The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, October 21, 1871, Image 8

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    Si'-- r -te-
I Am Not Arrultt."
A happy time little Robbie ami
1osy were Laving ;see-sawii.g" on
ft boanl laid across a big lg. At
first lKth weru very timul, anl
cUintr on titrht to the board. by
ami by little Uobbie grew bolder, at the .-hado-.v ami
ami vrouU let go 1. s bold, when he ,liw;in; Mauy Hi!ir
went up "sky-high." .Mist as lie XVi .u. ft.u.t.;j,Vs ami i
legau las decent, however, ms
chubby hands were pivlty sure to
come down. After a iew such dai-ip."-
llights, he grow t'tll more care
K'ss, despite little sister's cautions.
Just as he was laughing and toss
ing his arms the gaye-t s-aying, "I
ain't afraid," a sudden jlt brought
him tumbling to the ground "all in
a heap." Little ilosy too got a bad
all, and mother had various little
bruises t doctor that eve..i..g. if
Robbie's larit:g never brings him
i;.to wor.-e troubles, we shall be
A great many boys l ave gone
rhwn to their graves because they
were not afraid to go into the rum
shop and billiardaloun. Always
remember it is manly and noble to
be afraid of sin in all its tl-rms.
Mrs, J. K Mi' Com a nvh .
Agents "Wanted.
s a y
To be a man, rind tt appear to be a
man, are two very ditterent things ;
and yet, though strange it may .stem,
there suit l iit tew who eaii tell the true
from the false the genuine front the
JioglH coin. Jut there are many who
ehoonal se'ei t the counterfeit, le
tjujH' if ;ipears to he a litl,!e more, daz
zling to t Ik eye. Such iersotis are lus-miii-eved
: thev look at what the blivl
tlntler in, but not at the bird ; they j FIVE T FIFTY IMHXAS1S
til i lie r-ii;m. iiuii mn ill mi; sui-
ard instead of the
to think if they
ut on stvlo, and
smoue their nii'cwii,miiK ami puu
tluir choice Ilavauas. ami occasionally
: sip the most co-tiy wines a::tl
; pagucs. they have Ivamm. men. We
' pity sneh short -sighted being.-! ; "they
Siaxe eyes but tiu-y ses not ear-; have
; they, but tiny hear not. neither do they
j uiuK r-laiwl," when told that siuh hab
' its make t!:eni less men. We have
I mauy boy.- among u - tliat have vown
n; to tiit stature tf ;:;en, but tlny are
, bv- .-till. One hundred and sixty
piu;id-of bor.e and inu!(i i- not a
mau. The swiae attain that weight.
but, they are not men. To be a man,
o::e must think a man's thought-, ami
ilia man's tleed . This inip.Lei more
. than one wou.d think at lir-t ighr. It
includes ail that makes n man noble,
j pure, and God-iiUe. it i:: .ndes seif
i government, without which man is but
: i;tue atHive the l.v.i-f- ot 'the field; but
! with which aii hi- f.iculti.-s and powers.
! air siilxln- il :md controlled. When
I tLiis is acco:iii -bed. then, and not. till
then, dovs Ik; stand forth in noble
X K W F 1 11 M !
PAT K XT M 1 1 D 1 CI X EH.
15 Y
rnv. fo:
A N I)
W. EI. KUIIX & cy.
Have j.t rcefii.e-t 1:ivjo:iikI well eit-
.l rt.WK Ol
! iSuoh ,'
! Farmers' & Mechanics' TocS.
! i
i i iNIS i IC OK -.VNVtl.S, VK'KS. ISKI.
! V ' v iniii.-ii-. i's. .-! i'..,es, :'av-s, ji;;me,
-n-;s cut it:i;t miit "ay.s; together wlili a
AV.!4TMI-:X i' i' 7 ICON AXll SYBK1.,
i "
S"ai;ri .sprin;,-. ;i..3. I lun;-2e-.sU.c:s. hoir.s,
I i:il'., etc., e'.c.;
A will Nt'cte hIocS of
1 HS'OS-iSi, . latJiiH,
U.-nt rim:-. slialU, pole.-, li;ck'!-- a!e, etc.
Ail of wt'i -1 lire now olieivt 1o the p i'c
:ie;i H-w ru :. As mv niak tlie ! xyini'sa
a sH'e::i'!y, we eai :intt wilt keep iv !)-'. er
mcib . et i-.iwer prices, tliuii seiy
hou c m vhis ci. y.
