J -JL local! mmEHx 1.11 of lrciw. The following I tin ucfcio of the list of premiums -ifMK? the last annual Fiv o? se lAuu Oounty Agricultural A-stMlatiotk . portion of which wo gave -last week: xvool. Fin-t tt).ll?ty of wool: C. T. In grum ttr. iiee. from imported Leices ter ; X ITice secondvlleeee from same. S.W1NK AND l"OL'LTKY. Chester white boar, 2 years old: Ximrod Price. Olioster white boar. 1 year old: W. M. fc D- Slteurer. iClicstcr white loar, G mouths old: -"Martin Payne. Chester white sow, 2 years old: .Nim rod Price. Chester white litter of jfigs : K unrod Price- lierkshire 1oar 2 years old: Wm. B. 4 Joar. Cross breed litter of pigs ; Sti-.iuder Froman. Sweepstake boar of auy breed: V. M. $ I. Shearer, Ximrud. lrkc , Sweepstakes, sow of any breed: Nim rod Price. Magic boar, 6 niontlis old : Win, M. & D. Shearer. Magic sow, ti nioutlis old; Wm. M. fc J. Shearer. Pair chickens: John Metzler torsi, -and second, Canary bird.-: Mrs. Mary Blain, Mrs. E. E. Sloan. GRAIN AND VEGETABLES. Acre of corn: C. P. Burkliart. Bushel of fall wheat.: C P. Burk hart. Bushel of spring wheat; C P. Itark- -liaxt. Bushel of oats: G. S. Froman, C I' Burkliart. Bushel of buckwheat; C. P. Burk hart. Bushel of barley; C. P. Burkliart. ilalf-bushel of white corn ; S. Mc 4 -laran, C. P. Burkliart. Half-bushel of yellow corn : S. Mc Olaran. Peck of timothy seed: .John Millard, 4 P. Burkhart. Assortment of grains; C P- Brk hart. Peppers; I. Ilutchins. Onion setts: I. Ilutchins. Radish seed: I. Ilutchins. Ilalf-bushel potatoes: J. II. McOee, Pumpkins: ,1. W. Proust. Squash: I. Ilutchins, J. Elder. Beets, Onions: I. Ilutchins. Turnips : 1. llutcliins, S. W. litnxl mun. ., Tomatoes, cabbage: I. Ilutchins, Watermelons : Frank Burkhart. Fifty pounds Hour; J. II. Foster DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES. jSpeeiuien of butter, 10 pounds 4 "months old: Mrs. S. M. Pennington, firkin of butter, 3 months old: Mrs. S, 'M. Pennington, Mrs. M. Houston. Specimen lard, 10 pounds: O. P. Burkhart. Sfcvcou hunst C. P. Burkliart. Kxhibitof soap: W. K. McCord. Exhibit of lard oil: VV. 11. McCor.i. Exhibit of crockery: Smith Bros, Apron, plain: Mrs. Backensto. Apron, braided: - Mrs. Settletti'ire. ". Afghan: Mrs. Ida Irving, Basket, card: Mrs. Butcher. liUjiixU bed work: Mrs. Irving. Chemise, hand work: Mrs. Layton. Chemise, machine work: Mrs. Butch er. Mrs. Caldwell. Coverlet, double woolen; Mrs. Mil ton Houston. Bible cushion: Miss Katie I.yle. - Collar, Tatting: Mrs. 11. Cheadle. - Collar, crochet: Mrs. J obit Smith. Jiasket cover, nettcil : Mrs. John Smith. . Stand cover, crotchet: Miss Emma Burkhart. mr Comforter, gent's knit woolen: Mrs. Butcher. , .' , Counterpane, embroidered: Mrs. Jolui Smith. m . Counterpane, crotchet: Mrs. V m. Oird.. - Drawers: Mrs. Jane Burkhart. Night dress: Mrs." Lizzie Layton, Mm. Caldwell. r-- Edging, crotchet: Mrs. Butcher, Mrs. John Smith. lidging, uettcd :. -Hr., John Smitli. Embroidery, worsted? Mrs. W. II. McParland. -?.. v. v - ; .. Frame, shell: Mary Conn. u Flowers, waxj Mrs. Caldwell. ! Flowers, zephyr; Mrs. John Smith. Flowers, feather: Mary Coun. Vatcli guard: Mrs Butcher. Handkerchief, embroidered: Mrs A. Lamp mat, crotchet: Mrs Ida Irving. Mat, worsted: Mn Ida Irving, Miss Iaura Tate. Curtain holders worsted: Mrs Ida Irviug. Ottoman cover: Miss Emma Burk liart. ':'' Watch pocket: Misa Laura Tate, Miss Emma Burkhart. Quilt, white: Mr3 Butcher. " Quilt, patchwork: Mrs Coll. Van "Cleve first and second. ; Quiit, fiincy:,Mrs John Smith. Quilt, worsted: Miss Emma Cau ' thorn, Mi9 Betty Burkhart. ; Quilt, crotchet: Mrs Wm. Gird. Hearth rug; Mrs John Smith. . Pillow slips: Mrs John Smith. Braided scarf: Miss Ilattie Thomp- t mm. .. Pillow alip4, ci-otcbet; Mis? Anna Penuiugton, miss Naney Barr. - White ekirt,Iand made: MrsPhipps, 4 Mrs A. Settleniier. White Skirt,; machine work: Mrs R&ikeiito. White skirt,' embroidered: Mrs J . J. Clypool. j - jut shirt, for in&nt: Mrs Harvey Sliit Tifcr laly, xikng: Mrs A.St t- KiifrwcKSiig, woolen: Mrs J. Mc GIhc. tScks Nvoolcn: Mrs J. M-Ghee. Sc. linen: Mrs li;ukensto. SH inar-ilJes toilet mat: Mi Katie Lvks Mrs Ida Irving. Shawl, crotch: MrsCaidwell. Scarf, fringed: Mrs Ida Irving. Slipijers. einla-ohlered: Mrs Uarvev, Miss Katie Lyle. Tidy, wor-tel: Mrs Ida li ving. Tidy, embroidered: Mrs Geary, Mr K;a Irving. Tidy, crotcliet: Mrs T. M. Kwlfield, Mr M. Hon it on. Tly, lierted: Mrs John Smith. Sin-il wurk: Mrs M. Hou-ton, Mrs Marv Jilain. Latlier work: Mr E. C. Grilllu. rk'ad work: Miss Alice. Penning toil. Miss Emma Burkliart. liiH-k work: Miss LUJ.ie lin ing. Hair work: Mrs L. C Barrows. Wax work: Mis Laura Tate. Yarn, white: Mrs Margaret. Blain. Mrs Mctiluw;. Yar.u colored: Mrs Mi-CInre. C'iiit1o hnriiess: Thompson & Irvtnjf. Rockini clmlr: John Me'.zlcr. Churn; J. ll. Luke. Waivlrobe anl Cm it uricrt Jo!J Curr. S'hiniiiij whel: M (icorxtj. Wa-hini machine: W.l.Coc. Cook anil to.x stoves: J. It. L.ukc. Pmniiiyf licurs: II. U. Undd. Mr. I. V. Sireet aiH hud on exhibition ! a waikinff p.ow, lilting jack, Rnd imo'101 tT sj;j-cvieiiiii! and e.iosu; ate, nnt vo.tjyon inunui'actlire, but wliich wei-o tlWiu:lit' by the committee doaervinf oi tt WOf iliy men tion. I The rommltiee were nlto fuvomldy m Fres;'ed with the seud"SOVOi On exhibition, wm II. ll.JTintit). j I'tuWISQ MATCH. Clans plow: K. It. tlriilln, Samuel lland iker. . WaUtiuy plow: H. 11. Tattle, I. F. S:reet. CiU'.'VlT Cockt Ihx'Kkt. The following causes have !ecii tiled for a lju liinion at the Octo!er term of the Einii ooiinly Cir cuit Court, which convenes next Mon day: State of Oregon vs J N Smitli; roeojptte anee to apiH-.ir ir a.H.siiun. (Same vs W V" Closer; indivimnt for s'iiinc luniei. Siimo .s a J loveialy; in ii . :ncni for selling liiui-. Same vs V t'aviness; iiidielii."' .t for si-11-in ' litiuor. hiuw vs tii-o Holinson; in i'u- moiit for semnt liiuo.. ssim'f vs .iun Siilivun'. in nis.o.Iy to ap-)K-iti lor niiii' U".'. .Niine vs iio W Saxc; in cus!oJ;y for as Siin.i wl.li mn'iit to Kin. Siiuk s .ilni in t-xis;ldy l ap- 1""U" lo' i-ii.-i.! l Odii .i . A'il nio:;;. .iiiiw v s .losnpliiis Wnson; i'Oi O.,iii'.ancc in a;xar tir as.stiujj.wiiliin.cui it) ami mil r.iin'. AC'TliyJOS AT I..V.W. Jeivmuih Dri.s vsV J Jla;tlu'Nvs,ai'tion to ivoover money. I 10 l' iiuiuii:i s Wni.M Pit: man; u-.ion to iveo.er money. St.as It S:iiiiii vs SUnuu KKL Cu.iop; ac tion li)!' debl. t i;.'.vm vs U I "hi -a die; action! for debt. K llai'tlcss vs K Know t.o.i; iiui um lor dem , !ii ie.i.ed uvut 'wm. y v on.". . TUe i'loni'er iil Unu;i.i.i ii U C'iii'i Wi'yii:; uo.ion to ixvovei- o-;sesstoii oi p.'ojKi"iy, ij)iK-aied from Coimiy court. Cynthia l"i ei' .s tta.i.l lv."i aciion for deu., ;i;jM'jii li'oia jussive I'imri.i Miii'ilia l Cus.er ".