........ . '" - - . - ........... .....,.,. - "... -u r 1 VOL. IV. , ALBANY, OIIEGON, DEOMBEJl 2, 1873. NO. 13. ..: i t -- sin Umstr lll'SiXKSS CARDS, rcitKisnEi r:vEiiV s.vrcitnAY, 2y ' COS.L. YA?i r CLtlYfi, iri HEGISTEII EUILr-INGS, Corn, r ln-y an t jf '.'j-.ri SVm. I Il5i:liiiijy ,i,lJ Excfcttttjr'"' O'Zr.eft, AI-SUNV, OUtC.ON. TERMS Or.c year f'ix tnon: li s.. Single co;i:es Al.VANCK. ;.Th;re d.VHdrs. Ywo i!o',;nv4. T(".l CClliS Ar.YEUTisiNt; i:ates. T run sient a-1 vert isemen t. per sunare. of D1 (W'll :id vtr-l::KiaI ten imis or less, nr-ii msei-.ion ubs.;ijuent insertion $1. l-arjcer lisemeuis inserted on the most term. JOTi WORK. i.iviu reec ivtid now tyjio, s'ock rf ('. orwi inks, curd, a Uorlon jo'.ioor. '.. v.e arc nrearc.l ioi-xci-u'e aa'UUik of prhtt in.tr in a better inaei and ft fry per cent cheaper than over let'oro eUerel in this ell v. Afni for t3j? Sl:-frsr-. The follow in ij sentteaioa are authorize 1 lo re;-e:vc ami rcei":T for su'wriptions, odveri".insr, e e.. ffr the UtiUT&K: Hirum Sn;l;h, Miivirio'iarir. . I. 1Vr!p!:i'! U Kiif.-i-i'JiiriJ. . leor I!nn'u liiv.vnsvi'Je. 11. KU'k, !5r;iv.isvUie. l;. 11. AVhiMIer. Si-io. T. II. Koynol Is, nlcm. 1. I. l'i-iher; Stn KmuHsi'o. 1. i'. I'o Sho 5 r.s.S-.jttion. l-'loulu'i-A Wells. IJ iera Vi -ta. ToiV Co t eh.'fU sit s jdt. I nte'Vt iiiiow i' i on i :;ne ui"tm!h m ii m. Kxcia'iw oit l'rt;iin J. S;n Fiaru isco, ;n i New York, for Kile tit !ove-t ni'is i '!!: ;is m:'U'ir'l wonpitlv reiniUcM. l;ri;..s to II. V. I'orlivtt, lleni-y VV. iin., Katikiiifr hours from 8 A. M. to -I I' Al'ouny, I'd). 1, !S71-2iv3 The Mas:ic Word 1-.Y 1US. M. A. DtXI:OS. M. Healers AAA U . s, Obelisks, Tombs, SIcnd nnai Foot Stuticv, A ttoi:nky An r:si:i.o!: AT i J l.v. Uuk-c No. Ill First street, be--tweon Morvi-on nr.l Alder, oiixwHe fhe it-i lent;.: Hotel, IiorLiaml, D;.vs-(,n. WS:I 7na:t.iee i:i t he sn' v. loran;l inferior court s of thS.ute, nirl i'i the ilisiriet and i-.hvait vo'.irts of (lie lUlie 1 i'liate.- jfivinj; STwvial jittentioe lo the colieciion of tlrbts in jirts of Ure;?i)n, u: .1 to oViainUi;.; Ui- vhMVffe i:i bankraptey; rvlsieh. siaeo the l;isr timi Imi'Tit to the law, may i2 o! taine-il Iro;:t all de"tft ctmir,te;oA prior to ,:.iaimry 1, iSt. Avithont rearl to the ivr ic-iUf te wh'wh th? hhso'.s may tiaaliy iay. Xo.-. 2-3, lS7j-l23y California, lZxecuted in Vermont aitd Italian sai.em, oni:t:oN. It v a one of the lowestv mo-t God for ikefi loealHios hi town. I'oVuh nuMiluuln Isanl bent of it tlioro. TJioir 1:uimU were full, what-with tijxhts, mid H'tty t i ic-i viiiii, and dninktm women, and children as viciou? a-; s-in could make them. A rulhiT d.eeont o!d woman eold ap plet near the corner ; hut sometime it .deemed a- if she lid it at the jKaril of lit r life. Decayed and broken hou re tops dam:ied window., and cellars lull of mou d, and damp in every crev ice, were seen every wnere in -then uu- who!e.io:ne proportions niwl "'t of t'aeni issued the foulest and vilest of earth's poor, broken, downcast crea tures. Could it. he possible that these were the same hnmau family with the fair children ami jrraccful women liv it :;r within a stone's throw of thi? urMiumimi. seemed, felt somethlnjj human swell tii in laa- heart. I She had kept the shoes, lie had iu- .Med ufon that.. (jut into the street one of her companions cried llellow. thoos !" and tip went Jlag's clenched lists. Out- came, an oath aud thin