The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, November 11, 1871, Image 6

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W -
P. C. Haupkk A Co. This tirmha
an immense amount of goods to dis
pose of to the public, consisting of the
latest and best lines of dry and fanev
goods, clothing, groceries, shot guns.
Jll.ll Wlll. IV. li-lili't- ,r.t :.. ii.! .
Mail Mattkus. Mail going North, I , . ' " f , ' 111 U1"
dow at 7.45 A. M.; going South, j oi tne varl-
close at 5.15 f. M. ' oih useful and ornamental articles t hey
lstolliee open on Sundays from ; lmve lilod in. on their counters and
S.:!0 to i.JU a. M., and from G to 7 Li,.,, ' ,. .,, f, , . " ,
,, j.slien e, purciKiMMl to meet the needs
ami wants oi this community, but
would rise to explain that jH-rsons
. wishing to procure almost anything
they may want, at low figures, should
by all means make an early visit to
Harper's. The success met with from
the very '-begincement'' of this firm,
j shows in w hat estimation the
j holds them ; and if a close attention to
business, and a purpose to do the right
I thing by customers will insure an in
i crease of custom and popularity, we
j are sure they will have it.'
Mail for OorvalHs. clones at
Iv. A. FKKELAX1), l
V. M.
Weatiiki: Ui'roiii von OcTOfsiit.
We are Indebted to 31 r. J. R. Smith
for the following 'time-table' of the
weather for last month :
ato. Morning. Ncton. Night. Wind.
1 ,ro 7S 7:5 clear N
.! 50 7 7
-,i m (.s "! cloulv "
t 4S (ii) clear "
.-. is 7'! 71 " "
H 40 71 r "
? .13 ; 5:5 t-ioufiv
4 (ii 55 '
. ;;: ' no "7 clear
1 : "j m
11 ttu t;i
1 AO c.s .4
:; ;!! 7 f7
u :$t u ;o " "
1-, ;i nil ."s "
1 ; 7o .-2
1; :u 72 "s
H :I7 71 fx!
M 4i .V) ;7 cloudy S
s! ." tilt .V.I
;H ts ; clear N
V- "" SI 37 cloudy S
VM 43 OH .VS '
SI 4:5 .Ml 53
5 Ii K0 .r.S "
- 42 ; mi
27 fa ")S :,o " "
2 3S 6'J 4(! clear X
-".I Ji ;V2 4S
!) -27 fill 52 " "
fcl ;!0 iiti 54 " "
Rkai. Kstate Tuan.sacth)ns For
tlte four weeks ending Xov. 7th. 1S71:
John A-' Powell to Win. T. Jordon:
coi isii lenit Ion. $5tK) .
T. S. Summers to Mcddew Vandcr-
iool ; considei-ation, 25.
B. W. Davis to A. 11. Powell
rlderation, 75.
A. J. Diiniway to 31rs. 1. K. Wisli
anl ; consiileration, $1,300.
A. llackleman to A. H. Culver;
Considemtion. $1,000.
Tls. Monteith to A. 35. Culver ;
frtnside ra t ion. $ 55! ).
Joseph Earl to A. G. Marshall ; con
sideration, $1.
Win. Morgan to James Crawford ;
consideration, $1,450.
Jiarnett Ramsey to Hnry Ram-ey ;
C)i lsiderat 101 1. $1, 200.
Gil. 1. ifc Stki:u These,
gentlemen are by tar the largest im
! porters, w hole-ale and retail dealers in
lxok, stationery and musical instru
ments in Oregon. They are agents for
the Chickering Piano and Mason !c
Hamlin organs, the bet inu-ie box
es"' in the wor'd. They also ileal
largely in all kinds of books and station
ery, supplying the trade at as low Kites
as can be obtained elsewhere on the
Pacific slope. They are thorough and
competent business men. of strict in
tegrity, with whom it is a pleasure to
deal. We can, from a thorough and
long acquaintance, recommend them
ur.aniniou-ly" to the patronage of our
readers, assured that they will give
jin- ! the fulle-t satisfaction in all their ileal-'
! Coi.i Wati:i: RiA:A in;r. So.vr.
We have received from A. Carothers
j it Co. a new article of soap (patented).
