STO V KS 1 N s (41 AN UK, ETC. TIIK OLD STOVE DEPOT. ivaicr in STOVES! COOK, PAKLOU AND BOX, Of the lKst ynt torus. ai.""o s tix, Mii:r r nutx axi os- VXU WAUE, An 1 tin nsnnl nnrMmnt of f'iriilsliiii;; Montis to le o'i.iiinf.1 in n tin sloiv. Re-tilr m:fly unj promptly executed, on iVH-malle term.-. Kl-.ort reckoning? mttUc Jon;? friends, KUOXT STREET, A MIAN V. Dee. 5, 13,-i-l LOOIk 155 EKE. THE SAX FKAXriSCO STOR12, CuriH'r I"Irt nnil IVrry St., Albany, Keeps constantly on hand A Full Assortment of Moves, li!is,iiitd Tinware. And will have for sale tlie celebrated DIAMOND IKK.'K COOK STOVE. DRY GOODS. Also manufacture all kinds of : TIX , 011T.K & NJIKETIKOX WAKE, In the lcst style, a lowest rates, for cash or co u i t ry produce. Always on hand, Full Supply of Pure Wines &. Liquors, For medicinal purposes only. A well selected stock of C.TUX'EllIEK- AND CROCKERY Will always be found at my establishment. I will sell all ;roo 1 in my house, for cash or ihihUm' on delivery cheaper than ever before ottered in this "market. All kinds of ivr:drinqr clone, on short noik-cand entire sal islaction warranted, at mv sovc and tin si ore. Nov. 1(-1 i JULIUS GRAinVOHL. F1I1E ! FIRE! A Miteti in Time Suves Xlne." UNION Fire and Marine Insurance Company, Nos. 410 and 413 California St., SAX FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. Stockholder Individually Liable. Cash capital, in gold coin. Deposit in Oregon, - - - 730,000 00 50,000 00 Lose promptly and equitably ml- JtiHttd, - and - PAID IX OLI COIN. SPECTACLES. 3IOKEY CAM XOT BI7Y IX, FOR SIGHT 13 PRICELESS ! It at tlie IHiuuoiia PpeetadeH will L. IJlaln. H. E. Young. J . Harrows. BLAIN, YOUNG & CO., Wholesale and Retail DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, BOOTS, SHOES, ETC. fE SOW OFFER A J LASS TO TIIK t ? public which is pronounced by the most celebrated opticians of the world to U; the most ixrfeet. naiural. ariiticial help to the human eye ever known. They are jrroiiiid under our own supervision, at our own maunnuMory, in New. Haven, unci are; so constructed that Ihe core or center of the lens comes direct lv in front of the eve. producing a TI,EAK AXI mKTIXCT YISIOX, As in the natural, healthy sicht,and pre venting all unpleasant sensations, such as ilimmcrinr and vaverlnjt of sitrht, dizzi ness, eic, peculiar to all o; hers in use?. These glasses are manuliicturedfrom nii nuie crystal peliulc! incited together, and derive their naine,4J)iajnontl, on aeeount of their hardnessand brilliancy. They are mounted in the. rtnest manner, at our own manufactory, in all st les of jrold, silver, steel, rubtwr, and shell ii-ames, of the lest qnalitv. Their durability can not be sur lassef, anil their linish is such as will suit the most fastidious. None genuine unless hearinjrour trade-mark, stanvped on every frame. For sale liv the principal' opt iciaiiH and jewelers, throughout tin; country. Mann-, factui-cd by J. E. Snencer & Co., practical opticians, New York. For sale only by TITUS 11EOTHERS, Dealers in watches, clocks, jewelry, silver ware, etc., Albany, Oregon. Entered accordimr to act of Congress, in the ear ISCtt, bv .1. K. Snencer & Co., in the clerk's oTtcc ol' the District Court of the United Slates, for the Soul hern District of New York. 50v3 fl'ITIS COMPANY" IIAVIXti COMPLIED l with the laws of Orepron. bv making a cleixsit of fifty thousand dollars, i now