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About The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18?? | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1871)
i triaksu, orders, notes, ur scriu for payment of moofji, iaopt, maps, writings, title deeds, printings, engrav ing, pictures, gold, e silver pitta or plwewd articles, gltM, Cbioa, eitke, in a manufactured u3myatiAarod state, And whether wroagbt an or est wrought p with any Otbax material. jure, or iaoo, or aaycf thess, contained ia any parcel, or package, or track, shall lade the sane as iteight or bag gage, oa any boat or vessel, without at tne time of such, lading giving to tbe muter, clerk, agent, or owner of such boat or Teste! receding the imt a written notice of the true character and value thereof, aod having the same ' entered oa the bill of leading therefor, the. master. and owner or owner ot aid boat or vessel a ball cot be liable m carriers thereof in any form or man ner ; nor shall any each madier, owner or owner be liable for an such goods beyond the value aod according to the character to the tbereot so notified aod entered. Sec. 70. And be it farther enacted. That it shall be the duty of all collectors, or other chief officers of the customs, to require all sailing Teasels to be furn ished with proper signal lights, as pro Tided for by tne act I April twenty nine, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, entitled " An act fixing certain rules and regulations for preventing collis ' ions on the water," and every such vessel shall, on the approach cf any steamer daring the night time, show a lighted torch upon that point or quar ter to which such steamer shall be ap proaching. . And every such vessel that shall be navigated without corn plying with the terms of the said act of April twenty-nine, eighteen hund red and sixty-four, aod tbe provisions of this stfclion, shall forfeit and pay the tum of two huudred dollars, one half to go to the informer ; and for whicb sum the vessel so navigated shall be liable, and may be seised and proceeded against by way ot libel, in any district court of tbe United States having jurisdiction of tbe offense. 8EC. 71. And be it further enacted. That th. , &ct entitled " An act to provide for tbe better security of tbe lives of passengers on board veaaela propelled ia w bole or in part by steam,' 1 approved July seven, eighteen hundred and tbir-. ty-eight ; also, " An act to modify the acuentitled An act to provide for the better security of passengers on board of vessels propelled in whole or in part by steam, approved July seven, eighteen hundred aod thirty-eight," approved March three, eighteen band red and forty-three ; also, An act to amend an act entitled An act to pro vide for the better security of tbe lives of passengjrs on board of vessels pro pelled in whole or in part by steam, and for other purposes," approved Anizust thirty, eighteen hundred and fif-v-two; also, "An act for tbe pre vention and punishment of frands in relation to the names of 'easels ap proved May fie. eighteen hundred and sixty-four ; 1V " An act to create an additional supervising inspector of Steamboats, and two local inspectors of steamboats for toe collection district of Memphis, Tennessee, and inspectors for the collection district of Oregon, and for other purposes, ap proved June eight, eighteen hundred and sixty-four ; also, An act to pro Tide two assistant local inspectors of steamboats in the city ot New York, and two local inspectors at Galena, Il linois, and to r-e"-biish tQe board of local inspectors at Wheeling ; and also to amend ihe act approved June eight, eighteen hundred and sixty-tour, en titled ' An act to create an additional supervising inspector of steamboats, and two local inspectors of steamboats for the collection district of Memphis, Tennessee, and two local inspectors lor tbe collection district of Oregon, and for other purposes," PP"ed, March three, eighteen hundred and sixty ne; also, " An act further to provide for the safely of tbe lives of vuic' board of Teasels pro pelled in whole or ia part by steam, to reeulate the salaries of steamboat in spectors, and for other purposes, ap proved July twenty-five, eighteen hun dred and sixty-six, are all and sever oitt, k.nk, rr.prli,1 : also, all other acts anp parts of acts inconsistent with this act are hereby repealed. ' Approved February 28, 1871. QlNIRAL HATCRK NO. 49. AS ACT making appropriations for the naval service for tbe year ending Jane thirtv. eighteen hundred and seventy-two, and for other other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate azd Jlouee of Representative of the United State of America in Congre astembled; That the following sums be, and they are hereby, appropriated, to be paid ont ot any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the naval service of tbe government for the year ending June thirty, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, and for other pur poses: For pay of commissioned and war rant officers at sea, on shore, on special service, and of those on the retired list and unemployed, and for mileage or transportation of officers travelling un der orders, and for pay ol the petty of ficers, seamen, ordinary seamen, lands men, and buoys, including men for the eugioers' force, eight tbouaand five hundred men, at an average pay of three hundred dollars each per annum, six million five hundred thousand dol lars. For contingent expenses of the Navy Department, one hundred and twenty five thousand doll trs. To restore te the contingent fund of tbe navy the or preparing and furnishing tbe vessel for the expedition toward tbe north pole provided for in the act approved Jnly twelve, eighteen hundred and seventy, fifty thousand dollars. BCBEAC OF YARDS ASD DOCKS. ; i fKi cf -Col a si hi . For dr"':.uaatj, ' it vterc m ivu . engineer, at one thousand foir hundred collars each ; for receiver and inspector ot stores, eae thousand five hundred dollars ; for clerk of pay-rolls and mustering clerk, one ihrmaancf five hnnrlMil' Hnlt--. I for chief accountant, one thousand eigut uanarea aoiiars; tor clerk to chief accountant, one thousand two hundred dollars; for gate-keeper and detective, one thousand; for mail mes senger, one thousand dollars; and for messenger for commandant's office, six hundred dollars; in all, eleven thou sand four hundred dollars. At the navy yard, Norfolk, Virginia. For draughtsman, and clerk to civil . engineer, at one thousand four hundred dollars each; for receiver and inspect or of stores, one thousand five hundred dollars; for clerk of payarolls and mus tering clerk, one thousand five hundred dollars; for gate-keeper and detective, one toousand dollars; aod for messen ger for commandant's office, six hun dred dollars; In all, seven thousand four hundred dollars. At the navy yard, Pensacola, Flori da. For superintendent of yard im provements, two thousand dollars; lor receiver and inspector of stores, one thousand five hundred dollars; for gate keeper and detective, one thousand . dollars; for messenger for the office of the commandaut, sixliundred dollars; in all, five thousand one hundred dol lars. . At the navy yard, Mare Island, Cali fornia. For assistant to civil engineer and draughtsman, one thousand eight hundred dollars; for cierk to civil en gineer, one thousand five hundred dol lars; for receiver and inspector of stores one thousand eight hundred and seventy-five dollars; for clerk of pay-rolls, and mustering clerk, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-five dollars; for chief accountant, oae thousand eight hundred and seventy-five dollars; for gate-keeper and detective, one thou sand dollars; and for messenger for commandant's office, seven hundred and fifty dollars; in all, tea thousand six hundred and seventy-five dollars. At the Naval Asylum. For steward, four hundred and eighty dollars; for matron, three hundred dollars; for cook one hundred aod sixty-eight dollars; assistant cook, one hundred and twen ty dollars; four laundresses, at one hundred aad eight dollars each; eight scrubbers and hoosecleaners, at ninety-six dollars each; six laborers, at two hundred and forty dollars each, and seven laborers, at two hundred and sixty-four dollars each; master-at-arms, four hundred and eighty dollars; for ship's corporal, three hundred dollars: tor barber, three hundred and sixty dol lars; superintendent, five hundred aod forty dollars; in all, seven thousand two nundred and thirty-six dollars. For the Naval Asylum at Philadel phia. For support of the institution, sixty-five thousand one hundred dol lars; which shall be paid out of the in come from the naval pension fund. For protection of timber lands, five thousand dol'ars. For contingent expenses of Bureau of Yards and Docks, vis : For freight and transportation of materials and stores; printing, stationery, and advertising; books, models, maps, and drawings; purchase and repair of fire-engines; machinery and patent rights to use the same; repairs on steam engines, and attendanme on tbe same; purchase and maintenance ot oxen end horses, and driving teams, carts, and timber-wheels for navy yatd purposes, and