W S1W fn V . 3Lt 55
::a ' xifo-w,
r-Z:1J nI '':f;' .
If i' fIli
AIT F2AlT:i3C3, CAX,.,
t'i!l. i! t: tf nt'on of naaltrrs ti tlitr la-g-T asporf.
nii-;it r f Ne"ly Arrtrcd " ticods, ComnoHecl in
part t.r tiie followiritf ftrtictes. togr-tfier wltft
er rr i:l kept in a irr)! supplied V1II,K- -
KET!03E.2 Oil, P1TSAXB On,
I YVhJcJi rre offiT at the lowcft CsbU Friccg, ami
j-o cieii nnincu r.ot vo ue oiicii tboiu.
: i:. II. McBOX AJUU ; CO Eax Fbakcuco, Ca V
"TwEXTr Minutes foii 1!k
FUKSiiMExrs," The following ex
perience " of a humorous traveler,
who attempted to iret a dinner at
- l . s
i :i::d (Joil-like si-iise a .man.
'I'll'. ciiOOii5-isl -r Alronl.
The jihrasc -the schoo'ma-ter is
aVrotul" is on the to::ue. of all ; and
jet how few know augtifot" Us origin,
,:;.im;i:ii....i.l or ao:recuuc its tarce. In a sneccii on
uuu, . ---.jtili,;;mti(), of H din-ton. a nn re
w worth reading by those who have j ,!lUitarv chieftain to tlwavmicrdiip.
had a sun-.lar experience without a i ;,itcl. ijlo de;dh of Caudn. Lord
liltf! cihh! humor : i iirouilia-.n said
"Twenty minutes for dinner," J
shouted the brakesman, as we ap-
proaehed Xenia.
A!.-o ;-e:-eivhi;7 an I oiH-nin.if, a
:-pleiiii!l ici-orlineiu ot j
Wli'u li v. c c-' -r ;'.
h ii.-;.:
Maivh i, 7 -U7
. II, Kl UN .t t.'.,
;.h; itv'w k, F;it .-irej
It i
A 1 i :
it K A 1.
L'ietd -marshal the Uuke of ViIIinsi-
' ton may take the army, he may take
! the navy, he may take the mitre. 1
1 make hint a present of tlieiu all. T.ct
WasU;:iq,ton. ami Jts Fuhllc IJaibi t
ins. v. round., a a it rlaiiur,'. ! :
With a iliii-'iv.m ot .ho lions' of KiTrs4 '
s-.Miiiiii ,es a'itt SenaU ol th.j l'ni: 1 S :in- .
tliii-ty-ave sti-ci r-.n .-n -i, ;v:i I I' i '
i.icsoi (k-s.-fi);i;:i it . j r I his: o.-uu' i-i.t liivi j
iia:;cr. f :
x'lnijt itf '. i(i's ii ' lm,?t will !.
toihose wir liei:; :o :v-t ;is ;i ;e:u, !; iwtiv
tioliars, an I ti ve sta:ni;.s lor re am po'.n..;..'). :
i 'A T K .
if;? 5:,
him come on with his wiiolo foive.
Won I in hand, against the con -tit u-
i tion; and the Mngu-iii icop'e viii not
.j,, j only lxat him back, but lau;h at
on some one clso.
I approached a man 'who stood
near tlie door, with a roll of money
in his hand.
"What do you have ior dinner?"
"Halt' a dollar," t-aid he.
I told him that I would take
half a dollar, well done. I asked
him it" he couldn't send me, in addi
tion, a boiled pocket-book stutfed
with greenbacks, and seven thirties
garnished with postage stamps and
ten cent scrip. Also a confederate
bond, broken down with lettuce
alone (let us alone.) I would like
to wash my dinner down with Na- j
tionai Bank Notes, ou "draft." i
lie said they were out of every-
thing but the bank notes, and he t
then ordered the waiter to
t-he bank and "draw some.'
Arrived theiv, I entered the dm-
ir.g-room, and inquired of the wait
or :
. 1 1 A It.
"Hliai UO you nat- 101 uninci. ;iAsan:t s. In other tinis the count rv
"Twenty minutes," was the hur- may have heard with dismay that -the
fed reply I so'dier was alro;id." It is not -o now.
I told him I would try half a ! Mt tlKl sok)jl'.r u: a!;,i:Kl' if m ?
