The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, July 29, 1871, Image 1

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    VOL. 3.
ii mi 'inn Ti ;fKim
C.OBSEB OF fEBllT Asn '-n.
NO. 47.
ne Yenr
;ix Months......
Single Copies...
Three Dollars
Two Dollars
Ten Cents
Transient advertisement, per Square
, first insertion, ;
lines or lc
Insertion, SI.
li:trjor a.lvertiscuieuU
il.eral terms.
of ten
$J : each subsequent
iae.r'.ed on the most
received M VP- stock
B A M K I Iff G
of colored
aria' rswivcl new .'i- '- --
kV -ii v-i.,.1 l printing in it betfr
...nmr and fi :t V per c
v. re offer-."! in this city
Agen.s for the Register.
The ...Mowing gentlemen ara authorized- to re-
su'os -ription, auvertying.
.".,- in.l receivt f;
t-le.. for tbj Rkgistbb :
i n m
iMITH. E .........
n V'- S. H- t l'tl ttiiiw.
fv.K H I'ME. Es.j
.V. It. KfRK. Eq
K. E. W IlKE'iKR. Eq
T II. 'lEVX'M.PS. K-q
O. - TOMPKINS. Esq.'.
L. 1-. FIS'lEll. 1.j
. Lebanon.
iirown-v illr
... Seio.
check at sight,
lutcrest allowed on time deposits in coin.
Exchange on Portland, Sun Francisco nnd
New Turk for sale at lowest rates.
Collections made anil promptly remitted.
Refers to II. V. Corbett. Henry Foiling, W. ?.
,JS3r Banking hours frmn S A. w. to 4 r. x. -tV
- Albany, February 1, 1871. 22v3 -
"O" Xt 3NTX 3? XT XX DEIS 2
J i ocltliii, Etc.,
Corner First and Broad Albin streets,
' it
ris-.u It:..
-'.n::v an i '"rN'vE!.nit at law
.. ! ! I IV.'t
.1 v .
uri .
osnzRs or ax.x. kinds.
Keeps constantly on hand a foil assortment of
I will have for sale the celebrated
Diamond Rools.
cook stove, and other leading stylo.
Also, manufacture all kinds of . '
Tin, Copper aud Slieet-lroii Wartv
in the boat style, at lowest rates,
Always nn band a full supply of
The Purest Wines and Liquors, ,
fr Medicinal purposes only.
A well selected stock of , i ,
Kroceries and Crockery
will always be found at my establishment.
I will sell all (roods in my bongs, for Cash or
Produce on delivery, cbeajwr than ever before
ofTWred in this market.
All kinds of repairing done, on short
notice, and entire satisfaction warranted, at luy
Stove and Tin Store.
Nov. 19-11
in his Una
.;i -ft
Str cr'or an.t Tnf-ri -r
i;;Yin; .-pvi'-.a. :.t
! of l.'bts in all parts "f
v I I , ..' : dli'kArxes m ank
v .;i .'j. n.-.- the jiuie.idmcni. to the
. h8 ..l.taine-i fir in nli debts atrK-tMl
,! mn-irv 1-r. 1m5'., without reirard to tho
hi.-ii tHe afelts may finally pay.
Nov. m-r -. 1 l'-v.-.y
Attornoys anJ Cnwllo!"s at Law.
I ; Partners fur Linn county.)
OFFICE In r.t Offii-e Building, (np stairs).
Alb.Kiy, Linn county. Ore :ou. . 9tfv3
-ilkSjUtiiiailJl AiauwA,
?:c -te I atock of French Cood. ronsistin
Caimere-. Heavers and Dtwlrii:a. and all
manner f Fancy GKd of tie best I'jaiiJy.
r 'r Suits to r-lr.
I Ii XJ O O 1ST.
(Successor to D. W. Wakefield,)
Iarrishs New Building-, I'irst Slrcet,
and Medicines,
S. n. 1LTDOI SE. S. WniCHT. J. F. iickkxstr,
ad ara prepared to
:r & co.
W. IJcialfey.
ji n fii- rt uutk-.-. a:id ffiih ntalueii and dis-
1-n e.i. .
-Al Kinds of Kc?aiiin Eanc.
A!-.inv. June 11, 1S70 40 ;
' I. 15. KICE,
- V4any, -
A' articles Trarranted pnre and of the best
Physicians Prescriptions carefully compounded.
Albanv. Oct. 17. l8r.S-6tf
31. S., ;
o t
TlIE ,
- - - Orcjoa,
3,1 VERY,
B L E S!
Albany, April
hand aad receiving.
7. S.
Ur -t.K k of
Groceries and Provisions,
Wood and Will .w Ware. Tobaoeo, Cisrars, Con
t'ecUonery. Yankee X tins, 4c. c. Wholesale
and Retail. p:Mite R. C. Hill 1 S-raV" dros
store. Alb any. Ore. -on. jn4070
such as
Crown, Panel, Band, and Section Mold
of all sixes.
and all other kinds of ,
fliiildiiis lalcrial !
OFF IC I A L.J . ,
Laws or ibe United stales,
AN ACT relating to moneys paid into the courts
of the United btates.'
