The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, November 25, 1871, Image 8

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V .
jpirang .Register,
The uotioa that women are iutelect
mlly inferior to men U onoountering
soine rude fact. Col. Iligginn wiys
that l'rofe.s--pr Whitney 'declared, at
New haven, the other day, that his
best pupil wa a woman, who gradu
ated from Vassal ; and a Harvard pro
fessor tliat the most interesting; Greek
t'lasa he ever r.iimlit was a i-!a.s of
youny ladies connected with Professor,
Agas-i2 school at Cumbrige. Ami
t'lis opinion i -(Corroborated by that" of
aiiv witness competent to testify in the
e.ise. Yet eery little while some
man who can not put half a dozen
sentences toyc-tlitr grammatically xyiil
ivpoat the stale and senseless assertion
that women are inferior to null in
mind. Let women have their mind
And what is required for its culture and
the event will tell whioTi is superior.
The great secret in raising orderly
and tractable annual, lies in treating
them kindly and gently when young.
.A heifer that Ls kicked, roughly treat
and occasionally sheared into wild
ness, will proiwibly make a vicious cow
one that will kick or hook oeeasion
ullj", for she has learned to consider
those who approach her as enemies.
On the 'contrary, one that has never
learned to fear those who feed or at
tend her, will submit to the operation
f milking without resistance, andean
le broken to all the customary duties
fa cow with ease and safety.
Qualities of ti ttooU Collector.
The happiness of a happy wife's
Iieart shines out in her face. She is a
ray of sunlight in the hou-e. She
jrleams all over it. It is airy, and gay,
und graceful, and warm, and welcom
ing with her presence. She is full of
devices and plots, and sweet surprise
for her husband and family. She has
never done with the romance and poet
ry of life. She is herself a lyric poem,
Betting herself to all pure and gracious
melodies. Humble household ways
and duties have for her a golden sig
nitieanee. The prize makes the call
ing high and the end dignities the
means'. Her home is Paradise, not
sinless, not painless, but still a Para-
Cut Tut? Out. tA German forest
keeior, eighty-tivo years old, not
wishing to carry to the. grave an im
portant secret," has published in the
J.eipsie Journal, a receipt he has used
for fifty years, and which, he says,
lias saved severai men and a number
of animals from a horrible death by
hydrophobia. The bite must le bath
ed as soon possible, with warm vinegar
and water, and when this has dried,
a few drops of acid poured upon the
wound will destroy the poison of the
saliva, and relieve the patient from
all present and future danger.
An enthusiastic lady, who takes part
in the religious exercises in the St.
I Amis Central police station Sunday
mornings, told one of the persons she
found there s-he was glad to see him so
ler once, as she could see by his looks
tliat he was then so, and after she liad
spent some little time in urging him to
reform and lead a different life, closed
her discourse, on Ixnnsi informed that
the subject of her solicitude was a
minister who had been invited to as
sist in. the exercises of the day.
An Irishman in battle was not a lit
tle astonished when his eomrad on his
right lost his head by a cannon ball ;
soon his eomrad on his left received a
wound in his hand, and threw down
his gun yelling with pain, when the
Irishman rushed up to him exclaiming
"Blast your soul, you ould woman,
stop your crying,' . for be jabbers, ye
make more noise about it than the
man who lost his head."'
Dr. Johnson once silenced a notori
ous female backbiter, who- was con
demning some ot her friends for paint
ing their cheeks, by the remark that
' it is a far less harmful thing for a
lady to redden her own complexion
tlian to blacken her neighbor'; eliarac
ter. . ." " . .
iVliy are women like churches?
Firstly, bemuse there's no living with
out one; secondly, because there is
juauy a-spire to them; thirdly, lastly,
but hy no means leastly, because they
have a loud clapper in their upper story-.
' :
i ' ; I
vA Correspondent wants to know the
lest way to become, a literary man.