! which is said to knock the persim
j mom. It is wairanb tl to wash the
j finest or coarsest fabrics in cold, cool,
I warm, hard or salt water, without
j boiling, and will not Injure the finest I
Henry E. Russell to Henry Ramsey; ; laces ; will remove .-talus of oils, tar,
Albany C'emetrv Association to I'. S
Helm : consideration, 35.
Henry Kamey to A. M. Stafford;
consideration, $3,000.
T. S. Summers to J. F. Peebler ;
i consideration. $100.
James MeCubbius to James McCal-ll-ter;
consideration. $15.
T. S. Hiunniersto A. X. Carmiehael;
consideration, $25.
X. A. Struv to XV. S. Elkins ; con
sideration. $000.
John I ). Love to Asa Munson ; con
sideration, $125.
A. Maxwell to A. H. Powell ; con
sidemtiun, $750. '
dame Elkins to Ruiher Elkius ;
eonsidenition, $1,200.
5eo, CKibtree to David Myers; con
sideration, $340.
Geo. Craljtit'e to W. II. MeKnight ;
cviiHideration, $700.
J, R, Co;per to J. R, Morris ; con
fciileKition. $1,000.
V. G, Barger to iV. S. SuininervUle;
eonsidenition, $.')00.
U. S. (iiatent) to J. J. Coon,
Miles Carey to Marv Carey ; cousUl-ei-ation,
XV. B. & Sally Howell to W. S. Taylor-
; consideration,, $1,000.
Albany Cemetery Association to
James. Elkius ; consideration. $15.
State of Oreiron to Andrew Gross ;
consideration, v$0!2 34.
Andrew Grass to Jo Teal et al ; con
sideration, $1,000.
S. XV. Havstoll. Theilson ; consid
eration, $sb.
A. .R Clifton to C. D. Miller ; con
fiidemtion. $400.
C. F. Gay to "Wallace Cushman ;
consideration. $35.
W. Tompkins to Paul Clover ; con
sideration, $20.
J. V. Rewi to Alexander Kirk ;
consideration. $100.
Geo. Cunningham to J. II. Morris ;
Consideration, $200,
Hardin McCallister to Clias. Swegle;
consideration, $4,500.
Rawrenee Higgins to' E. A- Ellis ;
consiileration, ,0.
Wm. McIIargue to Elizabeth Howe;
consideration, $20.
C. Morrissou to John Ostrander;
eonsidenition, $1,600.
John Nelson to Hugh Dinwiddle ;
consideration, $150. .
James Rlakely to Hugh Dtnwlddie ;
consideration. $432..
John R. Cunningham to "W. 3Ioore ;
CKisiiJemtion, 4(K).
J. I). Wile to Z. T. Scott ; eonsid
enition. $SIM).
Win. Artliurs to Schlos?er ti Marsh
al consideration. $100.
Jose pi 1 Elkins to Peter Zell ; consid-
eration. $1,800.
W. Ii. Finley to S. W. Hays; con
?idenition. $3,200.
Iawrence Higgins to J. Thompson ;
consideration, $300.
Rawreiice H iggins to J. Thompson ;
consideration, $200.
W m. J. liiid'gefarmer to H, C Clem
ent ? consideration
XV. H, I lfuiHii U J . W, Rr.issiield;
consideration $1,000.
J .. W.. Ri-asstield to Helen l. lloll
rnan : consideration. $1,000.
David Irvin to Joseph Hamilton;
(ponsMienmon, $700,
J. Willowby tx Maluda "WilsxKi ;
consideration, $2,050.
Milton Houston tQ James Houston ;
consideration, $1.
Newton Houston to, Ja,mes Roiiston j
consideration, $1. : ,
-rrx x- r" "
Dkai. The large eircle of friends
jmd acquamtances tlvoughout the State
will be pained to learn of the decease
Of Mr. Nicholas. Sprenger, one of" ' the
oldest and most highly respected cti
y.ens of thU qomtyK He tUeiJ. at hU
j-esidence 11 few milea south of this
city, on the 8fl, and was bur
ied at Corvallis Ben tour county, 911 the
40th, Peace to his Hshes,
paint or greases from llannels, blankets
woolens, prints, silks, etc. ; anil be
sides has a healing effect on diseases of
the skin ; obviates the necessity of boil
ing or blueing, if clothes are dried in
the sun ; in fact it is the soap of the
century. To be had at A. Carothers
& Co.'s
Pkksonai.s. Walter Monteith,
Esq., has so far recovered from hi. re
cent long spell of sickness, as to be
able to appear on the streets once
Mr. Rush and lady, from Pennsyl
vania, are at present tarrying in the
city, visiting relatives and triends.
