1 t i i mmtfir" w rmm mi h TMwiwnwiaiiaiiiiiLii.iuii 4 i'- w I to, s a i. ., ,rA -: : ill. ret" J -UAJ ntiti I -xii Jio.!s. -melt I.!;. ; VOL. 3. T7TT ALBAKY, OREGON, SATURDAY, Atf UGST 5, 1871. NO.-48." PUBLISHED EVERT SATCKD1T ST COLL.. VAIVCLEVE. FFICK OS CORNEE OP PERBT AXD FIRST-STS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TERMS IN "ne Year Six Months Single Copies ADVANCE. Three Dollars ...... .....Two Dollars .................. Tou Cents - ' --.i ADVESTISIXO BATES, j j; Transient advertisements per Square of ten lines or less, first insertion, 2 ; each subsequent insertion, $1- . Larger advertisements inserted on the most iberal terms. JOB WORK, llavin? received new type, stock of colored inks. cards, a Gordon Jobber, etc., we are pro . .1 , .....,-ntn all kinds ol priutine in a better manner and fifty 'per cent, cheaper than ever fore offered in this city. JOHN CONNERj ' BANEIN Cr EXCHANGE OFFICE, A 1. HA XV, ORIiGOX. . ... ADVERTISEMENTS. LOOK IIERJG ! SA FltANCISCO STORE! COB T EH FIRST 1SD PERRY STREETS, ALBANV. .. OREGON. D be Agents for the Register. The following gentlemen aro authorised to re ceive and receipt for subscription, advertising, etc., for tho Register : II 1 RAM SMITH, Esr, - Harrisburg. Ju.le S. H. CLAVGUTOS.. Lebanon. l'ETER HUME, Esq ..Brownsville W. R. KIRK. Esq - E. E. WHEELER. Esq .Scio. s T. IT. REYNOLDS, Esq Salem. O. P TOMPKINS. Esq Harrisbnrg. L. P. FISHER, Esq , "Frisco. BUSINESS CARDS. a. QiJianv thorxtox, a, TTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW Okfick No. Ill First street, between Mor rison and Alder, opposite the Occidental Hotel, Portland, Oregon. Will practice in the Snperior and Inferior Courts of the State, and in the District "and Cir cuit Court of the United States, giving special at tention to the collection of dchts in all parts of Oregon, and to obtaiuin? discharges in Bank-r-aptcv, which, since the last amendment to the law, bit bo obtained frm all debts contracted prior to January 1st, 1SG9, without repard to the per centare which the assetts may finally pay. : November 2(5, I870-12v:!y CDCE KKLSAY. JOSKPH HASSoX. KELSAY fc II ANNUS, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. (Partners for Liun county.) OFFICE 1 Tost Office Building, (up stairs). Albany, Linn county, Oregon. E POSITS RECEIVED SUBJECT. TO check at eight. ; :i ..- Interest allowed on time deposits in com. . Exchange on Portland. San FrauciSco; ted New Y'ork for sale at lowest rates. , , : , v , Cidloetions made and promptly remitted. 5 Refers to II. W. Corbett, Henry Failing; AV.' S. Ladd. T Banking hour from 8 .v. . to 4 P. X. TS, Albany, February 1. 1ST 1.22v3 . . . 4..; X. MEALEY o DEALER IN A MANUFACTURER OF " ;XT'3Et X "3? XT Xt,'3E3' ! and- - CABINET WARE! Corner First and Croad Alb in streets, ALBANY, OH EG OX. JfcT PARTICUtAR ATTE.-tHOX PAID TO ORDERS OF AU. KINDS Keeps eonstantly on hand a full assortment of STOVES, PUMPS & TINWARE I 'I will have for sale the cclobrated Diamond. 3EI.oo1xl cook stove, and other leading styles. . '.-: i.i.i .-,-..- .s - Also, mannfacture all kinds of tV&i Copper and S fleet Iron Ware, in tho,best,style, ajt lowest rates, " FOR CASH or COUNTRiiPRODUCE, Always on hand a full supply of Tho Purest Wines and- Lienors. : for Medicinal purposes only. k . X well selected stock of i'. , ' Clroceries and Crockery ! will always bo found at my establishment. ; " J X will sell all goods in my house, for Cash or Produce on delivery, cheaper than ever before offered in this market. i . . V All kinds of repairing done, oa short notice, and entire satisfaction warranted, at my Stove and Tin Store. -. -. JULIUS GRADWOHL. Nov. 19-11 : BUILDERS, ATTENTION S.1SH, BLID AXD UOOR FA C TORY J NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ' ;,i ftrii ;.