DUY COODS.. STOBE,XEW GOODS! The undersigned will sewn open An Entire Xcw Slock or XI"r Ca-OOX49 Fancy &ooiis? HOOTS," MIOr., HATS, ETC., ETC. V Nl R EOF EST A CALL TO their stoek, leiYve purehasin -where, assuring purchasers EXAMINE else- DllUiiS, KTO. EO. F. SETTLE3HEB, (Successor to D. W. Wakefield), ; Ai.nANY,onw;oN-. Dealer iii 1 HUGS A XI M EI HCINES. CHEMI3A S, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS,' LTC. Mi A 5a.viiiT or Fifty ler Cent In their prices. We have facilities for present ins tlie most emp!ete assortment of goods ever ' oifere-l in this market, at reduced raies: amd have adopted as oar motto, "unVX: s-Us mrl Atnull prtjus." Call and See for Yourself. KUSE CO., In Ir. Tt? ISrick, Albany, Or. Sept. 23, 71-3 v 4 ZSEW STOCK I JUST OPENED. AU articles warranted pure, and of the best quality. . , ,, Phvsiiians prescrivt ions Carefully com pounded. Albany, Oct. 17, IsCrt-utf lWTKXT MKIHCINES. PI PI FAX. ri'HIS CELEBRATED liKRMAX J1IT 1 ti iiKrm thf npp'til?, is n certain re lief for Ifjxpsia, JivVysticn, Jiiiliounnesx, am ituu-tion -f Ihe lAvsr. This is to eerlifv, that the fornm'a used in the manufacture of the GerinahPipifax Hit lers halH'cn submitted to my examina tion. and 1 cheerfully state the ingredients are well selected and combined, producing a Bitters which will no doubt prove a 1IKAI.TIIFV L, TI.SIC, and pri nu tr 'lijs'.it.n. t;. HOLLAND, M. D. OPKNKh OUT. AT STORE on First street, Albany, a new ana weu se lected stock of T T AS NOW I 1 recently DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS, CENTS' CLOTHING, 5 cuts' and I5oys Huts, ISOOTS AX!) SHOIS, Wood Ware, Crockery Ware, G-rooeries, "Which he lm! purchased "m Pan Francisco, for coin, and which he will sell AT T52S LW1YEST ER2ES, FOR CASH OR PRODUCE. Dear Sir: I have examined the sample of Bitters presented, and find it an exceed ingly pleasant cordial and ralw.itoU' Vmic. II. H. TOLAND, M. D. KIIAFFEK, WALTER CO., SCI.K AGENTS FV.lt THE VSITKI) STATE. Cm 30-2 Battery st- ?iin Francisco. (4v4 SAN FRANCISCO CARDS. WOODEX' WAEE. We offer to country merchants the LARtiEST ANZ FINEST KTOTi OF WOOD & mWiOWWARE ISrciKlie, ISrooms, Twines, ?5telies, VNDHOUSEKEEP1NG ART1CLESGEN e rally, to he found on the coast, and which we oii'er at lower prices than any other house. Merchants visiting the city will tind it to their advantage to call on us before purchasing elsewhere. Ord-rs prtmpUv find ctir. fuH filled. Catalogues sent to any address when re quested. - ' E. TC. HOWES & CO.. Nos. IIS, Via and 122 Front street, San Fran cisco, Ca!. ' 4v4ih3 All who want the IIEST UOOItK AT LOWEST PKKE, Should ive him a call. GEORGE TCRRELL, Albany, Sept. 0. First Street, Albany. 1871. s k w i n g y A C 11 1 N es. THE CJZLKRHA TKTt Suck Eye Scwfns Maclilne. STOVES, ETC. Price 5; wltliouttaWe, $25 EUjld rmm . thf Biu-Jch)? Swing Ma chine is superior to all ether: ' 1. It is the simplest shuttle machine made.. . 2. it has lesweannsr parts. 3. It has no small aprnisa or compound C"miti hette-r adapted to a lar.e range of work without change. . It lias less piet!a of- machinery. C. It U less liable to break needles than ntiv other machine. 7" The shuttle will wear longer than the shuttle in any other machine. . ,1ov.1.. 