The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, November 25, 1871, Image 6

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    ,- mv
1 I
Mail Matters. Mail going North,
closes at 7.43 A. M.; going South,
uloses at 5.15 i. M.
Potofnce open ou Sundays flflm
8.30 to 9.30 A. M. and fl-om 6 to 7
1. M.
Mail fbr Corvallls, clones at 0 r. m.
The Republican voters of the city of
Albany are requested to mwt in Con
tention at the Coiu-t House on Friday
evening, December 1st, 1S71, at 7
o'eloek, for tlie purpose of nominating
suitable persona to fill the following
offices r Mayor, Recorder, Treasurer,
Marshal,. and six Councilmen, to be
voted for at the election which trans
pire oil Monday, December 4th, 1S71.
Every Republican who takes an inter
est In the luture growth and prosperi
ty of our city is expected to be in at-t
tendance at the Convention, to aid in
the selection of the right kind of men
to fill the offices. By order of the Cen
tral Committee.,
W. II. KUHX. Cim
TiiANKSGiVBiO Services. Iii ac
cordance with the proclamation of
President Gmnt, as well as Governor
G rover, setting- aside Thursday, No
vember 30 th,. as a day of thanksgiving
to Almighty God lor mercies past,
union services will be lield in the M.
E. Church of this, city, at 11 o'clock
A. M. of that day, Rev. Mr. Butcher
officiating. L,et there be a general at
tendance New C-Rt- See t he new ad vertise-.
ment of Mr. A. C. Layton ou this
page. Gih. one of the most enter
prising, thorough-going- business men
in the city of Albany, and is securing
a splendid business by his fair dealing,
uniform courtesy and liberality. He
lias just opened a large Invoice of new
groceries, provisions, etc., which
should receive the attention of buyers.
Back Ag-aix. I Iu Jason Wheeler,
County Commissioner,, arrived home
the first of- the week,. from a visit to
the Eastern States, having been absent
just forty days. He passed a very
pleasant time while there, but returns
more than ever satisfied with Oregon.
He says a few miles this side Of Omaha
they encountered snow-;- and from
thence on to the crossing of the Sierra
Nevada the snow was from oue- to
four inches deep.
Afron Fair ank Festival. The
ladies of the Congregational Church
wiU hold an Apron Fan? and. Festival
at Thompson &. Irving's pew brick
Store, on- the evening of Thanksgiving
day,. Thursday, November 30th. Ad
mittance, including liinclu fifty cents.
A lot of No. 1 ice cream J;s expected,.
Ioor3 open at 6 V o'clock. Everybody
L invited to come.. -
Next Friday. Let all Republicans
remember that next Friday evening is
tlie time set; for lioldingthe city con
vention. Don't forget itv bat. turn out
to a voter,, and help nominate a good
ticket. undoubtedly have a ma
jority of the. legal votes to be iolled,
and can, elect our whole ticket, pro
vided, it L a good one. For the pur
lose of. putting a. good, ticket in the
field, it is desirable that every voter
.should be represented in convention,
and votehw preference.. Come out,
yien, Friday night of. next week, and.
fill the Court House..
llArrr as a, Big Sunflo-vver ! -
Oh no ; we guess yes I Editors don't
get nothing to. eat, don't they ! They
Jivd on hasli.80"P-hones and sich, do
tiiey 1 Oli, but my dear, christian friend
and fellow trAvelecyou'ye been egreg
iously sold, misinformed and led into
error you-baxs. We know better, we
do! Hasn't Mr. J. R. Heiron, of
"Franklin Meat Market, First street,,
tliat prince of butchers, presented us
with a nice fat pig, all ready for- a
roast for Thanksgiving, (and.hagn't lie
got more of tliat samp for others) and;
hasn't Mr. D. P. Poller, of Shedds,
one of Linn county's most generous
hearted- farmers, tarnished, us with
royal red apples to garnish the carcase
withal ; and3idnVvve receive, through
the liberaiity of Messrs. Pi. Ci Harper
& Co., a splendid article of tea (the
iinest flavored article we have seen in
the market), to strengthen, invigorate
ad renew, the inner man, and make
tlie occasion one cereal thanksgiving ;
and didn't but why multiply! worcU
in telling of all th 'good- tMngs pre
sented by our- friends, making every
body feel had- because they can't set on
a-three-legged chair and write what
they '"know about Cunning 'land get
sueh voyal gifts 1 We'll no more ot it.
