The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, December 02, 1871, Image 7

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SATURDAY, l)KC. 2. I37l.
V. S. Oitiil:tl I"f?cr Ctr Oregon.
Boarding-house bread
a little ft do. I Hour!
Song of the fawn Call mo early,
mother deer.
Greelev, in a recent number of the
tribune, says he committed a stu
pendous lolly hi permitting him
self to entertain dreams of the Pres
idency. We think so too, nod hope
the" what I know about forming"
philosopher.will in the future. COiifnie
himself to his regular "tatcr" patch.
- - . . e
In l'ittsburg a lady heard a
burgular attempting to enter her
-Tts but
A (.erinan chemist says a man
would d'-e in twenty two days if
forced to lire en broad ilom-.
A t .vufonna minister .thinks it
worth while to deny a newspaper
report that he rolls tenipins and
takes hut drinks in a lxr collar.
The charred remains of n Wftuti
?ul M. Louis girl were last week
lepositcd in the cemetery in as
jvndiug to her room Uie kerosene,
lamp exploded.
In the early years of the ilrt
Presbyterian Church in Chillieothc,
Ohio, the service was held in a log
house, the congregation sitting on
vleepcrs. . "Siiiee that time the order
of things has leen reversed. 1 !Xow
the sleepers sit on the lynches.
Thaekumbutt, the head chief of
the Fijis, Isas, by the advice ofFng
lisli residents, had himself proclaim
ed King of the ""anuibal Islands,
lie takes the name of Kbenezerl,
:md maypropjrly be said to have
raised his cbenezer in a roval wav.
house through front window, and,
not wishing to soil her furniture and
carpet with the blood ot the intru
der, she noiselessly quitted the
house bv tlio rear door, and, pro
ceeding to the front, discharged lour
barrels from a revolver at the burg
lar. One of the shots took e licet
in his leg, and he being unable to
run, was arrested by a policeman.
liev. .1. P. Thompson, 1). D., re
signed the pastorate, of Broadway
Tabernacle, Xew York, on the '2l)d
of ()ctoler. On retiring he was
much surprised with a donation by
the Society and friends of a purse
containing 55.000, the handsomest
donation over made in the L'nited
States to a retiring pastor.
A Cheerful IMaee, Truly.
A Itobber Cut Short.
In ;-t Suiulav evening, about 9 o'clock.
as Mr. King-ley King and Ills wife
The following extract, says
. . (, ii'onhie, taken verbatiom J were returning "home from church ami
1 rom a private letter, dated Pioche,
Nevada, will, it is feared, tend to
create a prejudice against that calm
retreat :
Pioche is the county seat of Lin
coln county, a mining camp a year
old. It's on the Croat American
Desert, and situated letwcen bare
mountains, looking over a bare dry
plain. Water has to lie brought
One Jtiseph Medill, has published
a little pamphlet, in which he ad
vocates what he conceives to be,
"An Easy Method of Spelling the
when nbont a uuurfcor of a mile from
their they noticed a man stand
ing bv the roadside apparently wait-
its tor something ro "turnup." Mr.
King, thinking that it was best to be
always ready for an emergency, quiet
ly drew a small seven-snooter I rom Ins
iHu ket. and cocking it, be held it in
hiss riiiht haiHl, ami traveled on unt il
within, a few feet of the stranger.
when lie was asked, " How far is it to
Watsouville'r" Mr. King told him he
iwas in the edge of town. The stranger
v. l lilt l (IIW.U ...... ... . vtini "
eight miles by wagon, and is sold for a man without luouov to get a bed
at six cents ' oer irallon . There are .Mr. Kinr to'd bini lie thought any
. - - 1 . i . i i -
about 1 '200 iKHn.le. thn l.nlf ot decent man nngut gee a ucu in town.
...l , i.. i nioncv or no money. King was then
"ilvw ne iaie iris- askw, if he li;ltl llliv money about him;
on, (stage and -.highway robbers, hl(, rooli.Ml. "No." Footnad then
etc.), and the rest ought to be. Our a.ketl King if he was armed? King
.rmvevnni ;ns .11 (rmvw WAU said.' " AO. ' J lave you not got a
P J ""-', ......... . t. ..,,,.1,,.. n
...v, .v. . o.m , Kil niplivK, yes."
i.fiiuiai causes. me rest all ilied tn s;u.l h had 1 1 ree six-shooters and
with their boots on. Shot mostly: wanted that watch, at the same time
took place in the bank, fn which volver, cockcil
.Mike t. asey killed 1 om t .ossin, atter ahoitt this timk
io.)ssins Tire. there is Mrs. Kiwr began to run. when the
Any one ieeling aggrieved robber apparently fearing reintbree-
English Language.
