.Two Dofars .Ten Cents C3 PIBUISBED BVBT BATCnDAT IT COLL. VAKCLEVE. rric os cohh or rsanr aso nast-its. TERMS IN ADVANCE. i .......Throe Dofars ne i ..- Six Months... Single Copies ADVERTISING RATES. Transient advertisements per Square of ten line. " less, first insertion, $S S each subseqmnt '"reV tdVerUsemenU inserted on the m,.t iberal terms. - .JOB WORK. llavinr received new type, atoek of oolowd inks cards, a Gordon Jobber, etc. we are pte 4i to execute all kind of printing in a better L.m.1 and Bftv per cent, cheaper than ever be fore offered in this city. . Areata for tie Register. - Tne following gentlemen are authorised to re ceive and receipt Tor subscription, advertising, etc., fr the RsersTSB : 1MB M SMITH, Esq Hairiaburg. .In.l ,- 5. n. CLAVHTON Lebanon. I'fcTl'U HUME. Esq. - Brownsville W. K. KIRK, Esq " E. K. WHEEIER, Esn. Scio. T. II. REYNOLDS, Esq..-.-f!aleni. 0. Y TOMPKINS. Esq Harrisburg. I.. P. FISHER, Esq........ . 'Frisco. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. BUSINESS CARDS. J. THORXTOX, TTORXEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW f Orrice No. Ill First street, between Mor rison and Alder, opposite the Occidental Hotel, Portland, Oregon. Will practice in tho Superior and Inferior Courts of the State, and in the District and Cir cuit Court of the United Slates, giving; special at tention to tiie collection of debts ia all parts of Oregon, and to obtaining discharges in Bank ruptcy, which, since the last amendment to the law, inav be obtained from all debts contracted prior to January 1st, lo(, without rejrard to the per centa-e which the asseits may finally pay. November 26, 1ST0-I2v3y JCDGB KCLJAT. JOSEPH BAJSOJ. KELSAV & IJASSOS, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, (Partners for Linn county.) OFFICE In Post Office Building, (up stairs). Albany, Linn county, Oreioo. 9tfv3 L. STRUCKMEIER, MERCHANT TAILOR, ALBANY, OREGON. JUST RECEIVED, A LARGE AND WELL selected stock of French Goods, consisting of Casaimeres, Beavers and Doeskins, and ail asanner of Fancy (iooda of the best quality. X-T Suits made to order. 4Sy L. STRUCKMEIER A CO. . J. XV. Bei.tley. Tl.EMEX'S BOOTS MADE TO ORDER notice, M with neatness ana dis- r jlf- All Kind f ItiJ- AlWny, June 11. 1S70 40 jO. II. rice, m. i., pmSlClAM AND SURGEON, Albany, ------ Oregon, OFFICE ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF MAIN Street. Aibanv. April '70.-3! -1 - X. S. DnBois, ' CONSTANTLY on hand and receiving, a largo stock of Groceries and Provisions, Wood and Willow Ware, Tobacco, Cigars, Con fectionery, Yankee Notions, Ac, Ac, Wholesale end Retail, opposite R. C. Hill A Son' drug I store, Aibanv, 0re5on. Jn40T0 HUtabidel & Co., nEALERS IS GROCERIES ASD PRO visions. Wood and Willow Ware, Confec tionery, Tobacco, Cigars, Pipes, Notions, etc. P rsi street, adjoining the B nk, Albany, ttrezn. rl S. . MITCHELL. 1. ST. DOLPK. A. SMITH. Mitchell, Dolph & Smith, ' VTTORNETS aso COUNSELLORS at LAW, Solicitors in Chancery and Proctors in Ad- iralfy. Office over tbe old Post Office, Front street. Portland, Oregon. t JOHN CONNER, B A KKI Iff G AD , EXCHANGE OFFICE, ALBANY, OREGON. DEPOSITS RECEIVED SUBJECT TO cheek at sight. Interest allowed on time deposits in coin. Exchange on Portland, San Francisco and New York for sale at lowest rates. Collections made and promptly remitted. Refers to H. W. Corbett, Henry Failing, W. S. Ladd. $ar- Banking hours from 8 A. x. to 4 p. a. -1S2 Albany, February 1, 1871.22v3 C. MEALEY DEALER IN A MANUFACTURER OF ptt xi iari v it'zizi t and CABINET W4JIE ! Bedding-, Etc., Corner First and Broad Albia streets, ALBANY, OREGOX. J9 PABTICCLAR ATTKaTIOS PA1 TO ORDERS Or AU SXNSS in his line October ; IS9-8 JAMES A. WARNER, Ciril Uasineer& Surveyor. 