The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, December 02, 1871, Image 4

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    SATURDAY, DEC. 2, 1S71.
If. H. OUiri:iI l'apor for Oregon.
Suspension of tlte M'rit of Habeas
The act of tho Provident in sus
pending the writ of habeas corpus
in nine counties of South Carolina,
for the purpose of suppressing
the outrages of the rebellious Ku
Klux, is drawing from Democrat
ic quill-drivers that accusation and
nbuse which was anticipated. Xo
words in the vocabulary of accusa
tion and condemnation are strong
enough to express the intensity of
their aversion to this act ot the
President. The President and lie
publicaii party would have been as
tonished beyond measure, if such a
storm of invective and abuse had
been withheld by the Democracy.
Every step ot the Kepublican party
in throttling treason in the late re
bellion, was met by just such a storm
of condemnation. IS very step of
the Republicans at reconstruction
has been attended by the like De
mocratic music. Misrepresentation,
fault-finding and abuse, seem to
be the "lock, stock and bar
Tel" of a Democratic editor's out
lit. They have numerous songs,
but they seem all to be pitched to
one or the other of these three tunes.
These are the instruments, though
-there mav be many strings. Any
measure of reconstruction, or correc
tion of abuses and crimes, which
have been, and are now being per
petrated in the South by the late
Tebels, sets these instruments to go
ing. They till the whole land with
their discordant notes of rage and
-false statement. They sing out now
that the President lias placed these
counties under martial law. This
is not so ; he has simply suspended
the writ of habeas corpus, which is
altogether a different thing. Mar
tial law is substituting the will of
the military commander in the place
of all other law. The suspension
of the writ of habere corpus, em
powers the civil officers, the sheriffs
of those rebellious counties, to em
ploy the military to assist them in
enforcing the civil laws, by arrest
ing these Ku Klux murderers and
robbers. An armed resistance to
law and the Government, however,
which Ku Kluxism is, -Tails with
.iu the character of rebellion, and
becomes amenable to the laws of the
United States. The writ of habeas
eorfnis, therefore, will not release a
"anan to State authority, who has
committed an offense against a
United States statute, and lias been
arrested by a United States officer-
The Federal courts instituted an
inquiry into the character of the Ku
Klux order and the crimes com
mitted by it. They found it
a secret band of cowardly thieves
and cut-throats, endeavoring by in
timidation and outrage, to force Re
publicans to vote the Democratic
ticket, leave the country, or die.
They found the sheriffs and civil
functionaries in these counties un
able, without imperiling their lives,
to arrest these violators of law. The
anti-Ku Klux law was tho result,
which authorizes, in such cases as
we have indicated, the President to
suspend the writ of habeas corpus,
thus empowering the civif author
ities to' use the military as a posse
comitatus to assist them in enforc
ing the laws and arresting crimi
nals. . :, :,-v-
&tl k to lriliciJ s.
The total demoralization of the
Democratic party renders it almost,
if not absolutely, certain, that the
next standard-bearer of the Repub
lican party for President will be
elected. We say almost certain,
for a thing is never entirely sure so
long as it continues in the range of
possibility. Present indications,
based upon past experience, all in
dicate a most glorious victory to
the Republican ticket. A possible
contingency, however, might arise,
which would imperil the success of
the party. The late elections have
demonstrated that the Republican
party is fiir in the ascendant. They
have also shown that the unity of
the party remains intact, in spite of
the efforts of certain disaffected ones,
who have heretofore occupied the
position of leaders in the party.
This is the present position of the
Republican party. Principle, in
stead of men, has lcen the secret of
Republican unity and success in the
past, and so long as principle is ad
hered to in the future, the same re
sults will follow. There are aspir
ing men in every part', who hold
themselves in readiness to take any
step, however inconsistent or dis
honorable, to promote personal am
bition, or satisfy personal jealousy.
Such men are in the Republican
larty. They occupy high positions,
and some are oven now trying to
spread dissension and discord in tho
party. In the dark hours of the
rebellion, some Republican . leaders
attempted the same thing, but most
signally failed in the end, though
their influence was bad for a time.