Judge Wm. Rair Hill called on us
Tuesday, He never looked better.
Glad t$ hear of his success generally.
Mrs, Harry Godley has been danger
ously" ill during the week, but was
thought to be improving yesterday.
Mrs. Winters badly sprained her
right foot, one day last week.
Jo. Gray made another start for the
Roise valley rt'a Columbia river, on
RLACksjiithimi, Etc. The popular
blacksmith, Frank Wood, has taken
his old shop, on corner of Ellsworth
and Second stnets, where parties who
desire blaeksinithing of every kind ex
ecuted well and with good material,
are invited to call. Frank has also a
nuniiHT of those Coquillard wagons,
so highly prized by those who have
used them, tor sale. He also deals in
the noted Star Mo'iue, Caststeel and
other prows. Read his advertisement
elsewhere in this issue, and then go
there to get your work done.
Okkickim Ei.ectki). At a Rebecca
Degree meeting a few evenings ago,
the following officers were elected to
serve for the term: Secretary, ' Mrs.
Coll. Van Cleve; Treasurer, Mrs. J.
F. Backensto ; ."Warden, Mrs. R. Salt
marsh ; Conductor, -Mrs. A. W. Swee
ney ; Inside Guard, George Young.
The V. G. appointed J. F. Rackensto
R. S., and I). M. Thompson R. S.
The X. G. appointed Rev. Mr. Swee
ney. Chaplain ; Win. Cohvell R. S. and
11. C. Clark R.S.
. Ciiaxki IIaxds. The stage line
between this city and CorVallls has
changed hands, we' a re informed. Rill
Cannon, of tills city, Is the siili-eon-.
tractor, and as Rill is an old hand at
the business, we may expect punctual
ity and expedition wider1- his manage
ment. . " y -j1
Fkke Luxcir. This evening-Messrs.
Hotick & Mejrer Rave a grand w-oiien-.
ing at their place, on First street, at
which time a flee lunch will be set. A
right royal and jolly good time will be
had, doubtless, as Meyer- fiever doe
anything by halves.
Pkkttv Span. If airyboih wants i
pretty span of buggy horses, that cun
go pretty well, very cheap.. Ave can in
troduce "em to the man that's got 'em
to sell, -
TiiAKKS.-AVe are yidehted to, W.
H. Queener. Deputy Clerk, for list of
real estate transactions tor the "a,st
IHQIlthv" -" .. i : :
Snow in tiik Mountains. lessrs.
lioierts and Gray, who started for
the Roise country, a few days ago,
over the Willamette Valley & Cascade
Mountain Wagon Road, have returned
to this city, going no further than
Canyon Creek some forty-t'our miles.
Arriving at that point they learned
from a gentleman who hail just came
over the mountains that heavy snows
had fallen In the mountains for a dis
tance of fifteen or twenty miles along
the route, and that traveling was ex
ceedingly difficult. The snow was a foot
deep this side of Fish Rak, and
I hat the snow was falling when their
informant left the mount'ains. A lirtj
of emigrants from California, "making
their way through the mountains w ere
hemmed In by the deep snow at Fish
Lake, some of their stock having died,
and more in a fair way to die, making
it impossible for them to get out of the
mountains without help. There were
some'others, en route for this valley.
Who were, in the same fix. their stock
having given out ; and unless aid was
received the probability was they
would lose their stiK-k, and undergo
much sullering themselves before get
ting through the snow. Under these
circumstances Mr. RoU-rts thought it
the safest and wi-vst course, to return
to Albairy and take the Columbia river
Cvu'UT M ATI Kiss. The Indian,
'Jim Kirk." last week convicted of
manslaughter in the killing of Indian
Charley, was sentenced to ten year's
service in the penitentiary. Rains,
found guilty of passing a counterfeit
$20 on Ed. Raum, was sentenced to
three years in the same institution.