18 PREPARED TO DO SURVEYING AND Engineering. Uses unproved Solar Compass. Orders by mail promptly attended to. ResMence ,n 4th St., opposite Dr. Tate's residence, Albany Oregon. . oI9 6m rsvtu. i ru. Powell Sc. Flinn, VTTDRNEYA COUNSELLORS AT LAW and Solicit rs ia Chancery, (X FUna, Notary Public,) lhaay, Oregon. Collections and conveyance 'rmply attended to. I OEO. W. GRAY, D. D. WOULD SOLICIT TFIE PAT rooace nf all persona desir ing ARTIFICIAL TEETH and IRST CLASS DENTAL opera tions. Nitrons Oxide administered for tbe pain' less extraction of teeth, when desired. Charges moderate. Office in Parrisk A Ca.'s brick block. Resi dence, first bouse sooth of Congregational Chareb, fronting on Co'irt House block. ... Albany, Oregon, July 3, 1870-43 WAITED. CEO. F. SETTLEMIER, (Saecessor to D. W. Wakefield,) Parrlah'a New Building, first Street. ALBANY, OREGON. i DEALER IN " 'Drugs and Medicines, CHEMICALS, PAINTS. OILS, GLASS, ETC. AH article! warranted pare and of the besi quality. .. Phy Prau it!ti. r rfulljr .oniunnded "" Albany. Oct. 17, lS58-tf ' " LIVERY, FEED &z SALE s T A I hYi 1 1I0TG(mERY & ADVERTISEMENTS. PROPRIETORS. w of E ARB PREPARED TO FURNISH the public with neat turnouts in the way Stylish Buggies t Carriages M f ff1 B U 8 II ELS OF OATS, for XLfevJULJ which tbe highest market price vui oe paia, in vaon, as nun i N. 8. DU BOISE. - Also, Butter and Eggs, in unlimited quantity. for woicb tbe bigbest market price will be paid in cash. Call and see me. Albany, Aug. SO, 1870-60 S20.00 A DAY I TO MALE AND FEMALE AGENTS To introduce the celebrated . $2S CO ;' BUCKEYE SHUTTLE SEWOG CTUtu Alike ON BOTH SIDES, and is kj tbe only licensed shuttle sewing machine in the United States. SnVd for less than ft-iS. tm the celebrated Wilson reed, nad are acknowledged by all to be tbs best family maenioe for light er . . "s. ia tbe market. Oatft free. A4- dsa, MINER A PEARS?5, Agia, J0v3f ai'tstatpv ssge. ': 37" eSt 0 "t 3 C On the most reasonable terns Our livery is all new and of the latest styles, and we shall take pride in giving our natrons as neat and reliable an ontu? at can be obtained is tbe State. Horse bor2 reasonaDie raws, oy ne weea or month. 7 ' k ' ' m ' " V, Hacks and Carriages fnrDiabea tor panics, me. A share of public patronase is tolicited. Montgomery BABieES.- Albany, December IT, U70-l THE NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL LlfK Insurance Company of Boston is the only rompany on this coast, governed by the Massachusetts Non-Forfeiture Law. This nniiT was incorporated A. D. 1835. and has accumulated assets of over $900,000 00. The following lapsed policies hpve been paid on this coast under this law t , Over due at time of death. 6 months. 4 months. 3 months. 10 days. 11 months Had the above policies been in any other com pany, they would bare been forfeited. lue aoov. facte spe&K lor tnemseives, ana 10 he wise sod prudent fuether comment is unnec essary. EVERSON & MIDDLEMISS, GENERAL AGENTS, : : SAN FRANCISCO. L. FUNN Liocal Agat, t t Albany, Oreg-on. Fclruary 2S, 1871-25y No. of policy. 1304 3301S 38255 291nS 36559 Amt. insnred. 