The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, October 14, 1871, Image 2

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    gyranU gutter
From the Salem MtagsMim we read
k:t tlie team of Judge Fryery of Polk
coiintj', koirae frightened by tlie cir
cus music ia Salem last Saturday, and
ran away. In their route they ran
over a child of Mr. MeCasIii!, 3 year
of age, inllieting almost serious injur
ies. The wagon was con-adorably
From the same source We lean that
two boys were thrown from a fright
ened horse i c?ilvertoii la-t Saturday,
resulting tiithe breaking of the ribs of
one of them, the other escaping with
out serious Injury.
If the cuss wlio took an axe from in
front of this otllee will return it we
will pay him the price of a new axe
and ask him no fooii-h questions.
Supposing that some one will raise the
question of how wc came by the axe,
we will answer that we bought it at
auction, paying three short bit down
a. the first installment of the purchase
price. Eugene City Guard.
A man named Joseph Shelly was
put in jail at Eugene City last week on
a charge of atealiug two hundred sheep.
So says the Guard.
Says the Dalles Mtunta'n'xr of Oc
tober 3d :
On the Chehalis river alout seventy
miles from this place, there is stand
ing, in a fine cedar grove, a cedar tree
twenty -one feet in diameter six feet
above the ground, and estimated at
two hundred and fifty feet high to the
first limbs.
The Occidental Skating Rink burned
down in San Francisco last week.
Ixws $3,000, partially insured. Other
buildings adjoining damaged. Total
loss, $10,000.
The Italians are to celebrate by a
sociable and ball, the anniversary of the
discovery of America by Columbus.
A large and brilliant meteor pass
ing from southwest to northwest, fol
lowed up by a large report, and rumb
ling sound like an earthquake, was
seen one night last week at Shasta,
Butt Riley, the desperado, who
crowded Jordan into a fight in a sa
loon, in San Francisco, and got shot,
as his surgeou reported, through the
heart, two weeks since, scaled the walls
of the hospital and escaped.
The two subjoined items are from
the Dallas Republican of the 7th inst,:
WJieat is going to the river in large
quantities. We have been iufqrmed
that ninety teams have unloaded in
one day at the two warehouses at Lin
coln. At a fair estimate these teams
would have 5,000 bushels.
A Branch of Etiquette. A little
emigrant made its advent into a fam
ily not many miles from town a few
nights since. A little three year old
member of the family caught sight of
it before it was dressed, and running
to her father exclaimed : " Oh papa,
that's the first baby that ever came to
this house without its clothe on."
From Carson, Nevada, Oct. 5th, we
learii that Robert Deduian, the xrison
er who fought so bravely to stop the
break at tha prison on the 17 ult., and
to protect the lives of Lieut. Gov.
Denver and family, was yesterday par
doned and restored to citizenship.
The dead body of Jones, one of the
escape from the p iso.i, wa3 found in
an old cbin in Fi-h Lake Valley,
and it is certain that Morton and
Blacktnore were lynched in Round
Also, from the same place. Oct. 0th,
from the Aurora stage driver, tliat the
officers caught up with Coekerell and
Burke, and had a fight with them near
Round Valley. Cockerell and Burke
were both killed. It is thought that
none of the pursuing party were in
jured. It is reported in Aurora that
young Roberts lias been lynched near
Round Valley. If this is true, all of
the six convicts who had a fight with
Sheriff IIightowcr'3 party, have been
The fpecial conference of the Later
Iay Saints was held on Thursday of
last week in the new Tabernacle, Salt
Iake. About 8,000 were present, the
three first Presi lent?, Brigham Ycuig
Geo. Smith and Daniel W. Hill,
the Twelve Apostles, the High Priests
And other Church dignitaries were
among the speakers. Geo. Cannon
(who is to auccfeed Brigham) and Brig
ham Young, Jr.'s remark were gener
ally bitterly denunciatory of the Feder
al officials, termed the ring. George
Cannon . said that he did not antici
pate that the Mormons would have to
leave the Territory. They have not
broken law nor violated the Constitu
tion. The prosecution now inaugura
tod againet them would only enhance
the Interest and accelerate the pro
gress of the work of God. Brigham
Jr., said the Mormons had settled this
mountainous region, and they were
(entitled to its exclusive occupation and
enjoyment. They asked no favors or
Assistance from any source. . They de
fied all their enemies, . the Govern
ment of the United States '. included.
