The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, November 04, 1871, Image 2

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M ail Mattkks. Mail going North,
cioes at 7.45 A. M.; going South,
closes at 3.15 r. si.
INistoiliee open on Sundays from
.. 8.30 to 9.30 A. si., mid .from G to 7
V. M.
Mail for Corvallis. closes at 0 r. m.
K. A. I 11EELAND, P. M.
CaicciT Conn IitocKiiJ:Ka.i. Fo'.low
vi proceedings wore had in the Circuit
t Vvurt up to Thursday :
tlateof Orc.arou vsJ X Smith; rectvrmzi
smco to apix-sir for assault. Continue-1.
Same vs XV XX' Clover; Indictment for
s.'llins li'inor. Fined "0 an t costs.
Same vs A J Ixivelady; indictment for
soiling li.pior. Fined JiOnnil costs.
Same vs XV Pavitipss; indictment for sell
ing liquor. Fine I 50 and costs.
Ni'.ne vs Geo Xr Sa.w; in custody for n.s
snult with intent to kill. Trial by jury
found guilty.
.same vs .John Rains; in custody to ap
ear for 'lasslm counterfeit money. Trial
bvjury found guilty.
'Same vs Josephus Wilson; recognizance
to anpear for assault with intent to com
mit rape. Grand Jury returned "not a
true bill."
Jeremiah Driggs vs XV J Matthews; action
to recover money. Judgment for deft.
KOl'ittman vsXVm M Pitt man; action
to recover mono v. Judgment for deft.
Silas K Smith'vs Steamboat Calioixj; ac
tion for debt. Dismissed.
The Pioneer Oil Company V3 K Cart
wright; action to recover TKssesskm of
property appealed from County Court,
ikit tied.
Cvntbia Balver vs David Ey; action for
ilcb't, amieal from Justice Court. Judg
ment tor plaintiff $78 72.
M II Wallace vs J N Smith; action for
ilanviso. Continued.
X' McAlexaudcr vs Sheriff of Ltnn count y
t al; question of title to real property.
J H Foster et al vs XX'altcr Monteith et al;
to reform deeds. Demurrer to plaint ill's
omplaint overruled.
CClymervs XV Armstrong-; confirmation
Of Sheriff's sale. Sale, confirmed.
A lieisler vs E CSpanuans; foreclosure of
mortgage. lecree granted.
A Osbora vs DJIarrel; iiartition of resij
estate. Referees appointed to partition
real estate.
Win Havis and wife vs the State of Ore
gon ; writ of review. Judgment of Jus
l ioe's Court set aside.
Thos Reader vs 12 II VTeat et al. Decree
to correct deed.
A C King va D McDowcU et al; suit for
settlement. ReftVree anpiinted.
Al A Short vsJPSliort; divorce. Granted
Mary J Johnson vs B Johnson; divorce.
Granted. -
Jacob Bruggar vs Sophia Bruggar; di
vorce. Granted.
Mary L. Garrison vs W W Garrison; di
vorce." Granted.
Zerelda B Lee vs Clias M Lee ; divorce
Granted. ,, ,
Win McCnlloch vs Mary Ann McCulloch;
divorce. Granted.
Pleasant Young vs Kachel Young: di
vorce. Glinted.
Mrs. Sarah G.Oodley, assisted by Mrs.
Kate Memlenhall, lia? opened a new
millinery shop, on First street, and is
keeping probably the finest and most
complete assortment of everything
needed by tlie ladies ever brought to
thi city. The well known taste of
these ladies is exhibited in the selec
tion and arrangement of the goods to
be seen on their shelves. They hav-
the latest stjrle in millinery ; are up in
the latest stx-les for cutting and mak
ing dresses, eloaks, sacks, aprons, etc.,
and have constantly on hand a full as
sortment of ready-made under cloth
ing for ladies, all kinds of trimmings,
and finding for dresses, etc., ami are
always ready to fill any order in their
line in the most satisfactory manner.
