The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, August 12, 1871, Image 4

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    General Information About Oregon.
We take the foliowiug interesting
article from the East Portland Era :
la 1858 Oregon was admitted aa a State
in the Union, with a population of about
50,000. Since that time her career has
been one of unusual prosperity. She has
undergone none of the viccissitudes that
usually happen to most new countries.
Her progress has never been rapid at any
time ; always slow, but at the same time
always sure. Her future is one of un
bounded promise. The majority of her
people, trained in the school of adversity
and trial, have tho economical and indus
trious habits that go to build up nations
to wealth and fame.
' Oregon lies between the 42d and 46th
parallels of north latitude, and between
the 117th meridian west from Greenwich
- and the Pacific ocean. The State has an
aveiage length, east and west, of 3Z0
miles ; and a breadth, north and south,
of 275 miles. Its territorial area is 9Gr
250 square miles. The population by
the census of 1870 is 90,776.
Oregon has great and varied natural
resources. Her valleys are highly pro
ductive ; her mountains abound with the
finest timber produced by any country in
the world. Numerous beds and mines oi
iron and coal exist in the coast range of
mountains; and in tho mountain ranges
of the interior are found gold, silver, cop
per, iron, coal, and other mineials. . Her
rivers yield, annually, very large returns
to the fisherman for his labor: salmon
from the Columbia and other rivers of
Oregon are now being esteemed the finest
of its species. The native wild grasses
of the State are of excellent quality and
very luxuriant in growth, fattening every
year large herds of cattle ready for mar
ket. The prospects for her to become a
manufacturing State are uncommonly
good. Raw material of every description,
' fuel, and water power, the three requi
sites for manufacturing enterprise, are
found well distributed throughout the
About one-third of the entire area of
tho State is adapted to agriculture, an
other third to grazing purposes ; the re
mainder is mountain and timber land.
Of the grazing lands, but a small propor
, tion has passed from the hands of the
government into that of private parties.
. lbe amount of land under cultivation
does not exceed five per cent of the ag
gregate quantity adapted to that purpose.
The, umber lands still belong to the gov
ernment, almost in an unbroken area.
The Columbia river forms the northern
boundary of the State. . The water-shed
of this magnificent river embraces terri
tory equal to half a continent. It drains
the western slope of the Rocky mount-
, ains for ten degrees of latitude. It is
the natural gateway of this extensive
territory the only outlet to the sea. The
position that Oregon occupies on its waters
gives the State the key to its outlet and
the control of its euuimerce. The country
about its head waters is as yet scarcely
anything but a wilderness ; still very
large exports and imports find their way
up and down the Columbia river. The
gorge of the Columbia offers the only pos
sible route through the Cascade mount
ains for the Northern Pacific railroad.
: Its tributaries interlocking with those of
the Missouri, 800 miles from the eca,
form a natural highway for the passage
of the road across the Rocky mountain
'chain. That a great commerce will at
some time in the future make its high-
: way through the valley of the Columbia
" there is hardly any necessity of attempt
ing to prove by argument. The proposi
ioa is self evident.
The mouth of the Columbia is five
hundred miles nearer China than is San
Francisco; and the entire route froca
China to New York by way of the Co
lumbia river and the route of the North
era Pacific railroad is eight hundred
miles shorter than that by way of San
' Francisco and the Central route across
the eontinent. Of the forty millions of
," people who now inhabit the United
States, two-thirds are nearer to the mouth
of the Columbia river, by way of, the
Columbia river valley and its proposed
railway connections, than to any other
point on the Pacific coast. . Vessels go
ing from San . Francisco to Japan or
-.. China sail upon what is called the "grand
.circle" that is, they sail northward to
-within one . hundred - miles of Paget
, Sound before attempting to cross the
ocean, instead of in a straight line. Any
: one testing these facts by a string on a
globe will be surprised at the result, if
shey have not previously studied the ef
fect of the earth's rotundity and its di
minished protuberance as you go north-
ward toward the pole. No argument
could better illustrate the advantageous
- position occupied by Oregon on the prin
cipal international highway across the
American continent.
physical characteristics ot a conn-
try exert an important influence on its
Wlnbabitants. Grand scenery, leaping wa
ters, and a bracing atmosphere, produce
men of a different cast from those who
dwell where the land is on a dead level,
and where the streams are all sluggards.
- Physically, Oregon is a rugged, mount
ainous country, with numerous valleys,
large and small, lying deep within its
'mountain ranges. To say that the coun
try is rough in its outward appearance
does not convey a fair idea of it, however,
as its valleys have much smooth, undu
lating surface. That term would prop
erly apply to the mountainous portions,
and some portions of the high table lands.
