VOL. 3. ALBANY, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 19, 1871. NO. 50. mv prBLISHtD XTERT SATVBDAT BT ' jC O L. L.. VAX C LIS YE. irrica.'os oobmeb op febkt asd rmsr-STS. TERMS IN '"ne Year....,.,..,.,.... Six Months Single Copies.. ADVANCE. , Throe Dollars Two Hollars Ten Cents ADVERTISING RATES. Transient advertisements per Sqnare of ten lines or lesi, first insertion, $2 ; each subsequent insertion, $1. . .. , Larger advertisements inserted on the most iberal terms. JOB WORK. flavin- received new type, stock of colored Inks, cards, a Gordon Jobber, etc., we are pre pa ed lo execut all kinds ot printing in a better manner and fiftv per.cent. cheaper tnan ever bo fore offered in this city. . ' Agents for the Register. The following gentlemen are authorized to re ceive fcd receipt for subscription, advertising, etc., ror tnj uecistek ; 1UUAM SMITH. Esq .To lie S. II. CtACGUTOS I'liTER HUME, Esq. ... W. H. KIRK. Esq.... R. E. WHEELER. Vq T. II. REYNOLDS. Eq O. P TOMPKINS. Esq.- U. P- FISHER. Esq ,..Tiarrislurg. Lebanon. ....... Brownsville ......Seio. ..Salem. Iliirrisburg. ...'Frisco. NEW ADVERT ISEM ENTS. JOHN CONNER, B JL U K I-W EXCHANGE OFFICE, ALBASY, ORUGOX. DEPOSITS RECEIVED SUBJECT TO check at sight. ... Interest allowed on time deposits in.coin. Exchange on Forilaud, San Francisco and New York for sale at lowest rates. Collections made and promptly remitted. . Refers to II. W. Corbutt, llenry Failing, W. S. Ladd. Banking hours from 8 a. m. to 4 p. a. "S Albany, February 1, 1871.22v3 ADVERTISEMENTS. LOOK UEKfi ! SAA FU VACIStO STORE! CORNED rillST ASD FEBBT STREETS, ALBANY OREGON. Keeps constantly on hand a full assortment of STOVES, PUMPS & TINWARE 1 I will hare for sale the celebrated Plamon d XlooXc. cook stove, and other leading styles. Also, manufacture all kinds of Tin, Copper and Sheet-Iron Ware, in the best style, at loweRt rates, FOR CASH or COUNTRY PRODUCE. BUSINESS CARDS. TTORNEY AND COUiSELUtt A 1 Orru-K No. J i t First street, between Mor- .... - .1... s....-..i,.n..l lliii.l risn ana Al'ler, opposite ei . . . Portland, Oregon. Will practice in the Superior and Inferior Courts of tbe Stat-;, and in the District and Cir-i-nit Court of the United States, giving special at teutioa to the collection of debts in all parts of Orc-on, stsd t obtaining discharges iu Bauk-rinU-v, which, since the last amendment to the law. i.iav be obtained from all debts .contracted 1.. Jann.irv 1st. 1SISU, witbout re-raru u me cr ceataje whi-b the assetts may finally pay. XoVw-ia'wr 26. 187-12vSy I" JCDCE KELSAV. JOSEPH BASSOS. KliLSAY & HANSON, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. (Partners for Linn county.) OFFICE In Post Offi-e Building, (up stairs). Albany, Linn county. Ore ion. 9fv3 C. IVHZALEY DEALER IU & MANUFACTURER OF U TJ IO. 353" X TT 35. 33 2 :: and- - CABINET WARE-! I5elling- Etc., Corner First ani Sroad Alb in streets, ALB AN y, OREGON. JlS PARTICULAR ATTE.1TIOS PAID TO 'T cnu?.s or az.1. einbs in his line October ISftS-8 GEO. F. SETTLES1IER, 1 IR, TJ Gr Gr I S T. (Successor to D. W. Wakefield,) Parrish's New Ruildiug-, l-'irst Street, ALBANY, OREUON. Always on hand a full supply of The) Purest Wines and Liquors, for Medicinal purposes only. - " - A "well selected stock of Groceries and Crockery will always be found at my establishment. I will sell all goods in my house, for Cash or Produce on delivery, cheaper than ever before offered in this market. S, All kinds of repairing done, on short notice, and entire satisfaction warranted, at my Stove aud Tin Store. JULIUS GRADWOUL. Nov. 19-11 BUILDERS, ATTENTION SASH, BLIXD AXD BOOR P A C T O 11 Y S. H. At-TBOCSE. S. WRIGHT. J. T. BACKKSSTO. AliTIIOUSE & CO., I.T0S STREET, (OS THE RIVER BASK), ALBANY, OREGON. o SURGEON, i. k. hick:, .m. Albany,. ------ Oregon, FF1CE ON TIIE SOUTH SIDE OF MAIN Street. , Alhany, April 70.