preimred to elfeet ins-tram against loss or damasie by tire, and aiso asainst marine and inland navigation risks, 6n liberal terms. tiUSTAVE TOl'CHAim, President. Ciiak. D. IIavms, Secretary. J. C. MENDENHALL, Agent, Albany. Allniny, 1871-W NURSERY. SETTLE31IR'S NUBSESY, Nix 5Ille South of AHmny, Unit Co., ' NEAR THE RAILROAD. ISODICIT THE ATTENTION OF ALL persons desiring to purchase fruit trees to call and examine my stock, -"which i composed of the larsrest'and best selection in tlie State, consist ing of. apples, pears. cherries, plum, prunes, j?rapes, Dlackoer ries. eurmnts and roses. Also, black and white walnnt, English walnut, hickory, pix-an, redbucl, honey loenst. hackberry. jind a number of other varieties of trees and plants too numerous to mention, all of which are otrerea at low raies. HENRY W. SETTLEMIRE. Dec. 17,1870-15 1 NEW . TO-DAY. FOIft SALE. . .... . -: - , ' ' - -.' : ALL PEIISOXS INTERESTED ARE RE Hpectfully int'onned that thJ under pinned luive .ncjvr cm hancl, from tieleeted lot, alrthc varieties ot Choice Seed Wlieat, Carefully, fad eperafely -stored, and for sale on reasonaDie terms. C B. COMSTOCK & C-O. AVm.S.Xkw'BUF.y, Agent. . .- 7v4 ' Notice of Copartnership. ATOTICE IS HEREBY" GI VEX THAT THE jLN firm of Beach & Montetth, heretofore engaged in the milling imsmess in tnccity of Allmnv. Linn (Jo.. Oresron. did. on the 1st day of Angust, 1871, associate with Tticmseires iienrv ;uyer ana jv. js. jvnox. in the milling business, under the Ami name oi Beach, iionteitn ft uo. -c, Allwiny, Or., Oct. 21, 1871-7 v4w4 , VYSTERS, SARDIXES, RED IIERRIXG COUU8H, era., just receiveu mv 3v Dubois, A GREAT BARCSAIiV. riHE TRACT OF . LAND KNOWN AS 1 "Falrraount Lake" is offered for sale; extremely low. about one-half cash in hand and one-half on time. It is situated oppo site Albany, within half a mile of the town; has good soil, plenty of timber, some beau- tiiui nnuno, ana is wen snppnea witn an abundance of stock water.. There are large number of annle. near, cherrv and plum tres, besides grapes and other small fruits. The house Id insured for $3,100, and the Imrn (ninety feet square) for $Irr00. This tract of land is tmsoeptlble of being divided into four forms, each of which would have good soil, fuel, and rail tim ber, and three wonia nave stocK-water. Either the whole or a part will be sold. to suit the narchaser. Ajmly upon the premises, or to Ell Car ter, Esq., Albany, or T. B. OdeneaL Corral liti, lor iiirtner liartieuiars. . J. QULNN THORNTON", Sept. 30, T1-4V4 A gent t for All Kinds of AGRICUTURAL IMPLEMENTS SE WIXG MA CHINES, And the Celebrated Bain Wagon ! BLAIN, YOUNG v & GO., FIRE-PROOF BRICK, First Street, ALBANY, OREGON IXSl'ISANCK. riREAXO 3IAKIXE IXSt'llAXCE COMPANY, SAX FRANCISCO, CAL. DRUGS. ETC. ' They Who Have Nothing: for Sale are Farthest from Market." A. GAR0THER3 & CO., WHO KNOW THIS TO BE TRUE; Are flow keciin?r, nd also constantly re ociviug additions to, The Largest Stock of Goods. USUAX. TO THEIR TRADE ABOVE PORTLAND, And AT SUCH PRICES That Purchasers Shall be Satisfied. FUIINITUKE. C. ME ALE Y, DEALER IN MANUFACTURER To till Assels Gold fill, 777,266.63 j. iicxt WM. AI.VOKIl.... A. J. RALSTON.. A. ISA1KU President. .... Vice President. . ... .Secretary. Murine Secretary. Tlie hMidin? Are and marine insurance commuiv on l his const. :0,000 deposited in Oi-eon. l.osses promptly and eiiuitably adjusted and paid in old coin. LASS fit TILTON, Gen. Agents For Oregon nii AVnsStliifttou Terfy. JOHN CONNER, Agent, AUiAXY, OREtiOX. 