anotjier, ami then he seemed to shrink si way from herself and all at once her pye caught si-lit of that strip of blue pky ; and her fico redi leiiet I. while, peiliaps for the lirst time iu her life, slie felt that it was wronjj to swear, wil:ke.l to feel as she lid. I She went, slowly home. Home! O, dreadful street ? Cod's creatures? dark eavil j' came wi-p of a irl ; a rolling black eV. uncertain movement. as she py. that she danced so ; occa hurstius; into some half-forgotten Were they alike Ip from the same the very w ill-'o-tlie-czeature with great, grinn- features and ha iv iotily lrair- KrMXrSE SllOi AT AL'IAY. BOW si. CRASi 11. CRAKK. SlyHii?i5sn hii1 mii, AI!aay, Or, !-HC::OX TIIF.OUTUBII EOF MAIN' f sireet. April. VZl Has ox nxr AXD COXSTAXTLY reeoi ving u lare 3: oc-k. of tii-oeii-i.'f ns3 ljrovIioiin, Y'oo;t ami willow ware, to'i.-iceo, ciirara, "-!: feet ioiici-v, YanT.ee HOtioiis, etc.. etc.. wlioleaie au f relui!, optiosi-e K. C. XI ill & hon's drn siore, Aii;aity, Oregon. Iv4 J. II. MITCiri'I.L. J. . DCLPII. Attorneys and Counselors n I.w OOUCITOK SjIX CHAXC KK Y A X P PR Ot tors in aiitinntsty. U:liee over the okl ivost ollicu, Front street j Portland, Oret;oi. K4 ; - - - - Ji ASSES A. WA12'ii:E, ivil Eisrsje- antl S urveyor, IS l'UEl'AI! K l TO 1 K Sl'i: V YJ XCJ ASO enstneerin . Vre--i iuipi-ove-1 soar c-0111-l.ad. Orders uy mail iiromptlj- litfemlod to. Rei iejtec on iOanb sireer, opposite J.r. Tuies, Ai'ismy, Oregon. V.t )caler3 in E3ool, S.iocs, a:.t3 Pisulins , AI-I1AVXY, OiiEUOJi, IXVITi: THE ATTENTION OF THE i)ii;):ic Ur t heir tnli sioi-k of Hie l:uesi sfvies in sentiemen'a and yon ill's lots. j shoes, waiters Oxford ties, etc, etc., asweil ! as to i lie verv laiest tiling out in tl:e line of h' lies' 1111 I misses caiiers, l.iiimor.i's. XevK)fT ties, Amoir.et.e buskins, a:i l many oihr new and lahioi'auie styles, jnt i-i'eeived at the City lloot S.re, wiilt-h they will po'.I :a rupi t.'y in tliey can lind purcli-.isei's who wish lirsi-elns! jroocls at the most roasonjihlc rates. They respect fully invite yon 10 eo:iij raid their sioek. Ifooi.s", shoe.sete., made or repairod to order, and a!i icrfc icarratUnl. woman wa gazing up the .e cauiriit at an anriie antt Thief!" cried the cried the girl. woman. "Sto) CITY BOOT STORE, Flit ST Attorney njtl" Counselors Jit law, A Nl SOLICITOUS IX CIIAXCEI1Y (L. JY. Fifim noisir- pvtbliu), Allany, Oregon. odeet ions and conveyances promptly at tended to. ' ; 1 Dealers in AVATCIIES, Cloelis, JSewelry, KCatnn of elot-ks, wrttchef, jeweh-y, etc., attended to. Ad work warranted. sua ; '-' ---y - ; ' 7T.'to2I77rIa.o els - .SrilEUICAI. FLUMES, And Ueiicral 3Iill Macltlnery - : r,'i. F. BACIIEXf-TO Aet; Clv3 s AJ Uany, Oi-egon. 20 550KAES A DA1T ;" TO SdAIE AXI) FEMALB AliEXTS, i , To introdaee the eelebrat ed " STITCH ALIKE OX BOTH PIPES, AX I t he olv shuttie .sewing uiaeUiue oa.tlia I nkd Stares lieen,ed 1o use t he celebrate 1 Wilson fed sold for le8 than to, aft a ftck-noH-te l 'e 1 by all 10 be the U:st tamhy sew In" mat liine, for ri,ht or lifca-y sewing, in the marker. nt A' ;riV9 MINER & PEARSON, Oen. gts. 20v3;f . .-.-t Albany, egon. First tlaor Went of lie; 473 fiTKEET, jit Ujild CITY. M ARKET, FIRST KTECT,':2JJAXY, OREOX, J. Ij. IIAER3. 