The parents of the double baby,
which, recently died in Boston, were
insulted by an offer of six thousand
dollars for the remains of their dead
darling. The proposal was indig
nantly rejected. They demand ten
The 'Gilroy Debating Club is
discussing the question : " Resolved ,
That bachelors over thirty years of
age ought not to be tolerated in
society. Not a words said about
female bachelors over that ag.
Sauce for the gander ought to be
sauce lor the goose.
Helen Josephine Mansfiled is after
Jim Erie Eisk with a sharp sticky
Helen Josephfne was a grass widow
when James fell in with her. lie
should have followed Samuel Tell
er's ad vice, "beware of the vidders."
When a woman's soul and pocket
are in arms heavier men than Eisk
must prepare to surrender.
A tough story comes from Knob-
nosler, Missouri. It saj'S that at
tliat place rain has descended con-
tinously for two weeks from a cloud
less sky, the space moistened by
the rain being only twenty feet in
diameter. X umbers of people have
witnessed the phenomenon. The
writer asks for a scientific explana
It is said to In? a favorite amuse
ment of the belles of New IJodford
in winter to slide down hill on a
codfish. It must be a novel sight
to witness the codfish aristocracy on
a sliding scale or the sliding aris
tocracy on a codfish scale lut it
seems to us such amusement ot the
lelles is a poor substitute for sleigh
bells ' ' -v': "
The Emperor William of Ger
many is in his seventy-fifth1 year,
but Ins hair and beard alone betray
his 'age. His complexion is still
fresh, and his powers of endurance
are still great. It is thought he
Ida -nhvsical powers to his
simple, soldier-like mode ot living,
although he comes of a strong and
hardy family.
George S. Parker, a prominent
Democrat of Iowa, published a
card in the Democrat of Davenport,
last Monday, in which he said that
the Democratic party as an orgam
zation was dead. He recommends
joining some other political organ
If the Democracy are not so far
"played" as to be destitute of spirit
or ambition, and have a desire to
experience the How of warm, vigor
ous, healthy blood through their
sickly veins once more, let them
join the Republicans. The latch
string is always out gentlemen.
The gardener's motto Lettuce
specimen : A tu mdiviuuais pium
themselves upon being'giivl spelers,
and luk down on olotherz with su-
nenie coi:temi)t az 'ignorant per
sons.' v Thaasalwith
redicule, suers and invectiv thozhu,
in lx?half ot the masez, advecat an
improvement ov it."
. .
A policeman gave live dollars to
the Chicago fund, and in loss than
an hour he found ten dollars in the
pocket of a drunken man whom lie
arrested. Another man was asked
to contribute, but declined, and
within two hours a dog bit him in
the leg, and he heard that his
mother-in-law had come to stay six
months with him. Is it not true
that virtue is its own reward ?
California expects to seed two
million acres of ground in wheat
this year, which will require G0,000
tons of seed wheat. Oregon '.will
seed from 000,000 to 750,000 acres
more than double the amount of
California, in proportion to the pop
illation of the two States.
no law.
seeks redress generally with his
pistol. It's leen a close game for
me several times ; I got cut in the
leg once, but 1 am here yet. 1
sleep with a big bulldog, a ileriry
rule and a six-shooter. 1 be mines
l."HVl V iiiiuo l v'l t u j 'r niv u
about 100 are in business and the
rest are blackguards of the worst
kind cattle thieves, renegade
Mormons and men who were ban
ished lrom society by their crimes,
and ready for anything. It is three
hundred miles to railroad or ' tele
graph ; we have three stages a
week and one mail, i vc done
very well here and would have
made some money, but two of mv
..!.,: i ...!
