The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, November 04, 1871, Image 8

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    Stag 'sister.
i i
From the Oregon Good Tcmplnr.
"To tlie Younar Pw) r Oregon
lSoll of Honor.
. Tlirous;li your land parents, ias
tor, teachers awl superintendents,
we "reet vou. A lloi.i- of 1 1 onok,
..-omposea of all who sign the an
nexed Plod-re between tins and Jan
uarv 1st, 172, will be formed, and
vou are all invited to give your
liamo, with head and hand.
Kaeh one Mining the Pledge,
whose name is sent to cither of the
undersigned, will be entitled to a
opy of the Orkuox INha. of
Honor and Tempkhaxck Kecsis
run, containing his or her name, to-
ether with the names of all others
Throughout the State between the
res of hx and twenty-one, who
have thus pledged their lives to
tcmiwrance. Tobacco and profan
ity are included along with intoxi
cating drinks, because they arc great
evils" in themselves and naturally
lead to intemperance of a more de
, grading form.
Grand Worth Chief Templar, Port
land, Oregon.
"Willamette University, fc'alem, Ore
gon. PLEDfiK.
We, the undersigned, solemnly
2ledqc ourselves to a I'fedong ab
stinence from the ve of all in tort
cat in? drinks, including irtne,
beer atid cider, as a beverage. ;
from the use of tobacco in every
'form, and frenn 2'ofanity.
Appended note to parents, pastors,
superintendents, etc.
We solicit your hearty co-ooei-a-
4',. ; vn-.-nt.inor the allOYC t() GUI-
voutli, at home, in public schools,
from the pulpit, and in the Sabbath
4?hool. Please to promptly circu
late the pledge, or have it thor
oughly circulated ; and forward to
-either of our addresses carefully
made lists of those signing, with
their residences. The name of some
responsible person, who is willing to
-ertify to its correctness, must be
t-cnt with each list, to whom also
copies oi the roll may be forwarded
for distribution among the signers.
Collections may be taken to help
3ay for the Roll.
The plan, we are sure, is wise,
find its object most worthy. The
Register. will encourage in signing
and help iii keeping the pledge.
Reportsshould all be sent in by
next Christinas. Let the lioll be
worthy of our State, and the cause
it seeks to serve. .
d? Editors of Oregon please
ry-, ,.
Tjii Iticli.
A School for Housekeepers.
A Boston letter to the Chicago
Jburna I says :
Some of our more sensible wo
men have come to tlie conclusion
that it is high time for tlie rising
generation of young "ladies" to be
initiated into the mysteries of that
which their grandmothers knew .
the art of housekeeping, instead of
living in a state of profound igno
rance of the accomplishments of the
kitchen. Xow and then a young
married woman is met with who
can make good bread and pool po
tatoes as well as play on tlie piano
and practice the mysteries of the
toilette, but such are not very plen
tiful hereabouts, at least. The idea
of a school for housekeepers is not a
new one, but it is unpopular with a
groat many. The young men of to
day would give more for a woman
who had earned a diploma ot'Al. A.
laulen of Ai ls than a diploma
indicating that she is unfitted for a
wife. The project of such a school
is in good hands, and not one of
that "party is a believer in female
si; rti-age, but are practical common-
sense women. lien the time comes !
that every young woman can tell
"What 1 know about tlie art of
housekeeping," the young men of"
the count ry can all t ake courage
got married, for there is a surplns of
the fair sex.
Tlie ship Britannia was wrecked
off the coast of Brazil, and had on
loard a large consignment of Span
ish dollars. In the hope of saving
wme of the them, a nnmber of bar
rels were brought on deck, but tlie
-vessel went to pieces so fast that the
Vnily hope of life was by taking at to the boats.
Tlie last boat was about to push
off, when a young mid-shipman
went back to see if any one was still
on board. To his surprise there
at a man on deck, with a hatchet
in hand, with which he had broken
open several .of the casks, the con
tents of which he was now heaping
up alout him. -
"What ara, you doing here?"
shouted, the youth "Don't you
know the ship is &st going to
pieces?" .
"Tlie ship may go," said the
man ; "I have lived a poor wretch
all my life $ but I am determined to
- die rich." ' -
The officer's remonstrances were
answered by another flourish of the
hatchet, and the man was. left to his
late." ' r s . 1 ..
