The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, November 25, 1871, Image 7

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    SAT IT II DAY, NOV. 25, 1SH.
Ir. N. OOlcinl Ia;t'r for OrOftui.
Result ol Example.
T3se ItiiMNlait 1'riiny.
California encouraged her citizens
to gamble by legalizing lotteries,
and Las sutlered the legitimate
fruits of such an evil example in the
numerous swindling lottery fehomes
; which have been gullii g her people,
Vow VmVf ,.',.,. i t and others, under the (semblance of
-ew 1 01 k tvi" manv weeks lias; '
li-w.1. nnt-;,-.;.,-f .. ! law, and backed by her precedent,
been making great preparations lor , ,
i .-v-nvvt; " -n i She discovered her error, ana is
the loception of Prince Alexis of . , . '
just now engaged m endeavoring
to enforce the law against lotteries
in San Francisco, by prosecuting
those who were engaged in the ra
cei it lottery there. I Jeeause she did
wrong in th.e past is no reason why
she should not do right now, of
comve,iid Ave are glad she is en
deavoring to correct the great evils
which have resulted from so bad an
example : but how much better it
liussia. No fooner was it a.i
mmi eed that this son of royalty
woidd vh-lt New York, than th.e
i:ote of preparation legan. A
house was remodeled and furnished
in most Kusslan royal style. Ad
miral Koweu and his American
squadron, the committee-of arrange
ments, and preparations, and fix
ings, Availed patently and patient-
Iv. with their aivxio?is fivuvtnut. i
eVcs turned reaward, until at iat 1 would have Ix-en had the precedent
their faithful vigil' Avas rewarded, "over.l.wn set.
The Grand Duke hove in siht, or ! Washington Territory should
rather the fixate Svellan, that held j t:ike this vxam l!lto MMwnM cutu
,., . . . ' . , i slderation Ik4 fore they consummate
hni, u!'l. i his was last Saturday. .
. ,i i r i ' tlieir gambling pchctuc.
V I V. V , ' I V .V , V 1 .A t. I V A 111. j
vehan, approached the American j
sjuadron at the I lorse-s'ioe, he, or
rather she, tired a salute of twenty
one guns. Then the Congress, Sev
ern, ! -quois and Kansas saluted
back, dipping their colors to the
young royal Russian Bear, as he, or
rather the frigate he was in, passed
to anchorage. The dispatch Ave
I.ave bc'bre us now, leaves him out
there in the h'ay, anchored, or rath
er th.e Svellan is, and he is in her.
Collector Murphy, of Xew York,
for whose continuance in otlice
President I rant haslecn so grossly
abused by the Democracy, to save
the President from further Aituper
ation and slander, has resigned, and
Chester A. Arthur has been ap
pointed to li 1 1 the vacancy. The
President, in reoly to 3 ir. Murphy's
letter ol resignation, savs that u.i-
The dispatch savs he is tall, strongly j dcrhi administration the revenues
built, and has the a-rot a gentle'-j 'ftlie Now York Custom-house
man : has a clear complexion, light ! liave "vased, ai.d
l air. Avh inkers, and blue eyes; he
English fluently, but is
thought to preK-r French. Xo re
tention formalities Avere offered to
him on Sunday, and like a good
royal Pear, he staid all day onboard
Lis A'essel.
I ater dis Pitches inln-m us that
on Monday it rained and prevented
the grand reception from taking
place. Hence the Grand Btike
had to stay on his A essel a day
longer. On Tuesday, howeAer,the
Aveathcr god Avas propitious, and
the reception took place. Afccr
considerable ceremony and prepara
tion, lasting from cleA'en o'clock
A. 31., until half past one o'clock
P. 31., the Peceptkm Committee,
and live hundred others, landed him
amid the roar of . cannon and the
deaiening shouts of Aveleome from
innumerable Xew York lungs. He
took a seat in. a barouche, he did,
and there he Avas, looking as'ince as
he could be in a magnificent uintorm
general officer of the Russian
rrmr. AS lie passeu up iroau-
Avay, ast crowds cheered Jiim at
every step ; the military presented
arms, dipped their colors, played
their bands, and the ladies at the
windoAvs AvaiA'ed their cambrics,
and we expect the Duke felt awful
nice. 3Ve hope"' young 3Ir. Alexis
of Russia inay have a good time
while he is visiting Uncle Sam, and
go home to the family nest, much
S ...