-32 DEALER IN IV.' S. iuI5oi, CONSTANTLY on hand and receiving, larje ftock of Crocarios aid Provisions, vr i W.'l .w Ware. Tobacco. Cisrar.0, C" r. ..r, Yankee Notions. Ac, Ac, Whoie iinn.mtre 11. J. Hill a. O'ni o. ale nnd stor opposite Aibativ. Oregon. j.iIOTO J. O. UlTf-n&IJ.. J- S. DOLPH. A. SMITH. Mitchell, Bolph &. Satith, 4 TT0RNEY3 and COUNSELLORS at LAW, Solicitors in Chancery and Proctors in Ad tiralty. Office over fue old Post Office, Front street. Portland, Oregon. . I 3 Af.233 A. WARNSE, Cirt! Knisicer & Surveyor. B PREPARED TO DO SURVEYING AND B E.i'i:i ?enne. Uses improve 1 Solar CompafS. " rder bv mail pr-m;tly attended to. Residence ..n i h St., oj.pojite Dr. Tate's residence, Albany Oregon. "9 6m toeII & FIIhh, VTT3RNETS A COUNSELLORS AT LAW and S.iieil rs in Chancery, (Z Plinn, Notary Putlic,) Albany, Oreg n. Collections and conveyances .rf-tt ply attended to. I Bruss and Medicines, CHEMICALS, PAINTS. OILS, GLASS, ETC. - All articles warranted pure and of the best quality. , Physicians Prescriptions carefully compounded. Albany, Oct. 17, 18fiS-6tf L.IVEHY, FELD & SALE S T A B L E S! A I. B A n Y , OREGON. HOXTGOHERY- & BAUTGES, PROPRIETORS. Tr EEP ON HAND A FULL ASSORTMENT and are prepared to lm-riiKli to Order, Doors, Blintl!, and such as Crown, Panel, Band, and Section Mold of all sizes. WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES ! Floorins, and all other kinds of ' Buildiiis material ! NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, XV holesale and Retail, CORNER FIRST A BROADALBIN, ALBANY, A. C. LAYTON. OREGON, PROP. A J m the stock of Geo. W. Young, and added to it a large assortment of GROCERIES AND NOTIONS ! solicits the patronage of bis friends and the pub lic. The stock lsvell selected, and will be sold At the Lowest Prices. We mean TRADE, and will give you VALUE RECEIVED. GIVE USA TRIAL. A. C. LAYTON. Corner First and Eroadalbin streets. We want your Produce, and will give a bargain as can be v found and see ns. good this burgb. Call v3n20 CITY DRUG STORE. A.CAROTHERS. I R. SALTMARSB A. CAROTUERS St CO. DRUGGISTS & APOTHECARIES, (Foster's Block, First street), ALBANY, j OREGON, DEALERS IX Drugs, Chemicals, Medicines, PAINTS, OILS, DYE STUFFS, GLASS, TOIXET GOOD 8, French and American Calognes, HANDKERCHIEF EXTRACTS, CONFECTIONER Y j Pure Wines & Liquors, fur medicinal purposes. Fine Tobacco and Cigars. Physician's Prescriptions and Family Recipes compounded with care. December 31, 18TO-17 of GCO. W. GRAY, D. D- "lirOULD SOLICIT TIIE PAT- y ronae of all persons desir init ARTIFICIAL TEETH and FIRST CLASS DENTAL opera tions. Nitrons Oxide administered for the pain, loss extraction of teeth, when desired. Charges moderate. Office in Parrish A Co.'s brick block. Resi dence, first honso sooth of Congregational Church, fronting on Court House block. Albany. Oregon, July 2, 1S70-43 WAITED. 1A Arfcf'fc BUSHELS OF HtyXjUU which the highest i OF OATS, f. . market price r.ill bo naid. in CASH, at the store of N. S. DU BOISE. Also, Hatter and Egjr, in unlimited quantity, for which the highest market price will be paid in cash. Call and see me. Albany, Aa-. 20, 1870-50 $20. OO A DAY! TO MALE AND FEMALE AGENTS To intr dace the celebrated .: $25 00 BUCKEYE SIIITTLE SEWIXC fTlTlTCH ALIKE ON BOTH SIDES, and is tna only licens;I buttle sewing machine in umvra sola ior less than !f4, to nse the celebrated Wilson feed, and are acknowledged "j w b4 lauiiiy macuine lor lignt or heavy sewinz. in the market. Outfit free. Ad. dress. Ml.tn A 1'EAltSON, Gen vor3t" Aets Alrvany, Oregon. J. D. TITUS, ' , ; Dealer in ; VfT. CLOCKS, JEWEI.RY, ETC. a& Repairing xf iDlocki, Watches, Jewelry, Ao., attended to. All work warranted. 