. civ j he csui do notinu5 m tins are. I here
dozen mtnutes, raw, on the hall- j i4 auothol. 1Hjrso!1 j, abroad a person
shell, just to see liow they went, j inijjosin. in "the eyes of some,
Told him tomake a minute of it on ! perhaps, ius-.gnilicani. -TU. .'.; -
hw book. He scratchel his head, I "'; ff'. :llul 1 tru lo WiiU
. i i i i ' armed with his primer, ajrain-t tne sol-
trytng to comprehend the order, but ; in mil an.a
Anally gave it up ana went to watt
Scott s Lttiaiauy (.:ouka;k. ihe
literary courage of Scott, and his con
ceded indbl'erence to lame for its own
t :-ake. is well illustrated in lusivniv to
a do ir triend. a iter the success n
.Matinion." cautioned him against
attenniting the " Lady of the Lake."
Do not be r.i-h," she said, "you
are already iopuiar. more so perhaps
than you yourself will believe, or even
1 or your friends can fairly allow to
your merit. You stand high, do not
ra-hly attempt to stand higher, and
incur the risk of a fall ; for depend ui
on it. a favorite wiii not even !e jx.'r
mittcd to stumble with impunity."
To which Scott repned in the wonls
of Slonro-HJ :
lie either fear.s bis Cite too much,
Or his de-H-rts are small.
Who fears to put it to the touch
To win or ioxfit all. -"
If I fail," hfontinucd, " it is a
sijr.i that I ouht never to have succeed-
I wui write !rose tor lite nm
shall seenrr-4iaaiiirni my leinjjej'iior
will I eat a . single me.ll llir
Yet he feit the jiulginent of the true
and friendly warning.
lie was glad ot hi 4 lame, enjoyed it
simply 'and naturally, was healthy, not
inonlinately, proud of it. lie made
use of it. It brought him acquaintan
ces, associations, and faculties, that he
greatly desired. He made much mon
ey with it. and ge'icroui u-e of his
money ; but withal depended not upon
his fame for any deep comfort or last
ing joy, and never forgot instability,
its way of for.-sikiug in. rit for iii-de-
. - , . -I'J. -CI I., o o.fc.-.'-Ol" 11 will iltiv piJs-C.s.sMI .II,
thistle to blossom m my neighooi, s ( ut ...... rinM, k, .ir . tor its
tield, I should soon have plomty in j erranteies. Horr M njuzii.r.
my own. , i
I wish all fathers and mothers ! wlwo y)"8 feent.euien, one named
,j ... , .... TIl0 - Avootlcocki' tne other rimer, walked
would think of that. ihe eil , ttts?ttiiei.t U1,a iwjinjr to se an owl,
weeds in your neighbor's held will 1 1 tji'e latter s;tid: 1'iiat binl is very
scatter seeds into your own. tio it much like a Womlcock.' You are
w worth while to pull them up in quite wrong,' said the lirst, "for if a
it j i i 'ii,i l'ulleriii the head, 1-tiller in the eyes,
selMetence. Every weed .pu led aiuI Fniler all over '
up in your ueiglibors held is a dan- Which reminds us of an incident of
gerous enemy driven away rom ! our childhood. Two fat old ministers
J ot the IvirK in Scotland, named respect
j ivel' Waddle anil Jrip, were ciiught
in a shower, atrer a service at winch
1 hb Two lavK bKiiT 1 IKC'ES i Dotll i,a(l oliiciated. Brother. Waddle,
bright little boy about tour years f feeling rather facetious, looked out on
cue wauery Hsjjeci aim remarweii uryiy
to his reverend associate, " It's begin
ning to7."
Oh. no matter." rejoined 1h
friend, eooly, we'll just icuhlln
The Crcutcsi Cabinet ot IirJi, Ais.
mats ami ileptiles. bmh Native a;. a
lorlj;ii ever jiu'.itisiiod.
This e'.e cant volume co!ita!:is v r n
hun t: if ciit..rnt fj?ii L ail I is a iook nee I" I
una u-fiiil in every liuriily. It is of ia.' 4
size an . I tiaiKlstmieiy boanU. A saurne 01
this work wii I be sent 10 tlio:e who vle-:fe
toai-t as aenis lor iliree iloilars an. I u
sta.nps tor reliii'ii jos;a;o.
sn.vric:i opxics, alsaky, or..,
AnIafaI'.ib!o iiLoon pnurirn. posscB
ing rare toxic aud .tavivl: ' iiropcrtics
a certain cure for iiueinATi.iiti, i.ut,
.eis:.ilcia. eud all kintlred Diwaxes.