I cant goon alone. A.y are lias llm others hunted around some time
been, attempted twice by the party. 1 font vould find no one. On Mond iv
- . . I . 1 i- I 11 j
who-U hi mv iinrfuers. I don't morning ne uounc ne outu uuie
' T I - " I . I 1 f 1 . 1
o..,.- mn if I anorner looiv, auu uiu nine was sue
tX 11V . ! 111. rV.iUV 111- LI M. V4M I -I ! i f.: . ..,.1,1 S..
, , . . , , W51IH - lit' lMliill Hl.lll VI 'ill hi
have a show, but when ltgetsaown tlie .stlvetleailin5r to Mr. Craiir's house
. -. .... ! .
to cases when you dare not sit oy a a short distance trom the main road
window or bv an ooeu door atter Uie rohber, evidently OeUevnig that
. . . . I .i... i i .. i.-t
would Prove fatal or that he would lie
unable to escaix had placed the muz
zle of his revolver to his forehead and
lired, the conclusion mising the skull
and literally making jelly of his
flic revolver was on the ground and
A young lady in a Sunday
School asked her class: "I low soon
should a child give its heart to
God?" One little girl said,
"When thirteen years old ;" anoth
er "ten;" another, "six." At
length the last child in the class
spoke : " Just as soon as we know
who God is."
Sir Walter Scott was temperate
in his habits. Even when playing
the host he would adroitly substi
tute the appearance -for the reality
of drinking. Macbeth, his ponder
ous butler would fill his decanter
with toast-water.
ments, urged King to "hurry up and
hand over that watch V :" All right,''
said King, and with his left hand he
took his watch iroui his pocket and
handed it towards the would-le-pos-
-essor. who reached out m.s 'hand tor
it, remarking that " this is the way 1
make my living At that moim-nt
King raised his pistol and lired, hitting
his antagonist near the right nipple.
The robber also lired nearly at the
same moment, but fortuautelV mi-ised
his mark ; he then turned to run. King
following and fired one shot more at
the retreating ligure. About this time
Mr. King's family began to cry out
"murder," and he, thinking that
others of the gmg might be disturb
ing his tamuy. turned and went to
their assistance. About live minutes
Washington dates of Xov. 29th,
state Admiral Lee, with his fleet, is
ordered to Cuban waters, with in
structions if no satisfaction for re
cent outrages is rendered, to open
his guns on the city of Havana.
Emerson Eth ridge,' of Tennessee,
says it will be folly for the Demo
crats to nominate a candidate for
President next year, because the
party is dead.
The Xew York IZrpress says of
the German Fat Men's Association,
or 200. pounders, jolly, good natur
ed gentlemen, every one of them, ot
extraordinary girth, and buried to
the eyes in fat, held their first
meeting of the season at 165 Allen
street, which place was chosen on
account of the strength of its floors.
Mr. A. Brandt, a 300 pound pres
ident, fully occupied the chair, and
Mr. George Neger, a splendid spec
imen of the fatted calf, weighing
fully 247 pounds, was treasurer.
The meeting was a jovial one, the
principle business jseing to make
preliminary arrangements for a tar
get excursion and pic-nic, which
they propose to hold at an early
day. None who can't turn the
.scales at 200 pounds need apply.'
i it i ' 1
The sending of two delegates to
the next General Conference to be
held in Brooklyn, Kew York, wiU
cost about $250.
dark, it's time to jump the game.
If ever I get back to California 1
think I'll stay there anyway, I
have got enough ot this kind ot
living. I am tired of packing a six
. -.T il
shooter arouna mgut auu uay. J ut
it isn't as hoiielessas it seems the
future of this rlaeid little village
i i . . ,i at -. ii ....
ir. o r.xr mvil-s oil f ,o i,t vos e lueuu v much over i.u it.