The Government tficialsnow prosecut
ing them were , tools f the devil.
He prayed God to cherish fhein all for
ever. Said he, with violent gesticula-
tion. "Trust to God. kWn your pow
der dry, and don't fail JO have on hand
a good supply ot ammunition." The
latter remark were received with
a universal Amen!" and loud cheer
ing. .
A man named C F. Mcers was ar
rested at Setwll Creek, Nevada, hist
week, oH.-5piciou of liavim; murdered 1
hi wife. The parties left Duck Creek
togtJxrr, for Ton no, a few weeks ago,
since when the woman lias lioen miss
ing. The Kef: the church orgsin of Suit
Lake, ditid 1 y George Q. Cannon, in
a recent isue commeiitlr.ff on the I
irrcst of Brigham, indulges in consid- j
er.-.ble temper and seme t limits. It ;
-iythat it would 1 ean excellent thing j
for the names of all th'e who are at- j
tempting to harrass the people and !
eat out their substance to ue taken ami
held in remembrance for future u-e.
Some one will have to pay the eot of
fhce unrighteous proceedings with
interest, too. A day of reckoning wilt
come, and if at that day the authors of
these proceedings shall be gone to
hur own places, their children, when
they have any, ca.i be called on to
pay the debt, even though they have
ro sell themselves, body and soul, to
doit. Tln-y cannot escape ultimate
retribution. The influence of the Xe-rit
is regarded as of but little moment
now among the enlightened classes of
Mormons. Brigham Young is confi
dent that lie cannot be convicted on
any charge.
Last Saturday, in a fit of passion,
the wife of il. W. Hay ley, hotel-keei-er
of Monitor, California, committed
suicide by taking strychnine.
The Salem Statesman of the lith says
that Mr. Roliert Skaife, of that city,
and four brothers and sisters in Ore
gon, have fallen heirs to twenty thous
and pouiulswilled them by an uncle
recently deceased in England.
By a recent decision of the Supreme
Court of California, eleven settlers,
who hid occupied farm for twenty
years, squatter title, wen; ejected, ami
the heirs of a Mr. Bolt were put in
possession, he having obtained the
property by Mexican grant in li34.
The settlers pay 1,500 damages, be
sides forfeiting all the improvements.
There are 1,500 acres in the grant.
The McMinnville Wt Side says
that W. J. Garrison of that place, le-
eause it happened to be a little' cold j
one night recently, rushed oil" and pur
chased a sleigh, intending to have the
first sleigh-ride! At last accounts,
tliat unsophisticated individual was
standing in hi stable door, scanning
the heavens and wishing it would
The M. E. Church in McMinnville
is now completed, and will lie dedi
cated on the fourth Sunday in the pres
ent month.
Twenty-eight prisoner are reported
in the Multnomah county jail.
The Roseburg Vlaintletier says that
bear, deer, elk, quail, grouse anil
pheasants, are found in great num
bers on the mountains and foot-hills
which surround our valley. Recently
Jury of Salt Lake with the following
remark.: "Gentlemen of the Grand
Jury You have presented to the
Court ome very important indict
ments, most of which are not yet made
known. You ask jiermissioii to ad
journ for a time ; you shall have it.
The Court mut remain in session for
some time yet, but you may adjourn
to .Monday, November 15th. Come
back then, gentlemen, and there will
be more work for you to do. ... You
have the thanks of this Court for what
you have already done." .
The Silver Cloud mine, in Camp
Floyd, Utah, sold last week for $:;f0,-
000. Miniugtransatioiis are reported
unusually heavy in that Territory.
Second Lieutenant Louis Schonborn,
Thinl Infantry, recently tried before a
court-martial at Fort Dodge, Kansas,
for conduct unliecomlng an ollicer and
a gent'eman, and found guilty, has
been dismissed the service.