The point is to Le guarded against
these demagogues and traitors in
the van of the party. If Horace
Greeley, or Carl Schurz, or; any
other sore-head, proposes to get up
a coalition ticket of weak-kneed Re
publicans and -"new departure" and
"no nominating" Democrats, it is
only a scheme to promote selfish
purposes which they cannot carry
out in the Republican party. Let
us, then, as Republicans, continue
to look steadfastly to principles ;
let us continue to. estimate and be
influenced by our party leaders,
only in proportion as they remain
true and faithful to the doctrines of
the party, and as they show willing
ness and ability to maintain them ;
thus continuing true to our position
and practice, no effort of the, opposi
tion, of the scheming demagogues in
the party, can prevent the great
Republican party of this nation from
achieving increased triumphs in the
Prince Alexis, of Russia, was
presented to President Grant on
Thursday of last week. The Prince
said it afforded him pleasure to meet
In a recent interview. between the
Chinese Embassy and President
Thiers, of France, the former ex
pressed the hone that the treaty re- I
- 1 i f
Utm,,,, u -i? , . i Ins own was on ,iuiui:aie icrms or
1 ho i resident cordially
tho head of
! j "1 1
would be maintained. To this tnenusmp.
Thiers replied : Your government j Scorned I
must irivc 1 roofs that. mr Mission- t nP thxt
aries and Consuls are respected, as ry would l e pleasant and gratify-
a- nation with whom
is .sojourn in this eoun-
this is absolutely necessary for the j WS
preservation of peace between 1 T1-e T'r'
France and China. The emphasis ! n Fment
of Thiers, impressed .the Embassy ! Clty reciev
very much j to secure his election.
I .-.,..1 t lt'i'l 1 fl 1 'rt 1 1 f
. - jV JIl-V V 1 1 1 1 I IT..""! l.VIH.'.i V'll KJU
v.-. Kite ;is ovomuer -MUi, a ,
. ,v. -,. , . . , ' 12-ith 01 N
liu.uu4vi.o v arumai authorizes tiur; . .
i Indorse I li
statement that the Pcpo will not ; " ,
leave' Rome unless he V" compel led j f
to do so hv i);vc;Mi . ! ork uxlI:
al violence.
The London, England. Times
grounds its .belief in the re-election
fit ( milt, ry.1 i'P!.',l(mt ni'fl n lr,.;i - !
ot the I ptJ
k'ii niu jiici, inn.T, in nasi. i
v- 1 jf tnv
brought about a reconciliation of
klyn Union asscrtsthat !
. . . . ,
oflice-holder of that I
. . t
d 610,000 from Tweed j
oyember tor the arrest of
irney, and Woodward, j
arncd, of Albany, New j
' the bail at $500,000
The nianpgetncnt of tho Russian
Legation lias passeil from Catacazy i
Christ's ereat end was to save
men from their sins; but le de
liglUel also to save them from their
The pews of our churches ought
to rest on pivots, so the occupants
can see Avho comes in without
straining their necks.
Iowa has some live thousand
me re Methodists than all the other
Protestant denominations in the
State put together.
A Soi-ni RusiNKs:.-; Putxcipi.k.
cevcral of the principle firms- in
Chicago have refused to advertise
in Sunday r.ewsrarers. believing
that this practice tends to prevent i.
the proper observance of the Chris- Sabbath, and is thus injurious !
not only to the moral and religious,
but to the business interests of the j
city. i
TrfK Last o:-'
A few
tion. I ms
is satis!ive-
(inv. Wirmonth . of T.ou-smna. )
the ITmted States with England K , 1 ' " t,
, . , ., . . f 1 ! called an exti-a session 01 tl'.e
nas eiiected a reduction of the X:- i L, .
, , . , . , . I fc-ennte, to meet in December, to
tional debt, and continues m terms j ch,cl a preitiot, w ho will be ex
ot the highest pmise of him ; de- j officio Lieutenant Governor.
Clares his cor.seut to hold the office
a benefit to t!ie country, and exj?cts
a million and a half ma jority in his
favor at the 1 Presidential election.