tools and repairs of same; postage on letters on public service, aud telegrams; furni ture for government houses and offices in navy yards; coal and other fuel; candles, oils, and gas; cleaning and clearing np yard, and care of buildings; attendance on fires; lights; fire-engines and apparatus; Incidental labor at na vy yards; water-tax, and for toll aod ferriages; pay of tbe watchmen in the navy yards; and for flags, awnings, and packing boxes, eight hundred thoasand dollars. . ' . BO BEAU BQUIPMEST AKD BBCBDITISG. For equipment of vessels. For coal for steamers' nse, including expenses of transportation; storage, labor, hemp wire, and other materials for the man vfacture of rope; hides, cordage, can vas, leather; iron for manufacture of cables, anchors, and galleys; condens ing and boat-detaching apparatus; ca bles, anchors, ferniture, hose, bake ovens, and cooking stovea, life-rafts, heating apparatus for receiving-ships; and for the payment of labor in equip ping vessels, and manufacture of arti cles ia tbe navy yard pertaining to this bureau, one million, five hundred thousand dollars. Civil establishment at tbe navy yard, Kittery, Maine. For clerk in equip ment office, one thousand four hundred dollars; for store clerk, one thousand one bundie I co:'as: for time elerk, nine hnndred dollars; in all, three thousand four hundred dollars. At tbe navy yard, Boston. For su perintendent of tbe rope-walk, one thousand nine hundred dollars; clerk to same, one tbousane two hundred hollars; clerk in equipment office, one thousand five hundred dollars; for store clerk, one thousand two hundred dollars; time clerk, one thousand two hundred dollars; ia all, seven thousand dollars. At the navy yard, Philadelphia. For clerkin equipment office, one thou sand four hundred dollars; for one store and one time clerk, at one thou sand two hundred dollars each; in all, three thousand eight hundred dollars. At the navy yard, Washington. For clerk in equipment office, one thousand five hundred dollars; ondfor one store and one time clerk, at one thousand four hundred dollars, one at one thou sand dollars; in all, four thousand one hundred dollars. At the navy yard, 'Brooklyn, New I York. For clerk ia equipment office, For civil establishment at the navy yard, Kittery, Maine. For draughts men aod dark to civil engineer, at one tbousaad four hundred dollars each; for clerk of -pay-rolls aod mustering clerk, one thousand five hundred dol lars i for receiver and iuspector ot stores one thoasand five hundred dollars; for . writer to receiver and inspector of a tore 9. one thousand dollars; for chief -. accountant, one thoasand eight hun. dred dollars, for gate-keeper and de tective, one thousand dollars; aad for messenger at commandant's office, six hundred dollars, making in all tea tbousaad two hundred dollars. At the navy yard, Charlestown, Mas sachusetts. For assistant to civil en giaeer, one tboasaud five hundred dol lars; for draughtsmen and clerk to rivit engineer, at one thousand . fonr hundred dollars etch; forcterkof pay rolls aad mustering clerk, one thou ..nd five hundred dollars; for receiver and inspector of stores, one 'thousand - five Hundred dollars; for writer to re- - ceiver and inspector of stores, one thou sand dollars: fur writer to command ant, one thonsand dollars; for chief ac- coontant, one thoasand eight hundred dollars: for gate-Keeper ana aetective, ' one thousand dollars; and for messen ger- far commandant s omce, six nun dred dollars: in all, twelve thoasand una hundred dollars. At the navy yard, Brooklyn, New . York. For assistant to civil engineer, one thousand five hundred dollars; for . draughtsman, and elerk to civil engin eer. r one thonsfnd four hundred do! ; lars each; for receiver and inspector of stores, one thoasand fire hundred dol lars; tor Clem or pay-roue uu nuuaver ' i dark, one thoasand five hundred doltrrs; for writer to commandant, one thoasand dollars; for chief accountant, one thoasand eight hundred dollars; , for rate-keeper and detective, one thou sand dollars; for mail-carrier, nine - hundred dollars; and for messenger for . commandant's office, six hundred dol- lars: ia all. twelve tbousaad six hun dred dollars. At the navy yard, Philadelphia For draughtsman, and elerk to civil ' engineer, one thoasand foor hundred ' dollars each; for clerk of pay-rolls and muster nsr cierk, oae thousaoa nve nan dred dollars; for receiver . aod inspect- or of stores, one thousand fire hundred T dollars; for kief eccoanteat, one thou sand eight k endred dollars; for gate " keeper and detective, one thoasand , dollars; and for messenger for the coia- ' mandam s office, six hundred dollars; in all, nine thoasand two hundred dot' !. . ' - At tbe bstt yard, Washioton,' Dis- Jjfcne thousand five hundred dollars; and fer one store and oce time clerk, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; in all, three thousand nine hundred dol lars. -: " At the Navy yard, Norfolk. For clerk in equipment office, one thonsand four hundred dollars; lor store ciern. oue thonsand one hundred and twenty- five dollars; aad for time clerk, nine hundred dollars; in all, three thousand four hundred and twenty-five dollars. At the navy yard, Pensacola. For equipment office clerk, one thousand three hundred dollars. At the navy yard. Mare Island. For clerk in equipment office, one thou sand eight hundred and seventy five dollars; for store clerk, one thousand two hundred dollars; three thonsand and seventy-five dollars. . For contingent expenses of Bureau of Equipment and Recruiting, namely: For freight and traosportation-of stores, transportation of enlisted men, mile age to hoaorably discharged men, printing advertising, telegraphing, sta tionery, apprehension 'of drserters, aa sisteace to vessels ia distress, one hun dred and twenty-five thousand dollars. At the navy, yard, Mare Island One writer to paymaste., at one thou eand and seventeen dollars and twenty five cents; one writer to inspector of provisions and clothing, one thousand two hundred and ninety-fire dollars and fifty cents; in all, two thoasand three hundred and twelve dollars and seventy-five cents. -j. ' For contingent expenses: For freight and transportation to foreign and home stations; caadles; fuel; interior altera tions and fixtures in inspection build ings; ' tools, and repairing same at eight inspections;' special watchmen in eight inspections; books and blanks; stationery; .telegrams; - postages and express ' charges; tolls, ferriages and car tickets; ice; and incidental labor not chargable to other appropriations, seventy-fire thousand dollars. SUBSAO Of BAT1QATIOH. For foreign and local pilotage and towage of ships of war, fifty thoasand dollars. jt- A I For services and materials in correct lag compasses on board ship, and for adjusting, and tasting compasses on shore, three thoasand dollars. . - For nautical aad astronomical iu str amenta, nautical books, asps, and charts, and sailing directions, and re pairs of nautical instruments for ships of war; tea thousand collars. . For books for libraries for ships of war,' three thonsand dollars. For navy signals, aod apparatus namely, signal-lights, lanterns, rockets. Including running lights drawings, and engravings for signal books, six thonsand dollars. ' . For eoffipass fittings', including bio nacles , -pedestals, tripods, and other apendagee of ship's compasses to be made ia the navy yards, five thoasand dollars.' For logs and other appliances for measuring the ship's way, leads, and other appliances for sounding, three thoasand dollars. ' For lanterns and lamps and their ap pendages for general use on board Ship, including those for the cabin, ward room, and steerage, for the holds and spirit-room, for decks and quartermas ter's nse, six thousand dollars. For bunting and other materials for flags, and making and repairing flags of all kinds, five thousand dollars. For oil for ships of war other than that used for the engineer depart ment, candles when used as a substi tute for oil in running lights, for chim neys and wick and soap used iu navi gation : department, forty thousand dollars. For stationery for commanders and navigators of vessels of war, five thou sand dollars. For musical instruments and music for vessels of war, one thoasand dol lars. For steering signals and indicators, and for speaking tubes and gongs, for signal communication on board ships of war, two thousand five hundred dollars. For drawing, engraving, and printing charts, electrotyping and correcting old plates, preparing aod publishing sailing directions, and .other hydro graphic information, ten thousand dol lars. Civil establishment. For pay of writers and laborers, and for purposes incidental to the support of tbe civil establishment under this bureau at the several navy yards, twelve thonsand dollars. For contingent expenses of tbe Bu reau of Navigation: Freight and trans portation of navigation materials; in struments, books, and stores; postage and telegraphing on public business; advertising for proposals; packing boxes and materials; blank books, forms, and stationery at navigation of fices, six thousand dollars. For rent of