The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, August 12, 1871, Image 2

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    Wu- Umw Agister.
P S. Official Paper for Orcg-on.
VVlieat is quoted at sixty cents- per
bushel in Walla "Walla, W. T., at which
price farmers decline to "swap."
Hon. olin S. Watts, of Santa Fc, is
Darned in connection with the Governor
ship of iNew Mexico.
Mr. Geo. W. Snyder, recently from
the East, has become - interested in the
publication of the Salem Statesman.
Tt is stated that very few ji the Uma
tilla Indiana are williog to.-give up their
homes on the Reservation. All the bet
- tcr .cla-wfeTTto remain.
Allowing the enormous sum of S200,
000 for shades, "&c.,". whatever the lat
ter may mean, aud supposing ihut car
pets cost 5 a yard, the remainder, nearly
550,000, would suffice to cover 113,147
square yards. There ars 85 acre3 in the
City Hall Park, or about 40,000 square
yards. Consequently, the city authori
ties have paid enough for carpets in the
new Courthouse and other county build
ings to have covered the whole City . Park
three times over.
Returns from the recent election in
Kentucky indicate Republican pains.
The Democratic majority in the State is
estimated at from 20,000 to 30,000. a
falling off from the Scymore "vote of 26,
000 to 36,000, and 40,000 to 50,000
from the last Gubernatorial election.
The Presidential election in Liberia
Slay 2d, apparently resulted in the elec
tion of Roberts and Gardner as President
and Vice President, but President Roy
maintains that lie was elected for four
Tears and that his term has not expired,
lie may therefore dispute the validity of
their election.
... Gov. Ballard found "color" in the oil
line the other day while running a tun
. pel into the coal mine recently discover-
ed near Lebanon. The oil trickles
- through the bank and settles on top of
the-water. We are in hopes they may
find a rich and paying oil deposit and
that. Linn will soon be enabled to furnish
her own kerosene.
( According to the N. Y. Evening Mail,
Irish immigration has been greatly de
. creased, while tha immigration from Ger
"niany has largely and notably increased.
This c!a.s of thoroughly honest and
industrious people is just what we want,
and the larger the number the better.
Let 'em come and that quickly.
There is a story current in the East
that Jeff. Davis recently occupied a berth
i on a s'eeping car conjointly with a beau
tiful and fascinating young married lady
a special friend, of course which is
quite a hubbub in certain circles.
The whole story hangs on a question of
veracity between l'avis and the conuue
' tor of the sleeping t ar, who declares that
he alyly peeped between the curtains, and
tJiere they were, while Jeff, denies this
use ol nara worus,e win use none now, nieuts,
but invite them to explain our hard ! -wj10
figures. We merely ask : - i . . '
1. Is it probable that the Sffiount set j spintn
The Tammany Thieves.
tbe moors or fracd immexse sens stole.
From the New York Times, July 24.J
Wo have brought very serious charges
against' Mayor Hall and Controller Con
nolly, and iu reply to theui the Mayrr
says that the city ows us a bill for
advertising which we cannot get 1 -This
is tho most remarkable defense ever
recorded in judicial annals. The Mayor
further says that the figures wc are pub
lishing were obtained from a "dishonora
ble servant" of the City Government. In
other words, the Maior admits the truth
of our charges and the accuracy of our
fgurcs, but says it is sufficient lor him
to uiscre-Jit our motives.' Ills defense is
a clear admission of guilt, let the pub
lic judge between us.
When people are accused of shameful
dishonesty, is it enough for them to say,
"I owe my accuser a bill which I will
not pay, and that is why he accuses me?"
In tho face of such charges as we have
made, it would le puerile to expose the
absurdity of the Mayor's defense. Are
the Jigures tec are publishing accurate or
not f If they are and we offer to prove
that they are they show the city official
to be dishonest. Our motives for mak
ing these exposures have nothing to de
with the subject. But we may say this
that wo voluntarily gave up the Corp
oration ativi-rtisin-T- and that the citv
authorities, through their agents, have ) Ktdleti,t. They have they genuine ring
repeatedly made all sorts of "liberal" j of the old uuterrificd, bedrock utterances
proposals to us lor the purpose of gettiug J uf former days, and give further assur-
ustosuspenaourattucKsupoutneiu. -Any anCe that the Democratic party is not a
Rather Binding.
A bill has been passed by the Connec
ticut Senate which contains the most
stringent regulations concerning the traf
fic in intoxicating liquors yet devised.
Tt renders null and void every transac
tion in which liquor is a consideration -even
enabling the purchaser of a single
drink to recover back the dime he has
paid lor it; avoids all sales, transfers,
Since the liin; papers object 'to the ' contracts, quit claims, mortgages, cttach-
use of hard words, e will use none now, j nieuts, and , liens, luado in consideration
lly or in part) of the sale of any
ous liquors ; nullifies all leases Of
down above were really paid for the
work described f
2. If the amounts were so paid to G.
S. Miller and others, how conies it that
all the checks are indorsed by Ingersoll ?
o. If these accounts arc bona fide,
why have they been kept secret from the
public, and why arc not all the Controller's
books at once laid open for proper audit
and-inspectibn ?
