The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, October 14, 1871, Image 1

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NO. 6.
IP Irani) alvgic.tev
rnu.iMii n kvkuv .vti ii1mv,
y 105,Z... YA.i CLEVK,
C'OTi r f'.-rrjf ttn-1 Fit:-.' N'mt.
Hanking- iiikI Kxeluuivre Olli-e,
Three dollars.
Two dolfcirs.
Ten cents.
O-ie year
S-ix inoiit lis
Sri;le copies
Al.VF.UTlsiSU rate.
Transient advertisements, per square of
Ion liee- or less, lirsi insertion .-.! ; nicii
fsubsequeio (user: ion l. I warmer ti Ivcr
t iscments ins'rtml on the most iiiu-inl
.ion w KK.
Having rcivivo I new t s-ju-fc " '.-
red inks, car Is, a ;vio: ju :!. e:c.. we
mi- DiT-snvil to e.ccii:o ali kinds t y""'n:
init in a lictter iiiioim", and lt'iy 'V cent
cheaper than ever iKU'en- olfcrvd in this
Am'iitx for t!ai Kfirit4er.
The follow i 113; jrcntlctiieii are authorized
to m-i'ive and receipt for sttiiseript ions.
ji Ivfrt isiitr. etc.. tor the Kkijuviwi :
Hiram smith. Ilari'lsbni-jr.
O. 1. Tompkins. Harris' Kiryr.
S. H. "!:mvtlitOJ!. l.''ui'ii.
l'clcr Hume, HnnvnsvilV.
AV. It. Kirk. limwttsviile.
1'.. Wheeler, seio.
1. If. Reynolds, Salem.
L. 1. Ki hcr. Sim Krtmcisvo.
1. IV Porter, Shedd's Station.
T i:i'; sits
I check at sl-rht
lco-:t allowed 011 timcdcitostts ill eolll.
Kx--h:i:rj 011 Portland. San Krnncisco,
and New York, for sale at lowest rales,
foiled Km made and proinitf Iv remitted.
I.Vfcrs jo II. W. Corbctt. Ilenrv K:tilinr,
W. S i t.
Aje 2ncteis4 f Wosli'm fi.
Y K. W. 1A VIES.
r honrs fryn s A.
Feb. 1, lJ71--i!v3
M. to 1 )'. M. i
On a distant prairie, nt nightfall,
a way-worn ami worthy traveler
was overtaken by a .snow storm.
When the first tew ilakcs came soft
ly dropping down, lie looked eager-
lT 1 V.. !,.- 1. ,t' ,l!.,M,liw
! a i.iaee of shelter: but none Mas to , "' "
l le Ki'ii
rolliiii? laiuls, ami far-oti'hills in the
( fire ; the ilames leaiel i-iyht joy-
fully up the chimney, and the green
log sizzled ami cracked in the heat
like things of life. Out doors, the
( wind was fowling divarily, and the
! snow falling heavily; but 31illy
j cared not, tor it only made tho fiiie
more cheerful.
t There came a rapping at the
f "I low strange! Who can this be
at our -door in this wild! night
sue saui w nerscii, as sne rose ana
ivuler.s in
Monuments, Obelisks, Tombs,
Ecu! iuil Fwol !inscs,
Kxocuteil in
and Iliiliim
.2. AlVttS rsao:txTox,
'iTih;m:v axi '.'-.rNs:i.on at
Ijiw; Mo. lit 1'irs: jiint-t, Ik-
twtfii !:: --..ii ar.-l A;'1t, oo;oiu' til.
1 Kei-ti n 'a; ' 5o el. Port'.a:: i. Or-vron. Will
jj,sieie in : in- sinn-rior an l inferior cimr; .
Of ilio ii -. i i; :! .ii.-ti ii-i ::nl -ireii!t
irur;s of lb; i'uils' I S-aJ-s. vjlv iit .-vi-ial
i. t'nt itv -o lie etn . i;: of 'K'tirs in all
farts- o.' i'-r. j' I t :;ai:in lis-i
c-'iar-res i'i v.:l:rii;i-y ; " h'u-li. sim-t? the'
3;:s; aMi'-'ii Iiin-iit to tin- Uiw, may v o'
t:iia"l trom all i',e'f-i tmit rae'e-l ' jirinr
Jannary 1. H wiih'i.i. u-.nni to'lhe lH-r
jn:if.e wliJ-h tUo in.'.v :;iiai-y juy.-, oi:i:;ov.