3. S.. EJAKiaiS c CO. PROPKIETOK?, EXDE WOR TO JvEEP COX- G. B. 1IAIGIIT. V i!To-ta-,'c of all per noa tleslring artiileial tee'li nd firsM'a-w denial oixa-ft-"vifvriiTso-cideadtmn- Isteix' 1 wtien te-jiro-.i. n.vws iuvj ".' om'oein Parrisli &Co.'lnkk b'oete.'; Uesi fient tlrt honse sonlh of Congregational tb'iirch, front lnjr on court house block. . A Ibany, Jnly 2, 1STCW3 . A lAi AST' ROOirSTOlSE. Italliriti In 1S5S. , E, A. Freeland, EALER ! IX -EVERY ; Aiap iiooka imixaleci OF ...i.ii.-i-ntTt hoous. senooi inn,. blank lK-ks, slationcry. to order at short not ice. AJUiny, lefl. 8, Id"J. - 7 ILL EXDE WOR TO stantly on hand a lull supply 01 ALL Sil-VIW F JLEATS, BIAUUSIIiCLI M-UJION. . ' , . f . : TEXT "THE HEN SCRATCHES WHERE fUE EXPECTS' TO FIX1 A HCO,"' the mxkerv, the e:i of that wonl when mnerv. and Woe lor. and sin iler luoiltcr saw bleared eyes l;ri lived wilii the Hunhcr say? She drage sickei ling ex itei ic gnsg, sonietnnes st As for Al::g. the ceetliiiff bitterness it means want, .and, ahd rags, ami s.pul- the Bhot?-;. ler itencd. An aunt JdVtd, did I on a miserable, sometimes beir- irvuig. two women knew not what to make of her conduct. She had brought them A little loaf of bread but could not eat. herself. What ails the younir one.?' hex mother .said, at 1 the bottom remnant of heri WIi" h will be of the very bci qnality. The highest market price paid for beeves, 1ioj;s an' rtic?. "'bird door west of Fcrnvon south fide of First street. J. U II ARRIS & CO. Albany, Pee. i:, H70-15VS KEA X. ESTATE & IKS flSAXCI AOiTST, ALBANY, OREGOX. T EXTS COLLECT E PAX I T A XES PAII lib tor non-resi lents ana others, makm out real estate papers, etc. above telegraph otrk e. Oltieeone door o(Jv3 Albany CtUcgia$c Institute, ALIMSY, CItEt'OX. j rpins IXSTITCTIOX WILL TIEOPEN OX JL Monday, Septmler 4, Is7t, w it h a corps of teachers' capable and oarnext. Infrac tion wiil be ihoronh and practical, and the system of order unsnriiassttd. Forpar ticu!arsaddnss R. K. WARREX. A. M., President ; Or, Rev. E. R. (1EAUY, I. P., AlDi.ny. K. II. CKA2TOR- : " " K. r'irUJIPTIRKV. ;. - jsotarj Public CItAXOSI ' & Mt-'SIZiSS EY, Attorneys and Counsellors at Liv, ALBAXY, OREGOX. Ofliee In Parrisli brick, up stairs. Cvl TliC E3-C8 ! ITls c 5 Ears ! Oeullsi ancri Acvist, Albany, Oregon. optbahaio doctor, . Golden' has had "--3 ci in treat ins? ttferTji TTwR. OOLPEX.-IS A J n of, the looted old S. O. Ir. ex;erien 1 he various disefhses t( w ltich the eye and ear 0 re snhjeet, an d feels conddent of frivlng entire satisfaction to ttiose whonay rdace themselves under his care. :- . .... , April is, O'J. KEW STYSLE PICTURES. T AM PREPARED TO P,0 AIX KIXBS I of tnrninar ; keep On Iiaud .'ind make to ofler rawhlde-'wttotuod chairs, and spin ning wheels. . ?ho near the Liornoiia llills. ' ; , JOHN Jl. lD5TjtlEE.11, jldlmnj. J"oy. , -.J'-i ,.; ; . , ,, -, ..... . T II E " HE M B It AN D T " rS THE MOST POPULAR BTYLE OF t)hoosrapli now made. Call an 1 see Jin. A. J. WJXTER, Albany. ill - A-L.ISAXY DATII BIOUSE." mnK UXP1JRSIONEP WOULP RE I finectfullj'infornilhecitizensof Albauy nnd vicinity that he has taken charge of this establishment, and by keeping clean rooms and pavlnpr strict attention to busi ness exacts tb snit all those who may fa. vSWm with tieir patronage. ; Having heretofore carriedon nothing but Firt-,lss llwir Iresinsr Saloons, IT voect9 to Ri entire satisfaction to ill Cldren'san'JJUulles' hair neatly cut JOSEPH WEBBEE. incut of song? 1 'recently a swar:h- hiokmgboy, an Italian, came along, No, tfu girl wa not happy. . I'pwent the t'oubieil