They receive new good by almost ev- tu I,U L,?S k l
A Sad Cask. From tlie Salem
StatesnKt we learn that a young man
naMed Wriglitman, who lived mar
Sublimity, was found lifeless in the
middle of a field, ; which he had been
engaged in rolling xvith a heavy roller,
drawn by four horses, lie seems to
have been run over by the roller. The
family, of which he was the oldest -on,
have been in the State but a few
month?. His father died in Salem
shortly after arriving, leaving some
effects which were expended on a farm.
The mother, with ur children, i
now Jclt alone among strangers.
. ; t
Bai:ki:hs Panokama. This is one
of the inot interesting series of views
of prominent points o:i the Pacific
co:tt, that xve "have been to see."
The lidwl Ie.
Barker's Panorama was on exhibi-
T-...T 4i. s. , . . itimi T.-irisli Hall 1 nursuav aim
l inter uiw iiraumg mo CUX'mpia I ' " " -
(W. T.) Tribune In. an excellent nrti- nl:iy nights.
cle, irom whk-li we extract as
lows :
Kerosene U selling at fixe hit per
gallon, and gasoline at 50e, in this:
Circuit Court will probably adjourn
to-day, having "sot" two weeks.
There is not a single paper on the
Sound that pays it proprietors the
interest on the capital invested, and
tail- days' wages for the time dexoted
t the 1 H-iness. "We are among tl o e
who lK'liex'e tlat the peojile appreciate
fie pre, tiesire to sustam it, and neetl i Gold in New York 112. Currency,
o.ily to know t!iet:uts to apply the ' f.ti.r, SX'.;e; selling, !.;;'
remetly. 1 he coral tu tors of the Sou id i s-,,. LV-nT.-f-cr. nvipVet "nuotntions
ire iimi MienuvHiii, ami sik
Sclf-Cpening- and Self-Closing
June 4, lS:i.
L when tlio veli'u-ly approaches It tlio
w labels on onii si fc pass over ti lever wh ich
Is connwte l to tho fjate hin.e by a ro X,
tints oiHiitin the gate before yoa an I las.
eiiiiur it open. After l lironh, tho
c-n.vriae passes over a sfiuiiar lever, also
comiectc l vrbh t!eate hince, causing the
.ire (n Mienucniii. :iihi :iii : d..,.. .. ..i . ;in... !.
,i i t . .1 : "T mmi5 "' ., I irate, in l;s ro.aUtKi, to sunt ociimu you
only he.r tleserts. Let inen in all ; 7567; extra, 7 7.1-. ; Wlu-at : td laVtcVu
branches ot btHinessadvei twe hlx rally. one chUv lot is repu ted at 70 '
and all x ho now borivw iapers and j jm j. r;i!. K,.n. ,f the m trket. 1kw- No Getting Out of Tour VeMcle !
read them, subscribe and pay for the ! cvt.n remains at 2 50ia2 (.". l)at 1
naiK'i-s they prefer, and every publisher ! ai.i,.'-, cvn.mri.if iL-hi-.j.h! be neei t Xo Ilaisliiir of Iatrlies Nor Palling;
An Incident oftiie Firk. In the
early stages of the reeeut fire, one of
coir Esculapian friends met a dignifieil
menaber of the legal fraternity (no less
a jersonage than Judge K.), vigorous
ly toteing a tombstone from its quon
dam dangerous situation. The doctor
said he looked, as he gravely struggled
along under his lieavy burthen of
-sacred to the memory of," so like a
wood-cut with which he xx as familiar
in tlie days of his spelling-book educa
tion, tliat he almost instinctively, yet
vainly, sought a glimpse of the omin
ou scythe. His curiosity was, hoxx'-ex-er,
effectually appeased by a friendly
suggestion tliat it xvas well and becom
ing in His Honor to at least meditate
on his latter end in tlie presence of
ueh a physician, should the marble
memento itself even suggest no such
Smaix. Tlie District Conference
which was announced last xveek would
be held in the Methodist church in this
place, beginning on last Tuesday, con
cluded not to convene at the time
'designated, for the very good reason
that there xvere not enough here to
convene. Two or three arrived by
Wednesday, hoxvever, and a Confer
ence xvas held on tliat day. Although
"the number in attendance was very
small not to exceed a lialf-dozen, we
believe nevertheless, the exercises
were not without interest and profit
The enthusiasm, however, which
prompted so many to stay away, may
do to run a District Conference, but
would hardly run a saw-mill, keep
school, or print a paper.
