The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, December 02, 1871, Image 6

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-Mall going Xortli,
M.; going South,
Mail Matters.
closei at 7.45 a.
.-vloses at 5.15 V. M.
Postoffice open on Sundays from
8.30 to 9.30 A. m., and from 6 to 7
r. m.
Mail for Corvallis, closes at 6 r. M.
E. A. FREE LAND, 1. M.
Real Estate Tr ax? action For
the two weeks eliding November 29th,
1871 :
Nancy Martin et al to Cyrus Clerg
maii ; consideration, f 1,200
John Powell to W. C. Miller ; con
sideration, $405.
Cha-s. E. Leman to Dick Tanger ;
consideration, $780.
Leman & Tanger to W. Y. Ilieli
ardon ; consideration, $520.
Geo. Dotson to II. J. C. Averill ;
consideration, $125.
Geo. V. Spencer to John Cogswell ;
consideration, $2,900.
J. T. lltmsaker to Frank B. Inlow ;
consideration, $1,200.
John and Win. Forgy to John Gil
more, consideration, $io.
J. W. Gilmore to Isaac Preston ;
consideration, $125,
A. C. Henderson to Coll Van Cleve ;
consideration, $500.
J. M. Johns to Peter Smith ; consid
eration, $20. -
John Powell to T. J. Richardson ;
consideration, $340.
W. S. Taylor to J. B. Irvine ; con
sideration, $2,700.
Walter Monteith to A. Carother3
et al. ; consideration, $150.
E. W. .Watson et al. to Isaac Mc
Clung ; consideration, $3,025.
K.H. Watson to J. P. 'late; con
sideration, $3,875.
E. A. Edmonson toThos. Clemens ;
consideration, $100.
Joseph Hanley to Richard Clark ;
consideration, $300.
James Carsner to W. C. Stewart ;
consideration, $500.
James T. Denwiddie to Teal & Gold
smith ; consideration, $450.
J. C. Cartwright to C. M. Cart
wright j consideration, $4,500.
R. W. Helm to C M. Cartwright ;
consideration, $5,000.
C. Bridgefarmer to Ruel Custer ;
consideration, $1,500.
W. II. Mehlnight to Geo. Crabtree ;
consideration, $1,500.
L. Iliggins to Alfred Allen ; eonsid
siderarion ; $125.
I,. Higgins to Alfred Allen ; consid
eration, $310.
W. L. llalloway to Willowby
Churchill ; eonsiderationT $000.
Lucy M. Russell to W. Stafford ;
consideration, $1,000.
E. Cartwright to C. M. Cartwright ;
consideration, $10,000.
E. Cartwright to A. B. Morris and
C. M. Cartwright ; consideration, $9,
710 40. !
E. Cartwright to C. M. Cartwright ;
consideration, $1,500.
Ebenezer Hays to G. C. Thompson ;
consideration, $200.
Lewis McCallister to James McIIar
gie; consideration, $100.
Richard Clark to William Morgan ;
consideration, $2,000.
E. F. Russuell to Cyrus Westlake ;
consideration, $1,000.
Allen Parker to Thomas Overman ;
consideration, $000.
D. M. Thompson to John Irving ;
Paraguam?. We were visited with
a heavy fall of snow on Monday. It
melted as it fell.
The "Thomas' Cool Water Blcadt
IngSoap'Ms highly spoken of by all
who have used it. So fa, as we have
tried it, it is a success. Blain, Young
& Co. have it.
A dance came off on Tuesday night,
after the Templar's sociable, which
was enjoyed by those in attendance.
For Christmas and New Years toys
and nick-nacks, go to A. Carothers &
Co., where you'll find a large assort
ment next week.
Col. Albert G. Enes has received the
appointment of light-house keeper at
Cape Foulweather. An excellent ap
pointment. Somebody left a counterfeit $10
greenback with us last week. As it
won't buy nothin', we'd like to trade
Turkeys are in demand for Christ
mas times, ju it now.