The valleys are remarkable for their great
beauty and fertility. 7 V. t . -
The principal mountain range is the
Cascade. It is the great Andes chain of
North America, known in Mexico as the
Cordillera, in California as the Sierra
Nevada, and in Oregon and Washington
ss the Cascade. , Its general direction is
rarallel with the coast line. ; Its altitude
!eg the main ridge is from 6,000 to
8,000 feet above the level of the sea. It
rs-ominent peaks ascend to the regions of
perpetual snow. A tow range lying close
to the shore of the Pacific ocean, called
t? e Coast range, has aa al&ituda-of from
SjCOO-'to-SOOO feet Between these two
TsnsS. and separated, from each, other by
liVspura of each of the two, ate the
tUrta Takers- which; extending from the
Columbia river to the California line,
constitute the important part of the State
in a political and commercial point of
view. The Willamette Valley is the
largest and most northerly of the series.
The Umpqua lies next to it on the South,
and Rogue River Valley lies close ta the
California line. ;
Eastern Oregon, embracing all that part
of the State east of the Cascade mount
ains, is a high, rolling table land, broken
and rugged in many places, and inter
sected by numerous etnall water courses
which have a general northerly direction
to the Columbia. All these streams have
worn deep channels in the rolling table
lands through which thev make their
way to the Columbia, thus adding very
much to the general unevennebs of sur
face throughout this part of the State.
The valleys of this section of the State
are generally email The largest, Grand
Ronde Valley and Powder River Valley,
hare each of them sufficient territorial
area for a large county. Harney Lake
Vailey is a feature of Eastern- Oregon
remarkable for its having no outlet. It
is a basin in the high plateau of that part
of the State, about forty miles in diame
ter and nearly circular. The only drain
age of the inner slope of the basin is into
a small lake in the southeastern part,near
the rim, the water of which is brackish
and unwholesome. The valley, or basin,
has no value except for gracing purposes:
tho surface is broken and rocky, and the
soil poor, except in the northern part,
which contains a large area of good land
The valleys and table lands of Eastern
Oregon, comprising more : than two-
thirds the entire area, are prairies. The
mountains are heavily timbered. In
Western Oregon the rallevs consist prio
cipally of prairie lands, with groves and
belts of timber at short intervals, while
the mountain ranges' support an uncom
monly heavy growth of timber.
The entrance to the Columbia River is
amid sand bars and shoals that for a quar
ter of a century were supposed to otter a
very serious impediment to the naviga
tion of the river, and to destroy in
measure its usefulness as a channel for
commerce. The earlier navigators found
some difficulty in entering the river, and
reported the cntiance to be dangerous,
and the water on the bar too shallow to
admit the passage of other than light
draught vessels. During the period cx
tending from 1S45 to 1860 a number of
vessels were lost in endeavoring to cross
the bar.' These things, taken together.
led to the very general impression that
navigation about the mouth of the Colum
bia liiver was attended with an unusual
risk, and that none but light draft ves
sets could ascend the river. A few years
ago the United btates government or
dcred a survey of the bar and channel by
officers of the coast survey. It was found
that there was twenty-one feet ot water
on the bar at the lowest stage, which is
more water than there is on the bar at
the mouth of the .Mississippi. The chan
nel has been carefully marked by buoys
A steam tug is constantly employed on
the bar and pilot grounds,, under a con
tract with and subsidy from the State.
The government has erected a first-class
light on tho headland north'of the en
trance. The channel has become famil
iar to navigators, so that the entrance
may now be considered entirely safe, and
its navigation attended with no greater
risk or detention than is usually found at
the entrance of any other navigable river.
There have been no marine disasters at
the entrance of the Columbia river since
the year 1865. . Statistics from the books
of the custom house at Astoria show that
during the period between that date and
the timeot the present writing the num
ber of anivals and departures of vessels
of all kinds was 629.
The Columbia is the largest of any of
the rivers having an outlet on the west
ern coast of America. Amoog the rivers
of the United States it ranks as third for
its volume of water and for the area of
territory drained by its tributaries. It
is navigable for sea going vessels of large
size as high as the mouth of the Willam
ette, 100 milts from the sea. Above this
point it is navigable to Wallula, 240 miles
further, for first-class river steamers, by
making two portages, one of six miles at
the Cascades, the other of fourteen miles
at the Dalles of the Columbia. Naviga
tion on its upper waters is considerably
Obstructed by the very many rapids and
the rocky nature of the channel in many
place.". These, however, have been very
much improved by private enterprise.
The portages around the two rapids which
offer the most serious obstacles to naviga
tion are made by railroads connecting the
navigable sections of the river, so that the
commerce of the river suffers no hindrance
or interruption. Above Wallula the
Columbia and one of its tributaries, the
Snake river, is navigable during high
water to Lew is ton, in Idaho, about 200
miles from the sea.