To-morrow morning we shall publish
the accouuts of another firm. '
lymphatic, Very. .1 .
We copy the following resolutions
adopted by the Democracy of Ohio coun
ty Indiana, J uly lOlh, from the Portland
We this morning copy into our col
umns another article from the New York
' TimeSy partially showing up the enor
mous stealings of the Tammany ring of
; the Democracy, now and for years past
controlling the city and State of .New
' York, and manufacturing the platforms
and'foM'iEbiag the candidates for the
National Ddmocracy. Without Tam
many and its millions of stolen cash the
'. National Democracy have not the slight
est show to obtain the reins of Govern
ment From the showing of the Times,
tho stealings of the ring it the past three
years, have amounted to more than ten
millions of dollars stolen outright and
yet the half of their villainy has not
been told. These thieves and swindlers
attempt no ' defense it is useless, the
statements of their transactions having
been taken from their own books. Can
honest men vote to retain such villains in
i office, and retain their own self-respect?
- Late California papers contain full ac-
counts of another cold blooded murder,
which occurred at Stockton on ,the 1st
fnst. at the Grand Hotel, m that city
Nelson James Savier, a telegraph ope- i
rator, had been boarding and occupying
a room in' the hotel with a woman he
- ' called his wife, who turns out to be a
Mrs. Julia Susan Lake, whose husband
resides in Eastern Nevada. The true
wife of Savier, a woman of some forty
years, a resident of San Francisco, hear
ing that her husband was living with
another as bis wife, come on to Stockton,
- ascertained the number of the room oc
cupied by the guilty pair, deliberately
went to the room, found Mrs. Lake alone,
' 'and after a short upbraiding convert-ation,
fired three shots from a pistol iuto the
person of Mrs. Lake which proved fatal.
Mrs. Savier was arrested and confined in
"jail to await her trial for the murder. ' ..
FA8T Railroading.- The Philadel-
n-ess of Julv 25th says: ;
The schedule time of the fast line east
poD tbe Pennsylvania Railroad,; from
aUmm la three hours and
- ' r minutes. On the 19th, the under
Conductor Edward M. Chase, left Altoona
twentythree minutes late, and was de
tained twenty-eight minutes at Hunting
don and Mimm, oj no ooxes, iuua io-
man who is fool enough to sujipoe that
if our attacks could have been stopped
by the city people paying us 151,000 the
money would not have been paid in five
minutes that man, we say, is welcome
to this belief.
The Mayor says that we have obtained
the accounts surreptitiously. We reply
that these accouuts are public property,
and that no matter how they had come
into our possession it was our duty to pub
lish them. Hut as a matter of fact, they
came to us in a proper manner,without any
circuaistanees connected with our mode of
obtaining them of which anybody has rea
son to be ashamed. One word more on
these irrelevant issues with regard to
what the Corporation papers may saj' of
us just now wc arc perfectly indifferent.
We have no time or inclination to follow
them, and we do not intend to be drawn
aside from our main attack. We build
our ca.-e upon the unanswerable figures
which we are now publishing, and upon
them we appeal to the impartial verdict
of the public.
Now to the main point. We yester
day published the records of a series
of warrants drawn in favor of different
persons, but all indorsed by "Ingersoll &
Co." otherwise J- II. Ingersoll, a part
ner of Tweed's, and a well knowu agent
of the Ring. What did these accounts
show ?
That for repairs and furniture supplied
to the antortes alone, during 1809 and
1870, the sum of 1,447,909 12 was
paid under warrants signed by Hall and
Connolly. On a single day, June 30,
1870, the following sums were paid on
this account :
$19,208 14
37,072 16
37,426 87
40,64'J 24
3i,7tS 26
Total $200,0C4 70
Is it probable that this amount was
ever actually paid fur one day's work
done to armories and drill rooms ?
But wo have yet the accunfs of other
firms to publish, and then it will be seen
that the checks indorsed to Ingersoll &
Co. by no means represent all the money
supposed to have been spent on armories
and drill rooms.
For furniture supplied to tho new
Court house the total paid to one firm
was 81,476,980 24.
For carpenter work done in tha new
Court-house, the following suuis were
paid :
May 7, 187 $42,123 47
May 13, IS70 38,tf3 zs
May 21, 1870 34.U90 6(1
June 20, 1870 40,96S 41
Aug. 12, 1S70 4P,33 4
premists on which liquor shall be sold;
provides for the punishment, by a fine of
S100 or imprisonment of one month (or
bith), of any person who shall sell liquor
to- a minor under eighteen years of age ;
makes the dealer Tespousible for all dam
ages done by drunken men, and. permits
any taxpayer to sue such dealer when
ever the drinker abuses his family. Other
provisions equally severe follow.
The Herald publishes an interview had
by its correspondent with Secretary Fish.
The Secrttaiy paid, lie had no idea who
the arbitrators io; the' Washington. Treaty
would be. tho Commission under the
treaty would probably "sit a lonsr time.
Tho action of the Commission will prob
ably be guided by-- that of the Southern
Claims Commission, as the .latter would
furnish precedents for if claims fof dam-
age done to property by federal power
during the war be allowed other claims
unit on the New Departure platform. ; cannot avoid following 'the" precedent.