Well, the quickest way is for him to
take a short voyage to. sea. lie will
then very likely become a contributor
to the Atlantic.
Several ottlie medical institutions in
lAuisviile. Kentukey, are already lay
ins; in a supply of subjects for dissec
tion next winter One of them. has a
tock of thirty bodies salted down in a
arge vat. - - " - " ,
About-two-- weeks ago a fire broke
out in the city of" Chicago, which de
Mroyed' property valued 'at-two hund
red millions of-dollars, and between
lour and live hundred, lives. - ;
JLeave you, my friend," said a demoralized-rooster,,
clinging to a larap-po.-t
on a. dark ; night, " leave you in a
ndition not to take care of yourself?
Hie, nev.ol' boj'j.nev'; . ':
Deane Swift said : :'. It is with nar-row-sonled
"people as it is with narrow
necked bottler the less they have in
them, the more noise, they- make in
pouring it out. '
Uullet wa.3- the -name of the "English
tudjre who decided tliat a man might
beat his wife with a stick the size of
his thumb.
Compulsory gratuitous education
i has received favor from the Council
' General of, the Department of.- the.
Seine, in. Prance.
Is on time to a minute when the
debtor says "come to-morrow at
0 o'clock."
Sits on the stops an.l waits his
return when lie says, "I am just
going to dinner."
Insists on stepping out to make
change when the man "has nothing
less than a twenty."
Will go to an "old stager" every
day for a moi.tli with a cheerful
countenance "about that little ac
count." -
Doesn't mind edging into a crowd
to ask a fellow. t
Will take a dollar in part if lie
can't get ten in whole, and "credit
it" with thankful alacrity.
Always suggests a cheek when
the monev is not in hand, as he can
get it "cashed" to-morrow.
Always, lias that account "on
top" so the man can make no ex-
case for putting him oil.
Don't mind asking for it imme
diately after being "treated" or
pleasantly entertained.
Is never in a hurry can wait till
you get through."
Cuts oil' the retreat of the. dodger
by crossing over to meet him, vr
follows liim into a store where he
goes to hide.
Can cough or salute when the
"hard case" wants to pass without
seeing him.
In fine is patient as a post,
cheerful as a duck, sociable as a
ilea, bold as a lion, wearher-prbot'
as a rubber, cunning as a fox, and
watchful as a sparrow-hawk. Co-
J kl I tor's Kauctitm.
J.nt? Hoitri.
If you want to make the ruin of
a child sure, give him liberty after
dark. You cannot do anything
nearer to insure his total ruin than
to let him have liberty to go where
he will without restraint. After
dark ho will be sure to get into
communication with people that
will undermine all his good quali
ties. I do not like to sieak to par
ents about their children. Their
child cannot, will not lie, when his
tongue is like a -bended bow ; he
will not drink, Avhen there is not a
saloon within a mile of his father's
house where he isnotas well known
as its own decanters ; he ne ver" does
iniquitous things, when he is reek
ing in tilth. Nineteen out of every
twenty allowed perfect freedom at
night will be wounded by it. There
is nothing more important than for
a child to l)C at home at night, or,
if he is abroad, you should le with
him. If he is to see any sights or
take any pleasure, there is nothing
that he should see that you should
nov see with him. It is not merely
that the child should be broken
down, but there are thoughts that
never ought to find passage into a
man's brain. As an eel, if he wig
gle across your carpet, will leave
his slime, which no amount of
brushing can ever
ellace, so
Nothins can tend mora to the. health
of the body than the tranquility of
iimiu, auu nue. regulation, or the pa&r
California boasts the -largest orchard
in ttie wonu. it 'contains 425 acres,
and over 75, 000. ft-uit trees.,
are thoughts that never can be got
rid of, once permitted to enter ; and
there are individuals going around
with obscene books and pictures,
tliat will leave ideas in the mind ot
your child that will i.ever he effac
ed. I do not believe in a child's
seeing life, as it is called, with all its
damnable lust and wickedness, to
have all his imagination set on fire
with the flames or hell. JS obouy
goes through this tire but thev are
burned, and they can't get rid of
the Bears.
