nffflri nifflnr 8ATUKDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1871. IT. J. 4MHcll Pnper for Orogt. Sot Safe to CUftnite. Of whatever abuses the Iiepubli can party may have been guilty, whatever wrongs she may have com mitted, there is nothing in the char acter, or rather the faith and prac- iand the nation was reconstructed on j a broader, -stronger and freer ba sis. Ii Hits fratricidal war, rivers of the best blood in the Union flowed; widows and orphans M'ere made as plentiful as leaves on the forest trees ; an enormous public debt was created. But while the "Democratic party would have left the widows and orphans to perish, the Pepubllcan party has made them the wards of the nation. While the Democratic party would ; have repudiated the public debt, the ''! WouinuN Club lu WiikSiIiiicUmi. Diploma??. i Here the lamp ended its;- This "completely up Dan's i irU in a Hale spark and smoke, equanimity, lie uirneu upon mt. The effort of the Woman's C lub There is some probability of ! r y)au was compelled to go , Green with a most bitter tirade' in Washington to induce the demi- trouble resulting from the killing ol "drearily to UVI, not to sleep, how- against all humanity, and CHwially monde to forsake their life of u a..d Lee Sue by the United States ! ever. Somehow, that , digreenble against tW t erg-ea e lot!-, i vi i . t- ,r , ; , i , iVnrn innthl intrude himself in lie launched forth in a most clo- shame, is alike new and worthy of Marshal at Portland, not long J, ai:(1 ,IH.ak Ver and qucnt, though most invective stn, , praise. Every effoilai.d movement, Tt is said by one of the Portland j ' ,. ,f ti' cmo i. iijWi uttered uiHjn ti e abuses of the laws of jm- . 1 I I I I n - ' i 1 1 I . tUV -l m -v - - - the object of which is to elevate tlie journals, that Lee Sue held some i a few hours liefoiv, tice, misled ways of Providei ce, tice of the Democratic party of to day, that would justify a change, j bonds of which were taken largely i ii ... . iaueu, or to assist those who are struggling to rise, should receive the hearty and active sympathy and approval of all. Kespeetable society is Uk) severe, as well'as uidust, in its treatment of this class of unfortu nates. Oi.ce fallen, forever lost, is official position in connection with "l et me see: Parson sairt 1 was a,. i t! e mcaimcs w j.oov. lj2 i wuir.. iv:. 7 - though, liefore the year was out, if calmness, until I.c hai nnisnea, ai.a I l.lio imlomoi.t. nt's! i-'(tv jt-.u coil n ciilio.-t . it" .1 iili mniv. if" the mat ron 1 l!.., .....tir . .,., i -' J I , "'I '-V" ine picture i-nwuiwi v .t ,y our own citizens, me i.epuoncan ; nfr:i;st tl. f;,Ifllo x o tnv ; l,,.,l,t. wn nnoWstW it the emigrant association, which . -. , . . , . VllOULn I . IK'iui recognized iy treaty nctween mu ; :llst roiie myself hi with them then said samts. v ell, l spose, to begin with, I'm outs tie of his church, and have been, this many a year. The children 'are outside of school, because they haven't any clothes fit to wear. ' We are out side the good an-accs of butcher, two governments. It this is cor- reet, and 'we have no reason to doubt it, the killing of l ee Sue lc comes a rave and serious matter, to-day, isoue of disorganization and party assumcnl the debt, and under i aU)nenieit ca cver justify ,.r wash will bo, to the imtice ofthc Chinese haker, ai!Tl candlctiek-maker, unscrupulous demagoguery. Plac-j the economical adr.iiuist ration ofj away the stain. The pollution is government. ing the administrative affaire of the t Clraut, liave been paving it. with a i rt 1; v,.o . . n i i.o j st leep, the uisgrace is so great, that (Government into such hands, wouM rapidity most astonishing. At every j ... ni:lltlM. i, ' sir. .ntW :. be taking it from an administration j rtep of the Kepublican party to- wp.,u.n lnay strut;k, , n(nin I based niwii settled principles ot pol- j wards rwoi'Struction, payi.ig the ! a lHsition of vJuY.Tav a:.d" v:.i icy and order, and giving it into the j national debt, diminishing taxation, j tuo ar.liiN m li;u (l uf synvM v r hands of a fortuitous policy of dis- j ete,f it has lieen met by a bittcr ai;,i j e! C(!l7n,i;.,,nK,Jll (laros to ,K t.x(ci.lU,i order. But it may not lie amiss to j from the ranks S .1 1 1 ..u .i ... ..: kIiiHilt' iiikI 0;itsil trace back the history ot tins party cf the Democratic party. But in ! ctv to aitl t,e fruirgling creature. Christmas warmth anl cheer, a little. A few vearsatro theDem- i K,n1ftl,;vt.l,rl,;s.ho.l hov L .. 