8 That it has the lest feeding device, which will vever wear out, get put at or rter. break m-edles, feed unevenly, slip on starched -roods, or pucker the seam f that nnc rart of t heabric will come out shorter Xnhe other: which all other ; teed .are liable to do. It makes every stitch ot an r,ual length. It H stron-er than other feeds. We can take a st rong piece of cloth, and put one end in our machine and the other end in any other machine, and fruar antee that onr machine will take the cloth from the other, in consequence of the su perior utrenffth of the feed. It i the onlv feed strong enough to feed thick sole leather, pewin?? on shoo te. Xo soaping the cloth or any other aid is required. , - . " ' , It has no complicated maehinory, and therefore is not liable to pet out of order. It has a beautiful movement, making nearly two thonsand stitches per minute. The Buckeve Sewinff Mach ine makes the lock stitch, the same as the Howe, W i' Singer, and Florence, alike on lioth sides. We offer a premium of on-i hundred dollars for any machine on this coast that will make a stronger or more elastic stitch than the Buckeye. For full particulars address, MIXER & PEARSON, ' Gen. Agents, Albany, Oregon. AGKXTS WANTED TS EVERY TOWN and county on this coast. Address, illNEU A PEARSON, Albany, Oregon. W. II. M'FABLAXI) & CO., t Opposite the hotels, A15uny, Oregon, SUCCESSORS TO O. P. TOMPKINS & CO. STOVES, RANGES, Force and SAt Pumps, LEAD AND RQll PIPE, HOUSE FFRTSII1X HARDWARE, Tin, Copper and Slieet Iron Ware. i. ' LARUEST 'STOCK. IN THE VALLEY. Lowest Prices Every. Time. r DKYGOODS & OliOOEHIES. REAL ESTATE NEW ST()RE ! j NEW GOODS REAL ESTATE EST Slwrerfler flndtnsr an X after their j ftn-mesare Informed that .their subscription eT)ires with that number, and they are ln-i j Vited to renew it. Terms 93 per annum, j. irt advance ; six months, 2 ; three months, CSSf Legal ten deis received at par from subscriber in the Eaei-n Htates. I CITY AN 'COUMTY.J. - cans : FrerK k Allen Parker nntr. AUcr.'IIiicklenian, Democrats.' A total of six Democrats and JJrBepnblj-'. cam" S'ic transit gloria mundi ! ' Ititzelj&'TJpton, REAL ESTATE BROKERS, CORNER OF Front and Washington Sts. PORTLAND, OREGON. J. MlSSy BEACH 1 -"! Is now opening a Seleetetl Sloe! of General itSereltantlise," f i - '" ! ' " tXnsiating of . ; i - Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Clotllliis! ' GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CroeUery ancl dilass uarc, t ROOTS A5iB SHOES, PAINTS AND OILS, ETC., ETC., j AND IS OFFJSKIMU UIIK tJtMILiW It the public at prices corresponding with the times. ! ! All kinds of merchantable produce taken in exchange for goods. j I Come one. come all, and examine prices. at the old stand, formerly occupied by D. B4ach Son, opposite t ester's nricu.sou! n side First street, Albany, Oregon. 31va "I ROCER1ES AND! PRO VISION S, m VT supply, jnst received by 3v4 full DUBOIS. REAL ESTATE. ETC. Special attention given to the SALE & PURCHASE OK HEAL EST AT 12, ... ELICARTER, j REAL ESTATE AOENT, A LIS ANY, OR. IVES ESPECIAL ATTENTIOX TO JT bnyintr and sellinsr re:il enstate, leas ing orVentinu citv property : has a num ber of very desirable farms for sale, sit.u ntcd in desirable localities. Also, a num ber of tlesirstbie family residences and vacant lots in the city of Allniny lor sale, on verv easy terms, i If ... ... i ! PRMiICMf. -To the -v person Fending us the largest .number of, ew, subscrw Iters