Be it enacted by the Senate and Hnnte of Hep-
renentntieem ftf the United Stutee ' of America tn
Conurem aesembled. That all moneys in the regis
try of any court -f the liniteu btates,. or in the
bunds or under me control 01 any omcer 01 tacit
court, which were received lu any canse penning
or adjudicated in sueh court, shall, within thirty
days after the passage of this act, ba deposited
ith the .treasurer, an assistant treasurer, or a
designated depositary of the United States, in
the name ami to toe credit ol sum court.. And
all such moneys whirb are 'hereafter paid into
courts or received by the officer thereof shall b?.
forthwith deposited, in like manner.' PranVeJ,
That nothing bereiu oh all be eoifsmiod to prevent
the delivery of any such money upon aevnrity,
according to agreement of parties under the di
rection ot the court.
Sec. 2. That no money deposited as aforesaid
shall be withdrawn except by iirder of the judge
or judges ot said courts respectively, in term or
in vacation, to .be signed by sm-h judge or judges
and to be entered and certified of record by the
clerk, and every such order ' hall state the cause
ia or on account of which it is drawn. '
Sec. 3. That at each regular aud stated session
of said courts the clerks thereof shall present an
account to said courts of all moneys remaining
therein or subject to the order thereof, stating in
detail in what causes said moneys are deposited
and in what causes paymei ts have been made,
which account and the voucher thereof shall be
filed in court. - t'
Sec. 4. That if any clerk or other officer of a
conrt of the United M.iles shall deposit any mo
ney belonging in the registry of tho court, in vio
lation of this act, or shall retain or convert any
such money to his own use. or to the use of any
other person, be shall be (Itemed pnilty of em
bezzlement, and, on onvirtiim.sbail bepuri.h"fd
by a fine of not le?a than five hundred dollars and
not more than the amount embezzled, or by im
prisonment for a terra of not Ks than one jear
nor more than ten years, or both, ot the discre
tion of the court. 7 '
Sec. 5. That if any person shall knowingly re
ceive from a clerk or other officer of a court of
the United States, any money belonging in the
registry of said court, as a deposit, loan or other
wise, in violation or this ait, be shall be deemed
guilty of embezzlement, ami shall be punished as
piovidid in the last preceding section.
Sec. 6. Tliat the act entitled "An act directing
the disposition of money paid irto the courts of
the I'nited," approved April eighteenth,
eighteen hundred and lourti-cn, and the act sup
plementary thereto, approved March thinl, eight
evn hun.lred aud seventeen, be and the sumo arc
hereby repealed.
ApprovedMarch 24. 171.
s President to appoint R.
nt in tkc United States
sent of the Senate appoint, George A Stevens to
the active list of the navy, with the rank of lieu
tenant commander. '
Approved, April 19, 1871.
the public with ueat turnouts in tne way
Stylish Buggies & Carriages
Are prepared to do MILL WORK : furnish Sha
ker Fans, Zigzag Shakers, Suction Fans. Driving
Pulleys, of any kind, at our Factory on Lyon
street', (on the river bank), next below MarkhamV
Albany, February 0, 1S69- 4
Hiltabilel & Co.,
3 f : .vision. Wool and Willow- Ware, Confuc
nery, Tobacco, Cirs, " Pipes. Xotions, etc.
Frtt i-trct t, - adjoining the B l.k, Albany,
-i--..n. vl
'. m. iT-tfKi l. j. .,: . A. aMirn.
Mitchell, Dolrh & Smith,
Solicitors in Chancery and Pr.Mrtors in Ad
; iralry. 0;n.-e over the old Post Oi2cc, Front
ret. Portland, Oregon. I
CiviJ Eiis.ineci & Surveyor.
. : ... i -
On the most reasonable trms. Our livery is all
new and of the latest styles, and we thall take
pride in giving our patrons as neat and reliable an
outfit as can be obtained in the State.
Horses boarded at reasonable rates, by the week
or month."
- Hacks and Can-iases furnished for parties, Ac.
A sharj of public patr'.nsre is solicited.
Albanv. December 17. 1370-15
Er2ia :eririr. L -"es im-irore I S.itar Commta.
r 1 rs by mail promptly a. t n l. d t . Resi lesice
on 4th -Su, opposite Dr. Tate's residence, Alhanr
Oregon. riI9 om "
rOWf.I.L. ' I FI.IXN.
Powell & Flisin,
and S !i- ii 'rs in C'hancvry.
, -,- (t. FUnn, Notary Phli,)r
ToanV,- Orra-'in., . (TulW.t;..n anA ......
o.(ly attnule 1 to.
; QEO. W. GRAY, t. J.
tnwr- of all person, 'lesir
...ii-.uj 'imini3Kren 'ur the pain-
, -w -ttr-icti ,n of teeth, when desired. Charges
Office in Parrish It Co.'t brl -k bl.K-k. Rcsi
nee. first house south of Congregational Cburcb.
fronting on Conrt Unnss Idoek.
. Albany, Oregon, July 2, 1370-43
10 OflfV B"SDE1S OF OATS, for
JUlf winch tbe highest market price
ftU be paid, in CASH, at the store of
' " - N. 8. DU BOISE.
for-?; w.'l4 in "iited quantity,
for whWb the highest market price will be paid in
esn. Call and see me.
Albany, Aug. 20, 1870-50
' x introduc the eelebrated
. .' ' $25 OO
O th '" "r licensed -huttle sewing machine in
thj C.n.. .1 c tlea. sold for lass than $40, to use
the e. limited Wilson feed, and are acknowledged
bv all to hfl thit html funil. mb.Ma. l:-u.
heary acwioff. in tbe market. Outfit fri. A
Insurance Company of Boston is the only
lopany on this coast, governed ny ine
Massachusetts Non-Forfeiture Law.