We certainlv cheerfullv osrree with the With regard to damages Sustained by
"resolutory" iu the last eight words of British ' subjects, ccurts of arbitration
... , . i would be composed ot men who would
Mia iliKintv FAQfi Iiifiii il ! ... -
... ,... -
lirtulred, That the Democracy of Ohio county
command public confidence.
view with surprise and regret tbe attciupt to lead
the party ia tho wake of strange anil ungodly
gndd, and that we hold any "departure" fioui the
kuown and established principles of JeB'orson ,
Madison and Monroe, aud their successors, Jack
son, Polk ami Tierce, to be submissive of the
most cherished interests fur which tho Democrat
ic party was u-hered into existence, and that it
would be aa u knowledmeut that its illustrious
dead wore but short-sighted and feeble statesmen.
i lroni the Partner: -1 he iron waa;on
wheel invented and now bein to some
extent manufactured by J. II. Uridges
& Co., is likely to prove a success. ; Mr.
John Pugh has a set of them in use, aod
is well sa'ti.ifi"d ffth the way they work
The wheel is hard to describe, though
According to the last census of the
United States, our population includes :
twenty-four thousand- insane, eighteen
thousaud idiotic, fourteen thousand deaf
and dumb, and eleven thousand . bliud.
This is a fearful array of unfortunates,
but we must add to the list the many
thousand imbeciles who hover within the
very shadow of .idiocy, but who are not
reported by the census takers.
A husbaud at North Liberty, . Knox
county, Ohio, coining home without due
notice, found a neighbor in bed with his
wife. He immediately lost his temper and
found his pistol, with which he shot the
poacher through the arm. The latter re
ciprocated with a shot through the ley.
Tne last we heard of them they were both
at Mt." Vernon, laying by for repairs. A
sad warning to husbands not to return at
unexpected times. - , i-
On Monday evening last, . while W.
Florer, proprietor of a drug store at Leb
anon, Ohio, and. Ed. Harley, a clerk,
were charging a soda fountain, the pipes
communicating with the water became ob
structed while under a pressure of one
hundred pounds, and the geuerator ex
ploded, dangerously wouudipg Florer, and
seriously injuring Ilarley. The farmer
had both thighs broken and large pieces
of flesh torn from his limbs. :
Great Age. One of our exchanges gives an
account of tbe death of Jacob Fournaig, a Cana
dian Frenchman, at tho remarkable age of one
hundred and thirty-four years. He was never
sick, and only a few minutes before his death was
walking tbe street of Kansas City, Mo., his home.
In 1759, when Wolfo was killed storming tbe
Higbta of Abraham, be Was a full grown man,
and was tilling a pieee of land that he owned near
Que bo-. He was not allowed to enter the service
under Jackson at New Orleans, on tbe ground
that be was too old s circumstance often revert
ed to by him with groat satisfaction.
Tho Lebanon (1'enn.) Courier says
that the Democratic party at the present
moment reminds oiiea -wasp v$ry n'9
ly iii two pieces, wuh t lie large piece be:
hind. - ' ; - " "
Quite a hail storm " visited Jackson'
ccunty lastwpfck and lay ' ;on the ground
for a considerable length of time, making
quite a contrast with the green ' corn iu
soma of" the fields.
A pretty bathing suit for a young lady
is of white French flannel, bound with
blue, black or red braid, and made ' with
tight sleeves.
Washington Territory.
. . . , i
Revived. That, if the good old Democratic tuu-Miuucu un a viy iuie in incite.
ship must go to the bottom, we will sink with her j The set we examined were for a heavy
in a b!aa of (ilory our banners nailed defiant- j Jun,ter wajon. SDokeS were irade of half-
ly to tbe mast s bead.. c rr i i - f
J v.. ..i...t tl.,, !..... iw t., I inch or five oisrhWis irort.- The wheel is J
barter our principles to p:irtaku of the loaves and j SO Constructed that the weight of the
fishes, we will be, and ought to be damned,,. a J load, instead of bearios on a few spokes.
bears equally on all parts of the Tim 'at
once. The spokes are-passed through
the rim from without, and firmly headed
in the rim. Threads are cut on theothei
end, and they are fastened by taps on the
under sule of tbe hub baud.-; The hubs
are of cast iron, with asn outer band of
wrought iron to .- receive the ppokes.
When finished the wheel looks neat, and
the inventors claim that it will be far
more durable, and in . the end cheaper
than the common wooden wheel.
A special Agent of the Treasury sent
out from Washington to the I'uget Sound
region of Washington Territory, has dis
covered certain irregularities in the ac-v
counts of certain prominent Government
officials there. Of course an attemptwas
made to connect the name of Gov, Salo
mon wi;h these transactions, but the
parties making the accusations failed to
make them stick. The honorable and
straightforward course of The Governor
since his appointment, his indefatigable
industry in promoting ith all his power
the best interests of the Territory, give
the lie to all such low a:.d base accusaj
tions. The Olympia Standard, edited
by 13eriah Brown, Esq., a thoroughpaced
Democratic journal, thus speaks of ' the
matter, paying Gov. Salomon a handsome
tribute of respect : :
The Radical faction hostile to Governor Salo
mon in liiis Territory, opouly manifest tlwir joy
at the exposure whK-b implicates him in tho un
lawful ue of tho '.iOvernm?ut money. It is not
because th. y are mre houe.;t, bnt becau-o they
have not yet been exposed.
e -tVe ara no apologias for the
Governor or Receiver, hut most heartily conuemu
the system of peculation which manifestly pre
vails in every Department of the Uoveroraent-
We mot t sincerely regret that
Governor Salomon bas been made a victim to this
most atrocious- system of speculating upon the
people's money. In his private character he lia
heretofore been above reproach, and as a liublic
officer ho has done more t" houor tbe place and
serve the interests of the Territory than all his
arty predecessors.