31v3 ALttAiK V MTU llO VSli. JE ARE PREPARED TO FURNISH the public with neat turnouts in the way Stylish Buggies & Carriages Fast StoCls.! On the most reasonable terms. ' Our livery is all new and of the latest styles, and we shall take pride in giving our patrons as neat and reliable an euttit as an be obtained in the State. ' Horses boarded at reasonable rates, by the week or month. Hacks and Carriages furnished for parties, Ac. A share of public patronage is solicited. MONTGOMERY A BARTGES. Albany, December 17, 1870-15 Are prepared to do MILL WORK ; furnish Sha ker Fans, Zigxag Shakers, Suction Fans, Driving Pulleys, of nny kind, at our Factory on Lyon street, (on the "river bank), next below Markbam's warehouse. . AI.TIIOUSE & CO. Alhany, February 0,1 SCO- 4 THS OLD STOYE DEPOT! JOISItf I5KEGCJS, DEALER IX STOVES, COOK, TARL0R & BOX. of the best pattern- THE NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL LIFE Insurance Company of Boston is the only company on this coast, gorerned by the CXassachnsctts Non-Fortcitarc Law. This company was incorporated A. D. 1S.15, and has accumulated assets of over $000,000 00. The following lapsed policies bpve been paid on this coast under this law I Over due at time No. of policy. ofdeutb. AmL insured. 130H 6 mouths. $5,000 33016 4 months. 10,000 38256 , 3 months. 1,000 2010B 10 days. 2,500 30559 '11 months 5,000 Had tbe above policies been in any other coiu puny, they -would have been forfeited. The above facts speak for themselves, and to tbe wise and prudent fuethcr comment is unnec essary. . EVERSON & MIDDLEMISS, GENERAL AGENTS, : : SAN FRANCISCO. Tin, Sheet Iron ami 4 and the usual cssortment of Famishing Goods U be obtained in a TIN STOHE I Repntrn neatly and promptly exfuted, "tSE S3r oa reaionaoie ferwi. -j-j . "Short reckonings, make long friends." Front street - Albany. Next door to Mansfield A Co. dec5'G8-I L . FL Local Ag-cnt, t i February 25, lSJl-25y INN, Albany, Oregron. riTRIVIIVCr. so TJ . - X I I S3 - K W w CO TIIIT TTSDERSKSNED WOULD HESPECT fully inform the eitisens of Albany and vi aiuity that he has taken charge of this establish ment, and, .by keeping clean rooms and paying strict.att'wdK. j to .business, expects to .sui( all those who may favor him with their patronage. Having heretofore carried on nothing but - Firat-Clais ZZa.tr Oreaaiag- Saloons, . faexpes tn give entire satisfaction to" alii- ' " : JS& Children and Ladies' bair neatly cut and shampooed. i . JOSEPH WEBBER. -1 etlay2 ' 1 AH PREPiRED TO X10 :,j ALL KINDS OK TURNING 1 :. I keep on hand and make to order , RAWHIDE-BOTTOMED CHAIRS, ASD "' ' - Spinning' Wheals. SI Shop siear the ' Magnolia Milte." - . ' ' : JOHN.M.METZLER Albany, Nov. 8, I8AH-I HEW STYLE PICTURES. TIIE R E M 13 RAN DT i tyl, Is the most popular made. ; Call and see. .JanH-19J of Photograph now A. J. WINTER, Albany, Oregon. SETTLEHIRE'S MRSERY, Six miles South of Albany, Ltun Co., Near tlio Jliiilx'otvcl SOLICIT TIIE ATTENTION OF ALL persons desiring to purchase Fruit Trees to call and examine my stock, which is composed of the largest and best selection in tbe fetate, con sisting of Apples, Pears, Cherries, Plums, Prunes, Grapes, Black Berries, Currants and Roses. Also, Blact and White Walout, English Wal nut, Hickory, Pecan, ltedbud, Honey Locust, II ackberry, and a number of other varieties of trees and plants too numerous to mention, all of which are ottered at low ratts. HENRY V. SETTLEMIRE. December 17, 1870-15 FINANCES OF LINK COUNTY. OEF1C1AL EXHIBIT OF THE FINANCIAL CON DITION OF IJNN COUNTY FOB THK YEAB ENDING JULY 1, 1871. Statement of Receipt and Itieburiement q tke VouHty and School t una of Jinn Vountf, tr egon,jfor Year ending July 1, 1871. coomtt rvxB. . jDr. . To am 't on band. County - Fund, July 1,1870 $l.S9t 03 To am't ree'd for peddlers' licenses ......... law oo To em't ree'd for ferry r licenses .......... ......... .34 50 To am't ree'd for tax on List 1869, as per ree'pt. 1,004 00 To am't ree'd for tax on List 1869. as per ree'pt. 658 75 To am't ree'd for tax of Assessor cd'ted by him . 