1 i " ell " he muttered ''it's oncer - -l-- ............. v. l - ; r-ocieiy icars coi.iamii.aiion ano loss . . . , - . . . , - .vmfi roi-tww.,s; in mwpr Tt wi l .'ii T.. . i that 1 h Mill ( IK? hole OlltsKie, liillt ocraticpartywasmpoer. lt Mas puqxjses and is still going on. Iu ur sial ,xsition. The unfortunate ft half starved, and all them more united then, and its faith the kinguagc of an other : "Jn peace LiVender is forever do. .mod to ban-UoR- inlo th. with t.lontv to that's certain, all because the money - j liajipens t Ik? outside my fKK'kets ; I rather cjue-.s I'm on the outside of . ! evervtbinu: ! Shouldn't wonder, What a cold, bitter night was j lUU(,, lV j was cll ti(e iilSi(i0 uf this tins night liefbre C hristmas. ; h;llop! i)OIl't know as Poor Pan Clement thought so, j ravsou po far out of the way, as he hung on the fence that sur- ftfter ?ut w,v the .leuce can't rounded a pretty cottage,and gazed MU iVq iyni tl a follow, just into the wn.lovs so cosily lit Willi ' .,iwi..ii.r i, Ct. Ill 11V kJ4-'- .-. I 7 aad not go grubbing up folks faults all the. wrong way? iVIost wished I'd taken his five-dollars, 'twould have made things1 seem more uniform, and its purposes more clearly understood. Slavery was then its food and drink, its life. The body politic was infused with the deadly virus of slavery. The Dem ocratic party then struggled hard to wipe out constitutional liberty in this nation in the name of the con stitution. Iu the name of the Savior of mankind, it endeavored to forge newer chains of oppression with which to weigh down the weak and the poor. In the view of the southern Democracy, which gave platforms to the party, and ruled the nation, a poor white man was a criminal, "white trash," while the negro was a mere chattel, on a par with beasts of burden. Thus it endeavored to crush out the semblance of humanity from souls bearing the impress of God's impar tial finger. Then arose the Repub lican party. It resisted this power. Its ideas were based upon moral convictions. Under the leadership of Fremont, it failed; but did not despair. Persecuted, mobbed and driven from the South, subjected to the severest abuse and odium in the North, it continued its struggle, un til, under the leadership of Lincoln, it gained a most signal triumph The Democratic slave power then demanded, under the most terrible threats, that the chains of oppres sion should be more effectuallyplaced on the limbs of the colored man. They contended that slavery by right of the Constitution was admissable into every foot of territory in the United States. The Republican party, disclaiming any right or in tention of interferring with the in stitution where it then existed, es teeming it a local institution, main tained that Congress had control of the Territories, and could legislate it out of them, if so inclined ; that the founders of the Constitution never intended its extension, believ ing it a great evil, which would ultimately become extinct. These just and human, principles made it possible for the slave to become a free man. Rather than submit to an Administration based upon these views, the Democratic party of the South determined to ruin the union of States which their policy could no longer rule. The principle that a majority should rule, was no longer an accepted plank in the Democratic platform ; and ignoring, and spurning beneath their unhal lowed feet every right of the major ity, and Constitutional obligation to maintain intact the integrity of the States ; against individual oaths, and solemn obligations, they threw down the gauntlet of war with all of its terrible consequences of blood, treasure and tears, at the feet of the General Government. The Repub lican party, headed by Abraham Lincolndetermined that Constitu tional liberty, and human freedom, which were involved in the union of States, should not die on this continent without a struorarle. -Thi - . Republican party m-powermet the issue promptly and fearlessly, and m the end triumphed most glorious ly. The seceded States were kept Ua their places in the Government, and in war, under 'Republican ad- i is,ment from resectable society .in ' eat, lots of tire, and no end to ministration, the nation has pros- tlis wurlJ );ut while this is the nick-nacks for young ones stock pered. New and extended lines of ostracism ofWicty practiced against j "f" 'r that M)me folks have travel and commerce have lieen tiC femaie oii'ender, it is .piite dif- everything, while a poor devil like opened up, art and learning have j ft.roIit i its treatment of the same ; me, who works just as hard, hasn't flourished, invention has been quick- ! 