- ; . GROCEinE&jPROlftelON W holesal e and R e t a i 1, CORNER FIRST is BRtfADALBIN, a. c. .laytonrop! IK: SlPaU Slmtrf COmiC CA.rle. C. LATTON HAVLNSf, JPURCHASED the stock of Geo,; W. eung, and added to ii a large assortment: ot . ,..,:mijl94 tilt GROCERIES . ':: : A'l). NoiloNS I solicit the patronage of hii friends andhe pnh lie. . The stock is well seleeted aad-will be fukl At;' tHeK Lowest tPrfce&.' We mean TR,ADE, and will .gytK jrott,VALUi- CtIVE-U S A RIAL i r. : ivj-nti-j ii tar.1.-- n.J :t ! f ,i A. C. LAYTON, " "Corner First and Broadalbia streets. ' in his line October IS3-8 9tfv3 CEO. F. SETTLER3SER, DRUGGIST.' (SucesstT to D. W. WatcSeld,)'' ParrisU's New Huilding-, tirit Street. ALBANY, ORECiOX. 1 S. H. At-TIIOCSE. . S. WRIGHT. J. F. BACKESSTO. I. B. RICE, M. !., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, o Albany, - - - - - - Oregon, FFICE ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF MAIN Street. Albany, April '70.-22 IuIoi, on hand and receiving. aTlONSTANTLY lar;c stock of ' Groceries aad Provisions, . AYood and Willow Ware. Tobacco, Cipirs, Con fectionery, Yankee Notions, Ac. Ac., Wholesale end Retail, opposite K. C. Hill A S n's droj store, Albany. Oregon. ju40'70 J. H. MITCHEI.I.. J, X. DOLPII. A. SMITH. lYIitchcll, Dolph & Smith, VTTORNEY'S An COUNSELLORS at LAW, S.litors in Chancery and Proctors in Ad ti iralty. Office over the old Post Office, Front street, Portland, Oregon. I -DEALER IN- Druars and Medicines, CHEMICALS, PAINTS. OILS, GLASS, ETC. JAMES A. WARNER, Civil Uugineer fc Surveyor. IS PREPARED TO DO SURVEYING AND Engineering. Uses improved Solar Compass. Urders iy mail promptly attended to. Residence tn 4tk St., opposite Dr. Tate's residence, Albany Oren. nI9 6m powf.ll. '.... j,. rt.is.v. Powell &, Flinn, A TTORNEyS COUNSELLORS AT LAW f 1l Solicit -rs in Chancery, (L. Flinn, Notary Fnblic,) Albany, Oregon. Collections and conveyances rn.atyly attended to. I ' All articles warranted pure and of the best qniility. i'livsit-iai'S Prescript ion cmefuTly compounded Albanv..Oct. 17, ISiiS-fitf .,. : AIsTOOUSE ;& CO., LTOS STREET, (OS THE R1VSR BASIt), . .ALBANY. : ! ORECON. KEEP ON HAND A FULL ASSORTMENT, and are prepared to XxTrnisli to Order, Doors, Blinds, and such as Crown, Panel, Rand, and Section Mold of all sizes. ' WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES I Flooring, other kinds of ' llalerial ! t - Witchcraft iH lUtattla. ; STRANGE PERKORMANCE IN FRANKLIN COUNTY A COUPLE OF FRISKY YOUNG FEMALES. " r" ' ' A ! correspondent - of a western paper; writes as follows from Frank fort,1 ; Illinois, under ' date - of " June 16th: "Two joung ladies, daughters of James Williams, living about eight miles, from here, have been attacked in a sin gular manner by what is said to be witch crart. Witchcrait, or whatever kind of craft it may be, it puzzles tho Dhvsiciaas. rhe youok ladies were first affeeted about the 1st of April. ' X think it was known amon the" neighbors that there was SOMETHING WRONG WITH THEM, We want your Produce, and will eive mg srood a bargain as can be found in this burgh. ' Call and see us. : , . ; . fv3n20 citSt drug store. A. AROTHCB8. . SALTMARSH. A. CABOTB ER S & CO., DRUGGISTS & APOTHECARIES, (Foster's Block. Firs street), . . - -' . .':? .1 ALBANY, : : t : . OREGON, -3 v ' t ;; ;t . . . 'f ... , DBALBHS IX i Drugs, Chemicals, Medicines, PAINTS, OILS, DYE-STUFFS, ' . . GLASS, ; '-. ' America, or as it is most properly termed, the United States, is a lengthy patch of ground; stretching North and South- from Boating as far as can be seen through a piece of smoked glas with the oaked eye. ;. -vj ... It was formerly supposed to be 4,800 miles long', but from a late measurement it wae found to be 2,400 miles short. The United States, in power and ex tent,, wallops all creation. It is tho most graodiferous, gigantic, . glorious country en the face of the green airth, anywhere between itunrise and sunset. The natives are more enlightened talk more- bunkum, make better "cocktails," manufacture more .greenbacks, eat more pumpkin pie, drive faster trotting horses, chew, more ; tobacco, expectorate . more freely t have more steamboat; explosions. Tint, fin v Btrnhirpnpiis'tfi tiip.ir sntinn wa imputerl!to iosanftY.'