;'. AV. Saxe, found guilty as charged
of shooting Zack llogan, on the
grounds of the I um County Agricul
tural Association last September, was
sentenced to iartake of the hospitali
ties of the hotel d' Wadkiuds for the
space of two years. The Court re
sumed the third week of its session on
Tuesday, and will probably wind up
by Saturday to-day.
Pauaukam.s. Some luid lioys plac
ed a "Lager Reer' sign on top of
Miller's' blacksmith shop the other
Ike Conn is rapidly pushing the new
brewery building on corner of Raker
and First streets.
Real estate transactions, as reported
elsewhere, since the 11th of October,
foot up $40,35 34.
To J. R. Smith, Esq.. we are in
debted for our weather record which
appears in this issue.
Grand M ister E. L. Rristow, maki
an official visit to Albany Lodge Xo.
4, I.O.O.F., on next Thursday night.
A full attendance is solicitated.
Mrs. Humphrey, who has been con
fined to her loom three or four weeks,
the ellects of a fall, is again able to
propel by the use of crutches.
There is rumor of the formation of
a stock company, for the purpose of
building a $20,000 brick hotel in this
city next season.
Ruj-ers are offering $(J per 100 lbs.
for pork. There seems to be very little
coming in, and that not generally
RIain, Young & Co. received another
large invoice of goods on Friday. It
beats all at the amount of goods they
sell. Don't it. ,
A. Carothers & Co. liave added a
fine lot of stationery to their stock of
drugs, etc., and you can now find there
paper, iens, ink, etc., in large variety,
at low rales. f
The front ot Mr. John Conner's new
bank has been put up, and looks real
The new brick of Thompson & Irv
ing has received its iron doors and
the roof w ill be all O. K. in a day or
Mr.?. J. C. Powel has gone to Cali
fornia on a visit.
The total assessment of property in
Linn county is $,3,S03,03..
The O. & C. Railroad pays taxes in
this county on $131,000 w orth of prop
erty thirty-four miles.
The- tax ley the present year is
thirteen mills. :
Forty-one suits for divorce in the
three counties of Linn, Lane and Mult
nomah is very fair fur so young 44
state. ... ... v
Dr. Alexander- powe-il eighty acres of
wheat on Thursday. '
In the divorce suit of,Custar vs. Cus
tar, fordiyoree two days were occu
pied, the present -week, hi hearing
Walt. Ketclmm had a wagon badly
abused by the team running away, the
other day.
Municipal election transpires on the
4th of December next.
Jolui Metzler gave an oysfcer supper
to the Fire Roys, on Tuesday night, as
a slight evidence of his appreciation of
their efforts to save hi factory at the
late fire.
In the Circuit Court the docket Was
cleared, and the Court adjourned on
Friday morning at one o'clock.
A. Carothers fc Co. are in receipt of
a large invoice of coal oil of the best;
quality, which they will sell Io.w
Chk.U' Mumc It is seldom that
cheapness is associated w ith merit and
real value, but we must make an ex
ception in favor of Peter'' Mngiml
Monthly. This valuable work comes t$i
us regularly each month, overflowing
with choice new inii-ie souks liftceu
piece hi every number.' It is printed
from 3; full-sized music-plates, neatlv
bound, and sells for the modet sum of
30 cent-i. The publisher otters to send
six back numbers, containing from SO
to 90 pieces of choice- new music, for
$1, .Address. J. L. Peters. 5.)',) Broad
way, Xew York. Think of it! .K) to
100 pieces of good nm-ic(224 pa "-us) for
$L ' j
C1KC.TIT Coi KT. Court adjourned
Friday morning, making the following
disposition of causes not reported last
week :
P Uerwln vs U t 'beadle; aelton lor debt.
Judgment lor plaint iif -$2Srf.
K 1 Isi ri less vs K Knowt'on; net ion for
debt, uppcale'l from Couirty Court. Jtid"
inent for Uofeulunt. "
Mart ha At I'usler vs Unci Custer; action
1j recover iosscsioii of property. IHs
misse'l. J Iloskins v.s V Ifciker: fowlosuio of
lnortfjii'e. Jielii-men; fordetendant.
I lio.s Ciemons vs K,limnsou et al; par
Ibioiiof real esiate. l)i;niisstil.