The ship Legal Tender recently came
into San Francisco, from Ochotsck,
loaded with 135,000 codfish. iShe re
ported the Gold Hunter with 70,000,
the Union with 113,000, the Dominga
with HO.OOO, and the Clara R. Sutil
wit h 30,500. Then; is only about half
tlse tonnage in the business this year
that there was last, and the catch so
far is small for the number of men
employed; but the prices are better
than ever before, anil will be remu
nerative. Col. Daniel Noivross, who was seri
ously injured at Sonoma, Cal., Mon
day, Oct. 2d, by bein; thrown from a
buggy, was taken to San Francisco,
and i likely to recover.
Mrs. N. J. Savier, who killed Mrs.
Lake in the Grand Hotel, Stockton, a
few months ago. lias been indicted for
murder by the Grand Jury.
two gentlemen, of Looki
killed three bears in one day.
From the same paper we learn that
Sheriff Van Bure.ii, of Douglas county,
arrested a horse thief in Roseburg, re
cently, and kept him in jail until the
owner of the horse appeared, who
started with him for Yamhill county.
Following items are from the Jack
sonville Sen'tne! of the 7th instant :
We are indebted to Mr. Mensor for
the following facts : It will be remem
bered that we published an account
last week of the stage robfery near
Cottonwood, California. The officers
of the law have been after the scamp,
and succeeded in rinding four of them,
a few days since, in the mountains.
The officers followed them about 100
miles from the stage road, where they
overtook and captured them. Two of
them were brought in the other two
were left in the mountain-",, for the be it
of reasons.
We learn that a sou of Mr. David
son, living near Williamsburg, who is
scarcely ni hi teens, while hi the
mountains a few days ago, on a hunt,
killed two deer. He left them and
went home after a hoist; to carry them
in. Upon hl.ref urn he was surpri ed
to fii.d tliat two large panthers had
taken possession of his meat, both of
which he killed before the' cou'd es
cape. VVe are indebted to Mr. Brook for
leaving at our oMice wliat appears to
have been -a tusk belonging to some
huge monster of the matodon species.
It was found on Foots creek, some 15
feet under the surface, by a miner ;
no other remahis of the. monster being
a yet discovered. The tusk i now
alxnit two feet ia length, and about
five inches in diameter,, and partially,
petrified. From its general appear
ance, it lias been mueu larger than it
1.3 at present.
W. S. Godbe, of Salt Lake, who was
in ii"ew York October 6th, stated that
the present crusade against Mormon
Liiu wa3 not instigated by Methodism;
tliat polygamy will probably die out
with the - present ' elderly Mormons.
Brigham is 8osiirg: prestige last, and
there are fearjt of his being assasmat-.
ed. The people are held together by
fanaticism,and on the death of Young,
Mormoniin will expire in Utah."
That wealthy country, Jong before its
admission as a State, will solve the po
lygamy trouble., :: s "j
The Seml-Annual Conference of tlje
Mormon church commenced its session
on Friday of last week. The attend
ance was not as large as usual.
J ndge Mc Kean adjourned the Grand
Bismarck, lH'sides making his mark
as h statesman, lias Iieen forehanded in
the "pelf" line. His income, ac miml
principally since the late wars, is $500,
000 ierannum.
John P. Hale, who has been partially
paralyzed, had a knee 'fractured by
being knocked down by a runaway
team, at Dover (N. H.) recently.
The Prince and Princess of Olden
burg, of Russia, are at present on a
visit to England.
Mrs. Lucas, a sister of John Bright,
is on a visit to the Pacific Coast.
The Countess Pom-tales has liegged
some of Eugenie's jewels from Thiers.
John S. Moore, of Jacksonville,
Illinois, committed suicide by strych
nine. Mrs. Stanton is said to be an expert
angler. She certainly drops a line
with great effect.
Tilton says Victoria Woodhull is
only 32. This makes her too young
for the next Presidency.
Assistant Secretary Rieliardson, of
the Treasury Department, will remain
in Europe until Deecmlier.
T. A Scott is said to lie President
ot two railroad companies, ice
President of eleven, and Director in
A. T. Stewart's new hotel for women,
at the corner of Fourth street and
Thirty-second street. New York, is
rapidijr preigressiug towarel comple
tion. Two million dollars have leen
appropriated for it, and another mil
lion will tie required to complete it.