0tfenKC j,, the opposite sex. Voting ' anything. No, not a cent to spend e,cda,,a,l,e fooplo, r,.Utoctol in mc t,,,ir in this j JXSfK",' if voM. their rights, their persons and their : direction, are admitted into the very foriVe the liberty I can exnlain property. nave oeen nappy. heart of the best and im.t fashion- something ot this queer .mystery to n view ot these Historic tacts, , n11( ti,0v nrn;i!l would it be safe to place the admin- to asscc;ate with society's most vir- lstration ot the Government, iW:tuous ad reli nod daughters, and the hands ot this negro-oppressing, "white-trash"-hating, debt-repudi ating, anti-progress-opposing, states- rights-loving, old-fossilized, decrep- id, distracted, unbalanced, disorgan ized Democratic party ? . Pennsyl vania a;id Ohio echoe the shout from California and Maine, "Nary even to marry among the re spectable. Now this is wrong. H is unjust. It is a burning shame to i thus discriminate Ik tween the two sexes. If it is a sin in the one ease, so is it in the other. If it is worthy time. you, aiiit una a remeay ior it, i think." i '('), it's you, Parson Green, is it? I didn't know I was doing my 1 grumbling out loud. But I'll just tell you that it's the queerest thing j in nature, why some folks have all i the sweet in this world, and some ; others that 1 know of all the sour." j Friend Clement, T have known ' you fl.r years, and I know you to Dry l p. Some men are always finding fault with the dress of the ladies. They never see any imperfection, or fault with their own garments, of whiskerendoes generally, but bug out their "critic's eye," and throw up their horrified hands, and swell out their pudding bags with windy gas and gabble whenever a woman sees proper to change the style of her wearing apparel. Her bonnet is an "alxmiinable contri vance;" her chiijnon is a "cum berous monstrosity ; " 1 icr dress "dis gustingly low," or "prudishly high" in the neck ; her shoes are like "machines with toes like bird's bills ;" the heels are 'too high and far under the instep ; and some of the old gander grumblers, who are extremely wise in their own estima tion, no doubt thinking that wisdom will suffer a lapse after their demise, prophesy an extensive harvest of bunions, callosities, corns and en larged joints as the result of wear ing these shoes just as if the ladies hadn't as good a right to a crop of them, as the men have, who wear the same style of heel on their boots. These chronic fault-finders, going about with heads stuck out turtle- fashion, and eyes skinned to the bone for the purpose of detecting something in the apparel of the la dies with which to occupy their gan der quills, had better give their own apparel and bodies and brains, too, for they will bear .scrutiny a thorough red-eyed scanning. Look at those tight pants conforming to the angularities of those longevic soup bones. Examine that bob- tailed coat exposing a famine of fat ness anything but picturesque. Gaze upon those boots with long heels under the soles of the bunion-knobbed, corn-ladened feet, and then cry out against the follies of the other sex, if you dare. Reform your own follies, and the : weakness of your own sex before you raise such a squawk about the apparel of the women. of ostracism from the pales of society t,lC main a good man. But in the one instance, so should it be ! 'CJU lln,'k su"1 V1" a11 ,,ose w,t1' , , T. . . , . , i whom you associate. on must in the other. It it is a "youthful pay ;)r thoir gl;lss as ofto as tiiey indiscretion' in the young man, so ' do for yours. And stand treat with it is in the young lady. Both should ! them, on all extra occasions. Now, share alike in blame or privilege. ! if wouUl 'ork"P .a few f1" , '. A . " .. ! ures, you would find this amounts "My dear Clement, you seem to he in trouble so deep." this morning, that I felt my duty to try and sec if 1 c. -iild not be of .some assistance to you. Here we are, just at my irate ; come in, coine in, and sit with me a while, and tell me all about it." Pan Clement was completely disarmed and brokea by this per sistent good nature and sincere kindness on the part of the good 1 arson, followed him into his study in a confused, cres-t-falien manner. The door of said study was most .conscientiously ai.d deliberately shut in the face of orr reporter, hence we shall never Ik? able to impart to you what was said and done therein. . But we fbl lowed Pan home, who -bore upon his arm a bier basket, and when he sat it more Christain-likc. I'll reckon up down for his hungry babies to revel this drink money, in the morning, in, his six feet of manhood was tor and see if it's making such a differ- j gotten, and he wept like a child, cnee between me and. the folks who i A little time after this, he told always seem to have enough." me confidentially, that he was With this conclusion Dan turned '-"roped in" with those temjierancvj himself over to sleep. saints, and Hueo lie goes in.skle the Little peeping voices shouting, j Division and ont&hlv the nun-shop, "Merry Christmas," in his ear, ; the world has used him pretty well; awoke him early. He must lie much as it did other people who there and wait the 'slow, slow com- seemed at one time to have all the ing dawn of that bitter winter struct and l.e all the ! Alto-, mornintr; for there was no light j gether he felt that he was on the inside, and all looked dark outside. ' in-ide of a pretty good road, that He wished, in the bitterness of his ! would by next Christmas lead him soul, that he was so deaf he could j into a sunny little place of his own. not hear those hungry baby voices, j tie concludes by saying, "Thanks and so blind that he should not see ! to that good old i ''arson Green, the row of little stockings so shab- I who i.