A larsro number of th.e svmiiathiz
ers of the ex-Emperor Xapoleon,
made a demonstration in his honor,
at Paris, on the 2-lthofXov. They
J 1
The Thorv
used wHh si
plow., each
io;i,-( ( !:er a sq
with less c
f'lves entire
! mronhnrr to
traversed Fauburg St. Germaine
with shouts of "vivo Xapoleon."
They were not interrupted.
tfr. S. II. li
10 steainer-j
Sci All Itolit.
fCa:; ot four pio'.vs each, plows from
to .i( Here- oi l:;ud fany. I he
nmuuit ot Lrrot'.iid cut by these, two
. .... .A- 1 A ... . : . ... 1 . !.
I 1 ii-nn1 .I. W ...... . .... t 1., W'. I r 1 ' '
noiii o..iu.o 00 toe-i.i s;,.;Uncr !rafvs them along steadily and
uiihculty whatever. The
;!ow!)g- In t'lN manner is
iiidi lessthaa by oidinarv
lining animals. Xo tlilll-
er 15 experienced with the
uneven rrounu. It travels
and shar) elevation:; a:ul
of last month, contain a rumor that j witlvout any
i Great Lritam is ready to receive j fiH!ll,! ( j.,
favorably, from Spain, proposals for method cf ji
... .. . -i ,. I en'ty whatey
t!ie restitution ot (jibralter. sfeaincr on u
A dispatch from Berlin says that i ,nvr luu 5"M !fhilrl? elevations aju
. ! aero-s abrupt (Vpressions oi the land
the public mind there is disturbed j as easily apparently and with as little
in view of the diplomatic attitude
am t"Iivi:5jr.
p-on road w.ion ha.? been
ev;t-ss to draw two fjjar.'i
wiMi fovr shai'. en'tiiiLf
rn seven let t wnle, i(ar
t plows 2,") aeres iter day,
Kpene than horse.-, and
atiot.icuon in eveiy way,
tin; report of t he " Htock
;;.'. Tlsat pa;ier savs that
rannoek ii uin'' one oi"
reijrularlv, and with two
The property of Gervey, which
was offered for sale at a great re
duction, finds no buyers, owing to
tho supposed insecurity of the title.
The lleraUVs Washington dis
patch states that .Minister Schenck
. will be recalled in a very short time
and that Secretary Fish will sue-
- 1 wm - - "
"u. x oere eeeras xo De noul
ing in law preventing a Minister
from engaging in trade or spscula
. tion. Custom and dignity, . how
ever, have prohibited a Minister
assuming business or speculative po-
' gitions. .:1';i"r a -:.-:-: . .
" ' ' . ' "
' The Republicans nominated W.
T. Abbott', for Mayor of Boston,
j JSov. tn.
The winter climate of Oregon is
said to be misty, dampy, rainy, and
otherwise wetty. Oregoniaus are
nicknamed "Webfeet," we suppose,
because they paddle around in the
water so much that their feet are
inclined to spread out, and possibly
some of the toes may be joined to
gether. The name is supposed to
be characteristic, anyhow, the same
that "Puke" is of - Missourians, and
"Sucker" is of Illinoisians. Our
ideal of Oregon, formed at the big
end of a two-thousand-mile - report,
expected to shine in a golden blaze
of sunshine all Summer, and drip
like a drowned chicken all Winter.
"Sucker" like, we drew in all the
information that came through that
two-thousand-mile report, and ab
sorbed it. We expected, when
Winter began, it would mist and
drizzle, and slosh and squizzle, and
pour in disordered succession con
tinuously, without any interruption
from the sunshine, until wet, wetter,
wettest ; dank, slush, swash, be-
drizzled everything from a barn
yard hen to the Governor, until all
became soaked, and held water like
a sponge. ' Well, Winter has been
upon us for some weeks, and it has
misted and fizzled and poured ;
but we deny that it has done so all
the time. The sun showed his ra
dient bid face ' several " times ; be
sides there have been some days
when it did not even mist enough
to spray the whisker of a Thomas
cat. Reports from the big end of
a two-thousand-mile horn are unreliable.
assumed by Germany towards
Fiance. Bismarck privately advo
cates the continuance of military
preparation for war. The recent
action of the Reichstag, in prolong
ing the military budget on a war
estimate, contemplates a speedy re
cccupation of French Departments
by-the Germans. Bismarck advo
cates' this movement for the reason
that he sees that the tenure of au
thority by that, this Government is
very precarious.