Mil. Plummek. This gentleman
gave entertainments, at Parrish Hall,
on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings.
We are bound to say tliat, although
the attendance was not as large, on
either occasion, as the merit of the
gentleman deserved, yet the entertain
ments lacked nothing in spirit from
that cause. Mr. Plummer Is an artist
of the first class, and his recitations
and delineations were superb, catehii g
and holding the undivided attention of
his audience throughout. We don't
. know when we have spent a more
-.pleasant evening at an entertainment
ilian on Tuesday last. He holds forth
sit Eugene City on Saturday eve
ning, and we assure all xvho attend on
that occasion that they xvill enjoy it to
tlie full.
cry steamer, and therefore all the lat
est st3'les and fashions can be had there
a fexv days after their promulgation in
San Francisco, j We are sure the ladies
of Albany xvill find this establishment
just the place to x isit to get all they
may xvi-h in the millinery line, and
therefore confidently recommend an
early call upon them. See new ad.
Union Insurance Company. By
reference to our adx'ertising eo'.umn
this morning, it xvill be seen that the
Union Fire 'Insurance Company, of
San Francisco, has promptly paid all
losses by the Chicago fire, and has lev
ied an assessment fully sullieieutdo re
pair the capital stock. This assessment
beiii"' agreeable to, the stockholders, is
evidence that I hoy "propose to perpetu
ate the high standing of the Company,
and do business as usual. Mr. John
C. Mendcnhall is agent for the Com
iia.'iy in this city, from xyhom any in
formation concerning tlie Company
can be obtained.
Personal. Ilex-. Mr. Stratton
preached txx o excellent sermons in the
Methodist church of this place, last
Sabbatli, and took up collections after
each for the lienefit of Willamette
University, located at Salem, of xvhich
he is agent. He also delix'ered a lec
ture, List Monday exeniug, at the same
place, on the subject of Education.
As xve xvere not present on the Litter
occasion, xve can not speak from per
sonal hearing of it merit ; but learn
from those xvho did that it did full jus
tice to the reputation of Mr. Stratton
a a public speaker.
Onto Kissing. A lady writing on
the subject of kissing, svys : " l am
vain enough to pride ni3rself on being
a girl of good sense, and I dearly love
and can appreciate good kissing in
deed, I should quite as lief lave a good
kiss a. a nexv cashmere. It is to me
one of life's sweetest enjoyment.
Some of my life's happiest moments
hax e been spent in kissing. A rich,
hearty kiss, from plump, rosy, motis-
tached (or unmoustachcl) lips, will last
one a whole day." Uhm! Them's our
pheelinks to a. liair. Throw those
rubby lips in sight, that's all.
The Buckeye Ahead. The de
mand for the Buckeye Sexx-ing ma
chines continues, in fact increases as
the people become familiar xvith it
virtues. Messrs. Miner & Pearson are
compelled to forward orders to the
manufactory almost xx-etkly, ordering
nine dozen the present xx eek, and yet
they scarcely ha-e a machine on hand
six days after the arrix-al of an order,
so rapidly are they gobbled up by the
Fancy Soats. A. Carothers & Co.
have received a large stock of fancy
perfumed soaps, that look and smell
good enough to eat. These soaps are
put up in the neatest of fancy boxes,
and for the toilet are just the identical
tiling our lady friend have been look
ing for. Call at the drug store of A.
Carothers & Co. and look over their
handsome stock of perfumeries, toilet
soaps, bruslies, etc.
finish and truthfulness to nature.
very good audience was in attendance
at Parish Hall on Thursday night
the fir.-t good turn out xve hax'e seen
for sometime. The painting are
on the .s:.iiiul weii.u receive clue com
pensation for his iuxvstnient of money
and j labor, and xvork xvith renewed
zeal for the interest ai.d prosperity of
the people.