- Matters remainedii1,OB,r. r'xyTa prairies, more quack thus until last - Wednesday, Frenca and American GG013S, Colognes, HANDKERCHIEF EXTRACTS, ..... ; - f CONFECTIONERY. ! '- and all Building' STAB LES! ALBANY, OREGON. ,..,.':.. . , ; ALSO : "'",'.', Are prepared to do MILL; WORK t furnish Sha ker Fans Zigzag Shakers, Suetion Fans, Driving j Pulleys, of any kind, at our Factory on Lyon i street, (on the river bank), next below .Auukliam's i warehouse. r. . ALTIIOUSE & CO. j Albany, February 0, 1S89- 4 ; ' GEO. W. GRAY, D. T. S., A7"oirLD SOLICIT THE PAT T V Tinae of all persons desir ins ARTIFICIAL TEETH and FIRST CLASS DENTAL opera tions. Nitrous Oxide administered for the pain less extraction of teeth, when desired. Charges moderate. OBlee In Parrish A Co.'s brick block. Resi deoce, first house south of Congregational Chureb frontiog on Coort Hons? bloek. Albany, Oregon, July 2, 1S70-43 WAITED. MONTGOMERY & BARTGES, rRtlPKIETORS. ".TE ARE PREPARED TO FURNISH Tf the public niiU Beat tur.iouts .in the way of Stylish Buggies & Carriages 37" a js "t StO Oli! On the most reasonable terms. Our livery is all new and of the latest styles, and we shall take pride in giving our patrons as neat and reliable an out lit as can be obtained in the State. Horses boarded at reasonable rates, by the week or month. Hacks and Ciirriajre9 furnished for parties, Ac. A share of publie oatronaa is solicited. MONTGOMERY AlRARTGES. Albany. December 17.- 1870-15 7 , . - : - - - - ' - THE GX.O STOVE DEPOT ! BRlttOS, IVKALKR 19 STOYES, C00R, PARLOR & BOX. of the lest patterns - A7.SO- fY Orifl BUSHELS OF OATS, for VJav'UU which the highest market price rill be paid, in CASH, at the storo of i N. S. DU BOISE. Also, Batter and Eggs, in unlimited quantity, for which the highest market price will be paid in .eash. Call and see me. - Albany, Aug. 20, 1870-50 - , 1 S20.00 A DAY I TO MALE AND FEMALE AGENTS j To introduce the celebrated I $25 OO . .. BUCKEYE SHUTTLE SEWIXG STITCH ALIKE ON BOTH SIDES, and is the only licenced shuttle sewing machine in the United States, sold for less than $40, to use the celebrated Wilson feed, and are acknowledged by alt to be the best family machine for light or heavy sewing, in the market. Outfit free. Ad dress, MINER A PEARSON, Gen. A gU., 90v3tr Alnany, Oregon. THE NEWSENJLA$D "MTJTtTXL LIFE Insurance Company of Boston is the,niy etinpany on this coast, governed Ljf the " Massachusetts Non-F"or1cttnre Law. This company was incorporated A. D. 1S35. and has accumulated assets of over $800,009 00. The following lapsed policies bpve been paid on this eoast under this law : Over due at time No. of policy, of death. . Amt. inFP.red. 13054 6 months:' 5,000 33016 i months. , 10,000 3S25G 3 month3. ." 1,000 291(56 . 10 days. . ' 2,500 36559 II months 5,000 Had the above policies been in any other com pany, they would have been forfeited. . The above facts speak for themselves, and to the wise and prudent fuutbt-r comment is unnec essary. .- , . EVERSON & MIDDLE MISS, GENERAL AGENTS, : s SAN FRANCISCO. L . FLINN, Local Affcnt, t t Albany, Oregron February 25, 1871-23y " J. D. TITUS, Dealer ia pjt WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWSLRT. ETC. . Repairing of Clocks, Washes, Jewelry, Ae., attended to. All work warranted. 31v3 AsLBAIVir BAT1I HOUSE THB UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECT fully inform the eitiiens of Albany and vi cinity that be baa taken charge of this establish ment, and, by keeping dean room and paying strict attmic ; to-business, expects to suit ail those who mi) favor bira with their patronage. laving neretoiore earnea on notnwg out ' First-Class Hair Dressing Saloons, e exnec's to give entire latisfactioo to all. S9 Chifdrsa and Ladies' hair neatly cut and tiaipooe4, JOSEPH WEBBER. riJR.I!V(;. -'--VVRNIKV. -i- r 1 Z- jt'Vf - Vof . . -, ' C5 w w f Tin. Siicet Iron and Copper xw C4.xe I and the usual usortmcnt of Famishing Goods tk bo obtained in a ( ?. TIN" Pure Wines ' & liquors, for medicinal purposes. ' Fine Tohacco and Cigars. ' sB- Physician's Prescriptions and - Family Recipes compounded with cafe. December 31, 1870-17 ' ' SETTLEMIRFS XURSERY, Six miles South, of Albany, Liun Co., . Near th3";T,a,ilroja.i. JCSf Rejmir neatly and promptly exe-tei, ""S3IS - .ar-os reasonable tentts. ' "Short reckonings, make long friends." : Front street... -....Albany. Next dooT to Mansfield A Co. - ' .: dec5'6S I . . . ; ;A Stitch in Time 'Saves Nine!" Fire an Marine Insurance Comply .s Kos. 416 and 41S, California street, . San Francisco, - .,' - Calilbrnia. SOLICIT THE ATTENTION OF ALL persons desiring to purchase Fruit Trees to call and examine my stock, which is composed of the largest and best selection in the State, con sisting of Apples, Pears, Cherries, Plums, Prunes, Grapes, Black Berries, Currants and Roses. AlSO, ' -. . , Black and White Wain nt, English Wal nut, Hickory, Pecan, Redbud, ; .. Hone; Locust, Hackberry, 1 and a number of other varieties of trees and plants too numerous to mention, all of which are offered at low rates. HENRY; SETTLEMIRE. December 17, 1870-15 ... A CJreat Hat-gain. THE FARM KNOWN AS "FARMOUNT i Lake" is offered for sale at $10,000 in coin $4,000 ia hand, and the remainder in six equal annual payments, with interest from date. - The tract is in good shape, being nearly a sqnare, con taining about SAO acres of rich soil ; and is diver sified with forests vast, fair lawns, lordly oaks, and willows sitting by the lake, the woodland ami prairie so alternating as to make it one of the most attractive places in tne btate. It is situated on the west side of the Willamette river, within "half a mile of Albany, which is known as being in the heart of the best agricultural portion of Oregon. The location is healthful. It has a good stone quarry, about 100 acres under fence, a two story frame barn with shedding 90 feet sqnare ; a large and handsome new house two-stories high, thoroughly painted inside and ont, the large cup boards and book-cases being fixtures, and the bouse having under its whole length a good dry cellar. In addition to tbeie there is a neat well- rbouse, a wood-house and all other ncces5ary out houses. There is a meadow, large pasture, or chards, garden, Ac., Ac. It ie susceptible of be ing divided into four farms, all of them having good soil, fuel and rail timber, and three of them having stock-water. ' For particulars address J. C. Mendenhall, Esq., Albany, or the undersign at Portland. - ... : J; QUINN THORNTON. Feb. 14th, 1871 24v3. Attorney at Law. . FRANK A. COOK... when their father jcalled upon a physician. , of this place and got him to visit them. , Since that time their actions have become gen erally known, and erowds of men and wo men havo gone to see them. Some fifty or a hundred persons ajre there every night, and tbey say it is quite entertain ing to witness their performances. They are perfectly sane during the day; but at the approach of uight they become fren zied and uncontrollable, performing feats that the best acrobats could hardly per form, bcalmg the bouse, they DANCE ri'ON THE COMB OF THE BUILD- ; txo, .- , v -! apparently with perfect ease and impu nity, uttering at the same time the most hideous and frenzied screams. Very fre quently they take something like fits, or spasms, and fall perfectly stiff; but it they chance to be on the house-top, they never fall off, however near the caves they may be. . ' They are aged respectively sixteen and eighteen . years. And . are both rather small, being below the me dium height. During the day, at which time they are perfectly sane, they seem to be rather modest and reserved, but will converse freely with any one. They are fond of music, and play upon the dulci mer. The spell comes upon both at or near the same time, generally between sundown and dark, and first manifests it self by both of them breaking into a run. They always run north, in the direction of the house of an old lady, who, . they say, has been