i I ) 1 Ol'R WASJHXUTOS J.KTTEK. W-ASIHSGTOS, Oct. 20, 1S71. OFFICII sekkkSis. Congress opens in a few weeks -and in antk-iiwtkui of tlie event our hotels -are crowded with office seekers from all part of tlie country, who mo pre paring their claims to present to tlie lifforent department, ihe majority of them are here awaiting the arrival of their Member or Senator, so as to -be the first to receive any favors if these distinguislied individuals are dis posed to grant them, senators and Representatives "Will, no douht, In? thankful when all the cilices are filled, -as they are boreal to death by the inev itable ofiieo seeker, and their private -sanctums are invaded at all times by tlie persistent applicant who will not be put oft with no for an auswer, but must have their names on their (the -applicants") papers before they will leave; or their case must be made a special one, and the Senates or Repre sentative is compelled to drop all other business, no matter" how" important, "iintl go to the Department and get the otlice, before he will Ihj permitted to rest. Loiig John Wentworth, while a Mcber, tokl your correspondent that the-ri d otliee seekers' would not give him time to pi ay." 1 knew o one Senator wLo was compelled to change his place of residence two or three times during the last session to get rid of these pests ; he would scarcely get .'settled down in rew quarters before they would bs down on him like a lack of hungry wolves, and at last he was compelled to give up in despair and submit to the torture. Tlie-old members, who Lave iassed thrwgh the ordeal, aud have been ini tiated into the tricks and workings of Uiese chains, get rooms in Georgetown cr some other out-of-the-way place, and thereby manage to evade these stick ing plasters to a great extent. No person can form an idea to what extent office seeking is carried on, and what means the parties interested resort to to gain their object, money and women .sometimes being freely used, it is a hanietul fact that Senators ard Repre sentatives are compelled, at times, to recommend men for office whom they , never saw before. Both houses of Congress, some time ago, endeavored to abslish the present system of recom mendations, but wore defeated in the .good work for the want of time. Last -session they passed a bill creating the Civil Service Commission, whose duty. -the bill stated, was to prescribe rules -and regulations for the admission of .persons into the civil service of the government ; but, up to date, the com mission lias failed to protect either tlie .-Departments or our law-makers. I have it from good authority, that an -effort will be made during the coming .session of Congress to pass a bill pro viding for the retention of clerks, etc.. .in office during good behavior. This will, toa great extent, do away with the nuisance. Some stringent meas- ures must be adopted for the protec tion of Congress and the Department, -as the thing has become a disgrace to this nation, and opens the way to fraud -and theft. Merit, to-day, is not con sidered as a recommendation for a po sition. The Civil Service Commission might nivl could make itself famous and receive the applause of the Ameri can people, by breaking up the present mode of distributing public patronage. Tlie President is still absent, in Bos ton, Mass. He went there the early part of last week, in company with the Postmaster .General, to assist in laying the corner-stone of the new post ofiieo that is about to be erected by the gov-; . crnment in that city. He will n'ot re turn until Saturday or Sunday next. General Sherman lias obtained a leave of absence, to visit Europe, lie will be accompanied by Col. Andeu- raid, of his staff". While away the General will make a military inspec-'-tion of the European armies and forti fications, and visit the late battle fields in France. The olject of tlie visit is, no doubt, to ascertain the,- modujs oper andi of European warfare. KDIAS BUREAU. Hie position of .Commissioner of In- lian Affairs still remains vacant, not- witlistanding there are hundreds of ap- plications on file for the position, and numerous gentlemen are visiting the Secretary every day and attempting to convince liim that they are the very men for the place, aud could serve the A rUOCXAMATION". On the 17th Inst, the President Is sued a procla -.nation deelarhtg the counties of Spartanburg, Yctk, -Marion. Chester, Laurens, .Novvbury, Fair field, Lancaster r.itd Ciicsterfield, in South Carolina., to be in a state of in surrection, "ft mi suspended the writ of habeas eorntts in the same. The War Department is iioiV making out the necessary orders to forward to the military commanders, so that they can act advisedly in tlie matter. The following oi-FiciAr. or.m.n Needs no comment, and explains itself: Lieut. Cen. Phil. 11. Sheridan. Chi cago: The Secretary of War directs that you wiil give to the sutt'erers in Michigan and Wisconsin such aid as von niav deem advisable. John Potts, Chief Clerk. . T O M . PACIFIC COAST SEWS. grand onlcr of. the War Office of Russia, directs the entire reorganiza tion of the Imperial army, and calls to arms the whole ad n't population of the eountrv. Tlie total united strength of the forces of the Empire is 1,000, 000, wheurepiurd tor war purposes. Mail advices froin England . show that there is great fearentertaiia.d of a llnaiiclal crisis. Bismark demands gold for the English subscriptions to tlse French loan. Bills on the Bank of England are being presented in London. The drift Jottrwf says the only safety for the moment is to de cline to discount the bills of Bismark in gold, aud give him bank notes of KngiaiKl. Vemu-t stand against me Prussian invadir who uiukrtakesour overthrow through finances. There is no such amount ot ninnon as lrussia demands of France. All deposits of gold and silver in Europe and Ameri ca are less than two hundred millions sterling ; that would not pay the in demnity. It i s behoved that Bismark intends to hoard the world s gwJd, and touch England's vitalitv through her finances. u early change in the Ministry is contemplated in England. Activity prevails in the reorganiza tion of the English army. The trial of Kelly in Dublin, Ire land, creates much excitement. The prisoner was cheered and the police hissed in going from the prison to the Court room. More arrests of conspirators at Bar celona, Spain, have been made. Stores of arms, war like instruments, eet., have leen discovered. The arrested were members of the International society. President Thiers refines to modify .! his ultimatum to England regarding the Commercial Treaty. i The Emperor of Austria has formally . accepted the resignation of llw? Ilohen- sirth Ministry, and a new Cabinet will be formed by Baron Jlolesgethau. A letter from Buenos Ay res, South Amelia, says there is frightful preva lence in tl at country of small pox. During the past summer 20,000 deaths occurred from ycl'o.v fever in Buenos Ayrts, and 30,000 deaths in the Prov ince of Corrintes. A correspondent of the London Tiuies writes from Berlin that during June and July the Russian Govern ment invaded and annexed the coun try of Hungaria on the northern slopes of the Te::n Chain Mountains on the Eastern boundaries of the Em pire. Tlie territory is twice as large as the island, is a rich mineral and agricullu:a! country, and has a popula tion of two millions. Garilaldi some time ago invested what little money he possessed in Ital ian bonds, and they liave declined so much that he cannot pay a mortgage on his humble homestead at Caprera, and his creditors threaten to sell his house at auction. The Hague, the political capital of Holland, is reported to be the wealth iest town, for its population; in the world. At least one-third of its citi zens are said to be rich.enough to live entirely on their incomes. The. Chinaman who commenced the shooting at Los AngcTs, in the recent riot, M as captured on the 2th of October. Four arrests of the rioters were. also made. Some prom inent rioters left the city. A special Grand Jury is ordered to meet on the 31st inst. San Francisco di -patches of the 2Jth of last month, state that the cargo of the bark Whistler, which started for Port kind and put back here with lire in her hold ten days since is still burning. Three men let down in the hold on the 2o;h of Oct., were nearly suilccated, and it was found necessary to haul them out with ropes. Her hold will now be Hooded, as all hope of extinguishing it other wise is abandoned. Two jurors of opposite sexes in Wyoming couldn't agree in finding a man guilty of grand larceny, but they stole eaih other's a fleet i ns, went out of the jury room and get a ''squire"' to ratify the transaction. There is some talk i:i Washington Territory of presenting the name of Dr. Baker, of Walla Walla, for dele gate to Congress. A flouring mill costing 15,000 is nearly completed at La Grande. Other valuable buildings are going up. A man named McClellen, while on a bender in Portland la t week, fell upon the sidewalk,' and fractured his shoulder blade. Swamp Laxis. The swamp lands taken up in a large quantity by an agent of Ai Goldsmith, formerly of Yre ka, ami J. Teal, of Oregon, two wealthy capitalists, for which they pay the State of Oregon but one dollar to the acre, are liable to come under the head of government land for the benefit of settlers, the Democratic. State swamp land lawto tlie contrary notwithstand ing. This land is only subject to over flow at certain seaso s when many other sections of public lands are liable to overflow, and the swamp lands means only such as are continually submerged. This land designated as swamp land on Link River and the Klamath lakes is the best hay lands in Southern Oregon, and could be culti vated successfully with good crops. .Ttsai A mil oolite has a ix-titiou in cir- government faithfully in that capacity, i dilation, headed by himself, asking The place was tendered to 3Ir. Brunot ; sometime ago, by the President, but; lie positively refuses the honor. Tlie ! ; position . is still he'd open, with the hope tliat he will be induced to accept! .the same on his return to this city. Mr. Brunot is now out West, on a tour of inspection among the various Indian tribes on our frontier. - He wankl make an excellent Commissioner, as he is well acquainted with the 'wishes and wants of the red skins, and was vefv Active in exposing tlie late frauds Hint were attempted in this Department jiouie- mourns ago, Congress to throw this oiien to settlers, that it is not swamp land, and that Oregon has never gained possession of it as such jrom tlie reueral Govern ment. There is a lot of land in Siski you of the same description, which a Democratic Legislature has thrown into tlie market for capitalists and wealthy men to gobble up, which if petitioned tor t Congress, eonm not be claimed as swamp land. J f such land can be claimed and sold at whole sale to land sharks at tUe rate of fifty cents or one dollar an acre tJ;on whole counties along the Sacramento river, subject to overflow in the winter, -'can be bought up in the same maimer. A voting man named Thomas Dom inie accidentally fell from the ledge of a high bin il" about one mile above Scoltsburg recently, as we learn from the Iloseburg . l'ltunifojlrr. lie first struck .the rock about twentj' feet from the top of the bin ft", then bound ing oil he again camu in contact with them thirty leet lurther on, and then fell fifty feet upon tlie moss anil trash at the foot ot the precipice, making about one hundred feet in all. In credible as it may seem, he was not killed, and. although terribly mangled, at last accounts was in a fair way to recover. The same journal also lias the fol lowing : A sad affair occurred near Oakland last Sunday. It appears that a little son of John Daniel- was re turning from a hunting trip with his brother, and when within a. short dis tance from the house started to run a foot race. The hammer of his gun ly some means caught, and exploded the cap, sending the charge through bis thigh, ju-t aljove the knee. The liinlj was so terribly shattered that amputation was deemed .necessary in order to sa ve the life of the unfortunate sufferer. 1 doctors 1 Ioover and Pahnerj of this place, and Dr. Ca.ad. of Oak land, performed tlie opperation, and at last accounts strong hopes were en tertained of: u recovery. Several eases of robbery occurred in Eugene last week. The Portland Oreynnitin says that there are on exhibition in that city a number of rubies, picked up in Linn county. They are of t lie violet and brown varieties handscmj for jewel-sets. The same journal says a Fourth street serenader while singing and guitaring to his enchantress the other night, received a tumbler full of silt and vinegar in his mouth, nose and eyes. He quit. Brigham Young lias applied to Hon, Win. M. Everts for his services as counsel to defend him in nine indict ments by the present Grand Jury. Joint Meacham, a Mormon, charg ed with the murder of liiehard Yates, twelve years .a go, was arrested vester day, b3 the I nited States Marshal, at Bound Valley, and brought to this city. The penalty for the polygamous Mormon is imprisonment for not less than three years nor more than twenty, or tine ot not over $1,000, or both. The entertainment tit Salem for the relief of Chicago netted $2G3 25. Tlie Los Angeles, California riot, is denounced very strongly by all classes and its inevitable effect abroad is to be deeply deplored.