The man that borrowed our rubber
coat hasn't returned it. He's a bad
G eese are plenty and fat wherever
you can find a wheatfield. Huntists
gt;t from one to six at a single shot.
'Heavy frost on Tuesday night look
ed like a young snow the next morn
ini;. lliltabidel & Co. are laying a beau
tiful stock for the holidays. See 'cm.
John Briggshas received ft number
of the improved Richmond Ranges,
called the Eclectic stove ii big tiling ;
just the tiling to present your wife on
Christmas. Look at 'em.
J. E. Smith is furnishing all who
call at his place with oysters, got up
In any style, hot coffee, chocolate,
cakes, ham and eggs, etc.
The young man who entertained the
citizens of Portland with "fits" on the
streets recently, was in town on
Dow & Crane have a large assort
ment of boots,: gaiters, etc., which
they have marked down to cost, to
close out. Now is the time.
Financial mid Commercial.
Gold in jNew York 1U. Currency,
buying, SO'c; selling, OOl-jC.
San Francisco quotations show a
drooping market and an inclination to
a let dowij in prices.
Portland quotations in statue quo :
Wheat, $1 25 bushel. Oats, $2 50
2 00 100 lbs. Potatoes, la2c"$
lb. Apples, 37l2 box. Onions.
2J4C H lb. I Eggs 30t335o doz. But
ter, '30di37.ii lb.
Following market quotations are
from the jM-incijial stations on the O.
& C. Railroad :
; rocerle, Provision, dec.
jkne Cm", November, 20.
$1 ; Oats, $1 ; Bacon Sides
jloe; Bacon Shoulders, 10c; Hams
Vltl . V V IO LI till" " i - . , . . - .
... , , , , , l5e; Lard, 14c; Butter, oOc ; Eggs
Shedds is rapidly building up, and 40' Ap!pies syc . Potatoes, 1 ;
'allv !c iloueK are reutrin ineir
place on first street.
CariK'iiters are buy erecting the new
frame for Johnny Schmeer. on corner
of First and Ellsworth. It is to be
20x50 feet, one story.
As the Willamette is now in good
stage, boats run as far up as CorvalHs.
The Congregational Festival and
Supper at Parrish Hall, on Thursday
night, was a decidedly big thing.
J. P. Hogue, administrator, will
sell fifteen head of young American
.horses, at the late residence of his
father on the 15th inst. Here's a chance
to obtain horses cheap.
A. C. Lay ion goes to Portland
Tuesday, to lay in a big stock of toys,
candies, etc., for the holidays. About
Thursday go for 'em.
Hog killing business flourished dur
ing the last cold snap. There is said
to be less pork in the county than usu
al. Sheriff Irvine has started on his tax
collecting tour, aud will be absent
with the books until January, 1S72.
Parties should meet him promptly at
the times and places advertised else
where, and save themselves trouble
and costs.
The citizens of Brownsville are to
have a Christmas tree and concert at
the M. E Church there, December
23d, the proceeds to be equally divided
promises to be a place of gi-eat bus
Six miles south of Albany a town
has been laid out, calltnl Tangent, and
one or more buildings erected
The Democracy hold their conven
tion to nominate men to be sacrificed
at the polls on Monday, this evening.
The Junction Cityites filled in
Thauksgiving evening with a hop.
About seventy-five couples were in
attendance, and jolarity reigned.
Albany College has a splendid
piano, and has secured Prof. Rutan as
music teacher.
Wheat sells at only sixty-live cents
per bushel at Walla Walla, in conse
quence of the want of means of trans
portation. The Dallas 7'eKc-.3ays that the
young man whoadniinistered drugs to
a 3rouug lady to effect her ruin, a few
weeks ago, has settled the difficulty by
inarrvinj her.
. 1 a : a tt
vonsiuerauoii, ?juu. between the Snndav School and tlie
-T. J. Baber to- Michael Fuller : con- 1 Eetw een tl,e niluaJ cnooi anu tne
sideratiofl, $500,
. Geo. II. Churchill to Michael Fuller;
consideration, $1,100.