Thia comnanv was incorporated A. D. 1S.15,
and has accumulated assets of over $800,000 00.
Tho following lapsed policies bpve been paid on
ibis coast under this law :
Over due at time
No. of po'icj-. of death, v A mt. insured.
1. 0i4 6 months. ."
;i:'.tll3 4 months. : 10,0011
:'.8J5 : 3 months. 1,000
2iin 10 days. ' 2,500
3S559 ' i 11 months - i,000
Had the above policies been in any other com
pany, thev woutd have neen loneiiea.
. - - . i , .i .
The above facts sneas tor inerancura, i
the wine and prudent fuetber comment is unnec
Local Agrent, t I Albany, Oregon.
February 25. 1371-237
of the best pattern-
Tin, Miieet Iron and -Copper
"vv tiro I
and the usual assortment of Famishing Goods t
be obtained in a
AN ACT authorizing th.
II. Lauison a h-.'Uten
navy. '
lif it ena'-ted by the Senate and ILtnae of licp-r-"ciitntive
ff the I'nited Stutte nf Aweiiea in
Ctnufrei' amtmhied. That the President of tbe
Uni';ed Stales be, and hereby is, authorized to
nominate R. H. Lamsou a lieutenant in the United
States Navy.
App.oved, March 27, 1871.
AN ACT to re-establish the office of surveyor at
Eastport, Maine.
Be it y 'b -Stn --4 f tt'p-
rementritieee nf f. t'miteil Stotcmnf America iVX-o-tjreoe
amtemhled. That the office of surveyor 8t the
port of Eastport. formerly existing by law and
abolished by the Secretary of tbe Tr-asnry, be
and is hereby re-estailis::eu and rr.aieu, ana
shall hereafter exist, subject to the same laws and
restrictions that appertained to the same before
it was abolished; but it shall hereafter be known
ns the office ot surfeyor of Eastport and the dis
trict of Passamaquodcy bay.
Approved, March 30, 1871-
.. . t. t
AN ACT to amend an act entitled "An act to di
vide the State of Virginia into two judicial dis
tricts." !
Be it enacted by the Senate and Ilonte of Rep-re-eutittiret
of the I'nited State of America in Vou
ireie aaeembled. That tho second clause of the
eixlh section ot" the act aforesaid, of which this
act is an amendment, is amended as follows:
"That the clerk of tbe clreuit or district court of
tbe eastern district of Virginia shall transmit the
original papers and cettified copies of all orders
in any suit or proceeding wbii h shall be removed
for further proceedings from the eastern district
to the western district of Virginia, as authorized
by the first clause of ths said sixth section of the
act aforesaid, to tbe clerk of the court to which
such suit or proceeding shall be rcmoveilt to
gether with a statement of all costs: and all fur
ther proceedings shall be bad in the court to
which the same shall be removed as i'" tl.e said
suit or proceeding had originally been com
menced therein.'
Approved, April 4, 1871. .- -
AN ACT making appropriations to supply de
ficiencies iu the appropriations for the .scrv
ice of the year ending June thirtieth, eigh
teen hundred and seventy one, and for tbe ad
ditional appropriations for the service of the
ycur ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred
and aeventy-two, aud for other purposes.
Be it enacted by the Senate and Home of Jl'p
reaeutatiree of the United Statet of America in Con-
greet tLseembled, That in order to carry into effect
too proviaious ol an act entitled "An act grant
ing pensions to certain soldiers and sailors of tbe
war of eighteen huudred and twelve, and the
widows ot the deceased soldiers," approved Feb
ruary fourteen, eighteen hundred and seventy -one,
there be, aud is hereby, appropriated, oat of
any moneys in the treasury not otherwise appro
priated, tor the payment, during the remainder of
tiie fiscal year, ot two clerks of class three, four
clerks ot class two, nineteen clerks, of class one,
and two assist ant messengers iu the Pension Offiee,
to be appointed by the Secretary of tbe Inte
rior, eight thousand two bnudred and sixty dol
lars ; for office rent, furuitnre, and contingent ex
penses of said ofiibe for the same period, six
thousand five hundred dollars ; and fur the
payment during tbe fiscal year ending June
thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-two,
of four clerks of class three, eight clerks
of class two, forty-eight clerks of class one, aud
throe assistant messengers in said office, to be ap
pointed by tbe Secretary of the Interior, seventy
8cvcq thousand three hundred and sixty dollars ;
aud lor office rent, furniture, stationery, and con
tingent expenses of said office during tbe said
year, seven thousand dollars : I'rorided, That
nothing in any act contained shall be construed
to alter or amend an act entitled "An act to de
fine the duties of pension agents and prescribe tbe
mauner of paying pensions, and for other pur
poses," approved July eighth, eighteen hundred
aud seventy ; but ths provisions of said act are
hereby declared to be in lull force and effect, and
appltcabio to the prosecution of claims to pen
sion, and to tbe payment of pensions which may
be allowed under any or all tbe various acts of
Congress granting the same ; and that S3 much
of the appropriation provided for in the act mak
ing appropriations for sundry civil expenses of
the government for tbe year ending June thirty,
eigh.eeu .hundred and seventy-two, approved
March three, eighteen hundred and seventy-one,
"to be expended in the detect! n and prosecution
of crimes agninst tbe United States," as may, in
t: e judgment of the Attorney General, be neces
sary, may be used during tho current fiseal
That ail books, records, papers, and documents
relative to transactions of or with the late so-called
government of the Confederate States, or the
government of any S.ale lately in the insurrec
tion, now in the possession, or wbieh may at any
time come in the possesion, of the government of
tbe I lilted Mates, or or any department tnereoi,
may be resorted to lor information by the board
of commissioners of claims created by act ap
proved March tbrce, eighteen hundred and seventy-one
; nnd copies thereof, duly certified by
tiie officer havinn custody of tha same, shall he
treate l with the like furee and effeet as the
i'or the rebuilding of tbe Cnlholic orphan asy
lum at Charleston, South Carolina, twelve tbous
and dollars, in coiistilerat ion of tbe services ren
dered by the sisters ot Our Lady of Mercy,
Charleston, South Carolina, to the siek and
Wounded Union offitere and soldiers, while said
city was under bombardmeut during the war.