K II Auyflie-t v. s Mason 1) Smith et al; fore
closure of niortjra.iji!. Morlae foreclosed.
Thos Mon;eith et ai vs J II foster et al;
II I. lendd vs C M r.tH-; foreelosnw of a
mortiiiiure. I 'out iinicd.
Mar; h I twister vs Huel Custer; divorce.
I .'i I'orcc iT:mteil.
Uiii'l I'nster vs I:i!-tiia M Caster.
Isabel I-'avjdson vs Y II DavMson; di
vorce. IMvoivefri-aatc-l.
Turner. Lewis Co vs Walter Monteitli;
action at law to recover money. Judg
ment for defendant. ,
Same v.s lii-o ;oiilnsou; indieliueiit for
se.iin.uc liipior. i'leait "'lty. lined $"a
Same vs J im Kali an: in Vusuwly to ap
pear lor murder, found .utility of man
slaughter; sentenced to-ten years 111 the
Fai:.M Soi.!. Judge Thornton has
so!d his line 700-acre farm in Renton
county, just acro-s the river from this
city, to Dick Williams, Esq., of Salem,
for the sum of s000. Judge Thorn
ion will remove to Salon.
If you de-ire rosy cheeks and a com
plexion fair, and free from pimples,
blotches and eruptions, purify your
blood and invigorate vonr system . by
taking Dr. Piei -e's Alt. Ext. or iold
en Medical Discovery. It has no equal
for this purpose, nor as a remedy for
"Liver Complaint," or -Riiliou-niess,"
and "Constipation of the Rowels'
Sold bv druggists. Pamphlets sent
free. Address. Dr. R. V. Pierce. Ruf
falo, Xew York.
Eleven marriage licenses were issued
by our County Clerk lat month.
I iii'iiieial iiimI Coumicri'liil.
Gold in Xew York 112. Currencv,
buying. -SS'.je; selling. S0.,'.
San "Fancisco dates to thSth. give
the folowing: Flours-Rest brands
Oregon extra. 7 G2'.i7 75 ; other
brands, $77 50. Wheat Market
quiet at $2 5(KS2 (JO f 100 U-, for fair to
good lots Oats Advanced to $1 05
1 87,' ft 100 lbs Wool Slack ; good
shipping. 24&2iie ; hurry unsalable.
Portland quotations show: Wheat
Clean lots, 1 20 bushel. Potatoes
Ordinary, 90e : kidneys, $11 25 1
bushel. Eggs Market bare; advanc
ed to (30c dozen.
Albany quotations differ but little
from last rejiorts. "Wheat still remains
af$l 15 H bushel, with little com
ing in. Oats at 75c bushel. Eggs
and butter have jumped up, there
being very little of either in market.
We quote butter at 40c f 1L, and eggs
at 40c f dozen.
Business during the week, good.
Weather cloudy. Farmers busy put
ting in grain. "
' len Sketch of BrlsrhwKi Youngr
. In the Salt Rake coi respondenee of
the Philadelphia lJre appears a long
chapter on 3Iormonism and its chief
lrophet, from which we coyy. this:
The " Lion of the Rord" i or then
was, :l very well-conditioned lion, in
deeda man of portly presence ad
nearly six in height. His fore-
! head has not mudi ureaum, out is 01
j fair average height. The hair yth
! which it is crowned was once of a
saixlv or reddish hue. but is now plen
tifully sprinkled with gray; it is al
ways carefullv oiled and brushed into
rolls. It is in the small, piercing gray
eves. the thin, linnly-set lips the sto
lid face, and massive lower jaw, that
Rrigham Young's characteristics are
chiefly" revealed. A strong, deter
mined, aggressive face, with that deep
furrow fit m the nostril to the corner
of the mouth on either side, which, in
consequence of the undue development
of the labial and facial muscles, usu
ally marks the man who speaks much
in public. In speaking his upper lip
appears to fit in somewhat behind the
lower, probably from the loss or wear
ing away of the upper teeth, of which
but faint vestiges remain. When con
versing he does not frequently look at
the person whom he addresses, but
gazes straight before him. when to till
around his words come forth with ex
plosive vehemence.