Two steamships collided in the
harbor of the port 'at Alexandria,
Egypt, about the 23d of last month.
The vessels met with great force,
and sunk, drowning , some seventy
five Algerian passengers, who were
overburdened vrith gold, which ren
dered their efforts to swim unavail
ing. . j
' The Prince of Wales of England
is suffering from an attack of ty
phoid fever symptoms not alarm
ing. The trial of the Communists, in
Paris, has terminated. All who
were convicted were sentenced to
imprisonment for terms varying
from two years to twenty years.
Mexican news to the 12th of
Xov., says the Government troops,
commanded by General Galentino,
were entirely routed in Durango by
the revolutionary forces under GoO.
Guerra. . ..
interrupt ion m are its movements
along :t graveled street oi turnpike.
One very great advantage whieh the
strainer po e-'ses over teams of horses
or oxen is tbat in clearing land, the
steamer can he readily detached troni
the. plows, : nd fastened to a newly
fallen tree, tvhidi is bodily removed
by the machine to any desired part of j
toe held. ln:wor.;ot tins kind tne won
derful power of the steamer is shown
even better than in plowing. It will
haul oft" a la'rge oak tree, 'trunk and
branches toother, with as little ap
parent diflieiiity as it would travel with
a bru-ii harrow. We are told that Jlr.
I'.rannoek, after having given the
steamer a mpre extended and thorough
trial than it-has heretofore had in tins
section of the. State, is well satisfied
with its working power and its ad
aptability to the heavy labor necessary
to be done oiji a well managed farm.
TSis JAitls Worm Xetliller. ,
The New York Tribune, of the
24th of Nov., states that an express
wagon, loaded s with trunks and
baggage, left Tweed's house on the
morning of Thursday preceding,
and that a Deputy - United States
Marshal, who followed close, re
ported that passages had been en
gaged on the steamer "City of
Brussels ' for five of Tweed's family.
One extra berth had been engaged
which it was stated - might .not be
used. The supposition is, that
Tweed wishes to ' send away all of
his valuables and then follow them.
It is also stated that Tweed has ap
plied to the Company in which his
life is insured for permission to trav
el beyond the seas, j No one doubts
his intention of fleeing, and his
warmest friends are dropping away
from him and denouncing him bit
. Xo trade is less honorable for being
otld. A good many Inws we know
would hardly have the courage to be
angle-worm ;increh:mts, hut as long as
there is nothing better to do, it is as
good a way as any to turn an honest
penny. j .
A gentleman who had been visiting
the White Mountains, o his way
down saw a jlittle boy get on the stage
with a box tilled with earth.
. v What liave you got there, my lit
tle boy?" , "
worm?.r ;
" What are you going to do with
them?" I
"Sell them ; two for a cent. The
fishermen catn't get them in the lower
part of tlic jmountaLns, and so I go
up the valley here and- dig them, and
bring them down and self them. "
"JJut howj do you pay for such a
long stage rde ?"'
"I don't pay ; I shines his boots,"
pointing to the driver.
"So you ljave an occupation besides
peddling worms?"
" Yes, that is the way T get my liv
ing. . liavO fifteen dol liirs id ready laid
up, and it'sj only .the beginning of the
i . " You're
man, "but
roinir to do
" !Nq, indeed.
111 Vermont
two dollars
a smart boy," said the
is this all you are ever
I go 'to school over
during the winter pay
ii week for board."
"So 3-011 have no home, then ?"
"No." .
" Xo father?"
, "No." .- -"
Xo mother?"
" Xo nobody. I make my own
way, and ohe of these days I am going
to college."
. "To college?" ; , .