iV 111 b IV 1 vv ln Ull VltV i j L ' 111 1" ,
in "'-ww -"-"' , iaif 0f ieyS 0f an SiZtyt. froul a small
some cut' and then virtuous new writing desk key to door keys ; several
settlers can begin the settlement of them had been hied so that they
Iii i. 1 1 4"'
womu uiuock any common iock. oev
enil paiiers and a silver goblet. Ijelong-
insr to John llobinsoA, near the Wil-
It seems really to have come to lows, and which were stolen last Sun-
th; tb-ittl1olrf.;.lf.nt-fhoITtiitpd uay, were found upon him. there
. ... ...w w ,ft im wn nr u wi-o ho in m 1i-rm
any direction whatever without lie- ne w:ls about live feet seven inches in
coming liable to partisan aspersions hight. with very light hair and whisk
and charges of corruption. Long rs, xeutomo features ana aoout do
bfor Tip wa Alrctad t-tlic Vi-Psi- Yeil-rs I An inquest was held by
- I I I I Ib I li-y-wl- inmr it ior
uency general VTiant purcnaseu venuct in aeconlanee with the above
stock m the feeneca btone Com- facts. Mr. King deserves great credit
nanv. and which he has held until lor his coolness under pressure, and we
now, although not receiving a dol- would atlvise rascals who are anxious
. r .. " to get money not their own not to "go
lar ot revenue from it. .Sometime tofr Kmgl-WatsoncUle 1'oUtroniZi,
ago contracts were niaae wiui ine Nov. 10.
company to furnish stone for some
Government work. V hereupon the Here is an extract from acharac-
paitisan press broke out into fierce teristic letter from a Chicagoian to
assui uuuii tin? .wu C, o l,mt.liPr in PliilfulolrJiU "1 lonr
him rxiirinr rknwtrtixi in "mtis 1
........ .w.. j - I i . , vw ... .-.
and interested improperly in the urouier: now will you trade noAVf
contracts in question. To put an Will sell you my store, fixtures,
end to this thing, . the President with insurance policies cheap for
has now ordered his stock to be cash, nave been at work all day
sold, thus atfordincr those who have uncovering the safe. It is a trine
been impuguing his motives in the too hot to handle without gloves,
TKWsession of it to step forward and Am a little anxious to know wheth
purchase it. and so get the benefit er the books are legible. All safe
of his "unwarrantable speculation." and well at the house. Thousands
Fun nt A (-antly Pnllla
I had a heap of trouble last Christ
mas, and I'll tell you how it happened.
IK'kin Jones crave a candy nnllni.
arid 1 got. a stool, as they s.ay in Xortb
.arojiua, and over 1 goea.
Sister Poll and I went together, ami
when we got to old man Jones' the
ioue was chuck full. I)or mv carts-.
ef thare was room to turn round.
Thare was Su.e IJarkin she's a
iig as a skinned horse and six other
llarkins, and Sinunonses. and Pedi-
grews, and the schoolmaster and fit
gal, beside-? I he old dekin and deki-
noss, and enouvh little dekhiesse& to-
set up half a dozen young lolks in the
e si., i ...
uinoiv ii,iness.
Well, bimby the ix)t becran. to bile.
ind the fun legaii. We all sot otn-
places ready, :iud put flour on onr
iainn to Keep the candy lrom stikiii'.
uid then we pitched into pullhi'.
Wasn't it fun? I never saw sicU a
laflin' aiid cuttiu' up in all nay born
da.e. .
I made a candy bird for Em Sim
mons. Her and me expect to trot m
Cattle YjjlgvkJ The recently
veporteil cattle plague in Wiscoiisin
1 ias th ree sym ptoms I 11 ie animal at
fiist refuses to eat or drink; the
nose, cars and horns are cold ; thc
milk dries up, and! the blood runs-'
from the nose, mouth and other ori
fices. In about forty-four hour
the animal dies. "
Fekdixo Potatoes, to Hokskk.
In Germany where potatoes arc
so much cheaper than grain, the ex
periment has been repeatedly tried
of feeding horses upon them, at least
in part, and this, as we understand,
has proved quite successful. In one
instance five four-horse teams were
kept hard at work and in good con
dition on a daily ration, for the
twenty horses, of 1 cwt of hay, 8 .
bushels of potatoes, 50 pounds of
meal and a liberal allowance . of
chopped straw. The potatoes were
steamed, mashed and mixed .with
double harness one of t hese fcnw. bhe-i the meal while hot, and then cov
made a candy goose for me. CTeil up and" allowed to remain for
.JtZJLFLlXS1 time, during wind, they undergo
runnin' from one side of tlie Itone to
tuther, and ofit intu the .kitvhen,. till
everything upon the place all
gommeil over with candy.
I got a pine bench, an Em Simmons
sot close to me.
Suke llarkiu confound Iicr pietnr!
throw'd a caiuly ball sock intn one
ot mv i.e.