5,000 10,000 1.000 2,5110 5,000 LOOK HER: ! iTEDB SAW FltAIVCISCO STORE! CORSES FIRST AXD FBRftT STREETS, .' ALBA NY.,..M..,L.wiMnM.n. OR BGON, Keeps constantly on hand a full assortment of STOVES, PUMPS & TINWARE ! I will have for sale the celebrated DlArtaond H.ools. cook stove, and other leading styles. Also, manufacture all kinds of Tin, Copper and ueetlron Ware, in the best style, at lowest rates, FOR CASH or COUNTRY PRODUCE. Always on hand a full supply of Tbe Purest Wine and Liquors, , for Medicinal purposes only. , '" : . A well, selected stock of .. Groceries ! and -Crockery ! will always be found at my establishment. I will sell all goods in my house. , for Cash or Produce on delivery, cheaper than ever before offered in this market. All kinds of repairing done, on short notieu, and entire satisfaction warranted, at my Stove and Tin Store. JULIUS GRADWOIIL. Nov. 19-11 j BUILDERS, ATTENTION .SASH, BLOB AND BOOR F ACT O 11 Y! 8. B. AXTBOCSE- N. WRIGHT. J. F. BACKESTSTO. AI-TIIOUSE &. CO., LTO!t STREET, (0!t THE RIVER BA5K), ALBANY', : : I OREGON. KEEP ON HAND A FULL ASSORTMENT, and are prepared to F"vn-nisli to Order, Doors, and Blinds, Sash, 3OZiDINGS, tfuch as Crown, PaDel, Band, and Section Mold of all sizes. WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES ! 3?leroarlja.s; JSc3Lxi.sr, and all other kinds of Building' Material ! re prepared to do Sfltl, "WORK ; furnish Sha ker Fans. Zigzag Shakers, Suction Fans, Driving Pulleys, of any kind, at our Factory on Lyon street, (on the river bank), next below Markbam's warehouse. i ' j ALTHOU8E CO. Albany, February 0, 1869- 4- THE OZ.D STOVE DEPOT! turning. - - xiinriic;. o ft - J at as a a w H H f 09 i an rnEFARED to m -A 1.1. BUNDS OK TUB HI NO I I ks'p on haBd and make to order SAWaXDS-BOTTOnSO CHATR8, .-'--i;:' !.. . : t '. ad .,r'.it. .. IflBBitr Wkssll. SSf Shop near the " Magnolia Mills." JOHN M. METZLER Albany. Not. 8. I8A8-I rcsw sttub PIOTVSSS. ' THE "REMBRANDT Is tbe west popular style of tbntomph made. Call and see. , A- J. WINTER. BOW Jan. 14-18 Albany, Oregon. JO II A BKICJS, i . DEALER I3K STOVES, C00H, P ARL0U & BOX. of the best pattern- AI.&O - Tin, Sueet Iron and ! Copper w ,i-o S and tbe nsual fssoriment of Famishing Goods tk cxisr Sepain ntatlg and promptly executed, ""S" "Short reckonings, make long friends." rroat street.. ... ..Albany. Next door to Mansfield A Co. decS'68-I I MA Stitch ia Time Save Nine!" Fire anil Marine Insurance Company ! Nos. 416 and 418, California street, . i . . . San Francisco, j - - California. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CITY DRUG STORE. t ... ... a. CAROTOERS. . . SALTHaBSB. A. CAROTB1BS 4k CO., DRUGGISTS & APOTHECARIES, (Foster's Block, First street), AlBAJiV, : : t : OREGON, DEALERS IK Drugs, CSiciKlcals, Medicines, PAINTS, OILS, DYE-STUFFS,-GLASS, ceoxxasT 6eo8, French and American Caloguoa, HANDKERCHIEF EXTRACTS, CONFECTIONERY. ; Pure Wines fc sLiauors. for medicinal purposes. Fine Toba.ee and Clgrars, Physician's Prescriptions and Family Recipes componnded with care. December 31, 1870-17 Dlscrlptlve XAtX CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE ' IT STITZEL & UPTON, Real Estate Dealers, Albany, Ogn. CITY OF ALBANT : Lot 3, block 6 Good house- Lots 3 and 4, . " 2 unimproved. Lots 1, 2, 7. S, " 19 Good honse and static Lots & and 6, " 2 Good house. Lots 5 and A, 130 Lots 1, 2 and 3, ' 6 honse and two stables. 9 Lots " 60 " Plenty of excellent fruit a desirable homestead Lots 8 and 7, " 24 Good boose. Lot 1, " 14;- " " Lot 8, 14 Lots 2 and 3, M J and stable. 3 Lots " 44 " " " Lot 7, 103 " Lot 4, " 3 Lots 3 and 4, 20 " B Lots " 1 ' ' ' 9 Lots " 60 unimproved cheap. Lots 3 and 4, "5 fj desirable lots. Lot 4, 118 boE house. 