building, fuel, lightt, and office furniture; care of bnilding and other labor; purchase of cooks for library, drawing materials, and other Stationery, postage, freight, and other contingent expenses, tea thousand dol lars. For expenses of Naval Observatory, namely: For pay of one clerk, one thoasand eight hundred dollars. For three assistant observers, four thousand dollars. For payment, in part, for the great refracting telescope now in course of construction, ten thousand dollars. For purchase ef cronograph, five hundred dollars. gJForc'mbutnion for theory and t" bles of tbe moon, two thousand dol lars. For preparing instruments for obser vation of trrnsit of Venus, two thou sand dollars: Provided, That this and all other appropriations made for tbe observations of the transits of Yenus shall be expended, subject to the ap proval of tbe Secretary of the Navy, under the direction of a commission to be composed of the superintendent and two ot the professors of mathematics of tbe navy attached to tbe Naval ob servatory, the president of the Nation al Academy of Sciences, and the su perintendent of the Coast Survey, for which service tbey shall not receive any compensation. For wages of one instrument-maker, one messenger, three watchmen, ana one porter; lor keeping grounds in or der and repairs to buildings; tor fuel, light, and office furniture, and for sta tionery, pnrcbese of books for Iibrpry, bemicals tor batteries, postage, and freight, and all other contingent ex penses, thirteen thousand five hundred dollars. For expenses of Nautical Almanac: For pay of computers and clerk for compiling and preparing for publication tbe American fcpbemerls and the Kau tucai Almanic, eighteen thousand five hundred dollars. For rent, fuel, labor, stationery, box es, expresses, aud miscellaneous items, one thousand five hundred dollars. BUBTAU OF OBDHAHCK. Fir ten fifteen-inch guns, to meet contingencies, seventy tbouaand dol lars. For one thousand two bnndred and fifty barrels of guodpowder, twenty five thousand dollars. . For fuel and materials necessary tn carrying on the mechanical branches of tbe Ordoace Department at tbe navy yatds and stations, seventy-five thou sand dollars. For labor at navy yards, two hun dred thousand dollars. For repsirs to ordnance buildings, magazines, gun-parks, machinery, ana other necessaries of the like character, seventy thousand five hundred and nine dollars, i For miscellaneous items, six thou sand one hundred and fifty dollars. For experiments in ordnance, fifteen thousand dollars. For improvements at the nitre depot, Maiden, seven thousand three hundred and sixty dollars; at the magazine, Norfolk, one thoasand dollars. For tbe construction of two iron-pla ted torpedo boats, six hundred thou sand dollars. For the torpedo corps. For the pur chase and manufacture of gunpowder, nitro-glycerlne. and gun cotton, seven thousand dollars. For purchase and manufacture of electrical machines, galvanic batteries, and insulated wire, twenty thousand dollars. For purchase of copper, iron, wood, and other materials necessary for the inufacture of torpedoes, and for work on the same, eighteen tboasaud dol lars. - For construction of torpedo-boats purchase of soffer work or bulks, aod contingent expenses, twenty thoasand dollars. For additional buildings, and repairs to buildings and to wharl, five thou sand dollars. f-"v; For labor, including one chemist, at two thousand dollars, one foreman ma chinist at one thousand five bnndred and sixty-five dollars, and one clerk, ten thousand dollars. Civil establishment. For pay of so perlnteudents and the civil establish! jnent of the several navy yards under this bareaut fifteen thonsand dollars For contingent expecses of tbe ord nance service of tbe navy, one thou sand dollars. . BCBBAD OV COSSTBUCTIOS ABO BBPAIB For preservation of vessels on the stocks and in ordinary; purchase of materials and stores of all kinds; labor in navy yards and on foreign stations; preservation of material; purchase of tools; wear, tear, and repair ot vessels aSoat;"aod general maintenance of the navy; incidental expenses, advertising postages, three million five bnndred thousand dollars. To enable the Secretary of the Nary to purchase of Seth Wilmartb "the right to use, ror all purposes, his patent call ed hydrostatic arrangement for raising turrets," fifty thousand dollar! : Pro vided, That he shall execute, to the sat isfaction of the Secretary of the Nary, an instrument conveying to the United States full right to use tbe same under his patent, aud under all improvements, modiDcations, or extensions or the same, which may now, or hereafter ex ist. , --. j .-. Civil establishment at the navy yard, Kittery. For elerk ot store-houses one thoasand five hundred dollars; in spector of timber; draughtsman, clerk to naval constructor, time clerk, and superintendent of floating dock, atone thousand roar nandred dollars eacn eiirht thousand five hundred dollars. At tbe navy yard, Boston. For clerk to naval constructor, Inspector of tim ber, and time blerk. at one thoasand five honored dollars each; draughts man to naval constructor,, one thou sand four hundred dollars; and clerk of storehouses; at . en thousand two hundred . dollars each; la all, seven thousand one hundred dollars. At the navy yard, Brooklyn,' New X org.- ror draughtsman to naval coc stractor, one thousand foor 'hundred dollars; ctork to aaval eoastraetor, ins speetor or iiraoer ana time clerk. one thousand five handred dollars each and clerk of storehouses, atone thoa sand two bnndred dollars eacbL seven taonsana one nasarea dollars. At tbe Navy yard,; Philadelphia. For clerk of storehouses, one thoasand five handred dollars; insptctor of tint' berdraugbtsoian for naval constructor, -clerk to naval constructor, time clerk,, and superintendent of floating dock, at one thoasand fonr handred dollars each ; in all, eight thoasand five hundred dollars. At the nacy yard, Washington. For clerk of storehouses, one thousand four . hundred dollars ; inspector of timber, clerk to naval constructor, and time clerk, at one thousand two bnndred dollars each ; in all, five tbousnnd dol lars. -1 At the navy yard, Norfolk. For draughtsman to naval constructor, and clerk of storehouses, at one thousand four hundred dollars each, aod time tlerk, one thousand two bacdred dol lars; in all, four thousand dollars. At tbe Navy ?yard, Pensaoola. For clerk of storehouses, one thousand two huudred dollars. At the navy yard. Mare Island, Cal ifornia. For draughtsman to naval constructor, one thousand four buns dred dollars; inspector of timber, clerk of storehouses, clerk to naval construc tor, superintendent of floating dock, and time clerk, at one thousand five hundred dollars each, eight thoasand nine hundred dollars. BCBCAU OF STBAM BXOINKIRIsa. For repairs and preservation ot ma ahinery, boilers, labor in navy yards, coal, transportation, materials, and stores, one million dollars: Provided, That no money appropriated by this act shall be expended on account of naval engines contracted for during the war. Removing machinery and toots trcm . old to new machine shops, for convert ing old machine shops into a stores bouae, and repairs to yard machinery at Brooklyn navy yard, seventy-five thousand dollars. Civil establishment at tbe navy yard, Kittery, Maine. For draughtsman, one thousand six handred dollars, clerk to chief engineer, and sore clerk, at one thousand fonr huudred dollars each; and time clerk, at one thousand two hundred dollars; in all, five thousand six hundred dollars. At the navy yard, Charlestown. For draughtsman, one thousand six, handred dollars; clerk to chief engin eer, and store clerk, at one thousand four hundred dullars each; aud time clerk, atone thousand two hundred dollars; in all, five thousand six hun dred dollars. At the navy yard, Brooklyn, New York. For draughtsman, one thou sand six hundred dollars; clerk to chief engineer, and store clerk, om thousand four handred dollars each; and ime clerk, at one thousand two hundred dollars; in all, five thoasand six hundred dollars. At the navy yard, Philadelphia. For draughtsman, one thousand six hundred dollars; clerk to chief engin eer, and store clerk, at one thonsand four hundred dollars each; and time clerk, at one thoasand two hundred dollars; in all, five thoasand six bnn dred dollars. At tbe navy yard, Washington. For draughtsman, one thousand six hun dred dollars; clerk to chief engineer, and store clerk, at one thonsand fonr hundred dollars each; and time clerkr one thousand two hundred dollars; in all, five thousand six hundred dol lars. At the navy yard, Norfolk. For draughtsman, one thousand six hun dred dollars; clerk to chief engineer, ond store clerk, at one thousand tour hundred dollars each; and time clerk, oue thousand two handred dollars; in all, five thousand six hundred dollars. At the navy yard, Pansacola. For clerk of storehouses, one thonsand two hundred dollars. At tbe navy yard, Mare Island, Cal ifornia. For draughtsman, one thou sand six hundred dollars; elerk to chief engineer, and store clerk, one thoasand four hundred dollars each; and time clerk, one thousand two hun dred dollars; in