The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, August 19, 1871, Image 2

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    S. Official Pap r for Oregon.
General News.
Ka-Klux Diabolism.
Sudden indisposition of th Queen of England
on the 14th caused the utmost anxiety in the
royal household.
The sudden outburst of a volcano on the island
of Tugolando, one of the Malay Archipelago,
fifteen mile, northeast of the island of Celebes, InsurreclionarJ States uicn of, both
11 j m WUIUISIOU tUD BL 1. uu
w" forty yard high, swept all human beings,
horses, cattle, etc., from the island. Four bun-
North attempting its palliation fcjr excuse,
and its shelter from Bcoro bj covenog up
or denying its crimesas if cowardly
Assassination coald be palliated, and
brutal Murder excused aud the Demo
cratic Party throughout -the laud rejoic
ia" in its pronjiws of help. So, either by
open and acknowledged action, or by the
no lees ' criminal and no less cowardly
a usningtoo, ana anotner iUo- , ticipation of CXTeouatinK and shield,
tee io South Carolina havo been j - the crime the 1'aity, South aod
- The Congressional Committee investi
gating the Ku-Klux villainy a sub com
mittee in Washington, and another sub- ! nu
in daily session more than two months, i Xorth, become before the j eople and
and have had before them many scores betore (jrod eaqual sharers in the rcspon
of witnesses from all sections ot the late
dxed and sixteen persons pcru-hed.
Eggs are seventy-five cents per dozen in Vic
toria. .. .. : : . :
It baa been diaeorered tbat Controller Connol
ly of New York bas $1,000,000 in registered U.
8. bonds. : When he went into office be wad bauk
rupt. J; - , - ;.-
According to an iuterviewer on a London morn
ing paper, Napoleon still believes that he will be
. reinstated upon t bo throne of France.
, From Berlin it is announced that cholera is
increasing at Koningsbcrg. A case of Asiatic
cholera reported in London, had created an ex
traordinary sensation.
. From San Francisco we learn that II. Swantz,
president of the Stock Brewery Association, sui
cided on the 11th at North Beach, with a razor.
He was insane. r,
r The firs political knock down of the campaign
in California occurred cn Monday. Capt. Jack
Munroo and Major Jack gtiattraan, the first a
Democrat and the last a Republican, met on
. .Montgomery street; high words ensued, when
Strattman spat in Munroe'g t ce, and was slap
ped in the face in return by Munroe. Thereupon
Strattman sailed in and gave Munroe a most un
merciful boating. Both were arrested.
. The discovery of an extensive bed of moss
agates is reported at Warm Springs Indiun Res
ervation in this State. '
Recent returns show that the corn nnd eotton
crops are in abetter condition than we were led
to expect from the July reports.
Mrs- YollanJi-hani, widow of the late C, L. Val
landigbam, died at Cumberland (Md.), Au
gust 13th. : 1 -;"..'
Parties have made arrangemcBts for shipping
wool from Oregon direct to Boston, Mass. The
wool will be properly graded and suitably packed,
ad through, tills of lading obtained to Boston.
ExSndbr Williams returned to his home in
Portland tJom Washington City on Monday. He
received warm reception from his numerous
-ri... .I,--f-.:., e t n: ..
.officials it seems that the Police Court of Portland.
last month, cot only paid alt its own expenses
police force, judge and clerk's salaries but there
was a balance in the treasury of over $150. Port
land is right iu continuing Republican officials in
otfiec.' :-'
Says the San Francisco ChroniiU: In 1S5&
California farming land averaged thirty bashels
to the acre, now it scarcely foots sixteen.- This
cropping our fields in wheat and barley for six
teen years, without charge or rest, is sitnp'y
lighting our agricultural candle at both ends.
Advices from Pari to the loth sav tLe city
is excited ; full of rumors that the army will
revolt against the Versailles Assembly and de
clare for McMahon fur Regent, and demand an
Empire. Stirring new is looked for soon.
Bismarck has commenced a vigorous campaign
against Papacy, declaring that the ultra-montane
Church is hostile to the State, and is in active
support of Dr. Dollingcr.
T. I.. ! f .V- 1 " T" ...
lymottg mvmncyo eastern question may
'involve a war by tha Western nations with China,
from w'u ion the United States cannot escape, but
"we will not make war upon Corca without the
co-operation of other nations.
- Oregon meats are scarce and in dimand in the
Saa Francisco markets.
- Daring the week closing August 3d, there were
no less than sixteen suicides near Middletown,
New York. Cholera, yellow fever, small pox or
any other dangerous epidemic is uncalled for in
that section all the fools will soon rid themselves
ef life without furtber aid. . -
The Sacramento Union claims that, owning to
the disaffection in the Democratic party, and
ether causes, the Republican ticket of California
will be elected by from G.OCO to 10,CO0 majority.