71 aires good timbered land, one mile from Albany, in Benton county. Tec Homestead Lots, 6 acres each, J mile north of Albany Ferry, at $120 each. For particulars apply to J. C. MESDEM1ALL, Ueal estate Agent, Office in Parrish Brick, Albany, Oregon. 40 'it. e. iiljiiM& co., Having just received a Large and well selected 8tock of HARD WARE, SUCH I AS FARMER'S & MECHANIC'S TOOLS coxnisTiKe . or ArVyHS, VICES, BELLOWS, ilauiwera, i'lamert, - , , ! Sledged, Sledges, Saws, Saws, Saws, v Planes, Planes, Places, ornK-Ciit and Itlill Saws, Together with a large assortment of mONANDSTEEL Nails, Nails, Nail?, ; i 4 . Springs, prinsrs, Springs, Axles, Thhnble-Sheins, Bolts, Ctc Ac. O i Also, a well Selected Stock of , -w agon T1m"ber, SPOKES, HUBS, BENT RIMS, SHAFTS, POLES, HICKORY AXLES, ETC., All of which we are now offering to the public at low rates. As we make the business a spec ialty, we can and will keep a better assortment at Ioirer prices Wan any boose in this city. NEW TO-DAY. D MRS. VAN V ACTOR, EALER IN MILLINERY AND FANCY Goods. Lebanon. Orenra. has inst received an elegant invoice of stock and goods to which she invites the attention of the ladies of Lebanon and vicinity. v Produce will be taken in exchange for Koods. ' E. VAN VACTOR. May 13. 1871-353 J. D. TITUS. WITCHES, CLOCKS, JSWBZ.RT, Z3TO. Jf& Repairing of Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Ae., attonded to. All work warranted. , 31 v3 A BARGAIN OFFERE1M A Slendld Drug Business for Sale. WISHING TO RETIRE FROM ACTIVE business, owing to' protracted llt-beatta, the undersigned offers his large and flourishing DRUG ESTABLISHMENT in this eity for sale at a low figure for CASH. Apply soon, if you want a bargain, to GEO. F. SETTLEMEIR, Albany, Oregon. Daily Oregon ian eopy one month and send bill to this office.fiE - 27 Notice. GREATER INDUCEMENTS I Now offered to the trade than erer before, as we sell for - .-:.-. Cash or Trade I In hand, and having dispensed with long credits can sell IS per cent cheaper Than any house giving 12 month's time, or any kind oi a credit system, can offer to the trade. Come along with your Cash or Produce, and see what you can do at the CASH STORE of R. CHEADLE A CO. 27. B. Cash paid for all the EGGS offered. A Great Rargain. THE FARM KNOWN AS "FARMOUNT Lake" is offered for sale at $10,000 in coin $4,000 in band, and the remainder in six equal annual payments, with interest from date. Tbe tract is in good shape, being nearly a square, con taining about 661) acres of rich soil ; and is diver sified with forests vast, fair lawns, lordly oaks, and willows sitting by tbe lake, tbe woodland and prairie so alternating as to make it one : of tbe most attractive places in the State. It is situated on tbe west side of tbe Willamette rsVer, within half a mile of Albany, which is known as being in the heart of tbe best agricultural portion of Oregon. - Tbe location is healthful. It baa a good stone quarry, about 100 acres under fence, a two story frame barn with shedding 90 feet square ; a large and handsome new house two-stories bigh, thoroughly painted inside and out, the large cup boards and book-rases being fixtures, and the house having under its whole length a good dry cellar. In addition to thee there is a neat well bouse, a wood-honse and all otber necessary out hohses. ' There is a meadow, large pasture, or chards, garden, Ae., Ae. It is susceptible of be ing divided into four farms, all of them having good soil, fuol and rail timber, and three of them having