This is the largest sum ever given by
a sing!e"individual for any edifice for
benevolent purposes.
It is said of ."Tad" Lincoln that
when about eight years old. he, of
his own acconi, signed a pledge of
total abstijaqiice from all soils of intoxi
cating liqwflrVnd tobacco, to which he
unflinchingly adhered- refusing all
offers of wine, even at public dinners
and elsewhere, with politeness, but
with the decisive answer, "T am
pledgetl to total abstinence."
The Emperor William, during his
stay at Ga stein, inaugurated a new
Protectant church.
The New York HewM snvs the
new Professor of Engineering at West
Point will be Colonel Peter S. Mk-hio,
now Professor of Philosophy at the
Academy, a graduate of the class of
1833, and but lately a Captain in the
Corps of Engineers.
Rev. Dr. N. S. S., of Troy,
N. Y., a prominent Presbyterian
divme, celebrated for his controversy
with Archbishop Hughes many years
ago, died a few days since of "old age
and paralysis.
Gen. E. B. Babbitt, who is on the
retired' army list, is stopping at the
City Hotel, Corvallis. The General
is on business connected with the
Presbyterian Church.
W . Byron Daniels lias been chosen
Assistant Clerk of the .Territorial
Legislature at Olympia.
George Smith, riding boss -on the
railroad grade near Ksdarna, cut his
foot with a. mattock a few days a go,
inllieting a frightful wound. s
Hon. C. G. Memminger. cx-Con-federate
Secretary of the Treasury,
has turned Radical, and is the only
official elected on the Radical ticket in
the late municipal election in Charles
ton, S. C.
Dr. Dolhnger is just seventy years
old, and has Jed a life of remarkable
abstemiousness. He possesses a library
of more than 30,000 volumes, and re
mains among his books with but little
intermission from 4 a. m. to 9 p. m.
C "Tommy, 'my son, what are you
going to do with that club?" " Send
it to the editor." " Bnt what are you
going to send it to the editor for?"
"'Cause he says if anybody will send
him a club he will send them a copy of
his paper." The mother came very
near fainting, but retained conscious
ness enough to ask : , But, Tommy,
dear, what do you suppose he wants
with a club ?" " Well, I don't know,"
responded the hopeful urchin, .-"unless
Us to knock down subscriber as don't
pay for their paper." . . ,
, . ' -,
'Auntie," said a three-year-old boy
one day, "I don't like my! aprons
tarched so drefful. So much tarchness
makes the tiffness tratch the bareness."
Tlie strike at Newcastle, Eng
land, is virtually at an end, the
employers haying agreed to the
nine-hour system, to be carried into
eiibct after January 2d, 1872.
Twenty professors in the Univer
sity refused to take the oath re
quired !y the Italian ( Jovernment.
A colli.ioii occurred at Cork, Ire
land, Oct. 2d, lietween the police
and a company of Fenians, causing ;
tremendous excitement. Tlie latter
!eii;g well armed, a most desperate
struggle ensued. 1 le vol vers were
freely used, and many received
wounds, wl -.ether serious or not, was
not ascertained." The superior num.
liers of the police soon dispersed
them, arresting live.
Hon. Foster "1 Bradford, in an ad
dress OctolxT 2d, iiy London, advo
cated the passage of an Act requir
ing compulsory education.
In Vienna it is forbidden to pub
lish matrimonial advertisements in
the newspapers..
Tlie number of horses in Iiussia
is greater in proportion to the impu
tation than it is in our greatest
horse region Kentucky. liussia
lias one horse to every three ier
sons. Kentucky has or.e horse to
about four and a half of its popu
lation. A London telegram of Septem
ber 23d, says, the liirmingham Lib
eral Association has addicted a
circular to the lileral members for
Parliamentary burroughs on the j
subject of reform in the House of j
Lords. I l-e circular says, "we be
lieve tl at the time Las arrived
when an hereditary principle, which
neither insures wisdom in the indi
vidual nor patriotii-m in the body,
must be abolished ; when the Sec
ond Chamber must lm brought into
union with Hpular sympathies, and
when the right of tlie House of
Commons to carry the will of the
eople into action over all opjiosing
interests and authorities must be se
cured." The kingdom of Iavaria is about
to recall its Ambassadors from for
eign States, and will in future be
represented only as a portion ol the
German Empire.