1 We should count such a person a
madman ; but he has too many im
itators. Men seem determined to
1 rich at all hazards. ; Least of all
risks do they count the chance of
losing the soul m their struggle, at
any moment.
, . . . , , .
Two literary ladies were lately
witnesses in" a trial. ' One of them
upon hearing the usual question
sked, " What is your name ? and
how old are vou?" turned to her
companion and said : " I do not like
to toll my age not that I object to
its being known, but I don't want
i t . published in r the newspapers!;
Well,", said the , witty Mrs.
' I will tell yoj.l how you can avoid
it. You have heard the objection
to all liearsay evid-ence ; tell ithem !
you don' t remember when you were
horh'jL and all you know . about- it id
by hearsay." Hie ruro took j and
the question was not pressed.; vfJ 1 H
An exchange "remarks that
many a child Bings I want " to be
n angel,' who would be more Fat-:
isfactory if he wanted to be a good
Pi:i;i.'s I'ikst Effort ix Oi:a
toiiy. Soon after the birth of the
great British statesman. Sir RoV
ert Peel, his father, the fiist baro
net, rising daily in wealth and con
sequence, and believing that money,
in those peculiar days, could always
command a seat in Parliament, de
termined to briitg u his son ex
pressly for the I louse of Commons.
When that son was quite a child,
Sir Rolert would frequently set him
on a table, and say : "Xow Robin,
make a speech, and I'll give you
this cherry."
What few words the little fellow
produced were applauded, and ap
plause stimulating exertion, pro
duced such effects that before Rob
in was ten years old, he could ad
dress the company with some de
rrree of eloquence. As ho crew nv
- x . .. --J?,
his father constantly took him every
Sunday into his private room, ami
made him repeat, as well as he :
could, the sermon that had been j
preached. Little progress. in effect- !
ing this was made, and little was j
expected at firt ; but by steady i
perseverance the habit of attention !
grew powerful, and the sermon was
repeated almost verbatim. When
at a very distant day the Senator,
rememlxH'ing accurately tlie speech
of an opponent, answered his argu
ments in quick succession, it was
not then known that the power of
so doing was originally acquired in
the old Dravton Church.
A I.TV4U 111 IoIItene.
"A friend of Dean Swift's one
day sent him a turbot as a present,
by a servant lad who had frequent
ly been on similar errands but had
never received anything from the
dean tor his trouble. 1 laving ghf
ed admission, he opened the study
door and putting down the fbh on
tlie flow, cried out rudely, blaster
has sent vou a turbot!'
"'Young' man,' s-aid. the dean,
rising li om his easy-chair, 'is that
the way you dclfvcr a message? Let
me tenchyou better manners. Sit
down in my chair, Ave will change
places, and' I will show you how to
behave in the future.'
"The boy sat down, and the dcp.u
going out, came up to tlie door, and
making a low bow, said, 'Sir, mas
ter presents his hind compliments,
hopes you are well, and requests
vour acceptance ot a sudl present.'
"'Does he?' reolL-dtheboy. 'Re
turn him my br. stt iiauks, audthcres
half a erowr. for yourself.'
"The dran, thus caught in his
own tro--, laughed heartily, and
gave toe boy a crown for his ready
The teacher as well as the schol
ar received a lesson at that time.
That boy certainly knew enough to
make his way through the world.
Tl ie dean was very fond of fun, and
we have no doubt enjoyed the boy's
..... A I
NEW 100KS.?
lta vo just rorclvAl si lar-ro sxmt wcD sc't-ct-
l-tl PtOi-li of
stu-u ns
Farmers' & Met'jaiiics5 Tools,-
l:li5e SiUV; t"-l1'-r v itl.u
laiilrt, sprin.. axlos. 1himMei'kt:tM,-.,ljolts,
i t".c, clc, vU
i A trill sMyetl slorb r
"Woproii Timber,
IIi.-nl rim?:, Klmfls iKIe:-, Hicovy n.vlos". vie.
All of which arc now ortV-ve-1 to the puv
li.-nt low rules. As we inuks llle bnineHS
h sinviahy, we mn imj will Ueenn belter
iissuriiiienr, at lower, than nv
lum in this city.
Agents Wanted.