stock-water. For particulars address J. C. Mendenball, Esq., Albany, or the undersign at Portland. ' . -J. QCIXN THORNTON. Feb. 14th, 1S71 24v3. Attorney at Law. Casta Capital, In Gold Coin, "T50.000. Deposit In Orejron, 950,000. . Louet Promptly and Equitably Adjusted Awl Paid in Gold Com. wBtrvo nusiHT ti.rint, Mimnlied with the I laws of Oregon, by making a deposit of fifty . .... . . n A ... .trM. n .11 r tauasana aouars, is now " ----- anee against Loss or Damage bv Fire, and also arainst Marine and Inland Navigation risks, on liberal terms. J. : t . GUST AVE TOTJCHARD, Pres. CHAS. D. HAVEN, Sec'y. J. O. MENDSNHAXX, " A&rent ftr Albany. Albany, 18T1-1S . V AtjRAIVT i BOOK STORC BSTABLISHEO IK 1 18SO. . DIALER EVERY VARIETY 0" MlseeUaasoM Books, School Books, Blank Books, Stationery, Ae : Books imported to CTier at short aotiea. - Albany, Oregon. December S, 187, Reeelvinft' afld opening a large and splendid assortment of WOOD AN t6aw WARB, Which we offer at reduced rates. . . . W. H. KtiU CO. In the Monteith Fire-proof Brick. Firsi-st- March 12.-70-27 rIRE AND MARINE ISlftAIVCE COMPANY, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. Total Assets (Gold) .. I,T7T ,366.63 J. HUNT, President. Wk. ALVORD. Vice President. A. J. RALSTON, Secretary. A. BAIRD, Marine Secretary. 1l3- The leading Fire and Marine Insurance Company on this coast. a3r-$50,000 deposited in Oregon. 33- Losses Promptly and Equitably adjusted and paid in 9 old Coin. LADD & TIXTON, Gert. Agents For Oregon and WasJihtgton Territory. JOHN CONNER, Agent, ALBANY, OREGON. March 4, '71-26y IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT I HAVE opened a JLivery and Feed Stable ! in the town of LEBANON, where I will be con stantly on hand to attend to the wants of the people. I will run a hack from Albany to Lebanon and Soda Snrines. on Saturday of each Sseek. All business entructed to my care will he promptly attended to. W. B. DONACA. Lebanon, Sept. 10, 1870 Iv3m3 I II. C. CLEMENT, I L I N" T 3D ALL KINDS OF PAINTING, GRAINING and paper-banging. - Walls colored and wbit.ned. Orders promptly attended to. Shop over Adams' Wagon Factory. 31v3 SETTLEMIRE8 NURSERY, Six miles South of Albany, Unn Co., : IVetxx tlie Ii.ailxoa.l- IS O L I C IT THE ATTENTION OF ALL persons desiring to purchase Fruit Trees to call and examine my stock, which is composed of the largest and best selection (n tbe State, con sisting of Apples, Pears, Cherries, Plums, Prunes, G rapes, Black Berries, Currants and Roses. Also, Black and White Walnut, English Wal nut, Hickory, Pecan, Redbad, Honey Locust, Ilackberry, and a number of other varieties of trees and plants too numerous to mention, all of which are offered at low rates. HENRY W. SETTLE JURE. December 17, 1870-14 CITY MARKET, FIRST STREET, ALBANY, OREGON. t. 1. HARRIS. B. a. SJAiaSJT. J. Jj. HARRIS & CO., TiBOPBIETORS, We shall endeavor to always keep on band a full supply of all Kinds o r .51 e. n t I .it m.1i will be of tbe very best qualitr. The highest market price paid for Beeves, Hogs Third door west of Ferry, onsouth ilJsof Firtt streets, f- L HA.RRJS vv. Albsny, Dee. is, iS7W-i Potatoes ! Potatoes ! The Frice of Land In Oregon. " We find in convers'iDs with uarties from the Eastern States, who daily visit oar office, that the present price at which land is held in Oregon, ia above what they ezpeetcd to find it when they started to this country, and some think above its real value. Now, we are not sbt prised at this state of things. It is jttst what we were expecting; it is the legiti mate result of the system of over rating everything connected with Oregon, whieh has been practiced for the last few years by parties interested in getting up a large emigration to this country, that - they might profit thereby, regardless of the real interests of tk rmotry. 