Ebenezer Hays to M. M. Marks ;
consideration, $225 '
Selena Martin to- F. M. Mansfield ;
consideration, $100.
R. Baker to Mary Jane and Lee
Jfctker: consideration, $1'.
Walter Monteith to Allen and John
Parker; consideration. $80O.
A.J. WigletoP. 1L. Wigle; con
sideratioiu. $104.
J. M- Wigle to. P-. II Wigle ; con
sideration,. r,440.
J. M. WigletA. J- Wigle r cou
Wderation, $1,120.
Catharine Wigle to- A J Wigle j
consideration, $1, 000.
E, Simpson to J. W. Grimes? con
sideration, $1,000.
Markiagks. Following man-iage
rertificates were issued from the Coun
ty Clerks office daring November:
Mr. McIIargue and Miss Lill.
Wm. Bilger and Mar" L. Calavan.
John Cnoway and Siirah Ann
L- C. Newton and. Mary J. John
son. II. IT. PliHfps and Dnrilla Sbelton.
(J. B. Baker and M. E. McMeeken.
1 - W. Sloan aud Nancy J. East.
A. Lander and Sarah A. Pizer.
J as. Tom and Mary Bond.
Elijah M. Graham and Amanda E.
John E. Livingsion and Ozana Ilan
Cn. J. K.. I. AUford and Seynthia" E.
Scrlvner. :
J. Hamilton Evans and Mary B.
Galloway. , , - ; . -,
Close Shave. On Wednesday,
W. V. Smith wiiile engaged in sewing
sacks at Messrs. Comstoek & Co.'s,
met with a 'piiinfid accident. As lie
was drawing ' the thread or twine
through the sack, the thread broke
wlien part way through, and the force
osetl in palling the thread through
carried the hand holding the needle to
the face of Smith the needle entering
the face under the right eye. It is
t hought the sight will not be impaired.
A shade higher up and the eye would
have been closed forever.
CORREcnK)ii.-W were mistaken
l ist week, whea we said that James
Skills, Esq.,. had located at Dalles.
He in located in Ochoco valley but
his postofilce is Dalles..
' Tlie marriage on Wednesday event
' ig. surprised everybody;. '
Singing Association. Admittance,
Blain, Young & Co, received more
new goods on Thursday.
A. Carothers & Co- have received
two new style of lamps both of which
are neat and one of them, in our opin
ion, quite an improvement over tlie
old styles. Take a look at them.
We were presented with a magnifi
cent wedding cake, 011 Thursday, by
Mr. Evans. We shrewdly suspect that
it was gotten up under the supervision
of Mrs. J. Barrows. She has few
equals in tlie pastry line, and no super
iors. A grand Temperance dinner trans
pires at Shedds on the lGth. Several
prominent gentlemen are expected to
make speeches on the occasion.
Rebeeca meeting, at Odd Fellows
Hall this evening at 7 o'clock. Come
out. '
Real estate transactions for the past
two weeks in Linn county, foot up,
$G9,25i 40.
The rush at Harper & Co.'i for
double-barreled sliot guns, soon closed
put their stock, but they liave ordered,
and will soon receive, a new supply,
as well as new invoices ot dry goods,
etc. ' .-: -
The work of clearing out the Cali-
pooia closed on Saturday, because of
the rise in the river.
We had the pleasure of shaking
hands with our old friend and fellow
citizen, Geo. W. Price, on Thursday.
He is residing at present in Portland.
Mr. Geo. Turrell's oldest son arrived
In this city on Thursday. He came
up on the Ajax.