It completely restores the isybtem wheu im
pnired by diweaee, revives the action of tho
kidxev! ana (.kital oucAi, radi
cally Cures 5CUOFLXA, MALT RHEU3I.
andall EituPTivu and ctTAxnoi's Dis
eases, gives" finruediato mod permaueut relief
in ovsPEPSi.i, r iiKNipi: las. Tumors,
Boils, Scald Head, Ulcers and Sores; eradi
cates froia the system all traces ot Mercurial
It is vEGKTiiBLE, bcin made
from an herb found indigenous in California,
It is therefore peculiarly suitable for use by
Females and Children, as a blood lUiil-
For Sal by all Cruggittj.
CCO and 531 Market Etreet,
Ban Franci&co.
ir tin x hii'incfti o-a?C'1 I" Saa Fraa-
t '.-!. A f ee o-r. nr wisti , ah 1 e--
1 ! .1 - nm- ;lKt"'i i"'-' lh" H'' ".';!' ":u'ro:t-
I! ri'''in'I f'K' T-.K", t Iia'l t Wi'T-
in;- 'itir'a .vtti'.-h !:. 1 wv i-.f-'r
'i i ! , -.t "r'v mrrn.-re I " t h '1 '!!: uy
1 ;i f -.f;l, H'O :l!T 'Ovjiy thr iil (f,-),.--.,
.,, ...r 1 -rrov,' h f.f he a: of
v.' i a 'fo-'-ia A'fne-'nr ftJf 'ers,
: :: : er .Jr ! "'tiit- ' s!anv sin I far"
vi I a ufi-ir'iM ale I to devote 0:0
;.ti--i tl:' 1 ! 1: ri o-i - tie la -lo
',: iiniy r-'. er.n l i'io:. io 1-r
-i v:.ort v o:- v-mfe lf.i, fin! lice.
l inf.i I let -U our 'a;-;e. ;;: e.-v-,
y, r. : c-'a';irjh: I favosa'.;.
r.i:-' rrwH'tnnfty fr men wi
i.NSi j;AM',
Of new Ixvilin, any om of which v. e w
i 1 LIN Ml! At. l.AXl ACKX' V l'Oli -1 i
r.-n. i: lUshe-l July, 1 Alio i.--
where :iti-r;il int'oniuC ion -oritiriiin x 1 be j
r-.-'.-ntives 01" Oregon (iuv :e obtained i'r.;, j
ol" . tiai-ic. ' j
I.o.M!-! i-.e.;:ti:ite I on lirt riort;r:i re. r.-:l I
e-1-a ;Ul'l eo:!i:'er:ii se.'M e av-. . e
1'orsa'ea iar-e arnoim! of proo-rty iom'ivl
in tlw town of Ara''. A'.-;. 1 c : 1 t m
hi rr I . of ev".-v ' ei ii't lo.-at'eJ in
i h' !-
ia a i-;. 01 e- eri''.? !n n n v ' : a e nvj
tN's- -v. U . tvft?i:irre.- never h:fo;- riiiVr:
I-oi- a : :-n urn eno 'f-e of
1:. i. .m i!N.u,i" .(.
II II. 5eIo:; ur.. V,'!-p!"- ii'e rriarTi-t-.
. ". S:) -'.e: :. i "nn Kraniio, I'll'.
N. 1. t'nl i" a ' in-i ti', w halJ . -fiuMe
urn' -rn o - a to-ix. !-em ti 'nrwe eo--t;
of f-,-eti -00 ooTveant'v o'l h:ei !,iin I 1
at prlefs t defy coaiy-e: tiioM.
T&c Great Metlical Discovery I
Hundreds of Thousands
Sear testimony to their Wonder
ful Curative Effects.
c j
k eer
3 9
S 1
o a
1 o;h;
. o'lii". :e ui i in-; S:'ate.
SA S" I'K AN ( i:v s ). ( :. I.
ld ...
send lor one iloluir.
inul ilia ra'.e 1.
Tiiey are all Ixuiad
Ai I vi-'i'iit j-, an 1 to !he nwii 'r- of rent o-
t;Vv: SVe take this me; ho t oi i:ii;hi, ycir
:i! i-!i-ion In onr vliun f.f iu-":ie- s. Ii;i-
Wbeds. I was onco walkini;
Tvith a farmer through a leautiiul
tield, Avhen lie chancetl to see a tali
thitlG on the other side of tlie
ranee. In an instant he sprang over
tbu fenca and cut it oil close to the
"Is that jour field'?" I asked.