-onij meddle with people's by and oh, so empty ! j affairs, outst'tr, as well as -lunula. Never before had lie seen the ; - - Christmas that did not bring to his i " ejerai sews. home some little pleasure, scanty j " though it was. With the first ray The President has recently issued to unite a sum, in the course of a sinning humanity is so low and de- ; year." graded, but what good society cau l "Oh, look here, Parson Green, well afford to use means flu- its ele vation. Society by so stooping will not degrade, oriollute itseK How ard, by visiting the prisoner in his cell, did not lose integrity and vir tue, but gained in all the elements of a noble christian philanthropy. So of society. By stooping to ele- I'm tired of that kind of preaching. Vou nor any other man ever saw me drunk, and as true, as I'm alive, I never take more than three, stiff drinks a day, only on 'lection days and 4th of July then I do take a little extra." "Take my advice and sum up the cost of these three drinks a day, and then add the extras, with the of light he arose and left the house, i a proclamation setting forth that un- wenrting his way to tne corner lav ern, where he was greeted with vateand lend a helping ha:.d of en- J occasional "lifts" you give toward couragemei.t to tlue who are str.v- repairing the damages of your up- . i - -, roarioi is companions : then you will ing to use, she increases and , t ei MniU mihx have been in will be the result. strengthens her own virtues. The i vour nockot tt-nirht to have made Woman's Club in Washington is i yourself and family happy. Now, doing a noble, Christ-an work in j Clement, 1 want you to join oui i t i 4 -ii temperance society. ou may ie- tlus direction ; and if society will K J -,i , i ;,u" ' - pend upon it, you will hnd yourself but lend a helping hand, much good iniiiae instead of outside the good opinion and resect of your neigh bors, as well as inside a cheerful 'home of your own -making, next Christmas. lake this live-dollar A Democratic paper, just before j in for yOUr comfort to-morrow, the Ol io election, said, in one j make up your mind to turn over a of its issues: "Everybody feels that ner leaf and go with me to our 7 the country needs a ehai ge interests of the people demand it How About !2-.nt 'Itnfe, 'ov 7 What must have lieen the "feel inks" of that "ink-slinger," when a deluge of alxmt 25,000 majority of the people of Ohio came pouring in on him, washing away the mist of delusion from his eyes, and enabling him to see that they didn't hanker after a "change" very amaz ingly. The editor of this same Democratic journal was a candidate for the Ohio Legislature ; and this will in a measure account dimness of perception. He ucated himself up to the faith that ! therein. 4- mvitiunr cuy-.i iTui itljiflrVk " money, and jro to the flames with it. When I want your advice I'll ask you for it! Just you keep your mind on your sermon, and let other folks' business alone !" Dan Clement stuffed his hands in his pockets ami walked smartly home in high indignation ; angry with all the world in general, and Parson (ireen in particular. Open ing the door of lijs kitchen, the first sight that appealed to his heart, as well as his eyes, was the row of shabby little stockings hung up . f around the chimney-work; awaiting, in the fulness of children's faith, the ? had ed- , "something" that would be put A Young Man's Reform Associa tion is the newest feature in New York. Ex-Judge Barrett was elec ted President. he was necessary to the welfare of the country. He has learned by This smote him put sore. For, as everybody said, "Dan Cle ment's heart was in the right place, only he tcould drink." 1 le turned ?-v-n-k 4- V lirf-k -Ti- l. nlr.Mi n nil ULJ1I 11V IV (in IlltC?iUIClI , (lllVt 1 . 1 . f m . t the Democratic party will arrive at -. was endeavoring' to set the few last the fact in time, we hope, that the stitches in a piece of work, by the world will move on, and "school oying lignt, ot tueir omy lamp. . VV tiy, wite, is the, kerosene all ? and couldn't the children keep," after it is dead and buried. The mackerel season is reported a failure by Maine fishermen; 4 - George Francis Train received an ovation from citizens of all parties in Omaha, on Tuesday night of last week. The Mayor of the city and Governor Saunders ot the State re ceived him at the depot in a splen did carriage drawn by four gray horses. He made one of his eccen tric, sensational speeches. The Hartford (Conn.) Fire Insu rance Co. has suspended, out have got a little ?" "O, yes, if your credit was good,' she answered. That hurt. Credit with the ccro cer gone, then ! : "What in the name of goodness are we to have for a Christmas din ner, to-morrow, wife ?" "All we have in the