What iik was good foil
f71of rir trvit r'wwl -fii V" cowl o
gentleman to a little boy.
"Good to make a man of," was
the prompt, appropriate and signifi
cant reply.
A bright boy that. c have
known some boys who thought it
manly to smoke the stumps of old
cigars, or to swear, or to bet. But
though some men do these things,
there is nothing manly in them ;
they are bad habits,all of them and
boys ought to set the men a better1
Chief Justice Chase wears a gold
dollar attached as a charm to his
watch-guard. lie says: "I put
that on my watch-guard when I
issued the first greenbacks, intend
ing to keep it there till greenbacks
was good as it was. I wore it for
a long time, and things looked so
bad tliat I began to despair of ever
realizing my expectation. So I put
it away locked it out of sight.
After a while a change came for the
better, and I took it out once more ;
but I begiu, to be afraid 'that I'll
have to lock it up again." t '
"The champion sardine-eater-of .the
world - is t)ie . editor- of the Auburn
Daily Adctiner, lie saj?, "We pay
nearly. $4,QOQ00Q annually to, France
for sardines." . t ; :
Wuat Ails BEVERiDOE.-The Low
ell Courier objects to General Bever
ide; as Congressman at large for Illi
nois, on the ground that beverages are
generally drunk. ; :-: ,.,.;.;!: ;v.,-;., ,-, j ;;.;
--.. r.-r::-; - - -v' f .
, A dentist's offilce Unot improperly
called his drawing room,
The Philadelphia Dispatch perpe
trates the following : i
"A week or two ago. one of our re
porters had occasion to refer to a cer
tain woman, whom we will call Han
nah Smith, as a denizen of the Elev
enth Ward. A day or two afterward
a huge man entered the oftice with
his brow clothed with thunder.- In his
hand he carried a fearful club, and at
his side trotted a bull-dog whom hun
ger had made , desperate. With that
ijuick appreciation of the situation
which is creditable to the superior in
telligence of educated men. the editor
of this paper ami the proprietors darted
to the winuow, clinu-d out, sua clown
the lightning-rod, and Went across the
street to watch the bloody fray through
a spy-glass. Witli the fearlessness of
concious innocence, we sat still, merely
insert mi our legs in two .sections of j
stovepipe, to guard against misappre
hension of facts on the part of the buil
dog. The inanAvith the clubapproacli
eil. ' '
"Are you the editor?" he asked,
spitting on his hand and grasping his
club. Wo told him the editor was out;
that he had gone to the North Pole
with Captain 'Hall, and that be would
not return before 1S7, in time for the
"Are you the proprietor '?" asktd
the man.
We explained to him that we were
not ; that the proprietor. were also
out; that they had gone to South
America for the purpose of investigat
ing the curative powers of cuudt: range,
and they expected to remain there for
several years.
Well, whoever you are," exclaim
ed the warrior, ". my name is Smith I"'
We. told him we were glad; treatise,
if there was one thing better than the
possession of the nameot Smith, it was
the privilege of knowing a man by
that name.
"But, Smith,'" we said, "why tin
battle array i it is absurd for a man
to put on the panoply of war and frisk
into editor's sanctums, fumbling a club
and .accompanied by a disheartening
bull-dog, simply becau-e his name hap
pens to be Smith. "'
He said he called in to bmvt the
head of the man who had insulted his
sister. .
" It is impossible, Smith, -that such
a thing could have been done by any
one in this o!iiee."
. Is it? but it was, though ; and her
name was published, too Miss Smith
Miss Hannah Smith."
May we bo. permitted to inquire,
Mr. Smith, what was the precise char
acter of the atl'ront oiiercd to Han
nah?" " Well, j-on see," said Smith, "the
blackguard said she was a denizen.