But we intend to have ' a big thanksr
giving dinner, at oui home, and if any
of these poor country editor" friends
of ours,, who have not, been fortunate,
enough to get presented with roast pig
and .flxens, ! Bhould happen along
well, they might gefc trosfcedfor apk
,-asid pig's pretty good, even if you
don't have anything to garnish it or
wash it dowjK
PARAGliAMS. A. C. Layton has re
ceived a large lot of fresh g-ooerie.
It is rumored tliat the Willamette
Navigation Co. 's steamers will hereaf
ter use JoiiBtock & Co.'s wharl at foot
of Ellsworth struct.
Blain, Young & Co., having received
a thousand gallons of coal oil, have re
duced the price.
E.,Cartwright & Wo. sold out lock,
stock and kind the other day, toChas.
M. Cartwright. .
Dow & Crane have received another
new invoice" of elegant boots, shoes,
slippers, etc. Among the new styles
we notice the Oregon Premium, West
Side, and East Side. .Look at their
The Good Templars hold their festi
val on Tuesday night next. A pleasant
time may lie cxpecttnl.
Harper & Co. have received some
choice teas which should be tried by
those who like a superior article.
The ladies of the Congregational
Church give a Fair on Thursday, No
vember 30th, at Thompson's & Irving's
new brick on First street.
Everybody should buy one of S. J.
McCormick's Almanacks. Get one at
Ed. Frecland's.
Our jovial friend. Jason Wheeler,
got hack from his visit East the other
day, looking as handsome a.s ever.
W. II. McFarland & Co. have a
splendid lot of stoves, tin ware, and
various novelties that have only to be
vet'.n to lxi appreciated by the public.
They hold forth on the corner of Wash
ington and First streets.
Read notice to tax-payers of Linn
county elsewhere. It will do you
Ruel Cuter goes East on a visit in
a tew days.
It is reported that No. 59,0159 drew
the $20,000 prize in the Omaha lottery.
Don't believe it as we don't hold that
ticket. -
Monroe & Staiger have removed
their marble shop to Broadidbin street,
between First and Second.
Mart. Brown, in giving his style of
making cider, is infringing on Horace
Greeleys patent. Ain't it?
The California sails for Puget Sound
poj-ts and Victoria next Tuesday.
The place to get all kinds of hard
ware, iron, steel, tools, etc., is at W.
H. Kuhn & Cos. The "Red Jacket"
ax, a new thing, is just the tool to
sever wood. Look at it.
Capt. Robinson, of Corvallis, drove
his buggy on to Pierce's ferry on Wed
nesday. After crossing, the chain
used to secure the wheels and keep
vehicles in place while crossing the
raging Willamette, was not drawn en
tirely through, and a3 a consequence
when the team started the hook at the
end of tlie said chain caught, tearing
out the spokes and making a wreck of
that wheel.
Sylvester Cannon has a little "roos
ter" at his houseiow it liappened on
tlie 22d inst. :
Mrs. Harry Godley went to Portland
on Thursday morning. Look out for
new goods soon. - ;
Geo. Turrell has lieen receiving new
lines of good.?, to which the attention
of buyers is asked.
A protest against receiving the new
county jail was presented to the Coun
ty Commissioners on Thursday signed
by James Bam ford. Reason for the
protest was-y-the building is not what
the specifications in contract called
Biles, the prince of steamboatmen
and chief of the W. F. Co., was in the
city the other day the same old Biles.
At last accounts the Willamette river
hadn't fell any.
The work of clearing out the Cali-
pooia still goes steadily forward, and
the enterprising gentlemen conducting
it, liave the highest hopes ofa success
ful venture. V
; A letter from, pur old friend Mr. A.
Hanan, informs us that he is located at
Delta, Wajla. Walla county Washing
ton Territory. : .
Dr. Alexander has again become a
resident of our city. ' ? ; '
R. H. Markham's address will here
after he - Norwalk, Huron county,
Rev. Mr. Sweeney has gone to Salem
to dedicate the new C. P. Church,' re
cently erected in that city. '.
The friends of Mrs.: J. B. Sprenger
in tlib city will be glad to. learu tliat,
although she has been very sick, near
to the doors of death, at last accounts
she was slowly convalescing.
The man tliat lKrrpwed our rubber
coat is requested to. return, it without
delay.. . s,
W. !R. Cannon is making good time
with his stages.
' Frank Woods done about as neat a,
Job of blacksmithing for us on Tuesday
as we ever saw.. , Frank's, on ,it,; you
bet.-; , - -s . '
B. W. i Cundift' starts East in a few
.weeks, on business. .
The coming city election is begin
ning to acquire prominence in general
Sheriff limine gives notices of the
time and places where he will lie in
attendance to receive contributions in
aid of Linn county. Universal and
prompt payments will meet with the
hearty approbation of the Sheriff.