. .$203,330 21
The amount of the checks indorsed by
ngersoll & Co. in 1860 and 1870 for
furniture, carpenter work, "fittings up,"
&c, in connection with the new Court
house alouo was as follows :
Furniture. Ac. - .$1,47G,9S0 24
Carpenter work, Ae .. ... 203,830 21
Fittings tip
fiftvone minutes of sehedalo time
bein-r in charge of h.n-
n.r S. Free, brought the train safely
r TT.Uhnrtr. onlv one minute late,
mud nro fifty minntes on sched
le tieranJ making the extraordinary
miles in two hours and buy
Routes, or at the rate of a mile ia each
pne minute aod seventeen seconds.
A correspondent in Grant county sends
.,w in this section bas been
" "d consequently the water
Tery w ,rrfi,o u ranidlv drvincr
TLo crops are going to De aonnuan
f.r," r "ortb from, forty to
Si,, dollars a head. The mines tbn
fifty dollars ogtja,
h :U .? rold dust per week
urVta about $10,09U
. 7-, to Dr. Rubis, a aomewha
ivu'. n
ia the rain
noted nu
tobacco an
J alcoholic beverages kads to
. lunacy
I"1?, : ,rro users to beware ;
iiv v 1- . j . . ...
"" 'Total.......... - .$1,724,784 75
Alwavs let it be borne in mind that these
sums only represent the checks indorsed
by J. 11. Ingersoll. me torn amouos
which we shall prove was got nu oi in
his way was 5y,7y,48 IU. At the
Controller will give us access to the city
accounts, we shall be able to show a still
more lavish expenditure. If he will not
give us access to them, we will get at
them without his help. " "
Here is another incidental evidence of
fraud. So careless were the officials
with the regard to dates that in no- less
than thirteen instances the days they
fixed upon (apparently at hap hazard")
C 1 1 T ... ..
were ounuays. tiere is tne account ot
work done on days when the office must
have been closed : - i ; , ; .
Jan. 20. J. A. Smith, for Carpets.. .$32,617 10
Mreh 8. A.J. MUUr, Repairs County
Offices and Buildings 34,785 03
April 25. Inxersoll A Co., furniture
. county Court -rooms A Offices 51,213 57
June 7. George S. Millor.Repuirs and
-- . Alterations county buildings 23,005 83
Jalv 19. Ioirersoll A Co., Furniture
in County Offices............ t3,200 75
knr 30 TniTOrttnll A Co.. Furniture ;
ii County Offices. .... ........ 60,344 71
Oct. 18 I Hirer U A Co. Furniture in
County Courts Offices ... 10,464,61
1369. ' - -.. - ' - '.
.Tnlw tsr. T. Hollar Co.. Cabinet
work iu County Courthousow 80,379 00
Oct. 17 Inzcrsoll A Co. Cabinet
work in "County Courthouse. ol,VS4 So
a A. ( Miller. Cabinet work -
in County Courthouse .. 49,082 30
6. iDfrersoll A Co-Cabioet work -
and Furniture in Armories
and Drill roma..-.;.......... 54,058 33
Mreh 13. C. D. Hollar A Co.. Fitting
up Armories A Drill rooms. 37,072 19
Anril 17. J. A. Smith, Carpets in
- County Courthouse............ 72,819 81
' Total Sirnday erk...-.;....i.;...747.fl20 78
For carpets, shades, tc.,the following
was too account; tl .
For County Courthouse.i..'...i.w.'..221.799 48
For armories, offices and buildinjrs.i. 625,821 80
7tal ...
The amoiint of land disposed of at the
Vancouver Land Office during July was
u3 acres.
The body of Robert Rockett, who was
rowned in the ashoual two months
so, was found ou the 30th July and
buried. .-. '
The -A'ancouver Register has a new
ress, which gives it a much more hand
some appearance.; .
The Washington Territory Legislature
will meet on the 2d October.
A Georgia negro who kicked a mule
is said to have " died with alacrity."
Germany has taken the two headed
eatjle from her banner. "
"A New York wholesale grocer, who
has become rich in his business, has late
ly made" the following revelation. He
sa3-s his ru'e always was, when he sold a
bill of gocds ont credit, to immediately
subscribcfor the local paper of his debt
or. So long as his customer advertised
liberally and vigorously, he rested easj,
but as soon as be began to contract his
advertising space, he took the fact as an
evidence that there was .trouble ahead,
and he 'invariably went, for his-debt.
'For,' said he, 'the' man who feels too
poor to make his business known is too
poor to'do business.' The withdrawing
of an advertisement is a weakness that
business men arc not slow to observe."