to the IUxjister, accompanied by the csish (the ntunher not to be less than two hundred), before tlte first of -Jan tlnry, 1872, we will present on .that tiny, twiity-4lullar gold pieces, with thfee extra eajiies of the paper. . To the person sending us the largest number of new sulxscribers to tlie Keo ister, with the tatf?h (nuni1xr not to lie lti$ than one hundred), Veforethe first, of January, 1872, we will present on that day throe twenty-dollar gold pieces, with two extra copies of the paper. To the person sending us the largest number of new subscribers to the iFkg ister, with the cash r number not to be le.ss than fifty), we will present on that day twenty-live dollars in gold coin, tuid a copy of the paper. To tlfe person sending us the largest number of new subscribers to the ltk ister with the cash (number not to be less than twenty) we will pesent on that day ten dollars in Americau gold coin. Any litdy or gentleman wishing to avail th!iiiselves of the above lilxral offers, can obtain sneennen copies of the ItEGiSTEit by application to this oiliee, without charge Daniel Vebster squandered a mil lion in his lifetime, the product pf his nrofessional and political spec ulations. He died leaving his property to his children and debts to his friends. The former sold for less than 5 20, 000 the latter exceeded $250,000. Henry Clay left a very handsome estate. It probably exceeded. $100, 000. He was a prudent manager and Wkathkk Recoup For November, 1871: In TUCK. Ir. Alexander and F. 31 WesifclL, were the .only holders s 'of tickets in the? Omaha Gift Enteqirise, in this section, so far? as we have learned,, that ;he1d lucty , numbers. Both of these geittlcnien drew cash prizes. We held a "contemptible few ; tickets, but every last one ot Clienv whether intentionally, or not ynsr eaut say, were, wrongly numbered? Th?- consequence was they didn't "draw worth a continental. We are opposed" to lotteries, anyhow, on principle ; ami 1 its to our interest to be' so. As our ticket was a present, t the newspaper business will not be cramped because; it didn't "draw"; but just think if it. had only won that $20,000! It's too massive to contemplate all at out? sitting ! . Grand BAix.--Tliere will be a. grand ball given at Panish Hall, in this city on Christmas evening, December 25th, 1S71. A good gupper and the best of music will be furnish-; ed for tlie occasion. A cordial wel come and general invitation is extend-: ed to all lovera of the "mazy dance." Committee of Arrangements : Isaac Conn, J . R. Herren. Floor Managers: P. C. Harper, G. R. Helm, R. C. Clark, X. Baura. Tickets, including--supper, $4. 14w3. In all parts of Oregon. ' ELI CARTER, NOTAUTf riniLic, "I TTILL ATTEND -PROMPTLY TO ALL tt business .port a in injr to that oiliee which may be entrusted to his cure. Repairing: Properly none. 40v: DENTISTRY IR. E. O. S3IITII, DESTIST, I. Ilimbnll, Assistant, HAS IXCATED IN A j bany, and is now ready to wait on the citizens of A 1 lianvand vieinity.wlth a new- invention in dental work. It consists in supporting the plate to t he mouth without cover in sr the whole roof, as lieretofore. Those wisliina artificial teeth are request ed to call and examine for themselves Also, plates mended, whether partiallv broken or divided. Teet h, extraetetl wit li out pain. Office over TurreU's store. All work warranted. 