"Oh, no," f-aid the farmer, "but
iad weeds don't care tbr small
fences, and if I should leave that
IJook. ol 5t Puzzles. 1U0 pii tuics
(Jourish iit uijUe 10 a si'. Ait of ui.d
slow c;ambloi" Win. lOJi tii'j
;vi.h cards.
I'ur'iiiie Teiie.- aaU IJjok.
How to I'lay i'tlter to Win,
How 1o Mix t00 Driuks. 1'
The Ai t of Letter Wn-tii;. .
ecrcts IVorili iv liij.
A ;ruide to tlie uuuiuiaeHiro of iiiJ-;li-
eiiivis, ieri"iniery, oai)., .iy-s, wiuos, ior
Oials, )xpu:ai- tievein-j ; niaaulaclurerj
sei.-i'o'.s, and many olliei-rj.
Kij;ues and ito-jueries.
Ventrilutiuisu Mane 4".isy
Ila e Hall Uook.
i. n; nv
VM. i. )': 1
ia: deterniineil to o-ien a 'taaach o.i'ui-in j . ,;. j; js l't S
vuir n;y, we .- an oiu-r yon a im uum ior .v. liAlltl)..
o'i invttD.i )i'i!vli:i 'W - one i oat ls.aivax'-
ia -L lv Imyiu'i, s it Wives ltieni iii.i'-h
time an-1 !a'ooi- in searvhlnsf toi whaf li e ,'
want. 1 ir orincio:) ! a'eaey. a for; ?a'i .1,
)r.-;oii, is tliorouiily estiihli-Oie'l. and t ho
o li.-e - well Surai !i,i for -riyin r iafnniia
t ioa n;'i! reai u e t hat is the
in sv o!ii;'eie l'uti.i' i: for a:i i-.'.- liav
in f business in o-ir lino.
Yon itu.iir no e.:ense in viaein yoar
;ii'o' M-i'iV on sa e with. -us un'.ess a sale is
ni-.i le. ., Vt stroe', .,; te-'raj.ll on?,-e
.iwIIN C. MKSiiAli AM., A -ent.
Aioany, Maivli 2:1, 7o-iiv:i; f
V i.-e. 1"
" - r. ? - r 5--X" 'isa
.... ."Marine SL-reti'.i-v.
Thy ieadi:f tit"" mi l luarine iiisuraaee
im-imy on ihist-oa-.
fji(,)',oU-"iwi e.l iit Oregon.
i.os-s-s i;-oi:n;ly an i eiin a 'y a ljnsted
.'.a l t'aid l.i n'0;d voi;i.
i. add a. tiltd:
S'or j .v;o:i and vV:?
Gon. Agents
1,1 l.itl'.
E2 2j 233 ,
A!.rAXY, oit icq OX.
a -
K- ' ..rA " it
k! e r
D R ! J t:
? -S
:.fada of Poar Iinai, WlisIiff;V Tr; I
Hpirila iiml liel'ase I.i.'iuur.i'.luc; rv't'.ri.x i
e have in press a larjre list of ImkiUh for
the lio:i.Uiyri. j
All coiiitmiaitatioa.s must he a i'livssei!,
"Vaiiiiij;toH l'ubiishitt;-; 'oin J:tny,
J.Ovk liox ls;j, Washington, l. 1.
i v t
WTV. aim:
) i he jaihiie wit h neat
ry " j
ytur own.
of aire, sou of a clergyman, was at
my house one evening with his pa
rq'uts, and give him a couple of
lire cent pieces. " lie laid th'eni on
tT;o table and putting his finger ou
no Kaid ; ' -,
'This oiiO I afft going to give to
the heathen, and the other I am
( going to ;keep mysel!' He played
with them awhile, till finally one
or", them rolled away and he could
not find it.
.IT LLj DA1U JL , J 1'-, fT
oie have you lost '? ,
4iOh," said he, "I have lost the
iob I was going to give to the
hCAtllCU." I
An unreasonable and isomewhat uiist
atithropic acquaihtanee remarks lie IvU
ifjften lieard tlie pnbvftrb, A friend
in need is a Mend indeed ;" but he
.iM'tte where the limgb comes "in.
lie lias a friend In need w boU always
brrowing money Ironi. blu.
-.1 t .... ; . . . t ,-. . ,
.Jfusiloil the poison part of vvbi-ky
)ro:nl-es to be useful, after all. Mr.
lltirtault tias discovered tluit it renders
. kerosene oil non-exilosive.