In the case of ilcCullister vs. Candid", in County
Court, jury disngree-.l and were discharged Friday
Au Honest Confession.
Here is what the Rome, Georgia, Daffy
Commercial says, in an editorial under
the head of "Grant's Ku KIux Business:"
Under the authority of the force bill, :
joint committee of the House and
Senate is raised, who held their sessions
in the sity of Washington, and summon
before it men from every section of the
south to give testimony and for what
V bat use will be made of the voluminous
testimony thus adduced ? Can the Ku-,
klux be dispersed by this testimony ? We'
think not, unless they are made of thiu-
ner material than mon are usually made
There are few men in the South who
ever denied the existence of tho Kuklux.7
Through them the carpet baggers, scalla-
wairs and nesroes were taught to respect
the only true sons of the South.,
It was to prevent the Boutnern istatcs
from being "gagged," bound and made
to bear : false witness that the 2 jvuitlux
ever bad an existence. It was to coun
teract the fiendish purposes of the Radi
cal party that any ' part of the Southern
people bound themselves togemer in an
While northern Democratic members
in Congress and Northern Democratic
journals have time and again, and . still
continue to charge, from week to week,
that the existence of a Kuklux organiza
tion in the South was and is a base. fab
rication, an "abolition lie," got en up
merely for the purpose of an excuse for
granting to the Executive" more power
to oppress the late rebellious States
Southern journals boldly aeknowledg the
existence of such an organization, and
defy the Government to disperse it.
The latest thing out is the "New De
parture Saddle," manufactured in Marys-
ville, California, and pronounced by ha
Sacramento (.uctnocratie) lieporter e
'sate and . sound, possessing all the
features claimed for the new f doctrine,
we suppose. :
Expenses are still . being; reduced
The number of assistant jass&saors ot tho
interna! revenue service in Massachusetts
RhodA Island and Connecticut 00 July
1. 1879. was 154. Ihe number now em
ployed is 93 - ' '
Ntw Haven ' has a "Religious Intel
ligence office."
Pass Him A (sound.' A man named S.
Carpenter, living at Eureka, in the State
of .Nevada, and a carpenter by occupation,
has a wife and tliTeo children living in
this city for whose support he refuses to
contiibute. His wile is a most estimable
lady, and the children would reflect credit
upon a much better man. Nevada papers
will please copy, and thus aid in showing
up a faithless husband, and lather.
alla n alia Statesman.
From the Dalles Mountaineer of Au
gust 6th we take: ' .
Nothiti? has-been heard from the cit
izens or soldiers who went , in search of
the band of cattle' that were stolen some
ime ago by the-Indians in Silver River
Valley.- .. v : i? ' -
During the thunder storm last Sunday
night. the lightning struck in the, neigh
borhood of Creight's place down the riv
er and set the grass on fire, which was
put out by Alr. Creight and his boys be.
ore much damage jvas done.
ihe beconu Annual I' air ot the Uoluta
bia District Agricultural, Society will bo
ber 19th and. continue .four days. .
J. D. Grizzle, ro l'olk bounty, who has
been in Oregon juiF6ne'yfear, has work
ed jUo days Tor wages. ;split 500 rails,
chopped aO cords or1 wood, and put in a
ctop or 'ZU'-'acrcsv II is' Weights is only
12o pouqdsj.;and-'Iie'.' sees uo reason . to
cotnplaiu ot the country as a place iu
which to make" a'.tv.iae bo sa js the
Marker ...'. t .'v.;. .t ; '--:f
: .k; n r --- i
The Vancouver Ilijltf&t tells of ;a veter
an of the war of 1812,;Ir. i'ctoc .Slice,
aged 85 years, wh'Vives jo Washoual,
and has thVsuit aft. ready i'b which be de
sires' fis T remains'ishall be attired for the
on, vp' To borrow an Hiberiiianisui. mav
the old warrior live long oeiote ne sees
himself in that suites- .
Tha Louisiana Sitvar ltowlanvtl ''One
of the most thriftv.iutellijient and observ
" a ' ". I
inr nlanters on our bayou recently re
marked to us that since the war the old
prairie planters had increased in industry
ni firninontv over ivu pci vcui
While prior to the war they were oooten
to work durin? the suaar making season
and get a little spendipg money to last.
them dtttiag the yea aoaraweu vuiy
corn enough to supply themselves with
bread, depending principally upon stock
raising for a poor support, since tue rw
cent revolution "nearly all nave gone
earnestly to work, and the.result is their
homes are supplied witn many moro com
forts, their lands are being well tilled
and, in addition to being valuable produc
iri. thev ara ranidlv incroasinz in mtel
igence. '
What is. It A ' fashion authority
says ' ' ; '"- 4
The "Abyssinian stretch" ha super
ceaea me ureciau bend among our lash
100 able belles, , - - ,
: Maxico. Roeent advices from Jfexioo giro
tbe followintr as tbe result of tbe Presidential elec
tion : Diaz, 1.9S2: Juarez. 1.903 .- Lards. 1.367.
There being no choice according to tho Constitu
tion, the election goes to Congress, whero it Is said
an attempt will be made to unite the opposition
vote on Diaz. The official organ, the Diarco, de
clares, howerer, that Juarez bas a majority over
an competitor;, and will therefore be re-elected.