7v4 BOOK BINDING. ' . FRASK A. COOK, BookIliiIer mid Blank ISooU Mann--:; ,-s i V fswturer, . . ' SALEM, OREGON, HAVING ESTABLISHED A FIRST class bookbindery in Salem, is now prepared to do all manner of work known to tli tm.de. Slaazines, newspaptrs and music bound in any desired style. . a ; khl hooks re-hound. -: ' , Blank books of every description, with or without printed headings, manufae jwl to order. i ' ' ' . Blanks, of every kind, ruled and printed to order. - , J'riceg retusfmable. ' In Urn Va Urlete EJocK. . 43m 4 . .WANTED! 5,000 33iisli; Oats T AVILL PAY TIU! Ill OH EST MARKET J price for all tne clean oai . . . .. . A. C iwv 1 1 , a-m3 J ' '' - ' Albany, Oregon.. On LOANS NEGOTIATED first mortsrasre, real estatc, and collateral security. ;"' ELI CARTER, CENEltAL FINANCIAL AENT, i STAKES A SPECIALTV OF COLLECT- A I ii'K. -adjust insr ior seenrinsr clebtP, ne- j 1V ale. Morning. Noon. Nisrht. ' Wind. 1 41 Vi .r)S cloudy. S 2 54 CO tA " 3 r,e 58 r.o " " 4 4( 4$ 42 " " 5 : 31 42 1 40 " N 6 42 40 clear " 7 30 M 47 " " 8 3 f4 S3 cloudy S a . 37 5S 57 clear N 10 40 49 43 cloudy ' U 4t , 50 44 : " VI 4t 4S 48 . . . " S , 13 r3 i4 55 ' " " 14 r-3 5t5 5(i ; .:; " ' 1-, r: r.3 44 " " 1(J . 35 52 4 : : " ; " 31 hk ' 89 ' Clear ' N 30 - 32 47 37 - -. - ". ' Mean temperature for the month high est, f)3 ; lowest, 32 deg. " 'Highest temieni ture on the 2d CO deg. Lowest tempera ture on the 5th and 23th31 tleg.' Clear ,5; cloudy, 13. Wind south 10 days, i north 8 days. IZain 3 days. , Agents fur the sale of Lots and block In HOLLADAY'S ADDITION TO EAST POUTLAND. ELI CARTER Is agent for ' ? THE XOKT5I AflKItK'A METITAL i ' t ife ixsi:rance co. Tins OOMPA- 1 j nv is one of the most reliable, and present as favorable terms for insurance as anv comnanv in tne Unlteu Mates. Persons wish injr toavaU themselves of the great benefits of liuj insurance will find it their interest, to injure in 1 his of i ice. ana with a local agent. AU nonet.-.' enlwt oy th- Suite of Xl'w Yvrff. oihee comer ot limtdalbui ami ttrst streets. 3v4m3 iWEKT POTATOES, per last steamer. by 3v4 Dl-IM l!s. Strns'ccl ,op Stolen. I7HOM MY FARM, THREE . miles east of East Portland, alKut the 1st of Angust, 1S71, a small RAY M ARE. descrilnvl as follows: About 14 hands high.f! yenrs old, branded O on the right shonkler,white face, one hind leg white, shod before, and. when last seen, ba'lia small lell. atta:bed to a strap, around her neck. I will amply eompensate any one returning sjid mare to me, or giving me lmormatton ot ner when bouts. - ' F. P. CAVINESS. November 18, lS7l-llw4 . GAPII paid for WHEAT, OATP, PORK, Butter and Eggs, by WHEELER, at Shedd. 1LOTIIIN(i and J tine assoi-tnientL Very low i,i-.ii, at sneuo. Hv4 Have for sale a large amount of BOOTS and SHOES-a by WHKE-Hv4 IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED FARMING LANDS, Situated In 'different parts of the State, on the line of the railroad. FRANKTJX MEAT MARKET, AlbanyOregron, J. R. II ESt RON, .Proprietor, IS STILL ON HAND TO SCPPLY Cus tomers with any and all kinds of meats, at the lowest, market rates. By strict at tention to business! he hopestogive entire satisfact ion to all who may favor him with their mtionage.. 