rrn t the trackless waste of j 4f';V " t?,rV ,
ill,,. 1 t 1 Ti. .
direction whither he was going so ' T 1 V- J 1 Ti W " IV '
lar oil tlt he feait.l he should 1 amfaito death I" was the
never lvaclt them. With the de-i .J.V, 011
parture f light the snow ln-an fall- ! hof n y ? nd 1,ow mo
Lr t-,stov the u-ind blew keener. 'ou .ln tins lonely place on such an
the road over the prairie was soon j OTf u, at thl f . , .
liiil.lMi from view, aial tlie traveler I .
ielt that he was lost on the trackless j ljt "iy. way ainl am dying with
waste, without a star to guide him J s me m or
across tlie dangerous country. i J. i t., ,
- i hisisternble!" said he, aloud. ! . l.v hesitated. She was alone,
ut 1 vl.all ovov o..,n t., I aii1 lt was tw miles to the near-
1 ass
.1. IM.W. M. 15. KANK.
J't-aU rs ii
destination. If I had but a com-
and a liht I should not lear,
tor i couhl resist the eilect of cold
long enough to reach the hills, an
I.j.., T .li. n1,1 linmoii 1 iol ufi
lions, or at least the shelter of a I U uist the sdl, and then low
n". air 1 iifiv ir.i ii o jJnns. II cr woman nature could
est neighbor's. What should she
do? !Slie paused in perplexity.
"Kf save me save me! 1 am
viitir I"
were the words, that met
her hearing. There was a heavy
'Soot. FC1C",
till 1 iVeeze, and lie no nearer help.
What a fool 1 was to leave the river
j stand no more ; true to the in-
! stinets of her leh.g she unbarred the
.1 ........ ..i t ...... , ... -i 1
c:.Ie n.d eiMss the i.mine iust tor the uw."u..imL" v " . -c-ioseiy
,..,,fl1.,.l ,,i,.i 1... 1 ii .
fake of a :ew miles more or less ," 'V " iue
st even ! loom a suuLLuig me uoor sne
i:.., I followed. On reaching tlie fire-
No matter
1. l 1 l'l .iV
I- T.
1 ,' . '
I i....l . ..... 1 Tun fi.i, l..-i
.. .... v-.-v ..v.. ..V1....0. 1 tlfnitvoiirrw tl.vm.r rt'Kio -Uc.
ixviTK TiiK ..i li.Niio.N or 11 r. And batt e it out he did, most ; ---""
S. S2. tuSt l., 1. ; 1 p-.i .iic to their tun s,., k t.t .he late-t . , , gmse, and stMKl erevt and strong,
j-.w-s ... i),.lV r ! s: vie ; in jieiUU-im n's iiavl youth s hoots, mauiullV. liC UIVV Ills cap down , .. ' . .
S Ml ' - sir,,,... .jruiu1v,xf..rl 1us,ett-.,ete..asv,U i , l : 10 0 , wl l ,. ,r 1 J . Without a 8lgll of inconvenience
' KKlt 'K )N TI! K S i" J ll SIl KOKMAIX ' as to i he vei y lau-st tltiii.i;' out in the line j ONC1 Ills ears and bl OW, and his fill . , eflects of the weather
S-L?rh ; or la iifs- i.u,i mtssi-s- gaiters, i-ahuo.-ais wllar up overliis mouth, and thrust- V. ? Vie , .weat,,er-
-i-ikB-i i xcwiHiit. tK Air.omet.e i.-iskms, mi. i . . . , , , . . , y y retreated f i m him in amaze-
M. aa,- a-8 niiiiiv oth.-r new an. i fhioiiabie st u-s, nnj; his hamls deejHr into Ins pockets, - , . . -
1 Ias on. iiaxi. am- (onstantkv i j..s Iw;i . ei :u t he t ) v nf.o: j pressed on through the yielding m' htlt V"S hcrelt, and
ii mr:.mKr.,'fS.u-A(.l ; l hey v. U sell a t; p'.lu a- lhe inn hn.l , 1 . . putting tlie be faCO Oil the matter,
i--..ri -rii ai-ivri i i.n.vha-e.s M ho v. -h ii.-st- lass at sl i i ;e glooi ii increased the l. , . . , . . Tt
,oe. ik-k io.. -.., t.-mosr rate,. Tiuy resjH-et- : . . , i o,..'i. is, she tremulously addressed the man:
VY.vvl an whiow ware, to1,:..-.-o. ei-ars, fuliv i:,vh. you .lut. a-.-l see their Wind came SnarpCl , HI 11 thlOUgh his .