A revolution bas benin in Tobas j the States of
Pucbla, Osaca and Sau Luis Potosi also threaten
revolt, and the, prospects of the. country are
. .. 9 .
- Italia Crlebkatio.". The celebration in
honor of the occupancy of Rome as the capital of
Italy by the Italians in the city of San Francisco
on tbe 6th inst.; is pronounced the most brilliant
and artistic ever witnessed in that city. Tbe
American and Italian flags appeared side by side
throughout the procession ; there was not the
slightest allusion to the Pope or the Papal ques
tion to be seen, aod no inscription that could of
fend the religious sentiments of any portion of the
community. The highest praise . is awarded to
the Italians for the care taken to prevent offense
to any one, and for the patriotism, taste and
good sense displayed in the whole affair.
; Monday, September 4, 18T1,
With a corps of teachers capable and earnest.
Instruction will be thorough and practical, and
tbe system of order unsurpassed. For particu
lars address (for the present at Portland),
, - R. K. WARREN, A. M.,
President f ,
Or, Rev. E. H. UKAKI, . V.,
." Albany. !
Ki.AMArn Lake Reservation. From Geo.
Mercer, who has just completed a survey of the
Klamath Lake Reservation, the Corvallis GazrH
gets the ' following, fuels : - -Tliev-ReserrationTs
about -fifty 'miles' square, and lies on' the eastern
shore of tho Middle Klamath Lake, and extends
up Sprague's river about eighteen miles above tho
Yuinttx Agenogr, and north to include the tipper
late or umran. . Tbe general appearance or tne
country, except- few valleys, is sterile and. unin
viting, and mostly coverra witu pumice stone.
Tbe country is roiling, the bills neither high nor
ubrupt, and generally covered by a fine growth of
pine timber, tree from underbrush, lue Keser
vation is well adapted to the Indians, so far as
procuring a Kvin- from routs, neb, game, etc., is
concerned, but not well adapted for carrying out
the present policy of the Indian Department.. Tho
country abounds with fine-springs. The one at
the Agency runs a sawmill and supplies an irri
gating ditch, and furnishes besides an immense
amount of water, a portion of which they propose
to uso as motive power for a grist-mill now in pro
cess of erection. As a farming country, the Klam
ath Lake region is not a success.
Iu this city, Angust 6th, at the residence of the
bride's father, by the Rev. lr. ili'l, Mr. Thomas
.Daniels to Mies Agnes Bartgos both of this city.
With the above notice came-two bright -silver
half dollars to pay the printer a never failing sign
of generosity and liberal-hcartcdness. Our best
wishes go with the newly wedded pair.
Office, No. 6 Front Street,
The ladies wish us to tender their thanks to
Mr' M. Merrill for many favors extended during
the recent Sociable. - . . '
New Haven bid what is called a pecnliar gath
ering one night last week, the- (mux being a wid-
s party, tuoru being assembled, a dozen resi
dent widows, to weleome baek two likewise be
reaved from I'enofjlvania kninnnitns -of their
yuthi- - - . ... 1 -: t 'a . . - ,r.v
A Fenian over was ea lei on for a
toast, lie gave the following i - -j
"All bail to the American aiglo I
Proud 1-ird of freedom, all bail !
Tbe foul that no otic can invaigle,
Or put salt tn its beautiful tail."
A lady named Trimlty, who died in ' Chicago
list week, was sent to Hoi hester for interment.
But ticfore she was interred, while the authorities
were waiting some technicality, she came to life,
burst the lid of tbe coffin, and tclvgrapbed to
vmcaq-o that he would be back . ou . tbe next
rain. - , -
It is announced that the siege of Paris will be
raised on the 15th instant.
The Republicans claim
North Carolina.
a great triumph in
President Grjnt has abandoned tbe idea of vis
iting the Pacific coast this year.
Financial aud Commercial.
(3 old in New York 112J 5 currency S9J(j90.
"Sah Francisco mtukets to the 0th give. 1 . Flour
Uregon supernue at$- wUfojS ; extra, Q(q)u sU
Wheat Firm at $2 22(t2 25 ; strictly L-hoico
27J. per 100 ths. Barfey New. I 62i(tl 65
oli! brewing, 1 Bjfmr a per 1U(JT9. Uats Hull
at$l fljf.ijl 75 for new, aidSL .;($!-81) for old
Unions 7U(SUic. Woor Sales at ZSQnjSUtf fin
full. 3!3ic for spring. -
Portland quotations give ogg at 3I&b3Se; oats
at too.- .. - -
Albany qtrotatrons- remam" nnchanircd. Flour
nb$f)di-7; wheat. t)0c(a.$l ;- butter, 2io eg
25c. linsincss during the week fair.
PORTLAND. in the most desirable loculiliex, eon
HOUSES and STOKES ; also.