3v4 J. R. IILRKON. HOME SHUTTLE SEWING MAC.IIIN KS. Plows, and allj kinds of Agricultuml Machinei-j-, fid byj WIIEfc-JUfcit, at Mieuo. HARDWARE for Builders, for Smiths, and for Farmerssold by Wheeler, at S1IEDD. i DV4 , i . ! J- ARD AND HA3IS, a splendid lot eoun- J i try, by JOIIX KELSAY. 2iEESxY Attorneys and 3v4 Dubois. INFORMATION JOSEPH HAXKOS. Counselors at Ijiw, (Partmrs for Linn county). OFFICE IN POfT OFFCE BITILDING (un staii-sl, Albany, Linn county, Jro- Km . . dtf v3 To emigrants and others, to the relating fcRUC,S and MEDICINES, PALSTS and " CUs, tilass and Putty, sold by Wheel er, at SHEED. y J RESOURCES nv OREGON, Furnished free of charge. lA CORRESPONDENCE iVI HAVE PROMPT ATTENTION. Stits el 5 Upton. WOOL SHAWLS, long ana sounre, piaiu and striped, for sale by WHEELER, at Shedd.,- $ J . ,v , ; ... : U I 1 11 N DIES, SUlls, KAlM.s, exe., iresn. m i amy enaT. iv - . 3v4 ULIHEAp PA PER, ALL SIZES, JUST re;eiveu aim bji fOr Cash. if. -J rmN ware: GLASS WARE, CROCKE 1 erv. Lamps. &c &c, sold by Wieeler, n r VII till tl i ' i. . I .- , U"- , v -iT YIT TiVFTlR. M IT TA ib. 1U latest styles and for sale low. at t his otnee I7RESH FRUITSj, peaches, grora, apples, pears, etc., byf 3v4 DUBOIS. T7RESII VEGETABLES, in fuU supplv. hy kinds,"' KANE CONDENSED, TIIOM- Sold hy niup. O as' Cold Water Bleachinar. and other WHEELER. at Shedd. The City; Cod veni ions. At the cjiII of the Central Committee, the Re publicans ot this city met at the Court House on Friday evening of last week, and put in nomination tlie following ticket : . ; -; , .- : , . For Mayor Dr. E. R. Geary. Recorder E. B. Purdom. Treasurer Wm.Colwell. - Marshal Win.. Riley. Councilmen John Conner, John Briggs, S. E. Young, W. II. Kuhn, C. M. Cartwright and M. M. Harvey. Messrs. Kuhn, Briggs and Van Cleve were selected to perforin the du ties devolving upon a Central Commit tee the ensuing year. The meeting was largely attended, and very harmonious. On Monday, at the earnest request of Dr. Geanr, the Committee withdrew his name as candidate for the Mayor alty, and placed the name of our es teemed fellow citizen, J. F. Backensto, in his stead. : On Saturday evening last, our Dem ocratic friends held their convention, and after much tribulation ami the largest vote ever polled by the same number of voters, succeeded in getting up the following ticket : For Mayor Rev. A. W. Sweeney. Recorder J. Ri Herren. Marshal J. D. May. Treasurer C. C. Kuhn. ; Councilmen A. Hackleman, Allen Parker, G. A. Hill; J. Z. Crouse, Leo Fox andC. M. Cartwright. - THE RESULT. Monday proved decidedly inclement, and as a consequence a full vote was not polled. The old wheel-horses of Democracy were on hand, despite the wind and weather, and every man that could be induced to vote, no mat ter where he hailed from, was put through in good shape. Republicans "scratched" with a looseness seldom equaled and never surpassed, in conse quence of which the ticke t put m nom ination by. them, .was, defeated. ; The result is a great surprise to the Democ racy, as they had' no hopes of electing a single man on. the , ticket, knowing that the liepuDUcans nave , a majority in the city of from fifteen to twenty five votes. We see mo practical "good sense hi a party going into convention, nominating men for office by large ma-. jorities, and then on the day of election working and voting against them. If it is, "smart, ''or there is. anything, to be gained by such, weathercockism, we iau 10 -see it. - . -; .i, ,,j