-,. ... . The Boseburg VlnindenJer says that George W Walker, inducted by the Grand Jury "feff' embezzlement, ."plead guilt-, and was sentenced to one year in the Penitentiary. He is nuke young, aud bears none of the imprints oi a narucntit criminal. The following, from the Eugene Journal speaks for itself : If we are lost at the final day, for not attending church more regularly, ,we shall be half inclined to attribute our calamity to some persons who take their babies to church and allow theni to scream incessantly during the entire services. We have endeavored to weigh the two punishments, and have concluded there is but little difference. Chief Justice Melvean, ot Salt Lake, on the 23th of October, passed sen tence -.upon Hawkins convicted of bigamy. The sentence was a fine of $500 and three years hard labor in the Penitentiary. A. great crowd was present, but little or no excitement. Notice of apiieal to the -Supreme Court was given. From Xevada we learn tliat four teen out of the twenty-nine escaped convicts have been captured, killed or died from wounds received at the time of their break. Tlie Governor of Nevada - thiuks it would be a good idea to hang the - t escaped convicts as fast as cantnred. and then pardon those wifo refused to leave, on the ground of insanity. Legislation is proposed in Wash ington Territory giving! the "right of action to relatives of dunkanis against the venders of lipior. This law has been in force tor some, time in Ohio, and works satisfactorily. i "i ' Geoige Myers, of jWapato Lake, Oregon, hasa:hog which weighs , 300 pounds, and is a fr,t larger i:i the girth than the big hog exhibited at the State Fair. j j Gi orge Edgar, coming from Canyon City to the Dillles, was stopped by a highwayman, and robbed of $02 "0. He had?;r00i;i greenbacks that the robber did not find. j The Vancouver Hejist.r says that a revolting case of inecjst has come to light in OowlUz county, where a son is living openly and' : notoriously in adulterous intercourse with his mother. An, extensive" mine- of marble has iK'eii discovered by Churchill & Co., near Westgaic, Nevada, on the over land stage road. Th.i jmrdity is pro nounced sujKMior to any in "America, and can be delivered at the railroad for one dollar per hundred ponds. From Pachoco, Call Oct. 2Sth, we learn that Patrick Sullivan, of Bay Point, was shot and killed to-day by his sister-in-law, tiki; wife of James Sullivan. Jas. Sullivan, his wife and deceased were at dinner when -some words passed between Mr. Sullivan and deerased, when she rose, tok a shotgun and blew his head oil. II A man named Barrett was found murdered about eight 'miles from the City of Silt Lake last Saturday morn ing, with four bullets in his bodv. !!. " 4 " " i ii .i . ii im ii mi-Hn KAVIKKS SB The McMiunville that John Stjmdly, of West Side says North Yamhill, a sheep that l."0 pounds. an account iveei it ly s'augi itered weighed when dessei " i The same jou'-nal gives of the sudden deatlJ of the oldest daughter of! Mr. Bunn, of Lafayette. She went to bed and slept peacefully until about two o'clock, when she made an unnatural sound in breathing. This awakened her parents, who went to her bedside and found her dead. Cayotes are getting; thick and impu dent again iarouud JJaker City, says the Democrat. In Baker City, oat; are l4'c. per pound; barley do ; butter 50 its. and but little in marketj; eggs. o0e per doz. and scarce at t!iitt. "'liny $10 per ton, delivered ; wood, $1 "0 and $5 per cord. j Over five years have elapsed fcince Grant county, Oregon, has sent a mm to the Penitentiary. Baker City has been enlivened by a steam whistle. i From SaTt Lake, October 31st, we learn that Mormon Bishop Aaron Johnson, arrested a; short time since at Springville by the United State- .Marshal, tor murder, was -released by Judge Strickland, at Provo. on &1 0.000 bail. I The United States District