PRACTICING WITCHCRAFT UPON THEM. TLey say she has' recently put harder spells upon them, on account "of their telling something that fhc had' forbade, and that sheand a cat are with them in their house-top dance. .They have a lan guage whicj,thcy use in conversing witV each other au'J wb ich tbejr seia7odti- der&tand; but it s 'Cotnapebe to every body eUe , There are some stiange' things connected with them. .They catch , and eat all the flies they can get hold of, until nausea is produced, when they vomit at the same time. NVhat one does, the. other is doing. Their gestures are alike and simultaneous. Tbey seem to be both moved by one controlling power. " You can imagine the excitement when I tell you that, since I began to write, nearly fifty people have passed "through our lit tle village to see the girls." STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE Cash Capital,. In Gold Coin, T50,000. , . Deposit In Oregon, 50,0O0. . - I AH PREPARED TO tK -' "( ALL KINDS OF TURNIKu J I keep on hand and maku to order '' RAWUIDE-BOTTOiriErj CHAIRS, . . ... ABD ' a 'Spianintr- Wrti7' JEsTT ghop near the "Magnolia. Mill" " JOHN "M. METZLER Albany, Nor. 8,' I8AS-I, '' : : a r -Z . NEW . STYLE PICTURES. ,. Losses Promptly and Equitably Adjusted s . ,t , Awl Paid in Gold Voin. ... THIS COMPANY having complied with the laws ef Oregon, by making a deposit of fifty thousand dollars, ia now prepared to effect insur ance against Loss , or . Damage bv Fire, and also against Marine aad.Ialand Navigation risks, on liberal terma. - ,.., -.TIIE- " Ii E M B.It A KDT V I the most popular stylo of Photograph" now. made. Call and see, A. J. WISiTKlWr- I . . Jan. 14-19 ' -' I Albany, Oregon. - OCSTAVE TOUCHARD, Pres. D. HAVEN, SeCy. . A'. jr. C. MENDENHALL, i Airoat Cgor Albaary C1IAS. Albaay, 187 1-1 S ALBANY HOOK STORE:. . w". ESTABLISHED llsV.isia. ,'l'. PREEBATCD, Tl ?,A I,B 1 IN ' aVEStY, VABIETY OF WJ, M iBeellaoeoas Book., ockool Books, Blank Books, Stationary, 4o.s; . Books imported, to erdcr atshort notice, ; . . , , Albaay, Oregon. December 8, 1870. ' ' Blank Book Manufacturer, 1 '..'.'.... SALEM.'OREGON.;' v Xj-AVING ESTABLISHED A FIRST CLASS XjL Bookbiodery in Salem, is now prcpar to do all manner of work known to the trade. ; Magaiines, Newspapers and Music bound in any desired style. . : Old Books re-bound. ' Blank Books, of every description, with or without printed headings, manufactured to order. ; Blanks, of every kind, ruled and printed order. , PRICES REASONABLE. .4?: In Grav's Brick Block. ' 43m4 to . MARBLE WORKS. Jflonroc & Staiger, ' ' Dealers ia : ' '-' ' ' 1 M0X'iIENTS,0BELSKS,T031BS, HEAD AND VOOT STONES.' " i Lf .Bseeatod-in , .. (California, Vermont and Italian Marble, Brmaclt mbmp .. Albany MRS. TAN V ACTOR. - D BALER IN MILLINERY AND , FANCY Goods, LcbaaoaOregetol,' has Jiwt received aa elegaat Innuee of sttanlc and geoda to whiob she invites the attention of the ladies of Lebanon and virinitT. -, i jPS, P.roduce will 'be taken in exchange for gooas.-"' r--' v-"- - i'E., YAH TAUIUtt. JJayX3ll187X-8o8.,.i-;5j .1 The Vampire Superstition. An extraordinary story is reported from Prussian Poland. It appearcs ' that among the Poles -and Iluogarions the myth of vampires still finds credence. A couutry fquire at .Roslasin, in Posen, died some months ago, his death being speedily followed bythat of his eldest son, and the dangerous illness of .his relatives, all of which cases occuried as suddenly as they seemed unaccountable. lhe deceased was at once suspected ot g a vampire, rising from his grave and sucking the blood of his surviving friends. To prevent farther mischief, his second Ron determined to choD off the corpse's head, for which enterprise he obtained the assistance ol some equal ly superstitious peasants, at a very high price. The head was to be laid with the feet, while an assistant collected the blood diircinsr from the neck in a vessel to sive to the relatives to drink. : The rlpfflwa delaved bv the interference ot j - y . .. ih nrish nnest.