i im 1 1 mm ii i in i if i Nit:W 8TOU22, SfEW OOBS! HUUGS, KTa ..... The nudcrsi ;ik' I will m n ojh-h Ai Entire' Xcw sJeK of 1 1 5 Y CiVC O 1 S 9 miaiN, 'mioz:s mat;, et, inc. NJ . IHC." I." EST A CALL TO KXAMIXK j their SiK k, In-wmv pint ha-iiiii clsv u !k iv, a sui'i.., pu.viKiscrs A fcvi of Liriy IVr Cent I In their iirui1. We have f:iiili:ies for wvscuthirf tin: iii"- loniiilc c assortment oi" fiM.ls i-vt'i-);. :"l in this market, at re hu e I Rill's; i hjrve dysted o:r i!iiii;i, "Qti'v.- Call and Seo for Yourself. kline & co,, 111 Or. Tut " Iti-ick. Al'inuy, Or. s.-or. 7Kiv4 CITY Dlil'G STORE. A.rAUi,iUKns. ' . s.m.tm.i:mi. a. CAito-rriKiis & co., LKUGUISTS &' APOTIIKCAliUCS. (Foster's 151o-k, Xirt Ftwvt. Aibnuy, Mriitou. JUST OPENED. 1 KALKRS IX Iru, Chcaiieitl, Medicines, PAISrS, OIL, DYE KTVFFri,JLA. TOILET GOODS, French ' Atuci lean Cologne, lIuiMliterclUt 1' Kxtrael. ti-F- clioncry, etc., etc. Villi: WIXKS AXI LIQrOliS, For medicinal purjioses. Eine Tolmeeo and Ci&rnrs. Physician's prescriptions anil family recipes c-oiiirwMiii.Io I with wire. I tv. 1S7-17 iS:0. E7. SETTLE533EZK, (Siuwiicir to 1'. W. WaUelieid), Inrrl.IaM Now Unildl-.i;;, First Street, ALIiAN Y, oREt.oN. JJEW' TOrOAV FAIll IMSJCESS r am sellino ;i:ori:mi:s 1 foilowt iis prices.l'or CAM or 1" an 1 solicit an early call : Crushe 1 Loaf Su;;nr. fi lis.....,.".. Extra tJolden CSivar, 7 line Kami Kmjar, 8 tt s - Fine 'osf a li ica Collcc, " " s. . . , . - Fine-flavored Ti-us. V .., ,- Currants itirst iptaiity), ti s... . .. (ioldcu Syrup. V ke Oat Mml, V lm 'orn Meal, Vlil Ilomiuy, V ban Salcratns, V box Yeast I'dwiU'in, V lw.t Wa-hiiiK Powders, V Ih.x."..... Fine Sal. , :t" i; s ..... . Ct ki rso S t , V I njf . VuikUcs V 'xix...i An l 'vcry otlwr ii-'h-I" at l Vail ami 'Xuuuii to;' yonrsi'lve4. ;kok;k Tl'iiiiK 3v4 " First St rift, . AT TIIK JtHJl'CJi 0 . 1 IO . l m i . 1 00 . 7 . 1 00 . 6 7 . 7 . r.o . 7 . 8 ; . 2 87 'i . 3 00 . 1 OO . i r . 4 (KI w pruf s. AIImhiv. Q U I-;i:T IMTAT l, JH-r la it sii-iU.M-r, ly O ' 3v4 m HUi.S. FKAXKLIX Mi:AT MA1KKTV ; Allan.v, r'vw IS STILL OX HAX1 TO SL PPKY CI S-tomi-re with nti v uivl all kinds of mints, nt thf lowest mar'ki't in!i. I5y strict at tont ion to husini'si, hi; Iiojhm tortve.;n irn satisbu-t to all who mnv favor him wi h tlu-ir iKitronatfc. 3 4 J.ll. HKIiUOX. AIlli AM) HA MS, n sph'ixliu lot t-onn-j try, 5y :iv4 In UQIS. r------- DrtiH'r in i iu:gs axi m i:i icix i:s. CiEORCSIS TOJRELL "it as xow oim:nki ovt. at stokk 1 I nfii!ly (Kvniiii-il ly A. rtrtvaii .t t'o., :: Kirs? s!n"-t. Al'.uf.iy, ii l-v anil woll s- -: i- I stock of I DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS, CENTS- CLOTHING, Coiit and 13yt EEuts, lYood Ware, Crcckery Ware, CrXOC C53Ii3S All arti-les warranted pure, rn.'l of the in tiiiiii. , nit ii in- Mil- iiuouiHTl III .-.ill M. ; pOllIKlea. AllMlll V, Oft . l, l.StiS-t;t I lor i-oin, and which he will stll CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, KTC. AT TJIK LOWEST I21SCES, FOR CASH OK lHOIrCK. PA TK N T M K I LC I S KS. All who want the Bir uoons at ixvt SliouM Ktvc hliu a ell. '4 8 3 tJEOlttJE TURKEr,L, First Street, AlUmv. Allmny, Soj t. 9, 1S71. KVV1NG .Ma Oil INKS. To llio People or Linn Co. "IITK AVOCLD K ESPECTFV LLY SAY y that we huve ojeiiel an oftice in Al lnuiy, for the exetusive stile of SEWING MACHINES, And would respectfully invite all tho? wanting a tirst-class machine to call at our offlif and examine the ililferent kinds of inai-hincs now on exhihition. If yon want a Hnekeye machine, if yon -want a