A proper system of street drainage
will probably be the first matter com
manding the attention of the new City
James Elkins has located at Dalles,
we learn, .where all communications
should be directed.
Luther Elkins has purchased the
ground on corner of Fourth and Ferry,
and is engaged in erecting a! neat
dwelling thereon.
Ed. Cartw-right will take up his res
idence in Salem. . He is a stirring
business man, who will succeed in
whatever he undertakes. We believe
he intends turning his attention to
farming, as he ownes a fine place be
low Salem. Success to him.
Jason Wheeler was accompanied from
New York by a younger brother and
his family, who proposes to make Liim
county hi home. He is welcome.
Go to Althouse & Co.'s Sash Fac
tory for all kinds of finishing lumber,
sash, doors, moldings, etc.
The news from the Omaha lottery
scheme is postponed until it gets
here. We are satisfied that the party
holding the proper ticket, drew the
first prize $20,000.
; John Millard has a large quantity of
choice fruit trees, shrubs, etc., for sale
at his nursery bordering the southern
verge of this city. You can depend on
getting just what you order. Read
his card in this issue.
Col. Enos and family have gone to
Astoria on a short visit. '
; We are under obligations to S. J.
McCormick for two copies of his alma
nac for 1872. It is full of information
about Oregon, and would be a good
thing to forward to Eastern friends.
A little son of John Fagan, living a
short distance from this city, on Tues
day fell from a fence, and one of his
legs catching between the rails, was
broken between the knee and ankle-
Mr. A. J. Fox espying a team run
ning away on Washington street, on
Wednesday last, boldly jumped into
the wagon, seized the lines, and pre
vented wiiat might liave proved a
serious loss to the owners of the team.
' Business during the week lias been
tolerable only.
The recent increase in tlie price of
butter has increased the receipts, and
our markets are now supplied with a
fair quality.
Less fall wheat has been sown in
this county than usual, owing to the
lateness of the rains.
Mrs. Wm. Hicks Is prepared to do
all kinds of machine and plain sewing,
dress and cloak making, etc. Resides
at corner of Ellsworth and First streets.
We recommend her to those wishing
neat work.
The N. Y. Mail announces that
gentlemen will dress more quietly
this season. Tliat's our habit out
The County Commissioners received
the new jail on Thursday. It cost
the county $9,550.'
' On Wednesday the men engaged in
cleaning out the Calipooia river had
finished the work eight miles above
Brownsville, and expected to finish the
job by this, Saturday, evening.
Fkuit Trees. Read the new card
of J. A. Millard, and you will observe
that he lias almost every variety of
fruit trees, flowering plants, , shrubs,
vines, etc., which he offers as low as
first-class stock can be sold. Now is
the time to secure them for, planting.
Coal Oil. One thousand ca-llons
coal od just received, and for sale lower
than ever, at Messrs. Blain, Young &
CO'3. ' t" J' -? .
A horrible murder was committed
near Osage Mission, Kansas, on the
night of the 16th. The facte elicited at
the Coroner's inquest are as follows:
John P. Flanagan, the perpetrator of
the crime, has recently met with pe
cuniary losses, and resolved to dis
patch himselt and: family. On. the
6th inst. he procured chloroform, and
during the night administered it to his
wife and two little girls, aged respect
ively ten montlis, and two years.
About 4 o'clock hi tlie morning Mrs.
Flanagan awoke from her stupor pro
ducedliy chloroform and discovered
her husband in the act of driving ten
penny nails into, the head of one of
the children,' and flying to the rescue
of her babes, she found them expiring
from the effect of blows inflicted with
a luammer and, nails. She succeeded
in disarming, the husband, and gave
the alarm and he was given into cus
tody. ,' .
Tbe first willow tree ever planted
in America:' was sefr; out on tbe line of
the present Third Avenue, New York,
city, one hundred and eighty years
ago. It was a willowtwig which
came in a package ot figs from Pales
tine ; was stuck Tn the ground and in
a. few years became a, large tree..
FlOtturlal mimI Commercial.
in New York 110.
buying, 90c; selling, 90'c
San jFraneiseo markets dull, with no
cliang! to report since our last.
As.-; matter of general interest we
give tbe following market-prices at the
various stations along the O. & C.
Railroad, taken from the Bulletin :
. unction City, November 22.
Wlieat, C-l 10: Oats; Bacon
Sides, 13c; Bacon Shoulders, 10c;
Hams 15c; Lard, 14 ; Butter, 30c;
Eggs, 30c; Apples -(dried), (iolh;
i'ouuoes, ; v ooi, ran cap, oUc.