all, five thonsand six hundred dollars. For foundry tools, machinery, and ap pliances for erecting machinery, and tools in machine shop, and for fitting up smithy, eighty-five thousand dol lars. , BURSAU Or FBOVISlOHS AKD CLOTHISO. For provisions for the officers, sea men, and marines, one million nve handred and forty-seven thousand dollars. For purchase of water for ships. forty thousand dollars. For purchase of clothing and dotti ng materials, two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. For pay of the civil establishment at tbe several navy yards nnder this bureau: At tbe navy yard, Boston. Two writers, one to paymaster and one to inspector of provisions and clothing, at one thonsand and seventeen dollars and twenty five cents each; in all, two thousand and thirty-four dollars and fifty cents. At tbe navy yard, Brooklyn. Two writers to paymasters, at one thousand and seventeen dollars and twenty-five cents each; assistant to inspector of provisions and clothing, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight dol lars; writer to inspector of provisions and clothing, one thousand and Seven teen dollars and twenty-five cents, as sistant superintendent ot mills, nine hundred and thirty nine dollars; in all, five thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight dollars aod seventy-five cents. At the navy yard, Philadelphia. One writer to paymaster, one thonsand and seventeen dollars and twenty-five cents; one writer to inspector of pro visions aod clothing, one thousand and seventeen dollrraand twenty-five cents; in all, two thousand and tnirty tour dollars and fifty cents. - At the navy yard. Washington. One writer to paymaster, one thousand and seventeen dollars and twenty-five cents. At the navy yard, Norfolk. One writer to paymaster, one thousenl and seventeen dollars and twenty-five cents. BUBBAU OF MEDICI! AND BUBGBBT. - For support of the medical depart ment, for surgeons' necessaries for ves sels in commission, navy yards, naval stations, marine corps, coast survey, not including the families of officers on shore stations, nrty thousand dol lars. : , i " For necessary repairs of naval lab oratory, hospitals, and appendages, in cluding reads, wharves, outboases, steam-heating apparatus, sidewalks, fences, gardens, farms, and for grading and. laying off the grounds ot the new hospitals, forty thousand dollars. For pay of tbe civil establishment nnder this bureau : At tbe hospital at Chelsea, Massaehusetts, seven thon sand seven hundred, aad eighty-two dollars. . ,, . . - At the hospital, New York, eleven thonsand three handred and thirty-six dollars.. :. 4 ' : ; At the : hospital, Philadelphia, six thousand nine bnndred and ninety dol lars... : -- At the hospital, Washington, Dis-. trict of Columbia, five thousand and seventy dollars. : At tbe hospital, Annapolis, Mary land, fonr thoasand .five handred and twelve dollars.;,; ' At tbe hospital, Norfolk, Virginia, five thousand four hundred and si dollars. ) ;-t;. :: ' :. 1 ' - At the hospital, Pensacola, Florida,, five thonsand and ninety-four dollars. At the hospital, Mare Island, Cali fornia, eight thousand, eight handred and seventy-two dollars. : - At the naval laboratory, New York, five thonsand six hundred dollars. At tbe navy yard, Portsmouth, New Hampshire, one thousand two hundred and ninety dollars. ' : . , At the navy yard, Boston, Massachu setts, one thoasand four hundred and eighty dollars. . - : !- At the Davy yard, New York, one thousand four hundred and eighty dol lars. At tbe navy yard,- Philadelphia, one thoasand four hundred and eighty dol lars. At the navy yard, Washington, Dis trict of Columbia, one thousond four handred and eighty dollars. . At the navy yard, Norfolk, Virginia, one thousand ionr handred and eighty dollars. At the aaval station. Monad City, Illinois,' one thousand fonr hundred nd eighty dollars. - For contingent expenses of tbe bu rean, freight o- medical, stores, trans portation of insane patients to tbe Government hospital, advertising! tel. egraphiog, purchase ef books, expens es attending the medical board of ex aminers, purchase and repair vf wag one,, harness, purcbae ud tied ol horses, cows, trees, garden tools, seeds, thirty thousand dollars. AVAL ACADEMY. For pay of professors and others : one professor of mathematics, twenty five hundred dollars ; four professors, namely, of mathematics, (assistant,) of French,-of chemistry, and of ethics and English studies, at two thoasand two handred dollars each ; fourteen assistant professors, namely, five ot French, two of Spanish, three of ethics and English studies, one of mathemat ics, one of astronomy, and two of draw ing, at one thonsand eight hnndred dollars each ; and the money appropri ated for the current year for tbe sala ries of professors and assisstant profes sors may be distributed as above : Pro vided, 1 bat the sum so appropriated be not exceeded; sword-master, -at one thousand two hundred dollars, and two assistants, at one thonsand dollars each ; boxing-master and gymnast, one thoasand two handred dollars ; assist ant librarian, at one thoasand fonr huudred dollars ; three clerks to super intendent, one at one. thoasand two hundred dollars, one at one thoasand dollars, and one at eight handred dol lars ; clerk to paymaster, one thousand dollars; commissary, at two handred and eighty-eight dollars ; messenger to superintendent, at six handred dollars; oook, at three handred and twenty-five dollars and fifty cents ; armorer, at five hundred and twenty nine dollars and fifty cents ; quarter-gunner, at fonr hundred and nine dollars .- and fifty cents ; gunner's mate, at fonr handred and sixty-nine dollars and fifty cents ; coxswain, at four handred and sixty nine dollars and fifty cents ; three sea men, in departments of seamanship, at three handred and forty-nine dollars and fifty cents each ; band-master, at hve nunorea ana twenty-eight dollars: eighteen first-class musicians, at three hundred ana rortyneignt dollars each ; seven second-class musicians, at three hundred dollars each ; two drummers and one fifer, (first-class,) at three hun dred and forty-eight dollars each ; in all, fifty-eight thousand fonr handred and seventy-six dollars. - r For pay of watchmen and others. thirty thousand two hundred and ninety-four dollars and fifty cents. ror pay or mechanics and others. seventeen thousand four handred and sixty-two dollars and seventy-five cents.' V- ' For pay of employees in the depart ment of steam-enginery, for machinists boiler-makers, and others, eiirht thou sand seven hundred and sixty dollars. jvor repairs -and improvements of public buildings, fourteen thoasand five hundred dollars. :.i For contingent expenses, sixty-foar thousand and eighty-nine dollars. MARINE COBPS. For pay and subsistence of officers of the marine corps, and for pay of non commissioned officers, musicians, pri vates, and others of the corps, seven hnndred thousand dollars. For provisions, one handred and twenty thoasand dollars. For clothing, one hundred and six teen thousand eight hundred and nine teen dollars. For fuel, twenty-six thoasand one hundred and sixty-nine dsllars. For military stores, namely : For pay of mechanics, repair of arms, purchase of accoutrements, ordnance stores, flags drums, fifes, and other instruments, twelve thousand dollars. For transportation of officers and their servants, ahd troops, and for ex penses of recruiting, twelve, tbouaand dollars. For repairs of barracks and rent of offices, where there are no pnblic build ings, tea thonsand dollars. ForTcodtingencies, namely : Frvtgnt; ferriafertoll; cartage; wharfage ilMsy cbaee a3 repair of boats; labor; bouar rent oC&fficers' quarters; burial of de ceaseS marines ; printing, stationery-, postage, telegraphing; apprehension of deserters; oil, candles, gas ; repair -6f gas and water fixtures;, water tta for age, straw, barrack furniture; forfeiture for officers quarters; Dea-sapx, wrap ping paper, oil-cloth, crash, rope, twine spades, shovels, axes, picks, carpen ters' tools; keep of a horse for the mes senger; repairs to fire-engines, purchase and repair of engine hose ; purchase of lumber for benches, mess-taoies, DunKs; repairs to public carryall ; purchase and repair of harness ; purchase and repair of handcarts and wheelbarrows; -scavengering : purchase and repair of handcarts and wheelbarrows ; scaven gering ; purchase and jepair of galleys, cooking-stoves, ranges ; stoves, where there are no grates-; gravel for parade grounds ; repair of pumps, brashes, brooms, backets, paving, and for other purposes, forty thousand dollars i Pro vided, That the amount of fifty thonsand dollars appropriated by section nine ot an act making appropriations for the legislative, executive, and judicial exs penses of tbe govsrnment for tbe year ending the thirtieth or June, eighteen bnndred and seventy-one, approved July twelfth, eighteen hundred and seventy, to be expended nnder tbe di rection of tbe President in organising and sending ont an expedition to the north pole, shall not be carried .to the surplus fund or covered into the treas ury until tbe purpose of said appropri ation sball have been completed, bat