25v3y A CARD. riIIE NEW ENGLAND Ml'Tl'AL LIKE I Insui-ance C'oiuimny, of Boston, is t he- only company on doing business on this const Koverneu iy tne . M iiHNacliUHctts Non-forfe It lire Tnw. This fonnwny was incortomted A. 1. l.Sl'i, and has accumulated assets of over '.I00.(XM) 00. The following lapsed policies have been pmd on this coast, under this law : No. of policy. I.a-i4 3.-I.0K5 3S.-2V1 tMt.hifi 3'S,.ViU Over due at time of cltMith. months. 4 months. 3 mon t ha. 10 days. 11 mouths. Amount insured. 5,000 10.000 1,000 2,500 5,000 Had the alove policies been in nny other eompunv tiiev would nave neen lorreiteu. The aiove "facts speak for themselves, and to the wist and prudent lurtner com ment is unneeessjirv'. EVER SOX & MLDDLEMIKS, ticn. Atmts, San Francisco. L. FLINN, Local Agent, A LB AN V, OREGON. Feb. 21, lS71-2fy ASH FACTO 11 Y. BUILDERS, ATTENTION! AGRICIIIL'KAL. Don't ; Kill CroWs. FrieTuld fanners and I, ethers : I want to caution you : against killing ciows I know very we'll tins is up hill business, but you must let the crow.- live (my crows, at leat,) lor the whole year, Early and late they are busy . doing us good. They carry wagon loads of worms oft' from our farm.. "Without them and the other birds we could not live. They do so milch for us wo can well afford to twine our con fields; (I mean before the corn m up,) when I will warrant they will not touch your corn. At least, my. crows don't pull my corn. My hired men are all crazy iy shoot my crows. " Why," mid one, I could have killed live at one shot, where they had come to da me another favor. You can raise a late'calfon purpose to have one to pay a crow tax with. I mort always do ov a foot-rot sheep will answer, v Xo, my double-barrel . shot gun is loaded for bigger game, that goes around when ith blacker than crows. My crows are so tame, they will come irr the furrow to- pick up grubs, beetles, moles and worms, and crowd up so near that I can talk with them ; and I have promised them many times that , 1 r U li JN X L U XV 11 Yorker and see if we could not compromise matters m tavor ot the crows. J ust keep an account with a crow one year, (as I have,) and you will see. uive a crow cnedit fof a hun dred measures of grasshoppers ; and so on through the whole list of des truction; give him credit for pure country air ; give him credit for being the first to remind you ot spring. Yes, you may even giv? him credit for pulling a few hills of corn to keep his noble self alive txi that he can do you a world of good in aiter times. Ana'iiow what are you going to charge him; with? otning, except he is a glntton. -Austin 13. Culver. WestneTd. And BEDDING, Etc., Corner of SASH, IJLTND, AND DOOR 8. H. ALTIIOVSK. ; J. P. BACKKXSTO. N.WKIGIIT. . ' :- : . ' '.- ' j - - ft ' ,'-.; . ALXIIOUSK & CO., , . - 'f . ..... -i , . J.j-on Street, on the River Bank, ' ALBANY, OREGON. """ Keep on hand a full assortment, and are prepared 10 FURNISH TO ORDER, Doors, Sasli, . Blinds, and moldings, Such as CItOWN, PAXfX, HAND Ac BECTIOX MOLD, Of all sizes. Besides a Large Stock of : I RUGS. CISEJ1ICAJ-.S, PATENT MEDICINES, Paints, Dyc Stuffs, and Oils, The-7 keep '- . . J- Yankee Holions, Confe otionery Finest Tobacco & Cigars : WOSTENIIOLia S CUTLERY, SPICES, PERFUMERY, All kinds), TOILET SOAP, - AND USUALLY OBTAINED IN A STRICTLY HT'Jjcs't Class DRUG ESTABLISHMENT. . 