- liiuti v. ns.er; action U re. ov er iHsessoii oi ii'oj)ei'iy. M II Wal.uee vs J N snii.li; action lo' damage. j iXil irv hi its. j V .M- AU-xaiider vs jiherid' of Linn count y e; at; ij.ae-.iiii ot tiie i veai pxiKiiy. J ilo-iiiins vs VV lt.ii.ci; toiociiwu.e ol mor jsa.e. Tluwt icmons vs K .lmonson et al; par tiiion ot ival es ate. J II t osier ei in vs Walter Monleith et a!; to l'oioi'iii deeds. C Ci iiici v s W Arms: nwy; coii.ii'muUon of Sia". ill's f sue. A Ueisier vs KCSpannaus; foreclosure of moi'iae WOKK HY MlSt; I XDKIJ riKTK.l.N. Dtvss m-td? hy Iwiiil: Mis Annie l'enntngton. Dres made lr machine : Miss Ida Urn :nk v. Tailing collar: Mi ;s .Vimie Penning ton. ik'ad woTk; Mi Antiio Pennington. "WOJUvS OV" AIM'. Mechanical dent i:trv: Geo.V. Price. Oi! painting on canvrt: Mrs lititclier. Oil painting on marble: Mrs lintclt- er. Painting in water colors: Mis An nie JShelhy. Pencil drawing: Mr Butcher iirst a i id second. Sand paper drawing: Mr t'lark first and second. Zephyr worsted pictures: Mr Ida Irving Hrst and second. Drafting: J. A. Warner. I'LOWKUS AM l'KKSOiVIOS. Klowers in pot." I. IIiiTeliins. Fuohsiasc Mrs J. Sionn. Jla lioias: J. A. Millar I first and sh-ou.1. Monthly roses: J. A. Mii-nrd, Mrs Uack ensto. tleiuninms: MrsCaidwell, Mrs K. S. Mer rill. Yerlvenas: Mj" JV. .'eftJrmir. As'.siitins: Miss JdcClure. (.'alia: M rs Set t leiu ii-.r. Mosses: M;-s Mary Cnwale, Mrs M. Hous ton. Wax plant: Mrs Somites, Mrs Mary A. Davis. Asters: Mrs A. S?.ttietver. J lew plain: Miss McCiur.;. Ii! piiint : Miss McCMUh iirst and seeond. tassia: Mrs E. fc'.. S:wii. TJiKuet of everui lxi. llowers: Mrs Mary I:ain, Mrs ltackens:.). Ilotuel of mixed ilowcrs: Mrs Ida Irv ing, Mrs John r-nii.h. Cueum'ier pickies: Mrs 8aekent:o. Mixed niekJes: Mrs Ilaekeiis: o. Sweet pickies: Mrs A. Set tiemier. Totualo cjitsii'i: Mrs Cad cli. Uivad, salt rising: Mrs Jiackens'.o, Hal-lo-k (irittin. U.vad, yeiist risms;: Mrs Hackensto. Soda biscuit: JUill- CJiune first an t sec ond. t;oldcake: Mrs A. Seit'.e-ittier, Mrs E. C. Crittin. Silver caike: Mrs tiritVLii, Mrs A. Sett le iu ier. Assortment ol" cakea- Mrs K. C. Griffln. I 7.erelda II Iee vs Clias M Iee; divorei Curi-Hut jam: Mrs li. V. tiritlin. ; Wm McCul.och vs Mary Ann McCii.ao. h; lVach nresirves: Mrs .V. N. Aruuld. Mrs i Olvorce MiHii-e. i Pleasant Young vs Ila.-hei Youn.: di- I'lUin liresi'rves: Mrs MetJee. Mrs N. A. ! Vorci Froman. j Isabel lhividson vs W H Duvi Ison; di- 1'car preserves: Mrs A. Settlemier, Mrs i vorce. t Huekens'.o. ! Tinner, I,ewis & Co vs Walter Monteith; Cherry preserves: Mrs Oaldwell, Mrs . action at law to reco.'cr uiotiey. Baekeusto. ! . Tomato preserves: Miss An me Bridieley X AIOUliNt'Ub THAGK1Y. It be comes'our p iinftU tlnty to record an other terrible accident, resulting i:i tlie lo o' life, out on the Willamette Valley fe Cascade Moti:ttahi Wag-a Iload. ' The terrible oectiiTence trans pired Oil Tuesday evening last, abotit four miles this s'uLj ot Clear Like. Mr. Jam.; MjICnight, at old and well known remlcnt of this county, together with his family, were e rmi'e for Ihtrch t -rcek, in searclt of a stoi:k ranch, and hiving retched a good cauipi.tg pi ice. the tiani h id been unhitched I'ro.n 'the wagon, and Alvin, son ot yir. .lames Mcivtngnr, was In the act of pulling the tent from thii rear end. of the wagon, when a gu:i lying there bectime entangled in the lent and w l ; discharged, tin? whole coatent tliereof striking Alvin in the brea t. After receiving the wound, he reeled toward where hi ; fat !ier w.i standing in t'ro:it of the wag.iki, anil with the cxclanvttio.i. "1 am shot," fell into hi lather's arnii, and in a sliort time breathed hi lat. The family immediately returned to the old ho:netead. and the youth so suddenly and unexpectedly called from time to eternity, wa? buried at Sand