656 85 To am't ree'd for tax on List 1869 600 80. To am't ree'd for chain of - old fence ..... 121 61 ..--v. To am't ree'd for tax on List 1889 - 160 00 To am't ree'd for tax on- ' , : roll of 1870 2,424 80 To am't ree'd for ta on ' roll of 1870- 20.933 00 To am't ree'd for tax on roll of 1870.. 3,397 00 To am't ree'd for tax on List of 1869 698 00 .To am't ree'd for tax, as. sessed and collected by Sheriff- 1,628 09 To am't ree'd for tax on List of 1870 3,469 00 To am't ree'd for tax on List of 1870,,,,. ......... 2.845- 00 To am't ree'd for tax on List of 1 870 8,545 63 To am't ree'd for tax on List of 1869 673 03 To am't ree'd for tax- as sessed and collected by Sheriff . 1,427 21 To am't ree'd proceeds of of articles of Russell... 15 26 To am't ree'd on List of 1S70 -..... . 456 00 To am't ree'd on List of 1870 4,007 00 To am't ree'd on roads that failed (costs) 37 00 To am't ree'd trial fees of Clerk 36 00 To am't ree'd for tax as sessed and collected by Sheriff . 300 70 To ain't ree'd, trial fees of Clerk, L. T - 30 00 To nm't ree'd on tax list 1870 1,339 00 r To am't ree'd on tax list 1869 292 00 To am't ree'd on road that failed (costs) 27 00 To nm't ree'd on road that failed (costs) 5 00 To am't ree'd on tax list 1870 1,936 53 To am't ree'd on tax list 1869 836 32 To am't ree'd lor liqnor licenses . 750 00 To am't ree'd for warrant on Marion county 433 15 To am't ree'd, payin't of , A- Cowan's note..,.-.. 62 68 ' SCHOOL rFKD. .-- -.. To am't on hand July 1. 1S70 ...$1,195 60 To proceeds of sales of estrays reported up to July 1, 1871, fr.m July 1. 1870 .. 216 95 To am't of lines reported. 30 00 To am't forfeited bond of ! D. Miller 100 00 By am't all'w'd andp'don j 1 600 00 $12,153 38 12.153 38 By balance, aotual indebt edness .1 tbe eounty, as It would appear if no jail expenses had been -contracted-....... ...... 10,450 11 $22,603 49 32.603 49 XXSIBIT AMD , Statement of General Expense of linn Count), rae rear ending July 1, 1871. Vr. To interest on bills payable, m por tion of whioh had accrued and become due prior to July 1. 1870- $ 1,250 35 Xo expenses or working eounty roauj extra work by Supervisors ........... To lumber procured by Supervisors... To nails and spikes......... .............. To tools for districts.......... ....... To gravel for ronds n ........ To guide board. ................. To timber. .a.......,... To am't paid for bridges, a portion ef which was on old contracts....... To expense of view and survey of. and location ef eounty roads.. To new fence around tbe court-house square. ...., ....... . To wood for winter of 1870-71,.. To wood for winter of 1871-72.. To improvements and repairs done n eourt-house... ......... To lights, oil lamps and candles ...... lo amount or county printing. ....... Ta blank books and stationery Te expense of paupers and poor per sons To preliminary examinations of crim inal cases in magistrates' courts... To eost of arrests, keeping, and in quisitions of insane persons. . ....... To jury list, formed for justice's court, by lb B. Miller, Justice, To expenses of Coroner's inquests... To expenses of Circuit Court, Oct. term, 1870 including fees of ju rors, Grand Jury, bailiffs, witnesses in criminal cases and before Grand Jury, fees of officers in criminal eases, and per diem of officers, fees mad expenses of Sheriff keeping prisoners To expenses of Circuit Court, March term, 1871 including all fees and expenses ...... . ...... To case of Marion eounty vs. Linn eauntyt Judgment for Marion... $431 87 Attorney's indemnifying fee Sheriff's fees....... ' Witness fees............... : Clerk's fees ...... . Attorney's fees.. .......... 