Whoever learns to stand ttloue, must
Team to' tail alone.
C - - 6,666 - -
SixTMsaM SizHonitretl & Sixty-six
&tae&iiai'l lit eel j 4 J,
rnKVAin-:i to fi'iixisii
urnoat! in the
way ol
j-tyll: iS-.a'-iiis asi'.l i-.t'AVH anU N(4tIc,
On the most reasonable terms. Oirlivery
ts all new, atvl of the la' est siyles, and we
shall lake pii le in ivinir onr ) atroiidas
neat an 1 reliable tea oattit as can bo o
1 nine I in thus ate. ;
Horses boarle-1 at rrnsona'.le rates, by
ifcicks a.i'l cari-iasos faiaishe:! for jpnr-
i ties. ete.
V share of linhMe eatroiia-re is sfHeicl.
I r. ni'i;i;s .c M;:ninciv.
Al'iany, Pet:. 17. ls7t:-l
Dili. li.S. iii O.
SeUeteil f roia
The Best Frcncli, English, Rus
sian, and Aiacrican
SPi-t out m ,
T 11 K
nollwrtucimiol it at prcsoni.
I iuvii!t !-e I'omrany. ol" Itoston, is the
only i-oia any m iloiny biisinessd oa this
eoast troverie' I 'y th'. ,
52;i;a inis.tis Sou-forf Hiiro K'nv.
Th?s ''otiiiiany was in orT'oiu'e..! A. 1).
ts.'l'i, an I has a'ecuia'i:a.e,l a-v-cia of over
The 'o!'.ovrhl ? Ta'ie t oo'i-'ea have been
pai l on this coas-. un-'.ol' . hi-' .aw :
No. of
S t.i'l'
.!S. ;
2:. llili
ITal Mir-a''
com' an v 1 1n
i ii- a io
Over lnc at
time f leal h.
(5 months.
4 nionihs.
: nionihs.
10 clays.
11 months.'
n an
o her
nii 1 hne le" forfehe'l
i.e.- s s.M-ak for 'beui :..vts.
an.1 to the wise aiul oi'iiieiit further eoni-
ment is vm nei-e-i' m-e.
iJ'jii. Adonis, Situ Fi"aj!ieiseo.
L. FX.I.NTi.r, I,ocaI Agent,
Feb. 25, ls71--2.'.y
ics,"" Appctlzcrr," " Ks-t.rtri," .-c, t'-ct '.at
liio tippler ca t drr.ukcnr.cK i a:::l t ::1 v:t c
atrua Medicine, mailo fiom t!ioXai:v.: i:eoi. f.a I
Herbs of California, IVpC fri: i at! A 5. civfic T'.io;.' aio t:ic i: ;; i:..V i"L,?Ol
ruitir-'iKif n 1 1 i.ii'k m vinu i'ni?;-
OIPI.E a i.rtct lj;novr.ttr-aa(i::i?.'l-rr-tor-l
the SjTtoia, cji't-yi.g ci7t.:i j-oico..ou u':'.:tiru J
rcktoriurf tUo tloo J to a la aV.l.y cvt:kh, . T
person tau taUe thcta Ei.tors accortli. to v IriO
tloa a:iJ r2:na;aloQ3 unv.-. 11.
Fin I u3aii!rtaf cry uu.i Chronic; IITici
natiKiiii anil (iaut, I)5'f:r;5Mln t. r iaJ"-
BreHtiou, Uitlotis, IcetuiitciU ix::tl later
alittcut Ft'vcru, Il:ca-.-.e of l'.u iiiiK.:',
lAver, ILi:!:icy;i, niol l;.ta!cr, t i :s j ir t
lera LavJ bce:i most iiica:sfu
S:tt!i HW-
Of 'VusItiatoii, E. cJ,
tkroutrli it.
lor tluiir eoiobinieil ixnu n:iic is. or
will seiul tho receipt! so tliat any lierson
t-au make their own coaiponn l.aul t-etain
the formula. TlieCoaiiiany'seireularfon
lains . ' 1
To Make Home Hawy. To make
home truly happy there should be no
concealment ; for they are the canker
worms. Jjet a woman lier troul
les and follies freely to her husband,
and he will a.4t her out ot'tliein.
lie Li Iter other self, not her judge ami
master. , If a mtm, conii'ie in .hi. wife,
her penetnition and quick wit will
orteii see thiiiifs that escaped him.