Court lias adjourned till the ik of November, the same day on wnicii tne ur.inu jury will assemble. I Two lniisdr. d dollars alimony wa granted the polvgunous wife of Win. Clavton. who is slicing for a divorce. The application of Stout, one of the parties charged wnn me lares umnicr. tor release on hail, was grained Wan-ants have been issued for the arrest of several other l Prominent Moi nions under indictments by the Grand Jury. Josonh A. Young is still at larcre. i i Brigham is making his way south with an armed escort The Grand Jury has Indicted nearly' One hundred per sons for dealing ini of San Francisco th;? Sacramento, Brooklyn, AVoodland and other lottery tickets or advertise! them lor saie A sWll from Niagara Falls says that tlw Woods within seven miles ot Lock-port have been burning since Monday, of last week. Numbers of houses, barns crops are destroyed. It is feared that the lire will spread to Bata via. Farmers are fleeing with their stock and liuiuturc. The lire east of Oberlla is iviorted sub dued, but another has broken out live miles north of that place. Loss since last Sunday, at Albinou S-Mi00. 1 en houses, two flour mills aud l,o(X) cords of wood were burned. . A Washington s;iecial says informa tion is received of large fires m t.ie woods radiating in all directions U . in the Cumberland mountains w.ucn an enveloped in smoke. Oilier mountain ranges report fires which are doing much damage. The bituminous field, are threatened. Another special says that the fire in the woods south of A'.biuon, which stretched five miles was entirely tuV dued by a rain. Five h u-e-, seven barns, two flour mills and 5..VJ0 tons of hay have been burned since Sun day. The fire near Lake port is confined to a tamarack swamp. Two children were burned in it. The real estate operations of Tweed, Connolly, Sweeney and Hall are pub lished. Official "records show tliat Connolly when sued inH Ufor debt, swore, that he owned nothing. Since then he has bought real c tatc t the amount of $2,300,000. Tweed, a bank runt: in 1 J. lias boiirht and sold real estate since SS to the amount of 4,- 474,000. and has engaged in oil er transactions to the amount o. !Sj.j k- 000. Sweeney's purchases in three ears amount to 1,1"0, 000, aud Hall's to $1,100,000. Charles O'Conor of New York says ! can recover $3,500,00,) from Tweed in civil suits. The Secretary of War has dismissed from the Military Academy-, tor vio lence to other cadets, cadet .s Jno. W. Wilson. DeWitt Clinton, F. Santiago, T. Hubbell and J. L. Steel, aud for the same cause h is ordeivd cadets Miller ind Hammond to be deprived of the next furlough and confined to tlie lim its of the plain until the next year. At a colored convention at Colum bia, S. C, on Monday, '23d of Octolier, i letter was read troui Senator Sum- ner, urging colored pcop:e io iii-w upon rights denied, equ ility in pub lic conveyances, hotels and schools. Gen. Thomas W. Bennett, of In diana, is appointed Governor of Idaho, vice Bowcn resigned. The latest remarkable movement is the emigration from Iceland to W is eonsin of twenty-live families, who have taken up tlieir abodes on Wash ington Island, at the mouth or ureen Bay. These are but the pioneers of the new movement. Twenty-live thousand of the inhabitants of the frigid island are still to come, and they will, it is said, spread themselves along the line of ihe North Pacific Hailroad and through the country bordering the Bed Biver of the North. The insu lation of Iceland was oi ce llO.Oty. but it is now probably- not more than 70.000. Col. Whitney, Chief of the United States Detective forces on the 2 th of October, effected the ino;t important arrest of counterfeiters ever made in this eountrv. These notorious coun terfeiters, one oi whom is jwnaru, are the only men in this country who po ses? the stock to manufacture Govern ment fibre iaper material. The cap ture includes a. hundred thousand dol lar transfer press lie'.ieved to be the only one outside of the Treasury- De partment, full sets, of steel and copper plates fr $1,000. $20, $10aud i?2 bills ; al-o full sets of plates of fractional cur rency stamp; for tl.ej treasury s -a', fiv simile of types for raising notes, etc. General Jlobert Anderson, the hero of Fort Sumpter, died at Nice, France, on the 2)th of October. He will le interred in this country. From