Wotldn't llrx in" I)i:i:t. A
New York pajier f ays that the oth
er day a little son of a well-known
bank officer in Wall street lost his
purse while coming from Central
iarkjand an-t ranger, feeing his dis
comfort, paid his railroad fare
three cents. The boy, thanking
him, faid: "If you will tell me
vour name, 1 will bring it to vou
"Oh, no," faid the gentleman,
"never mind about it."
The boy persisted, faying his
Hither never allowed him to run in
"1 will not give you my name,"
replied the gentleman, "but I live
, o. , on street.
Alo iweivhi.u: oyiesiiiij, a large and
pleiidKl assortment of
Which we oiler at re lu.-e 1 rates.
W. II. KlUN & (').,
Mon1eiih lire-iu-oof brick, First street.
March 12, 7iV27
lii'l.Vli i;sj'aik.
. A B A Y
li Y
CaciirrnJ Aui'-Jil.-i.
i o . o. rd ' '
EitAXJCii orncr, albasy, dr.,
T Kon. E-sta'j'.ishe l.Ju'.y, tASS. An oWee
where .uener:!l in i'orinal iois concern in if i he
re-';onives of Oregon can be oblaiiic.L 1'n'e ,
Loans iieo!ia;e l on tirst niorlira o. real I
es1:Ue itixl coUateni! se -nritios. We have j
for sale a larre amount ol'iroixrty H-:r"l i
in tlu town of AM.imy. Also, "farming
Imrli, of every descript ion, !rale I in Linn '
an l other con'nlie: in tliis s;a'.e. ; !
Oliver Goldsmith, than whom no
boy could appear more stupid, was
the butt of ridicule at school. A
school dame, after wonderful perse
verance, taught him the alphabet
a thing which she deemed credita
ble to her skill, and which she lived
to mention with pride when her pu
pil became famous, lie made no
progiess in the exact studies, but
liked history and Latin poctiy. lie
was a sore trial to his ambitious
mother, .who made many fruitless
efforts. to quicken his wits by her
sharp words. His relatives, teach
ers and schoolmates all told him
that he was a tool, which verdict he
did hot dispute, but took good hu
moredly. Kven when he had pro
duced the " Traveler," an eminent
critic faid to a friend: " Sir, 1 do
believe that Goldsmith wrote that
poem; and that, let me tell you, is
believing a great deal."
The next mor-jino- the door-b;ll
rung at that house, and our little
hero told the amused servant maid
his erand.
"Which of the gentlemen is itV
said she, "there are several in the
The boy twisted on his heel, and,
after a moment's thought, faid :
"Have you a photograph-book in
the house V"
She brought it, and turning over
its pages, he said, pointing to one :
"That's the one. l'lease give him
these three cents, and tell him that
the boy who borrowed it in tlie cars
yesterday left it to pay his debts."
Iftliat little iellow grows up
with the careful principles which he
has now, he. will be a man to hb
An l vL-inity, a-vl to tlif owsie-rsi of real e ',
tale: We ta"e this met boil of calling your j
attention to our place; of business, liav- i
in.LT iictermhic.1 to open n branch office in J
your city, we an oiler yon a inc'Uum for
o'ltaiiiiiir purclia-H-rs one that is appre- j
eia'eil bv buyers, as it saves them lunch !
time an i labor in searching lor what tljev j
want. Our principal agency, at IVrllaml,
Ore-ton, is thorou ilily established, and the
o lice so well lnrm-he.l for fjivin.r informa-
tion upon real i-iiic tluit it allonls the :
most complete faciiit ies lor all parlies hav- j
intr business in our line.
You incur no expense m placing your
pro;erty on fa!e with us unless ;i s;t!e is
ma le.
Odice. First street, near telcrraph oflice.
Albany, March -':!, 7n-'2:)v3if-
The ex-Empress Carlotta has re
cently in her insanity, caused her
guardians and relatives a Great deal
of trouble. She insists upon re
maining in the open air all the time,
and any attempt to take her' back
to her apartments brings on fright
ful paroxysms of rage, in which she
refufcs to take. food ibr several days
in succession. The Queen of Beb
gium passes six or seven hours every
day in the company of the unfortu
nate ladj'. Carlotta's favorite lan
guage is Spanish, and, to gratify
her, both King and Queen have
leahied, to speak that tongue. V
Rtxk axi) UuK'Pic. Child
Pa, what -did Mr. Falger mean,
whei he said, in his temperance ad
dress tlie other day, that moderate
drinkers r are -ripening; 'for drunk
ards' ? ." "4 " ''
Father Do you not remember,
my cliild, Iioav a cherry looks, when
it is ripening ?