-but was in tne ena effected at night, not, however with' out ' an unasked ' witness. T lhe- ease is now before the Prussian Court of ap peals.' The ' local court had sentenced the desecrators of the churchyard to three months' imprisonment, and it seems like ly jhat they will have to pay that penalty for their superstition. . - . "v" !' A Plea for. Thosk Who Sleep in the Morning. The fact is, that as life becomes more consecrated,' and its pur suits more eager, short sleep and early rrs ing become impossible.' -We fake more sleep than our ancestors, and we take more because we want more. ' Six hours sleep Will do very well for a plowman or brick laver, or any other man who has no other exhaustion than that; produced by manual labor, and the sooner he takes it after his labor is over the better; but for a man whose labor is mental, the stress of work is on his brain and nervous system, and he who is tired in the evening with a day of mental application, for hlrri neither early to bed'nor eaH v to rise is wholesome. 1 He needs lettins down to the level of repose. The longer interval between the aotive use of the brain and his retirement o bed, the r.fp hie nhencaofaieen and refreshment. To hitu an hour after midnight is probably as good as two hour? before, it,, ana, even then, bis sleep will not so completely and quickly restore him as it prill his neighbor, who ie physically tirade He must not ooly go to 4ed later, but lie longer. , .liS best sleep probably, is Jn , the early Jnorniirg ' hours', when all the nervous excitement has passed entirely awjr, "Ue is u ib- doctors, lessi babies, bigger Bunker Hill monuments,, smaller self, esteem, larger national debt, richer shoddy, and petro leum aristocrats, larger eagles and buffa loes, more Mormons, and more Star Spangled banners than the natives of the Sandwich Islands and New Jersey combined. . -The copartnership started in 1776 with 13 (which, kneadlcss to say, is a baker's dozen) States. - The - rest have, been taken in since. The Southern States considered themselves taken tn consider ably, if any dependence can be plaoed in the statement of Jeff Davis, a celebrated Historian and a -native of Connecticut by his first wife. - .... . .: . ' The' ' inhabitants reside principally in brown stone houses, and ; depend, to a great extent, for subsistence on eating and drinking. They cat pumpkin, pie and tobacco, and drink . Bourbon and "Jersey Litcnin.V The climate is tem perate, which speaks volumes for the extraordinary exertions ot John B. Gough. j - , -. ;.'., The principal State is called Massa chusetts. This State derived its name from ' the - following" curious incident: Several yecrs ago a colored African slave of the Negro persuasion cultivated the tobacco plant in the vicinity of Boston. One day, as one of the Puritans was passing the slave, he asked the contra band if he used tobacco. " ; "No, sar," replied Sambo, "I hoes it,' but Juassa chetvs it. !.,....' John Quincy Adams was so sensibly struck with the originality of the idea that he immediately proposed to the "selectmen" that they should choose it for the name of that State. ' Boston, its principal village, is univer sally known as the "Hub" of the Uni verse; around which all creation revolves. Its chief productions is Crooked Streets .and Bi Orgtrti.' It hs-aT8e"4on- been i faWotis Tor" its Baked BekrfslnaUttrWn- Bread, (Xoty Bq&y John Brow ri was bred io Virginia, out a singularly beauti ful classical ballad, supposed to have been written by Bret Hartc, states that present "his body lies a mouldering in Ute ground."') ; Boston is justly celebrat ed for its literati. The greatest living bard resides in the 'Hub." , He i3 called the Hub Bard and is supposed to be a lineal descendant of Old Mother Hub bard, an adopted wife of Cotton Mather, one of the Pilgrim step fathors. Boston is also noted for its common ' schools. because they are on the common, yet they are uncommon fine schools. The Common's cool in Winter, and the boys