1,031 50 1,009 70 , .44 86 9 25 77 60 27 70 10 00 785 42 694 62 .,620 00 14 1 75 ' 141 74 - 334 33 45 00 178 00 238 76 1,234 98 607 70 62 00 7 00 43 16 2,963 16 1,8 35 10 00 21 75 27 20 15 76 50 00 JPlxro ! Fire! 3Fliro ! A Great liar gain. TnE FARM KNOWN AS "FARMOTJNT Lake" is offered for sale at $10,000 in coin $4,000 in hand, and tbe remainder in six equal annual payments, with interest from date. Tbe tract is in good shape, being nearly a square, con taining about 660 acres of rich soil ; and is diver sified with forests vast, fair lawns, lordly oaks, and willows sitting by the lake, the woodland and prairie so alternating as to make it one of tbe most attractive places in the State. It is situated on tbe west side of tbe Willamette river, within half a mile of Albany, -bich is known as being in the heart of the best agricultural portion of Oregon. The location is healthful.7 It has a good stone quarry, about 100 acres under fence, a two story frame barn with shedding 90 feet square ; a large and handsome new house two-stories high, thoroughly painted inside and out, the large cup boards and book- ases boing fixtures, and the house having under its whole length a good dry cellar. In addition to thee there is a neat well- house, a wood-house and nil other necessary ont- hobses. There is a meadow,, large pasture, or chards, garden, Ac., Ac. It is susceptible of be ing divided into four farms, all of them having good soil, fuel and rail timber, and three of them having stock-water. ? For particulars address J. C. Mendcnhall, Esq. Albany, or the undersign at Portland. J. QL INN THORNTON. Feb. 14th, 1S71 24v3. Attorney at Law. $ 62,402 38 62,402 38 corsTT ruxo. Cr. By ain't paid to State, as per receipted ... szu,yG 7 December, by warrants re- dee j-ed and turned over, . prin'l and int..... 4,248 36 April, by warrants redeem ed and turned over, prin'l and int ....... .... 7,040 33 July, by warrants redeem- ; ed and turned over, prin'l and int-. .... 10,846 21 SCHOOL PCSD. ' By am't of school orders on band to pay (and since paid), July 1, 1870 .. $ 863 3 By am't paid on estrays claimed Id 75 By am't paid to districts. as per apportionment for school year ending March, 1871 6,873 16 By am't of loss on legal tenders. o SO By balance on band in treasury to balance...... 11,553 I A Stitch in Tims Saves Nine!" TJN'ioiar ire and Marine Insurance Company ! Nos. 416 and 418, California street, San Francisco, - - - California. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE Cash Capital, In Gold Coin, $750,000. , Deposit in : Oregon, 950,000. Losses Promptly and Equitably Adjusted And 1'aid tn Uotd Vom. rTVIIS COMPANY having complied with the laws of Oregon, by making a deposit of fifty thousand dollars, is now prepared to encct insur ance against Loss or Damage bv Fire, and also against Marine and Inland Navigation risks, on liberal terms, , . GTJSTAVE TOTJCHARD, Pres. CHAS. D. HAVEN, See'y. J. C. MENDENHA1L, Ag-ent for Albany. Albany, 1871-18 ALHAIY BOOK 8TOIXI3. ESTABLISHED IN 18S8. ' 13- .A.. 3?,I.li:ElL,JtV3VI, DKALEB IS" EVKRY ! VARIETY OF M isoellaneous Books, School Books. Blank liooks, stationery, Ae. L Books imported to exder Albany, Oregon, December 3," 1870. ',; ' ' FRANK A. COOK, 300ELBIND ' A5JD . . Blank Book Manufacturer: SALEM, OREGON. TYAVINO ESTABLISHED A FIRST CLASS 11 Bookbindery in Salem, is now prepared to do all manner of work known to the trade. Magazines, Newspapers and Music bound in any desired style. , - . Old Books re-boand. Blank Books, of every description, with or without printed headings, manufactured to order, Blanks, of every kind, ruled ana printed to order. PRICES SEASONABLE. In Gray's Brick Block. . . 