fi-ts, and oaihs and curses rolled from her round, full, red lip She eon u not have known tne mean ing of the word. Shut up. vou whelp. ; cried a grea-3 ragged-looking man who wa: parsing. The girl turned sharply -ou him hi e; your tonu to vour.seh, or you'll ge t a sling of mud." .fust then toe "little Italidii saw that the apple street, so 1 started oft". - ' Tliicf ! Thief him!" I-p came. a policeman. The tramp gathen d from holes, reeling and shout ing. 1 wo boy began to thrht : all the street wa howlinsr. Mag that was the twirl's name, and she had no other that she knew of .stood looking, exultant, after the liv ing thief, j low her face workeu ! t'.'hat posil;ilitie of lieauty lay hid den under tho'e. unformed features! Poor chi.'d, soiled boilj- and soul! Presently she, too, began to rim, and iu-t at that moment a plain looking. well dressed man was turning out of an alley. .Mag struck again'- him, ami the violence of the recoil threw her down.- ' iler forehead, corning in con tact with a sharp stone, wa cut badly. She d'nl not care tor that, but darted a look of fury tit the man, who now bent over her. My poor child !" he exclaimed in accents of the tendeuvt pity. "I'm afraid you are very much hurt.". Mag 'looked up. A strip of blue sky between the lifthy houses for the time arrested her attention. ; It must have been because ef the pitying voice. - r . , , . "Are you very much hurt, dear?" "Dear!" Was Magliitening,' and in her right senses? : "Oh no; "taint xiotbin" she said,, with a coarse laugh, but the blood ran freely and frightened him. Jlerp, come this way,"." he said and took her hand, leading her down the street to a shop. Tnere he liad the wound dressc-d, and it was curious to see the grim of miwashod dirt t!iap-i pear, tiiljike thtit btrip of blue fcky, something iu the chikr face seemed to tell of possible purity and beauty. Then a pit:ce of plaster was placed over the wound and 4the doctor her sometliinsr for. her lur head. The good man paid him, and the two went but. ' ' The girl eyed, her new friend with shame and hnlf-dUtrustful glances. , -.: "1 think I've got a pair of shoes that will tit you, in here," he -said, and took her into a place tlit looked some thing like a .clothing ".shoi.,- Then he found the shoes. , , , "Do you like them?" he asked, as she stood up in them. ' f " . V v . Xo, sir; they are queer to my feet, " she said, -faintly 1 ' rait you will wear them, won't you? Jts getting cold weather no W, and besides you are too large to go without shoes." , I Her great eyes sought hiv! At that moment tlie T soul ia them i startled llilll. rl-J' -i'i -':--p ' ..1. " I'll tell yen true, sir," she-salt hur riedly ; 4-my mother'Il put theni shoe? up for lifptor.'i -. - . :" ' The gentleman looked perplexed. . Do you know that a good many women who drink very hard have leen made good aiid sober wme"?ue said-a prayer in hi heart. , ? , -. ;- She shook her head. , ' My mother will have it, sir. ' She don't know what she's doing when she get-iit.". -..,, ;,t.r f. .:.--r--...'f , "And youl ray girl, do yon like it?" "Well, sir and the girl's face fairly flamed, Middlin." ' - '- ' Poor Mag;. ,:. When had. she t had council before, "such as she listened to on that memorable ' day ? '3 She 'shyly folio wetl her new found friend Into a light, pleasant room, wliere were pie ttvreaaud'a piano, and 'girls no older titan herself at fltudy, who seemed very contented ami hapny.