-The duties of the local newspapers,
and the, advantage derixed therefrom
are thu f-ct forth :
it is his business to present in truth-
i ful, and at the same time the mo-t
heavy receipt-; ni.irkct rongt
I S. (K ii
really meritorious, and deserving of i favorable liirht, everything calculated
general patronage. The singing at j to interest and attract population and
the wind up specially delighted the
audience, and was well done.
Death. lias lieen bu-y among the
little ones during the last few day, no
less than four having been callt-d front
time to eternity. The families of
Messrs. Armstrong. X. S. Iu Bois,
A. Carothers and S. Froman each
mourn the lo-s of a little one from the
home circle.
How TO Kiss. Our poet, at the
Fork of Sanliam, has Immortalized
himself. Eistcit:
First jrrasp wit h baste all 'round her wais4,
And hiut her th?ht to thee ; j
And t hen she'll say Do ;-?o away ! f
Do don't yon let me be !" j
Then oh, what bliss! Imt never miss
.m fi ;ood a chance as 1 hat ;
Rut. make a dah. quick as a flash,
And Katie hold my hat !
Prof. 1. Kutan A gentleman hail
ing from California, who is perfectly
blind, delix'ered a lecture in the M. E.
church, on Tuesday night, lie is said
to be an accomplished musician and
proposes teaching a class if tlie neces
sary nuralKT can be sKmred.
Thanks. Mr.i John Metzier re
quests us to return his hearty thanks
to the firemen and others xvho labored
so effectively in putting out the lire on
the night of the 27th. Only for their
exertions he would noxx- be "busted,"
The Weekly Kkview Is the title
of a nexv peper published at Chico.
Butte county, California, by W.
Chalmers, Esq. It is a neat six column
journal, furnished to subscribers at
$3 per year. Politically, it is inde
pendent, and the numljer before us
gixes evidence of editorial ability of
no mean order. Bully for it. -
capital to his vicinity. The conductors
ot his "exchanges 7 scan ms co.umii.
with the same careful scrutiny their
own have receixvd from hnn, stud they
republish wliatcver is noteworthy. For
instance, xve, last fail, 'published two
little items one about large beets, and
another about an immense cabbage,
which xve saw on different occasions at
the market of Dooley &' Rogers. Dur
ing the next three months xve f.iw
saw those items reproduced in our ex
changes from Maine to Florid:!, accom
panied, in many instances, with edito
rial comments. The notices published
in the several xveeklies of Olympia as
ia tlie T i-i hunt') of the launch of the
ll'(7(ify'', xvith statements of her di
mensions, are still going the rounds of
the Eastern press, and iiaxe been the
theme of numerous editorials, calling
attention to the unprecedented ship
buildinir facilities of Pugct Sound..
This system of exchanges is one of
the heavy expenses of the nexvspaper
publisher, and one for which his read
ers make no allowance. It is ot inli
Mte importance,' especially to new
countries like this Territory, because
it furnishes a medium through which
out? varied resources receive extensive
gratuitous advertising, and also because
Quinine Biscuit. An Eastern ex
cliange notices "quinine biscuit" as
the latest novelty in the medicine
pastry line. Each biscuit, it says,
contains one-fourth of a ' grain . of
quinine, and the taste is so concealed
that a hearty individual can put them
down until the hair on the back of his
Injad begins to curl, without a suspi
cion of wliat he is taking. We expect
to hear next of castor oil sponge cake
buchurlous bread and squill flapjacks
for table delicacies, and that all first
class drug stores have a bake-shop and
lunch-room attached to the prescrip
tion department. Vat a kondry and
vat a beebles I
Hurt. As our friend Mr. Rube
Saltmarsh xvas in the act of mounting
the fire- engine,: on Prlday night" of
last week, his right leg was caught by
the descending brake, betxveen the
knee- and ankle, and so badly bruised
and lacerated as to confine him to his
room ever since. He has the sympa
thy of numerous friend., in' his afflic
tion. : ., - :,,.' " '
Eastern Cranberries.- Messrs
Blain, Young & Co., have received a
large supply of cranberries from the
East the largest and finest specimens
xxre liave seen for many a day. We are
under obligations to them for a sani
pie, which, after due trial, prove them
to be as fine as they look. Try them.