. Other journals of that State claim even larger ma
jorities. It seams tbat no man ever went before the
people of California as a candidate for Governor,
receiving the universal acclaim of her people, and
creating the most unbounded enthusiasm where
cver he appears before there, as the present Repub
lican candidate for that office, the lion. Newton
Booth. -
- .The New York World says it is understood that
previous to the fall of the French Empire at
Sedan, Napoleon was in negotiation with Richard
Sebell of this city for the Jurael estate, which he
proposed to use for a residence in ease of his being
. dethroned. The lots of much ot his wealth by the
war forced him to look for a retreat of more mod
erate dimensions. He is, therefore, treating with
Saml L. M. Barlow for the Burton Kinneard es
tate at Gleoeove, for which it is expected he will
have to pay $500,000 coin. Meantime ex-Queen
Christina of Spain is negotiating with Schell for
the Jumel estate for $1,000,000. r
Religious Cositxdbchs A correspondent of
the Chcidnt, says the San Francisco Figaro, pro
pounds the following conundrum :
. If Christiana can indulge in dancing with pro
priety, is there any impropriety in nsing the
church to dance in ? If there ia none,; why are
they not used ?
, Hera i another for tbis smart correspondent :
If Christiana may make lore to pretty girls, is
there an impropriety in using the church for that
-purpose J If it ia improper, why do people do so ?
Another still : If Christiana can rule velocipedes,
why don't they velocipede in the church T Go to,
correspondent of the Occident thou art an im-
.beetle.. . .. j'
. A lata number of the Pacific, a leading reli
f inns saner of San Francisco, has the following
JeforJV f., commendation for tha Hon, Newton
Booth, the Republican candidate for Governor of
- California : "A
Tha new man is evidently the favorite, so far,
for the office of Governor. There is nothing
tiaekneyed about him or bis speeches. lie ia so
young, so freah. so original, so free from pretense,
o modest, so generous toward his opponents, and
till so manly and so manifestly capable ot doing
honor to himself, bis friends, and the high office
ice aspires to, that be awakens interest and kindles
enthusiasm- everywhere. He carries with him
tha prestige of success. It Is felt that ho cannot
be defeated. AH the nameless indications of pop
alar favor which followed the present Governor,
four years ago, now gather about the person of;
Newton Booth.. He baa been in no- position tu
make enemies. ; Ha baa no-faulty record to be
brought against htm. The auspices are happy.
, The omens are f ivorablo. There ia no gloom is
iha sky. There ia no muttering of a storm on
th sea. The sober tinting of the landscape is
brighter by several touches than usual. And all j
she indications are, that we are to have s fair
field, wc.U-fftusht, and handsomely won, by the i
Republican- leaders. We take pleasure in saying ;
' thU, because w believe this will be best for the
material, social, and moral well-being of the
State. We believe Mr. Booth will do much to
!evate and purify ous politics. -- We hope bis
yarty will b both willing) and able to sustain and
heer him. . : i-
A Chamce. Mr. B. B. Taylor, a newspaper
soau, formerly connected with the Mo. Republican,
Salary HeraVl, and other Democratic journals Of
the West, arrived in Portland oa the last oeean
- ateamer, and it is reported ia to take charge of tba
SerM of that cify.
j high aud humble statiou Presiding
1 VMhh IVa-ihrrs fi.M pmhpra nf tin-
UlUbi7j - " ' '
Confederate Congress, cx Generals of
both Armies, Governors aod ex- Govern
ors, Judges, Solicitors, Sheriffs, Revenue
OflSccrs, OiEccrs of the Army, Postuiast.
ers, School Teachers, Repentant and
Nonrcpentant members of Ku-Klux
Klaos, and dozens of their maimed aod
suffering victims, white and black.
And what has this patient and thor
ough investigation established and es
tablished , beyond all future cavil and
question ? ' These atrocious Facts :
1. That in all the lute Insurrection
ary States, and generally diffused, though
not found "in every County, is an oath
bound Secret organization, working only
at night, and its members always iu dis
guise, with Officers, Signs, Signals, Pass
words, Grips, and all necessary paraphrc
nalia, with the Pledged and Sworn pur
pose of putting Juicn the llepahlican and
putting vp the Democratic I'artg ; kuowu
iu different localities among the initiated
by different names, but everywhere roc
ognized by the general cognomen "Ku
Klux." 2. That the organization came into
being a few months previous to the last
Election, during which canvass it was in
its most vigorous condition, but is now
through all the South, with more efficient
discipline and effective direction than
ever, reviving, inpreparation for the next
Presidential campaign, when, as they
told one ot their victims in Tennessee . a
few weeks since, "do d d Radical vot
ing is to be allowed iu any Southern
State, by black or white."
3. That this Ku-Klux organization
is the premeditated and determined schme
for carrying the South at the Dext elec
tion of President, and so, by securing
the entire electoral vote of that section,
make sure the election of the Democratic
nominee. .
4. That the officers and establishes
of these ''Deus," (as they appropriately
call their separate bands) are the lead
ing aud active Democratic politicians of
the South.