-Never,-j itv all her -lifti, had she dreamed 6f sucli po3 sibilkiefi t as, in a confiised' way,inow floated befoto'lieiCmind:!' -WjC ? 1 wisn I wa sullenly : and than One morning h shoes. They were and s wearing wot the woman left. kleatl," said Mag, was all she said. he looked for her tie. Eut cursing uot the remedy He did not sit lirst agonv took such a nothing hi t. Somewhere in soul there was a Sew Ilctioar-. now for evils a tlkey had been liefore. Something restrained her; that feebh Ihckt-rmg ot conscience that the had lightened, fee- distinct Iv felt. ith her basket half s, sue met mm on iru be started, lier "i'in .i tender word ble 1 ideed, but yen One morning v full of cold scrajj liroadway. lorw fact:, llaming wijli sudden liea'uty. notice her. posesion of her and au spirit. it the iorgottcii out- csist can feel, ilut suddenlv some pitying, watehiul ctl i'.imou tlie a run. Why, this is said, going up to girl. heart hi his Yes, sir," she tears changing to smile. unseen angel, t ench ant 1 be turned. Mag, I think," he her. 1 le had that land. replied, '.the coming shoe are she falter- teehng in bright . into had lecn wretel if d been so Why, Mag! O, the' gone." " i to;d you. sir ctl. "Ye, ves: I'isi not blaming vou, my dear." O. if Mag could ha ve gone down on her kuef to him right there on the gay and crowded street ! " " We'll liope J'(r J.etter times," lie said gravely, " What if I should see your motlier ?" I ' "Oh, sir," and her mouth began to work, "she's gone very low, but it's since father died; only since father died." ! " And how long is that ?" "Five years sir, or may 1k more," was the trembling answer. Mag could think of nothing else all day but that he had met" her and had spoken to her. Oh. that one little' tender word! What fruit it was to bear! Mag went homo. Death there before her. Tlie poor. woman, to whom she had nid beautiful a thing, had fallen a drunken covulsjon. 2s o , one was near to help, and there shb 'had died gone forever. ' , " O Miig." sobbed her aunt, broken and frightened at the sight, "let's you and 1 be better than w e have been. 1 couldn't die ro." J r Mag no longer had her mother to keep. Poor child, was it possible for her to mourn much ? ' What had she to remember besides blows, and paths, and cruelty? 1 - 1 She never rested till - she had found her friend- she never t ested till she had found a heaven for herself and her aunt. "- " . " " ; " Willyou believe me when I tell 3-011 that to-day Mag is a beautiful, aye, a refined young lady? that she is teach ing school in' a Wrestern village,' and that all ljiis sprang from one word of tenderness, one -little word of four let cr, which he who had the Heaven shut up in his heart, spoke in an im pulse of tender pity ? , - ; . - ; Do not ho above your business, no matter w hat tliat calling may be, but strive to be the best in that line, lie who turns Mtp his nose f-t. his work, quarrels . Aviiii his bread and butter. He is a lioof smith who quarrels with hi. own sparks '; there is no shame about any honest calling ; don't be afraid of soiling your hands; there is plenty of soap to be. had.? All trades are fod to traders. You cannot get honey if you are' afraid of bees, nor plant com ii'yon ifr afitiid of getting mud on your boots. When we dig lields with a tooth-pick,' blow along with a fan, and grow plumb-cakes in flower-pots, then it will be a nice time tor dandies. --Above' all things avoid laziness. There is plenty to do in this world for every pair of hands, placed upon it,-and ''we- must so Work that tlie world, will be richer .because ot our haviug lived in it. .