. Sec. 2. lhat there is hereby appropriated to
pay the salary for the remainder of the present
and for the next fiscal year, of the Assistant At-X..r..-y
jiu&ciral. authorized to be appointed by the
act ot tho'insnreEiiniS of Congress, six lEousaud
five hundred aud twenty-five dollars, r so much
thereof a may be necessary. ,
e-EC. 3. 'J be following slated sums arc hereby
appiopriatcd for the purposes hereinafter ex
pressed, viz : "
To supply a deficiency in the appropriation for
contingent expenses of the House of Representa
tives for tbe prekent fiscal year, the same to be
added to the appropriation "for ' miscellaneous
items, five thousand dollars.
atts ; of the United States courts," and having
been, by existing laws covered into the, treasury,
of tho United States, be,, and the same is hereby,
reappropriated, out of any money in the treasury
not otherwise appropriated, and shall be expended
in accordance with the provisions of the act mak
ing the original appropriation.
To supply a deficiency in tbe appropriation for
folding documents and materials for the House of
Representatives, twenty thousand dollars.
Senate of tbe United States : For labor, three
thousand dollars; for clerks to committees, pages,
horses, and carryalls, fifteen thousand dollars.
Fur compensation of tbe clerks in tbe office of
the survey or general of Minnesota, employed upon
work consequent npon the special appropriation
for the survey of the public lands within the lim
its of the grant to the Northern Pacific railroad,
per act of July fifteenth, eighteen hundred and
seventy, nine thousand two hundred dollars, for
the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen
hundred and seventytwo.
To pay Dexter R. Crocker for carrying the mail
from Canyoaville, Oregon, to Yreka, California,
from the twenty-fourth of April to the ninth of
November, eighteen hundred and fifty-three, one
thousand six hundred and twenty-five dollars.
For payment of B. R. Harlow, late marshal of
the southern drstrict of New York, for expenses
incurred in arresting one Mott, in San Francisco,
for vio'ation of revenue law iu said district, five
hundred and fifty dollars, or so much thereof as
may be due. 1
Sec. 4. That in addition to. the cleikships au
thorized by tbe act approved May five, eighteen
hundred and sixty, tho Secretary of the Interior
is hereby authorized and empowered to promote
from the clerks of class one employed in tbe Cen
sus Office, three to be clerks of class four, seven
to bo clerks of class three, and fifteen to be clerks
of class two, and the sum of seven thousand six
hundred dollars is hereby appropriated to pay tbe
increased salary : Provided, That no increase in
the total number of clerks employed in said bu
reau shall be deemed t i be authorized hereby :
And provided farther,- That the authority for
additional clerkships of the second, and fourth
class shall terminate one year from date.
For tbe purpose of carry ingout the stipulations
of the treaty of July twentieth, eighteen hundred
and sixty-tbrce, between the United States of
America and bis Majesty tbe King of tho Bel
gians, providing for the payment of interest in
the matter of the capitalization of -the Scheldt
dues, being a deficiency in tbe appropriations for
the payment of the seventh annual instalment
due tbe government of Belgium under said treaty,
April first, eighteen hundred and and seventy-one,
and the eight annual instalment, due April first,
eighteen hundred and seventy-two, twelve thous
and dollars, in coin, or so much thereof as nay
be necessary. .-.-
For the completion of the custom-house at Saint
Paul, Minnesota, thirty-five thousand one hun
dred and sixty-three dollars and sixty-five cents,
beirg tbe amount of a balance of an appropriation
for tnat building now standing to its credit en tbe
books of the t asury, but unavailable under ex
istinglaws. ;-:
That section two of "An act making appropria
tions for sundry civil expenses of tbe government
for the fiscal year coiling Juno thirty,, eighteen
hundred and seventy two, end for other pur
poses," approved March three, eighteen hundred
and seventy-one, be and hereby is, amended by
striking out after the words "for eastom-house.
Astona, Oregon," tbe word "coroplution," and
inserting; in place thereof "continuation of the
construction." .- - . . s I -
For completion nf tbe eourt-honse and : post
office building at Des Moines, Iowa, six thousand
eight hundred and fifty-six dollars.
Sec. 5. That the sum of twenty-five thousand
dollars, appropriated by act approved March
third, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, for the
purchase of site, and the erection thereon of a
Kepairm neatly and protnpttg ercnted, -TSB
2T on reatonable term: -
'Short reckonings, make long friends."
Front street -....Albany.
Next door to Mansfield A Co.