may be applied to expenses of said ex. pedition incurred during any subse quent year that said expedition may be engaged on its duties. Sxc. 2. That the Secretary of the Navy is hereby authorized to have built by contract, in some private yard a floating iron dock, for tbe repair of naval vessels on their stations, and a sum not exceeding one million dollars is hereby appropriated for this purpose. And the said contract shall only be made to the lowest responsible bidder, and on plans and specifications which shall be open for the inspection of bid ders for at least ninety days before the day of letting said contract, after the poblie notice by advertisement for at least thirty days in at least one daily newspaper published in each of the cities of Boston, New York, and Phila delphia, inviting sealed bids for sucb contract, which bids shall be opened and the award of the oontract made publicly by the Secretary of the Navy, at a time and place to be specinea in such notice. And no contract sball be made for a dock nnder this section at a cost exceediog one million dollars Provided. That if it be' thought best by a board consisting of chiefs of the bu reaus of " Construction and Repairs, " Steam Engineering," and " Yards and Dock," that plans and specifica tions shall be invited from responsible bnilders, engineers, and others outside of tbe Navy Department, tbe secretary of tbe Navy may, by publio advertise ment, as provided in this section, ad vertise for such plans and specifications to accompany bids for the construction of the dock according to the same ; in which case the Secretary of the Navy sball refer all such plans and specifica tions and bids and the bids on the plans furnished by the department to a board ot at least five experienced officers, a majority ot whom shall be constructors and engineers, aad one of whom may be an exDerienced civilian engineer. who shall consider and report which of all the bids is the lowest for the par poses of this contract, taking into con sideration the plana and specifications on which they are respectively maae Provided, however. That if the contract sball be awarded upon plans and spec ifications famished by persons outside of tbe department, such contract ansn not ba entered into unless the s-ne tractor shall furnish good and nffio- ciect security In at least nve nunarea thousand dollars, in addition to the reservations on said contract, that tbe dock, when completed, shall be port able and safe, aod shall in all repecta answer the purposes for which it was built. - Sec. 3. That no chief of a bureau shall make any contract for supplies for the navy, to be executed in a f jr- eto-a country, except it be on first ad vertiseing for at least thirty days in two fail newspapers or tbe city or new York, Inviting sealed bids for furnish- 1d a-the supplies desired, whion ntas -i,all be opened in the pretence of the Secretary or the savy, ana toe neaa of two bureaus ; and contracts shall in alt -eases be awarded te the lowest bid der ; and paymasters for the navy on foreign stations shall ' render, when cracticable. with their accounts, for ettlement, an official certificate from the resident consul, commercial, or consoler ascent of tbe United States, if there be one, to be furnished gratuit ously, voucoing that ell p.orjihases expenaitures made by said paymaster . were made at tbe ruling market orices of the port or place at the time of pur chase or expenditure. " &eu. 4. That the President be. and he is hereby, authorized to accept: tbe resignation of any officer in tbe navy until the number ol efficetsin tba grade to which such officer shall belong is reduced to the number authorized hv law. Whose resignation shall taka arT-.t on or before the first day of January next, and any officer so resigning shall be entitled to oae year's sea psy in addi tion to tbe pay doe such officer at the date when hit resignation shall take tiect : I'rovidtd. That this . section sball not apply wben the number of i officers shall have been reduced to the number allowed by law. Sso. b. That the officers of tbe med ical corps on tbe active list of the navy shall be as follows : Fifteen -medical directors, who shall have the relative rank of captain. - Fifteen medical inspectors, who shall have the relative rank of commander : - and Fifty surgeons, who shall have tbe relative rank of lieutenant commander' or lieutenant ; and each and all of the above-named officers of tbe medical corps shall have the pay of surgeons in the navy as now provided ; and med ical directors and inspectors, on duty at sea, shall receixe the pay of fleet One hundred assistant snrireona.whn shall have tbe relative rank of master or ensign, with the present pay of as sistant surgeon in the navy : Provided, That assistant surgeons of three Tea's' service, who have been found qualified for promotion by a medical board of examuen, shall have the pay of past tssisiaut surgeons, as now provided ; and passed assistant surgeons shall -have the relative rank of lieutenant or master ; and no person under twenty- one, or over twenty-six years of age, . shall hereafter be appointed an assist ant surgeon in the navy. PAY COBPS. Sbo. 6. That the officer of the pav corps on tbe active list of thle nar shall Thirteen pay directors, who shall have the relative rank of captain. Thirteen pay inspectors, who shall have tbe relative rank of commander : and , ..... . Fifty paymasters, who shall have the relative rank of lieutenant commander or lieutenant. A nd each and all of the above named. officers of the pay corps ahall have tbe pay oi paymasters in tbe navy as now prov.ded ; and pay directors and in- pectors on doty at sea sball rrcelve the pay of fleet paymasters. - Twenty assistant paymasters, who shall have the relative rank of master or ensign, with the pay of assistant paymasters as now provided : Provided. . however, That all laws and regulations relating to tbe bonds ot paymasters sball continue in full force and appli cation, and the issuing ot a new ap pointment and commission to any offi cer of the pay corps under tbe provis ions or this act sball not a Hector annul any existiog bond, but the same sball remain in force, and apply to sucb new appointment and commission. bsgiseeb cobps. Sec. 7. That the officers of the en gineer corps on the active list of tbe navy shall be as follows': Ten cuief engineers, wbo shall have tbe relative rank of captain. r nteen chief engineers, who shall have the relative rank of commander : and Forty fire chief engineers, who shall have the relative rank of lieutenant commander or lieutenant. ; And each and all of tbe above named officers of the engineer corps sball bare tbe pay of chief engineers of tbe navy as now provided. One hundred first assistant engineers ho shall have the relntive rank ot lieutenant or master ; and One hundred second assistant engi neers, who shall have tbe relative rank of master or ensign ; and the said as sistant engineers sball bave tbe pay of first and second assistant engineers of the navy, respectively, as now provided. Sbo. 8. That no person under nineteen or over twenty-six years of age sball be appointed a second assistant engineer n tbe navy ; nor sball any person be appointed or promoted in the engineer corps until after be has been found qualified by a board of competent en gineer and medical officers designated by tbe secretary of tbe Nary, and has complied with existing regulations. Sbo. 9. That of tbe naval construct ors two shall bave have ' the relative rank of captain, bree of commander, aud all others that of lieutenant com mander or lieutenant ; and assistant naval constructors sba'l have the rela tive rank of lieutenant or master ; four chaplains shall nave tbe relative rank of captain, seven that of commander, and not more than seven that of lieu tenant commander or lieutenant ; and that tbe President of tbe United States hereby authorized, in his discretion, to determine and fix the relative rank of civil engineers : Provided, That the pay of said officers shall not be in creased. Ssc. 10. That the foregoing grades, hereby established for tbe staff corps of the navy, shall be fille i by appointment from tbe bigbestnumbers in each corps according to seniority, and that new commissions sball be issued to tbe officers so appointed, in which commis sions tbe titles and grades herein es tablished shall be inserted ; and no ex isting commission shall be vacated in the said several staff corps, except by tbe issue of new commissions required by tbe provisions of this aet, and no officer shall be reduced in rank or lose seniority in his own corps by any change which may be requred under tbe provisions of this act ; and the offi cers of tbe staff corps ot the navy shall take precedence in their several corps, and in their several grades, and with officers of tbe line with whom they bold relative rank, accordiog to length of service In tbe navy : Provided, That in estimating tbe length ot service for this purpose, tbe several officers ot the staff corps shall respectively take pre cedence in their several grades and ith those officers of the line of the navy with whom they hold relative rank