O. F. C Messrs. A. Carothers &
Co. have received, put up in neat little
demijohns, a new article called O. F.
C, hand-made Sour -Ma h Whisky,
distilled expressly for medicinal use.
We very seldom use the article our
self; but when we do we prefer tlie
mashed kind, the sourer the better.'
In the case of the Indian on trial
for the murder of another Indian, tlie
jury brought In a verdict of guilty of
f 1 CO a;
1 Vitatne Ma rket
glutted; hitl-rior to good, -10.5'Jc;
cho'ee, (J0eii.fl l"2li f bu-hel. Sweet
potatoes. $i&l 12 'hrDhef. Onions
choice. OOe; inferior, oOCi7."e " bushel.
Portland as follows: Flour Super
fine. ( r0&7 ; extra, $7 il bbl.
Y heat Very little tiering ; fmni
xx-agons, $! 23 I:nslil. Oat.s--sinlly
tailing off"; price remains at SOS5c"V
Lu-hcl. Hay Timothy. 25'2S
ton; wild grass find straw. .c;-i:IS.
Bran 27 l?to:i.' Midliings
1050 ton. Fgg Ve note an
advatice : AlUi'mi down is now free
ly off'en-d. Bacon I lam, 15'JIJe;
sides, It 13c; shoulders, ll12c V lb;
'Ijard In kegs, I."; it cans, 1314c
lb. I l'otat'oi's 1 V bushel. But
ter Ranges from 20c to 40c lb, a 4
to quality. Meat Hogs,
m lbs ; beef, $3 'mil tlo ; Sheep,
,s2 rt each ; veal. 7&So 7r lb.
Following are Jefferson quotations :
AVhe.-it, $1 13; Oats, SOe; Bacon Sides,
15e; Bacon Sliou'.ders, 10c ; Hams,
Hie; Iirtl, Ie ; Butter, 30S37 ; Egg,
.":c ; Apples (dried), Uc per potmd ;
(green). 4Ue per tu -hel; Potatoes, $1 ;
Wool, .'5."c.
Harrisburg quotations show:
Wheat, $1 10 ; Oats, 7."c ; Bacon
Sides, l.'Jc : lfcicon Shoulders, none ;
Huns, i:j'Ifl8c; Lard, lie; Butter,
e ; Eggs, H'h: ; Ap4!e, 30c ; Pota-
t'jes 1 ; ool, doc.
0r millers are offering- $1 13 per
1 tt-hel for xvheat. Oats still command
73o per bushel. Egg are qnoted at 33c
ler dozen, and butter, fresh country
roll, is rapidly gobbled up at 33c per
pound. Potatoes, not being ox'erplen-
Hxeep tlie
f Stiings,
l-i'K nTs" of yn;i:
Oilc' c:Uie 1
team. It is
' THE !..- J&V M.VK'-J GATE,'"
And a
"fical Opcca asisl Siasit."
This pale is sisiiple in its const rticl ion.
botii ot 'iron and woo 1 work, tin 1 not likeiy
twt mtt nf onlcr. If u neat, chca'p wm
i'lcsisv I, it neiy l ma le !ihr? with tli.--o
cross bars ot voo I find o:ie-tonrtli inch
wire, neatly curved at tlK? t; tlie lower
end laid in tlv; bottom Kir, which Is the- .
stylo of u factory nuule xaxc- The MCuc.s
arc now in nruu k-ai rrso in several of tho
comities sr.-ound !aii If'rtiiici-co, and plenty
of tcrfiimoiiiiiuis cun 'ihj ijiven.