Flo rence maeW'ie, if voa want a WTM-eler & M'ilson machine, if you want a Slnfer ma cliine, if j-on wunt un American machine, or if you want to exchange machines!, or if you want your machine put in good run ning order' call and fee us. We are always ready and willing to show our machines. AVe will do our liest to give itiffaction. Oil and needles kent constantly on hand for sale. Old machines taken in exchange for new one AYe wish to employ good, reliahle agents to sell the Buckeye Sewing Machine, the best selling, the simplest and most durable shuttle machine on this coast. Liberal in dticementB offered. For pai"titilars ailr dresa, MIXER & TEABSOX. Eight reamm why the Buckeje S uing Ma cliiixf t xiijyrior U) all other: 1. It;ia the simplest shuttle machine made. . It has less wearing rrts. 8. It has no small springs or compound cranks. 4. It is better adapted to a large range of work without change. 5. It has less pisces of macliinery. H. It is less liable to break needles than any other machine. 7. The shuttle will wear longer than the shuttle In any other machine. " . 8. That it has the let feeding device, which will never wear out, get out of or der, break needles, feed unevenly, slip on starched goods, or pucker the scam so that one part of the fabric will come out shorter than the other, which all other feeds are liable to do. . It makes every stitch of an equal length. It is stronger than other feeds. AVe can take a strong piece of clot n, and put one end in our inacuine and the other end in any other machine, and guar antee that our machine will take the cloth from the other, in consequence of the su perior strength of the feed. It is t he only feed strong enough to feed thick sole leather, sewing on shoe soles. No soaping the cloth, or any other aid is required. ' . It has no complicated machinery, and therefore is not liable to get out of order. It. lias a beautiful movement, making nearly two thousand stitches per minute. The Buckeye Sewing Machine-makes the, : lock stitch, the same ant he Howe, Wilson, Singer, and Florence, alike on both Bides. We offer a premium of one hundred tiollar for any machine on this coast that will make a stronger or more elastic stitch than, the Buckeye. For full part icnlars address, MINER A PEAHSOX," Gen. Agents, Albany, Oregon. , CURE TBI AT CO U ii HI ! USK THE BEST KEMEDY. Every day brings strong proof of the gnttt value of this Xjixxi.gr jESoJLjsxaaziL. Dr. T Meredith, Dentist, office No. 332 West Sixth street, states as follows : Cincinnati, Ocfb-r 1. 1S9. MrssRS. J. Ji. Uabkm & Co. :ients: Aliout one year ago I took a cold, which settled on my lungs. A violent cough was the consequence, which increased in sever ity. I exixf t orated large quantities of phlegm anil matter. During the last win ter 1 became so much reduced that I was contined to my bed. The disease was at tended with cold chills and night sweats. A diarrhea set -in. My friends thought I was in the last stages of con sumption, and could not possibly get well. I was recom mended to try Allen' Lung ISalsam. The formula was given to me. whicln duced me to give it a trial; and I will only add that my cough is entirely cured, and I am now able to attend to mv business as usual. P. MEREDITH. All nfllicted with congh,or any throat or lung trouble, should use Allen's Euug Bal sam without delay. J. X. Harris & Co. sole proprietors, Cincinnati, Ohio. CAUTION! Do not be deceived, yon whowantagood medicine, and desire -le Lunit liut m." Do not allow unprincipled dlers to sell you a preiiaration called Allen's Pec toral Balsam. See that yon get Aixek's L.un Balm am, and you will have 1 he I jest cough remedy offered to the public, and one that will give you satisfaction. For pale by Rediiigton, Ilostetter &. Co., Xos. 529 and .131 Market street, San Fran cisco, Cal.. agents for California and Pacific States. KOIJ UY ALL DKl'iKHSTS. 