and girls who attend it pond-er studiously when tbey are learning to skate. -Salem, which is noted tor its itches, is pleasantly situated in the vicinity of Massachusetts. Jbe report that the Witch of Endor ' had requested to end her days there, lacks confirmation. The inhabitants subsist principally on sand- witches , and are generally well . bred. They are also largely engaged in ship ping. They build 'vessels and sail 'eni. In ancient times it Was generally suppos ed that the human race was divided into two sexes male and female. This idea however, hardly correct, for by refer for his npwright dealings with the- Indians. Being honest, be could not be . called : a steel Penn. Cincinnati has been made pig-culiarly famous by its pen, having been settled Dy tne descend ents of Ham. ' Philadelphia, its capital, is capitally laid ont in regular streets.- A . large amount of capital has probably t been laid out to produce such a fine ap pearance a good deal of work has been done "on : the square" there. Pet R oleum is the well-tbiest man in the " State. He owns several ile-landa and ia . supposed to be a descendant of tho Bore -boos. In fact, he Bays he has been on. '; "Bourbon "thrown. ' Oregon ' is so called after a Mormon' gentleman named O'ltegan. . It is chief- ly noted for being the residence of "Low the poor Indian" and his family, They ; depeod principally on scalping . for . st ; livelihood, and barely manage by so- i doing, to "make both ends meat' Some-, one who has observed their mode of nourishing a tomahawk says . "tbey mast , do a flourishing business ;" though not , very sharp they are noted as hair raisers. SUver lu the Sea. The poet tells of the gems that shine with 'purest ray serene' in dark unfath. omed caves of ocean ; but it is not it those inaccessible depths alone that the treasure of the sea is hidden. There is untold wealth diffused throughout the immensity of its waters, as secure from human avarice as if it were in the abysses which plummet never sounded. Its very diffusion puts it out of tw- The fact that it is everywhere makes it ' practically nowhere. Some years agor ' certain . French chemists demonstrated that sea-water contains an appreciable amount of silver. They decided that if it is equally distributed, there muBt be at least two million tons of the precious ' metal in the whole ocean, or more thsn has ever been dug from the earth. And experiments made at widely distant points, prove that the metal is thus uni formly diffused. The water of the Paoifi c, off the coast of Chili, as analysed by an English chemist; gives the same result as the Frenchman had obtained from the waters of the British Channel. The silver in the sea. is only one out of a. thousand illustrations of solid substan ces made visible . by chemical processes. ,-' And we must not suppose that it is only minute quantities of matter that can be thus lost to sight in transparent liquid.. A silver dollar (a mythical piece of money, to our young readers, but the old folks can tell them how large it is, or was), can be dissolved in a very small amount of nitric acid, which if pure, is a color less liquid. Com soon vanishes, and the li quid js as clear and transparent as ever. t it . . i f -i .i anv-Ui Ji)Sja -1vtI ui. suvci njign iuub on of what would ring to our atlas it was discovered that there is a Middlesex in Massachusetts. " Plymouth was the landing: place of the Pilgrim Fathers, who come over in the Great Eastern commanded by Chris-. topher Columbus, which . is graphically described in Byron's Pilgrim's Progress, showing how well the pilgrims progressed while crawling up the rock. General GeorgO Washington is generally known as the Pilgrim "rather of his country When quiet a small- boy be cut down a dried apple tree to show his mother that he could ot tell a lie. Un Jflymouth Kock the brst cradle of Liberty was rocked bv one of the Pilgrim Mothers. New Bedford was formerly noted for its rum and whale fisheries, but Nan tuck-it all. ' . -v'?5' -" " New Hampshire is principally inhabi ted by mountains. .They belong to the White familv. and consist of seven or eisht peaks, each one averaging about 6.000 feet high -which is very good for high. The natives have a peak uliar appearance, and live ehiefly .on shoddy tourists who co tnere lor a cnange or climb.'