-.. . f; :; . Fellow si-tr-rs brethren, men, women and children, generally and particularly speaking. You needn't hustle any pages for the text, for it ain't there. It is a special dispensa tion to your appointed pastor ; and he hurls it at. you for what jt is. worth Where the hen scratches there she ex pects to jind a bug. Did -you cotne from the race track' of the world to pa rade your " trotting harness" before the inoek and lowly? Have you dropped the dazzling rattles of busi ness and pleasure to while au id!e hour away, listening to the -mournful mel ody that i. rung by angel hand from the sacn-d harps that hang forgotten 'upon the drooping .willows of morali ty? Or are you 'tinseling for the al mighty dollar? Verily I say unto you, where the hea scratches there she ex pect to lind a bug. "Mv drowsy Nearer, we are si lot of damaged goods, trying to palm eur seives oil' upon each other for more than our market value ; and- the old firm of Time, Death & Co., is doing a heavy commission business upon our sltick in trade. I hear the mallet of death, with its mechanical tap, tap, ! and solid " going, going," and the next minute down it will come down upon some ot your unconcious iieau. and we shall be folded up like tents of the Arab, and as silently borne awajr to the other side of Jordan, whtxe the dry goods man refrains from troubling, and the grocer has nothing to say, anil tlie weary hen ceases fmt 11 scratch ing and the precious bug i found. Jn the mid-t of lite we are in debt, says a nobie prophet, who wa near kin to your beloved pa-tor. If any of you are tempted to tarry in the tavern of life, and fail to settle 5our accounts with your landlord, may tlie text rise un befoi-e you like a fabulous Arabian I hero, only toret from the rough and j tumble giant, and deter vou from that of utter depravitjr .where bummers lead tru-tful Ihmis to scratch up the bugs they devour. Your undivided attention is further solicited to the signification of the text, metaphorically and collectively, in small packages to suit the capacity, from the boy sucking peanut peace fully 0:1 the corner, to the hardened sinner who talks so proudly in your pis-tor's presence. And woe unto vou, voting woman, sea-sawing up the broad aiJe with your new bon- nett and streamers firm, lor your fanev neckcloths go 011 until vou slip ovtx-a I ale. of cotton and are left to drill away over the brimstone sea of national disgrace a hy-wonl and jest thtit you loved not wisely but toj well No beloved, I warn vou now, if you manifest symptoms of such cowardic a has been handed down to vou from high place', the biggest pair of stogv tjoot in tins congregation will rise up m judgment against you. and kick vou out into the' broad road that leads to everlasting ruin. And liuali v, when you cut out the crut from vour brown bread loaf and scraiK? the liard beaiis from the top of noon-tide ixt, if 3011 cut n little, below the crisp for the beggar's ami outcast's portion, your conscience and diges tion will trouble you less : and as 3011 steal out, as some of 3011 v. ill to-night where the silvery moon cf memo3' hangs over the haunted hills of. the past, and bow at some hallowed linger post that ponts