ridge, on Thursday. The Mountain vVag.ni Ho.id seems to Ihj an Unfortu nate route, a it hi been the scene of uunvrou aeeid.iit, a majority of whicii terminated filially.. The be reaved family have the sympathy of the entire com. im.uy in their su.ldeu and mournful alllietion. PkksOx At.. Mr. J. V. Peebler lias removed from Sodaville to his old home in this city. His friends bid him welcome. Mrs. C. Cartwright, ha gone to Polk county Osi a visit." Jo. Gray iias returned from his trip east of the mountains. Dr. Gray is so far recovered from his late sickness as to lje in attendance at his office to attend to any whose teeth need .attention. Jake Fleischner came up on Tues day or Wednesday, and will tarry liere several days. Jack Alphin ha - moved into his new saloon on Bro idalbin street. NKW '10-H.Y. :ROI THE UXUKUSKINBP, IN A Ell A . medium Mxct w 1 cow, lran-le I ny.H K" on t 1?aiia" llrur. O.i Tuesday night. Mr. d hn Collins, barber, late of New York, in pa?si: g down Ki'r-t street, fell over a pi.e of boaiil left lying aero- the sidewalk in front, of the new brick in cor.r-c of en ctiosi for Messrs. Thompson & Irvine, and -w.u severely brui-ed and injured about the shoulder; and head so severely tint he ha been eo njieiled to keep hi room tor several days. The most severe A v'soorn vs Ullarrcl; partition of real j hurt w.l in the left shoulder, which eia;c Cekeaes. The ojiinion of our cereal critic is more firm than ever that the best course our f irmer can pursue in the valleys of Western Oregon, is to plant a largely as possible of wheat and oas. The high prices ruling in Eur6p have drawn most, if not all of the old w heat, and the new is being marketed rapidly. This fact indicates tlwit next year's crop .will come upon a market as nearly exhauted of sup plies, a any within commercial j knowledge, and good price will there- ; fore prevail. j Ciianuk of Time. Passenger trains for Eugene now reach this city about j 8 A. M., each day ; freight trains be- ! tweeuOandlO A. M. Freight train from Portland 3.15 l M.; passenger train 5.17. There is a through freight train that passes sometime in the night. Maie Matters. Mstil going North, closes sit 7.45 a. m.; going South, closes at 5.15 l M. Postollice open on Sundays from S.30 to 9.30 A. M., and from G to 7 I. M. Mail for Corvallis, cloes at 6 p. M. K. A. FllEEI.AXD, P. M. LK"on the left bin. marked with c oi oif the left mr and bote in the i ljiht; mNtui si. years oi l. Any in forma! ion I".vliiiK to h-r rivovery will I" thankfully roeeiyp 1 Sm I li!Hrally rewar'le.l. E. EElCINs. AHwnr, X-t. 17, ls71-7v-t I OU SAILt!. ALE I'EKHONS INTERESTED AIlE HK fully intorme I that the under oiK'ied have now on hand, from selecu-1 lo.i, all i he varieties of 4J3mmc KceI Wiicat, Cnreftiltv an I tnxa-ately Htored, and for nale on ivao.ia!)ie term. C. II. COtSTtMJK CO. WM. S. NEWBlKt, Agent. 7v4 ?Tliirc f CojirtcriIii. XTOTICK IS HEREBY i JIVES THAT THK li.-ui oi IVracli & Monteii h, he;-etoloio eii-.flii' I in toe milling lius'.ness in theei'v f Ai'neiy, l.-'nii Co., O.e.-coii, di.l, on thi? isi tiny oi Au-,ust, 171, associate with Hiemsei ;is II -nry Myers and A.S.Knox, ia ihe iiii.:iurf laisiness, un l-r the rirm l a iu-ot 11 a. it, Moniei h A Co. A. uii i'. Or., oer. '21, Ls71-7v4w4 N. B. IICMI'llKKY. Notary l'uulic X. 11. CJt.VNl.ll. AttoriiejH onU 4'otniseIIur ui I.-tiv, AERANY, OREGON. OHiee in Parrish brick, up stairs. 5v4 N. 11. PACKAHD. J. B. HPHENOKK. Lsta of Cox2poliU& HsisL E ll Aivjhes vs Masim I Smiih et al; fore- cio.