9v3 PIPIFAX. THIS CELEBRATED GERM AX BIT ter increase the apjyiit is a certain re lief for Dyspjnia, IndlgentUm, BiUiouamsx, and inacium of tlie Liver. ? This is to certify,' that the formula used in the manufacture of the Uerman Pipifax Bitters has been submitted to my examina tion, and I cheerfully state the ingredients are well selected and combined, producing a Bitters which will no doubt prove a HEALTH Ft I. TOXIC, and mmit: digenlUm. ; , tt. HOLLAND, M. 1. Dear Sir : I have examined the sample of oii wre ireocuiwi, iuiu uiiu ii an exceeu Ingly pleasant cordial and valuable tanks. IL 1L TOLAN1), M. D. SHAFFER, "WALTER &. CO., BOLK AGENTS FOB THE TJ KITED STATES, 6ml 802 Battery St., San Francisco. 4v4 FOR SALE. AGENTS WANTED IN KVERY TOAVX and county on t his coast. Address, , MIXER A PEARSON, Albany, Oregon. LOT OF NEW . Oxfordslilre Items, Three-fourths blood, at 5 per head, b JOHNS, near Halsey,Linn Co., Oregon Sept. 80-4v4w4 .r byR. ; Steam Engine for. Sale. OTEAM ENGINE AND BOILER, ABOUT j fifteen horse power, in, good working order. Also, one four inch Hooker pump, in good order. Apply to the Salem Gas Light JO.,Wiiemf vrcgon. w r VI.L PERSONS OWING N sVHSCRIP 1 ion, or note.' oil account of railroji l coniplc: ion to Ailniny, will pleitsif csi!lunl settle immediately. BEN HOl.L.M'.W, All)iuiy, Sepjt. 21. 7J-3 By .. II. Foster. I7UESII VEGETABLES, in fu'.l supplv.bv ; 3vi Driiois. XOTECIJ TO rASSjagStS ! Tlte mid .'rsin 1 m'IH ;ny. until I'nr lUv r liOtice, 1 pi't E5ti:dielfor Wis cut, o I! S$t 25 on aifouiit or in goo-ls, deiiv- c:v l at AliMtnv, regon. R. CHEADLE & CO. AA E AVI I.I. AL 1ATl 30 eclats per Dozen for Eg', And thirty rent.H per iMKitid FOK GOOD l'KESJI liUTTEU, I'ntii further no'. t-e. Sspt. 2.1-:iva R. CHEADLE & CO. 17RKSll FRUITS, iMMichcs. gmpes, apples, 1 II"!- '1c, Jy 3v4 L BtlS. oiescii ! - - 51 Si 14 ! 100,000 (.ood Orieik Joii s . 'my, SALE AT MY BRICK YARD, AL- tivgou. . WM. Mf CALLISTER. Sept. 23, 71-3v c CANDIES, NI TS, BAISIXS, etc.. fresh and cheap, uy 3V4 iriH.us. Established in 1MSS. AKDIES DALLA31, Importers, jotilKirs and manufacturers of Wood and Willow Ware, Brooms, pails, tubs, churns, brushes, bas kets, twines, cordage, matches, sta tionery, pa'HT bags, clothes wringers, feather dusters, Us'liing tackle, ten pins and balls, etc., anil Vmeral lloiune i'tiniisliiiig Uuoih. Direct importer of ljaskets from li-ading French and German manufacturers. AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF S.F.Perenssjon Match Company's matches. American Net anil Twine Company's twine I$oston Flax Mills' twine. I. C. Conroy and Company's Ashing tackle. Hollingsworth A Whitney's paiicr bags. C. E. Griswold & Co.'s feather dusters. F. McLaughlin's brushes. Our stock is the largest on the Pacific Coast, and our facilities for manufacturing and importing enable its to sell at lowest market price. Snd for a catalogue. ; 215 and 217 Sncnuniito (Street, SAN FRANCISCO. 