' Child Oh, yes, and now I un-;
derstand it. Squire Russell is a
moderate drinker, and he is turning
red on the end of his nose, and on
his cheek bones. Old Joe Love
flip is dead ripe, for his nose and
face are purple. Exeter JSTecs Letter..
(Jo to Sr.KKi Many chidren,
instead of being as plump' and fresh
as a peach, are as withered and
wrinkled as last year's apples, be
cause they do not sleep enough.
Some physicians think that the
bones grow only during. sleep. This
1 cannot say, certainly ; but I do
know that little folks who fit up
late at nights are usually nervous,
weak, small, and sickly.
The reason you need more sleep
than your .parents is, because you
have to grow and they have not.
They can use up the food they eat
in thinking, talking and walking,
while you should save some of yours
for growing. ,, You ought to sleep a
great deal ; if not, you will in
activity consume all you cat, and
have none, or not enough, to grow
Very few smart children excel,
or even equal other people when
they grow up. "Why is this? Re
cause their heads, their bodies, - are
kept too busy ; so 'that' they can
hot sleep, rest grow strong in body
and . -brain, t Kow, when your moth
er says it is time to go to bed,' do
not worry her by begging to sit up
"just a little longer."
Rut hurry oft' to your chamber,
remembering that you have a great
deal of sleeping and growing to do
to make you a healthy, happy, use
ful man or woman. -
l. 21 3ZS Si ,
Y the public, with neat turnouts in the
way ot"
.Mylisli JJ;i;;vsis r.:s1 Ciirrins'i's mill
Vast Ktoek, 0 ;
On the most reasonable terms. Our liverj
is all new, and of the latest styles, and we
shall take pride in -living our patrons as
neat and reliable an outht as can lwj ol
tainod in the K-ate. 't
Horses bosircled at a-ea.sonable rates, )y
the week or month.
Hacks ami tiirrisigtfa fnrnisliod, for par
ties, etc.
A share of public patron state is solicited.
Albanj-, Pee. 17, 1S7(-1.
Wasliiispfton, Mill lis Pahlic liuild
. i,s, tioittids and Statuary.
With a diagram of ihe House of liepre
sentatives and Senate ol the United S ates,
thirty-ilve steel en.xra vins, an 1 ei-rhly
pa.res of Uesc-iint ion and historical readins
A .fitnj,! nf '.his himlim-lxo.- v, ill be sent
to those wishing to act as agents, for two
dollars, and livestamo.s for return postage.
The CJreatcst Cabinet of Iii ids, Ani
mals and Krptiles, both Native and
foreign, ever published.
This e:e.cant volume contains ,v r cn ;
hiiii lid ajit.r -(1 ft'ai s. an 1 is a book nee led
and useful in every family, it is of larre
size and hu'idsomeiv bound. A sam ne of
this work will be sent to those who desire
to act as a -nis for t hive dollars and live
siamjis for return iHs;a.-?e.
of new hooks, anv one of which wo will
send lor one dohar. They are all bound
and illustrate 1.
Hook of GOO Puzzles. 100 pictures.
Courtship made Kasy. Art of mat
ing uVZ.
How ;amblers Win. 1000 tricks
wi:h cards.
l''or'unc Toller and Dream IJjok.
Horse Taming'.
How to Play Poker to Win.
How to Mix S1H Iriiiks. Pike
$:! 60.
The Art of Letter Writing.
Secrets Knowinjj.
A fruide to the matin fact lire, of medi
cines, ix-rlumery, sia;s, dves, wines, enr
tluiis. H;n:ar beveneest mauulaetureM
secrets, atid many others;
Ungues and ltoueries.
Ventriloquism Made L"-asy.
ISae JSall Hook.
Aa Infallible isioon prn iKirtsi. rosBOBS
ing raro to:c end XKtis vxaiis iiropt rlicB
a certain euro for iuiei'satisx. cioex. .
rvKUKAf-ciiA, ncd U kindred Diseases.