And 1 want you to understand," ex
claimed Smit h, becoming excited, and
brandishing his club in a wild manner
over our head, while the bull-dog ad-,
vanced and commenced to sniff upand
down our stovepipe, "I want you to
understand that she is a decent young
woman, with a good character, anil
none of your denizens and such truck.
The man who says she is a denizen,- is
a blackguard and thiet. and I'll smash
him over the nose if I get a chance.
They may say what they please about
me, but the man who abuses my sister
has got to sutler." ' And Smith struck
the table in a violent manner with his
club, while the .bull-dog put his fore
legs on the back of ourchair.
"ve pacified Smith with the diction
ary. We pointed out to that raging
warrior that the Websterian delinftion
of the word "denizen". give's such a
person an unoH'cnding character, and
deprives the term of anything like n
proach. Smith said he was satisfied,
shook our hand, and kicked the bull
dog down stairs. The editor and pro
prietors, seeing that all was safe, im
mediately climbed the lightning-rod,
and soon appeared at the window,
where thej were introduced to Smith,'
with the remark that they had re
turned from the North Pole ami the
clime of the cundurangosomewhafcun
expeefedly, in order to surprise tiieir
And now we suppose Smith will be
mad because we have told this story
about him, and he will Ie coming
down to. interview us again in war's
magnificent, stern array, with a fresh
bull-dog. But it will be in vain. We.
have rented an office in the top of the
shot-tower, and have planted torpe
does and spring-guns all the way up
the stairs. We warn this incendiary
Kmith to beware.. .
Mr. Beecher's publishers give the
following interesting statements of his
habits of composition. He writes with
inconceivable rapidity, in a large,
sprawling hand, lines wide apart, ami
words so thinly scattered about that
some of his pages remind one of the
famous description of a page of Na
poleon's manuscript a scratch, a blot
and.a splutter. , Writing so hastily,
he writes with some inaccuracy, and
as he finds correction very irksome, he
hands his manuscript over to some one
familiar with his handwriting, to be
prepared for thejn-ess. It is then set
up, the rough proof corrected, and a
lair revise handed to the author. This
he reads with extreme"enre, and makes
so many corrections, erasures and ad
ditions, that it is sometimes cheaper
and less laborious to reset the whole
than to "correct" from his proofs". A
second proof is then prepared for him,
and sometimes a third and a fourth Ihj
fore his critical judgment is satisfied
and a stereory per is allowed to cast the
plates. It will be noticed that in the:
preperation of copy Mr. Beecher's
habits are directly opposite to those of
Mr. Greeley," who prepares his copy
With great care. punctuating" every
sentence, marking every capital let
ter and paragraph, and in short com
pleting his work before It leaves his
hands. The compositor and proof
reader liave only to follow copy to be
sure of coming out right. ' Mr.' Bee
cher's impetuous temperament rebels
against such laborious finish. '
What Sham. That IJoy Do !
Who will tell the toy who reads
this what he will do ? When lie
becomes a man will lie do many
things'? Will lie read and so be
intelligent ? Will ho write, and so
bo useful and healthful hi speech,
realy in communication and of
strong influence? b-ay, my boy,
what arc you going to do ? What
you like to do now, you will he
likely to do by-and-by. Do you
swoar now ? Do you cheat,'-"deceive,
lie, steal ? Do you do dis
honorable things? Are you dis-.
respectful to, or do you disolxjy
your parents and teachers? Ke
niember the boy makes the man.
If the boy is bad the man will le.
Fix it in your mind which you will
Agents Wanted.
The Oxia- Turxc Mr. Thaek-
eraysaid the drollest thing he heard
while m tins country, and .most char
acteristic American, was the remark
of a New Yorker: "()l have no
objections to Kngland, Air. Thack
eray ; the only tiling I should be
afraid of would be to go out at
night there, lest f might step- oil'."
Subscribe for the I'ixjistki:.
liAUiJW AltE.