33v3m6 BILL-HEAD PAPER. ALL SIZES, JCST received and for sale at this office, low for cash. BLANK DEEDS, MORTGAGES. ETC., on hand latest styles and for sale low, at this office. J- WOODEN WARE, V Ar Ar WILLIAM IAVlISOX, s ' REAL ESTATE DEALER, ' Xo. Ot Front Street, oi tIniil, Or. I lt:1;STiVT,K ln hisCtTYand EAST HJItlLAM), in the most desinible lK-alt-tics. wnsNMnfr of LOTS. HALF 1H.OCKS, and BLOCKS, HOUSES and SToIiES; also IMPROVED FARMS, and valnubhS an- V,",,i.,?i'V-Il-ANliS; ,K-lt n ALLiwutsof t ho S 1 A 1 L for S A LE. : RKAI. ESTiTl' nni 'J'j- purchased torcorresi-sondents. in 1 hKt'lTY und th roughont the STATE and TERR I. jwmr..-.. n nil mii run- ami on the most A 1 S'A X TAG EOCS TERMS. HOUSES and STORES leased, LOANS N E H T1 A TED. nn-l CLA I MS F ALL 1 K SCRIPTIONS PROMPTLY COLLECTED: and a genei-nl FINANCIAL an I AGENCY BUSINESS transacted. AGENTS of this OFFIt 'E, in all the CI TIES and TOWNS iii the STATE, will re ceive descriptions of FARM PROPERTY and forwaird the same to the above ad dress. J 22 V3 We offer to country merchants the LARGEST AND FIXEVT MTOC'It OF WOOD & WILLOW WAKE Brushes Ilrooinx, TwImm, Mate lies, AND HOUSEKEEPING ARTICLES GEN erally, to be found on the coast, and which we offer at lower prices than any other house. Merchants visiting the city will find it to their advantage to call on us before purchasing elsewhere. Order promptly and carefully JWd Catalogues sent to any address when re quested. . , " E. K. HOWES CO., Nos. 118, 120 and 122 Front street, San Fran cisco, Cal. , 4v4m3 '" FRANK A. COOK, Bookhinder and II lank BooIe Ufaiin. :. ' Cwetiurer, SALEM, OREGON, ' HAVING ESTABLISHED A FIRST class bookbindery in Salem, Is now prepared to do all manner of work known to the trade. Magazines, newspapers and music Ixrand in any desired style. ; Old books re-lxmnd. ' Blank books of every description, with or - without ' printed headings, manufac tured to order. Blanks, of every kind, ruled and printed to order. Price reasonable. , . v : . : t ,. j In dray's Brick Block. 43m4 SIIEDD. ECRxrn 'he t )I al 1 kiniN. styles ami finish, cheap ami liili-jrlftl, i-jtkiila-tetl t suit the fancy -of the most fa-tll-ions. or the pockets of the poorest, can lie obtained tit fealey's. The wnn rooms are overtlovin with an entire new stock, ami those in need of any thiiir in the line of furniture stre re tniested to give the establishment an early call. 1ml. NEV TO-I)AV. WANTED ! ,000. Oats I " WILL PA Y THE HIGHEST MARKET u pritf for all I he clean oats delivered at A. C. LAYTON'S, 2-ni3 , Albanv, Oregon. ELI CAISTEIt, ltJCAI. IXIATKAtJEXT, ALBANV, OK. CHIVES ESPECIAL ATTENTION TO X .buying and selling iiul castate, lcaij iug or "naming city property; has a num bir of very dcssinOle farms for sale, sitn atcd in desira'Jlc localities. Also, a num Ikt of desirable family residences and vacant lots in the city of Alb-any for sale, on very easy terms. ELI GARTER, 3i(TAKY Pl'BLIC, WILL ATTEND PROMPTLY TO ALL business pertaining to that office which may be entrusted to his care. ELI CARTER, UEXKKAL FINANCIAL AGENT, M AKES A SPECIALTY OF COLLEtT . ing, adjusting or securing debts, ne gotiating loans, collecting rents, etc., etc. ELI CARTER Is agent for THE NORTH AMERICA MUTUAL TIFE INSURANCE CO. Tins COMPA j ny is one of the most reliable, and presents as favorable terms for insurance as any company in the United States. Persons wishing to avail thcmsclvtsa of the great, benefits of life insurance -wdil find it their interest to insure in this office, and with a local agent. Ml juiicU' endtmcil by th State of JYrin York. Ofnec corner of Broadalbin, aud First streets. 