After the lair at Parrish Hall, Thurs
day night, the boys took their 'caliker"
over to the City Hall, lighted up, pro
cured two musicians, and whiled away
a few hours dancing. : After paying
all expenses, it was found that a bal
ance of $17 remained in the Treasury,
which was donated to the Fire Com
pany. Dave Froman and Win. Riley got
six deer and a cougar, on their last
; Miner & Pearson are still selling
great numbers q the Buckeye Sewing
Thanksgiving Evening. Tlie
Apron Festival given by the ladies
of the Congregational Church, at
Parrish Hall, on Thursday evening,
was the most successful success of the
season. There was a jam of people in
attendance, who displayed their liler
alitj' by purchasing all the aprons, ice
cream and other refreshment offered
for sale, thus putting money in the
Church purse. It was a gay anil
festive occasion enjoyed by all, with
tlie exception, probably, of the ladies
who had the management of the Fair.
As many of them had been 0:1 their
feet from early morn until far into the
night, they were doubtless glad when
the crowd, satiated with the good
things of which they had partaken,
and with swapping civilites with
friends and acquaintances, commenced
to hiac clatawa eopa Tlie
ice cream was splendid, the aprons
well made and cheap, everybody was
well dressed, well behaved, handsome
and polite, and soforth.
Thanksgiving Skumox. The
Thanksgiving services which were con
ducted in the Methodist church last
Thursday, were attended by a . fair
audience for such occasions, the ladies
being considerably hi ,the majority.
Fair we say, for such occasions the
great mass of observers seem to give
an undue preference to that feature of
the custom, which replenishes the in
ternal physical man. .The Rev. Mr.
Shaw, of the Methodist church, con
ducted the preliminary exercises, after
which the Rev. Mr. Butcher, of the
Congregational church, delivered an
impressive discourse from James,
Chapter 1, Verse 17: " Every good
gift is from above, and conieth down
from the Father of lights, with whom i
no variableness, neither shadow of turn
ing." Among the home truths elucidat
ed in the discourse,apt and appropriate,
there was one which we thought
would be well tor every individual to
scrutinize unusually close, to see
whether or no it does not apply to
him. Tlie truth to which we refer, is
the disposition among men to attrib
ute their successes and achievments in
lite to their own innate skill and
.shrewdness, while their misfortunes
are proverbially charged to God.
Wool noiije.
J I NCTION Crrr, November 2D.
Wheat, $1 3 Oats, ; Bacon
Sides, 12c; Bai'on Shoulders, 11c;
Hams, 15c; Lard, 15 ; .Butter, 35c;
Eggs, 35L-; Apples (dried), (Jelfe;
Potatoes, j$l.
hIarkisiivug, November 20.
Wheat, $1 ; Oats, 85c ; Bacon Sides,
12; Bacon Shoulders, none; Hams,
13c to lSej; Lard, 12 to 15c; Butter,
40c; Eggs, 30c ; Apples, 0c; Pota
toes, $1 ; I Wool, none.
Jefferson. Novemher 20.
Wheat,) $1 12; Oats, 80c; Bacon
Sides, 13c: Bacon Shoulders, 10c:
Hams, 15jc ; Lard, 15c; Butter, 40ii
45c ; Eggs, 45c ; Apples (dried). 0c ;
(green), toe ; Potatoes, $1 ; W 001,
Kai.em. NovemMter 29.
Wheat J $1 15; Oat, SOc ; Bacon
Sides, 14ij; Bacon Shoulders. 10y12c;
Hams, 15(.18c ; Lard, 13S14e; Butter,
( fresh -1
Egg.' 37
1 ; ooi, o-isoj,
Gervais, November 29.
$1 15 ; Oats 75c. ; Bacon
le ; uueon SMioualers, none ;
;e; Lard, 14c; Butter. 40c ;
Eggs, 37.s; Apples (grecn).oOc bushr
el tic 1 K) ; Potatoes, $1; Wool,none.
Our markets show no change in
price; Wheat, $1 15 p bushel. Oats,
75(3S0c bushel. Butter, 40c lb.
Eggs, 40c "l? dozen.
What Good Roads Do. An ex
change truly says : "Good road bene
fit every, one residing along their
course. Good roads save Iiorsefiesh ;
they facilitate the transportation of
produce to market ; save J'otir temper;
they increase the value of your lands
they lend attractiveness to tlie eye pt
a stranger; they increase the traffic
and business of a town by its "vitality
in all the various brandies of trade;
Show us a town which receives a large
country trade by means-1 of the fine
roads leading to it, and we 1 will show
you a place that is lively, progressive
and . thrifty, with money circulating,
plenty, and men in all branches of in
dustry busy as beavers.