2Jen in tbo Atlantic States have been led to Velieve that our best lands couU be purchased at from $5 to 815, per acre j that plenty of government land could be obtained in favorable localities upon government notes. We have wen much riober - landt ' than is found in Oregon, bmt im ear trav- from the St. Lawrence river ! th , acific flssftn we have never net with- at produced a good cro with aa much certainty, or with so small amoant ' of labor as in the Willamette valley. Go into the great State ef New York and see-: a man work all Sammer (a short one, it . is true), pulKng pigeon grass out ef : th corn hills of a ten acre lot, with his In-, gers, then spriokling a spoonfal or tw f plaster or bone dost around the little- spires of corn, to enable them to get the start of tbe Canada thistles, and ask him " if he had land that would bring his 29 bushels of good wheat to the acre, of v:.u V 1 J . - vnn ... : wuxiu w nniu suhitiw aw aOTaa Wlua. less labor tbaa he bestows on his tea or , fifteen acres of eorn,' whether he would. take $30 per acre for such land. Go to- ' the same man again in the month of Jan uary or February, at the hour of aid- night, when he is out in the barnyard giving his cattle a little bay to indue them to stir about to prevent them from terms, all of whieh they find, when they arrive here,' to be untrue; and is it freezing, aod ask him ifhe had a farm of strange that "they become disgusted," as such land as above described, in a climate some of our local papers say they have so genial and warm that his cattle would done, in some eases, "at the high price of be out feeding upon luxurious grasa at rrrSHELS POTATOES JTJST RE- 51 III ceivei Aa ?B store, for sale at $1 25 per bushel, by JHarcn li, I87i-zvu . H. 6. DUBOIS. Patronize Home Manulactiires t our lands ?" We think not. . But is it true that our lands in Ore gon aro too high ? Is it not just possible that these gentlemen, although disap pointed in fiuding matters just as they expected to find them, are yet mistaken when they say our lands are now held above their real value ? Let us look at tbis matter calmly a few moments, and Bee if this be really true. Improved lands in Linn county are now held at from $4 to $30 per acre, as per location, quality of lands, improvements, &c. Now take a farm which we hold for sale at $30 per acre, containing 392 acres. This farm would cost $11,760. 200 acres of this farm is in cultivation, the balance, 192 acres, in pasture, orchard, &c. Now let a man purchase this farm, put the 200 acres in wheat, and suppose it yield, 20 bushels to the acre, he would have 4,000 khat season of the year, whether he would hint $30 per acre, with good improve- nents, was too much for it. ; Don't you .hink he would say , no t . We guet he vould. No, gentlemen, our laads are ot too high, and had you not beea mis- ed in this matter, hut had com t Ore gon understanding just how laud was ating here, you would probably have en well satisfied. But you war duK j pointed, and that was what disgusted pu. It was not that you really thought, tpon serious reflection, after fairly weighi iig all the circumstances, that land . ia Oregon is really held above its intrinsic tilue. An intelligent farmer has just ft our office, whonowraising his ienth crop ia Oregon. He says that his " tenth crop would average ovei 20 bush jels per acre, and that he bought a farm at ? i aa . . ' s . 