Insanity seems to lie on the in
crease in the Kingdom of Queen J
Victoria. In lSoi), when the Imp
utation amounted to 11) ,080,701,
there were 30,702 lunatics, or 11)
out of every 10,000. In 1871, with
a population of 22,704,108, there
were 50,755 25 out of every 10,
000. Out of this number 20,950
0,110 are private patients, 50,180
aupers, ai.d 400 in prisons.
The Polish Jews have the repu
tation of being among the longest
lived ieople in Kurope. One of
their number, Leser Chamenowcr,
died recently in Prussian Poland,
near Tamotschau,in his 117th year.
He is said to have two brothers
still living, aged respectively 105
and 100 years.
The I'oman Censors frequently
imposed taxes on unmarried men,
and men of full age were obliged to
marry, unless mentally or physi
cally disqualified. The Spartan
women, at certain games, laid hold
of all the old . bachelors they could
get their hands on, and inilicted on
them every mark of intamy and dis
grace, dragging tl em around their
ftltars, and handling them very
roughly. In 1005 the English Par
liament laid a tax on bachelors over
twenty-live years of age, of twelve
pounds ten shilling for a Duke,
which was graduated down to one
shilling for a common man. Uncle
Sam has been very lenient to his
unmarried nephews at all times, but
he might do a good thing for the
heavy war debt by laying a revenue
tid vapituai tax on them just now.
Recently a mad elephant entered
the Mundia district in India, at the
village of Tarraj, where he killed
a woman and child. He then
passed on to other villages, enter
ing about a dozen in succession,
frightening the inhabitants and kill
ing one or two in each place. The
total of his victims, between Janu
ary 27th, and February 19th, were
twenty-one persons killed, besides
several wounded. The most horri
ble and almost incredible circum
stance, however, is that the savage
beast was seeu to devour at least
five of his victims, after tearing
them limb from limb. Tlie brute is
said to be a ' . magnificent ' creature,
with tusks three feet long. At last
accounts he had been driven, out
into a jungle, from whence it was
impossible to dislodge him.
In China they have a pleasing
practice of beheading-- boatmen and
hackmen who are guilty of overcharging.-'
A new, Turkish iron-clad is called
Mukaldemihexgergorshofern (conclud
ed in our next issue).
A Washii.tou letter of the 0th inst.
contains this:
It is .in instructive ami striking fact
that while the New York Ring has
spent for stationery for the county
alone, for the past two and a half years,
not iuciudhig law booUs or blank
books, tlie enormous sum of $-'50,000,
or at the rate of 340,000 per year, the
entire expense of all thy stationery
u-cd by tlie Treasury Department of
Washington, with it 2,200 employees,
all faithful workers and no siuectimts,
is only if-15.000 per year. A rough
comparison showing that the entire ex
pense of the Government printing for
Congress, and all the Department,
with its many hu.idr-d thousand vol
umes of reiwrts of ail kinds, does not
exceed the probabieaunual expenditure
for printing and stationery for the city
and county of New York, rhe .total
cost at the present day of the magnifi
cent Treasury building, which is, next
to the Capitol, the largest .building i:i
the United States, a nu which is neariy
six times the size in superficial ami
and in capacity of the New York
Court llou-e, is o, 000,000 against ipl 5,
000,000 for the latter building, not yet
In a speech in Columbus Ohio, re
cently, utter ably touching uiioii tin
political issues of the d:iy, Gen. Kd
ward F. Noyce thus summed the rule
of tiie Republican party:
"If the Republican jKirty shall be
continued in ioWcr, everything prom
ises well for ihe lutnre. t'iie tide of
emigration i setting rapidly in from
the shore of either ocean; railroad
and telegraphs, more potent than con and law., are binding the
Suites iuseperabjy together; the for
est of the far West are giving place to
fields of wheat and broau acres of wav
ing corn ; the enterprise and capital of
tiie N orth and Ivist are finding their
way to the neglected plantations of the
Soiuh ; education iu.i intelligence are
ix-hig diii'uscd among the masses; our
mccuauical inventions are rapidly ijiui
tiplying and making labor easy; tiie
i.ii. iui:i..iit j t i'ivi.i7.'iliMii :irt Inniri-
! v , .v.- i .. .