. dec5'68-I ,
" A - Stitch - in Time) Saves Nine !"
Z3 '
. C.R
it PEARSON, Gen. Ait..
Alnsny, Oregon.
I ke p on hand and make to crder .
. ABO .. ...
SpinniBff Wheels.!
Shop near the "Magnolia Mills."
Albany, Nov. 8, I8AK-I . ...
Is the most popular style : of Photograph bow
.U un MB.. A J WrX'TL-D
,4 lttJ . t - -' l t Albany, Oregon.
Fire" anil Marine Insurance Company !
r Xos. 416 and 418, California street :
San Francisco, - - ! - California.
Cash Capital, lu Gold Coin, TSO,000.
Deposit In Oregon, SSO.OOO.
Louses Primptly ami EquiUthly Affmted
- Antl Paid in Gold Com. '
THIS COMPANY having complied with the
laws of Oregon, by making a deposit of fifty
th.maand dollars. Is now prepared to eflect insur
ance acainst Loss ' or Damage bv Fire, and also
against Marina and Inland Navigation' risks, on
liberal terms.. ... ,! ;.;
CHAS. D. HAVEN. Sec'y.
Agent for Albany.
Albany, 1871-18 i
Miaeellaneoas Books, School Books, Blank
Books, Stationery, 4e. Books imported to erder
at ihorf notiee. . s ' '
Albany, Oregon, Deoembs 8, 17. i u i
AN ACT relating to tho harbor at Buffalo, New
j mi
Be it enacted by the Senate nnd Ilonte of Repre-
tentatitet of the Imled Utatet oj America, in
Conarett attembled, That the Secretary of V, ar
be authorized, wheu in bis judgment be thinks it
will be for the inter, st of tbe United States, to
extend or continue the contract for tbe improve
ment of the harbor at Buffalo, made and entered
into upon Ih twentieth day of January, eighteen
bunured and sixty-eight.
Approved, April la, lail.
AN ACT to authorize tho payment of duplicate
cheeks of disbursing. officers.
Be it enacted by the Senate and Honte of Bnpre-
tentatxeet of the tmtvd &latct of America, t
Conarett attembled, That in place of original
checks issued for pensions, when lost, stoleu, or
destroyed, disbursi .g officers and agents of the
United States are hereby authorised, a ter tneex
piratiun ot six months from the date of sueh
checks, to issue duplicate checks, and tbe Treas
urers, assistant treasurers and designated deposi
tories of tho United States are directed to pay
such checks, drawn in pursuance ot law by such
officers or agents, upon notice ana proof ot tne
loss of tbe original check or checks, under such
regulations in regard to their issue and payment.
and npon tbe execution ot sucn oouas, witn sure
ties, to indemnify tbe United States, as tbe Secre
tary of the Treasury shall prescribes Prwided,
That this act shall not apply to any check ex
ceeding in amount the sum of five hundred dol
Approved, April 19, 1871.
AN ACT to create a port of delivery at Potomac,
, - Virginia, and for other purposes. , ; .
Be it enacted by the Senate and Honte of Repre
sentative of the United State of America, in
Vongret attembictl, l hat alt tne waters, snores,
bays, harbors, creek., and inlets on . the- south
side of tbe river Potomac, comprehended between
Boyd's Hole and Cockpit Point, now a part of
the collection district of Tappabonnock, Virginia,
be, and tbe same are hereby annexed to tbe col
lection district of Alexandria, Virginia, f " '-
Sec. 2. That Potomac, in tbe State of Vir
ginia, shall be, and is hereby, e- nstituted and
created a port of delivery within tbe collection
district of Alexandria, and there shall be ap
pointed at a compensation not exceeding the rate
of one thousand dollars per annum, a deputy col
lector of customs, to reside at said port, who
shall, perform: such duties as may be conferred
upon him, in pursuance of law, by the Secretary
of tbe treasury. ; :-. - .-tii- -f-.r-; - ,;
fisc. 8. That all acts and parts of act. estab
lishing ax Dumfries, in the collection -district of
Tappahanaoek, Virginia, a port of delivery be
and the same are hereby repealed.
. Approved, April 19, 18TL . -t , , ;
AN ACT for tbe restoration of Commander
George A. Stevens, United States navy, to the
active from the retired list.
Be it enacted by the Senate and Botuu of Repre
tentatieet of the United- Suite of America, in
Gtmgrt attembled, That the President of the
United States be and is- hereby-authorised to
nosainata, sad by end with the edTiee and eo-
To supply a deficiency in the appropriations for
the service of tbe Independent Treasury, fur the
fiscal year, as follows:
For clerks and messengers in tho office of tbe
assistant treasurer at Raititnore, six thousand
seven hundred aud fifty dollars. .
For clerks and messengers iu the offioe of the
depository at Cincinnati, five thousand two hun
dred and fifty dollar.
Forrb-rks and messengers in the office of the
depository at Chicago, one thousand one , hun
dred dollars.
For cl. rks and messengers in the office of the
depository at Louisville, eight hundred dollars.
For salary of assistant treasurer at New Orleans,
t make bis compensation four thousand five hun
dred dollars, as p. ovidvd by existing laws, five
hundred dollars.
For contingent expenses, under tho act of
August sixth, eighteen hundred and forty six, for
the collection, sate-keepiug, transfer , and disburse
ment of the public revenue, fifty thousand dollars;
Provided, That no part of said sum shall be ex
ported for clerical services. ; t
For salaries and expenses of the direct tax com
missioners of ftoutb Carolina, and of their clerks,
from July first, eighteen hundred and seventy,
until tbe closing of their office, three thousand
five hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may
be necessary.