? The Notch, a deep narrow gorge about two miles long through tbe moun tains, has auite a rore-ous appearance, Maine is pleasantly located in East port a nearly opposite to urano itianao. . ma lVan, U said to- be the .oldest inhabi tant in that region. An "onrehable Cuss from Noo Jersey said that "Main was not : worth a dam This stateownt is- diabolically ' false. The Kenebeek is crossed by a' prodigious dam creating numerous mill sites. The Milleite-Tribe of Indians are located herein large quan tities. Calais,' although generally , sup posed 1 to be a peaceable little town, is noted for 'its "mills." The population are chiefly Mill wrights. The Millorite dootrine, is the established religion. , Penniylvania ' was settled by English Quaker dnder W. Peon, wha is noced 4e concsJcdln a' gall 6cem to be nothing but water; ' Other- ' metals, and, indeed, solid substances of all kinds, may be dissolved and made to disappear in a similar way. ' There is no - visible form of matter whiob chemical . agencies may not render invisible What we commonly call the destruction of mat" . : 1....V . r-nm f,A seen to the unseen. When wood or any thing else Is burned, it has simply under gone a chemical chaoge which removes it from our sight. Not a partiele of matter can really be destroyed, unless by the power that called it into existence.. The silver in our transparent liquid n not, annihilated if we pour it into the sea f. it is lost to us bat the silver is there, like the millions of tons of kindred metal thafr were already - mingled with the waters. In like manner, the coal and wood we burn, except the small residum of ashes,. bave become viewless gases, and are- blended with the aerial ocean of the atmosphere. On the clearest day, the air above us is laden with, thousands otc tons of carbon, in this Uanspacsnt soadL tion. : It-is there, though we ' cannot see t, and plants are continually turning it back into visible form again. .This is- the key to the mystery of their growth, which is mainly the withdrawing of. carbon from its gaseous state of carbonic acid and making it a part ot tbeir structure. We have said that silver in- the sea is useless, because it is diffused through so vast a bulk t .fluid. But. the lact tnat it baa been possmie to uo tect it, when thus diffused, shows tnat u chemical aeencies can make solid substan ces vanish from our sight, they can on- the other-hand, compel a body tnus con cealed to show itself, even when it form, only . the minutest proportiow of the mixture. The delicacy qj cnemicaj,w-i. is almost beyond belief. A single drop c i i i: : J in a mllnn nt ui euiurms auuiu. auvcu w colorless liquid, may instantaneously prodneea well defined red, or blue vllnw trirnno-rinut the entire mass the latter ; and yet it may be less than s hundredth part ef some solid, substsnco. in solution, that is msde to give such unmistakable evidence of its presence. or of ' In a town is Ohio, not long ago, th women went in bands of two and three with theif knitting and sewing shops of the place, and spent the who day with their work, and talking politely upon rariewe topios. Husbands and friends came in, saw how things IwketV and had not the courage to step to bar and" drink. This wss kept np several days and the result was twerj : shop in tb place was closed, ."j The Chicago. Tribune asks snd receivest $22,000 for a column of drtivent uu-a JIM. .uv v a,-. are keen to pay it. There on s id Cincinnati that pays 9,000 !VV for adveitising. There are . Clereland,. even, who pay r tlO OOO a, year. Somehow these men doo:ti!re.k aUberaladvert-eroeTetv. loses." '-' 1 "' ' - ' i ' . ; ' Only 18 "thats" can be grammatically put in on eentene. v ' - '