The Willamette river is navigable to
Portland, 12 miles above its confluence
with the Columbia, for ocean steamers and
other sea going craft.-Above Portland
it is navigable for river steamers as
high as Salem at all stages of water, aod
to Corvallis for about nine or ten months
of the year. - The first named place " is
about 75 miles, the second 125 miles
from its mouth. Navigation for this dis
tance is not continuous. , The falls of the
Willamette at Qregon City. 12 miles
above Portland, 'necessitate a hauling of
cargo and. transfer of passengers from
boats below to boats above tho falls, and
vie veneu The arrangements for effect
ing the transfer are of the best kind. A
charter has been granted by the State for
the construction ot locks at the tails.
This is an improvement which when com
pleted will admit of the passage of boats
up or down without transfer of cargo and
without interruption or delay. '
The Umpqua river is navigable to
Scottsburg, 2o miles from its mouth, for
light draft vessels, a An experiment re
cently made shows that with some im
provements made in the channel the river
micrnt Do navizatea some u cones nigu
" "P- i A
The first railroad in OregodasJmilt
in 1862, by the; Oregon Steam Naviga
tion Company, across the porlago at the
Dalles of tho Columbia, to connect the
river steamers plying below with those
above the rapids. It is 14 miles long,
and was built solely with reference to the
river trade." It has no connection with
the railroad system of the State.
1 he railroad system of Oregon is now
beginning to be developed. It embraces
in the hrst place a continuous line from
Portland to Sacramento. California, with
branch diverging at the head of the
Willamette valley, or at some point near
the southern boundary of the State, east
ward, and connecting with the trunk line
of the Central Pacific at the big bend of
the Humboldt. Work on the Oregon
end of this line was commenced at Port
land late in the season of 1869. The first
section, of twenty -miles, was completed
that Tear, and during the year 1870 it
was pushed on to Albany, 78 miles from
the starting point. The present spring it
has been completed to a point 100 miles
south from Portland. The work is being
prosecuted with vigor, and it will proba
bly reach the head of the Willamette
valley the present season. The California
end ot the road has been completed to
Tehama, about 140 miles north from Sac
ramento. This road passes up the Wil
lamette valley from Portland on the east
side of the river. In Oregon it is being
constructed by the Oregon aod California
Railroad Company, and is known by that
name. It will pass through the three
great valleys of Western Oregon their
entire length, and will give railroad fa-
cilities to a very large section of South
ern Oregon and Northern California,
known as the vallevs of the Klamath and
Goose Lake. The Oregon and California
Railroad Company have received from the
general government a grant of land equal
to 12.800 acres per mile to aid in the
construction ot the road.
On the west side of the Willamette
river the Oregon Central Railroad Com
pany have commenced the construction
of a road from Portland up the west side
of the Willamette valley, with a branch
to extend to Astoria, at the mouth o" the
r. Columbia river. This company also have
. LX received a grant of 12,800 acres of land
twenty mile section is to be completed by
May, 1872. V
The series of valleys lying between the
Cascade mountains and the Coast Range
of Oregon composes the most important
port of the State. On account ot the
great fertility of the soil, and the remark
able mildness aod salubrity of rhe cli
mate, those vallevs arc capable of sup
"porting a population as large aa that of
any country in the world of equal area.
They arc neatly alike in soil and climate,
except that the Willamette, the most
northerly of the three, has the greatest
rain fall ; Rogue river valley, the most
souther ly.ot them all, has the dryest clt
mate ; and Umpqua valley, lying between
the other two, being more of a medium
in that respect. The Willamette valley,
the largest of the series, is not only the
finest agricultural district ot the Pacific
slope, but one of the best of North Amer
ica. Its area is, not as great as that of
the Sacramento valley, but at the same
time it contains more arable land. It is
remarkable as having little or no waste
land. There is hardly an hundred acres
of land in one body anywhere in the Wil
lamette valley that is not susceptible of
being put to some agricultural Use. It is
about 125 miles long, counting from the
valley proper to the Columbia river, with
an average breadth ot about 4U miles,
counting from the base of the mountains
on each side, exclusive ot small lateral
valleys diverging hero and there. 'Its
entire area is about 5,000 square miles,
or something larger than the State of
Connecticut; or if we admit the eutire
of the Willamette river in the estimate,
the area would be about 12,000 square
miles about the same as Connecticut and
Massachusetts put together. The valley
is politically divided into uiue counties,
having an aggregate population of 61,147,
or a little more than two-thirds the entire
population of the State. It contains the
eldest settlement m Oregon. In the
early history of the country the iVilla-
mette valley -was Oregon ; and even now
the phrase "down in Oregon," as used by
people drifting around through Idaho and
other localities east of the mountains, is
intended to refer particularly to the Wil
lamette valley. -
From the time when the colony of
American settlers, clustering around the
Mission, on the banks of the Willamette,
came to outnumber the British traders
north of the Columbia, to the present
hour, the Willamette valley has been the
center of political and commercial power
on the northern coast. , Mankind has the
same history in every country. It is on
the rich alluvial lands that population in
creases and wealth and power accumulate.