The total demoralization of the
Democratic party renders it al
most certain that the next nominee
of the. Republican party for Presi
dent will be elected. We say al
most certain, because a possible cou
tingeiicy mightarise,. which, would
mrperil the success of the party.
Left to a square issue between the
parties as they exist now, the event
is without question a great Repub
lican triumph. -
"Ablush is a sign which Nature
hanss out to 6how where chastity
dwells," has been going the rounds
of all the journals in Oregon, until
we don't believe it. We think it's
a sign of a rush of blood to the head
"nothing more." ;
the cost of collection greatly dimiu
ished, Avhich tacts are shown by
recoi'ds ol'the Tivasury I )epartment.
He coloses u? bv savino-: ""You
! havo inv uiiniiRliiit'il ('Oi.i!(?(Mi'f
ever since you entered the office,
and as that confidence is still un
shaken in accepting your resigna
tion, 1 desire to give you the full
est assurance of the lact that wheth
er A'ou reamain in or out of office,
time will convince the public of
A'our entire innocence of the charges
brought against you."
Turkeys are said to le getting anx
ious, and all they "axis is, let me
They contemplate organizing a
company in .Salem to build a scow
to naA-igate the muddy streets in.
Two Chinamen had a set-to in
Portland last Thursday. " One
knocked the other sprawling and
kicked him twice while on the
sprawl ; for which he shelled out'
$10, to appease offended justice.
The -down express train was dis
placed from the track last Wednes-
nay, near Oregon City. Nobody
slaughtered, or mashed. : , r
Xovkl 3Iarriagks. A New
York correspondent says two rather
novel looking marriages recently
came under his notice. Not long
ago the head ol a -ery old business
firm in the metropolis died. Sooh
after the wife of the other
member of the firm Avas taken
aAvay by death. The surviving
widower with nine unmarried chil
dren has noAV married the surviA'ing
widow with seA'en unmarried chil
dred. The firm is thus jierpetnated
in the family, and sixteen children
are brought into the family fold.
Not loner aro a rich widower
bordering on sixty, Avithout chil
dren, married a Avidow a iew miles
up the Hudson river having thir
teen children, some of the older
ones beins: married. His Avife died
oA-er thirty years ago, and during
that tune he kept aloof from society,
devoting himself entirely to busi
ness. V hen, therefore, he married
into the bosom of a family all of
whose members endeaA'ored to make
it agreeable and pleasant as possi
ble for him, he experienced the most
agreeable emotions and became a
decidedly happy man. The other
day one of Jus acquaintances m Is ew
York, jokingly asked Jin how; ., it
seemed to be surrounded. Avith
thirteen children, all drawing sup
port from him. "I wish to the
Lord there were thirteen more , of
them,", was the immediate reply.
Speedy Gkoaath of Radishes.
In the publication of the Accli
matization Society ot Palermo we
are informed that radishes may be
obtained at any season,' ; and : very
quickly, in the following manner :
The seeds are to be first soaked for
twenty-four hours and then "placed
in bags and. exposed to the sun
They will begin to germinate in
about'twenty-tbur hours, and are
then to be set in a b6x filled, with
well-manured earth $ and moistened
from time to time : with lukewarm
water.- In five or six days the rad
ishes will attain the size of small
onions. To grow radishes in winter
the box is to be placed in a Avarm
cellar, covered with a top, and- the
earth moistened from day to day
with lukewarm water.
When a man commences to go down
hill he finds everything greased for the
oiru WASirixuTox mjtteh.