44 Yes, tp one of the best in the
A boy with such a spirit can get an
education. lie is not ashamed of pov
erty,, nor isjhe afraid to work. - Some
boys would ;be too proud to sell worms
for a living. .'They would rather
starve or steal.
In New England "flannel recep
tions" are bow the rage. Women
assemble and sew for the poor
one hour." f Further steps are then
taken for the relief of poverty by
dancing three hours.
The first ingredient in conversation
is truth, the next good sense, the
third . good
humor, and the fourth
.. As daylight can be seen through very
small holes,) so little things will illus
trate a person's cnaracter.
friends will go and bury us ; affec
tion will rear a stone and plant a
lew (lowers over our graves ; in a
brief ieriod the little hillock will be
smoothed down, and the stone will
fiill, and neither stranger nor friend
will be concerned to ask which' one
of the forgotten millions of the earth
was buried there. Every vestige
that we ever lived upon earth will
have, vanished away. All the little
memorials of our remembrance
the lock ot hair encased in gold, or
the portrait that hung in our dwell
ing, will cease to have interest
to an' living being.
A lady rays she knows a man
that prayed night and morning,
preached on Sundays,, and was a
rich farmer beside. 1 1 is wife milked
the cows in all sorts of weather, cut
most of the wood,- btiilt t he tire,
churned, economized, and died of
consumption, lie put a weed on
his hat, tried to resign himseff to the
"dispensation of Providence," when
he had ought to have been tried for J
wornauslaughter in tho first degree,
ami sentenced to chop woo I anil
milk cows in the rain all the rest of
his life.
A PrtAYJPRFOii. EmToni. liev.
Charles Tlvsey having lieen con
demned by the Episcopal church for
heresy has commenced to found a
religion of his own in London, lie
lias drawn up prayers, cut up the
Apostles and Nieeue Creeds, and
made up an original programme of
exercises which he presents as pure
extracts of the Gospel. One of his
Litanies contains this beseech ment :
"That it may please Thee to help
all literary persons and editors of
the public press, that they may use
ail their powers in the cause of
truth and righteousness, and rise
above the praise and blamo of
Those who may differon the most
essential and distinctive doctrines of
the Christian faith can unite in this
Atheism. One of the most pain
ful proof of weakness of the Parisian
cause is the dying words of General
Ilenrv, one ot the Communist lead
ers, who was captured and executed
by the government.. , Peing offered
a Catholic priest or a Protestant
pastettr, he declined, saying, "1 be
lieve in no God ; none ot us do.
We are of the. universal atheistical
republic. "Why should I see a
priest ?'
It is as impossible to preserve good
looks with a troop of bad passions
feeding on the blood, d. set of low
loves trampling through the heart,
and a selfish, disdainful spirit en
throned in the will, as to preserve
an elegant mansion vith a litter ot
swine in the basement, a tribo of
gipsies in the parlor, and owl and
vultures m the upper apartments.
Badness and beauty will no more
keep company than poison will con
sort with health or. an elegant carv
ing survive the furnace fire'f The
experiment of putting them together
has been tried for thousands of
years, but with an unvarying re
sult. Origix of; tiis Roses.- On a
a certain time, at Bethlehem, there
was a beautiful young girl who was
charged with a crime, and sentenced
to be burned to death. They led
her into a field . and piled fagots
around her, and set tliem on "fire.
But she being innocent, prayed,
while they were burning, that some
wonderful thing might take place
to show that she was innocent. And
this is what happened : all the fag
ots which were already on fire were
changed into bushes full of red ros
es, and those which had not kindled
turned to white ones, also full of
flowers. "'And these," says an
ancient writer, "were the first rose
tree and roses, both red and white,1
that man ever saAv." And the
country where this was done
abounds with them to this day.
The only way for a man to es
cape being found out is to pass flW
what he is. lhe only way to main-
tain a good character is to deserve
it. It is easier to correct our faults
than to conceal them.
Hie Two AyprcMt'e'" i "; "r.
Two boys were apprenticed in n
carpentcr's shop. One determined
to make himself a thorough work
man; the other didn't care. One
read and htudicd, :inl got books to
help him understand the principles
of his trade. Ifo spent his evening!
at home reading. Thp other liked
fun best. He often went with other
bovs to have a 'good time.'