X K W V I It JM !
W. 55. SiUSIX & CO.
Have just ivcciv(i a l:u? and well sulect-
t-vl !.H-1.' of
HAK X "WAR 32 9
Such JV5
Farmers' & Mechanics' Tools,
; lows, h:ii:imt!rs, siclye.-, saws, pianes,
ci-osd cut ami mill saws; tourc'ther -with a
Nai'.ts, springs, axles, thimble-skoir.s, l;olts.
s, sipriiijjfH, axles, tliimltlt;-:
1 etc., etc., etc.
A Mill .NS-1M'1 1 SlOV3k Of
AViioii Timbei,
. '' SSJ4ES, HU25S,;
Bent runs, slnifls, poles, hickory axles, etc.
All of which are now olloreil to the pub
lic at low in if. As we make tin? business
a specialty, we can and will keep a better
as-ortmeiir, at lower prices, than any
house in this etty.
Also receiving and opening, a largo and
spieiitiid iissortuient of
Wliich we offer at i-edueed rates.
W. II. KUI1X & CO.,
Monteith tire-proof brick,. First street,
ilaich 12, 7J7
Ileal Estate Erokcrs and
Washington. iiid Its Public Build
ings, tiiounils aiul Statuarjr.
V ith a diai-.un of the House of liepre-sent.-n
i ves and Senate ol the L' nite.l Slafes,
thin y-live steel eiigitivin.L's, and eiffhty
pui;es of dest.ription and hisvofieal reading
A .sample f this fuiwl tcm'rlxMjk will be fieut
to those wishing to act as agents, tor two
dollars, and li ve stanips for return K.stage.
The Greatest Cabinet of Ilirds, Anl
liialsand Icptlles,hotli Native and
loreign. ever published. .
Tli is t!le..'in voluma contains ovr onr
humlr&l crkoml jilat-j, and is a book needed
and useful in every lainily. It Is of large
size and handsomely bound. A sample of
this work will Imj sent to thos w'no desire
to act us aenis for three dollars and live
stamps for ret urn postage.
Of new books, any one of which we will
send for one They are all bound
and illustrated. !
ICO pictures.
Art of inaivr
10'JO tricks
J. C. JIE-VDESIMil,, Aseii t.
Tradition says that ' Governor Dorr
drew up liis little army on the hill, and,
pointing to jhe advance of the State
troops, urged, his meti to fight till they
coiUu ficrht no longer i': and if com
pelled to retreat, to go back in good
order auamg in a low voice, , as ne
saw the troops approaching : ."As I
am a little lame, I guess I will go
npw." .
T iron. EstalHshelJiilv, 1W. . Anoitice
where genera! information ncerninthe
resoureen of Oregon can be obtained free
of charge.
. Loans negotiated on tirt mortra,e. real
estate and collateral securities. We have
for sale a larjye amount of property locat ed
in 1 he town of Albany. Also, "farming
lands, of e veiy descript ion, located in Linn
and other counties in this Suite.
To Use CStiaens of Albany,
And vicinity, and to the owners of real es
tate: We take this method of calling vour
attention to our place of business. " Hav
ing determined to open a branch office in
your city, we can offer you a medium for
obtaining purchasersoiio that is appre
ciated by buyers, us it saves them much
time and labor in searching for what they
want. Our principal tureiiey, at Portland,
Oregon, is thoroughly established, and the
ottice so well tarnished for giving informa
tion upon real estate that it aifords the
most complete facilities for all parties hav
ing business in our line.
You incur no expense in placing your
property on sale with us unless a sale is
Olhee, First street, near telegraph office.
JOHN' C. M EN DION 1 1 ALL, Agent.
Albany, IVUireh 70--2:)v5! f
IJook of 500 Puzzles.
Courtship made tOasy.
iug love.
How (Gamblers Win.
with cards. ,
". Vor'uuc Teller and Dream Hook.
Horse Taming. r ;i j
How to Play PoTier to Win.