Washington, Noa 10, 1871.
have become so common of late, that
to give a full recital of them would
fill the columns of your paper. I
therefore can only give a brief syn
opsis of those that haA'e -''occurred
during the past AA'eek. The largest
on? reported involves
I.AUS, and Avas committetl on the "In
dian Home Guard," an organization
composed of Creek, Cherokee and
Seminole Indians, who ser ed in the
late war. A law Avas passed a short
time after the close of the war, to
allow them pay and lounty for their
services. An . agent named J. W.
Wright, was appointed by the In
dians to prosecute their claims be
fore the Departments. When a set
tlement Avas made, Wright got 80
percent., and the Indians tA-enty
percent, ot the lull amount oi tne ,
iay and bounty due. A't'righ.t could
not get rich last enough in this Avay;
uivnig sAvindled the Indians all he
could, he paid his attention to the
loveruuient, and presented ior pay
ment a mimlier of fraudulent claims,
wit li fiilse affidavits, powers of at
torney, and iovged court certili-
ates. Some of the cianm Avere for
leatii, men and ei-sons that never
expected the A'ouchers, and other
kijxts that A.rere on file in tt:e In-
lian llureau, have been stolen since
an iuA cstiixation of the swiiidle. has
een onlereil. This may cover up
i right s raK-auty to a certain ex
tent, but the Department will have
certified coiies from the duplicates
in the pay department made, and
Ktw;liitaiidiii5j; the theft, there is a
chance that justice will be dealt out
to the poor Indian.
right lsA trv Avealthv, and m
ill probability the (Jovtrument Avill
not txi a very heavv loser, lhe
next one repoitetl, inAoles 'about
iou-Acs axi i:k;iity-s"evkx
and was committed iit .3IundsA ille,
West Virginia, by RasilT. Powers,.
a claim agent, it appears this man
has been drawing a pension belong
ing to 31 rs. 3Iargaret Crousvia, a
pensioner of the late Avar, anel ap
propriating the money thus obtain
ed! to his oavu 'private use. 1joavt
ers has been arrested and bouuel
over in the sum of $2,000 to answer.
on the list is Collector. Robb, of
South Carolina, Avho was arrested a
few davs ago in SaA annah, uiion an
indictment of the grand jury ot that
city', for defrauding the Govern
ment; the amount ot his defalcation
is not knoAVii at th.e present Avrit-
Ivryzorieski, fonnerly Supervisor of
Internal Revenue for the States of
Georgia and Florida.' lleAvas sus
pendetl in ' the early part of this
AATeek, and an order issued for his
arrest. The particulars of this man's
rascality has not been made public,
but iiiA-olA'cs many thousand dol
lars. V ho is next?
The seA'eral committee rooms of
this building have been fitted up
and re-carjetcd for the reception of
the lionorables; both chambers have
been put in order, and thejwholo ed
ifice presents a neat and tasty ap
pearance. "Already the hum of
business is quite apparent through
out the entire building. The com
mittees of both Houses are gradually
coming together. The Committee
of Finance in the Senate, has al
ready met, and decided upon the
course to pursue during the coming
session ; a great many changes and
deductions Avill be made in the pres
ent Internal Kevenue. An effort will
be made to haAe salt and coal placed
on the tree list.
During the week the President
made the following, appointments:
Horatio G. Sickle, Pension ascent
at Philadelphia, -ice Forbes re
moved for defalcation. John r II;
Haws, Consul at Hokodadi : Geo,
H. Barker, of Pennsylvania, Minis
ter resident at Constantinople.
The position of Chief will be ten
dered to the : acting Commissioner.
Mr. Douglass, as soon as Congress
meets, inis is an excellent appoint
ment, as Mr. Douglass is well qual
ified, navmg nad two years expe
rience as Deputy ; Commissioner
The Pennsyl yania delearation in
Congress are pressing his claims, and
say their State is entitled to the po-
siuon, as tney nave no uabmet office.
met day before yesterday. The usual
executive business "was transacted.