-ii.'j oi unortu.e. Wm l.-avisand wife vsthe State of Onv gou; wrii ot review. I hos Reader vs E II West et al; foreclos ure ol itiiirmiw. Tlios Moii.ei.li et al vs J II Eosier et al; injunetion. .V C Ivin vs 1 MeEuwcll et al; suit for 8citleme.il :. i II E Utid 1 vs C M Lee; foreeaisure of a Mariha MCu.-aer vs Ruel Custer: divoree. Ruel Cus.er vs Man ha M Cusier; di voix-e. M A Short vs J 1 Short; divorce. Mary J Johnson vs !! Johnson; divorce. "Jao.i liruar vs JSonhia Ilrajyav; di- voiv-e. Mi's lla.-kensto. "it run riresirves: Mrs Baekenslo. Wu'wrnelon pniserves: Mrs ISaekcnsto, Mrs Erouian. , Straw! erry preserves: Mr Thiprss. tlniix preserves: Mrs Ilacke.us'.o, IMrs l-ronian. ,,:,ruJ ..t.,, it.,. ..n,l.:,w lUaclcberrv- preserve Mrs Baukenf-to, fr" " "-- i""'""'"fc Mrs Phioiis. Easp'ierrv preserves: Mr llackensto. i diets a satisfactory future tor the val Assortment of prewrvm: Mrs Ifcuken- j jey Ue informs tn that the valley is Apple jellv: Mrs Layton, Mrs E. J. Ta'e. i much more densely populated than drupe jetiv: Mrs Kackensio, Mrs t:ald- , , L , . .. well. " the lllamette valley, and .lh.it there Currant Jrlly: Mrs Rickensto, Mrs E. j. ; u no better country for stoc r.nm jelly: M 1'hi;-: -', Mrs E. J. Tate. I the CO lt. The COUdtrv i W Black iierry je.iy: Mrs i-tnpps, airs liaes.- i . ensfo. ' 1 With d enstort,lerryjC5l5": M",,hi!1l's'Ml-slUcU- other evidences of advanced civiiiza Stra'wtKirry je'ly: Mrs drimn.Mrs Plupps. tion. The Colonel wa so:0e four or ,1 ,.- . ui lite il.ija lll.iiiuj llie was bruied and jamod tip feaiTu ly. Mr. (.!ol!in is an old soldier, serving during the rebellion in the fun n; New York Z inives; and while in service, duririg an engagement with the enemy, he was badly wounded by a bu'let or slicll in this same left shoulder. We do not know whose fault it i that the sidewalk is left obstructed during the-e dark night on the principal thoroughfare of the Mary E Cnrrison vs W W (larrison; .It- j ;ty hxt we e;lr:i that if i the inteil viive. ; ' tion ot Mr. Collins to t ike the netre sary steps looking t o the 'procuring of full damages for the loss of: time occasioned him by the severe fall. Peh-oxal. Mr. S. M. PeMiii.igion, Avife and three unmarried daughters. started for the Walla Wail valley. J Washington Territory, the ftrt of the j week. The: eldest of t he three girls j has had two or more attacks of h ;m r rhage of the lungs audit i; h ped that the the purer and dryer atmos phere there will have a beneficial effect upon vtr lie I'rh. The second daught er is alo aftticted. With the many friends of Mac,", we hope that the range on change may prove beneficial to all of Jcxctiox Citv. Private advices in form us that Junction City is lively and prospering. Among about one dozen new houses built this season, is ; included a tine hotel. xi o rr is n.'. Corner Front and Salmon Sts., PORTLAHO, OREQOH. This new and elegant hotel, with Xcw Furniture 'Flarougliout, Is now OriiX TO THE Pl'BUCi Oouoco. Col. Smith, one of the pioneer settler in tKhoco valley, called on tt Wednesday evening, trn rnU- for Washington ("it v. iMr. Smith iind prosperity of t )chH"oite :md pre- t l u;jlied schoal-li.Vuie, and during ttiat time he passed ensro. 1'luiii marmalade: Mrs E.J. Tate, Mrs A. Sirttlemio-r. Caniie I jH-aehes : Mi"s A. Settaanier, Mi's Caldwell. I Canned cherries: Mrs Ii.u:kt;ns'.o. Mrs i SieTtieuner. i-,.-.u !,.ii . ..