Washing: on, October 27th, Hon. It. S. Gree: Associate Jus tice of Washington Territory, ha been received by immersion Into the Baptist church. I Eaklw'n Sills, oj;ie of the earliest settlers In Rogu j Biver valley, 'ied a few dayrs ago, at the age of seventy two, j The Salem Mills' how pay $1 20 for wheat. The Jacksonville Tim says tliat the result of frequent lovers perjuries down there Ls that young fellows now gd" a-courtlng armed with a blank license and a preacher, and as soon as 'yes' is said, tin name is filled in the blank and the preacher toitnwith doe his duty ; and the girls set their faces as a flint against any wooer who has not his preacher aild license with him At an election m Victoria a few days ago, Mcssivj. DeCosmo-s and Bunster were elected to the Legisla ture. The entire Vote of the district was 373. j A carpenter, named Smithson, in attempting to coup:e some cars at Kalama last Sunday, got his left hand crushed between the butting heads in i i . ' ri , a suocKiug maimer, ine iiosn was torn from the bones and muscles, leaving them bare and separated ; but strange to say no hones were broken At irgtma, Nevada, Nov. 1st, when the; shifts at the old Belcher works were changing, a dreadful acci dent occured by -which Andrew Wil sou was almost instantly killed and John Blakesly- so badly ilijured tliat he inav not recover, i i j ; The King of Behrhmi ha. mn.ln a ' donation of 2,500 francs to the Chicago Belief Fund, - - - , The New YovlL 'Timet says Tweed lias lM'en busy -the past few days in hidino-awav personal and real estate, and the stock which he had has nearly all been so!d or transferred. All his homes and Jots in tlie city have been made over to his relatives. Over f.i:r million dollars worth of real estate has b-en transferred within the past few days. On the 25th, he transferred ovit to liicluml M. Twjed, his son, real ej tate to tlie value oi" $1,000,000, iucl i ! ing his Fifth aventi- residence. Com plaint has been made against Tv,enl and others before Judge Laiucd whii demand judgment for the pe p?e in tlk' sum of .f.'OOO.O'yj a id I mil in tin? sum of $1,000.000 each isalso demanil. ed. Ingersoil. Garvey and Wohvanl have lied. leaving Tweed alone to an-, s.vertlie complaint. There was c nisi i erable excitement in political cire'es last night relative to Tweed's arrest. No trouble is apprehended. The Committee of Citizens appoint ed by the. Board of Supcrvi sors which lias been eng 'ged many weeks in cx .nniningtlie frauds in the city aceo 7!'.t today submitted a report of its 1 ilKr o:i th" 2).h, with a suniiuiry of facts a. id figures. Th's re. .oil is the fii-i: authe.'i i ; LiCrni it 'on o.i sub;,-, t yet fur -i bed. 'ih; am )ii.it c'ia ,i'l iistl:e eo tpfihenew u dinislird t.'uni-t llousi. Ceu.it Court o;'fie;?s. repairs and furnitiuv, is I3,4i:O.UO.). The who'o cot of the co:ijj!eted building could not fiirly cxceeil three millions. Of the iuimcn-'e su:n ihiu-gd. eiglit millions is indirectly cli.irga! to the Court ilnusu and furniture' 2S2,0X) is charged to ('oiiuty Court fiees with ivikiIts and furniiure, hieni '- h-.g $.11,000 paid tor $17,S7J worth of furniture : 84.0t)0 paid lor irw. joo worth of plumbing: tfl')J,00-;) p.aid f.n $70,1J0 worth of jilastering; The sh:i of seven million ilollars i charged for idvertidng, printing and statioiuiy since the isc oi .lanu irv, i ;;. ine whole is really worth $175,000. TlKt; figures show a loss to thechy of $ "t',- 000.000. This is the amount stolen ind divided among the Bmg thieves nice January, 1).). xne report cou- c'ndcs the work of the Committee. l'lie Committee assert that in two years and eight inonins na.i oi me en tire revenn i of the city at.d county h-is liieii abstracted. The funi'ral of the lln. Thonvts WvvinT f-ii-L- nl;ii'i jit eli'Vi-ll irloik 0:1 Sa tin-Jay, Ott. 25tn, at La:icatir. Among tlie pall-bearers were Governor Noye -, Senators Sherman and Tlii.r- in iii. and Judge Walsh of the Supiviae t'gir.t. The services were coiuluc'ed ! !.- V.itlit.i. W:i'.