Having purchased the
Ilig5si fiif YAnzi Co., Oregon,
lias now on liand. and will inannfactnn?
thcn'jovi d-jscrt'e.ljmo. XVhcr'.-vcr it hus
l:cn hjc:1 it has received The highest en
comiums, as tlie lare number of certiti
cates from prominent farmers in all )iart
of tho country, now in my hands, Mill
lest rfy.
uis e have shown) it enables the loctti i tuui, are quoreu ac s.nri per nusnei.
naix'r to furnish its natrons xvith new ! (Jur pork dealers are paying $5 25 per
from all parts of the xvorld. i 100 11 lor divssed hog-, quite a number
Copying the above, the
the satjie city, adds the tblloxv
ful paragraph :
Altlmn.rb the benefits derived from
the pre: aro not immediate or appti-' general tippeanmce overliemJ as xx e go
I. iyu lira iuriuw.H"ti miiiHiica iiuimti
Sttindun? of ! hax ing been received by E. Cartxvright
t 'o-during the xx-eek, at that figure.
)xving trutii- , ilHi,iess during the xxeek generally
ltain lias again set m. ami irom trie
Ocean Steamers. Ocean steamers
sail from Portland as folloxx-s: Orf-
fiamnte, for San Francisco, this P. M.
at 5 o'clock. California, for Olympia
and Victoria, this P. M. at 5 o'clock.
VV. A. Wrifiiit, for Sitka, sailed on
Wednesday. i
OCR Venture Hails from Brattle-
boro, Vermont, and is a neat little
quarto monthly, devoted to art and
literature, published by O. A. Libby,
at fifty cents iter annum.
The Delaware Cocxty American
Is published by Vermon & Cooper,
at Mtdia, Penn., at $3 pers annum,
it is a nine column paper, neatly
printed, and edited xvith force and
Hcxtixg Party. Charles Mealey,
Hank Mendenhall and Jeny Winter
have gone in tlie vicinity of Buck
Mountain, in the Cascade range, on a
hunting expedition. They'll catch 'era.
A ttemttei) Suiciie. The Demo
crat of yesterday lias the folloxx-ing : -
Mr. Theadore Hale, xvho resides
just across the river from this
city, last Thursday took ten grains of
morphine, with tlie intention of com
mitting suicide ; but Dr. Jones ; xxas
called m before the deadly poison liad
secured a fatal hold upon hitn, and af
fer some time i" vomitingxind pumi
mg' the would-be suicide xvas effect
ually relieved from his perilous con
dition. Mr. Hale's w ife died a short
time ago, and we are informed that
her loss has so preyed upon his mind
as to impel him to make this attempt
upon bis oxvn life, as he fully believes
if dead he xx-ould lie permitted to in
stantly join her in the " Spirit Land."
Mr. Hale is a quiet, industrious
young man and bears a crood reputa
tion m this community, and it is earn
estly hoped that he xvill not further
distress his large circle of friends and another attempt upon his
oxvn life. . - 'f-
Five hundred dollars rexvard offered
by the proprietor of Dr. Sage's Catarrh
Remedy, for a case of Catarrh which
he can not cure. Sold by druggists, or
by mail sixty cents. Pamphlet giving
symptoms and mode of treatment sent
free. Address Dr. 11. V. Pierce, Buf
faloN. Y. j "-'
Change of Time. Passenger trains
for Eugene now reach this city about
8 A. M., each day ; freight trains be
txveen 9 and 10 A. i. Freight train
from Portland 3.15 v. M.; passenger
train 5.47. There Is a through freight
train tliat passes: sometime in the
Splendid sweet potatoes at Gus.
Layton's, and plenty of 'em.
rent in all cases, they are admitted by
sill sensible, olserving men. Every
dollar expended for"" advertising or
subscription, inasmuch a it adxances
the interest of the paper or the enter
prise of the publisher, is a benefit to
the community and to each individual
member of it. , Nevertheless, hoxv
often the pittance is grudgingly be
stoxved, or an attempt made to sponge
outright these 1enelits. Every day
the editor is requested to putF this or
that object, xvithout a hint as to remu
neration, in arfy form. Some one bnilds
a shanty, anil, although he may not
even subscrilio to the paper, it is ex
pected to henild the fact, xvith lauda
tions of. the enterprise of its oxx-ner.