- Canned aox4e:.K;rries: Mr. Baekensro.Mrs "" i" e Caldwell. i which to loutite. Four Canne t llaekIeiTies: sirs irt.1in,. Mrs . , Caldwell. ucnoco was on tne extreme trip, and sixtv-two Canned plums: Mrs Caldwell, Mrs Tt iek- ensto. Canned pears: Mrs Mary Conn, Mrs tint- fln. Canned tomatoes: Mrs l:;ii.c:is:o, Mr Caldwell. Canned straw.ierries: Mrs Backcnsio M rs A. Setttemier. Canned corn: Mrs Ha-keiis'o. Canned curraiils: Mrs ('aldwcll, Mrs Barken st o. Canned raspberries: Mrs Baekcns,!o. Cannci lemons: same. CanneJ rioxts; Same. Assortment of camie l frui.s: Siinie. Kasntierry jam: Same. Strawberry jam: Sa;ne. Peach jam": Same. Black'jerry jam: Same. FKVirs, winks, acre;. Bi'.st 20 apples of anyone variety: VV. Ea- vis an 1 J. ll. MeCnue .irs. : t;. 1. Burkliart 9M"nd. -' " Snecimens of 10 vavle ics of aopTes. 4 spiicimens each; C. 1. Jlurahart, 1. liurk- liart. Twenty pears of any one variety: II. X. Smead, Josiah I'urdom. Tenty pinms of any one A'anety: E. C. Bnrkliari, Eiwik Burkhart, Mrs N. A. Fro manilrst; Mrs E. C. tri(Hn second. The ureal est numDtir oi srooa variet tea and best grown sixicirnens of prrajxs, three hunches eacti: dotin muiara, j. nark- hart. Best 6 specimens one variety: John Mil lard. limpe wine: Mrs Caldwell. Cider vinexar: Frank Burkhart, Ililta- bidel & Co. Honey vinegar: Mrs rroman. Apple butter: Mrs M. Houston, Mrs E. J. Tate. Pear butter: Mrs A. Settlemier, Mrs Fro num. - Peach butter: Mrs A. Settlemier, Mr-. Bae.kenslo. Plum butter: Mrs Mary Conn, Mrs Joha eon. Dried apples: Mrs Backensto. Dried blackberries: Same. '. Dried strawberries: Same. Dried peaches: Same. . Dried y rapes: 8amo. Dried currants: Same. . Dried plums: Mrs Backensto, Mrs l"r man. r Dried sweet corn: Mrs Job Carr, Mrs Backensto. Dried cherries: Mrs Backensto. . Dried pears; Mrs Backensto, Mrs . Fro nd an. Dried tomatoes: Mrs Backensto,' Dritxl Haspberrics: Saute. Lxhibii of honey: Ueo. ugb$ llrat and KKCIIAK1CAI, DEPAKTMKNT-OKKOON MAK- - -r tFAt""TC)REjl( . ir . . , : Express wagon: Wm! Peters. tan plows Dr. Uriain. wagons, loaded with- people and household goods, all heading for f green" in years ago borders of civilization; now you nnt travel nearly one. hundred mile ; further to get beyond the "settlement."' Wheat Ukckipts. We learn from Mr. Jas. II. Foster, of J. II.. Foster & Co., that there has Wen receive'.! at the Magnolia Mills so tar this season, some 75,000 bmhels of wheat. Messrs. Beach, Montieth & Co., at the City. Mills, have received and contracted for 120,000 bushels of w heit. Messrs. E. Cartwright & Co., at the Froman Buildings, report 120,000 bushels of wheat, ; 20,000 budils oi flax seed, and between 5,000 aiid 10,000 bushels of oats. Messrs. C B. ponrtook & Co., rejort receivetl atul cotitrstctad for, 75,000 bu?hels of wheat, ami 5,000 bushels of oats. Other parties have purchased wheat to "the amount of probably 10,000 budiels, which would swell the sum total for this season to 400,000 bushe s, and the wheat still comes pourin r in. Quite a respectable number of our large I farmer still hold theiij wheat for higher prices. Fixgek Amputated. On Monday, j Mr. Julius Gradwohl, merchant of Ktj ,.5ir in at.tomrtt.iiMi ro imovfl' S Li Vj i j , ... . ..w . . . j.. -. . p- - " wine cask belonging ty Mr. John Ganter, that through sj:ue mistake liad been shipped with his goods. badly mashed the second and third lingers of the left hand. The bone of the third finger was crushed,. necea gitating the amputation of the finger at the third joiutJ which was Buccess ftillv performed by .Dr Kice. Tlie iinirers are slowly healing, but Mr G. is sufferin"ir an immense amount of pain the