wbo bave been in tbe naval serv ice six years longer than such officers of said staff corps have been in said service: And provided further. That in estimating such length of service, offi cers who have been advanced or lost numbers on tbe Navy Register shall be considered as having gained or lost length of service accordingly : . And provided further, That chiefs of bureau may be appointed from officers having tbe relative rank or captain in the staff corps of the navy on the active list : And provided further, That no staff offi cer shall, in virtue of his relative rank or precedence, have any additional right to quarters : And provided further. That any staff officer of the navy wbo nas performed tbe duty ot enter or a bureau of the. Navy Department for a full term sball thereafter be exempt from sea duty, except ia time of war. Sec 11. That officers of the medical, pay, and engineer corps, chaplains, and professors of mathematics, and also constructors, wbo shall bave served faithfully for forty-five' years, shall, wben retired, have tbe relative rank of commodore; and officers of these seve ral corps wbo bave been or sball be re tired at the age of sixty-two years, be fore having served for forty-five years, but who shall have served faithfully until retired, on the completion of forty years from their eotry into the serv ice, shall also from that time have have the relative rank of commodore ; and staff officers who have been or shall be retired for casuses incident to tbe service before arriving at sixty-two years of age shall bave the same rank on the retired lisa as pertained to their position on the active list '."Provided however. That nothing contaloeded In this section soau on construed to in crease the pay now provided for said several staff officers. . Sec 12. That the chiefs of the Bu reau of Medicine and Surgery, Provis ions at.d Clothing, Steam Engineering, and Construction and . Repair, shall have tbe relative rank of commodore whole holding said position, ( or if heretofore or nereaiter retired there from by reason of age or length of serv ice,) and shall have, respectively, tbe title cf Surgeon (Jeueral, Paymaster General, Engmeer-io-Chief, and Chief, rr . I e i . : - Cll- J 1 , omce oi- iiei . vi . uurwiu ia utieu line officer below tbe rank of commo dore, said officer shall bave the relative rank of commodore during tbe time be holds said office t And provided fur Unr, That tbe pay ot chiefs of bureau iu the Navy Department sball be tbe highest pay of the grade to which they belong, but not below that of commodore ; and officers of the staff now on the retired list' shall hare - tbe rank thereon to which they would have been entitled bad they remained iu tbe active list, uoleis they shall be entitled to higher rank. Tbat commanding officers of vessels of war aad of naval stations sball take precedence over ail officers placed nnder their command, and the Secretary of tbe Navy may, in his dis cretion, detail a line officer to act as tbe aid or executive of tbe commanding officer of a vessel of war, or naval sta tion, which officer shall, when not im practicable, be next in rank to said commanding officer, and who, as sucb aid or executive, shall, while executing the orders of the commadiog officer, on board such vessel or at each station, take precedence over all officers attach ed to such vessel or- station ; and atl orders of such aid or executive sball be regarded as proceeding from tbe commanding officer ; and such aid or executive shall bave no independent authority in consequence of snch detail; and staff officers, senior to the officer so detailed, shall have tbe right to commuoicae directly with the com manding officer, and in processions on shore,; on courts-martial, ' summary courts, courts of ioquiery, boards of survey, and all other boards, line and staff officers sball take precedence ac cording to rank. I.- Sc. 13. Tbat all acts and parts of acts inconsistent with this act are here by repealed. - 1 Approved, March 3, 1871. . ; General batubb No. 64 AN ACT to incorporate the Texas Pa cific Railroad Company, and to aid - in the construction of its road, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and Jloute of aepreteniattve of tne United Slate of ' America in Congre aetembled: Tbat John C. Fremont, James L. Al corn, G. M. Dodge, O. O. Frencb, John D.-Caldwell, J. J. Noah, A. C. Osborne, Timothy Hurley, C. C. Pool, Silas N. : Martin, Johj M. Corse, George E. Went worth, Philip H. Mor gan, J. D. Cameron, Marshal .O. Rob erts, James L. Hodges; John Ray, W. Vermilye, Enoch L. Faneher, Charles F. Li verm ore, Joseph H.' Ogles by, John Whytock, Daniel Drew, F. S. Da vis, W. Orton, A . C. Babcock, Thomas A. Scott, -Samuel D. Hoffman, H. Ramsdale, William H. Jackson, R. O. Parsons, Delos W. Emmons, M. A. Sontbwortb, John H. Hall, G. C. Kiu ley, W. P. Clark, James Dart, H. Ja cobs, Li T. Smith, W. P. Dole, C. A. Weed, A. P. K. Safford, H. McCullough, Charles Jackson, Elisb Dyer, Alfred Anthony, James Hoy, M. W. Benjamin, H. D. Cooke, Joseph R. West, W. S. Huntington, J. M. Tebbetts, C. C. Le ondridge, D. D. Porter, M. Wood hull, Hiram Price, M. C. Hunter, W. T. Walters, J. B. Brownlow, T. A. Morris, Owen Toiler, J, H. Ledlie, R. M. Bish op, Samuel Craighead, D. N. Stanton, Augustus H. Whiting, G. L. Johnson, J. W. Goodland, Powell Clayton, Sam uel Tate, W. Bolton, H. Robinson, George Maney, O. H. Bynum, M. Burns, J. O. Goodloe, E. G. Barney, Cyrus Busey, J. W. Forney, J. Lockwood, E. M. Davis. N. Patton, W. Flaoegan, G. O'Brien, G. P. Buel, G. H. Gidding, J. J. Newell, E. W. Rice, R: M. Shoe maker, Samuel Sloan, S. W. Morton, J. B. Bowman, h. 31. Floarnoy, J. J. Hinds', G. R. Weeks,, J. T. Lidling, B. C. Gilbert, B. D. Williams, Thomas Oicott, G. A. Fosdic, Harry Hays, - P. S. Forbes, John T. Sprague, L. R. Marsh, A. W. Beckwitb, J. C. SUcton, Cyrus H. Baldwin, A. J. Hamilton, Rush R. Sloan, Silas C. Colgrove. Samuel D. Jcnes, N. H. Decker, Will- am N. Luet, B. F. Allen. J. B. Chaves, Angnstus Kountze, John N. Goodwin, William S. Rosecrans, Mich ael Ilahn, II. C. Warmnutb, J. S. Wil liams, G. M. Spencer, L. J. Uigby, W. Kimball, and all such persons as shall or may be associated with them, nd their successors, are hereby cre ated a body politic and coroorate in i fact and in law, by tbe name, style, i and title of tbe Texas Pacific Railroad Company, and by tbat name shall have perpetual succession, and sball be able to sue and be sued, plead and be im pleaded, defend and be defended. In all courts of law and equity within the United States, and may mike and use a common seal; and the said corpora tion is hereby authorised and empow ered to lay out, locate, construct, furn ish, maintain, and enjoy a continuous railroad and telegraph line, with tbe tbe appurtenances, from a point at or near Marshall, county of Harrison, State of Texas; thence by tbe most di rect and eligible route, to be deter mined by said company, near the thir ty -second parallel of norih latitude, to point at or near El Paso; thence by the most direct and eligible route, to be determined by said company, near the thirty-second parallel of north latitude to a point at or near El Paso ; thence by tbe most direct and eligible route, to be selected by said company ,throngh New Mexico and Arizona, to a point on the Rio Colorado, at or near the south eastern boundary of tbe State of Cali fornia ; thence by tbe most direct and eligible route to San Diego, California, to ship's channel, in the bay of S to Diego, in tbe State of CalifornW, pursuing in the location thereof, as near as may be, the thirty-second par allel of north latitude, aod la herebv vested with all the powers, privileares. and immunities necessary to carry into erreci tne pari poi see or this act. seo. z. mat tne persons named in tbe first section of this act shall con stitute a board of commissioners, (twenty of whom shall constitute quorum for the transaction of business) to ne known as tne Texas racino Rail' road commissioners, who shall meet in the city of New York within ninety days after the passage of this act, at a time to be designated in a notice .to be signed by the person first named in the net or corporators ana six or his asso ciates, and to be published for two weeks in, at least, nq daily newspaper in fiew xork, flew U.. .n and Wash ington ; ana, wnen so uici, .ti y my cause ooova to oe opened-, lor tiia -. j acription or tne capital stock or said company, aod when twenty thousand shares, amounting to two millions of dollars, ahall nave been subscribed, and ten per centum actually paid thereon, in money, to tne treasurer, to be elect ed by said commissioners, who shall give bond for its safe keeping and pay ment to the treasurer or the company hen organized, then it sball be law ful for sucb subscribers or stockholders or a majority thereof, to organize said company in accordance with the pio- visions of this act, aod to elect not less than seven, nor more than seventeen directors, a majority of whom shall be necessary to tbe transaction of business aad who snail hold their offices for one year and nntil their successors shall be elected and qualified ; and tbe said di