"Come," lie -often -said to his
shepmate, "leave your books, and
go with us; what's the use of all
this reading?"
"if I waste t!ic;? golden mo
ments," was the boy's answer, "f
s hall lose what 1 can. never rnuK r
up. '''' ; ' " "
Wiiile the two boys were still
apprentices an offer of 12,000 ap
peared in the newspapers for th.o
best plan of a S tate 1 louse - to bcr
built in one of the Eastern States.
The studious boy saw the advertise
ment, and determined to try for it.
After careful study he drew out Ids
plans, a nd sent them to the commit
tee. We suppose lie really 'did not
expect to gain .the prize, but still '
he thought 'there is nothing liko
trying.' In about a week alter
ward" geT'tlomaif arrived at tho
carpenter's shop, and asked if an
architect by the name of Washing
ton Wilberibree lived there.
"Xo," said the architect, "but T
have an apprentice by that name.'
"Let's see him," said the gentle
man. The voting man was summoned,
and - .informed that his plan w:w
accepted, and that '2.000 were
his. 'lhe gentleman then said that
the boy must put up tlie building,
and his employer was so proud of.
his success that he' willingly gave
him his time and let him go. 'J his
studious young carpenter became
one of the first architects of the
country. lie made a fortune, and
v.r?ir.ds h? '"! in the ost.eeni of every
body, while his fellow-apprentice
can hardly earn foodjfbr himself
and family by his dailyj labor.
'STse 2ii-IiirJiir Juror.
A gen tj eman who is rather given
to story telling relates-.the follow
nig :
When I was a youngman I spent.
several years in theouth, residing
for a while at Pert Hudson, on the
Mississsippi river." A great deal ot
litigation was going on 'about that
time, and it was not always an easy
matter to obtain a jury. One day
I was summoned to attend in that
capacity, and repaired to the Court
to be excused.
On my name being called 'I in
formed his Honor, the Judge, that I
was not a freeholder, and therefor
not qualified to serve.
"1 am stopping for tho time being
at Port Hudson."
"You board at the hotel, I pre
sume r" '
"I take my meals there, but I
have my rooms in another part of
the town, where I lodge."
":o you keep bachelor s hall.
"Yes, sir' r
"How long have you lived in that
manner t
"Alxxit six months."
"I think you are qualified,"
gravely remarked the .Judge, "fori
have. never known a man... to keep
bachelor's hall the length of time
you name, who has not dirt enough
in his room to- make him a free
holder. The Court does not excuse
you. . ; f?';
The Bkrinnixg op 6aicago.-A little
less than forty years ago a party of
emigrant landed their sloop near tho
neau ot Jasce-Michigan...- They luul
been six weeks making their : way"
round the lake? from Cleveland ; they
were in search of a' home 011 the wild
prairie of Illinois. The country
about their landing was low ; and .'ill
save one, determined to push on to this
interior. He determined that ho
.had traveled far enough from civiliza
tion, and refused to go farther. TlHi
rest remonstrated, lie was stubborn.
They tried to reason. They coaxed,
they threatened, but all to no avail. A
council was held and the fractious .ono
permitted , to stay. 1 lis name was
Clark. He went .out two miles , from,
the sloop, and found a dry knoll on
whieh he built a rude shelter for his
wife and two boys. In going to and
from the landing a trail or path was
made ; it was then known . as Clark's
trail. A few nights ago a fire raged
along Clark's trail now Clark street,
and burned hundreds of the linc&t
buildings in America. - ;
Sharswood of the Pennsylvania Su
premo Court has just decided a case
in which he lays downtho principlo
that even the majority of a congre
gation which withdra ws itself from
the denomination with which it
stood connected, cannot lay claim to
any part of the church property as .
against the minority that remains
under the authority of the church.
It is said that a ; professor of nat
ural science in one .of our, colleges
used annually to astonish the stu
dents in natural philosophy by re
marking, when tho time came for
assigning a certain portion- of itho
text-book : ?The class may go to