5. That the scheme has the hearty
good-will of a-4arge section of the Demo
cratic Party in all those States, and the
acquiescence of nearly ihe entire party.
G. That the direct aud chief purpose
of the organization, as swora toby all the
victims, as the assertion uniformly made
to them by these midnight assassins, and
corroborated by the universal testimony
of tho repentant aod divulging members
of the Order, is this : The puttiug down
of the Republican and the putting up of
the Democratic Party. -'
7. ' That while the Democratic and
Ku-Klux Witnesses on their direct ex
amination usually deny the political pur
pose of the Order, asserting that the Ku
Klux are a social necessity y growing out
of the abolition of the old Patrol ; that
they have to ride the country to "keep
the Niggers in their place that under
the influence of "Radical Legislation and
Methodist Preaching the Niggers are
liable to become saucy," and without an
occasional Ku-Klux visit would "begin
to think themselves as good as white
folks;" and that these frequent flog
gings, and an occasional murder, are nee
essary to maintain such a state of morals
among the blacks as will permit the vice
bating White? ' to live in their neighbor
hood; yet on the cross examination, these
Witnesses also very generally, as well as
very reluctantly, confess that the intimi
dation of Republican voters is a - promi
nent and not to be regretted result. -
8. That to secure this . purpose, the
putting down of the Republican and the
putting up of the Democratic Party,
Intimidation if the grand measure the
intimidation of Republican - voters, black
and white, but especially the humble and
defenceless, by midnight raids ; by burn
ing Houses and Store, and the Destruc
tion of Crops; by Whippings of such
extreme cruelty as often to end in Death;
by most iodeccot and painful Maiming;
by Assassination and M urder in such
cowardly manner and with each - hellish
device as may , strike terror into whole
counties, and briug down the Republican
vote from two or tbree thousand to . less
than a single dozen. ; - '
.a 9. That , "School teachers, '':'nd
'Preachers of the Methodist Church
North,' sceui to be the especial abhor
renca ...of; these Democratic Assassins ;
and hundreds of School-house and Meth
odist Churches have been eiven to the
.&una ; ; and Christendom will tadd
aghast when it is made known the scores
of School-teachers and Methodist Preach-;
ere, who, by this Democratic agency,
within these three year, have been
"Whipped f Shot I Hung! and to some :
instances, It la oencveu, imcu at - vuw
Stake I - ,
10. That in nearly one-half the States
of this Union this work of hell is now
going on, night by night every month
extending the range of its bloody opera
tions, and fearfully multiplying the num
ber of its victims vo-v--"'5'- -;?
- 11- That it is solely sad immediately
in" the service of the Democratic Party
a large portion of the party South hearti
ly approving large numbers of the party
Out of the mouths of more than two
hundred Witnesses is every syllable of
this established ; and more than ten
thousand of the shroudless . Dead, from
hidden places by the wayside, in swamp
and mountain, aod from the sleepless
ashes ot fired homes, shout their ghastly
Amen ! . .:. -c-- ..
A single' instance of these thousand
Outrages perpetrated upoo an Amuricti
citizen on foreign soil, would be thought
ample cause for War; and our entire
Navy would hasten to cnl'orca the Na
tion's indignation. And such abuse as is
daily mctcd out to these humble Metho
dist Preachers, if offered one of our Mis
sionaries on heathen ground, would arouse
the whole American church until every
mind was laden with demands for "Pro
tection." ".
The thanks of all citizens who love
Right and hate Rapine are due the faith
ful men cf this Committee, who, forget
ting their own case, have so industrious
ly devoted these hot months to the un
earthing or this giaut Villainy.
Christian men of our couutry ! Humane
meu ! All decent men, wo appeal to you !
Is a Party worthy of life in tbis laud
which seeks supremacy through such
hell bora measures?
Rev. Peter Cartwright, D. D., the
veteran pioneer Methodist preacher, is
drawing nigh to the close of his earthly
pilgrimmage, after a long and well spent
life. Recent advices from Illinois state
that he is confined to his room at Pleas
ant Plains. His strength is rapidly
failing, and it is feared he cannot live
many months.
The Eugene Guard, speaking of the
New Departure Democrats, declares that
by "vague, foggy and non committal
generalities, office-hungry demagogues
and political Juiascs are. seeking to be
tray the Democratic party into the hands
of its foes," and adds : "Beware of all
such. They will sell you for half the
sum that J udas got for his treason, and
take their money iu cancelled whisky
stamps." This must be interesting read -ing
for such journals as the Herald and
r :
Montana Territory has wheeled into
line. For the first time in her history
she has elected a Republican to represent
her in Congiess. Hurrah for redeemed
Montana. There seems nothing in store
for Democracy but trouble and tribulation.