the way a broken heart to heaven, may use eternal venture 01 tlie evergreen hope spring up in the ban-en spots trod hard bjrthe busy feet of tlie -absorbing, now,, and bring vou' ' to the sweetness" ot that peace and tenderness of that-love that overflows continually, in deeds and words lor the elevation ot the rag a- nmflins -.who 'march iu the rear, ranks New ineArsic Kittens. A scratch race Monkeys ' A notice of a peal Lightning. Something to boot A foot. The auctioneer's muse "Ibid.' " A volume of love Your blankbook. A "storied bard" The noveliest'a pav. How to get rid of fleas Kill them. A relative beauty A pretty couin. . The waman'se-lub The broomsticks The board of health A plain diet. A bad policy one that has runout. "Case" hardened people Printers. Meantime When one's notefalls due. . Borrowed discourses "Lent sermons. The largest cup of frolic the. hic cup. 1 louse decorations Women. ' A hair'em scare 'em invention Tlie chignon. A woman's berst point Point lace.. Deadlocks Chignon. . liackganmion A lady's waterfall. Burning Vords A dictionary In flames. The dress circle Crinoline. " :i 1 of humanity for ,lh barbarians .arc not all in the ragged hie, but, "many a gem of purest ray serene, wants but a lilting from the tilth to shine. , So mote it Je. Brother Slowfast, circu late the platter for the root of evil, un til if is all rotted out of this place. For verily I'say unto 3011, the hen that scratches here expects to Cud bug. Shell out. , Violent exercise. iseldom. useful; It -was noticed by the early Greeks that ho one who hi early youth .won the prize at the OJi'mpic games ever dis tinguished himself afterward. The, same principle holds good hi regard to overtasking the mental powers in early life. An-, overworked brain, is . the source of soitows hi latter years '.The ex-Emperor -Napoleon's income is stated by a-Gernjan paper to be. 25,-. 000 a year,-which, will be increased tq S(tirj00 bv tltoDrtweedS of the prowrty -".T . ' r-i . 1 - aZ T.i : . ou may enjoy au tneso tmngs 11 reeeutlv sola in j3pain:oy,uie jiiuuress yuit ww, Biyj;euiKi,-' were me goon ma's i tiartnig t woitlis:; ; And xnhPL . hot. Uie evy, heart lesiithing she had always so "Wisconsin has abandoned the. grand1' The School Festival Quarterly magazine, devoted to original matter, for Day School and Sunday School Kxhibitious, and iublio Occasions. The October number of this popular Magazine (which was destroyed by the great Chicago fire, when all ready to mail), has been reprinted, and has just reached 11. As its subscription list was burned, the Publishers request U3 to ask their address,' stating what numbers were 3et due them, and to remit their subscription for next year. Dot all teachers and pupils subscribe now, for the School Festival-they all need It. It cots 011I3- 50 cents a year, in advance, or 15 cents for a single number.; The'. Publishers ,were very heavy losers hy tne great tire, but tlK?y cloirt pi-opose to allow tneir sud scriliers to lose anything. Send by mail, to Alfred L. Sewell & Co., Pub lishers, Chicago, 111. -j i j ' . ; .? 