We are in the world aU day ; our mind-i c,na-lK,.m( Gf the avc, or aiA- other
are occupied by. many details; but she rtosired, will ix? sent, tor one lolian or one
swim: diseasls, t;iiNs,
CUOU l, 1) ' li .V tfliK Y,
GUAVKL. itllliUMA.
'I I S iVl , U Alt TS, I
C'iiccivi.ii-i, pi 1.
i Tivrriiii, rtrtiAciii,
Jllll-- li. HiiUlifliS.
litJX., Hi 2t. i irl. lJit.NS,
SOU Li AN iJ liY liSJ li I C
siU at home ot're.i alone. "for with bnt
aniuftnit comptiiiioii. .She thinks over
wliat lier liusband h;n ttkl her, and
sees it in many liglitf ; and lia ti liacl
tlie time which he wanted. The J dis
covery that there h i been a secret
excites jealousy, aiid loo K;n-? the ties
ofeHectiou on either sidoi. , VVitliout
perfect atul entirti ciiiti.lenee, mttrrietl
Iiappuie&s is seldom lasting ' : :
'Men make themselves ridieulou? hot
no much bytheHmiitiethey have. as
by the , attection oftiioje wlikh the
liave not. ' " 1
Keep clear of a man who dH not
value his own eharaeterv
article ; ov two will lw sent torl SO. . Ke
(eipts for compoontUii'?, wilh fnU clireo
tions, 50 cenis each, or three for ffl.
It j'tm want to know how to ina'.ie Itouiv
bon, apple, lriiif, Sootch, wheat or sorghum
whisky; blackberry, cherry', cognac, f?i
ger, pih an I nwpborry bran ly ; Bixteen
kincU of vinegar ; uiacK, bmo, trcun, red
and indelible ink ; tider, sweet and spark
ling; fourteen kinds of beer; blacking, in
iKMie and liquid, tor harness, carriages and
ail kinds or leather ; dj eing, In every shade
and color; s bavin:: soap, to promote the
growth of hail-; vamisiKss of twelve Tarl
cties, and everj- other coinixund in jr;en
emt use, send nfty cents and stamp for re
oeipti A y-'.-.v.- ,.-
Ail koo-Is wainunted a,s represented..
Sehd.stMp for eiretilar. AU coaiumni
cations must be addressed to . ! ; ,
Ciirfkh ComponndlMsr Cio., 1 ;
U(wmNo.W.'i Xiay'buUdin, ;
7v i ,; Washtaijlon, 1). U,
Is a tiling which sometime mu:-t lie'all
every sou and daughter ol the human fam
ily ; and yet,:
At, tSc Mil-l:iy,
Of vour life, if disease lays his vile hands
imoti von. there is still a balm in (iilea l,''
by which you may be restored to lierfect i
lieahh. and pi-oiou your otys to a miraeu
lous extent. f
By tailing; on .
........ ! .
Willi a prescription, where yiu can have
t ii coiiiDoiimie't iiy uiu i-.-vjM-i-it-.intMi in iiuii
; part ici Hi' line. Also, cons nnfly on band
Til !oo 1 a sorrment of fresh Arti.js, iateiit
mudici.nv-t, eheuiiculs, xiints, oils, dy
stuil's, trusses, ete. Agents for the
Cclc-brtel U'uJi AVecd ICeiuctly, :.
Or, treon Kheumatie Cure;.1 I'r. i). Jayne
& toiis mivlicines, etc. j Positive an.l Xesratlve l'owders
liopt in s:oo:,'. AIst a ents for tie.
ifoiite Mttttlli Kenlii ::iiiM.'Uiue,
One of the most nsefnl nieces of household
furniture extant. Call and examine.
It. C. HILL & SON.
Albany,- June 10, 71-40v3
" . - i
At ' Sliedd's Station,
r... ,KTa,li and after August 15, 1871.
Will be furnished with cleaning and ele
vating wmebinery of the most approved
eonsrmerion. Sacks will be furnished, and
the Ugliest Albany pritses wUl be. paid, in
? CaMliv for (train of All Kinds,
Terms for storage, etc, mde known On
application at tbe warehouse.
48v3in3 ALMON WIlEELER.Lessee.
. ' :
caxes arc cnuscd by Vi tinted X'il .tl. wl'c"
la jyoucralTy produced by d 'rau-fcurjal i" t.i
IJittcst t v-Orsaii.i.