Another may introduce the '-rustic sid
ing" as a novelty iu building, or the
"Ogee bracket on the rake," and un
less the press so into ectacies oxer it.
they are xxanting in enterprise. Still
others xvill beg a paper, and never say
as much as --thank you ' tor it, not-
xvitlLstanding it costs ready money for
material to produce it. These indi
viduals xx-ou'd not think of asking a
store-keeper to gix-e a paper of pins or
a yard of calico for nothing ; yet the
cost is just as real to the publisher for
Ins paper, as it is to the mereliant ior
his articles. We do not wish to be
considered mean or stingy in alluding
to this small business, but mention it
as one of the most remarkable evi
dences of the xx-ant of appreciation by
the general public of the poxx-er of the
Archimedean lever tliat . mox'es the
to pros
of it.
xve may expect a continuance
A N' D
X new stock of millinery good, triii
mings,. liiflics' nnd children's fnniishin, of all kimls, of tho latest and nost
fashionahic styles, which she oilers to the
Indies of Allxtny and siirronnding country
at tlie lowest rates. In tbe
Dress Maldng' Department
I fruarcmtco- entire- ssntisfaction. Cttnrges
Paragkams. The doors of the new
Bank building cannot be hnng mitil
the splendid, large new. safe, almost
as large as a house itself, is received
from tlie East. The front, hoxx-ever,
lias been nicely painted.
Tliompson & Irving's new brick
building xvill receive the roof next
xx-eek. It adds to the looks of our
The present has been the most im
portant term of Court ever held in
Linn conntj. "
John Bains, found guilty of passing
counterfeit money, was sentenced,
yesterday, to three years in the Pen
itentiary. Steamer Oriflamme arrix'ed in Port
laud, from San Francisco, on W cdnes
day night. i ,
Dax-e Froman has returned from his
mountain trip.
Rev. J. M. Lovell, of the M. E.
Churcli, South, preaches at the Court
House to-morroxv at 11 o'clock A. M.
A thief stole a shot gun and a coat
from the premises of Sam Cooper re
cently, while the family xx'cre asleep.
Mr. C. Westlake returned from a
visit to California on Wednesday, in
the enjoyment of good health.
Large invoices of dry goods, gro
cries, etc., are being daily received by
our mercliants. !
Trade generally during the xveek,
has been good probably better than
usual at this season of the year.
Country cured hams liave been sell
ing from store at 20c per pound, and
scarce at that.
Clo tiling. Always on hejidTladkvs''aiitl
childrens' ready made under clothing,
cloaks, sacks, aprons, etc.
Dress Trimmings.-An extensive va
viety of filk, patin, cotton and woolen
clresi trimmings, always in store.
Clonkin;. IIoney-comh,astrachnn and
water-proof cloth, ot tlx liest qualities.
I'urs, Etc. 'Ladies ami children's com
plete sets of furs and svandown, of latest
"I!:iiois.-I-atost styles constantly on
hiiiid, ut low fly ures.
3f iscollieoiis. -Llninjjs ami tlndings
of all grads unci tiuHlities, a full assort
til-OVKS, IiO-iK, K.TC.
Of All Descriptions,
On hand and manufactured to order.
Ulacksmilhiug and Repairing
Done to order at most, rcasoiiahle mtr-s.
Shop fiol of Ferry street, oj-pKite lleuch,
Montciih & L'a's tlourin; miils.
Alhany, Oct. 28, 1871-.iv4
n. ii. cii-vxoit. k. n. lrciiniuKX-.
Notary 1'n'ilie.