3v4ui3 GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, in full supplv, just received by 3v4 DUBOIS. FOR SALE. A SMALL FARM, OF ONE HUNDRED and seven acres, situated six miles east, of AllKiny. Said farm is a superior fU,e for wheat, has a good house and am, and young orchard; is located in an excellent neighborhood. This farm wdll be offered for sale only a short t ime. For fur ther particulars inquire on the premises, Of JAMES A. BALCH. Sept. 6, 1871. o YSTERS, SARDINES, RED HERRING, codfish, etc., just received by 3v4 DUBOIS. W. II. m'FAULAXD & CO., Opposite the hotels, Albany, Oregon, SUCCESSORS TO O. P. TOMPKINS & CO. STOVES, RANGES, Force and LiiiTt Pumps, LEAD AND IRON PIPE, HOISS FlBXISUDiU HARDWARE, Tin, Copper and Slieet Iron Ware. LARGEST STOCK IN THE VALLEY. . Lowest Prices Every Time. Repairing Properly Done. 40v AXEMEN ! ESr- Sttbscriljers finding an X after their nainesarc informed that thelrsubscription xplres with that iium' icr, and they are in vited to renew. it. Temis 3 ixsr annum. in advance; kI months, 2; three months, li-iY iAisrnl tenders mivi at par irom suljscriljcva ln the East em States. 200 Ctaoppers and Loggers , w anted. fliO DO CT.EARTXG WORK ON THE JL Northern Pacliic Railroad, between the cowiuz river ana Hoaguen s. jviso, . ' WELL BROKEN OX TEAMS r Men apply to C T. Slierman, at Pnm-. piireys xuioing, on ami alter monuay, Sentember 1L . Applications ftr work of ox teams, to Frame mncktey. Tesident engineer, jua aer's camp, on cowittz. Steady work, and good wages. THOS. B. MORRIS, Engineer Pacific Division Kalama, Sept, 4rlv45w CITY AND' COUNTY. ;"' ' j ' . ,': . '' t IECTTRES.-i-In the nish of business last week' we omitted to mention the fact that the great" eliampion of Woniau's Eights, iliss Susan Ji. Anth- ony, levHiitHi three tunes during uie week, each time drawing large audi- uces. Miss Snsau told -a number .-of wlHtlesoine truths, and her lectures were well received; We wish her ample remuneration for her time, and i pleasant and happy sojourn in Ur- 'gon. j Mrs. J. B. Frost, aim delighted our eitiA'tis by delivering a lecture in the Court-house' one evening last week," in whivh sle combattexl and entirely ovr- threw, hi tier estimation at least, the i-gunMnts of Miss Anthony on the woman's wrights question. M. Frost m m m .m . 1 I is a lauy 01 consiueniuie aointy, ami she talks well. The Court-house was. well filled on tlte occasion of her lecture. ! , - ; Massive Turnip. On Saturday, through the politeness of A. N". Ar nold, TCstt., we were presented with a monster turnip, mid turnip measur ing thirty-six inches in circumference. It was raised by Mr. S. M. V. llind- uinn, at ('amp Polk, alout one hun dred miles from this city, out on the "Willamette Valley ami Cascade Moun tain agon jltoad, and, with others etprdly as lafge, was on exhibition at our County Fair. Mr. Hindman says tliat the field from which this monster was taken, was fidl of milar speci mens, some of them even larger. Oregon has long been celebrated for her large red apples, extraordinary squashes and pumpkins, heavy yields of superior wheat and oat, and now she comes in! and claims the belt on her massive turnips. Way out' in the mountains, where it was thought noth ing would grow to any profitable ex tent, they send us in a few dozen turnips that eompletly fill a common wagon bed and make a good load for a span of horses ? Oregon's possibilities have hardly tieguii to be told. A Good WAGON.