1 he situation of affairs in the South
Avas discuss'u. xjo ucuiuw conclu
sion was aifived at on this question,
and an early adjournment took
The fountain oferpeturtl youth
discovered at last. It U the baths of
Sehlangea Hid, neir Si-hwallwieh. A
contri ondeiit, vhthveJl knows where
of he writes, asserts most positively
that these Avatersdd have an active and
speedy effect on thd skin. That effect
may he teiniwrarh he admits, but
then tiic application ciin he continual
ly reuewed, and the bath of beauty
taken as regularly as breakfast. This
is the A-entabJe siciievement tliat
Madame liaehel pronii:5etl. but failed
to perforin. She pledged lierselt to
make people beautiful forever," a
power belonging, h appears only to
nature and t!ie aths ot Scblangeii
Bad. Tiiese rentior the sort skm of
youth still more sof'c and lovely ; they
restored some of tl e beauty , of youth
to the skin of the matron." The re
spectable authority we cite declares
that there is no doubt Avhatever that
even a single bath tioes really produce
a certain, '-though temporary," al
teration in the ski.f. One's body ap
pears, he tells us, j
The efiVet is fitmnge and to some
persons may be -pleasing.'.! We cer-t.iiriK-
know of a fftuul manv nelsons
on Aviiota the efVi-H would be p!asing
on oilier scoie rnaij mat -i mere gotxi
looks ; yt-t iiinloiun tuy to a;teriiate
from ;i 'coudit ion of alabaster to one
of Scotch graiute iiniht be attended
with inconveniences. It is ssiid to add
to thedelight of the baths of Heh'angen, li an' not oniv niaKe people, love
ly but supple. Old folks alter ablu
tion in them become as lithe and ac
tive as children. Our correspondent
vouches for this as well : and altogeth
er the fascinations of the ucav Spa,
but for such strong indorsement, Avould
seem rather apocryphal.' It is admit
ted, hoAvever a:id this is
That the waters make tne bathers
rain. 11 icy oiten ;o rnrougn tne ex
perience of Xaivissus Or, atalleA'ents
the lirsfi)art of it. A story in . jioint
is told ol an cIderlAT t rencunitin, who.
when taking 'a buth, Avas overheard
saying to himseif, '"Dmix ces Tmh'-iis na
(Bathing in these, baths make a person
fill m love with himself. ) Our infor
mant sasreh' iKuit3 out that people
ha ve been known to fall iu loAe with
themselA'cs without going to the. baths
of Sehlaugeu Dad ; but this is no mere
sophistication, since the greater the
number ol people avho are maue
beautiful foreAer," thejnvater must
needs be the 'risk of tiie augmentation
of self worship. It is to 'be feared,
howcA er, that - no prudential considera
tion Aiil prevent the spread of the
lame .ot these oaths, and Ave shall,
without nuestion, soon hear of the
Schlangen Bad Avaters at our fashiona
ble chemists and perfumers. They
will be brought oA er and purveyed oy
the bottle, no doubt, and many a .-
iterant belle aa iII blossom forth atresli
iu all the diabolical beauty of youth.
ITow manv modern discoA'eries make
realities of the myths and legends of
anti iuity. Apparently there is hardly
a wonder of the "Arabian Nights"
or the '-.Fairy Jales," but is some
w ay or Another Ave may expect m tne
fullness of time to see become a prac
tical fact, and now that the fountain
of perpetual youth is disco A'ered, the
philosopher's stone will very likely oe
next in order. It we can add to the
faculty of perennial rejuvenation that
of constantly replenishing our purses
so that unchanging lightness of heart
and comeliness of person shall be com
bined with exlia ustless gold Ave ought
apparently to be blest, indeed ; that is
it we could only tonret the experience
ofFaust and Avhat the career of that
aspiring gentleman ended in.