- It completely restores the system when im
paired ly disease, revives the ction cf the
cally cures ncbofixa, kjilt tiiiCLr.u.
end all Eni'PTIVE and CVTAXGOU1 DiS-
cases, gives immediate and permanent relief'
in nvspEPSi.i, liiiYSirELAs, Tumors,
Boils, Scald Head, ITlcers and Sores; cradl- -cates
from the system all traces of Mercurial
Disease, " ' ' I
It 13 ptinELY VECitTABtE, being made :
from an herb found indigenous in California.
It is therefore peculiarly suitable for use by
Females and Children, cs a BLOOD rilni.
Fisn d! ncxovATon.
For Sals by all Druggiit.
C0 and C31 XIarket Street,
Can Pranclsco.
We have i:i jiress a lar,j:e list of hooks for
the holidays.
All communications must he addressed,
Wnsliintrtoji I'KlklisiiiiK- Cuan3:iy,
lXK-k box 1S3, Washin rton, 1 ). 1).
7v-t .
C - - 6,666 - - E,
MurtkT in AEitanjr
no threatemng ot it at present.
Neveg Foiisaick a I'skiV:nd.4
When enemies gather around, wlien
tber world is: dark and clicerless is
the time to try true friendship. They
who turn- from the reenc of distress
betray tlieirniyjioerisyland rbve
that interest only moves them. If"
you have a, friend j who loves, you,
who lias studied your interest and
happiness, ba sure to sustain him in
adversity. Let him feci that his
former kindness is appreciated, and
that his love was not thrown away.
IJeal fidelity may bo rare, but it ex
istsin the heart. They only deny
its worth and power who never
loved a friend or labored to make a
friend happy.
Too much rain is bad for vegetation;
it acts as a check-rein.
Is a tiling w hich sometime -mnst lx'fall
every son and cuiughtcrof the human fam
ily ; and yet, -
At'lltc 33id-clay,
Of your life, if disease lays his vile hands
upou yon, there is still a halm in (iiiead,"
hy which you may he restored to ix'rl'ect
health, and prolong your days to a miracu
lous extent.
By eallfnfj on s .
R. C. EIILt, &. SON,
Willi a proscription, where you can have
ii t-uHiiKiunHvii jy um: taix'i lyriwu in xuai.
particular line. Also, const an tlv on hand
a pood pssortm?nt of fresh drus, patent
medieines, chemicals, paints, oils, dye
stutl's, trusts, etc. Ajjcnts for the
teIeljrKtc5 Ink WeeC IIeneI-,
Or, Orepton llheunwtie Cure; Dr. I). Jnyne
& Sons' medicines, etc.
-Spcnee'rt I'ositive and Neprative Powders
kejit in stock. Aso agents tor the
Home Klui.ila Kcuinjy 31acliin?y
One of tlie most, useful pieces of household
furniture extant. Call and examine.
it. V.. & SOX.
Alhany, June. 10, 71-10v3
T7x?"zx, r o iious o ,
At 6ijclrs, Station,
TO--I'iiu'n,nRi"a-,wAujrnst JT, 1871
Wtll be furnished with cleaning Snd ele?
A-atms machinery of the most approved
construction. Sacks will be furnished, and
the highest Albany prices will be paid, In
Casli, for CSralu of All Kinds, I
Terms for storase, etc., made known on
application at the warehouse.
48v3m3 ALMON WHEEL.EIt,Les9oo.
SixTiiQusaal SixHtuilrea & SixiY-six
Selected from
The Best French, English Rus
sian, Japanese and American
.. Patents. ;s "
The Great Medical Discovery !
Xi-. WAl.KEIl'3 0iLI-IF03.NI A i
Hundreds cf Thousands
Bear testimony to ttadr Wonder
fa 1 Curative Effecta.
c : W M t I
1 -3
8 S3
!l j1 III
' sis
n jmmBw til
D R I N li
'Is F A N C V
Of Wiisliiiigtoii, I. C,
21 lor their celebrated couinonnda, or
M ill send the receipts so that anv person
can make their own eoinponnd, arid retain
tlwfonnula. The Company's ciivnlar con
svvink 1)isi:asi.s, corns,
giuvgl, i:iu:usia-
IJUlt SIS, 11 1 KG VV ()U9l!i, 1EIAXS,
Componncls of the above, or any other
desired, will lie sent, for one dollar for one
article; or two will he sent for $1 50. Ke
cpipts tor comixnndiiir?, with full direc
tions, 50 cents each, or three for 1.