IMPROVED FARMS, and valuable nn
cultivated LAX DS,: located in ALL parts of the
STATE for SALE. , . ;
' ' REAL ESTATE and' other Property pur
chased for Correspondents, in this CITY and
throughout tho STATE, and TEKKlt OKIES
with great earo and on the most aDVAAiA
GEOCS TERMS. 0 - " - - ''.
ilOUSES and STORES leased, LOAN
NESS transacted.- '
AGENTS of this OFFICE in all the CIT
IES and TOWNS in tbe STATE, will receive
ilescril.tions of FARM PROPERTY and forward
the same to the above address. 3v22
To the People of Linn County
that we bave opened an office in Albany,
for the exclusive sale of . . "
Sewing , MacWnes I
and would respectfully invite all those war ting a
first-class machine to can at onr omea ana uu
ino tbe diflorcnt kinds of machines now on exhi
bition. If yon want a Bnckeyo machine, if you
want a Florence machine, H yon wan a w neeier
A Wili-on machine, if you want a Singer machine,
if yon want an American, machine, or if you want
to exchange machines, or If yon want your ma
chine put ux goou tubuiub ii
We are always ready and willing to show oar
machines. We will do our best to give satifac
tion Oil and Needles kept constantly osi
band for sale. Old machine taKen n exenange
for new ones.-a . , .'
We wish to employ goou, rename agcuui u c
the Buckeye. Sewing Machine, tne oesi setting,
the simplest and mot t durable shuttle machine on
this coast, ljlheral inanceuicin rr..
particulars address, -MINER PEARSON.
Biffht Reasons why tho Bvckaj 8w
tak Machine is Saperiar t all Others 1
1 . , Ltis tha siuipjest shuttle machine made. -
2'.' It has less wearing parts. '
3. It aas ' no - saaall apriagi. ana compound
cranks. ... , ... . -J 1 .
4. It is. better adapted to a large ranee 01 wora
without dbange, .';-. ' ' "" 'f
6.. It has less pieces os maetiinery. ,
0. It is less liable . to break needle loan any
other machine. "
1: The Shuttle will' wear longer than tbe
shuttle "in any lothorimaehine. ' '. 'r
8. That itias tbe best f eeding devico, wblcli
will never wear out, get out of order, break nee
dles, feed unevenly, slip m starched goods, or
porker tho seam, u that ena parUof itbe fabric
will conie out shortee than the. other,, which all
other feeds are liable to do. Xt makes every
stitch of ari ennnl length. It is stronger than
other feed- We can take a strong piece of cloth
and put one end in. our-machine and ' tbe other
end in any other maciune, ana guarantee tuai our
machine wilt take the clotn Rrom the otlicr, in eon
sequence jf tbe superior strength of tbe feci:
It is the only feed, strong enough to feed thick
sole-leather, sewing on shoe soles. - No soaping
tbe cloth or any other aid is required.
It has bo oomplicatea machinery, ana tnerwrore
is net liable to get out of order. It bas a beauti
ful movement, making nearly two tUossant
stitches per minutrf: ' ' '' '
The llUvKLiti cKiTtftU naiiujE nsni
tbe lock stitch, thesamo as tne Howe, Wilson,
Singer and Florence alike on both sides. We
offer a premium of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS
for any machine on this coast that - will make a
stronger or. more elastic stitch than the BUCK - or tui particulars iares,
UtiXCRAfc Aokhts, -
34t3v . .- Albany, Or..
Agents wanted, in every town and county
on this coast. ' Address .
. ..: - . j . Albany, Oregon.
For. Yonr On n Especial Benefit !
W. J. "
Xeatl I
l uU t.
Sau- Fsanclseo, and now offer for sale at
The War in Suropa
Has at last coma to an end and the friends olgood.
order and stable government have achieved what
appears to be a eomplete success. Not so the
war in Brownsville between tbe old aod new
systems of doing business, which has not yet
reached a termination'; ami ready-pay customers
continue to find at Wheeler's store an opportuni
ty to get the. benefit of their prmdence ami fore
thought. Large additions bave just been made to
the stock, and people can probably supply a lamer
portion of their wants from Wheeler's store, than
from any other one establishment in thocounty.
DOW & : C R AN E )
7 ALBANY, OREGON.;."; -;
1 lie to their full -stock of1, the-Jute.-rt v-ajlL 1
Uentlemen's and Youths' Bouts, Shoes. Gaiters, X
Oxford Ties, etc-i etc., a-well as to tud Very lat
est thing out in the llnoT-r t,anes ana .Misses'-
Gaiters, . Balmorals. Newport -, Tjva.j Alf'jnf Hj",,
Buskins, and manv other new .and faebtioaabla.
stvles. lust received at the Citv Boot Store, which1
tkc-y will 'sell as rapiflly its) they' c&Mind.purWj
chasers who wish first-eloeyi gtouft.a the most
reasonable rates. Thcy respectfully. invite you
to' come and see thefr- storS Koots, Shoes, eto-. ,
urado or repaired to order, and i i -jrl -.
jg&fCttY BOrrrS"ii;s?lpstr8tret;-
first door West of Register" BuUdIiiff.t$i t
. Ctiolcra, , ' - ,
: . HOW TO CURE IT. .....
At the commencement of the diarrhea, which
always precedes aa attack of the. Cholera,' take a
teuspoonlul of the Pair Killer in' sugar and wa
ter thot, if convenient), . tb6 bat be freely tbe
stomach and bowels with the Paia Killer clear."