Rrigham wears a closely-cut reddish
leard, sprinkled, like his hair, with
gray, only his upper and lower lip be
ing shaven. Place around a thick-set
neck an old-style black silk cravat,
with a narrow -edge of linen collar
foil led over it; clothe him in a black
coat and pantaloons, with a white col
larless waistcoast adorned with a pon
derous gold watch-guard, upon his feet
well polished boots, and Rrigham
Young stands revealed, lie might be
a weil-to-do manufacturer, wno has'
fought his way up from the ranks; or
a money-getting merchant, comfort
able in his investments, a power in the
Kingdom of Mammon and, indeed,
he is both one and the other. Haydly
would one unacquainted with his his
tory judge him to be w hat he is, the
man whose will is implicitly obeyed,
whose divine appointment is implicitly
believed in, who is looked up to with
fanatical veneration by hundreds of
thousands ot men and women. He
shows but few evidences of that fanati
cism which one v.ould exjiect to see
revealed in the face of a man having
such a history ; stili he is a fanatic, un
questionably, but his fanaticism ha-j
underlying it a strong basis of prac
tical common sense. Xot onlj' is he
the most successful religiousTeailer, but
one of the most successful business
managers and administrators of pub
lie a Hairs in these modern times.
THE IIIJiT AKK Tit 11 '4It:AlIT.
j and-: "
liianently es a .lishe I in Oregon. A
! hi rare and conmlelc sKk-Ic will Ik- ke'it on
j liaml. and Hold at the maiiulaeturer's re-
TIIKSK IXSTKl'SIKXTS are well know n
tjirouxliout the world, ion I have reeelve I
tlie lustiest )reiuiunis vlie;-everexliili.e t.
Aus in i heir favor from ihe b-st lansieal
talent of inn li Kuroe an I America.
For durability, s'ylo of (inisl) andiinaUtv
ot tone, they are rXKQUALLKl).
22vcr7 Instrument fully Warrant
ed for Five Years..
IUiistiiite l cntn lollies sent on iciplka- i
r Fronf-Si., lVrt:and,
Agents for Ori'.non.
"Ella, my child," said a prudish
old maid to ti pretty niece, who woald
curl her hair in pretty ringlets, - if the
1-ord had intended your hair to be
curled, he would have done it himself."
So lie did, aunt', when I was a baby;
but he thinks 1 am big enough now to
do it myself."
In broiling a beefsteak, whenever
the coals '.blaze up from the dripping,
a pinch of salt thrown upon them will
instantly extinguish the flames. By
carefully attending to this matter you
may have your broiled steak or chicken
crisp but not scorched, and juicy yet
well done.
Why Is a thunder-storm like an on
ion? Becaue it Is peal after peal.
Woman's rights women may yet
aspire to positions in the navy : Lot's
wife was an old salt.
Scene Three little children' fishing
two boys and a girl liov " Oli.
Johnny's got a bite !' G ifl : " Oh !
my sakes; and he's such a little boy
only reads the primer !"'-
Josh Billings says " knowing how
to sit square on a Iiile, without hurt
ing, is one of the lost arts."
Why can't a deaf man be legally
convicted:-' Because it is not lawful
to condemn any one without a hear
ing. Henry Ward Beechersays that the
most gratifying circumstance in his
life was being kissed by Kossuth. A
cotemporary asks, ' Isn't this hard on
poor Mrs. Beecher?"
Mr. Theophilus I'opp of Poppville.
in Popp County, fancying himself to
be very popular with his lady love,
popped the question to her under the
poplar tree, where she referred him
to her poppy, who, when asked for
his consent, laboring under the influ
ence of ginger pop, popped him out of
the door to the tune of k l'op jmes the
weasel !"
Sammy Tildcn, opening the Demo
cratic Convention the other day at
Rochester, "thanked God that the
cloud began to show its silvery lining.'
If that's the cloud the Tammany gang
are under, ten to one they steal the
lining. Ilurtfnrtl I'ost.
Xot long ago a captain of volunteers
was presented with a handsome sword.
He began hisK reply thus: "Ladies
and gentlemen, this swoixl is the
proudest day of my existence."'
They are trying to run out a meaner
man than the mean man alluded to the
other day, who always placed a cork
in the nozzle of his bellows after using
them, soas to save what wind was
left. They do say there was a man at
Cape May this summer who asked the
landlord how much he was going to
deduct from his board billt so as to
allow for two back teeth he had had
A swell wishing
interesting, asked,
you suppose I was
agor - ",iust wtiat you are now,
nothing at all," was the prompt reply.