43m4 .MARBLE WORKS. JUonroe & Staiger, Dealers in M0N'3IENTS,0BELISKS,T0MBS HEAD AND rOOT STONES, : Executed in California, Vermont and Italian marble, - J SALEM," OREGON. . jCST" Oranclr Shop at . Albany. "5S mas. VANVACTOK. DEALER IN MILLINERY AND FANCY Goods, Lebanon, Oregon, ha. jast received an elesant invoice of stock and goods to which she invites the attention, of the ladies oi "i pi will be taken in exchange for goods'! . - E. VAN VACTOR May 13, 1871-303 - r. ' 1 " ' $556 67 To per cent, paid fur keeping school fund for the year ending July, 1870 To per cent, paid for keeping school luna ior tne year ending July,1871 To expenses of conveying taxes of State to State Treasurer ..- To salary of County Judge . lo salary or county Treasurer.,... To salary of County School Super intendent. ..... . To amount allswed County Clerk. To amount allowed Sheriff.. To amount allowed Assessor for the assessment of 1870........ Te amount allowed County Commis sioners .. .. ... Te plan and specifications for county jail, ot riper Burton.......-.. To well at jail ... Te two copies of specifications......... To expense of St. John's trip to Portland to see architects............ To District Attorney's pay ..... .... To interest paid on eounty warrants redeemed ....... . ......... ....... To amount advanced pay on jail eon tract, to B. W. Cundiff $600 00 To balance of contract with Cundiff te build jail 8.950 00 To apportionment to State.... To apportionment to district schools. 666 67 387 19 410 00 19 50 900 00 800 00 600 00 1,878 00 841 65 499 65 318 60 ' 160 00 . 40 00 20 00 17 60 277 60 687 75 9.560 00 20,964 74 6 873 16 Statement of Auenment and Levy, and ttont thereon, for tear ' To am't of levy on a ssess- ment ret d by Assessor of the sum of $3.536,6 15 at 15 mills -$53,047 79 To $1,656 at $1 . 1,650 00 $58,693 78 Collee- Jr. $54,603 79 656 85 S4.603 79 Cr. $ 62,402 33 62,402 38 ASSBTTS AHD LIABILITIBS Of Linn County, for the Year ending July 1 ,1871. Dr. To J. C. Graves' note, J. A. Crawford, holder $ 1,000 00 To G. H. Baber, note, J. H, Crawford bolder 2,056 80 To J. P. Tate's note. 600 00 To Jacob Kees' note 2,636 75 To W.IIale.note, M. Hale, bolder. - 1,000 00 To Edward Loafs note 2,000 00 To note to School Com- ar. missioners 1,113 53 To eounty warrants out standing....--... 12,296 41 . Toassctts to balance 2,482 83 By am't eol'd by Assesser $ By am't eol'd by bberin up to April 8th 45,021 71 By per cent, all'd Sheriff tor collecting..... l,4iw vs By errors on tax roll re ported by Sb'ff April 8, 1871 ... 29 33 By further am't collected b Sb'ff up to. July 1, 1871 . 3.731 63 By errors reported by Sh'ff on tax roll July 1. 1871 . no az By delinquent list rep'rt'd July I, 1871, to balance z,4oo sz $54,603 79 64,603 79 Respectfully submitted and attested. A. C. JONES. August 11, 1871. County Clerk. A Kit to a reason's Nisi. By tbe accom panying table of tetters tbe name or any person may be found out in the following manner $35,080 31 By delinquent list 1861$ 621 76 " " - 1863 870 It " 1863 767 76 " - 1864 ' 1,091 8S " 1865 1.713 11 " 1866-67 4,254 00 1868 868 04 " - " " 1869 1,261 84 " j " 1870 2,436 83 By old notes... ... 