while. them, and that they may return at the end of the year in renewed health and tine spirits. Fon Sale. As will be seeti by advertisement elsewhere, C. B. Corn stock & Co., through their agent, Mr. Win. S. Newberry, have for sale all the choice varieties of Seed wheat, where a' I can supply thenneive on the most reasonable term. Apply at their Warehouse at foot of lillsworth street. Gkapes. Judge Thornton placed some large, fine grapes, of the Isa bella variety, on our table on Thurs day, lie has a supply which can be obtained by persons wishing them. Lively Business. The sale of sew ing machines, especially the " Buck eye," continues brisk, Messrs. Miner & Pearson shipping $ 700 worth on Wednesday. Telescopic. The teIeeoe man wa in town on Thursday, but didn't seem to lie doing a thriving, business. The Odd Fellows Lodge of this city will nii.se $100 or more for the recent sufferers in Chicago. COiWUTNEK-nir. Sec copartner ship notice elsewhere in tin isue. Maukikd. In thi county, at the residence of the bride's parent, Oc tober lsth, 1J71, by the Jtev. Silas William, Mr. Alfred Smith, of Lane county, to Mis. Martlia " Ingram, of Linn enmity. With the aliove notice came a splen did wedding cake, for which all hands return thanks and their hearty good wi-he for the future welfare- and happiness of Mr. and Mr?. All". Smith. On the 15th int., at the residence of Mr. Fagan, by the lie v. -It. C. Hill, Mr. A. A. Phillip and Miss Martha J. Stanley, all of Linn county, Oregon. Eii;tit'i-l unit n'otiiui.-rri.il. Hatli Kootn lor tiit nceoisiiiioil ilion ot" tiau'ttt. - FKKE COACH TO THE II irSlS. Come Mini See U. PACKARD & M'JXEXCJEK. ProprV. Oct. 7, 71-iv4 OYSTKKS, SARI JIXES, RED HEKRINO, co-llish, etc.. just received bv 3vt DvBOIS. THE TRACT OF LAND KNOWN AS JL "Fairmouut. Ljike" is offered for sate, extremely low.a'jnut one-ha'.f ca-h in hand and omvliaif on lime. It is situa'ed opj stse Ai'any, wiihin half a mile of the town; has 'oo 1 soil, pienty of timber, some heau tiful prairie, an I is well sir-p;ied with an a'mn -lance of s:ov-k wa'er." There are a lar re num'x-r of ;"pic, v;tr. cherry and pmm mis. iie i te . jtsi-h-s a:i t o:harsma:l fr'U. s. T'oe ii)ii-.? ii innirc t ft a" i'.t I.i0,and tli 'arn ini-i y i-.e" s-inare: for 5I,"i0u. Tl!i-5''-ac of ;:im-1 is -ri-, entitle ff iieinr divilei in o Vonr fncinJ, eiieh of wliieh wou.d haie to; I s:i. fuel, a'1 I ra'l tim ber, .ei I . Ji.ve w. i. I l:a e-itoek-wa er. Eiliv-.r he whoie or a jKi.t r.ill be sold, to sui' llio oiiA has.'.". App y u " i thvr iiV!iiI---s. or to K'd Car-, ter. K-'i.. A!'a'iv. for l.i-ih.M la.'t ieu'ai.. .J. . t;iNN THORN T. N, Sert. S ;, '71-t' 4 II I' I"!J iV. BIT I I.D;;J iS, AT r KXTIOX ! SAJU, BLIND. AND DOOR I " c : T O Y . If you have sallow color of skin, or yellovili brown spot on face or body, dulness, drowsine. frequent hend ache or di vine, lad taste in mouth, tongue coatetl, internal heat, u ittady appetite, low spirit, gloomy forebo ding;, you are suffering from liver complaint or biliousness, and nothing else will relieve and cure you so speedily and rmaitently as Dr. Pierce's Alt. Kxt. or Golden Medical Discovery. So'd by druggists. A pamphlet sent free. ' Address Dr. 11. Vr. Pierce, Buffalo, X. Y. Bilks. We refer now especially to the (Jen. Le Vega Troups and Prof. Valentine, the magician. They have printing bills still unsettled at this office. Brethren of i.h pr-., de mand j'our pay i:i advance, of thev? trifling.vagabonds, or you will loe Chictilon: (Jold in New York 114. Currency, buying, 