The valley of the Nile and the plains of
Italy in former times, and the valley of
the Mississippi at the present day, serve
as the most magnificent examples of the
capacity of a people to attain to great
wealth and power when located upon a
wide extent of rich alluvial soil. Agri
culture is the basis of all prosperity. The
soil and climate that produces the great
est number of bushels of wheat to the
acre will support and will eventually attain
the greatest population to the square mile.
Of easy access from the sea by the
channel of a large, navigable rivor, with a
navigable stream in the middle and aline
of railway-on each side, the commercial
facilities of the Willamette Valley are
unsurpassed in any part of the United
States. It is adapted by soil and climate,
and its geographical position, as well as
its resources of timber, iron, coal and
other raw material, fit it to become the
center of large manufactures. It is suit
ed to become the homes of men, and the
seat of -; emniro. The surface of the
Willamette Valley is undulating; in some
nlaces onite hillv. in others there are
tracts for miles in extent of quite level
land. It consists of alternate stretches of
timber and prairie. "V In the southern part
of the valley there is a preponderance of
prairie over timbered land, which gradual
iy diminishes towards the north until the
timbered country of the Columbia river is
reached, where the timbered lands largely
predominate. The valley is watered by
numerous tributaries of the Willamette,
large and small, coming from the moun
tains on each side, affording an excellent
supply of pure, soft water for farm and
domestic purposes, and large water-power
for man ulactu ring purposes. In nearly
all parts of the valley springs and- small
brooks abound. Good water is easily at
tained, where these do not exist, by dig
King. There are no . salt. Jtirackisn. or
alkaline waters in the valley. . .
The Willamette Valley being the most
densely populated portion of the State,
and containing as it does the oldest set
tlement, is enabled to boast more and
better educational facilities, more church
es, more rennement and home com torts in
society than the other settlements, which
have been reclaimed from the band of the
savage but a few years. In the principal
towns there exist all the neatness aod
home like appearance that render the vil
lages of New England . so attractive.
Society is firmly established. Traveling
and mail facilities are equal to the wants
of the people. .Land in the Willamette
Valley is held in large tracts. That is
the natural result of the policy adopted
by the government toward the early set
tlers, whereby every 7 man of a family
was enabled to obtain 640 acres of land.
This state of affairs has been a detriment
to the country, a serious drawback to the
settlement and cultivation of the soil.
Time and the influx of.a new population,
will, however, remedy this evil. Ihe
population of the Willamette Valley is
but about twelve persons to the square
mile. If it was as densely populated as
Massachusetts it would contain nearly
one million people. That it is capable of
supporting a vast population, in comfort
and affluence, no one will hesitate to be
lieve, when its great resources are com
pared with those of the most thickly
settled parts of the United States. The
natural capacities in this respect, of the
best of the Eastern States, will ..hardly
compare with it: for it combines within
itself every element essential to the pros-
ecutiou of the various industries of man
Anecdotes of Daniel Webster.
Among the Websterians there is nothing
of his better than the answer to the
French Minister who asked him, while
Secretary of State, whether the United
States would recognize the ' new Govern
ment of France.
The Secretary assumed a very solemn
tone and attitude, saying :
"Why not? Tho United States has
recognized the Bourbons, the Republic,
the Directory, the Council of Five Hun
dred, the rirst Uonsul, the Jiiinpemr,
Louis XVIII, Charles X, Louis Phil
lippe, th. "
"Enough ! ' Enough 1" cried the
French Minister, perfectly satisfied by
such a formidable citation of consistent
When Daniel Webster was a young
man, about commencing . the study of
law, he was advised not to enter the le
gal profession, for it was already crowd,
cd. His reply was, "There is room
enough at the top."
What but a suppressed sense of humor,
in both speaker and auditors, could pos
sibly have carried off such a speech as
this, which is attributed to Webster :
"Men of Rochester, 1 am glad to see
you, and 1 am glad to see your noble
city. Gentlemen, I saw your talis, which
1 am told are 150 ieet nigh ! I hat is a
verv interesting fact. Gentlemen, Rome,
had her Caesar, her Scipio, her Brutus :
but Rome in her proudest days, had
never a waterfall 150 feet high ! Gentle
men, Greece had her Pericles, lu-r De
mosthenes and her Socrates; but Greece,
in her palmiest days, never had a water
fall loO feet high 1 Men ot Rochester,
go on. . iNo people ever lost tlieir liber
ties who had a waterfall 150 feet high I"
Tub Bramo Somaj. There is just
now arising, in India, a most remarkable
religious sect which bids fair to wield a
vast influence over the teeming millions
of the. East. The apostles of this new
religion seem to bo permeated' with all
the zeal and activity which characterize
our best missionaries. Wherever they
go the eyes of the more intelligent na
tives of India seem to be opened to see
that there is but one living and true God,
and that idols are indeed no Gods at all.
Last year sixteen churches were formed.