Hcadaclic. Iaiii i:i th3 SliOuU-e'.", Coai;:.'!, i":'i
ness of tlie Clicst, Pizzlncsn, Guur Lrv.c':,f!o -. 5 tl
the Stomach, r.ucl tusto ia t'.io :.i'ui:i Clio-, i
tacks, ra!p;tr.t!on of the Ilin-r, 3: (I
tlie Lu2?s,Paiii la t:e regions cf Hu Kidney ..:! I
sliuadrod other paiuful yn-.ytonis, arj tl: j v
spriugsof Dy?;cpaia.
' Tliry Invijorat-i the Slrn)r.!h a-nl s'ltaa'ero thj
torpldlivcr and bowels, wldc'.i lvaisvllictjct u .-'
equalled cfUcacy Li c'.causin t'.u l.l-ioj tf C
Impurities, and iiupartln ucvv lirj ilvxorti
the whole Fj-stcMi. - - .
! FOR SKIN DISKAKEStErapticnVrl',..
lt Ilhrnm, BiotcliCB. Bpots, riui;-lcfJ, tmuU. ?
Boils, Carbnnclcti, Ring-Worm, tScaW-Itca.1. for.- i- -Eyes,
Erysipelas, ltc'-i. ScuriH. Uisoolortioi-.s (I
the Skin, Rumors iei"t DU.-atics ci t'.i: f-V!n, ci
whatover raamj ornator -, t.c lit-..r.y dtijc ;i ;
una carried out of t'.is Bj-sto::i i:t v tliori tuo by
tlic use of these. Bitters. 0?3 Settle ii etiett
cases will conviucu tUs tnoit incrcuulons ti t'.icli
eurattvc olfccSr. "- ' '
CKansa the Vltlatsi Blood whc-i-vcryo : ibi l
Its imparities bursting throu'i t';c tk!n 1 i ".'Ut.-
pies, Erttpitons cr Sores; cl??n-.! it whin vi .
find it obstructed ani. Flug-ii-h i.i th? vaiait;
cleanse it when it ts foul, uifl ycur feelings will
tell yoa wten. Keep the blood pure and thj'
health of tho system wilt fotl-w.
PIN, TA I'E aad ether WOllJIf, lnrldUK 1.1
die system of bo many thousands, r.r j cfT-.c'itall y j
destroyed and r-. inovd. I'or f ill dfre-Unt r-'ftd' j
carefully tlie circular aroiiD'J each bottle. ., ,
J. WALKER. Proprietor. 1! II, MT)OSALD & !
CO., DruyslHts sad Ocn. ARenta. San Francises
Cal , au-1 32 aa l 81 Canine, c. Street. New 'o..i
Itut tiie
OinntoiKl Spt-ctaeles
prv'strvo it.
lailaic-which is pro n on need by thq
most eelebmttsl opticians of the world tq
Ix; the. most perfect, natural, jir.itlvint lieip
to the human eye ever known. They are
ground under our own supervision, at. our
own manulat-tory. in New Haven, and are
so coiisrrnvte I that the core or center of f-
the lens comes directly in front of the eye,
producing a .....
As in the natural, healthy siglif, and pro.
venting all unpleasant sensaiions, such as
glimmei-ing and wavering of sight, dizzi
ness, etc., peculiar to all ot hers in use.
These glasses are manufactured fronimU
nute crystal pebbles melted together, and
derive theirname,"l)iamond,"ou account
of their hardnessand brilliancy. -They are
mounted in tiie finest manner, at our own
manufactory, In all styles of gold, silver,
steel, rublier, and shell frames, of the liewf
quality. Their durability can not be sur
passed, and their tlnish is such as will suit
the most fastidious. None genuine unless
bearing our trade-uiark, --- stamped on
every frame. ....
For sale by the principal opticians and
jewelers, throughout tho country; Manu
factured bv J. E. Spencer & tk., pract leal
opticians, New rfifrnSffltp ,
Dealers in watches, clocks, jewelry, silver
-ware, etc., Albany, Oregon. t
Entered according to act of O"1?8!!11
the year 1809, by J. E. "Spencer 'ft Co.,li the
clerk' office of the ist-tct Court f the
Unitel States, tor the Sottetu District of
New Yortt - - - ' OOv-
' And -., .;i ; : j.rVf :
31 5X c li iii S h o p
A. V, OSII2U11V Iroirictr, ,
Manufaclures Steam Engines,
Flour nl aw Mill ltlncliln;
. ... ....... cryj". -.t.
3 ' 5 : ,And all krndi of ! ' r
.'-' I: -! i - .. - 4 .-.v i
kinds of machinerj-. M 41vX