For tbe support of the District of Columbia for
the fiscal year ending June thirty, eighteen hun
dred and seventy-two:
. For salary of the governor of the District of
Colnmbia, three thousand dollars.
For salary of the secretary of the District of
Columbia, two thousand dollars. "
For compensation of the members of the coun
cil of the District tf Columbia, four ttojrand four
hundred dollars.
For compensation of tbe board of public works
of the District of Columbia, ten thousand dol
lars s Provided, That no person shall be entitled
to draw a salary as a member of the board of pub
lic works who is paid a salary for the discharge of
the duties of any other officer under the govern
ment of the United States ; and said board shall
be held to be an existing board for all the pur
poses specified in the "Act to provide a govern
mont for tbe District of Columbia," from and af
ter tbe appointment and qualification of the mem
bers thereof.
. For the repair of the damages caused by fire
npon the eadet barracks at West Point, ten thous
and dollars.
- To enable the Secretary of the Interior to pur
chase of Messrs. Little, Brown and Company, two
thousand copies of the sixteenth volume of the
United States Statutes at Large, for distribution
agreeably to the acta of Congress directing the
distribution of the other volumes, seven .thousand
dollars. - -- '.::-.-
To pay William Hardin a balance due him un
der bit contract for surveying tbe public lands in
Nebraska, three thousand six hundred dol
lars. .- I ;" -.v" - ?
To suddIv a deficiency in the appropriation for
clothing for the Marine Corps, for the year ending
June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-one,
fifteen thousand dollars.
-- For payment to the reporters of the Senate and
House for tbe Congressional Globe of tbe usual
additional compensation ' for reporting the pro
ceedings of the first session of. tbe. Forty-second
Congress, five hundred dollars each, five thousand
dollars... .....
To enahle the President to carry out the provis
ions of tbe aot of Match third, eighteen hundred
and seventy -one, authorizing him to prescribe
rules and regulations for tbe admission of persons
into tbe civil service, and so forth,, tea thousand
dollars. '.:,- t -j
For expenses of the Joint Select Committee on
Alleged Outrages in the Southern States, the
sum or unity thousand dollar, ana any unex
pended balance Of tbe appropriation for the select
committee of the Henate on the subject shall be
earned to m a novo appropriation. In addition
ttieretu, said snms to ue earned lor this purpose
to tbe contingent fund of the Semite, and to be
expended npon Touchers of the chairman of said
joint committee r Pnmded, That the sum of nine
thousand seven hundred and thirty-five dollars
and twenty-two cents, being an unexpended bal
ance of an appropriation by act of March third,
eishteen hundred and sixty-nine, i "for parebase
of building known as Clab House, at Charleston.
South Carolina, sad tbe fitting up thereof for the
post-office and court-house building iij OnriUt..
Nebraska, the same beiag unexpended, is hereby
revived wticeaj.proprfaael.fiis selili y.ii,e i , .
Sec. 6. That any appropriation, heretofore
made for any public works, buildings, or grounds,
for the year commencing July first, eighteen hun
dred and seventy-one. shall be available for the
current year: Provided, That no expenditure be
yond the several sums already appropriated shall
lie authorized by this section. And that the ap
propriation for the payment of the sa'ary and trav
eling expenses of a special agent of tho Treasury
Department, and for the salaries of all supervis
ing inspectors, local inspectors, and clerks em
ployed in the administration of the steamboat in
spection laws, made under section first of "An act
making appropriations for sundry civil expenses
ot tne government tor inn year ending June thirty,'
eighteen hundred aud seventy-one," , approved
July fifteen, eighteen hundred and seventy, and
still remaining unexpended, shall be applicable,
as heretofore, to tbe payment of such salaries and
expenses nntil sufficient revenue shall accrue
therefor under the provisions of section sixty-six
of "An act to provide for the better security of life
on board of vessels propelled in whole or in part
by steam, and for other purposes," approved Feb
ruary twcn:y-eigbt, eighteen hundred and seventy
one : the amount paid under the provisions of this
section to be reimbursed to the treasury out of the
revenues received under tbe provisions of said act
of February twenty-eight, eighteen hundred and .
And tbe appropriation "for the survey of the
boundary line between Idaho and Utah Territo
ries," contained in the act making appropriations
for sundry civil expenses of the government for
the year ending June thirty, eighteen hundred and
seventy-two, and for other purposes, approved
March three, eighteen hundred and seventy-one,
is hereby made subject to present use.
Sec. 7. That the sum or twenty tnontand
five hundred and twenty three dollars,
or so much thereof as may be necessary,
be, and tho same is hereby, appropriated to
pay tbe claim of Robert T. Kirkpatrick, provided
for in joint ret olution approved ceoruary nitecntn,
eighteen hundred and seventy-one.