How io Mix SOO Drinks. "Piice
$:$ 60.
The Art of tetter Writing.
Secrets Worlli Knuwiug.
A guide to the manufacture of medi
cuies, ierfuinery, soaps, dyes, wines, cor
dials, lieverages; mamilacturera
secrets, and many others.
Kojjues and Kogueries.
Ventriloquism Made Easy.
JSaae ISall Dook.
M'e have in pwss a large list of books for
the holidays.
All communications must be addressed,
Washington IuMls!-.iiig- f'oitipanyf
JK-k box 1S3, Washington, I). I).
7v4 .- . ,
C - - 6,666 - - R
T t the public with neat turnouts in the
way of - -,'J
Stylisli IJiiKKies and 'irrfnres nutl
I'ast MoeSi, .
On the most reasonable terms. Our li vert
is all new, and of the latest styles, and wo"
shall take pride in givinpr our pjitronu as
ueat and reliable an outfit aa can be ob
tained in the State.
Horses boarded at reasonable rates, by
the week or month. t
Hacks and carriages furnished, for par-
j : A sluire of public mtronage is Bolieited.
-: Albany, Doe, 17, 1;570-15
At Slicdds Station,
ffvain on antl after August 13, 1871.
Will bo furnished with cleaning and ele
vatins? machinery of the most approved
construction.. Sacks will be furnished, and
the highest Albany prices will be paid, in
. asli for Ciraliii of All Kinds, ; t
; Terms for storage, etc., made known on
"application at the warehouse.
8v4am3 ALMON WHEELER, Lessee.
SixTho asaiiu SiiHaMrei & Sixty-six
Standard Recciiiti,
Selected from .
The Dest French, English, Rus
sian, Japanese and American
Of asSinf?ton, I. C,
their, celebrated comnnnmix.
wul send the receipts! so that any person
can make t heir own couipouud,aud. retain
tlie formula. The Cuininuiv'a circular con
Compounds of the above, or any other
desired, will be stmt for one dollKr for one
article ; or two will be sent for I 50. Re
ceipts for compounding, with f nU direc
tions, 50 cents each, or three for $1. ,-'
If you want to know how to make Bour
bon, apple, lrish,Seotch, wheat or sorghu m
whisky ; 'blackberry, cherrjv cognac, Kin-
ger, peach and rasplx!iTy brandy; sixteen
mas. or vinegar i oiuck, U4u "v
. i int.. 1,1. . awa. nrtri ttTWtY'k'
ling i fourteen kintis of beer; blacking j in
paste and liquid, for harness, can iagesand
ii iri,ia ,r ithDr ; rtve bur. in every shade
and color; Bhavmg amftio promoio
growth of hair; varnishes of twelve vari
eties, and every other compound ta.gen
eml use, send fifty cents and stamp for , re-
"tJIi Rood warranted as represented.
Send stamp for circular. All communi
cations must be addressed to (.j j:;.! . J
Eureka lOuponnuiDK
fjuricr .In Allmaiy
no threatening of it at present. :
"'"- Ucsitli
I a thinar which someiime miit befall
every son and dauglnerof the human fam
ily ; and yei , , .
At Uae 3'2il-Iay, .' " :
Of your iifc,.if dieae lays Ids vile hand
upon you, there ! HMli il balm in (Jilead,''
Ty which you may be rstored to perfect i
health, and prolong your duystouuiiracu
ious extent.
Et.. . HSLL . & SOX,
With a rrveriTt1on, where you can have
.it compovmded by one exrierieneed in t bat.
liari ieular lino. Also, c-osiS' ant ly on hand
a frond a-4ortment of fre-di drus, patent
mediines chemical-,- jMiints, oiLs, dye-.
tul&, trusses, etc. Agents for the
Celebrates Un Ik Weed leiHcty,
Or. Oiecron Rheutnatic Cure; Dr. D. Jayno
& Sons' medicines, etc.