-.uiei-noi.-i-y. :nkee notions, eie.. 'te.. s,w:k. e,, ; . h,H . etc.. inn !e or . ivu re-l ' 1,.lvv ..l.-.thes the 1 1-1 veler lieo-nn to aillSOliy, Ml, JOU A1C SO COHl.
, ------ . . : tUfHU' ) il'inmi i' " i .KiniH. .i. ,
lil s Ui tu iJ.' -i'litf, f 7ri'Mi. i
ut every effort was frustrated,
for again and again the strong liand
of the roblVer thrust her back.
: "See, its clothes will be. on fire in
a minute," said the man, putting
"or I will send a bullet through
your bam.,,
Tlie robber felt the cold barrel of
a pistol at Lis ear, and obeyed.
3,1 illy quickly brought ropes at her
the helpless innocent closer to the rescuer's reouest. and tho robber
rlames. The. mother looked into j was bound baud and foot,
his eyes. She saw there.' the .look j "It was a strange providence,"
of heartless determination. She be- ; the new comer said, "that overtook
came aware that the cotton gar- ; me with a snow storm on the prai
ments of the child were smoking rie, ank forced me an hour ago -to
take refuge in your smoke-house,
nearly dead with cold."
lilly acknowledged the truth of
the remark, and she knelt and
with the heat.
"How shall it be ?" asked the
ruffian. "Hurry, or the child dies.
I have no time to waste here."
Come," exclaimed the man, ! thanked her Father in heaven for
touching her rudely with his foot ;
"you have not told me where tlie
money is.
"In a box on the upper shelf,"
she said, pointing to the closet.
The man found the box, placed it
on the table, and opened it, saying:
"So far, so well. It is nearly all
gold. 1 will pocket it witli ,yonr
her deliverance.
-The next day JuUy's husband
came home, and when lie had been
told all, lie remarked: "This fel
low was in the tavern at the vil
lage the day I sold my produce. Tt
will teach me a lesson never let
strangers know when money" is
plenty with me, lest they be tempt-
leave or without your leave, just as ed to crime, and bring1 ruin on me
you please." He filled li is pockets ' and mine."
with the golden coin, and threw the j That day some sixty or seventy
empty box into the fire, lhen lie
come and stood beside her.
"Put the baby in tlie cradle," he
said, "if you wish to save its life. T
have other business with you."
"What do you mean ?" cried
Milly, eyeing the man with suspi
cion. "Let me have it,'' he said, trying
to take it.
"Xo, no I will put the baby in
the cradle myself. 1 ou shall not
men gathered at the house ol iur.
Dean. Tlie robber was recognized
as a notorious horse thief who had
long infested the ' neighborhood.
There was a summary trial, and
then in dogged silence the wretch
who would have burned a harmless
infant and murdered a faithful and
gentle mother, submitted to his in
evitable fate. A rudely-constructed
gallows and a stout rope ended his
existence. So on the thinly settled
touch the -poor little thing. Xow, j frontiers of the West do. they mete
sir," she continued, almost choking ' out justice to offenders agair.&t prop
with excitement, "what is it?" After ' erty and life.
having laid the pretty infant on its j About seventeen hundred dollars
downy place of rest, she stood erect , in bills were found on the person of
& uoLPii,
ill(i ( V.iLf loVK lit IJIIV,
i'ii-st. lrr West, oi" KejrSster iSiiiltl'tr.
: i)!.i!'iTiii:s;N ; i!Axr;:i;v and rnot-
tors in aumiiiiity. OrtU-e over the ohl
lMis, o.'iice, front si tee J, Portland, Oregon.
t'ivjl K.'uK'iiieer a:I Miii'tvyor,
j-? rn kpa ;:r. ro si'i: vk yixi : axi
X eniiieiT;;i;i'. l's-s iitiorove-1 solarcom
.ass. .""!ers'ly mail oromnt ly at i'ii:U-l
j;esi.i.aiee -ii rourtn str-et, o;xsue
. it.;o!i.
C 1 T V 31
A It K K T
feel the eifects of the cold. I lis feet
grew numb, his arms chilled, aiwl
after an hour's rapid walking, he
suddenly paused.
"How do I know whither I am
o-oiii' i" lie exclaimed. 'i erlinns
wttw ktoot,aiu.wy,obixjos, t j have ahvady turned aside from
J. J.. JIAKI'.I-S. (1. - HAHIIT.
X. 3.. II A 5t MIS & CO.
i n: Tiite's. All'any
3. I
7 ILL.
tjtntly on liana a fun supply oi
lOvVE3L.l. JEc S-XSSX,
A!!c.i:i js ms.iI 'is!eIor t Idtw,
Jt'iinn notary iniinie), .Vllmnr, imon.