1 1 per acre ana paid tor it out ex me bushels ; then suppose he sells at 75 cts 'products of the said farm in two years,. and had a small margin leit. ue says further that, with wheat at $1 per bushel he can pay for any good, farm at t&0 per acre, in three years, out of tha prod- ucts of the farm. " He is this year "raUT" B ROOMS Iortla.ni i Prices 2 HAVING GONE the manufacture of LARGELY INTO ALL GRADES OF BROOMS 1 I am prepared to furnish the Oregon public with as good broom as ean be obtained on the coast, at Portland prices. Orders solicited. Address all orders to BL.AIN. YOUNG ds CO., Gereral Agents, Albany, Oregon. W. D. BEtr-INO. . Aibanv, December 3. lS?9-13r AhBAMr BATH HOUSE. THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECT fally inform the eitisens of Albany and vi cinity that he has taken charge of this establish ment, and, by keeping clean rooms and paying strict atttotk J to business, expects to suit all those who may favor him with their patronage. Having heretofore carried on nothing bat First-Class Hal Dresaiar Balaana, he expee's to giro entire satisfaction to all. Children and Ladies' hair neatly eat and shampooed. JOSEPH WEBBER. . seI9y3 IVotice? mni! PUB1IC ARE HEREBY WARNED 1 not to tmst my son, Jacob P.Kartia.minor, as t will not bo responsible for any debts ef his eontraetioc from and after this date. . ; . -. 6ELV1A MAB.TI2I. HanithBrg, Or., Mar 10 lri-. per bushel, he will realize $3,000 for his crop, and in four years he will have $12,000, or $240 more than the whole farm cost him, saying nothing about. what the orchard, pasture, dairy, chick ery, garden,- &o., might yield obe:: tho fami ly expenses. But add to this calcula tion another year, and say that it takes five years to pay for his farm, which is clearly a safe calculation, and is this laod too high at $30 per acre ? We think not. It a man can buy a good $12,000 farm and make the money to pay for it in five years, and have the farm left, greatly enhanced in value at the end of five years, it seems to us he ought to be satis fied ; and there is no vague speculation in this calculation the thing can be done. This is not an extravagant calcu lation, neither is this an extraordinary farm. ; We have several such for sale, that a man can purchase at the price de manded, and pay for them out of the proceeds of the farm, . in . three to five years, provided he bus most of the re quired labor within himself or under his own control ; and if wheat was to re main at its present price, he could hire the work done -and we do not expect ever to see wheat as low in Albany as it has been in years past. We were then 1 dependent entirely upon the Willamette river as our avenue to . market, and that controlled by a monopoly, and always at its lowest stage of water during the latter part of summer and early fall, so that our wheat must necessarily go to the garner and remain locked up, while the other sections of the country were taking the cream of the market. But that day has passed.' We now have the advantage of both river and railroad. We can now load from one side of our spacious mills or i storehouses into a boat, or from the op posite "ide into the cars, and in from four to five days Cor wheat is in San Fran cisco, or four OT five hundred miles out on the Pacific ocean on its way to a for eign market, and we are no longer living