Speuce's I'ositive and Negative Powders
kept in stock. Also ugeu is lor the '
Ifomc Miuttle 'Saclaicie,
One of the uiost useful pieces of hoMsehoM
tarni'ure extant. Ca!l and exauiine.
Albany, June 10, 71-I0va
31 acliine Shop,
A. F. CTIIEIiSiY IToprlctor,
Manufactures Sicam Eiigincs,
E-'lowr and Saw. 53211 I?2ntIiiai-
And -
; And all kinds of ; , ,
Portieuiar attention paid to repairing all
kidds of machinery. . 41v8
The Great Medical Discovery I
Hundreds of Thoiasands ol",.
Bear testimony to their Wonder- p b
f ul Curative Effects. rS 3
3 -
V- st'-ifrffe4- -
lloom No. 22X May's buildlngr; '
Washington, 1. C.
VLaAa of Poor Kam, Whiskey, Proi.l
Spirits nndltefuse Liquor doctored.splceil
and sweetened to please; the taste, callod "Tou
ics,"" Appetizers," " nestorers," ic, that leal
the tippler on to drunkenness and rola, but are
i trao Medicine, made from tlieKativo Koota aii l
Herbs of Californle, free frim nil Alcoiwlio
Stimulnnts. Thoy arc the tilt KAT I-OOI
CIPLE a perfect Innovator and Invlgorator of
the System, carrying off all poisonous matter an J
restoring tho blood to a hcaltby condition. Xo
person caa take tUcao Bitters according to direc
tion and remain long unwell.
For Inflammatory nnd Chronic IMseu
untlam nod CSout, lypcriin. or lnl!
gcatioo, Bilfonn, Ilcinillciit and Inter-,
mlttent Fevers Iisennei of tho Blood
liver. Kidneys, a nil Bladder, these Bit
ters have- been most successful. 8acU
eanes aro Caused by Vitiated Blood, wliich
is generally produced by dcranjeaient of k
Biaetulve Orerann.
Headache. Pain In th3 Shoulders, CoaKha. Tight
nets of the Chest. Dizziness, Soar jEractations o
the Stomach, Bad taste la the Motfth Bilious At
tacks, Palpitation of the Iieart, Inflammation ol
tho Lungs. Pain " thercgions of tiio Kldneys.aad
a hundred other painful symptoms, are tlio oi
springs of Dyspepsia-. .... ;
They inrigorato the Stomach and stimulate tho
torpid liver and bowels, which rondar them of un
equalled efficacy la cleansing th blood of all
Impurities, and imparting new Ufa and vigor to
the whole system. .'
rOB.81i.lN IS"EAS4ES,Eruptlons,Tetter,
Calt Rheum , Blotches. Spots, Pimples, Pustules.
Boils, Carbuncles, JRing-Worms, Scald-Head, Bora
Eyes, Erysipelas, I tc'i. Scurfs, Dlscoloratlons o
the Skin, Humors and Diseases' Of the Skin, ot
whatever name or nature, aro literally dug up
and carried out of tho system in a short time by
tho use of theso Bitters..'. One. bottle, la sacl
cases will convince tlie most incredulous of theix
CpratlTe effects, ---v X. -
, . Cleanse tho Vitiated Blood whenever yoa find
its Impurities burnt, ng through tho ski a In Plnv
pies, Eruptions or Sorest cleanse it when you
find it , obstructed and - sluggish in the veins t
cleanse it when It is foul, and your feelings" will
tell you when. Keep the blood pare and the
health of the system will follow.1
. PIN, TAPE and other WORMS, lurking la
the system of so many thousands, are effectually '
destroyed and removed. For full directions, read
carefully the circular around each bottle. :
J.WAIKEK, Proprietor. , R. H. McDOKALD a)
CO., Drnggtats and Gen. Agents. Ban Franchtca
Caland 82 and SI Commerce Street; Kev Torlc