house, Dan, is half a salt fish, a dozen potatoes, and a box of Indian meal. And we should not have had that, if we had eaten all we wanted for supper to-night," , "Morning, Dan! glad to see you. Pather early tor your bitters, this time." No, landlord. Guess I won't take them just now. Thought I'd just drop in and see if you'd lend me a dollar or two. Find I'm rather short of cash this morning ; times been so hard and work s;o scarce, you know !" "Yes, Dan, I know. Put I am sorry, I couldn't possibly help you this morning, Going to have extra company to-day, and I must send to town lor extra liquors." "Hut, Mr. Peers, I tell you my family are without food, and light and fuel gone. I must have a lit tle. Surely you could spare me a dollar or two, when I've paid you so much all these years." ' "And didn't you always get your .money's worth'? Should like to know what I've got to do with your family concerns. You paid me for rum and you got rum, and you would have big measure, too!" "Mr. Peers, I've paid you ten cents a glass,, three times a day, for years ami years, eighty-six dollarsa year, that brought you. And with all the extras and the friends I've treated, 'twould amount to every cent of a hundred and twenty-five dollars a year. And if I should reckon up the years it wouldn't fall short of two thousand dollars I've paid you for whisk)' -guzzling alone. Not a cent will you lend me now in my need." "There, Dan, clear out ! Take yourself off, you and your grum bling." .With a curse, Dan left him and turned into the street,. Approach ing was Parson Green. "The old Hairy I" he muttered ; "I'll just iiitii tuv uiuw Kill i ivj V lint Parson entered with a nod, and pleasant "good morning!" while Dan lost no time in slipping out into the apothecary's the next block. No sooner had the door closed be hind him than another comer en tered. It was Parson Green. Poor Dan's mortified and troubled soul and body took another flight an other dodge. This time, around to Professor NY's back premises to see if there was a prospect for work. No sooner there, than to his disgust, he beheld the Professor and his friend the Parson, arm in aim, dis cussing the merits of a new sleigh. Heating a hasty retreat, he went to the grocer's, and asked for a few little things on credit for a day or two. "No, S-i-r, Mr. Clement, not tin til that bill of several years ago is settled." Turning to go, he met his friend, Parson Green, who said cheerily, "I am going your way, neighbor Clement, we will walk along to gether," lawful combinations and conspira cies still exist in the counties of Spartanburg, York, Macon, Ches ter, Lam no, Newburg, Fairfield, Lancaster and St. Donald, thus ol structing and hindering the execu tion of the la ws of South Carolina and of the United States, and calls upon all combinations to disperse within five days, and to give up their arms, disguises, etc., to the United States Marshal and deputies. Official information was received at . Montreal, Canada, Oct. 12th, that the Fenian General O'Neil with a force of men (number not stated) crossed the border at Pem bina, seized the Canadian Custom House and the post of the Hudson Bay Co. They were afterwards attacked by the United States troops and dispersed, O'Neil being captured. It is rejxu-ted that a larger party has crossed at t. Joe. The people of Manitoba are' greatly excited, and every able-bodied man is underarms. The low ground across the Mii sissippi from St. Paul caught fire October Cth, and burned at a fear ful rate, destroying the railroad bridge trestle work. IIomk Ciirkkfulnkss. Many a child goes astray, not because there is a want of prayer or virtue at home, but simply because home lacks sunshine. A child needs smiles as much as flowers need sun beam's. . Children look little beyond the present moment. If a thing displeases, they are prone to avoid it. Jt home is a place where faces are sour and harsh words, and fault finding is ever m the ascendant, they will spend as many hours as possible elsewhere. Let every fath er and mother, then, try to be hap py. Let them look happy. Let them talk to their children, es pecially to the little ones, in such a way as to make them happy. An affecting sight to beliold at a wedding the sorrow-stricken parent-as he "gives the bride away," when you know for the last ten years ho has lcen trying to get her off his hands. The total valuation of property assessed in Jackson county, as per rt turns of the Assessor, is $I,G5S,7G7. Tlie valuation west of the mountain Iv $1,254,102 ; east, $404,605. Rumor is credited with the state ment tliat an evening paper Ls soon to be started in Portland. All the leading factories in Mass, chusetts will increase the dinner hour from three quarters of an hour to an hour. A very excellent movement. Honesty in the man and honesty In tlie work that is wliat must lie se cured in society or society will neve? be christaiuized.