. . -
King Victor Emanuel made a pub
lic entry into Koine on the 21st, and
Avas met at the gate3 by , the heir ap
parent, also Prince Humbert, -Mini
sters of the croAvu and a large body of
the .National Guam. The populace
lined the streets . m irreat numbers,
greeting the King with earnest enthu
The Commissioners on the arbitra
tion of the Alabama claims, it is
stated, Avill assemble at GeneA'a,
Switzerland, on the 12th of December.
Sittings Avill continue all Avinter, as
about rive hundred cases Avill be pre
sented lor consideration.
The Osage (Iowa) ''Press says: "Wed
nesday morning, as Mrs. Pierce Avas
preparing . some ejjgs to be used in
cakes, she. waa somewhat surprised,
upon breaking the second one into the
teacup, AvheH she. saAA the contents.
There Avere severalJarge pieces of liv
er, looking as though they: had been
cut up in square pieces and fed to the
hen, Avhieli AA-ere snugly encompassed
in one end of the egg. Tne question
is, how did these piece3 of liver come
to- be in the egg i . The egg was per
fectly sound and fresh."
- . : - ., , , , . , -9-
Tn San Vra.nfis0- some, time sinCC,
thf. drivw nf a stpam ' fire engine fan
over and killed a little girl. The case
was taken to the Courts, and the Court
beloAV awarded the narents damages
Mionsand dollai-3.
The city of San Francisco, against
Avhich the judgment was rendered, ap-
peaieu to tne supreme voun,
tnUnol Viia mnflr nwA the ! ludgment
of tho. rirairf. hflmv. thus holding that
the city is responsible for the negli
gence oi its agents. , t
The Xew York Tribune says : Some
of the private residences in our lash-
t , , m. i. r .w !mitnt nir a.
lonauieitnorougiuares uv.-."t?
custom of Holland cities by placing
moil mimrn at. thp. site ol the front
windows, tUi3 euabling the occupants
to see who ana wnat is passms iu mo
street wiuiout using uuu 'uiwi
aMmw riAcwihprl usi M-eat aids to von
dolent curiosity, and are steadily growl
ing Into iavor.
IIoav Chixamen- okt to AMEri-
ica. -It may be interesting to those
who are not posted to know how
John Chinamen get here. ; It is to
be understood, first of all, that the
Chinese Avho come to America are
all poor men. Ah indigent China
man goes to the official of his native
village, or the precinct of the city
m Avnich he resides, and proposes to
mortgage himself and his family for
money with '.-which toj come to
America, where he expects to make
his fortune, clear up his affairs, and
live thence forward in peace, com
fort, and prosperity. It .often hap
pens, however, that the Chinaman
does not return at the expiration ot
a certain time for Avhich the mort
gage, runs, and then the harpies and
money-lenders, into whose hands
the business has fallen by this time,
(ounf-e upon the tioor Chinaman's
family and sell them into slavery
without the least compunction : of
conscience. L nder x Mich circum
stances do mof;t of the Chinese Avho
and upon our shores couie. It is
not to be Avondered at that they do
not nriusx their lamihes that they
lo not settle-, permanently that
this tide of emigration is like none
other, in its 'wonderful ebb and
low, that the world ever srav.
The loss of a mother is always
severely felt. Even ; though her
lealth may incapacitate her from
taking any active part in the care of
er lamily, stil she is a SAveet rally
ing point, around Avhich affection
and obedience and a thousand ten
der endeavors to please,' concentrate,
and dreary is the blank when such
a point is withdrawn. It is like that
onely star be'oro us neither its
leat or light are anything to us in
themselves, yet the shepherd would
feel his heat sad if he missed it when
ic lifts his eye to the broAV of the
mountain over .which it rises when
the sun descends. '
Schoolmistress-" Johnny, ' 1 n
ashamed of you i when I was -of your
age I could read as Avell As I do now."
Johnny "A Ay I but you'd a different;
teacher to wot Ave've got." .
He Avho receives a good turn should
never forget it ; he avIio does one)
should never reinember ft.