But this is only a starter; next month
will witness the utter route and destruc
tion of Democracy in California. The
flash was blinding but the report will be
. Police Judge Henley, of Sacramento;
California, has renounced his allegiance
to the Democratic party, and become a
Republican." In a recent speech in that
city he said that the New Departure had
carried the party rattier too tar trotu the
Democratic principles, as always under
stood by him. Southern born and raised,
and that if he must be a Republican, he
would become a consistent one by hence
forth affiliating with the party of prog
ress, aod being an out an out Republican.
The San Francisco Democracy take
infinite delight in snubbing Uaight. Not
content with passing a resolution through
their County Committeo to obtain an ex
pression of public opinion on Haight's
Bread and Butter Brigade, and to "take
San Francisco out of Commission," their'
Judicial Convention has nominated Hon.
Charles T. Botts for Probate Judge. Mr.
Botts is the author of those letters which
so bitterly denounced, and unmercifully
ridiculed the Governor, designating liim
as the "jumping-jack of politics," etc.,
and his uomiuation is the worst snub
Haight has yet received at the hands of
the San Fraucisco Democracy. -
Moral Refohm. The Marysville
Appeal says : ."The nomination of Booth
has at least had a good moral effect upon
ths Democracy, for upon no hypothesis
can their sudden aversion to Letting be
based. They used to be loud iu their
proffers to wayer money on ' their candi-
-dates, but now "they 'decline to gamble in
this manner. This change ot scniimeut
is noticeable in Marysville, where several
thousands of dollars are deposited in
Rideout & Smith's bank, to wager that
Booth is the next Governor of California,
and not a dollar of it has yet been cover
ed by any believer in the success of
They are having a '; funny contest .in
Peoria, III. A young man recently
smoked a cigar to within about an inch
of the tipT without the ashes falling off
A. rival smoked another half an : inch
shorter than his, and triumphantly la
belled the ashes. - And --sow all the
young smokers in :";Peoria'rt 'trying; ;to
smoke a - cigar shorter than anyone else
without breaking the ashes. Busiuess
must be rather stagnant in Peoria id the
plow Hue present ; and the young
Peoria gents must be hard up for amuse
ment we should judge." f '- '
Mrs. Senator Williams will remain at
Washington City the present Summer.
She is under treatment for a very serious
ailment, physicians deciding -that she
eaanot possibly undergo the fatigues of a
journey to Oregon at present
. The Farmer says that Col. David Tag
gart, U. S. A., will' deliver the Anaual
Address at the next Sate 'Fair-m--.
Absurdities of Democracy.
Democracy, "bedrock Democracy pure
and undefiled," was ia favor of perpetrat
ing human slavery, calling it a divine in
stitution and tbey claimed the title "of
lovers of liberty I The great Republican
party of this nation abolished slavery
throughout the land, and for this act is
stigmatized by Democracy as fots to
freedom !
Democracy insists that the "Republi
can party is in favor of a central des
potism, because it emancipated the color
ed race, and conferred upon them the
elective franchise 1" Certainly a "new
departure" for establishing a central des
potism. . , .
Again, Democracy charges that "the
amendments to the Constitution of the
United States, imposed by the Republi
can party, are - unconstitutional," yet
(vide the "New Departure"), they are
willing, aye, anxious, to adopt and swear
fealty to them ' How honest, and so
very consistent withal ! ft V c.
Is it at all to b wondered at that un
der such teachings the mob in New
York city should deem themselves the
only persons entitled to have public pro
cessions, aud to murder any and all
others who claim and attempt to exercise
such right? What a party.
We know there are house bricks, gold
bricks, bricks one sometimes carries in
one's hat, Fenian bricks, for circulation
amongst Orangemen, and several other
kinds of bricks; but we never heard of
ice cream bricks 'till now. An Eastern
paper says : -;: -. -
'The latest fashionable noveltv at IjoDg
Branch is ico cream brick, which are
put op in boxes and carried in the pocket:
We see ladies daily on the road in their
carriages eating ice cream with a small
silver-plated spoon which is given to the
purchasers. Several hotel proprietors
have it served to the lady guests in the
parlors of the hotels during the warm
evenings." .
Imagine a tender gallant ordering "two
ice cream bricks, one trowel, and two
spoons" for himself and his dulcinca.
The New liOAN.-According to the
arrangement for the disposition of two
hundred million dollars of the loan, the
negotiator is not bound to subscribe for
more than ten million dollars for this
mouth; it is indicated, however, that at
least thirty million dollars will instead
be taken, and appearances are that the
balance will be absorbed much more rap
idly than at the rate office million dol
lars monthly. The facts upon, which
these statements are founded, concern op
erations of combinations of brokers en
gaged io the transactions, and caunot be
made public without permission of some
oue of the parties.
The New York Indrpendant takes the
following position with regard to the lute
riot in New York city : ..
Upon such men as these a Protestant
League would command us to make war.