rectors shall immediately proceed to elect a' president and vice-president, secretary, and treasurer ; the president and vice-president shall be directors. At all elections for directors, each share of stock shall be entitled to one vote, which may be given by the holders in person, or by proxy, who shall also be a shareholder. The directors shall hold their otfiees for any term not ex ceeding three yesrs, as may be provided in tbe by-laws; and the annnal meetings of stockholders shall take place as pro vided for in said by laws. Sso. 3. That the capital stock of the Texas Pacific Riilroad Company shall be fixed by tbe board of directors, at a sum not exceeding fifty millions of dol lars, in shares of one handred dollars ; and when the amount is so fixed, it snail never ne increased except by con sent of , Congress : Assessments- upon said stock shall only be made by a ma jority vote of tbe whole number of di rectors at a regulsr meeting, which said assessments shall be paid at the expiration of thirty days aftr a notice given in one newspaper in each of tbe cities of Washington, ; f blladelpbU, New York, and unesns Sko. 4. Tbat tbe said Texas Psclflc Katlroaa uoaapany snail nave power and lawful authority to purchase the took, land grants, franchises, and ap purtenances of, and consollditeon such term a may be agreed upon between xha.psrtlt',.wBlt amriaaMfad kpf- companies heretofore chartered by congressional, state, or territorial au thority, oa the route prescribed Jo tbe first section of this act j but-no such, consolidation sball be with any com peting through Una of railroads to tbo ' pacific ocean. - ' . Sbo. S. That the said company shall have power and autheriiy to make run ning arrangements with: any railroad company or companies heretofore char tered, or mayhereafter. be chartered by r congressional. State, or territorial au-' tbority ; also to purchase lands, or to aeoept donations, or grant of lands, or other property, from States or individ uals, for the purpose of aiding tn carry- '. ing out the object of this company. - Sao. 6. That tbe rights, lands, land grants, franchises, privileges, aad ap purtenances, and property of every de scription, belonging to each of the con solidated or. purchased railroad : com pany or companies, as herein provided shall vest in and become absolutely tbe property of the Texas Pacific Railroad ' Company i Provided,. Tbat in alt coo-, tracts made and entered into by said company with any and all other rail- -road company or companies, to perfect such aforesaid consolidation or pur chase, the indebtedness or other , legal obligations of said company .or com panies shall be assumed by tbe . said Texas Pacific Railroad Company as may t be.agreed upon, and no such consolida-" tion or purchase shall , impair any lien ' whicb may exist on any of tbe railroads ' so consolidated or purchased ; tut said company shall not assume the debts or obligations of any company with which it may consolidate or purchase as afore- i said, to an amount greater than the ' cash value of the assets received from -' the same. - ..-, m . Sec. 7. That the said Texas Pacific Railroad Company sball bave power to make and enforce rules and by-laws for the election of its officers and tbe government and management of the ' business of the company and to do and perform all needful and proper things " to be done and performed to promote the objects of tbe company hereby in corporated, not inconsistent with the laws of the United States and the pro visions of this charter. Ssc. 8. That the right of way through the public lands be, and the same is hereby, granted to the said company for the construction of the said railroad and telegraph line, and the right, power and authority is hereby given to said company to take, from tbe publio lands adjacent to the line of said road, earth, : stone, timber, and other materials for the construction thereof. Said right of way is granted to said company to tbe extent of two bnndred feet in width on each aide of said railroad where it may pass over the public land;and there is also hereby granted to said company grounds for stations, buildings, work shops, wharves, switches, sidetracks, turntables, waterstauons, -and such other structures as may be necessary for said railroad, not exceeding forty acres of land at any one point. Sec. 9. That for the purpose of aids ing in tbe construction of the railroad -and telegraph line herein provided for, there is hereby granted to the said Tex as Pacific Railroad Company, its suc cessors and . assigns, every alternate section-of public land, not mineral, designated by odd numbers, to the amount of twenty alternate sections per mile, on each side ot said railroad line, as such line may be adopted by said company, through the Territories of tbe United States, and ten alternate'' sections -of land per mile on each side of said railroad in California, where tbe same shall not bave not have been sold, reserved, or otherwise disposed of " by tbe United States, and to which a pre-emption or homestead claim may not have attached at the time the line of said road is definitely fixed. - In case any of said lands sball have been sold, reserved, occupied, or pre-empted,- or otherwise disposed of, other Jands shall be selected 1b Ilea thereof by id com pany, under the direction of the Secre tary of the Interior, in alternate sec tions, and designated, by odd numbers, not more than ten miles beyond Ihe limits of said alternate sections first bove named, and not including tbe reserved numbers. - It, in tbe too near approach of the said railroad Hoe to the boundary of Mexico, tbe number of sec tions of land to which the company is entitled cannot be selected immediately ' on the line of said railroad, or in lieu of mineral lands excluded from this grant, a like 'quantity of unoccupied and unappropriated agricultural lands, in odd-numbered sections nearest the line of said railroad may be selected as above provided ; and the word " mine ral, ' where it occurs in this act. shall not be held to include iron or coal : Provided, howeter. That no public lands are hereby granted witbia tbe State of California further than twenty miles on eaeb side of- said road, except to make up deficiencies as aforesaid, and then not to exceed twenty miles from tbe lands origteoally granted. The term " ehfp's channel," as nsed in this bill, t shall not be construed as conveying any greater right to said company to tbe water front of San Diego bay than it my acquire by gift, grant, purchase or otherwise, except tbe right of way, as herein granted : And provided further That all such lands, so granted by this section' to said company," which shall not be Sold, or otherwise disposed of, as provided in this act, within three years after tbe completion of tbe entire road, sball be subject to settlement and pre-emption like other laods, at a price to be fixed by and paid to said company not exceeding an average of two dollars and fifty cents per acre for all the lands herein granted. Sec. 10. Tbat when' the route ef said railroad and telegraph line shall pass through the lands of private persons, or where it may be necessary for said rail road company to take any lands be longing to private persons for any of the purposes herein mentioned neces sary to said road, such right of way through or title to such lands shall be secured ia accordance with the laws of the State or Territory in which they may ba situated. Sbo. 11. That the Texas Pacific Rail road Company shall have power and . authority to issue two kinds of bonds, secured by mortgage, namely: first,, construction bonds; secondhand bonds.. Construction bonds sball be secured by mortgage, first, on all or any portion of the franchises, road-bed, or track of . said railroad, and all tbe appurtenances thereto belonging, wben coostrncted or in the course of construction, from a .. mint at or near Marshall, to ship's , 'j , in tne nay or san utego, in ui dm to ,! C i'nrola, as aforesaid. Land mortgages ui - i exeouted by said . pany sbau be filed and re corded in tbe Department of the Inter-. ior, whicb shall be a sufficient evidence , Of their legal execution; and shall con- fer all tbe rights and property or said . company as therein expressed : Ana provided aleo, That the proceeds of the , aforesaid construction ana lana nonas shall be applied only in the construe- tion. operation, ana eqatpment or tne contemplated railroad line : And pro videdfurther, Tbat said mortgage shall ia no wise impair or affect auy lien ex. 4 isting on tbe property of said company '' ar companies at or before the time of such consolidation. '.. Sic. 