The headquarters of the new religion i?
Calcutta; but such an earnest spirit ot
propagandism is manifested that already
a thousand miles off, in the Valley of
Cashmere, has a church of those believ
ers been : formed. They have planted
"churches of the one - God" throughout
Bengal, throughout the northwest provin
ces, the l'urtiaub, Bombay and Madras,
in which they say "hundreds congregate
week after week, to worship ' the Holy
God in spirit and in truth."
A correspondent at Schaffhausen, writ
ing to the Journal tie Gencce, reports
the following case of religious persecu
tion in Switzerland : "A young man ad
mitted to the Communion in 1860, and
now aged 19, has been condemned, at
the instance of the pastor of his parish,
to 4 francs fine and 17 "francs costs -for
not having attended catechizing. This
young man is domiciledTat Zargen; he
had been for the last five years left in
charge of the works on the - property of
the father, who is 72 years of age, and
now under treatment by an oculist. " The
ecclesiastical tribunal was wholly indiffer
ent to these circumstances, and as soon
as sentence was pronounced, ordered the
delinquent to be apprehended and thrown
into prison.-; . ..- -. . -
-p. . .... S i J '
The great quickening and greatly . in
creased culture of the better class . of
people in . India are largely owing to the
missionary schools,' where a free educa
tion is proffered to India youths, but
where students often come determined
not to be converted to the Christian
religion. ,It is very evident, however,
should this new religious sect become as
powerful as many predict it will become,
and should the worship of idols be dis
contenanced by the better and more in
fluential classes of India, that a wondrous
open door would be presented to the
missionary. Indeed, the active prop
agandists of this new religious sect may
be looked upon in no other light than
so many 'John the Baptists," acting as.
forerunners of the missionary who fol
lows closely after to proclaim . the . true
Gospel. f '
It is stated that the practice of . brewT
ing beer from rice is rapidly coming into
use in Germany, This beer is said to bo
of a very clear color, of an extremely
mild taste, foaming strongly, and yet re
taining well its carbonic acid." '
A Singular Duel.
Major Buford, called by way of . emi
nence, "me Major, was the most noieu
dueliat of the day. A ; dead shot, a per
feet maeter of fence, and in his enmities
utterly relentless, his name had. become
a terror to all who knew him.
In the midst of a knot of admiring
friends, one day, the Major was discus
sing his last affair, and comnlacentlv ex
plaining how it came that he mortally
wounded his adversary, instead of killing
him on the spot, when one of the two
gentlemen standing within bearing, sud
denly advanced and struck him in the
face. The spectators stood 1 aghast.
What could have tempted the stranger
to rush thus madly on his fate ? He was
an old man. Already, to armearance.
had three-score and ten years passed
over his head. He must, indeed, have
been weary of life, whose brief remnant
he was ready to cast away so recklessly.
The Major was astonished. , The very
audacity of the act struck him with
amazement. ,
"Is the provoca'ion sufficient, or must
I repeat it ?" inquired his assailant.
The Major's first impulse was to return
blow for blow. But fierce and violent as
were his passions, he had schooled him
self to corcpleto mastery over them, and
a moment's reflection told him how boot
less, under the circumstances, would be a
public - brawl. The indignity be had
received would admit of but one repara
tion, aod that he determined to lose no
time in seeking. f
"The insult is sufficient," he answered,
with forced calmness. "Oblige me by
naming a friend for your own I care
not to whom may I refer one of my
own ?"
"This gentleman," replied the other,
resuming the arm of his companion, "will
return here in an hour, to confer with
any one you may designate." -
And the two strangers took their leave
At sunrise, on the following morning,
the principals and their seconds' made
their appearance on the ground selected.
xso one else was present not even a
surgeon. The major, in his own past
experience, never had needed one; and
his opponent, it was plain, was careless
of the consequence.
There was no necessity for delay. The
preliminaries had been settled. The
parties were to fight with pistols, at ten
paces, the combat to continue until one
or both had fallen. One condition had
been insisted on by the stranger, which
called an indignant blush to the Major's
cheek, as it seemed to imply an imputa
tion upon his honor, though he submitted
to it with the best grace he could. It
was, that before placing the combatants
the bodies of both should be inspected,
to sec that no secret protective device
was employed by either. -." , ' 1 t
The ground waa measured, and the
men placed. There was a marked con
trast between the two in more respects
than that of years. The old man, erect
and motionless as a statue, his whitened
locks floating in the breeze, uever once
looked at his antagonist, though his
side was turned. Uis face was stern and
determined, but had nothing malignant
in it. The Major, on the other hand,
glared fiercely at his foe, seeming even to
grudge him the few moments of life yet
eked out to him.
"Were he my father, I would kill
him !" he answered, audibly, to- some
whispered expostulations of his second,
who was evidently touched by the old
man's venerable appearauce. -1 ; :,-
The pistol were put in the hands of
the principals, and the giving of the
word explained.