't It is sa.iI that there is ? no plivsi cal sufieriusr' "50 creat as dviiiz from thirst, "r Soldiers on the "battle-field. will risk their lives often in 'crass- ing'an exposed "road ,'cr fpace to get a drink of water. .. .rr,nero . is, no substance that can give . reliefno luxury but' would ,gUifllj', be ex qliapge.4 for a c"i of coM .water 'by oifcjwlto is thus iierisluug.. ? A liiht'to mothers treat your babies The "rest" of the week Sunday. Smoking carriages Engines...... A long staircase (starecase) A tele- "," scoie. - A Hand-to M outh lxtstence That of a dentist. Mere matter of form fitting a dress. A deer" country A stag-nation. A green .grocer One who trusts. The last thing out The gas. Piece makers Seamstresses. . Girl loafers Female bakers. A dead language Obituaries. A match game Incendiarism. Preferred stock That which is best. The modern song of love Cupiditj. The color of a storm Blew. Damaged garments label suits. Steady 011 his pegs A shoemaker Parlor magazines Kerosene-latnp?. Maids of honor Those who do not jilt suitors. ' , i "jialiey" slaves rinter s uevus. A chop for breakfast Hash. The war of measure A line of battle. , I Pleasant checks in life Bank checks. - " v' --' The raw material Undone steak. A head wind A sneeze. To tho.-e who are in pecuniary difll- ' cullies Oct out. " i ' An eccentric chuck Chucking an old maid under the chin. ...... ;. Drawback Toothache."" " Home brood" The children. ' Boston's favorite Jamaica plain. "A dip in the ' briny" Pickled pork. - .v - Something to clialk dpwn The price of milk. On the rise A baker's stock. A "picked nine" The31ue3. 1 low to be wise Drink sage tea. A ery much red Tomatoes and war news. - , Noose-paper-The marriage certifi cate. 1 ' -; ' ' The Aldermen to their dinner Gorge us! A" crack corp The burglars. : ; Doing a heavy business The iron 'dealers. '' Advice to doetors Live and let Jive, ,.; - : ,.', The hciglit of the season Fahren heit. - -i-i-. i -.! - ; : . What auctioneers like to see For bidding countenances, , i A bawl-room The nursery. Steady work Walking 011 the tight" rope. ; Spicy details Statistics of the nut meg State. , . M - The oldest top i 11 the world Moun tain top. . . Wide-awake hats Those without a nap!' ' ; -:'' ' -! High words Dialogue in a bal loon. . Universal topics The.' Rhine and ; tlie rhino. . Contraband of war Hie pipe or peace. . j J he proper beverage ior in 1 it. men Pail ale. Tlie minister of the interior 'Wit- i ties.".'. .. Geometrical figures of the bibulous- Itye-tangles.' : ; , - . The hire class Laborers. ; . , The lore classASeholar's. ;:" Crewel business Worsted work. : ; - A time to run When you are in a hurry, f - To make a hot bed Set the mat tress on fire. . , ,. - Ths best "church service" Matri mony. ' - - ; . 5 Tlie sweetest of strains Trying to lift a prctt girl on a horse. The wav" to raise the wind Fan au ,heires3 at Saratoga -r :, '. fctage carpenters Actors v.ho saw the air and bore the audience. ' " ' n CoutentmentT To sit in the houso , and see other people stuck in the mud. The greatest curiosity in the vorld A woman's '.:' Joint proprietors Butchers. - e In attached couple Oyster-shells; V An obscure life Tlie fly's in am- -K Flat : falsehood Lying on your back.' , "" .. . -. "' '-- Vegetable, philosophy Sage advice Light employment Building cas tles in the air. - The swiftest arm of mil zfeir-f eer viee-The fleet. . - - . v. 1 i j t - KM. ' 'kiacUy-"liut not cordiaWy; ' Some one; feeling that actions are bet- it nam worus, uas said : "We read of the acts of the apostle3, but never of their resolutions." , 1 ! f i TTie Methodists of the country aro going- to raise !f 200,000 for their Chi-. :! etigoijrethren. NewEnglaud liiruisu es 20,000 ' . . iwiiiwrrimftwiiwyMa