1 11 i NO ARTICLE SOLD But what is Guaranteed To Be JUST AS REPRESENTED, And First and Broadalbin Sts., ALBANY, OR. Xitx'ticixlax ATTEITIOi PAID TO ORDERS OF ALL KIDS WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES, Flooring, Sldingr, And All other kinds of Building Material. A LSO: PREPARED TO DO MILL AY work, furnisth shaker lans. zhrzair fihakerH, suction fans, driving pulleys of any Kinu, av our iacrory on lyon street (on the river bank), next below Markham's warenouse. ailiI'muusu a Albany, Feb. 10, 1869-U , Arctic Socio, I Am CAROTIIF.RS i CO. JUST RECEIVED FROM S. F. AND TIIE EAST, THE LARGEST LOT Of New and Elegxirvt EVCR DROUGHT TO ALD ANY I Itt N. Y. Take Care op tiip. Straw If a farmer hannens to 1k witTimit. sti aw for one winter, he fully real ises trie vame ot it in his business, A cood straw stack makes a e- ful barnyard in winter. You will rarely see poor stock where thero is a larcre stack of bright stra w . It. makes a diT and sheltered vard - soft, diy beds in the stall, and in wortli a great deal to work in with other fodder. Brkrht straw and some grain will take farm horses that have little, wort tn In tlrrnorl the cold months in health and good tiesh. 1 he same feed will sufhce for store sheep. The straw stack affords cattle a erood luncheon, but. milch cows, fatting stock, audthoser tnat are vouno;. reauire hav and other richer food. But the straw is of so much value that it is wortli while to make the stack in the best manner, so as to . keen its rcmtenta bright and dry. The top should be nmsnea with a little hue hay, or grass cut for the purposel By rak ing ana trimming alter the machine has gone, and topping out properlyy the straw will come out in the win ter as bright as when threshed. American Rural Home. , , Ducks as Egg Producers more Profitable than Hens. An experimental fowl fancier re cently tested the comparative fecun dity ot ducks and hens, with the following result : i. ; Tli roe hens and thr 1neTri n-cn selected, all hatched in Febmarjv and nourished with suitnblA fi . In the following autumn the duck laid 225 eggs, while the hens laid none. In the next Febmarv laying season began again for the ducks, and continued uninterrupted ly till August. They showed no inclination to set, but became very tain, aitnougn they afterward fat tened up somewhat. TTie total' number of eggs laid by the hen i amounted to 257. or 86 e?H Anh.. and 392, or 13 leach, for the duck Although the eggs of the ducks were ratner smaller than those of the hens, yet they proved decided ly superior in nutritive materials, niou uic oujcinjiity 111 prOO.UCt- iveness appears to be der.idedlv witi. the ducks. To Keep Milk Sww.ii-T nri Southern Farmer kvs t hat spoonful of horseradish in a pan of Willi m11 M ' . y u n nwj) it sweet ior seveml days. ;; ' Education is a. hotter of liberty than a standing army. It "G cv;uuu tne wages ot the school master, we must raise those of t.h I recruiting, sergeant. - The ffanth - n.r T 1 m- . juvcl a.niiue. in riMi I .eft is 1,716 feet at Its wntr.. tne mt beautiful lake on thi wuunent, u not in the whole world. Its waters are wonderfully dear, ami so rare mat swimminff In It Is almost an ImpossibUity, while if a person I r""" "s, uie uouy never rises. lie who knows r&ht not equal to 10m who loves them,