Coiiee". ions anil ctm veyaiiei-s jiromptly at-tt'ti-lcl
to. 1
l;ealers in
Io-JiS, Jewelry, vie,
Reiwiirinji of clK-kf, watelies, jewelry,
te., sittenUcl t. All work warrantuiL
Ai.l ((iieral 31 ill 31aclilnery.
J. r. BACKKXSTO, Ajrent,
Rlv3 AHwuiy, Oregon.
! Wliic-h will he of the very ln-sf iualily.
j The highest market price mitl for leeves,
! ho-js anil slieeyi.
I Third dir west of Ferry, on
I of First street. .1. I... 11AK
Alhuny, Iee. 1"), lSi-l.vo
3. C. 33E-MKX5IAL,I,
j KJCt-I.Ej-iTA'ri: & nlKASfEAKM',
V lor non-resiilents and others, milking
Otnee one door
Will you not sit by the fire'-'"
And she pushed a chair forward.
The man made no response, but
stooping over ran his finger through
the biaze, then he turned and stared
at her with a look which made her
1.1 .. .1 - ..!.! l-.-.-l.i 1
the straight line, and am wandering .u" l,,uu "b
i ( tt JJ came into her mind. She would
on the verge of destruction. O, that j -1.1 .1 .,
I could shake oil this drowsy feeling; r - 1 x-
nousc, 101 sne Kinttuy leu. airaiu 01
the man, a nd bitterly regretted hav
ing admitted him.
that is stealing over me! I know
what it is the precursor of a rest
To i"l rodnec the celehi-ated
$25. OO
JBuckcyc Sewiiity Maelilnc.
the oly shuttle stwinjuf inie hiiie in the
I'nltetl Ktutjsli'nseclio iwo tlieeeleln-ated
Wilson te-d st)ld for less than if 10, and aek
nowledjred hv all to lie the liest la mily sew-in-?
nuiehine for litrht or heavy sewing, in
the market. Out lit free. Address
MIX EH A FE A1ISOX, n. A?t.,
20v3f Albany, Oregon.
Oi:0. W. BA, I. 1).
. "lirol'I.l SOLICIT THE
ifatronajre of nil ler-
soiih utisirmjf ariiueiai ni-iu et t-
find ilrrft-elass deimtl oik;ra
t ionrt. X i t roiin oxide alitiin-
itei-ed when dired. ClmrfuH unKli-rafe.
Ollice in l'arrisli t C'o.3 brick block. Hesi
tlenje first house fouth of Oon-reKational
cbnrcb, fronting on eonrt! block.
Albany, July 2, 1S7043
EMtbllM!teU in 1H50.
E. A. Freeland,
iuisc'l!aneon Iook, Hchool bot)k,
blank IkxiUs, wtationery. Botks imported
to or lor at bor t not loe.
AJbnny, lec. 3, 1870.
out ntil estate najx-rs, etc.
above telegraph tittice.
Albany Collegiate Institute,
X .Monday, Sentemljer 4, 1S71, with a coriM
of tejichcrs cajiivble and earnest. Instruc
tion will le thortu.ih and praeti-al, and
t he system of order unsurpassed. For iuir
ticulars address
It. K. WARREN, A. M., Presid nt ;
Or, Rev. E. 11. UEAR Y, 1. D.,AllJsny.
Ilt. T. I. SODI?lV,
Oeulbtt and Aiirist, Albany, Oregon.
son of the noted
111U Opi III11III1U
S. i'. iolden.
Dr.'tiolden bas lind
experienw- in ti-eatinj
the various diseases to
which the eye anil ear arc subject, and feels
confident of Klvin;? entire satisfaction to
those who may place themselves under his
ire. April IS, (ii).
photojfraph now made. Call and see
Jan. 14-19 A. J. WINTER Albany.
I . , . 1 . . 1 .. .. , . . , . 1 -. . . . 1 . .n f
of turning: k-eion hand and make to
oraer rawniao-nettomea
iilnsf wheels. 8hor
AUittny, Xoy. 8
I Hpectfnlly inform the citizontf of Alliany
Hnrt vieinltv that he luu taken charge of
this establishment, and by keeping clean
rooms and pavins? strict attention to bust.
w fvikM-tsfoKuit all those who limy fn-
I vor him with their patronasre. llavnif;
heretofore carried on nothing bnt
in this cold winding sheet of snow.