Should the diarrhea or (ramps eontinuc, repeat
tliedos every tea -or fifteen minutes until the pa
tient is relieved. ! extreme cases two er more
tcaspoonfuls may b given at a -lose. . , . '
The Tain Killer," as a'n iuternai remedy i has no
equal: To cases b( Cholera Summer Complaints,
byspepsiffi Dysentery, Asioma, it cures m "one
night, by taking it-Internally and bathing with it
freely. - Its action is like magie it ben externally
applied to old sore;j bntns,. scalds, and splalns.
Fpr'sick headache and toothache don't fail tovtiy.
( 'Tbshi--l,4t is a Pid Kitltr. Directions ae-
oonrpany oarti bottlco .' - - . -.--
Tli,e PaiUf Killer v. sold, by all dealers in midi
'rfne'."'1'' PrieCs. -25 cents; 50 cents, and 1 pee
full assortment ef , Iry - Coods, Groceries,
Boots and Shoes. Furnishiog Goods,
Yankee Notions, etc., etc., con-
" - sisting, in part, of "; 1 ,
Calico, Ginghams,- -
Lawns, ' Poplin s ,
Mcrioos, D dairies,-
v ? ; Sfarscilles, A Dress Silkar
' Brilliants, j : S i r t s ,
Jean;, II o a terr, Table Linen,
L r f L.-, . ", Ts n v !ma ..'7 - -
r - urrtf - .....
Check, Diaper, . "1
' Stripe?,. JD k i ng. -. --'Sy
.Corset : -Tat le Covers, . ;
- '" "Ladies''& " i 'iMisaos ShM,
. .,s.-,t.;. : AND ' '-i;'
A. F. CHERRY, Prop.,
. ' ALBANY) ' OREGON, ' i
Manufacturer of
"tOtX23. 3Z3XXe?XXO!Sls
IVE Ol. CJ T3C X J3" 33 H "32T,
aq,J -i...
- Agr icul tura 1 1 Machinery
- and all kincbJ of- " 1
Iron and Brass Castings
. -.-1 I I '" !t ;t J ? ..f:
je&- Particular attention paid to repairing all
kinf.i oi macninery. i - -
J3 .notes or 'Accounts against the. W. .V.
M." tV. Road Co. will " band them to the under.
signed, at the office Of ""the coinpany, loimediately.
foe adjustments - ' '." :. JAS, LK1KS, " ; -
Albany, Aug. u. wi , ,, .;. eeontary.
A.Raxe Opportunity for 6penItioa.
his real estate, consisting of one lot and two
thirds, a good dwelling house, large enough for
any family, with household fursitura, good gar
den, stable, large and completely furnished black
smith soon, wilb tools, two forges and bellows.
good well, etc.. situated on Main street, iu the
best business part ot liucoa Vista, Polk county,
Oregon. This place baa the name of being tbe
best point for a blacksmith shop in the State.
Any blacksmith or other porson desiring such a
location can bave the property described for $800.
: Buena Vista, Ogn., Aug. 5, 1871-482. ,
t At; SUedd's i Station,
drain on and after August 15, 1871. Will
he furnished with cleaning and elevating machin
ery of the moat approved- oonstruetioa. T Backs
will be fnrntshed, and" th0 hbeef Albany prices
will be paid, in
Cash, for Grain of Al) Kinds. .
Terms for storage, ete made known on appli
cation at tha warehouse.
8Ta-m3 '-v 4LMON WHEELER, lessee.
Si:! 1 t ft y
llofn Boots- arid Shoes,
i-.ii -i
' Slippers and Caitcrs.
' B tsm U .iSh e eting,
; . , Bleached s. Sheeting, , , -b
California Alercliandiso. ' -J" - -
y9 inrite-especiiil attention tar onr lavire stock
orROOTS NP PllOBS,. wKlch amt of tha best
quality. .ft!.-! n- ra' ...
..-f tfll.yrtmenVrf, Uent'.JHi4 ys' H AT,
'g od assortment of .
,1 -- .
Sucb-aS medium1 Vnd'-laa Batinass BiiU, medt
am and-n-Kmits. mimm..aai:'fln; ttimim. ma.
diuu and fine VesU, Gents' Under Shirts. 6ent
vrawers, uenu cotton ana woolen bocks. - .
A full assortment of . . . - r . .
A toll assortment of Bacn Vista Hollow Ware.
Cedar Tuba, - Cedar - Buckets, Clothes Basketst
Market Baskets. Table Cutlery, Pocket Cutlery,
A eomplete at sort meat of. QflQCJsKIES con
stantly on hind. , , , r-
We Posltlrely tfy GosapeUtionr
Albany, July 20, 1871-47 vm3. , , . . i
j. in H4UBIS. ' . ,1 j ? a. a.
TThROPRIBTORS. We han endeavor lo1
Jr. always keep on hand a full supply of all
Kinds of Eleati! '
all of bich will be of tha vwtf best quality.
The highest market prion pj4 fpr Beeves, Ucf.
and Sheep. . . . -
TklAl Snir rvat ofvemr. on soalb side of First
streets. - J. L. HA RflJ S (fc C "
Albany, eo. J5, 1870-1 - n