V - tft-t ' .. :,..! - f,j... ffff f?" I' ' rv0- &t .tif,l JjK'i'li . V J -it ' VOL. 3. ALBANY, OREGON, SATURDAY. JULY 8, 1871. NO. . if. I prsLISBED EVERT SttORDAT BT , , , COLL. VAXCLBVE. rncs ox corses or ferrt asd pjbst-sts. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TERMS IS One Tear Six Months Single Copies.. ..... ......... ADVANCE. " : .... .....,Thre Dollar ...... ....Two Dollar ....Ten Cent ADVERTISING KATES. , Transient advertisements per Square of ten lines or less, first insertion, $2 ; each subsequent Insertion, $1. - ; . Larger a.lvertiseiaeots inserted en the most iLer&l term!. ; ... JOB WORK. tt'in received new type, stock of colored inks cards, a Gordnn Jolhr, etc, we are pre pd to execute ail kind or printini in a bettw manner and fift v per eenU ekeapcr tnan ever be fore offered in ibis city. r - , Agent for the' Keg iate. The following gentlemen are autU .riicl to re ceive and receipt for subscription, advertising, etc, for th i Recistkh : IH RAM SMITH, Ksv TTarrfeWj. .Tul"e ff. CT.AtHHlTON' Lebanon. PETER HUME, E Brownsville W. R. KIRK. Esu . K. E. WrtEELKlt. Kti Scio. T. H. REYVOLBS, Ksq Salem. O. y TOMPKINS, Ei Ilarrisbnrp. L. P. FISHER. Eq .-,.- 'Frisco. BUSINESS CARDS. ,-.At . ..... ; JOHN CONNER, B JL iff K I H G ; EXCHANGE OFFICE, ALBANY, OREGON. D , and EPOSITS RECEIVED SUBJECT TO check at sight. Interest allowed n time deposits in coin. Exchange on Portland, San , Francisco New York for sale at lowest rules. . Collections made and promptly rftnitte.1. f Refers to II. W. Corbett, Henry Fniling, W. 5. Ladd. ' . i . jfT Banking hour from 8 A.- v. to 4 P.' jr. ftj Albany, February 1, 1871. 22vS C. ME ALE Y DEALER T2T 1 itASXt KCtVKtfL OF PTJH KTIT XT ! and - - , :' CABINET WARE ! IB e deling-, Etc-, Corner First ani Broad Albin streets, ALBANY', O REG OH. o ! o e ! - J. QUIXX TBORSTOX, TTOItXEV AND COUXiSELOR AT LAW Offk-e -Vo. Ill Fir.-t tr-et. I.itwiea M..r- rWun aud Al 1-r, oppusi.e tie Occidental HuUl, Portlaod, Oregon. Will praitire in the ?uper:or and Inf. ri r Courts of the St.it-, and in the Di"trU-t and Cir rair nrt .,f ilie Uitcd States, aivini fpial ut- tin tlin r-llj.ctinn of .Icl.ta in all waits .f Oreroo. s'.id t ootai'iin I di h.rej in I;ii k- rin(,-t rhi -h. s'ni-o the la-ft nme::dimnt to the law, mar bo obtaine 1 ir in all d-hta trmitr.' ted pri r t Jao mry l-f. lBJ. wifh mt rr:r.ir.l to mi per re name whi.-h the aetis tu:ty finally pjy. . Xovt-mUir SB. lSrU-l-'vSy JCDCE KEUT. joskpii nisss. - KELSAY & IIAXNONV ' Attorneys an J CouHfflWs at Law I ' (Partners for Linn county.) OFFICE In Pot Ofn e liuMn;, (up sta:r. Albany, Linn county. O.e oh. , ' t-3 L. STRUCKfiiElER, MERCHANT TAILOR, ALBANY, OUEyOS. JUST RECEIVED, A LiUiE AND WELL selected itot-k of Ffuw h t: !. iiid:iii of Caasiui.ra!', Ucavera and I .ckii s. and all Banner of Fancy O .o.!s !' tUe beat quality. 