"Gentlemen, are you ready ?"
"Ready," both answered.
Still the old man moved not, nor did
he direct a single glance at his adversary.
U is eyes were fixed in front. His atti
tude was one of rapt attention. He
seemod like one listening attentively.
The basement of the new penitentiary
is completed and the walls are np about
eight feet above the first floor. The
building will require 1,600,000 bricks. s
Without changing the direction of his
gaze, or other movement than that of
his arm, which rose With -the precision
of a nicely adjusted machine, the old
man brought his pistol to the level ol
his enemiy's breast. ' For an instant he
held it there. - Still no look in the direc
tirn it pointed. Still the : same appear
ance of eager listening.
The Major was in no hurry. He
could affrd to take his time with a man
who held his pistol at random, without
looking whitherward.. lie took deliber
ate aim. lie was determined to make
sure work. If his ball missed his adver
sary's heart, even a fraction of an' inch
he would never make any pretension to
skill again. ' .
The harp report of the stranger's
pistol was followed by a convulsive jerk
ot the Major's arm, causing the discbarge
of his weapon far wide of its mark, while
he, staggering a few paces backward,
fell heavily to the ground. ?
"Conduct me to him," said the old man
to his friend. -r v 1
.The latter took the .' principal's arm,
and led him to the prostrate form of tho j
Major, whose second, kneeling by his
side, had torn open his garments, expos
ing to view the fatal wound in his breast, .
made by the stranger's bullet.
"Is your friend . seriously hurt?" in
quired the latter, cooly. ;
"You can see for yourself, sir," the
second answered. .. '.. ":
"There you're in error." replied the
other ; "1 am totally Hind."
The wounded man, who had by this
time revived a little, and his second,
looked at the : stranger in - astonishment.
There was no visible defect in his organs
of vision ; but there was a fixity of look
that "bending of the eyes on vacancy"
which - so unmistakably evinces the
absenco of sight.
"Who are you?" " and what was your
motive in seeking this encounter ?" the
Major faiotly murmured.
- "First are you in condition to renew
it?" inquired the stranger.
"There is no need- I am dying."
"When I have told you who I am,"
the stranger resumed, "yon will scarce
require my motive for what X have done.
No wonder ; yon jhave . forgotten James
Merton," he continued, "for he is greatly
changed no doubt." ' ;
The dying man started, and" groaned
bitterly. - ' - i jr;
"But I have never forgotten you,' Rich
ard.Buford, nor the injuries you have
done me. A cherished daughter, the
pride of my eyes, and the joy of her
mother's heart, you enticed from her
home, deceived by a sham marriage,
and then abandoned her to die of a brok
en heart. : My son, and only remaining
child, in a rash attempt to avenge his
sister's wrongs, fell a victim to your ac
cursed skill. You even robbed him of
the ordinary chances of combat, unequal
as they would have been, by encasing
your cowardly body in concealed armor.
The loss of both our children unsettled
my wife's reason and she died in a mad
house. Could I have found you then, I
would have given yon no chance for your
life; but valiant as you have always pro
fessed to be, aod coward as you are, you
feared and evaded me. Yet I knew we
should one day. meet; and I registered
a vow, that when we did :I .would offer
you a sacrifice to your own infernal art.
To this end I studied to become an adept
in it, and succeeded. And when at
length, blindness cast its shadow upon
me. and seemed to render hopeless the
fulfillment of my Tvow, instead of aban
doning it, I betook myself to a new
species of practice. I sought to make
Hearing take the place of sight. " Again
I succeeded. I learned to take aim with
ear instead of the eye. When I heard
you answer 'ready,' to day, I knew the
exact direction in which to point my
pistol, as well as if I had seen yon. Be
sides, I could hear you . breathing where
you stood. You lost your chance in
delaying your fire. You wished to-. make
sure work, and overreached yourself."
More than once the Major looked ap
peal in gly at the speaker's face ; , but in
those remorseless, : sightless eyes, there
was no sympathy. And as tho labored
breathing, grew fainter - and fainter, the
old man resumed his listening - attitude.
At last all was still.
"He is dead !" he said ; and its wont
ed expression of sober melancholy settled
on the old man's face, as taking his com
panion's arm. he turned and walked
leisurely away.
The Doublc-lleaded Saby.
' From the Boston Post, July 19th.
We mentioned in our columns yester
day the presence in Boston of a most re
markable child, the offspring of Joseph
and Ann L. Finley. ; It presented tl
remarkable as well as unprecedented
phenomenon of two beads, four arms and
two legs, and all upon a single body
The girls for such was its sex died last
evening, at No. 6 Bowdoin street. The
first half or head breathed its last at 5,
and the second shortly after 8 o'clock.