161 00 By balance cash on bead. 11,553 38 35,086 31 I Cr. A B D II P C C E I Q B F F ; J R 0 a .a k s 1 J I. L T K K M M wtl M N N N V O o o o w Q R T X. ' X 8 8 8 - ' - V - . ' E TJ V . , V Y Z Y : Z $25,086 31 Te toUlexisting liabilities as shown above. -. $23,603 49 Toeontraeted liabllities.te , ... wits Jail eontraet, yet . unpaid and to be due and paid upon oomple-- ' , tion of the jail......... 8,950 00 35,080 31 Dr. Let tbe person whose name you wish to know inform you in which of the upright eolumas tbe ftrst letter of his name is contained. If it be found in but one column it is tbe top letter if it occurs in more than one column, it is found by adding the alphabetical numbers oa the top letters these columns, and the sura will be tbe number f tba !!ti- aoiiarht. Bv takins one letter at ;n. t M iha whole can be ascertained. For example take tbe word jane. ia i k. . .mImm MnntMinr wita U ano u which are the Zd and 8tn letter oown vm bet t the sum is 10, and the tenth letter down the alphabet ia 3, the letter sought. The next letter, A, appears in but one column where it etaads at I the ton. N te seen in tne columns neaueu . aud H t these are tbe second, fourth and gjb ! letters of the alphabet, which added soothe Min or N, and so on. The use of this alphabet wiii ezeite no little curiosity among those unacquaint ed with tbe foregoing explanation. . , ; . A Totiehfag Obituary. A disconsolate husband thus bewail the loss of bis wife, and apostrophizes her memory : Thus mv wife died. No more will those loving hands pull off my boots aid part my back hair, as only a true wife can. ..Nor will those willing feet replen iih the coal hod and water pail. No more will she arise amid tbe tempestuoa storms of winter, and gladly hie. herself away to build the fire without disturbing the slumbers of the man who doted or her oo artlessly. Her memory is em- baltncd in my heart oi Hearts. A wanted to embalm her body, but I found I oould embalm her memory mach cheaper. I procured of Kh Mudget, a neighbor of mine, a very pretty gravestone. JJle wife was consuuiDtive. acd ne Kept ft on hand several years iu anticipation of her' j t , t ii? i ,i... : M a A ueaia. 13 ut sne raiuea tna spnuK, auu his hopes were blasted. Never shall I forget the poor man's grief when I asked" him to part with it. ' "Take it, Skinner, and may you never know what it is to have your soul racked with disappoint ment as mine has been 1" and be burst into a flood of tears. His spins war indeed utterly broken. I had the following epistle engraved upon her gravestone : "To the memory of . Tabitha, wife of Moses Skinner, Esq , gentlemanly editor of tbe Trombone, Terms three dollars a year, invariably in advance. A kind mother and exemplary wife. Office over Coleman's grocery, up two flights of stairs. Knock hard. We shall miss thee, mother, we shall mis tbee. Job printing solicited." Thus did my lacerated spirit cry out in agony, even as , Rachel weeping . for her children. But one ray of lighffpenetra-v tp.rl tbe desnair of mv soul. The under taker took his nav m iob orintfiBK. and. tba sexton owed me a little "accotTfit f should not bave gotten any other Why should we pine at the mysterious ways of providence and vicinity. (Not. a conundrum.) 1 here pause to drop a silent tear to the memory of Tabitha Riply, that was an eminently pious woV man, and could fry the best piece of tripe " I ever flung under my vest. Her pick up dinners were a . perfoct success, and . she always doted on foreign missions. . A Gigantic Marriage. A London letter ssys: " What might be called tall wraildino. ffnmn riff tn rlnv at George's church, close to Trafalgar Square. Captain Van Buren Bates, a Kentuckian who is said to have served in the Confederate army, and who is eight feet high, and weighs four hundred pounds! and Miss Sarah Swan, a Nova Scotian lady, some inches taller than the - .. . , ... i . Captain, ana sdoui ine same weigns, were united ia the holy bftrjdi of