'ia. That whenever to said company shall complete the first and each succeeding section of twenty con- . secutivs miles or said railroad and put It in running order as a first-class road in all its appointments, It sball be tbe dnty or tbe Sooretary or tne interior to cause patents to be issued conveying to said company the number of sections of land opposite to add coterminous with said completed road to which it , shall be entitled for each section so completed- Said company, within two years after the passage ot this act, shall designate the general ronte of Its said road, as near as may be, and shall file a . map of the same in tbe Department of tbe Interior ; and when the map Is so filed, the Secretary ef tbe Interior, iuts mediately thereafter,' shall cause the ' lands within forty miles oa each side of said designated route within the Ter ritories, and twenty miles within the State Of California, to be withdrawn from pre-emption, private entry, and sale : Provided,lovr, That the pro visions' of tbo act of September, eight een hrndred and forty-one, granting pre-emption righta,and the acts assend atory thereof, and cf the act ea tilled " An act to secare homes lee ds to acta- al settlers on the pablie domain,' ap-J aetef Jo proved May twenty, eighteen buoded't dred aet v and sixty-two, and too amendments 1 thatt n thereto, shall ba. and the saa am here- i or lr by. extended to all other -f .it it tbe I s?er United States on tbe liae w st" 1 road. I ti t( when Barreled, except those hereby-1 ror . gran,u4 to said eompaiy. - , C company L oy or- ury, make arc. a i k. v., with, tko Secretary of the, which report eh all bo voder cCh. cs hibitlngtbe financial .taatlod ofr U company ,the amount of money received and expended, aad the number of miles of road eoaitructed each year ; and further, the names and residences of the directors, and cf all other officers of the company, the.aa.oant of stock subscribed, and the amount tbereot ac tually paid in, a description of tbe Hues ' of road surveyed and fixed upon for coustrnction, tbe amount received from passengers and for freight, respectively on the road, a statement of the expen ses of said road and Its fixtures, od a true statement of the Indebtedness of said company and . the various kinds . thereof. - - Sbo. 14. That the '.certificates of tbe capital stock most be signed by tbe president aod secretary, and attested by tbe seal of the company, and shall . contain an extract from the proceed ings of tbe board of directors fixing the amount thereof, as well as from this act, authorizing sucb issue. All tbe bonds and mortgages issued by said company most be signed by the presi dent and. attested by the seal cf said company, and sball contain an extract from the law authorizing them to be issued. The face value of said bonds sball be one thousand dollars in gold and shall be redeemable at snch times, and to beaf such rata of interest, pay able semi-annually in gold, as may be determined by the directors. The total value of the construction bonds to be issued shall not. exceed thirty thousand dollars per mile of said railroad, and the total face value of tbe land bonds sball not ef ceed two dollars and fifty -cents per acre for all lands mortgaged; tbe total amount of each to be deter mined by the board or directors. -Sso. IS. That all railroads construct ed, or that may be hereafter construct ed, to intersect said Texas Pacific Rail road, sball have a right to connect with that line ; that no discrimination as regards charges for freight or pas sengers, or in any other matter, sball be made by said Texas Pacific Rrilroad -Company against any of the said con necting roads ; but that the-same char ges per mile as to passengers, and per ton per mile as to freight, passing from the said Texas Pacific railroad over any of-said connecting' roads, or passing from any of said connecting roads over any part of said Texas Pacific railroad, shall be made by said company as they make for freight and ' passengers over their own road ; -Provided alto,' Tbat said connecting roads shall recipro cate said right of connection and equal ity of charges with said Texas Pa cific railroad : And provided further, Tbat the rates charged for carrying passengers and freight, per mile; shall not exceed the prices wbich may be fixed by Congress for carrying passen gers and freight on tbe Union Pacifio and Central Pacifio railroads. Sec. 16. That said road shall be con structed of iron or steel rails manufact ured from American ore, except such as may have heretofore been contracted for by any railroad company which may be purchased or; consolidated with by the company hereby Incorporated, as provided by this act. Sec 17. Tbat tbe said Texas Pectfio Railroad Company shall commence tbe construction of its road simultaneously at San Diego, In the State of California, and from a point at or near Marshall, Texas', as hereinbefore described, and so prosecute the same as to have at Icait fifty consecutive miles of railroad from each of said points complete and in running order within two years after the passage of this act ; and to so con tinue to construct eaeb year thereafter a sufficient number of miles to secure the completion of the whole line from the aforesaid point oa tbe eastern boundary of tbe State of Texas to the bay of San Diego, in the State or Ca!(- fornfa, as aforesaid, within ten years" after tbe passage of this act and upon ' failure to so complete it, Congress may adopt such measures as it may deem , necessary and proper to secure its speedy completion. ' ; ' Seo. ; IS. That the President of the United States, upon the completion of tbe first section of twenty mites,' eball appoint one commissioners, whose doty it sball be to examine the varions sec tions of twenty miles as they shall be completed, and report thereon to him in writing ; andir, from such report, be be satisfied tbat said company has fully completed each section of its road, as in this act provided, he sball direct tbe Secretary of the . Interior to issue patents to said company tor tbe lands it is entitled to nnder this act, as fast as each section of said road Is complex ted. "' : Sso. ' 19. That the Texas Pacifio Riilroad Company shall be, and tt is hereby, declared 'to ba a military and post road ; and for the purpose of in suring the carrying the mail, troops, monitions of war, supplies, and stores of tbe United Stales, no act of the com pany nor any law of any State or Ter ritory sball impede, delay, or prevent the said company from performing its obligations to the United States in that regard : Provided, That said road shall ) be subject to tbe nse of the United States - for postal," military, and all ' itber governmental services, at fair and - reesonable rates of compensation, not to exceed the price paid by private par . ties for the same cind of service, and the government sball at all times have the preference in tbe nse of tbe same for tbe purpose aforesaid." Sso. 20. Tbat it shall not be lawful for any of the directors, cither in their individual capacity or as members of an incorporated or joint slock oompanj to make any contracts or agreements with tbe said Texas Pacific Railroad Company for the .construction, eqnip- ; meat, or running of its road, or to have any Interest therein ; and alt such con , tracts or agreements fire hereby declared ,' oull and void, and atl money or proper- .cw.-vw wuiao IHUU winmQis or agreements may be recovered back tor the benefit of tbe company by anv stockholder. .''' Sec. 21. That any railroad eomnanv whose route lies across tbe route of the 1 Texas Pacifio railroad may cross the same, and for the purpose of crossing soau nave toe rignt to acquire at the doable minimum price all itnds, wheth er of the United States or granted by this act, which, shall be needed for a right or way. two handred feet wide ttuougb said lands, aad far depots, sta tions, side tricks, and other needful purposes, not exceeding for snch pnr- -poses forty acres at any one station. Seo. 22 That tbe New Orleans, Ba ton Rouge, and Vicksburg Riilroad Company, chartered by -the Slate of Louisiana, shall have the right to con nect by the most eligible rout to be selected by said Company witr the said Texas Pacifio railroad at its eastern terminus, and shall have the right of way through the pnblic land to tbe same extent granted hereby to the said Texas Pacific Railroad Company ; and in aid of . its construction from New Orleans to Baton Range, thence by tbe way of Alexandria, in Said Bute, to connect with the said Texas Pacific Railroad Company at Its eastern term inus, there la hereby granted to said Company, it successors and assigns, the same number of alternate sections ot publio leads per mile, in the State of LcTiiiine, as are by tbls act grants 1 In the State of California, to said Texas Pacifio Railroad Company; and sad lands shall be withdrawn from market, selected, and patents issued therefor, and opened for settlement and pr-enp-Mon, upon the same terms and fa te same manner and time as is rravl led for and required from said lev .s Pa cific Riilroad Company, witl.ii said State of California : ProvUtd, That said company ih ill complete the Whole of said road within fire years from the passage of tbls act. I Sso. 23. That, for the purpose of connecting the Texas Pacific railroad with the city of San FraacUoo- the Southern Pacifio Railroad Gov any of California Is hereby eorrorls;, (sub ject to tbe laws of Calif mia,) t cons street a line of railroad f. o i ttU at or near Tahachapa Pasj, by wt of Los Angeles, to tbe Tet r. "it ,;u road at or near tit C;r t t the same rights,- -,r and subject t ) rrs;ri9'.los, , r -J grant 1 to t ' .. road Co' . i , .