We respeetfuliy decline to etilist in auy
such campaign. It is neither wise nor
Christian to organize a crusade, against
Catholicism. Against ignorance, brutal
ity, lawlessness, by whatever name they
aie culled, under whatever banner they
march, we arc ready to do battle; and in
this good fight we count not vainly on
the helv of-many good men within the
Catholie Church.
Says the Orrgonian : An article in the
Cincinnati, (Ohio) Gazette recalls to mind
the changes that have been wrought
within the past decade. It is ten years
since wc were suffering all the humilia
tion and agony .which followed the first
overwhelming defeat of the war at Bull
Run. The grand army whose advance
guard had so recently crossed the lofty
bridge froighted with our high hopes and
proud confidence, had been' routed, and
most of us thought that the Secessionists,
as we called them then, would at once be
recognized by a powerful Napoleon and
the, mighty England. And now, the
dictator of Europe is an exile, France has
just been lifted from the torturer's rack,
and England is preparing to pay our
Alabama claims. Ten years ago we lay
defiant but weak aod trembling, at the
feet of Europe". ".Ten yeats, mostly of
Republican rule, and we are the peer of
any nation on the globe. Is it worth
while going back to our "old Democratic
masters?. ....-. , , " ..,
, A fire at Idaho ' City on the 6th inst.,
destroyed one-third of the : buildings
there. It has been an .. exceedingly uu
fortunate 'toWDj'afing been burned out
several, times.' "
The Oregon & California Railroad has
received its second land patent, covering
120,237 acres of laud.
The misTsion of the U. S. Treasury
gents to Frankfort . bas been fulfilled.
The whole amount remaining of tho new
loaa. .one hundred .. and - thirty : millions,
.has been placed on the terms fixed by
the Government. - '
An encyclical letter bas been issued by
the Pope urging the faithful to offer
prayers for the freedom of the Eloly See
and the triumph and tranquility of the
church. ' - - . .
An improbable rumor is to the effect
that Victor Emanuel has offered to restore
the quirinal to the Pope and enter into
league with France aud Spain to secure
perfect independence. "
In the vicinity of West Newport, Me.,
the grasshopper, after devouring all the
grain they could find,' are now devoting
themselves to eating each other up.
A Constantinople dispatch contradicts
a rumor of the death of the. Graud Vizier
which prevailed, last week. -
, The Earl of Wiuchulsea's debt aotouat
to about 100,000; his only assets are
furniture valued at 150, . . , -, .
A Man Drugged and Robbed of f-ft.OOO In
i . .
From the Xew York Herald of August 2d. 4
About half-past 12 o'clock yesterday afternoon
a gentlemanly appearing German was seen pas
sing slowly along Wall street from the direction
of Uroadway, and had reached the front of c.
18 when he accosted a young man wbo stood in
the door-way, aod botS passed inttho hall-way
and went up stairs. The German was nut s en
again until half-pust nine o'clock last night, when
bo appeared at the New York sido of tbtt StaUn
island Ferry, near the Battery. He was walking
feebly and leaning on the arm of a friend, wbo
kept shaking and talking to bim ia an energetic
manner. Tbe German looked 1 frigtitoued aud
perplexed. Both men entered a stae and pro
ceeded to the Central I'olice Office, where the
German told Inspector Wailing the following :
The German, who ave his name as John Lan
genbabn, a grocer, of 192 Seventh street, icw
York, said that about 10 o'clock yesterday morn
ing, finding tbat he bad several thousand dollars
to pay betore li o'clock, be took from borne $j00
in ltH bills, S250 in small bills and $3,U0U in
United States tire-twenty bonds. His intention
was to sell tbe bonds, and then pay his diHereot
bills. He drove down town with his brother, and
leaving bim in Chambers street, pursued his way
to Wall street. He was looking lor tbe office of
Jay Cook 4 Co , and thought he bud niis.-ed it,
when he saw an intelligent young man, who look
ed like a clerk, standing in the doorway of No.
16 Wall street, and asked bim where Jay Cooke
A Co.'s office was. The obliging young man said
that It was upstairs; that he was one of the
clerks, and would show bim tbe way. Mr. lan
genbahu couQdingly followed bis conductor to
the upper part of the bouse, wbeu suddenly he
found things fading from his sight. He became
a. armed, aud
But a nightmare like horror had seized him. He
was uuablo to tpeak, his Strength seemed to bar
goco suddenly from bim, and be fell unconscious
to where T When he awoke tbe day was nearly
gone. A inau stood over him calling to bim tu
'Uet up, or you will be sunslruck 1" Langenbabn
was lying on the grass, under tall trees in the
woods at t&ten Island. It was nearly six o'clock
in the evening. He rose slowly to his feet aud
gazed about bim. His pocket book was missing,
lie felt fur tbe bonds tbat had been in his breast
pocket. They, too, had gone. A locket aud
ring still remained. Ho knew that be bad been
robbed, carried to the woods and left to recov.r.