The many thousands iu the Middle and
Western States who have seen this mar
velous eccentricity of nature will learn
of ," its early death with regret. ; The
child or children, as it would seem
prcper to allude to the phenomenon
had enjoyed excellent health from its
birth, nine months ago, until within two
weeks, at which time one exhibited signs
of illness. This, however, was but tem
Dorarv. It recovered, and was bright
and playful. Since reaching Boston,
few days since, the other or the other
half was taken sick, and died yesterday
afternoon as already stated. Ihe two
portions of the body were so intimately
connected that the death of one rendered
that of the other inevitable. TheKpecta-
cle was equally novel, strange and uu
paralelled. , Upon one end of tho body
reposed the head of the dead infant ;
upon the C'.her, that of the live one, with
eyes still bright and curious, and its
liinira in full Hi-am f ti ! n r nrflpr. All iht
medical aid could accomplish was done,
but it was found unavailing. The child
died iu the presence of its parents. The
corpse presents the appearance of two
infants asleep. Apparently they escaped
the ordinary : suffering incident to
death, tor the countenances had the ex
pression of repose. The disposition of
the body is not determined upon. Several
of our physicians were desirou last
evening of having it opened for examina
tion. They reside in Monroe county,
Ohio, and live upon a farm. They have
other children, but none have exhibited
any unusual developments. Nor can
this extraordinary departure from the
laws of nature be accounted for. In
Philadelphia, where all the medical
Solons undertook to solve the problem,
nothing whatever - was Jrought , to light.
The child was looked on with amazemcot
and interest, but all attempts to account
for its existence were futile. Itia re
garded as more of a curiosity than the
Siamese twins, and most certainly th
spectacle was more pleasurable ' to the
eye. The child was shortly to have been-J
exhibited to the public, and would doubt
less here, as elsewhere, attracted throngs
of visitors. ( The parents were
devoted to the little marvel, and their
sorrow is grievous. ;
Obigin er thi PsaCH. Dr. Karl
British Association, asserted the belief
that the peach originally came from the
almond; that cultivated cherry - trees all
came from one parent stem; and that the
green plum was from a different stem
from the ordinary plum and damson., (
A few days ago a man named Sylvester
Clark, in Chehalis county, W. T., was
killed by a tree falling on him. tie
leaves a wife at Brownsville, in this
W. IX. KCTMIY Sc. CO., i
Haring just received a Large and well selected
gtock of. . -:'i. ; ;.'' 7
II Alt!) WAKE,
: V : - . - SUCH. AS : ,:- . -.' J .
.:. .; codsisriifo or . ''
Hammers, Hammers,
- sledges, biedges,
Saws, Saws, Saws, .
Jfianes, Planes, .rianes,
Corss-Cut and Mill Saws,
' Together with a large assortment of
Nails, Nails, Nails,
.. . springs, curings, springs,
Axles, Thimble-Skeins, Bolts, cVc Vc.
Also, a well Selected Stock -of
Wagoix Tl TTtper,
All of which we are now offering to tho pnblie
at low rates. As we make the business a spec
ialty, we can and will keep a better assortment at
lower prices than any bouse in this city. "
Receiving and opening a largo aad splendid
assortment of
Which wo offer at reduced rates.
W. It. KUHN a CO.
In the Monteith Fire-proof Brick, First-st.
March 12.-70-27
ILL-HEAD PAPER, all sixes, jnst received
and for sale at this office, low for cash.
r. h. McDonalds co..
Call the Dttcntloo of Dealers to their larire awpi-r.
mens or wewiy jhrrrrea umw,wiirpin iw
pmrt or the fullowinic articles, tori-tner wltn
er rr thi itr kept In i well supplied W11VU.
Fbksti Diiros. I Tii.ia's PaAATKa
TBvasne 6vpponu I Soaiii Hiiuu,
EuinnAL Oiu, iruFtinin, , '..
KlWSCNl Oifc, --, I PITS Oits,
WWeh we offer at the lowest Cash Prices, aad
arc determined not to be undersold.
n. h. Mcdonald co., sa- raaxdreco, cv
Our Drug Business located in San Franw
ciaco, Cal. After our beit wishes, aad express
ing our thanks for the liberal patronage
wo have received for more than twenty-one ,
years, during which period we have bees steadily
engaged in the Drug business in California, we
beg to say in consequence of the rapid growth of
Dr. Walker's California Vinegar Bitters, now
spread orcr the United States aod countries far
beyond, wo aro necessitated to devote our entire ,
time to said business. '
We are the Oldest Drug firm . on tho Pacfae
Coast and the only one. continuous under the
same proprietors since 1849, and haye determined
to sell our large, prosperous, and well established
business on favorable terms. ' ;
This is a rare opportunity for men with means,
of entering into a profitable business with advan
tages never before offered. . " -
For particulars enquire of
R. n. McDosaLB, . Wholesale Druggi't.
!. 0. Srsscen, ) San Francisco. Cal.