How to keep People Quiet,
Tlie discontented people of the Per
sian Capital were appeased by Me
Shah in a time Oriental style. Tlie
people were clamoring for bread, and
there was none to give them. S the
Vizier of tlie town wsis put in irons,
tied to a donkey's tail and dragged
bareheaded and barefooted through
the bazaar at midday. After this sen
tence had been executed, the head
baker and several ' of his- subordinates
were baked alive in their own ovens.
This appeased the people for a time,
but as they remain without food further
rioting is expected. - - ;
Mr. Spurgeon lia3 now, it is said,
printed 1,600 of his sermons, of which
20,000,000 copies have been distributed,
in the English, language alone..
Sides. 1101
Hams, n
5ii0c; (packed), . 30&3;c;
c ; - Apples, 37 1 ,c ; Potatoes,
In this; cit3 November 29, 1871, at
the residence of J. Barrjnvs. Esq., by
the RevL S. G. Irvine, Mr. J. H.
Evans, of this city, anil Miss Mary B.
Galloway, late of Xenia, Ohio.
Compliments received.
As liio color and the rose.
As. the dewdrops and the sun,
Mayiyour lives together close
Oiije in two, and two in one.
One In strength to work nnd wait,
Ono in all you dart; and do ;
Having but tor evil fate
The resistant powers of two.
Sweet as dreaming lost in fact.
Rrijjht as stars, new iioru, above,
Let each day some blessed aet
Attest tlie eternal growth of love.
The love of the peasantry for the
Czar of Russia is genuine, and has
been intensified since he decreed the
abolition! of serfdom. They know that
it was al ; his own doing, and the thirty
millions whom he liberated from bond
age may be classed among his most
devoted subjects.
There iare about 70,0000,000 people
talking English as their native tongue.
1871, at the resilience of J. I. IKXJl.'E, do
censed, I will sell, to the highest bidder,
13 lleai of Yoiiiis American llorsen
TERM! One-half cash ; one-ha If in Lx
months time, with security.
I j. r. iiotiUE,
Dec. 2, JS71-13W2 Adm'r.
i " : : :
Fruit "Trees, Grape Vines, &c.
attention of the public to his large and
complete stock 01
and other TREES.
Also, fill APE -VINESr-lHWJ in the Slate;
Ornamental Trees, Shrubs. Plants, Cur
rants, (iooseberi-ies, Strawberries, Roses,
Hahlias and ltultjs, which will be sold aa
low as tirsf-elass stock can Ikj afforded.
Nov. 25-12 v4 ; J. A. MILLARD.
I Xotiee to tlie
Taxpayers of Li mi County.
law tiow in force, relating to tbe col
lection of taxes, all taxesare required to be
paid within thirty dayshfter the days ap
pointed for meet in? the taxpayers 111 the
several precmctsand all taxes not paid
within that time are liable to costs as upon
execution and that i9 one dollar and three
per cen ti from each person. I will, there
fore, In pursuance of law, meet the tax
payers of Linn county, at their respective
places of voting in each precinct, on the
following- days, to-wK:
LEBANON.... Monday, Dee. JI, ltbl.
WATERLOO Tuesday, " 12, "
SWEET j HOM K weanesaay 13, -
BRUSH 'CKKKh.... l uu rsaay " 1,,
BHOWX81LLE... Friday, " 15,
CENTER Saturday " n,
H A R I I SliU R i Tuesday, " i, "
PEORIA ....Friday, " 22, "
ORLEANS.- Saturday " 2.1, "
SANTIAM .Tuesday, 2B, "
FRANKLIN BUTE. .Wednesday " 27, "
Kt'nt i ' Hfiturdav. "30. "
ALBANY.. Monday, Jan. 1. 1872.
f - Ii. A. IBYTSK.
