenee
first house sout hofCoiirejLratioiial chnrcli,
fi-ontiiif on court, house block. j7i-ls
Linn t'onntv Airi'icnlluinl AssfK'iation
There will la business meeting at tins
Court House in Albany, on tc first Wed
nesday in January, 182, at 1 o'clock 1. 31.,
for the purpose ot electing Seven Directors
for the ensuing year, and tranaet injr such
other busijiess as may come befon; tlie
inw'tinfr. . ' J. II. EVANS.
December 9, lS71-td S-e.
Fruit Trees, Grape Vines, &c.
attention oft he p.tbiio to hwiargeund
complete stock of
- ! - - PLUM.
1 and other TREES.
Also. GRAPE VI ES Ix'st in the Slate;
OrtiHiiiemal Tree-!, Shrubs, Plants. Cur
rants, Oooseberri d. Strawberries, Roses,
Dahlias and Bulb? whit-It .will be sold as
low as first-class? stock can be afforded.
Nov. 25-12v4 J. A. MILLARD.
Candies, am! other kuick-kiiueks,
by Wheeler, at SHEDD.
Vi'il, at the residence of J. P. HOGUE, de
ceased, I will seU, to the highest bidder,
15 lfenl of Voiifi- American Iforae
TERMS One-half cash ; one-half in six
months tinie, with security.
J. P. HotiUE,
Dec. 2, 1871-13w3 AdmV.
I Notice to the
i -
Taxpayers of IAmi County.
law now In force, relatiiifj; to the col
lection of ta ies all taxes are required to be
paid within . irty days after the days ap
pointed for meet uif the taxpayers in the
several precincts, and all taxes not paid
wit hu tliat time are liable to costs as upon
execution and that is one dollar and 1 hree
percent, from each person. I will, there
fore! in- pursuance of law, meet the tax
payers of Linn county,-at their respective
places of- voting in each precinct, on the
following days, to-wit :
LEBANON Monday, Dec. 11, 1871.
WATKKLl K) Tuesday, " 12,
SWEET HOME Wednesday 13!
BRUSH CREEK.... Tlnusday "14! "
BROWNS VILLE....Frrduy, " IV
CENTER Satntrdaw; lfi!
HABHISBUBG......TnesdV, 10
PEORIA j Fridav," " 2
ORLEANS.. ...... ..-..Saturday " 5a'
SANTIAM Tuesday, 2h' "
FRANKLIN BUTE. .Wednesday ' 1,
SOIO ... .i. ...... .....Saturday, "80, .
ALBANY Monrlay, Jan. 1. 1372.
Sheriff aii tax-colleetor for LinnVolVor.
. B.- V hile in Brownsville I niav be
found at Cooley A Washbnrne's stoi-e.
Albany, Oregon, N.ov. 4, 1S71-U
! Have just received,
One Door Below Conner's Bank
A full assortment of
!1500TS A7I SHOES,
Consisting in part of
' r-
Calico, Ginghams,
Lawns, 'iler'nio.
Poplins, 'Brilliants.
llosicr;r, Marseille3 .
lenini-5, ! Dit;ss Silk?,
Jeans, Dinper. Table IJiieu
Crash, Ticking, Delaines
Cheek, Stripe,
Skirt, Cornets
Table Covers.
Brown Domestic.
.Brown Sheeting.
Bleached Slu-eimg,,
Chilh-en'.-5 Shoes,
Inlics' and "Misses' Slioes,
Gents' Boots and Shoes. .
Boys' Boots and Shoes,
Slippers anil Gaiters,
I.inen & Silk Ilanlk'cliief
California Merchandise.
C5A share of patronage Is respeetfully
soiicited. AV. J. IllLTABLDEL & CO.
10v4 .
inanently established in Oregon. A
large and complete stock will bo kent on
hand, and sold at the manufacturer's ie
duced prices.
THESE INSTRUMENTS are well known
throughout- the world, and have received
the highest premiums wherever exhibited.
ALS in their favor from tho best musical
talent of both Europe and America.
For durability, style of fin lsh aSid quality
of tone, they are UN EQUALLED.
Every Znatrnment folly-..Warrant-ed
for rive Yeaxs. -
. Illuatratcd. catalogruea acnt on applica
tion. -
; 87 Front-St., Portland,
10v4njil ' Agents for Oregocu. .
Ceneral Repair Shop.
tunied to Allnmy, and taken liisold
sho))ou corner of Ellsworth and Second
strccts.lannouiice-i his readiness to attend
to all kindrfof
I .
Also, jlias on ha ad and for ta3e, tlie
Strayer Force-teed
and other PLOWS,
which be. Till sell 011 the most reasonable
term.-, f
All -W
tork entrusted to me will rwph
prompti attention, hikIIw executed in tho
besfiiossible manner, with good niateiial.
A share of public patronage is Hflicited.
by b pop on corner Ellsworth and Second
V. . ? r.. .iwr.t. It: -
opposite Piercers Fcm
Lard Oil & Soap
l plete.l and put in good raiuirng order
their new .. j .
Lard ,Qil anil Soap Manufactory, j
in the city of Albany, are prepared to pur-.
chase, at t he highest cash rales, all tbu -
----- - ;- . .
I tog, Itanc 11 11 utter n Soup
fc! reuse, Ac,
dcUvered to them in this city..
I Theylaro now manufacturing and bavo i
on liaud '.
Fan Toilet anil Common Soaps, ;
in great variety, warranted equal to tho '
lest In I market, which they oder totbo
trade at the most mwsonable rat erf. ,
Ordew respect fedly. solicited. Satisfac
tion guaranteed.
ga?r Parties J.v.lns- Hog4, Rancid Butter,
or Grease ot any kind, for sole, will do well
to give us a ctUl.
Nor. IV1S7W0VV i
- H i -
Paper-liunging, Culceminlns:,
; j Oeeorutlng, &c.
13 M: WADSWOBTH will give prompt
; . attention to all ordcra for Paper-.
Imnging, Calcemining, Decoiut ing, &c., in
this city or vicinity. All work executed
in the latest style, iu the )et. manner, and
at lowest living rate. KiT Orders left at'
i; uniitnre wnrerooma of Chas. Meoley will
recci e, prompt attention.