B. Until a sale raate we snail continue
our i'mportatiuBS and keep a larm stock of fresh
Koods constantly on Uol, nd sell at prices to
dofy competition. - j
The Great Medical Dlscorery f
Bear testimony to their Wonder tsf
5"3 " iul Curative Effects. 113
; .'9s
. A gentleman in Canada gives a his to-,
ry of a battle between two swarms of bees
a few. days ago.' -One' swarm, .he sajs
took ' forcible possession -6f rfreif neigh
bor's liive, and, as tho attacked. d,cfe tided
their rights, a. furious fight commenced,
and the battle raged from 4:30 to 9 p. M.
Next iuoroing, as the. son appeared, the
battle, was. resumed, the marauders ap
pearing not in .good .-copdition, yet show
ing great pluck. The carnage continued
without intermission till 10 A. M. when
hundreds of dead bodies lay on the plain.
At 11 o'clock the battle ended, when
there was not one of the attacking party
left to tell the tale.
The Eureka Signal learns that two
men lately found a bee ties (redwood) on
Craig's ranch, Mad river, which was
eleven feet in diameter, and from which
they took seven hundred pounds of
honey. -
' One of the business men of Rochester,
Minn., being summoned to attend on a
jury the other day his help being gone
toohad to close up his shop, and to an
nounce his whereabouts, he hung the
following significant label on the door
handle t "On a jury j wilt be back when
we hang the cues."
The London Time correspondent tolls
-ff . .-v l - V 1" .
ui a recent wuiriwina in xnaia mat car
rioi trees and herds high ia the air, and
dashing them to the ground a mile or so
away, killed everything that possessed
life. : -':' ' r1-;-Jl ' :
Another seisure of 800,000 feet of saw
logs has boen made at Paget 8ound,
Ihe logs were cut on Government land
211 n y ?5
Uade of Poor Ram, - Whisker. Frewf
Hplrlts a.nd Refaao Llejawra doctored, spiced
and sweetened to please the taste, called "Ton.
e,- Appetiser," " Bestorere c. that lead
she tippler oa to drunkenness and rain, not are
atrne Medicine, made from the Katlve Boots and
Herbs of California, Oee Tram sill Aleahwll
Stlmnlsipjta. Tbojrare UmUHEAT BLOOD
C I P L a perfect Eeaovator and Invlcorator ot
the System, carrying off all poisonous matter and
restorlna- the blood to a healthy condition. Hot
person can take these Bitters aeoordlnf to dlrec
tlon and remain Ion( aawelt.
. Far Iaaeusmutorr nad Chronic Itken.
mtlasa stnd Osst, Dyauvnalsv IsmII
eatloe, Bllloaa, Roealttent Bad later-,
anlttemt Vervara, Bteaaaea of ta BlaadV
L-lver, Kidneys, aad Bladder, these Bit.
tars hare been most eneeessfal. - Sack DIs.
eases are caused by Vitiated Blsad. whtest
la generally produced by derangement ot tha,
Dlcestlve Oram as.
Headache. Fain lathe Shoulders, Concha, TlgM
em of the Chest, DUztness, Boar Ernetatloas or
the Stomach, Bad teste la thn Month Billons 44.
taeka. Palpitation ot the Heart, Inflammation of
' the Lanajs.Paln la thercaioas efthe Kldneya,aad
ahnndred other natnlsl symptoms, an tha oS.
springs of Dyspepsia. -
They Inrlgorate the Stomach and stimulate th
torpid Urer and bowels, which reader them of an.
equalled efficacy ta cleansing fan blood of all
Imparities, and Imparting new life and rigor to
the whom system.
Salt Baeam, Blotches. Spots, Pimples, rnstatea
Bolls, narbnnelee. Rtog-Worms, Seald-Head. Sore
Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scarfs, Dlscoloratloaa of .
the Skin, Hanson and Places te oftbe Stem, of '
whatever name or aatare, are literally dag oa
aad carried oat of the system in a sham list br
toe nae of these Bitters. On bottle la sack
eases will eeartoee the most incredulous of their '
; eurmtlTe effect. -r . . -m .. , .... i .. , '
, Cleans the TlUated Blood wtMmerer you tad
' Its ImnnrlUea bBrsuna- throegh the skin la Pirn,
plea, Eraptlose or Sores 1 eisanss It when yea
End It obstrncted and !- la the reins;
eleanM it wsea It is roe!, and yoar feeltnse wilt
ss'.f yon whasv Keep th blood par and tha
health orthetTStsai will follow.
fiN. TAPS and other wo RES, IsrUair ta '
the system of so many thoaaaac-a, ere t aoraary
SmU nyed aad remeasa. Forfttilairee aas.ravl
earefnlly tike ctrealar aroaad each bo ..;,
J. WaXKES, Proprietor. B. EC 1 -" s,
CO., TJrwwIats aadGeu. Agents, t
Oat. and hr and M Commerce B -",
' BOLP BV ALt, plftTOOfST A? J i