Mr. Langcnbahn bad a lriend living iu fcHaten
island, aud to his bouse be made hts way and
obtained bis services to eecort bim buck to the
city., lie canuot desenbo tbe mun whom he met
at the itoot of 15 Wall street, lie says t .at be
didn t driuk anything stronger than wa:er ull
day. lie ba4 no recollection f anything tbat
occurred on the way from 16 Wall street to
Statun Island. Was bo taken away in a carriage?
Did that carriage cros the furry, or was he re
moved from the uily in a. small boat? The police
aru busy seeking for a trace of tbe adroit thUves
who drugged a man on tbe busiet street iu New
York, rubbed him and spirited him away from
the city.
New Firm. Mr. S. Montgomery has retired
from tbe livery business in this city, and tbe sta
bles ou corner Washington and Second streets are
now under tbe proprietorship of Messrs. Bartges
i. Merrick, wbo contemplate adding largely to
the number and quality of their tu rnouts. Thay
understand tho biz to a dot, and they are tbe
most accommodating gentlemen in the city.
After Vesison. That trio of celebrated shots,
Messrs. Qeorge Humphrey, Hank Mendenhall and
Wm. Riley, all good fellows and rare old sports,
have gone to the mountains especially ' to enter
tain the doer and bear fraternity for a season.
They generally get from sixteen to forty-five deer,
and other game iu proportion, on a single bunt-
We call the attention of our city authorities to
the bad condition of several of out crosswalks.
They should be attended to by some one.
Almost a TuA&ti. - We are informed
that a party, consisting of31r. I. D. Ap-
plegate, bride an i wadding party, consist
ing of some eight or ten ladies and gen
tlemen, undertook to cross Rig Ilamath
lake, last week, on t.ieir way to the Agen
cy. They embarked at a point where
the lake ia some twenty miles wide, and
hud proceeded but a short distance from
the shore when a terrible storm arose and
continued for two' nights an J days The
first night the party managed to get their
boat uudc the lee of a small island, and
thus passed the night in comparative
comfort; butdtring the next day and
night, the parly Was exposed to the full
violence of tho Sturm iu the open boat,
and were in immiuent danger, as it ap
pears that none of them were very skill
ful navigators. .The ladies were under
the necessity of taking their turns at the
oars, and it was only by almost superhu
man exertions that they were enabled to
regain the shore on the morning of the
second day about 2 o'clock, worn out aud
exhausted by privatum aod suffering.
Jacksonville Times.
From the Jacksonville Times we learn:
The Jackson County Agricultural Society
met Aogcst5th and apjtoiuted committees
to grade and classify stock, &c, aud to
take initiatory steps toward getting up a
J. II. Rillenbrook's barn, together with
6J tons of hay, was burned on the Gih
of Augest. JJy superhumao efforts the
fire was prevented from spreading to sur
rounding farms. Causa of fire, matches
placed where children were playing.
Loss, $700.
Mr. Win. Kohler's residence was enter
ed by robbers; loss, small.
Mr. Sylvester Arrowsniith's cabin on
Jackson Creek was eutered by robbers,
who took his blankets, clothing, &c.
Mr. Really, after several iu tde on
the pantries and " cellars of cit zens of
Jacksonville, was arrested and released
upon condition of leaving town. ,
A train was thrown from the, track of
the Houston Great Northern Railroad,
near Houston, Texa?, by 1 obstructions
placed there. C W. Young, President,
and William M. Wilson, Assistant Chief
Engineer, wera killed aud several others
injured. ; ...
On Wednesday evening last, L. Ben
nett was drawing oil in the back of his
store, in Vienna, Ohio, the oil ignited
from his candle, thirty or forty persona
rushed to save the property, when two
kegs of powder exploded, demolishing the
building and burying four persons, injur
ing them very severely. Seventeen per
sons were injured. '. .; .
Ia illustrating the fruits of advertising
i exchange says: "A family in Florida
lost their little boy, and advertised f r liim
io a daily paper. That afternoon an a i
gator crawlid up out of a swamp and died
oo the front door-step. In . his stomach
was found a handful of red hair, some bone
buttons, a pair of boot h- els, a glass
bosom pin, a pair of check pants and a
paper collar. The advertisement did it.
Major Magooe, arrested -iu Slabtown,
Lane county, was another of the party in
dicted by the IJ. S. Grand Jury for giv
ing litjuor to Iudians. ::
Locomotive No. 8, of the New Jersey
Railroad Company, is said to be tbe fast ,
est luconsotivo in the United States, hav
Jog made eighty-nine miles io ooe hour. ,
Financial and ...
Gold in New York 112, currency 8OJ90c. i
San Francisco market, afford n. no change in
prices. We quote flour at $5 S06 so , -bet
$2 17 2 25 per 100 lb... the U.t . ouuida
figure; oats, $1 35 extremes, (I 80l 90 j
onions, 7080a ; wool, 287632o, the last being
the full fitrurc for choice. Wool in New York
quoted 37J40c.