1 'r-Vy 5tiiti maud to .f ler. 4f , L. STRUCKMEIER 3T- rA.nTicci.An attest ios paid to ORDERS OF AX.X. KINDS ADVERTISEMENTS. LOOK I1ERE : SA1 FKAHCISCO STORE! i COBBER FIRST a! PIBBT STItCeTS, ALBA Si V. OR EGON. Keeps constantly on hand a full assortment of STOVES, PUMPS & TINWARE I 1 ' ' I will bare for sale the celebrated Dlazxioxici cook store, and other leading style. ; Also, manufacture all kinds of 1 ,.s Tl Copper; aud Ueetlroii rre, in the best style, at lowent rates. FOR CASH or COUNTRY PRODUCE. Always onliand a full supply of - The 4Prest '-Wines sad Xaqnors, fwr Medioutal pnrpoaM snly. -M . A weft selected stock, of Groceries and Crockery ! will always be found at my establishment. I will suit all poods in my house, for Cash or Produce on delivery, cheaper than ever before offered in this market. All kinds of repairing done, on short notice, and entire satisi'actiun warranted, at my Stove and Tin Store. JULIUS GRADWOIJL. Xor. 19 It NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, NEW TO-DAY. CITY DRUG STORE. A. CABOTBEn. I B. SAVTIfABSH. D1 in hia line October ISS-S CEO. F. SETTLEMIER, 33 XJ Os- O I ;T - (Successor to D. W. Wakefield.) Parrlsli's New IJulltliitg-, l''Irst Street. ALBANY, OR EC OX. & CO. KEALER IX ; 'Drugs and Medicines. CZIEKZXCAX.S, PAINTS. GILS, GLASS, ETC. BeiBtry, ipi F.XTLEMEX'S JJOO IS MADE TO ORDER JC on short nutico, and n ith ueatiiess aud dis ' pacb. ? jtS-Al Kinds of Repairing-Done. Albany. June 11. 1S70 40 - " 1. a. RICE, iTI. pmSlCIAN AND SURGEON, Albany, - - - - - Oregon, FFICE OX THE SOUTH SIDE OF MAIX Mfc? -Street. -r . , , .5 . " PSAar, A.ril "70--.'!2 hand and recciviug. IV. s. : -iOXSTAXTLT j lare stock of Groceries aad Provisions, - Wood and Willow AVare, Tobacco, Cisars, Cort feetionery, Yankee Notions, 4c. Ac. Wholesale and Retail, opposite R. C. .Hill A Son' drug store, Albany, Oregon. jn4070 W. t. 1LTAB1DEL. . D. ASDBEWS HUtabidel & Co T-kEALERS IS GROCERIES AXD PRO visions. Wood and Willow Ware, Confec tionery, Tobacco, Cigars. Pipes. Notions, etc. F rst street, adjoining the B r.k, Albany, Orejton.- . - .-"- 'Vl J. - , SMITH, . MITCH Bl.t. ' .1 t. St. BOtPB. . : A. Dlitchell, Dolph & Smith, t TTORXETS AD COVXSELLORS at LAW, Solicitors in Chancery and Proctors in Ad- iralty. OSso over the old Pout Office, Front street. Portland, Oregon,"? I t J i ' I' JAMES A. WARNER, ? Civil Engineer & Surveyor. TS PREPARED TO I0 SCRVEY1XH AND I Engineering. U?s imnroved Solar CiimDas. Order by m.tik pr uandy "fcttmdtd" to. f &esi leuce on 4th St., opposite Dr. Tate'a residence, Albany Oregon. ., , t 4 .... j, r .. A- , nI9 6m Powrll. X,. ruxjr. Po we 11 & Fl i nil, 4 TT3RXETO A C0UXSELL0R3 AT LAW Jk. :nd Sitlietl rs in Chaawry, tj i ' . (XV. FUan, Notary Public,) Albany, Oreg m. Col'.ecajus and conveyances pr u.ply attended to. I ATT articles warranted pure and of - the best quality. - ' i livsirtai'8 Prescriptions varcfully compounded Alhanv. Oct. 17. 