I made .a bulg to rim after her. and
heard something rip.
31 v stars alive: V a?n t 1 pickle!
I looked around, and thar was the
gable end of mi brand new britelies a
stiekin' to the pine bench.
J packed up agin the wall sorter
crawfish like, and grinned.
"Snfc." said sister Polk "what's
the matter?"
' Whut. up!" scz I.
Sut," says Km, 'come away from
that wall; you'll get all greasy."
" her grease;!" sez I, ami sot
down on a washboanl tluit was lying
acro'w a tub, IVcIin' woi-se tlum an olil
made at a weddin'.
l'urty soon I felt soinetliin' hurt,
and purty soon it hurt again.
Ice whis I jumi)t ten feet hi, kick
ed over the tub. out Hew old Jones'
Christmas turkey, and j-ou ouglit to
see me git.
I cut for tall timliernow. jumped
stake and rider fences, and mashed
down bru-h like a runaway lu rikan.
till I got home ami went to bed and
stayed there two days.
Ef old Jones' barn burn? down next
winter, ami I am arrested for it, and
ef any body 'jiears as a witness again
me. I'll bu-jt his doggou'd IkicI !
Them's my sentiments.
A loving heart and a pleasant
countenance are commodities which
a man should never fail to take
home with him.
Chancellor Wyeth of Virginia, it
is said, had six students in his office,
who afterwards became Presidents
of the United States.
The London Times calculates tliat in
fifty years more every civilized nation
will speak the English language.
i .
Hon. Newton Booth, Governor
elect of California, delivered an
address at the City Temple Semi
nary last Wednesday.
Dr. T. Tyler, son of " Tippe
canoe and Tyler too," is iu Portland.
without a rag except what they
have on where they sleep I know
not. I am feeding a few, because
my credit is good at the butcher's
and grocery. Cash on hand, 6ix
dollars and some cents. No need
The estate of the late William
E. Barron, of San Francisco, is esti
mated at from five to eight millions
of dollars, and is given mostly to of going abroad to see ruins ; bavc
heirs residing in Spain. got miles of them at home. Chi
cago can burn up quicker than any
A pottery on Day Creek, about city 1 know of."
fiftAon miles from Wall. a Walla was
uca woc oj iiis; iubu wcck. iajm tliat there lies, from Kt. Jxuis noith-
.qno ' ward, far into the rejnons of Manitoba.
anti streccning westwam to me nase 01
th Koekv. Mountains, the richest
nil T-v I :
l ne JJaiias urcmns are amusing country in the world. The railways
themselves by I tying ropes across m a"d P thereabout are sue-
ine siaewaiKS 10 wnness mvoiuniary t pass an preeecient
ii I
gjfuiuMWBv.u-uuujN.-.- . Thft fiovP.mment nrintins- office at
rrv.x Iv. ..i Washington, said to be the largest es-
iue niiois. ui oiriiuu v.eni.iu,i tablislmient m tne worm, is now oemg
Railroad has been laid for a dis- acWed toby additional buildings that
., will increase us capacity one-vmm
tance of fifteen miles. . .
The Sheriff of Union county plac
ed three convicts in the hands of
BilL Watkinds, at Salem last week.
All for larceny.
Queen Victoria's physician de
clares that she has never shown
the least symptoms of insanity.
vu. ilu(Hu Wm,l,,waui:Bl ATnda claims that she nroduees
ceed Gen. Ord in Command of the $473 In cold and silver annually for
Tno,., ifiT.e: every man,. woman, auu uumm uie
LfUjl Llllllll 111 1 Ullll 11 I I 1 I ...
-x Ufafa
The war damaged, the French
railways $16,000,000.
The Chinese rice crop was never
more abundant than it is this year.
It is said tliat out of twenty-one mill
ions of Italians, seventeen millions are
still unable to read or write. ;
Miss Carrie A. Moore, the
skatistest and yelocipedistestest is
The debt of South Carolina is re- giving exhibitions of 'her skill in
ported to be $11,935,300. ' Portland.
A new Democratic daily evening
paper commences publication in
San Francisco next Monday.
. .
The bark "Live Yankee," 'from
Portland, is believed to be lost
with all on board.
The soil is iu good condition for
plowing in Washington Territory,
and the farmers are lively.
. .