Sec. 8. That so much of tbe appropriation for
paying the expenses of taking tbe ninth census of
the United States contained in the act making ap
propriations for sundry civil expenses of tbe gov
ernment fur the year ending June thirtieth,
eighteen hundred and seventy-two, approved
.March third, eighteen nuudred and seventy-one,
as may be necessary, may be used during the
current fiscal year; and tbe proviso in tbe eighth
section of said act is amended by adding after
tha words "eight dollars per day" the words "ex
elusive of mileage." .
fcKC v. x hat tbe appropriation of thirty thous
and three hundred and twenty-six dollars "for
necessary expenses ' in the erection, furnishing
machinery," and so forth, of the branch mint at
Carson City, contained in the act making appro
priations for sundry etvit expense 01 the govern.
mentfortbe fiscal year ending June thirtieth.
eighteen hundred and seventy-two, and for other
purposes, approved Alarch third, eighteen nun
dred and seventy-one, is hereby made subject to
present use.
bsc to. lhat tbe appropriation for building a
pier at Lewes, Delaware, contained in sections
twelve and thirteen of tbe act approved July fif-
tecntn, eighteen huudred and seventy, entitled
An act making appropriations for sundry civil
expenses of the government for the year ending
June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-one,
and for other purposes," be. and the same is here
by, continued nnltl June thirtieth, eighteen faun-
urea ana seventy-two..
Sec. 11. That there be added to the miscellan
eous item of the contingent fund of the House of
Representatives the sum of two thousand five hun
dred aod.sixty-three dollars and thirty eents, or
so much thereof as may be necessary for the bal
anee remaining unpaid npon the aeoouonU of
witnesses who appeared before the sub-committee
of the Committee of Elections of tbe House of
Representatives, charged with the investigation,
to tne summer or eurnteen Hundred and sixty
nine of the election of .Louisiana in eighteen hun
dred and sixty eight, s And for two thousand
copies of Barclay's Digest, ordered by resolution
of the House of July fourteen, efarhteea hundred
and seventy, two thonsand dollars ; also for pages
in in xiouse oi Representatives, one thonsaad
live Hundred and forty-three .dollars ' and fifty
nine eents. For the compensation of an assist,
ant jo rnal clerk In the House of Representative,
for tbe fiscal year ending Jnne thirty, eighteen
hundred and seventy-two, twenty-live hundred
and ninety-two dollars. ' And for one thousand
eopiea ol the "Constitution of tbe United State,
with Rules of the Senate." eomniled bv Wm. J
McDonald, under a resolution of the Senate of
March fourteen, eighteen hundred and seventy
one, one thousand dollars. For the payment of
clerks of committees of tbe -House, in aocorJanoe
with the rs olution of the Haas of tbe tenth in
stant, two thousand dollars. , ,, ' .-
Sec. 12. That the provisions or tne eievenm
section of the act approved July fifteenta.
eighteen hundred Bdd seventy, entitled act
making appropriations for sundry civil expense
of the government for tbe year ending June
thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, and
for other purposes," be, and hereby are, ex tended
so as to include such persons as are actually em
ployed in the States lately in insurrection, in con
nection with the Treasury Department, as offices
of the United States during the year of eighteen
hundred and sixty-seven in connection with the
revenues of the government ; and an amount suf
ficient to carry out tbe provisions of this section,
not exceeding fifteen thonsand dollars, is hereby
appropriated out of any money . in the treasury;
not otherwise appropriated.
Sec. 13. That the following sum, or aa auc. ,
thereof as may be necessary, for subsistence, for
the fiscal year ending June thirty, eighteen bun-
rirnd and eventv-two. jjt the Arapsboe, Chey
enne, Apache, Kiowa, and Comanche Indians wbe ;
have been collected ana locaiea npon lum reser
vation set spart for their use and occupation by
the treaties made with them in eighteen hundred
and sixty-seven, two hundred thousand dollars.
Sec. 14. That tne commissioner ot vow uercm.
T..n.l nit,, lii fherebv authorized to approve the
survey of the eastern boundary of Nevada, made
by Isaac E. James, no. withstanding any depart
ure fnm instructions which, in the opinion ef
said Cominis ioner, does not materially impair
the accuracy of the work.
Sec. 15. That the privileges of the act entitled
"An act to reduce internal taxes, and for other
purposes," approved July fourteen, eighteen hun
dred and seventy, be, and are hereby, extended
to tbe port of Detroit, in tbe Mate or jaicnigan.
Sec. 10. mat any oona nue www muw
homestead or pre-emption laws of the United
States who has filed the proper appliestion to
enter not to exceed one quarter-section or tne pwo
lie lands in any district land office, sad who bss
been subsequently appointed a register or receiver.
may perfect the title to tDe saia tana unaer wo
preemption laws, by furnishing the proof and
making the payments required by law, to the sat
isfaction of the Commissioner of the General
Land Office. ,
Sec. 17. That from and after the pssssge of
this act all powers conferred upon certain persons
ss commissioners, by tbe act approved June
twenty-first, eighteen hundred and seventy, for
the improvement or M street, sons west, ana oy
tbe act approved July fifteenth, eighteen hundred
and seventy, for the improvement of the Wash
ington City canal, shall be transferred to tbe
Board of Public Works of the District of Colum
bia ; and the persons acting as commissioners un
der said acts are hereby directed to transfer to
said board of public works all books, papers and
other property In their possession pertaining t
the works under their charge ; and private prop
erty shall be as.rsed for tho improvement of M
street, and Seventh street south west, from B street
to tbe river, heretofore authorized by law, as pro
vided in the act of February twenty-first, eight
een hundred and seventy-one. And in case said
board shall, under said act of July fifteenth,
eighteen hundred and seventy, decide to epea
said canal, they are hereby empowered to open
both its branches, so as to connect with tbe gov
ernment canal at the arsenal : Provided, That the
cost of said work shall not exceed the amount al
ready fixed by law for that purpose.