IlAiuasiu'UO, November 22.
Whbat: $1 ; Oats, 80c ; Bacon Sides.
1213c; Bacon Shoulders, 9c : Hams.
12c td 18c ; Lai d, 12c to 13c; Butter,
40c; IF.ggs. 40c ; Apples, Gc ; Pota
toes, SI ; V ool, 30e.
WlJeat. &1 15; Oats, 80c: liiicon
13c: Bacon Shoulders. 10c:
, Itjc; Lard, 1-lc; Butter, 35it
I'ggs, 40c ; Apples (fined), 0c ;
), 40c ; potatoes, $1 ; Voo!,
rocer!c!V Provision;- &c.
45c ;
Butter, 40c
S a i.em, November 22.
eat, '$1 15; Oats, 8c ; Bacon
l(c; Bacon Shouhlers, 12l.c ;
lSii20c; Lan.1, 20c; Butter,
45&'50c; Egg-. 45h 50c, Apples, 50c;
I'otatoes, $-1 2o ; Wool, .A.M. .
Gfrvais, November 22.
Wheat, $1 25 ; Oats. 80c ; Bacon
Bacon Miouiders, none ;
Ilamf. liic; Lai-1, 15c; Butter, 40c;
Egg. 40c; Applcsgreen). 50c bush
el Tillb; Potatoes, 87.c ; Wool,
Portland. November 22.
Flour, extra, $7 50; superfine $0
lil!. W hwit, 4 25 f. bushel.
80S85c V- bushel. Potatoes
oruia. VHc, Ureiron, sa V bushel.
$30$! 35 'tf toii. Bacon hams.
17iSlSc, sides 14 (klGc, slioullei-s. 11
(Ml 2 "Lie 1I. Onions. 75c!?l 25
bush 4. Butter, 40yf 50c f. lb for the
best qualities. Apples, 37 lo&oOe IP
Albany Markets are tolerable well
supplied at present, with no change in
quotations. We quote : Wheat. $1 15
Oats, 7580c ' bushel.
Eggs, 45c rjp dozen. Ap-
plesJ 25c bushel. Potatoes, $1 25
1 sd v
At the present writing the rain is
fallijig calmly and steadily, as though
it intended to continue with us a sea-
sou. Business only tolerable.
IVtondav, November 20th, 1S71, in
Eugene City, at the residence of the
brute's father, by the Rev. Ir. Butch
er, "dr. H. H.Sloan, late of Linn coun
ty, and Miss Nancy Jane East.
We congratulate Mis3 East on her
excellent'taste and judgment in secur
ing mch a man for a husband, for the
mai i who' forwards a dollar to the prin
ter .vith his marriage notice, cannot
fail to make a good husband.; May
prosperity and peace attend them.
On the 22d instl, at the bride's resi-denje-in
Linn County, by Rev. W.
R. Bishop, Mr. A. Landers, of Lane
coui Mrs. Sarah A. Pizer, of Linn
con lty.
Also, by the same, on the 23d inst.,
at t le bride's residence in Linn county,
Mr. James Toun to Mrs. Mary
Bor d, all of Linn eoimt.v, Oregon.
C ompliraents of the parties, received.
We extend our congratulations to tlie
par :ies, and wish them the fullest hap
pin jss in the future. In the language
of mother: "May the good work go
on until there shall be none left to ad
vocite the cause of single blessedness."'
Fruit Trees, Grape Tines, &c.
The trsriEnsiGXEo invites the
atteiitlon of the public to his large ami
coMplete stock of
PEAK, . 'J
and oilier TREES.
Also. GRAPE VINES best in tlie State :
Onlamental Treos, Shrubs, Plants, Cur
ranjts, tiowe1erries, StrnwbefriCf, Roses,
Iatilias and Bulbs, which will be sold aa
low as flrt-elass stock can le nflforded.
Nof. 25-12V4 J. A.' MILLARD.
Xotlce to the
Taxpayers of JLfnn County
LJ law now in force, relating to the col
lection of taxes, uU taxes are reqniwd to be
paiid within thirty days after the days ap
pointed for meet fng the taxpayers in the
several precincts, and all taxes not paid
within that time are liable to costs as upon
execution and tliat is one dollar and three
per cent, from each person. I will; there
fore, in pursuance of law, meet the tax
payers of Linn county, at their respective
places of 'votinf? in each precinet, on the
following ; . ,, ,; . i,
LEBANON Monday, Dec. 11, lS7i.