Albany markets quiet. Wheat remains at last
quotations 90c$l per bushel. W quote pota
toes at $1 1 25 per bushel ; green apples, 371(g)
50c per busbel ; butter, 25c per pound ; eggs, 25c
per dfizen ; green corn, 25c per dozen. Weather
fair, business moderate.
Sunday. Au;u t fith, 1871, of hemorrhage of tha
lungs, mum rlizalietli Hoscttba Jfram, aged ZZ
years, 4 months aod 15 days.
Illiuois and Virginia papers please copy.
; Office, No. O Front Street, " !
PORTLAND, in tbe most desirable localities, con
testing of LOTS, HALF BLOCKS and BLOCKS,
HOUSES and STOKES; also, .. . -; .
IMPROVED FARMS, and valuable un
cultivated LANDS, located in ALL parts of tho
REAL ESTATE and other Property pur
chased " for Correspondents, in tbis CITY and
throughout the STATE and TERRITORIES,
with trreot care and on the most ADVANTA
NESS transacted.
AGENTS of this OFFICE in all the CIT
IES and TOWNS in the STATE, will receive
descriptions of FARM PROPERTY and forward
tbe same to the above address. Sv22
The War in Europe
Has at last come to an end and the friends ot good
order and stable government have achieved what
appears to be a complete success. Not so " the
war in Brownsville between the old aud new
systems of doing business, which has not yet
reached a termination ; and ready-pay customers
continue to find at Whoclr's store an opportuni
ty to get the benefit of their prudence and fore
thought. Large additions have just been made to
the stock . and people can probably supply a larger
portion cf their wants from Wheeler's store, than
from any other one establishment in tbe county.
At tbe commencement of tbe diarihea, which
always precede. ao attack of tbe Cholera, take a
!eapoonful of tbe Pail Killer in sugar and wa
ter (hot, if convenient), and then bathe freely the
stomach and bowels with the Pain Killer clear.
Should the diarrhea or cramps continue, repeat
the dose every ten or fifteen minutes until the pa
tient is relieved. In extreme casus two or more
trnspoonfuls may be givon at a dose.
The Pain Killer, a an internal remedy, bas no
equal. In east of Cholera, Summer Complaints,
Dyspepsia. Dysentery, Astbtna, it cures iu one
night, by takiuic it internally and bathing with it
freely. Its action is like megtc when externally
applied to old sores, burns, scald, and sprains.
For sick headache and toothache don't fail to try
it. In abort, it is a 7'uii Killtr. Directions ac
company each bottle.
The Pain Killer is sold by all dealers in nrrdi
rines. Prices, 25 cents, &0 ec-nts. and Si per
bottle. " : aug
We .Tim ii Business!
indebted tn A. Cowan A Co., are requested
to tome forward immediately and pay tbe same.
Remember this, and call at our store, earner
Brumdalbin and First streets, nnd fork over.
Albany, August 19, 1871-8w. - -
puhlio which is pronounced by 'be most
celebrated opticians of the world to be tbe most
perfect, natural artificial help to tho human eye
ever known. Tbey are ground under our own
supervision, at our own manufactory in New
Haven, end are so constructed tbat tbe core or
center of the Ions comes directly in front of the
eye, producing a .
At in the natural, healthy sight, and prevents all
unpleasant sensations, such as glimmering and
wavering of sight, dizziness, etc., peculiar to all
o, her in use.
These glasses are manufactured from minuta
crystal pebbles, melted together, and derive their
name, ' Diamond." oa account of their hardness
aod brilliancy. Tbey are mounted in the finest
manner, at our own manufactory, in all styles o
gold, silver, steel, rubber, and shell frames, of the
best qnalitv. Their durability can not be aur
pa l, ad iheir finish is rn h as will suit tha
mot fastidious. None genuiue unless bearing
oar trade mark. stamped on every frame.
F-r s lie by the principal opticians and jewelers
thr mahout the country. Manufactured by E,
cMscsh t Co.. practical opticians. Now York.
For sale by . .
Dealers In Watches, Clocks. Jewelry, Sil
verware, etc., AiDany, uregon. '
Entered arflnnlini. Ia ait nf r..n t.
1869, by J. E. Spencer A Co.. in the clerk's office
v l TA : i wv . . .
f-Tici vun or lira unitea oiatei , lor mm
oouiDom uutrut of New York.
" 2 .f,"!;,' 5 4alera lav x- y:- -:'y
lie to their full stock of tho latest styles in
Gentlemen's and Youths' Boots, Sboee, Gaiters,
, f. . I . . . . . . . I I A
est thing nut in the Hne of Ladies' and Misses'
waiters, llnlmorils .Newport lies, ahwhui
Buskins, and many other new and fashionable
styles, just received at tbe City Boot Store, which
they will soil as rapidly a they can find pur
chasers wbo wish first-oloaa at the most
reasonable rates. They seapeotfully lovrte- you
to coma and see their stock. Hoots, Shoes, etc,
made or repaired to order, and
S-CITY BOOT 8TOHI3, First Street,
first door west of Register Bulldlug.-w25.