That the sum of ten thousand dollars, or ao
much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby ap
propriated for the purpose of repairing end relay
ing, where necessary, the pavement on Pennsyl
vania avenue from Fifteenth street to the east side
of Rock creek: Provided, That a like sum shall
be expended for the same purpose by ,tbe proper
authorities of tbe District of Columbia t And
prorideti further. That the Washington and
Georgetown Railroad Company shall in like man
rjmr rcnu'r portion thereof as thev1 are by
""""T""Tin lr t ii T" dotu.
uuir v u mvm ist-a v: s uueu a,.a uij iic n ill n l eawaapr-'-
firnuW "Vieavperrlsion of tl Hoard of -Pub lie
Works for the District ofXTotombia. "
Sec. 18. That to correct an error In tbe enroll
ment of the act approved March third, eighteen
hnndrcd and seventy-one, making appropriation
for the ncval service far the year ending June
thirtieth eighteen hundred and seventy-two, and
for other purposes, the same be amended as fol
lows: In section two, strike out all of the section
from and inclnding the word "provided" where it
first occurs, and insert in lieu thereof tbe follow
ing; "And the Secretary of the Navy is author
ized to invite, by public advertisement, plan and
pecificafions for such dock, and to sward to any
person not in the naval service, whose plans may
be adopted by tbe Navy Department, a sum not
exceeding five thousand dollars. But no plan
shall be adopted until it shall first receive tbe
sanction of a board of not less than five experi
enced officers, to be appointed by the Secretary of '
.1 x- . . c , i, .
in x a- j , m majomy 01 wnom enau DO con
structors and engineers, and one ef whom shall
be an experienced civil engineer; and it shall be
the duty of said board to consider all tbe plans
and specification laid before it, whether the lame
were prepared in tbe Navy Department or by par
ties competing therewith, and the plans and spe
cifications that shall be adopted shall be openedU
to tbe inspection or ait persons who desire to be
come bidders, for at lest ninety days before the
awarding or said contract,'-
r or throe assistant observers at the National
Observatory, in addition to the sum appropriated
by the "Act making appropriations for the naval
service for tbe year ending June thirty, eighteen
hundred and seventy-two, and for other purpos
es," approved March third, eighteen hundred and,
seventy-one, five hundred dollars. .
fcEC. IV. That so much of the proviso' In thm.
act making appropriations to supply deficiencies,,
and so forth, approved April twentieth, eighteen,
hundred and seventy, as limits the completion, ot
the marine hospital building at Chicago, Illinois,
to a sura not exceedinz three hundred uunnnil
dollars, ia hereby repealed ; and it shall be- law
ful for the proper authorities to expend the money
already appropriated for continuing the work
upon sai.l building: Provided, That no park
thereof shall be expended until plans and specU
fiestions shall have been eomplcted that will
limit tbe cost of said building to a sum, include
ing all moneys already expended, not exceeding,
three hundred and fifty-nine thonsand seven hun
dred and seventy-nine dollars and . thirty-four
cents. .- , ;, :- ,
8bc. 20.' That tbe Sacvefarv nf Ik. TV..
be authorized to sell, for the best price in each
that can be obtained, the marine hospital build.
"R we cut vi ean sraneweo ; and the pro
ceeds of such sale, or so much thereof aa may be
necessary, shall be held and reserved as a road
for the erection of a pavilion hospital om some
uTcrmonit reservation m or near said city. If
Congress shall hereafter so determine. - :
Sec. 21. That there be aswpriated out of any
money in the treasury not ouerwise appropriated
twelve theasand dollars for the relief of destitute
aged persons in the District of Columhia, such
iwoi.ou miu uiainntttea ey swob- omcer
or association of person in the District ef Co
lumbia a the Secretary of War (hall designate.
wu M m report oi iue aistrtDuttoB or the mo
ney hereby appropriated shall be made -to . Con
gress at its next session. -
dec. ZZ. That the Secretary of War i
authorised to , furnish, to the National
Freedmen's Relief Association condemned cloth
ing and bedding, if such there he on hanH not
needed by the army, not exceeding Ave thousand
" vaiue, iwr aistnimuou among laedesti.
Sbo. 23. That the ase ef the baildiava la Ar.
mory Square eeenpied by the Quartermaster'
uepanment, u not needed ror the public service,
be granted, in the discretion of the Secretary of
War, to the association above maotiouod. for the
purpose of still further enabling it to relieve the
destitute persons above mentioned. ; . ,.,..; ,
Bsc. 24. That tbe provision, of the act entitled
"An act making appropriation, for sundry civil
expenses of the government lev tbe yeas ending
J nae thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-ene,
and for other purposes," for the erection ef a
public building ia the city of Saint Louie, Mis
souri, for tbe use of the enstoathense and ether
eivil offices of the gorerament ef the United
State, shall be extended and made available for
and daring the year ending Jnne thirtieth, eight
een ban it red and seventy-two. ...-
E" That the salary ef the eoatel at Mate- :
moras, Mexico, be esU.blL.hsd at two thousand
dollars pe annam fur the fiscal year ending June
thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, and
thereafter., , ., . ... .
That there be paid to the deputy esaistant
treasurer la the office of the TTtlrlsnt treasurer ia
the etty ef New York the ana of six hundred
dollars, the same beisg a dedeieeoy to hi earn.