-On exhibition at the County; Fair, was a two-horse wajron manufactured by our friend Mr. Win. Peters, wliose shop is on Ferry street, south of the Register office. It was a strong, durable, well- made and tastily painted vehicle, just such an one as the farmer "wants a wagon out of which the purcJiaser can get the worth of the cash invested In long before it is worn out or unfit for service. Peters is hard to beat in the manufacture of a good, lasting,, light-running wagon and the beauty of it is, he "gets them up on the most reasonable terms. ' f THreF Arrested". iufolinationliav- Ins- reached Sheriff IrVIne, that a robbery liad been committed IhTJti vais on Sunday, together , With 'a par tial description 0t the supposed thief, on Toestlay Bob arrested A party n s weringi the description, , lotlged hiul in jail, and sent forward word to G-r-vais of fthe fact. i The, fellow claimed that his mme 'n 3idward MeBride, although hegnve his name as Kdwanl Mctntyre when applying: for work where he took the money. Tlie m:tn was token to, Gei-vals oil Vednesdy, where t lie acknowledged committitig the robbery. Tlie facts of tlie cas were thus related to vis by S"liefitf 'Bob Irviue : McBridei as we shall call him, applied on Saturday last at Mr. Tho.J Hunt's, some three miles below Ger vals, for work, stating tlvrt lie was out of money Mr. II tint took cbirfia!i sion on the fellow, and set him to work. On Sunday Mr, and 3Irs. Hunt went to church or to a neighbors, and wlien they returned hi the evening, McBrltte was absent, and $3t50 winch had been in Mr. Hunt's strong-box, h'td also disappeared. As soon as possible a wsirrimt was issued, and parties ifiit out in search of MeBride. It scents tluit the thief took matters very leisnr- ly . After getting the money, lie made his way tO 'Silvertoi,.vAvhere he pur chased a horse, saddle and bridle, "pay ing $75 therefor. He also put in arv appearance at a dance on Monday evening. Being of a roaming dispo sition, he soon tried of tlie , " sylvan sliados" of Silverton, and in liis new "rig," with a pocket full of money, he came on to Albany. Here it seems he met many old acquaintances to whom he was indebted in various sums,- vary ing from $6 to $20; and it is said this honest thief paid up all 'rotnnl Whet arrested and, searelied by" Sheriff Irvine he had on his person $194 CO in coin, a watch for which he 1 d paid $20, and tlie horse above spoken of. He will doubtless soon be enjoying Bill Wad kinds' tender care. Guide Boards. -The Willamette Farmer calls attention to this subject, and it should be attended to by all means. Great inconvenience and per plexity, as well as loss of time, would be saved to the traveler, if guide-boards were put upat the cross-roads thorough- out the State. Any one -who lias ex perienced the trouble of finding, or keeping in the right road while travel ing through an unfamiliar country, will at once see the importance of these boards, and as far as possible contribute to the comfort of the trav eling community by putting them up, or seeing that it is done. ; Personal. Billy Tweedale and family arrived home in . this city on Tuesday, after an absence of several months in Victoria. Welcome home.. Mr.-1. C. Hill, who is engaged in delivering lectures on the " Divine right of Kings, State and.. Church, freedom of speech, the press, liberty of conscience," etc., proposes to elec trify our citizens shortly with one of his elegant and chaste essays. Go and hear him. . - h Miss Annie Benuy, we are , glad to see once more among us, muexi im proved in health by her sojourn among the Britishers. - : ' Jason Wheeler, Esq-V starts East in a few days on a visit. He goes to York State to visit his mother, Whom he has not seen for many years. We wish our Democratic friend