A hark caught oft' Charleston had
a pair of boots, a scalp, two cannon
balls, and a package of Su'uilay-sx;biQoJ
tickets in its stoauach.
A Castroville potato vine has pro
duced a growth of esculent tubers, not
only nutter -the ground, but all along
the vine itself, just as tomatoes grow.
The editor of a Paris com'c pa
per was so funny about the govern
ment that lie now laughs all by
himself in prison.
Died. On the Stli insU at his resi
dence twelve miles south of this city,
Nicholas Sprenger, aged (11) years and
y months. Mr. Sprenger was born in
Albersweiler, Germany, February 8th,
1802. ,
Jev 'i'o-lajv
Lard Oil & Soap
JL iWeted ami put in goo d running tinier
their new ...
Lard Oil and Soap Manufactory,
in the city of Atliany, are prepared to inr
cliase, at the highest, cash lines, ail the
SSogs, Ilustcid ISititca, Soap
CJrcasc, delivered to them in this city.
They are now manufacturing and have
on hand
Fancy Toilet and Common Soaps,
in great variety, warranted equal to the
liest in market, wliiuh fliey oiler to the
trade at the most i-rnsoimbiir rales.
Orders res; ect fully solicited. Satisfac
tion guaranteed.
iiT Parlies having IIir, Rancid Butter,
or Urease of any kind, loV sine, will do v.eii
to give us a call.
Xov. 11, ls7Mov4
ailtSEK OF
Portland, Oregon.
General Repair Shop.
turned t Allmny, and taken his oul
streets, announces his readiness to attend j
IllUlt klltllSUl
Oii first mortgage real. estate,and collateral
Also, lias on hand and for. sale, tho
Strayer Forcc-tced
and other PLOWS,
which he will sell on the most reasonable
All work entrusted to mo will receive
prompt attention, ami lx; executed in the
tjest pw-tiile manner, with good material.
A slutre of public patronauce in solicited.
(ir Shop on corner Kllswort h and Second
stivets, opixiiiite I'ierce's Fert-v.
l"v 'r. M OOI.
PunP.ll!inirinir "V 1 OO... t am In
-.(,) UlVVlUlUlUii,
Decorating, &e.
to' malve himself
' 3Iaria, what do
a hundred years
I? M. W'ADSWOKTII win ive prompt
. . attention to ull orders for -Paper-hanging,
Calcemining, llocorating, &.:, in
thiaeity or vicinity. All work executed
in tho latest style, in the best manner, and
at. lowest living rates. (6Jir"Orders left at
Furniture Warerooms ot Cluis. Mealey will
receive prompt attention. 10v4
k. n. hum niREv.
Kotary Punne.
Attttrueys and Counsellor at Iaw,
Ofllee in rarrUsh brick, up utaira, 5y4 J
Agents for the sale of
Ilolflaclay's Aclditioik
- TO '.
Have for s;ile n large amount of
Improved and , Unimproved
Situated in different parts of tlse Stat, on
the line of the railroad.
To emigrants and others, rerating to tlo
RESOUKCES OF OREUOX, fiiniislteil fi-ee
of charge.
3TA11 11-res.pondenee wtU Imy wmmr
attention. SmFib 4. II
Xov. 11, Tt-lOv-iy
' 'NOTICE, : , v
. (iKiflioN, . Ootoiwr lth, 1871: Com
tilalnt having lH?en entered t this Oftieo
li v J Eli KM 1 A H SHEA .againat COK FL'K
M N t"orlandoning his Ilontestead Entrv
No. Sil, dated May loth, WH7, upon tlu Lot
1 of hcx-tlon S7, and Lot-- 1, t and S, 9cction
, Townnhtp 13 South, Itange I 1-M.t, in
I Ann-county, Oregon, with a view to tlK
cancellation ot said entry : the said parties
ure- hereby summoned to. appear t this
Oltiee. on the 23d day of XovemU-r, lh71, at
10 o'clock A. M., to .respond and fmruisdi
testimony eoucerning said alleged u'"an
rloninent. OWEN WADK, KegiMer.
Siecial attention given to the sale and pur
chase of
In all parts of Oregon.