in a "hole in the ground" and forced to go to market when it suits the river to rise or the P.T. Company to send us a boat. But we now go when the market calls for us, and it suits our convenience to respond. No, out lands are not too high ; they are worth every dollar that we ask for them, and in five years from to-day they will be worth from 25 to 50 per cent, more than they are now selling at. Make a note of this, and mark the result: We do not pretend to say that it is the riehnesa of our soil that renders our lands so valuable, hut it is the pe culiar adaptability ot the climate and soil to the growing of wheat, oats, Has, &o., and entire absence of deleterious influ ence, all of which combined enable the farmer to to oant upon bis crop with as much certainty as a banker count upon the punctual paymeut of hit weU secured ing 300 acres of wheat, with the help of two boys able to do about men's work, and expects to hire a few days' work in harvest that 300 acres of wheat will o worth $6,000 at harvest, unless wheat materially declines. Is his land worth $30 per acre ? He thinks it is, and thinks be is not mistaken. But there are plenty of good farms for sale rn Oregon for from ten to twenty dollars per acre ; some of whieh might suit some mea as well as the higher priced land j and there are still lower priced lands, upon which a good living could be made, wi& ae half the labor expended upon lands : in some of the Eastern ' States. Govern ment land is about all absorbed in tha Willamette valley, hut there are plaees in Oregon where excellent locations for stock raising, wool growing, &c, may be. made en Government lands,' if : pere.na ?n ! it... ft.i:.. ..t.i. - ate Wliuog mi gu iumi uie iivuuci amp, is ments, some of which are now beinrap-. idly settling up, of which we nay har more to say hereafter. if. J?.. SpxSaJt The other day we heard'oftaK rhoal. teacher who killed herself for love ef hi . boy thirteen years old, and. now. eoasea . an account ot an elderly maa in Missis-, sippi who blew out his brains because his .. laundress left his shirt buttoned at the... collar and sent it to him in that outra geous conditioo. Poor old Mr. Hopkins, tottering on the verge of ninety years,, got his head into, the body of. the shirt, and his arms into tha sleeves, and thus, struggled for awhile against fat andj buttons. He became frightfully enraged cursed and foamed at the mouth, and. att last, when the linen: gave way xuafcedt for his gun, seated himself on ihe edge, of his bed, placed the stock of the- wea-. on so that ha could pull ita trigge his toe, brought the mussle to hi eh:, pulled, and blew hie head off. Can tat laundress be said to he morally resoai ble for tbis act ? General Phil. Sheridan express hi opinion of William I., Emperor f Ger many, in tne following iao;ua : io Emperor William ia a fin old gentleman and a good gentleman II , rustsse ' personal courage and bravery in an fin usual high degree. I, myself, hav Men him under the heaviest ftr at Gravlott. Far from being nnder the ieSuene of Bismarck, he ha a firm, determined will of hi own, whieh he know bow to rrj out, even ia opposition to Eismarek.'V Itia reported that Albert IT. Louia, a distinguished lawyer and journalist of London, for some tin owner and of the London J&ectator, has .tr to America, belreviajc this epuntrv u I? e the future center and leader ot 6iv.x tion. A asaafl ton ha been i. . im the flesh of a Jack son vi. -a C-i, w-..i is tboaght my prow t be n CZ-ZZ) worth four or fit thocnaJ tcri -