If you want to know how to make IAnr
bon, apple, Irish, Sootch, wheat or sor mmi
whisky; blaekberrv, eherrv, conne, ain
prer, peach and rasplwrry hmndy; sixteen
kinds of vinegar; black, blue, recn, red
nud tndelihle ink ; eider, sweet and simrk
linjj; foniteen kinds of beer; blacking, in
paste and liquid, for harnesw, earriajesand
all kindd of leatlicr ; d vcing, in every slia ae
and color; shaving swvp, t promote the
growth of hair; varnishes of twelve vari
eties, and every other compound in gen
eral nae, send fifty cents and stamp for ro-
?eAilVood8 warranted as represented.
Send stamp for circular. All communi
cations must be addressed to
EmrelcM CVMWPoniMlinBr
Boom Ho. 22X May's building,
7v4 Washingrton, D. C.
Made cf Toor Itn:i:, Wliinkey, l'roil
Bpiritn mid Ilefuso Liquors ilctorort,i;)lccJ
aad sweetened iilcasa t!io taste, called "Ton
lcs,,M Appetizero," " Kcstorors," c, t!iat lca'l
the tippler on to drunkenness ami ruin, btit are
a tras Medicine, made from the Native i:oots nn 1
Herbs of California, free front n 1 1 A Srolivlie
Stimulants. They arc t!ie tSUKAT IlLO()l
PCRIFIEltaad lilFE CJIVIXti l'ltlS
CI IIjE a perfect Ucnovator aad Invlgorator of
the System, carrying; off all poisonous matter and
restoring the blood to n liealtliy condition. Xo
person can take tbese Kilters according to Clruc
tlon and remain long nawoll. - i
For InOiininintory nud Chronic Kucii
mat ism nod tJoiir, DyepepHia r Ind:
CCMtiou, IlillonH, Itcmittciit nnd luter
mlttent Fevers, DioasM cfthe Jilood,
Ijiver, Ii.idneyn, nnd Hlndrter, fjeso Kil
lers have been most Bnccessful. Bucli Iltt
rases are caused by Vilinted 121 ood, which1
is generally . produced hy derangement of the
Disesllyo Orsans. - . - -
IlcadaclU. Tain in tti3 Shoulders, Conglis, Tight
ness of tile Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations o(
the Etonidch, Cad taste hi the Mouth Bilious At
tacks. Palpitation of thcllsart, InflamicaUon ol
the Lungs, Pain In t'.ic rejlons of the Kidneys, and
a hundred other painful eyniptouiB, era tUe clT
springs of Dyspepsia. "
t Tlioy invigorate the Stomach and stimulate the ,
torpid liver and bowels, which render them of un
equalled efficacy ia cleansing the blood of r.U
impurities, and imparting new life and vigor to
the whole system.
FOR. SKIN DISEASES, Ernptions.Tctter,
f ait Ehenm, Blotches. Spots, llmples. Pustules,
Boils, Carbuncles, King-"Worms, Scald-Head, Sore
Ey 38, Erysipelas, ltchv Scarf, Discoloratlons ol
the Skin, Iluniors and Diseases of the Skin, oi
whatever name .or natarj,. literally dug np
and carried out of the system in a chort timo by
the nse of these Bitters, .One bottle in such
cases -will convince the most incredulous of theit
curative effects.
Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you find
its impurities bursting through theskhi i:i Pim
ples, Eruptions or Bores cleanse it when yon
find it obstructed and ' sluggish In the veins;
cleanse It when it 13 foul, and your feelings will
tell yon when. Keep the blood pure and Um
health of the system will follow.
PIN, TAPE and ether WO R.5IS, lurking la
the system of so many thousands, aro effectually
destroyed and removed. For full directions, read
carefully the circular aronnd each bottle.
J.WALKEII, Proprietor. K. H. WoDOMALD A
CO., Drugrsrlsts and Gen. Agents.' San Francisco
Csl and 32 and Si Commerce Street , New Vorlc
-- And . ... . -
3X sx c li i n o Shop,
A. F. CIIEKUV Proprietor,
Mancfac tares Steam Engines.
rsour aua Gaiv lail! Blachtiv
t . " 'And,
i- ;And all kinds of '. '
Particular attention paid to repairing ten r
kinds q( maoKinery, i , . , i - ,t i i i.?a .