Following is the result : Rev. A W. Sweeney (D), Mayor ; - J. Ilec- ren (D), Recorder ; Wm.: Eiley (R); Marslial; CO. Kuhn D)V " Treasurer Councilmen S. ..Young, .W.! H. Kuhn andC. M. Cartwright,' Republic Par agkams. Election on Monday passed off quietly. i A. Carothers & Co., lmve been i-e- arranging and beautifying their stoi-e- Dr. Gray luis introduced several new styles ii the dental business. He is a superior dentist and is securing a largo business. , For the weather record for Xovem- er last we are indebted to Mr. J. R. Smith. - It rained all day on Monday. Tlie members of the Rebecca De-' gree give a Sociable at ; Odtl Fellows Hall . on the evening of the 2."kl inst. A little son of Rev., S. . G. Irvine, was thrown from a , AA'agon one day last week, and considerably bruised. Mr. A. Wiley, sent to :the peniten-? tiary for selling liquor to Indians, a a few daj'S ago was psu-doned out , by Gov. G rover. Zed Wilson was par doned at the same time. ; We judge from the way our winter's supply of wood is disappearing, tliat the weather is dreadful cold, or some- body has struck a good thing. ; . Eook out . , lor r Christmas , at Gns. Layton'Si. , : ; Jl you wisn a nne piano, or any otlter nmsical: instrument, call at the millinery store of Mesdarnes Meuden hall & Godley. They have the finest ever brought to this city . -T , The second term , of the District school closed yesterday Friday. ; " Parties who are competing for pre- , miums, should bestir themselves, . a January will soon be upon us. The third term .of the District school commences on Monday, Decem ber ISth. We are 'pleased' to see that Rube Saltmarsh, Esq., is able to. use his ' "pins' again. " 1 : If you wish to present your wife with a nice dress, go to Harper & Co. and select from their choice stock. ; ' Blain, Young & Co.. have a splen-f did lot of furs just the thing for Cliristmas times. WILLIAM 5AVIISOV, REAL ESTATE DEALER, No. 64 Front Street, Portland, Or. REAL ESTATE in this CIT Yand EAST PORTLAND, in tlie moat desirable locali ties, consisting of LOTS. HALF BLOCKS, and BLOCKS, HOUSES and STORES ; also, IMPROVED FARMS, and valuable un cultivated LANDS, located in ALL partsot ' the STATE for SALE. J REAL ESTATE, and other property, purchased for correspon dents, In this CIT V and throughout the STATE and TERRI TORIES, with great cure and on the most ADVANTAGEOUS TERMS. ; , HOUSES and : STORES ''leased, LOANS' N E iOTI A T E D. and CLAIMOF ALL DE SCRIPTIONS PROMITLY COLLECTED: and a general FINANCIAL and AGENCY JiUSlNESS transacted. i AGENTR of thf OFTICE, in all the CI TIES and TOWNS In the STATE, will re ceivo descriptions of FARM PJiOPERTY and forward the same to the above ad dress. v3 ' SUED OS. ; - t ; .. . , jAr .Wheeler, dealer in -gencr.il mercliandise. '.A, large stock of aK kind? now in store and for sale at low rates, All kinds of produce bonght at highest market rates. ,ti, - . ii i .Cash paid for Wheat, Oats Pork. Bxttter, Eggs, &c, &c. . j -v.-"' FmoriTuKE Of all kinds, styles and'1 finish, cheap and high-priced, calcula-' ted to suit the fancy of the most iastid- ions, or the pockets of the poorest,' etui' be . obtained at; Mealey'a. The ware rooms are overflowing with an entire . new stock, and those in need of any thing in the line of furniture are re- quested to give the establishment ar, early calL, , . I . , Imb. r