Sheriff and tax-collector tor Linn Co., Or. .
While in nrownavine i may ue
Cooler Waslilmnic's store.
N. Ii.
found ati
r, Orcgon5sov. 2 1871-12
a lii..!. .. ' ' S
r I .Ct' 2g -b&
a iU JU..f we
CS W-J-f -J IS
W 0 1
I have always in store a full and complete supply of
ze o x si x o to" is ,
Which I will sell for cash as low as tlie lowest, or exchange for all
kinds of marketable
O O TT 25T '37 H. "ST
Jtast received unci in store
Which I will sell cheaper than ever before offered in thU market
3 I extend a general invitation to all people hi this and adjoining
counties, -to call and examine quality and prices of good-?, as I feel con
lident of my ability to give all thorough satisfaction.
Have just received,
One Door Below Conner's Bank
A full assortment of
Conslatlng In part of
Calico. Giiighami",
Jawns. Merinos,
Poplin.. Brilliants, -
llosien', Marseilles,
Denim-, Dress Silks,
Jeans, Diaper, . Table Linen
Crash, Ticking, Delaines,
Check, Stripes,
Skirts, Corsets,
Table Covers,
Brown Domestic,
Brown Sheeting,
Bleached Sheeting,
Children's Shoes,
Ladies' and Misses' Shoes, .
Gents' Boots and Shoes,
Boys' Boots, and Shoes,
Slippers ami Gaiters.
J.inen & Silk llaiidk'ehiefs,
California Merchandise,
tTA share of patronage is respectfully
solicited. V. J. IULTABIDEL A CO.
, 10v4
- and -.
maiiently; established in Oregon. A
larsje and complete stock will be kept on
hand, and sold at the manufacturer's re
duced prices. , ' , v
THESE INSTRUMENTS are well known
throughout the world, and have received
the highest premiums wherever exhibited.
ALS in their favor from the best, musical
t alent of both Europe and America.
General Repair Shop.
turned to Albany, and laken liU old
shop on corner of E.lsworth and StH-oiid
streets, announces his readiness to attend
to all kinds of
Also, has on hand and for sale, tlie
Strayer Forcc-lecd
and other PLOWS,
which he will sell on the' most reasonable
terms. '
For durability, style of finish and quallty
f tone, they are UNEQUALLED. .
Every Instrument fully Warrant
ed for Five Teats.
Dlustrated catalogues sent on applica
tion. -.
-. 6c STKEI., ' ,
,87 Fitint-SU, PorUand, .
10v4ini Agents for Oregon.
All work entnisted to mo will reeelvo
Erouipt attention, and Ijo executed in the.
est possible maimer, with Kood material.
A share of public patronage is solicited.
C3- shop on corner Ellsworth and Scond
streets, opposite Pierce's Ferir.
lv4 V. WOOD.
Lard Oil & Soap
JL pujtedandputingood runuhig order
their, new , -
Lard Oil and Soap Manufactory,
in the city of Albany, are prepared to pur
chase, at the highest cash rates, air the t
Ilogsy EU&ncId Butter, 8oap
Grease, i&c.,
delivered to them In this city.
They are now manufacturing and have
on hand ' .
Fancy Wet aM Common Soaps,
in great variety, warranted equal to.tho
best in market, which they ouV.r to tuo
trade at the most reasonable rates. -.
Orders respectfully solicited. Satisfim
tion (Kuaranteed.
gr Parties liaving Hogs, Rancid Butter.,
or Grease of any kind, for sale, will do wciC
to give ua a call.
Paper-hanging, Calcemlnln
Decorating, &c.
M. WADSWOllTII will jrlvo prompt
? attention to. all orders lor Paner
hanginff, Calcemlntog, Decorating, Ac:, fu
this city or vicinity. All work executed
in the latest style, in the best manner, and
at lowest living rates. gSTOrdw left , at
t nrniture W ai-erootns of Clias, Mealey w ill
receive prouipt attention. . lev4
.'I -.; t. "