WATERLOO Tuesday.' " 13, "
SWEET HOME Wednesday " 13, "
BRUSH 'ORKEK.... Thursday " 14,
BROWNSVILLE .... Friday, " IS, "
CENTER Saturday "IB, "
HARRISBUltG Tuesday, " 19, "
PKORIA Friday, . 22, "
ORLEANS Saturday " 23, "
SAN IT AM Tuesday. " 2. "
ANKLIN BUTE..vednesday " 27, "
o .....aturuay, v,
BAXY Monday, Jan. 1, 1872.
4 T1V1V1?
rift and ta-x-eollector for Linn Co.. Or.
K. U. Whtlo in Brownsville I mnv bo
found at Cooley & Washrmrne's ntoro.
a fir j tf x
i r 1
3 .r"- i
I .!. I JT. 1 T V. i I
A; it rX s
fs J It S k
a M a-
I have always in store a full and complete supply of ;
!E Xt O "V X 5 I O 3ST--JS;,
Which I will sell for cash m low as the lowest, or exchange! fbr all
kinds of marketable j
TJ 13" OEt "3T E JEL G 33 "O" C?
; Jut received and in (store
Which I will sell cheaper than ever before offered in this market
ESsf I extend a general invitation to all people in this and adjoining
counries, to can ana examine quality ana prices ot goous, as J, leel con-
nueut 01 my acuiity to give all thorough satisfaction.
Have just received, .
One Door Below Conner's Bank
A full assortment of
Consisting in part of
Calico, Ginghams?,
JLawns, i 9 Merinos
Poplins, Brilliants.
Hosiery, Marseilles,
Denims, Dress Silks,
Jeans, Diaper. Table Linen
Craslu Ticking, JUelaincs
Check, .Stripes,
Skirts, Corsets,
(Table Covers,
Brown Domestic,
Brown Sheeting,
Bleached Sheeting,
Children's Shoes,
Ladies' and Misses' Shoes,
Gents Boot'? and' Shoes, :
Boys' Boots and Shoes,
Slippers and Gaiters,
Linen & Silk Handk 'chiefs,
: California Merchandise.
share of patronaare is respectfully
solicited. W. J. HILT AB1DEL & CO.
manentiy established in Oregon. A
largo and complete stock will bo kept on
hand, and sold at the manufacturer's re
duced prices, y-,:,- v ...v;.i-;.i
THESK INSTRUMENTS are well known
throughout the world, and have received
the lushest premiums wherever exhibited.
ALS in their favor from the best musical
talent of both Europe and America. ? -
For durability, style of finish and quality
of tone, they are UNEQUAXi.aJ. - ,
Cvery Instrtunent fully Warrant-
.; Illustrated catalogues sent on applica
tion. ; , .s jg STEBX;
. . . ,- yjontSt., Portland,' '
10v4ml Agents for Oregon..
j J
General Repair Shop.
turned to Albany, an taken his old
shop on corner of Ellsworth and Scroml
streets, announces his rea-liness to attend
to all kinds of
forging,' etc. .
Also, has on hand and for sale, the
Strayer Forcc-lced
"and other PLOWS,
which he will sell on the most reosonablo
terms. i
All work entrusted to nws will receive
prompt attention, and be executed in the
best possible manner, with good material.
A share of public patronage is solicited.
S5"Shop on comer Ellsworth and Second
st reels, opposite Pierce's Ferry-
10v4 j , F. WOOl).
-' v v
Lard Oil & Soap
X pietea ana put m goou running urucr
then new
Lard OB and Soap
in the city of Albany, are: prepared to pur
chase, at the highest casbj rates, all the
Hogs, Rancid Butter, Soap
Crcase, Ac.,'
delivered to them in thisclty.
Tliey are now manufacturing and have
on hand J .
Fancy Toilet and Coiffloii Soaps.
in great variety, warranted equal to the,
best in market, which thyy oiler to the
trade at the most reasonable rates. r
Orders rewpectfully solicited. Satisfac
tion guaranteed. j
SrParties having Hogs, Rancid Butter,
or Grease of any kind, for sale, will do well
to give us a call. I
Xov. ll, 1871-10v4 y
Paper-banging, Calcemlnlner,
Decorating, &c.- - -
F .M. WADSWORTTI Will give prompt
, attention to all orders for Paper,
hanging, Calccmlnlng, Decorating, Ac, in
this city or vicinity. All work executed
in the latest style, In the best manner, and
at lowest living rates. ertOrders left at
Furniture Warerooms of Chas. Meoley will
receive prompt attentiou.. IOxK