Great Heaven, I am freezing to
death !" he shrieketl, lounding for-
ward with renewed energy.. "Ac
iSvco!lu ! tion Ktiou action is lite, and life
is too sweet to lose yet I
llclmrried along with springing
motion, stamping his feet vigorously
at every step, and swinging his arms
to keep the blood in circulation.
Vet with all his efforts, he knew
that the angel of death was folding
his white wings silently but surely
around him.
"Despair?" no !" he cried, "not
while the memory of my loved wife
and dear children is left to me. I
will struggle on for your sakes, and
fight the storm-fiend to the last ex
tremity. O, just Heaven, for the
sake of the innocent ones whose
only stay is my right arm help me
to resist help me to triumph !"
At this moment he plunged into
a hollow, and his feet strode over
ice, and he heard the voice of a
streamlet singing of life and action
At the same
time the smell ot wood smoke sa
luted his nostrils.
"O, Thou who reignest above,"
he ejaculated. "I thank Thee that
Thou hast heard my prayer ! Help
is near nae."
1 Ie reeled heavily onward through
the blinding snow, and saw just be
fore him a low shed ; one more strug
gle, and he fell against it. In an
instant he divined its character.
With a last desperate effort he found
the door, threw it open, and rushing
in, flung himself at full length upon
the floor, knowing only that he was
in an atmosphere reeking with the
fumes of bacon, and warm with
smoke which rose from a pan of
smothered coals in the center of the
place, lt was a settler's rude smoke
house, left to care for itself through
the long winter's night, and the
traveler's grateful heart sent up a
tribute to Heaven for this place of
and waited the reply.
"Fam going to kill
the man.
"Kill me ?" she exclaimed
face growing pale with terror. "Kill
the robljer, besides the gold he had
taken from Mrs. Dean. As there
were no claimants for the bills, at
the suggestion of the stranger,
whose life had been saved from the
What have I ever done to ' fury of the winter storm by the
you that you should kill me?" shelter he found in the smoke-house,
"Nothing, nothing my dear, only . a thousand dollars of the seventeen
you know you have seen me, and ! hundred were presented to illyy
A ftplenditl OrtiK IIuHinesM For Knle.
business,owinf tocontimiedill-health, j lwiilftoth its lev erust
tl,i1nn..rir....l offers bis he and Hour- U-Jr u"sl
ishing drug establishment, in this city, for
stile at a low iifrure, for cash.
Apply soon, if von want a bargain, to
27v3 AllMUiy, Oregon.
Tlie Eyes ! The Ear !
refuge in the desert of snow.
V In a large log cabin in the valley
of the streamlet, 3lilly Dean sat
alone. Her husband had gone to a
distant town, and the young wife
was left with her baby. Accustomed
"Would you like to see. some of
the men folks, sir?" she uiquired,
"if so I will call them from their
The maii laughed hoarsely, and
replied : SL
"31 illy Dean, for tnatl believe is
your name, yon cannot deceive me.
You are all alone, I took
particular care to ascertain that be
fore I came. So vou may as well
make yourself easy on that score
and do as I bid you."
"Do as you bid me ?" exclaimed
Alilly,in terror ; "what do you want
of me ?"
"I want that twelve hundred dol
lars in gold your husband received
for his produce two days ago. You
probably know where it is."
Milly sprang into the entry and
would have fled, but the stranger
caught her by the wrist, and drag
ged her roughly back.
" You cannot escape me, young wo
man," he said. " You will find it
most convenient to make a clean
breast of it at once. It will be bet
ter for you.".
Milly strove to release her aim.
The rough treatment she received
aroused her temper, and indigna
tion overcame all other feelings.
"Let me go, you scoundrel, let me
go, or I will call for help," she
"Call you fool," said the brutal
fellow, "and much good it may do
you. Keep yourself still and tell
me where the money is."
"I will not 1" she exclaimed, her
eyes flashing fire.
"You will not," he then replied :
j," we shall see." i
He released her wrist bo violently
that she reeled half way across the
room. Then he seized that sleeping
infant from its cradle, and held it at
arm's length almost to the blazing
fire, so that the . terrified moth
er expected to see its little garments
catch the flame.
"Xow then, where is the money ?
Speak out quick, or hear your baby
shriek with pain. I will burn it to
death before your eyes if you do not
tell me where the money is.
you will know me again." And he
advanced upon her.