lying oui social jiic; mc. n.intumi ie
sources are being developed ; wealth
is accumulating ; comfort and content
ment till our homes ; labor iscw.ird
ed a novvnero else, and there i work
lor all to do. We may congratiuate
ourselves thai the civil war, wnioli for
four year. de-wated our laud,' has left
us more prosperous and happy than
ever before. Grateful for the biesiug
of free inst itutions, and for the abund
ance with which our iives are crowned,
we look trustfully to the fulure. Re
membering the gloriou traditions of
our State, and tiie great names whose
lives adorn the lu.-Lory of Ohio, the
wise council of her .statesmen, and the
brave deed of her soldiers, having
conlidence in the patriotism and in
telligence of her people, and faith in
the Providence which overrules us, we
dare to hope for the success of such
principles, now and hereafter, as will
injure prosperity and wealth, and hap
piness to tliat prosperity whose inherit
ance, we have helped to secure.
The New York Esprexx ha a figurer
who hasdi-covercd that duringthe last
ten years each tick of the clock: has
scenes 23 added to the national debt,
and each - minute '$4'.)d "0. lint this
alarming Admirable, Grichtou has
failed to remark that this whole debt
was added because the" democracy
kicked up a little unpleasautiie 5S."
Nor does he inform us si. ice; Grant
came into the presidency every tick of
the clock has seen 22 of the national
debt paid and every minute $1!.'5 20.
And he forgets to add. too, that for
every dollar paid there has been an
outburst of Democratic profanity be
cause it was doiie. Now, suppose this
modern Euclid should, turn his math
ematic towards New York city, and
tell u how much money Iris been stol
en jK-r second in that hot-lnd of de
mocracy ; a iso how much of the debt
Oaky Ilall & Co.. have paid per min
ute, for that would be an interesting
number to reneat. SV, Jozeph JI )
Herald. X
Our Democratic' friends who are so
deeply moved by the spectacle of apo
litical Convention held in a United
States Court room in New Orleans
have short memories. The circum
stance is denounced by them as an act
of unprecedented impropriety. An
act of impropriety it certainly was, but
it is not unprecedented. In lso, d li
the Know Aothiug excitement.
rased very fiercely ui New
Orleans, a political Convention met in
tlie Custom House, anil was suriMund
ed by United States troops; but the
Convention in that ease was a Demo
cratic one, and the troops obeyed the
the oilier. of .James Buchanan. We
don't ourselves approve of the resort
of the Republican Convention to the
publ'ie buildings ; but if we did, we
should have a well defined Democrat
ic precedent. A;c York Tii.u.
Pago after" page of thefts," compris
ing millions of dollars, continue to be
published by the New York paper,
and the question seems to Ik, is there
anybody or anything honest in New
York? Dispatches say tint Tweed
and others of the "ring," are convert
ing their property, so wrongfully o!
tained, into gold and diamonds, prob
ably with the intention of leaving the
country before the halter overtakes
Recent explorations in the valley of
Salt River, Arizona, have caused the
discovery of an extensive mound.
Kxcavations have been made at two
points, and apartments regularly built,
from nine to eleven feet square, were
laid open. In these rooms various
agricultural implements were found,
besides ornaments of colored stone,
and the bones ami teeth of animals.
In western New Mexico, it is stated,
the ruins of seventeen towns have been
discovered, tlie walls of the houses be
iri"" in some instances composed of
stone, but for the most part of adobe.
'I and 'Daniel Webster put up' at
the same tavern last night," said a
rou-h looking fellow, "It must have
been a house of accommodation for
both man and beast," volunteered a
Two new dioceases of t e I'r t.-su
ant Kpiscopal Church are to bo
erected in the f tate of illinois. One
to consist of forty-even counties in
the southern part of t' e h'lato, a. d
the other of twenty-live counties in
the northern part oi' the Mate.