Josh Killing says that opera inilsio
don't have any more etfect on him
tlian cantor oil Avould on a graA-e im-
An oft hand-fellow,
lost both his arms. .
One Who has
Dry Seasons. An eminent nom
ologist in Brussels, De Johnghe, has
succeeded in obtaining Aveli-grown
apples and pears in dry seasons by
watering the trees from time to
time, aiid by making holes in the
ground underneath them and occa
sionally introducing some liquid, but
not very highly concentrated, man
ure. 1ms a implication is stated to
lie particularly important at the
time when the fruit is sotting.
A set of paper car wheels on one
of the Pullman cars running to Jer
sey City, have run over 160,000
miles ot track, and worn out entire
ly one set ot rail ties. Avhich haAre
been replaced. The ordinary wheels
aviII run only 00,000 miles.
- - . . - -
Ilex. James Jamison, D. D., of
the Ohio Conference, has l)een ap
pointed a missionary to Utah, lie
will take cnarsfo ot tne L-hurch in
Salt Lake City. i :
. .
Chancellor Wyeth of Virginia, it
is said, had six students m his ofhee,
Avho afterwards became Presidents
of the United States.
SIioav us an intelligent family of
boys and girls, and AAre aviu sIioav you
Avhere newspapers are plenty. Nobody
Avho has been without these silent pri
A'ate tutors, can know their educative
power. IIoav important then to se
cure those Avmeh tend only . to goou !
Anything that makes home pleasant,
cheerful and chatty thins the haunts of
vice, and the thousand and one ave
nues of temntatioas should certainly be
regarded, AA'hen Ave consider its influ
ence on the minds ot the young, as a
great moral and social messing.
A dispatch from Kingston Island,
.Tmnaira. "Vovember lutlu savs :
A negro woman of highly respectable
character has been arrested at Jacmel,
imon the charge of canibalism. The
accusation alleges that she has killed
and eaten twenty-six children, whom
she had ; inveigled into' her premises
for that purpose.
Readers generally know the fact that
Benjamin Franklin left by will a few
pounds ot moneyrjor tne Denenc oi tne
"young married artificers, or skilled
mechanics of Boston, Mas3. The mon
ey has been' carefully, invested and re-
lnvesteu dv me auuiormes, uiiui uuw
it amounts to inore than $150,000.
The Examiner of the Patent Office'
has declared that portraits of Confeder
ate Generals cannot be patented as
trade marks .for; boots and shoes and
other wares. - . '- ' . -: .
Chicago owc3 something like $12,000,
000 West and South, about $70,000,-
000 to New York merchants, and near
$15,000,000 in foreign parts.
. A twelve-year-old boy in Cincinnati
stole a trunk ol his sister's clothing and
$700 of Jus papa's money and " dug
out" Avith his SAveet-beart, aged eleven
years. .. -, ,-- . t
Tavo long curls on each side are to
take the place of the curls at the back
that have been worn so long. ;
In Switzerland one who kills another
is liable for the debts of the murdered
A trifle "of six million dollars has
been left by a deceased Scottish relative
to a citizen ol JUarsnautown, xowa.
Deep flounces seem to be more gen-
erany acitmreu tnan narrow ones.
IIoav to turn ieopIe's heads
late to church, -
A. Frenc-hiiiau cannot pronounce
"ship." The word is sheep" in .hi
meuth. Seeing an iron-clad, he said
to a boy, 4,Ish dis a war sheep ir"
"Xo," answered the boy, " It's H
ram." . :. - . ." '
A Colorado store-keeper solaces his
customers with FyNeKUT2bakO.
A prominent journalist in Xew
York, Avho is perfectly bald, has of
fereda reward of .$1,000 for a tale that
Avill make his hair stand oa end.