87; selling, 8. San Francisco inarliet quotations are a follows: Flour Superfine, $i 75 &7; extra, 7 75ifS. Wheat Fair milling, $2 (10 ; choiiv, $2 75. Oats Dull at $1 85il t)5. Potitoe Sweet, $1 25; Irih, S0e!S$-l 25' bushel. Onions Per budiel, 80y'S5e bushel. Hops From 10 to 00c. Portland quotations : Flour $3 30 !i$7 50. Wheat 1 25S1 30 p bushel j trom wagons. Uats Prices hrm at SOOfiSSc bushel, or 2 251 cental, sacked. Fgg Demand brisk ; quot ed 37 VoC tkwen. Potatoes (Quoted at 751 per bu-hel. Albany market jitiet with the fol lowing qnotatio.i--: Wheat- Buy. r, lie otI.ri.,g ?1 1 2 per bushel. . Oat Scarce ;'t 75c .h.t Lushel. Butter Goad hi tkmand at 30c per pound. F.gg Keadily sell at 30c per dozen. Lard 15c per pound. Potatoes Per bushel, 1. Onions Per pound, 3c. t Sugars S. F., 14 C, per pound ; ; Island, 10vtfl2'..c. ' " Cottee At l.).S20c jeriound .H.U.fll.ViT. S.r.VX'kCiffnu Ji. WIUUllV. AiyriiotsE & co., - Ktreet on tHe Itiver KanU ALBANY, OKKGOX. Keep oi hand a full assortment, and av prepared to IT UNISH TO OKDKR, Eor.-i, Sasli, Blind, ana vSIoliSingM, 8ueh as IIOIiD, Of all sizes. your time, jmper and ink. Illustrated Papkr. One of the most handomry illustrated papers we have seen co tie; from Agwta, Miine, entitled O.u- Youuy Fvlkx, published by E. C. Allen & Co. It is a semi monthly, and is sent to subscribers at the rate of $ 1 per year which is very cheap indeed, for an eight page paper. Blain, Young & Co. Keep their stock up to the standard by ordering and receiving orders by every steamer. You can get a complete outfit there anything you want. ' Railroad Subsidy. Hiram Smith, Esq., of ITarrisburg, has a card else where in this issue that is of, impor tance to citizens of llarrisbiirg and vicinity. Read it carefully, and attend to the business at "oncev Bacon llauis, l-lulSo per pound : Sides, 12 J13c ; shoulders, Sc. WINIK5W AND DOOR FRAMKS, Flooring, Siding -And- -mf if t tu k v --------- p -i t FARM I oat BILVr. A SMALL. FARM FOR RENT, NliAR Lebanon: urood huildini;s.orcliard.ete. Also, a good dwellinif house for rent, in Le'ianon. Apply to L. LLKINS. Albany, Oct. 17, 1871-7v4w3 NOTICE. D OFFICE. Ol OttEraoir, October 19th, 1871 : Com- TT S. LAND OFFICE, OREGON CITY, VLSO: PREPARED TO DO MILL, work, furnish shaker fans, zigzag shakers, suction fans, driving pulleys of any kind, at our factory on Lyon street (on the river hank, next lie'ow Markhain warehouse. ALTIIOUSE & CO. . Albany, Feb. 10, 18(59-14 ; NURSERY. . : SETTLEMIRE'S M ItSEUY, KU Sllle KoutU or Albany, Unn 4toM NEAR THE RAILROAD. SODICIT THE ATTENTION OF ALL persons desiring to purchae fruit trerxt call aid examine mv m ock. which i No. 841, dated May lotli, 187, upon tne ixa. j com'ose'i oi xne ini'est. ana uesr. suiectlon 1 of Beet ion , anu xxtis i, a anu a, oiiu.i. i m iiw n nt unisuaiiK oi appies, pcara, 3, Township 13 South, Range 1 East, in ; clierries p.utns, prunes, granes, blaekber Linn county, Oregon, with a view to the rlea, currants and roses. Also, black and cancellation of said entry: the said partiea white watnut, Eniish walnut, hickory, -are hereby summoned to appear at this ixt-an, rod bud, honey locust, hacknerr-. 1V 81 Office on the 23d day of November, is1, at 10 o'clock A. Al., to respond ana iuminii testimony cotieerning said alleged a!mn donment: OWEN WADE, Register,. 7v4w4j HENRY WARREN, eo'rr and a nuuVair of other varletiea of trna and p!ant a too numcrons to mention, allot which arc orfertvl at. low rates. IIENRT'W. SETTi4SMlR6, Poc. 17, 1S?0-V? ,'.' 1