a high old time, and a safe return. .j i ' Xkw Firm. Our old friends, Messrs: Kirk, Hume & Co., of Brownsville, have formed a business ? co-partnership : and have opened out ' a large stock of dry goods, clothing, boots and shoes, groceries and general merchan dise, in that place, and as they are honest, capable business men, of well known integrity, they are bound to do a large business. . Besides their : store in Brownsville, they will soon I erect a large warehouse hi Halsey, and next season will be in readiness to purchase all the wheat, oats, wool, etc., tliat may be ottered by citizens In that por tion of Linn. It is a strong team and win win, sure. - ; ' Visit to Salem -We had tlie pleasure of meeting with Rev.'s Mr. Nickerson and Stratton at the resi dence of the former, in Salem, List Sabbath.; Rev. Mr. Nickerson Is the popular pastor of the M E. Church in tliat pkice, but . is at present disabled from pastoral work in consequence of -a contusion of the knee pan, received at the depot last; Saturday evening by a fall. The injury is as painful one, and will require careful nursing to heal. The Rev. Mr. Stratton lias but recently returned from a visit through the Sound region, where he has been prosecuting his business successfully as agent of the Metltodist University at Salem. We were very much pleas ed ;with the thrifty appearance of Salem,aod its general air of intelli gence and refinement. We were shown the plans of the new Mothodlst Church, now in tlie process of erec tion there, the corner stone of which was laid with appropriate ceremonies to-day. The plan is a 'beautiful one, and the building, when . completed, will be a magnificent structure. It is to cost $30,000. Enlarged. Our " readers will ob serve tliat the number of the Register before them Is considerably-, enlarged and. otherwise improved. It Is now the equal of any paper in Oregon in size. This has been done without any increase in the price, the Register still being furnished to subscribers at $3 00 per annum. We hope . that tlie increase in circulation will amply jus tify us in the great expense incurred in the purchase of an entire new office. If the. friends of the Register will still continue to speak a good word for it, we shall soon be able to add other new and attractive features soon. In the mean time, how do you like the Register? Jury List. The following named gentlemen have been drawn ,to serve as jurors during the October -term of the Circuit Court , for Linn county : Aaron Condra, J. AV. "Dawson, Wm. Cyrus, J. A. Pennebaker, A. M. Shelton, Joseph Yatqs, Miles Cary, I. S. Mansfield, H. G. McDonald, Jl. Cheadle, F. M. Smith, W. IL Thomp son, Geo. Leeper, X. Price, R. B. Willowby, W. W. Ray, A. W. Stat ard, Willowby Cliurchill, A. S. Basse tt, Isaac Hays, H.! A. McCartney, Joseph Moist, Jacob Thompson, John Lay ton, John Tabor, T. J. Stiles. D. M. Thompson, Robt. Montgomery, B. W. Cooper, Joseph Lame, and D. Simison. Improvements. Tlie walls of John Conner's new brick Bank, on First street, are up ready to receive the roof. The masons have commenced putting up the ". walls of Thompson & Irving's brick building on First street, nearly opposite tlie new bank. By next fall wq expect to see the blocks betweeh Perry and Washington streets built up entirely of brick. ; . f Bound Over. Geo. W. Saxe, tlie man who shot Zack Hogau in tlie arm during Fair week, has since Itad a preliminary trial before Judge Johns, who bound him over in tlie sum of $200 to await the action of the Grand Jury. a: A. '.it. ...ifl