A presiding Elder in the hrie
Conference traveled last year 4,02b'
miles, attended eighty-three-quarterly
meetings, preached cue hun
dred and forty sermons, attended
and addressed full fifty .ablath
schools and children s meetings, and
vet received the meager sum
of 41)1) 00 I'kjY the Mtpjicrt of him
self ami iainily.
A remarkable revival is in prog
ress in the north of Scotland, among
the tW:ormoii of the liaull'shiiv
coar-t. .Not long since one of the
i-reo Church ministers hi that re
gion admitted to the communion
tbr the first time one hundred and
sixteen persons of all ages, j ti c
whole of whom professed to Ik;
fruits of the awakening in his par
Lsli. Ttidif'cn!e;it.
Over one hundred students ap
plied tor admission into the Drew
Theological hemii.ary at its ojieu
ing, hept. 21st. ,'i. he proseets of
the intitution are of tlie most en-,
couraging character.
The minutes of the Cumberland
livbyteriaus report : ministers,
1,110 ; licentiates, 108 ; candidates,
214; congregations, 1,8G3 ; added
by experience and letter the last
year, 7,850; died, 3b0 ; total in
communion, 00,335.
The lacijic (Jhrixtiuji .idvo
cte, of October 7th, reports forty
eight coi.verf.ious as the result of
tne special services "at the Tayl.,r
htreet K. Church in Portland.
Among these were three sailor h.ys
belonging to an English ship at
that port loading for Kngland with
wheat : lieicrring to these, the
tdooja'e says: it is pL-asant to
think that these nobte-lookiiig young
men, as they go back with a ship
load of Oregon wheat to the shores
of Old England, will also go with
their own hearts richly freighted
with divine grace, prepared to tell
"the pleasing story" to parents and
friends that in far distant Oregon
they "found him of whom Closes in
the law, and the prophets did write,
even jesusot Aazaretn.
llev. W. M. I'uushou, IVI. A.,
was in Loudon at last accounts, ad,
dressing immense audiences.
After his battle with 1 Bishon
Whitehouse, of Chicago, lie v. Mr.
Cheney read from the Scriptures as
follows: "Why boasteth thou thy
self? 'Thy tongue imagiueth wick
edness, ad with lies thou cuttest
like a sharp razor. As lor me, I
am like a green olive tree in tlie
house of God ; my trust is in the
tender mercy of God tbr ever and
Never was there a more blessed
institution than the .Sunday, the sa
cred day of rest from labor, l-'or
the soul's health of the human race,
on at least one day in seven, there
should be an ever-recurring inter
mission of daily toil. Thus, let a
man attain to the period of three
score years and ten, he has gained a
holiday of ten years' duration, even
if his lot lias been labor lor the re
maining threescore years. Let
childhood be taught to use, and
manhood discreetly use, this blesed
breathing time, as a day on which
to raise the thoughts beyond the
world not less than for a purpose of
innocent recreation.
Men often escape lightly from the
iirt imprudeitce, and sutier terribly
from its repetition ; for folly re
peated becomes sin, and sin is al
ways punished. There is no varia
bleness in the government of God.
When you see a man. with a god
deal of religion displayed in his
shop window, you may depend upon
it lie keeps a very small stock of it
A grand family reunion took
place at the residence of Kev. Peter
Cartwright, near Pleasant Plains,
Sangamon county, Illinois, on the
1st inst., in honor of the eighty
seventh birthday of that aged and
veteran "soldier of the cross." Om,
hundred and twenty children,
grand-children, and great-grandchildren
of the old patriarch were
present on the occasion. He has
been a minister of the gospel for
some sixty-six years and was a Pre
siding Elder of the Methodist Epis
copal Church for over fifty years.
Take the telescope of truth and
look into a glass of whisky, and
you'll see dying widows, heart-broken
mothers, wailing orphans,
1.1,.1.1.1 , , ...1
uiuuuucu, limiut j, PlCilimj, lUilUCl-
ity. ignorance, want, depravity,
blasphemy, moral corruption, dis
ease, and all crime and physical de-
bilities that man is subject to.