- 1 1 nil liwt olie Friest in the State, and Archlash-! op l'urcell made a short address. There were eighty-live deaths in Philadelphia, Penn., last week fnni small-pox, being a slight increase. The paper mills of Franian & Co., six miles north of Fort Wayne, Indi ana, vere burned last Monday morn ing. Supposed tolie incendiary work. President Grant has apvoinledGeo. C. Hates United States Attorney for Ft-ih. - The President, Secretary of War and General Sherman are engaged re arranging the Military Departments. An order will soon be issued changing tl e geographical limits of the Depart ments and a change in the comma ul- or.s tnereot. Controller Green, of New York, Ins discharged 72 sh.eeure ofiice-hoacrs since he assumed the Controllersliip, saving $82,000 annually. The resignation of Governor Eul- I.ck of Georgia took place on the JOth of Ortolier, and Benj. Conlay, 'Piesi dent of the Senate was installed as Governor on that same day. Charles Dean, a promiuensitfeeii of Green wood, : Missislj))!, white ; tu.iiing home from a 3Iasonij lodge recently-, was shot and killed by un known assassins who also fired on Harris Mnllin, who was accompanying him, but mtssed him. The President has oixlered the Issu ? of land ivitcnts to the Northern Pacific Curtis as counsel Iiefore the tribunal of arbitration at Geneva, in addition to Caleb Gushing. Meredith declined the e ifiim uiai ure i.ieun:iiv .imi li:vl i..,,. .... ..e pointed Wil.iam M. hv. it.-, anil Wr. th (ollimiai011,M t tnt su.,r.n . rH ri-1 llllll!! ! nt I ..... .. . - t ion or thirty miles is completeil. Mr. Spryot Cedar llapids went to nnnointmmit. tendered : V.varU sie- t e war ill JH fl, leaving a Wife and cepted. Curtis is now on his way home from Lurope. At Jacksonville, Fla., William C. Scott was executes! on tlie 27th of last month, for the murder of Rosa Carle- chi'dren behind. He only returned last month, and was joyfully received by his family, who had mourned him as dead. : Prof. James Hodges of Massachu setts., wno was returning trom a cco- ton and two children in eoruary last. I logical exploration ot tne country At Indianapolis Ind., on the same ""onud iaKe superior, is supjiosed to day, Jerome Brooks tho murderer of Stsiats, at Iogan'port, last April, was hanged. He- manifested to the last tlie same tolid indifference that he has intiintained since his arrest, and placed the rope around his neck himself. - Tliere is but overloading journal in New York that shows sympathy for 1 weed, and that is the Star. A dispatch from New York dated Oct. 27th, has the'following : . K. A. Woodward, ha3 been sued for money alleges to be due the city, hav ing absconded. Judge. Barnard to-day granted application to attach his prop erty. Reform Democrats at the instance ofChas. O'Conor, to-day nominated Horatio Sevniour as candidate for the Assembly in this city against the Tam many candidate, Tom Fields. Sey mour telegraphs his acceptance. The arrest or Woodward, Garvey and Ingersoil, will lie made as soofi as pa pers are received from Allany. In the Rosenwig ease the jhrv re turned a verdict of manslaughter in tlie second degree. Recorder Hackett sentenced him to the State prison at hard labor for seven years, disregarding the recommendation to merey by the jury. A dispatch from New York, dated Oct. 27th, sjate3 that Tweed is arrested and held to bail in the sum of one million dollars. J. Gould ajl Coni niodore Garrison, are ins bonibiirjietu have been lost on the steamer Coburn, winch foundered, in Saginaw Bay. The public debt has leen reduced f3,950,4'.K) during the month of OcXo- ber. ,-',..,. . '.:. . - The Preklent lias appointed J. W. i -tueand "XiS. Dnfer Commissioners for Oregon to the Centennial Celebra tion of Independence at Philadelphia. TheMa.ision House, England, funds for tlie relief of Chicago guflerers amounted to 45,000 on the 1st inst. Barou Halsegethani having declined, the Emperor of Austria lias invited Baron Kellerpurg, formerly Governor of Bohemia, to form a Cabinet. Tlie allies in Mexico were, quiet on the 23th of October. Diaz was ia the field. Nearly all tlie Governors of States had offered congratulations and service's to President Juarez. Saltllles was reported captured. r Deputy Controller Green, f New York, declined to pay the Police Jus tices and Clerks, on the ground tliat they Jiave been over-paid, as the in creased salaries tliey have been receiv ing under the voto , ot the Common Council, is not according to law.- Un der this decision they will uot receive any salaries "for several months to come. - - -' -.. - . Judge McKean's course in admitting Mayor Well to ball ia admitted in afl qjiiarters to be wise and proper, 4-