Boats are to make regular trips
on the Willamette next week, says
the Statesman. '
There are 150 patients in the in
sane asylum, and quite a number
editing Democratic papers. '
Hurdy-gurdies seem to be "irre
pressible" in Eugene.
. - . .
Joaquin Miller is to lecture in
Portland next week.
: . - I,'...
Harbor police settled the hash of
two Chinese burglars last week.
The "Big Ingin" of America-
color o' morbus -Apple
The Corvalli8 college has a fine
piano, and Prof Rutan - is teacher.
Street-railroads are to be intro
duced into Salt Lake City. .
The mountain roads are desti
tute of dust now.
a slight femscntation and evolve iv
quantity of carbonic acrid. The
chopped straw was worked in just
Ixjfore feeding. This trial was con
tinued for more than four months,
and found to agree with the horses',
while at the same time it proved
satisfactory in . point ot economy.
As this food must be sweet and clean,
great cam is necessary, to prevent
the vessels in which it is kept from
becoming sour.
Clovek, asa Siiadk.-There is
prolttbly no other plant iu the
world of such value to the farmer
fortius purpose. It furnishes the
most perfect protection to the soil
during the lierce dry heats of the
summer. Being a constantly decid
uous plant, its leaves are perpetually
falling, and soon form a delicate
covering for shade, and easily pene
trated at all points by the air, which
is the great carrier to the worn-out
soil of those atmospheric elements
that are to enrich it. In this way
the clover plant not only contril
ntes directly to the fertilizing; of the
soil, by giving its own subsistanee
to it, but it furnishes a protective
covering to the entire ground, wmcn
encourages and stimulates those
chemical processes by which ' the
hungry and exhausted soil is recu-
pcrated from the vast - supplies or
nutriment that are held iu the at
mosphere. It becomes to the farm
er the most valuable fertilizer in the
world, as it imparts fertility to the
entire soil. I : -
How to Judge Pottuby. It
may not be out of place to give a
few mineral rules bv which the are
of fowls of all descriptions eau be
safely judged. In following- these
grocer, much less any housekeeper,
for purchasing other than whole
some, and tender fowls.
If a hen's 6pur is hard, and the
scales on the legs rough, she is old,
whether you see her head or not,
but her head will corroborate your
observation. If the underbill is so
stiff that you cannot bend it down-
and the comb thick and rough, 1
leave her, no matter how plump
n nl fif fin enmo mu Iocs norl 5nlo.i
A young hen has only the rudiment
of spurs ; the scales on the legs are
smooth, glossy, and fresh colored",
whatever the color may be ; .the
claws tender and short, the nail
sharp, the underbill soft, and the
comb thin and smooth. : '
An old hen thurkey has rough'
scales on the legs, callosities on the
soles of the feet. and long, sharp
claws j a young' the reverse of. all
these marks. When the feathers
are on, the old turkey-cock has
long tuft or beard, a young one but
a sprout i ng one ; and when ' they
are off, the smooth scales on the leg
decide the point, besides the differ
ence in size of the ; wattles of the."
neck and in the elastic shoot' upon
the nose.
, An, old coose. (wen alive, is
known by the rough legs, the .
strength of the wings, particularly in
the pinions, the thickness ' and
strength of the bill, and the fineness
of the feathers ; and, when plucked,,
by the legs, the tenderness of th .
skin underneath the wings.- bv the
pinions and the bill and the coarse-.'
ness of the skin. .
Ducks are distinguished by the.
siii no uieaus, uui uicre is ins uiuer-
erice ; a duckling's bill is much
longer in proportion to the breadth!
of its head than the old ducks. ' '
A young pigeon is discovered by '
1 1 : .1 ,
ins jraie uoior, smooin scaies, lenaey
collapsed feet, and the yellow, long
down interspersed among its "feath
ers. A pigeon that can fly, has al
ways red-colored legs, and no doubt
is then too old for use.
Bad "colds" are in fashion at
Walla Walla.
Ex-Governor John Bigler of
Sacramento is dead.
The Legislature has so changed
the law as to give the Territory a
general election next June.
' ' ' :" ' . m . 1 I . ;-'
Nine-tenths of all the school-teachers
in Miuwjichusetts are women. -
Walla Walla is now wondering
where their depot is going to bo 'sot.'