A country girl rode into New Al
bany, Indiana, to do some shopping,
Avben the clerk asked if there Avas any
thing else he could do for her ; he AA-a.4
amazed by her reply : "Oh ! no, sir,
unless you will be kind enough to go
out aud miik th.e old mare, ibr I -rode
her from home without hereolt." r -
' William, avIio ued to boast that "he
never OAA'ed a dollar in his life, and
never would, in less than a year after
his marriage liad a little Bill to take
up every day. '
An old lady, getting off the carsjib
Hartford, the other day, attracted the
attention of a policeman Avho offered
his aid, when the old lady peppered
him in the ribs Avith her umbrella,, and
sharply soliloquized : "Clear out, you
bigamist,' -you shan't touch me'.' She
had read the papers.
An enthusiastic editor speaking of
a new prima donwu says : ller
voice 13 as soft as a roll of velvet, and
as tender as a pair of slop-shop panta
A young lady at an evening party
some time ago found it hard to use the
expression, "Jordan is a hard road to
travel," but thinking that too vulgar,
substituted the following : "Peram-
Duiating progression m peuestrain ex
cursions along the far-famed thorougb
fare of fortune cast up by the banks o'f
the sparkling river oi I'alestme is in
deed attended Avith a heterogeneous
conglomeration of unforseeu difficul
ties. . ." -, :- v
And noAV comes this good
irom tne colored oretliren :
A telling Woav at the follies of the
day was delt the other day at Atlanta,
Ga., by a colored preacher, as follows:
" .My brodders and sisters, ebry thing
you tink bouts fine close, fine close.
You nebber tink of notting else but
fine close, and you may sarch de
scripture from Genesis, to Rebelatfon
and you won't find nary place where
it say the blaster eber AVore a choke
rag." . ,. ..
The Cincinnati Enquirer 8 DeUtsch
poet Is shocked at the nude small boy
on the Davidson Fountain :
Der Shmall Poy stands on der Ibur
" tain,
Und he don'd got on any close,
Und dem young girls dey al , plush
and say, '
" Yat he means by such conduct as
. dose !"
The most humiliating domestic use
a full-grown man can be put to, is to
be sent to the baker's for "a cent's
Avorth of yeast."
A young lady atlndianola, not very
since, killed a skunk Avith a
butcher's knife. Her lover come to
see her that night, and told her he
could not marry her Unless she quit .
using that hair oil.
An Irishman AATiting from Philadel-
phia the other day to his friend in the
old country, concluded his letter thus:
If iver it's me fbrchune to live till I
dy and God nose Avhether it is 'so of
no I'll visit ould Ireland before I
leave Philadelmephy."
How is it that, at a party, the
guests groAv thin after supper.
Somebody ..wishes to know if a pig
pen is used to AATitq hog Latin.
A,man in Illinois committed suicide
by droAvning, lately, in siic inches of
AA'ater. He couldn't have done it
aione, nut nis wile, AA'itti that self
sacrificing devotion and helpfulness so
characteristic of the sex, sat On hi
To obtain SAveet milk," said the
veteran farmer Greeley, laying down
his pen and gazing placidly into - tint
face of his inquirer,,. .'To obtain sweet
milk, leed your cows tAvice a day on
calves aAvny from the mother Avhile
teething." .
" That's a good gun of yours,
stranger ; but Uncle DaAe here has one
that beats it." "Ah ! How far will
it kill a hawkwith No. 6 shot?" "I
don't use shot or ball, eitheri,, an
swered ' Uncle Dave for himself.
" Then what do you use, Uncle Daver "
"I shoot salt altogether. I kill my
game so far off with my gun,- that
without salt, the mime would spile
before I could get it?' '
Queen Victoria- is said to haA-e a for
tune of $35,000,000 ,v
According to a Sacramento paper
the Avild geese are so numerous along
the line of the California and Oregon
liailroad that snow plows are neces
sary upon the engines to ketp the
track clear. There is no discount on
ttiis statement. ,
i There is no truth in the report that
Horace Greeley has organized a ? com-
Eany of iron-foundera and protection
its for the purpose of raising monkey
wrenches for apes and curing a ru
perior article ot bacon! from pig-ironi
. Almeda County, Cal., raised 13,000
pounds of figs last year