mstri? mony. The'ceremony is thus describttu by an English witness. The hour fixed for the solemnity; was 11 A. M., and the affair having got wind, there was, long- before the momentous question was put by the priest, a goodly company of those, spectators to whom any kind of a wed" ins is always gratifying and a monster wedding a joy forever. At 101 exactly the bridegroom arrived, and walked oobh posedly up to tbe altar. He did not wear the uniform of tbe corps of Anakim in which he is understood to bold a cap tain's commission, but an ordinary dress, f we except an exccedinelv. blue tie. At 10:50 loud whispers, succeeded by a dead silence, announced the approaob or tbe bride, who, pale of face, and clad in few acres of 'white samite, mystic, won- dcrful,' and, with her vail thrown back, moved as majestically as her peculiar cir cumstances or circumference would admit of, up the nave, and looked down upon hinr from her superior eminence with a ghastly smile proper to tbo occasion. , She bad been preceded by the 'two-headed nightingale combination,' whose misfor tune naturally caused a bust ot comment and much hilarity. The service was read amid a reverential scene of whispering, giggling and climbing over pews; ana when it was over, tbe usual signing' ot names appeared to occupy-' more than the legitimate time. As the reason couia not be the length of the names, which by no means corresponds with that of the owners,one is driven to the conclusion that children of Anakim, like some other great folks, find writing a laborious and difficult operation. At last, however, t no psir of titans emerged from the vestry and strode arm in arm, touovea by the sympathizing 'combination, and ...niKMn ui tiw tiis amine nr tne "weu- ding march,' to meet the plaudits of the outside crowd. At 11:30 all was over. It were rash to dip into the future; but one cannot help seeing that if, when gi- U LB U1SIIJ lUIOTI.. . w - - o .. and giantesses, there has this day been taken a step which will shortiy ruin the business." ' . ' The Washington correspondents having failed in their efforts to reconstruct the Cabinet, are now attempting 'to' get the Secretary of the Navy married. I- $31,553 49 81,553 49 j Or. By balance in treasury, ae : !. ? . shown above, to apply on liabilities. .-;. . " and created, by Jail...-,$U.5S S3 By indebtedness of eounty : . to balance upon comple- . ' ; f tion of and payment for - : '. jil.....- . 30,000 11 i - ' $31,553 4 TotoUI liabilities, less Jail contract as shewn above $22,003 49 By am't of baTu in treas'y, - v . 2 ". over and above the jail " eeatraet $1153 33 t w . 11,553 43 Vr. 33,003 49 Cr, The Chicago Tribune says the police authorities are so active in tbe suppres sion of gambling "that no gambling shop, known as such, dare open its aoors in Chicago." ,, , . " , - i L '11 . . .e ; 1 1 .. -, A Norfolk paper reports that a little girl was lately lost among the tall weeds of a principal street, and was only found after an hour s searcn dj tne neignnors. Miss E1U M. Liggett has been made I a Professor of Washburna , College, at I Topeka, Kansas: , One New York paper calls another "oothinc but a channel for the opinions of .renegades, Jeremy Didders and su- perannuated gerund-grinders t " . . ".I U .Ill Some trouble' bas occurred in an Ill inois town by the discovery that a Jude bas for several months past been swear ing witnesses on a dictionary. M I wooder -what causes my eyes to It so weak ? " said a top to a gentleman. " They are in a weak lace," replied the latter. --.. - i i A yourj nan .at vVjaraiso, took ten gra' of mz rl.ioe because bU father would i--t let hi a go to the clccx mtarmelons ars C at Neira, N. O. " There are C8 colle-es f;r f; the United States. .