Attorneys mid 'omselloi-s at liiiw,
Ofht-e in PswrisU brick, vqi stairs, ox l
. OkhjX, ix-tober 19ih, l.s7l : I'oni
liluint having Ikhmi entered at this Oflice
by JERUMIAH gUKA against COE Fl'i:
IAN torahandoisin; his llomestejid Entry
Xo. 841, dated May litth, 18;7, npon the Lo't
1 f Sectkm 27, mid Lots 1, 2 and 3, Section
2:8, Township 1:1 South, Itange 1 East, in
iJim comity, Oregon, with a view to th'
(-.uiwiiiiunu oi said entry: t no sat 1 parlies.
am lere)y stmmioned to aipear at thi-
Olllce on the 2ad day f Xoveinlxu-, 1871, at
10 o'clock A. M., to respond and furnislr
testimony concerning said alleged aban
donment. OWEN XVADK, Resistor.
7v4x-IJ HENRY WARREN, Rec-r.
X. K. 1-ACKA11D.
.t. n. sra.Rxn.Kit.
Lite of Coiaopo'dtin Hotel.
Corner Front and Salmon Sis.,
My determination, tieinpr to pffx-e satisifiK
tion in style and quality of work anjt
prices, I ask a share of public patronage.
Call at store
Opposite A. Carothers & Co., '
First street, Allmny, Oreoron. '
"Affent for Mrs. Cari'nter's Cex.b
Buatkd Dhess Moukl. Nov. 4, 71-9v4
Directors of the Union Insurance Co..
of San Francisco, an assessment of forty
five per cent, was levied to renalr the canl-
tul stock, payable forthwith. Tliis assess
ment, beinpr made in strict accordance
with the law. under the directinn of th
State Insurance Commissioner- rnxl also
uirreeahly w ith the wishes of tlie directors
and stockholders of the Company, places
i inim in a. iiusiuon, not only to con
tinue in the highest rank on this coast ,but
also to assume a distinpruLshed place anions
American insurance Companies. 9v3m2
spectfully informed that the under-
? 7 ,1 ii vo n?w, on Uan- from, selected
luia, HU Lllli VttTWUeHOI
Choice Seed Wheat.
Carefully and seperately stored, and for
euro nwuitui verms. -,
Wm. 8. XKXVBtniY, Agents 7v4
Notice of Copartnership.
il firm of Beach Monteith, heretofore
engasred in the milling business in the city
1st day of August, 187L associate with
themselves Henry Myers and A. 8. Knox,
in the milling business, under the firm
name oi iseacn, juonteitn it, km.
Albany, Or., Oct. 81, 1871-7v4w4
This new and elegant hotel, with
Xew Furniture Tlirogioutt
Is now
lBtI KoMua for tlie nccomuKHlnlioii.
of Uncstsi
Conic and Sec Us.
..... . - - -
VJCl. 4, (WY
codfish, etc., just received by
extremely low, about one-half cash in lmiul
and one-half on time. It is situated oppo
site Allmny, within half a mile of the town ;
lias good soil, plenty of timber, some lxan
tiful prairie, and is well supplied with an
abundance of stock water. There are a.
large number of apple, pear, cherry and.
plum trees, besides grapes and other small
fruits. The house is insured for 3,100, and
the bam (ninety feet square) for $1,500.
This tract of land is susceptible of being
divided into four farms, each of which
would have good woil, fuel, and rail tim
ber, and three would liave stock-water.
Either the whole or a part will be sold,
to suit, tlie purchaser.
Apply upon tho premises, or to EH Car
ter, Es., Albany, or T. B. Odeneal, Corval
lisfor lurtfter particulars.
Sept. SO, T1-4V4
RtxSUlcs Sonth of Albany, XJnn t o.,
personH desiring to purchase fruit t res.
to call and examine my stock, which is
composed of the largest and best selection
in the State, consisting of apples, pears,
cherries, plums, prunes, grapes, blackber
ries, currants-and roses. Also, black and
white walnut,. English walnut, hickory,
pecan, redbud, honey locust, hackberry,
and a number of other varieties of tree
and plant too numerous to mention, all or
which are offered at low rates.
Dee. 17, 187XW5, '