(), sir, let me live. Have you
not done enough to take my hus
band's money, without depriving
him of his wife too ? I will never
say one word, against you if you
will only spare me, only spare me !"
As she spoke she clasped her
hands and looked imploringly at
"I am sony that I cannnot safely
m the consideration of what she
had passed through, . and the re
mainder was divided around.
On that very sjot there is now a
tnrivhig town, and one of the finest
residences in the place is that Avhere
dwells Milly Dean and her husband.
A Sermon to Courtiers. A
reformed pastor at Amsterdam a
century ago, who was famous for
lxldness and humor, being once at
grant your request," he responded, the Hague, was greatly importuned
' bv the wits about the court of the-
CT ' 1 ' I t i.i . i n j. . . ii a o
alone out of doors.
He reached out his hand to grasp
Milly. Hut the instinct of scltcpres
ervation was strong upon her. She
evaded him, flew to the chimney-
Stadtholder to preach the next Sun
day.- He finally consented, on con
dition that they should all attend
and take no offence ; and giving as
his text the account of l'Juhp ana
piece, snatched her husbands loaded j the officer of Queen Candace, he
rifle from the hook on . which it
hung, cocked and presented it at
the breast of the robber. Her mo
tions were so rapid, that before he
could prevent it, her finger had
pressed the trigger and there was
an explosion. But with equal readi
ness the man hail stepped aside, the
ball passing over his head, and the
next instant his gripe was on her
" I will teach you to handle arms,"
he said. " You would have killed
me, would you ? I will show you
a trick worth two of that."
" Mercy, mercy," cried the terri
fied woman.
" There is no mercy for you," lie
ejaculated. He dragged her into
the entry and flung open the door.
" Out with you into the snow."
I "Hold! what is this?" exclaimed
a deep-toned voice. .' Unhand that
woman, you scoundrel." v
A powerful man stood in the door
way. He dealt the robber a blow
between the eyes which struck him
back into the entry. Ills grasp on
Milly was relinquished, and she fell
to the floor.
" O, sir," she cried to the new
comer, "save me ! This man lias
robbed us, and would murder me
that I would not tell of it."
" Fear not madam, he shall not
harm you," responded the stranger.
"Fellow, surrender yourself!"
" Get out of the way," cried the
robber, making a rush tor the door,
and striking at the stranger with a
bowie knife. Giving back a few
steps, the stranger seized the robber
by the collar, whirled him around
and threw him on his face in tlie
snow. Tlie robber struggled : but
the stranger knelt heavily on tho
"Monster, give me my child, s?11 of his back and grasped his
mooted cimirs, and pin- no expects to irtve entire' wttetoction to to pojitude she felt safe, and sat I shrieked Milly, endeavoring to reach i ,iaur
nfflf !!;, SSSSrA In coritment before the blazing ' th? little one, "letmehavemy baby,' Lie, still," m the stranger,
,Wi!t-l I sent. 1tf-y2 JOSErn W LBIUvB. w 1
announced the following plan of
discourse T" "I find in this narra
tive four subjects of astonishment
which go on increasing the one upon
the other. 1. A courtier who read
the Scriptures. 2. A courtier who
-a -mm 11
acKiiowieagea nis ignorance, wmcu
ismore surprising still. 3. A cour
tier who asks his inferior to instruct
him, which must cause a redoubled
surprise. 4. And that this surprise
may reach its climax, a courtier who
is conrerted."
Watering Teams. : Joseph
Harris says : How many times a
day does the ploughman or driver
of a team in the harvest field slake
his thirst? Does it not occur to
him that the horses or oxen, which
have been severely taxed with labor,
and have possibly been profusely
sweating under the hot sun, - are in
as great need of quenching thirst as
he is ? When animals are kept to
long from water they will certainly
take more than is proper for them,
and many a fit of colic is occasioneil
thereby. The practice of watering,
at least once between feeds in tho
morning and again in the afternoon,
should be regularly followed, and.
if fifteen minutes is thereby lost tt
the plow, it will be more than made
up in the renewed vigor with which
the team will take hold on its re-
turn. - . . -
What do you think the , warden
of the Massachusetts State prison
says i ight out ot ten come Iier
by liquor i and a great curse is not
learning a trade. Young men get
.i.. it. a. i j.
wiu iivvu'u Kuan xti J9 nun jt;iiiicvi :
learn arade ; they idle awaythcu "
time, get into saloons, acquire tin
habit of drinking, and then. !gnu
bling, and then they are ready for
any crime.
Hancock was a shipping mercliaut