. 47vS ' " '
22 to 25 rents a pound, and 20 cents per
dozen for EGU3, in trade. Persons that eonre to
Albany will make money by calling at th Cash
Store of R. CI1K IDLE CO. t make their pnr-
chases, as tbey are soiling gnosis very cheap now.
June 24-43 H, CHKADLK A CO. .
To the People of Linn County
tbat we have opened an office in Albany,
for the exclusive sale of
Sewing- Machines !
and would respectfully invite all those wartlng a
first-class machine to call at onr office and exam
ine the different kinds of machines now oo exhi
bition. If you want a Buckeye machine, if yoa
want a Florence machine. If you want a W heeler
it Wilt-on machine, if you want a Singer machine,
if you want an American machine, or ifyonwaot
to exchange machines, or if .you want your ma
chine put iu good running order, call and see us.
We are always ready and willing to show onr
machines. We will do our best to give satufae
tion. J3 Oil and Needles kept constantly oa
hand for sale. Old machines taken in exchange
for new me.fg&
We wish to employ good, reliable agents tosell
the Buckeye Sewing Machine, the best selling,
the simplest and most durable shuttle machine om
this coast. Liberal inducements offered. For
particulars address, . MINER A PEARSON.
Eig-ht Reasons why thm Backer Sew
ing Machine is Superior to ail Others I .
1. It is the simplest shuttle machine made.
2. It has less wearing part.
3. It has no small springs and compound
4. It is better adapted to a large range of work
without change. ... v
5. It has less pieces of machinery.
A. It is less liable to break needles than any
other machine.
7. Tbe Shuttle will wear longer than the
shuttle in any other machine.
8. That it bas the best Feeding device, which
will never wear out, get out of order, break nee
dies, feed unevenly, slip oa starched goods, or
put-kor tbe seats, so that one part of the fabrie
will eome out shorter than the other, which all
other feeds are liable to do. It makes every
stitch of an equal length. It is stronger than
other feed. We can take a strong piece of sloth
and put one end in our machine and the other
end in any other machine, and guarantee tbat onr
machine will take tbe cloth from tbe other, 1st eon
sequence of the superior strength of the feed.
It is tbe only feed strong enough to feed thick
sole-leatber, sewing on shoe soles. No soaping
the cloth or any other aid is required.
It has no complicated machinery, and therefore
is not liable to get out of order. It bas m beauti
ful movement, making nearly twa thousand
stitches per minnte. . .
the lock stitch, tbe same as the Howe, Wilson,
Singer and Florence alike on both side. We
offer a premium of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS
for any machine on this coast that will make a
stronger or more elastic stitch than the BUCK
EYE. For full particulars address, ,
. . . . vja.-Eaai. AOFUVS.
34v3. Albany, Or.
3&T Agents wanted in every town and county
on this coast. Address
Albany, Oregon.
For Your Own Especial Benefit !
Please Bead
San Francisco, and cow offer for sale at
A fall assortment of Dry - Goods, Groceries,
Boots and Shoes, Furnishing Goods,
Yankee Notions, etc., etc., con
sisting, in part, of
Calico;' Ginghams,
Law lis, Poplins,
Meriuns, D,
Marseille", Dress Silks,
Brilliants, Skirts",
Jeans, .. II os icry, Table Linen,
Crash, DeflimS,
Check, Diaper,
Stripes, Tick! Dg, '
Corsets, Talle Covers,
. Ladies & Aliases oboes,-
Children 8 bboes,
Gent's Boots and Shoes',
Boy's Boots aod Shoes,
Slippers and Gaiters,
Brown Dome a tic,
B r o w n S.h e eting,
Bleached Sheeting,
lAaea &, Silk lldkchfs,
California Merchandise. -
We invite especial attention to oar large stock
of BOOTS AND SHOES, which are of the best
A full assortment of Gents' and Boys' HATS.
A g.-od assortment of ,
Sueh as medium and, fine Business Suits, medi
um and fine Pants, medium and fine Coats,
diunfand fine Vests, Genu' Under Shirts, Gents'
Drawers, "Gents' Cotton and Woolen Socka,
A full assortment of ..,
A full assortment of Burn Vista Hollow Ware.
Cedar Tubs, Cedar Buckets. Clotbes Baskets,
Market Basket!. Table Cutlery, Pocket Cutlery,
A complete assortment of GROCERIES eon,
stantly on hand..
We Positively Defy Competition.
Albany, July 29, I87I-47vSm3. ;
At F. CHEUIXIT, Prop.,
Manufacturer of-;
OIOaiM a-a w m-a-a-ajo,
ZW U9h Ct 3EC X jbu 3uj X. 5T
Agricultural KXacbinerjr,
and all kinds at-.
Iron and Crsso Cactinga
Sr- Particular attention paid te repairing ad)
kinds of machinery, , . 41v3