18.MSsf - BUILDERS, ATTENTION S.IS1I, BLIXD AA'D LOOK FACTORY A. CAKOTHEnS & CO., DRUGGISTS & APOTHECARIES, (Foster's Block, First stfeet), ALBANY, : : t i , OREGON, ' i tiAtiti ur Drugs, Chemicals,' Medicines, PAINTS, OILS, DYE STUFFS, GLASS, ' French and AmexieranCalorfnes, HANDKERCHIEF EXTRACTS, , CONFECTIONERY. Pure Wines & JLiquorsii, for medicinal purposes. . Fine Tobacco and Cigars. , g3 Physician's Proscriptions and - Family Recipes compounded wits care. , December 31, 1370 17 MRS. VANVACTOR, ,; 1EALER IX MILLINERY AND FANCY Goods, Lebanon, Oreeon, ha inst received an elegant invoice of stock and good to which i sbe invites the attention of the ladies of Lebanon I and vicinity. - - . Produee will be taken in exchantre for goods. E. VAN VACTOR. May 13, 1871-3C3 v , D. TITUS, lfealer in WATCBES, CLOCKS, JEWS7.RT, ETC. &2f Renairinc of Clocks. Watches. Jewtlrv. Ac, attended to. All work warranted. : 31 v3 A 11AIIGA1IV OFFERED ! A Slendid Drug liusliiess tor. Sale. s. h. AtiBorsE. x. wmcnT. 1. r. backessto. & CO., AETKOITSE tvos stbeet, oh the raven bask). AI.IJAN Y, OREGON. EEP OX HAXD A FULL ASSORTMENT, and r.re prepared to lTin'iais-li to Order, JDoors, ' ti:..i- Discrlptivo l.Ut and Sah, Crown, Panel, :iinl. and Section Mold of nil sizes. WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES! Flooring, Sicllns, CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE ST IT Z EL & UPTON Real Estato Scalers, Albany, Ogn. CITY OF ALBANY : Lot 3, block 0 Good bouse. L.tg3anl4. " 2 unimproved. L 'U 1, 2. 7. S, ' 19 Good house and stable. L"t 4 and fl, " 2 Good bouse. , Lot 5 and fi. 130- ' l.i ti 1, 2 and 3, 6 house and two stables. 3 Lots " an Picntv of excellent fruit a desirable homestead WISHING TO RETIRE: FROM ACTIVE busine , owinc to urotraeted iU-health. I the' undersigned-offer" his large and ttbuTiaBlnjf . : DRUG ESTABLISHMENT I in this city for sale at a low fignre for CASH. Apply soon, 11 you want a bargain, to GEO. F. SETTLEMEIR, Albany, Orepon. Daily Oregonian copy one month and cnd I bill to this office.-4g , : , 27 . Xotioo. GREATER INDUCEMENTS ! Now offered to the trade tbn ever before, as we sell for Cash or Tirade Z In hand, and having dispense i with long credits can sell IS per cent cheaper Than any house giving 12 month's time, or afty kind ol a crcittt eyt m, can ocr to the trade. Come along with yonr C?-h or Produce, and pee what you can do at tha OA:-II STOKE of R. CUEADLE & CO. NEW: ADVERTISEMENTS. B Y AUTHORITY OF A SPECIAL ACT OF the Legislature of Kentucky, of March 13th lo71. the Trustees of th Public Library of Ken tucky will give , .. ,W: n ;,. j..:. .., : Grand Gift $1,000,000 Concert I : AT LOUISVILLE, KY- r On Ttuttdajn October 3l, 1871, Under the direction of the best Musical Talent that can be procured. Tickets of Admission, 10 each, Carrency. - Each Ticket will bar attached to it four cou pons of tho denominatinn of $2 60 each. The holder of all entire ticket will be entitled to ad mission to the Concert, and to the whole amount of the gift awarded to it by lot. The bolder of each eonpon will be entitled to admission to the concert and to ono-fourth of the amount of such gift as may be awarded to it. To provide funda for this Grand. Concert, and for the benefit of the Public Library of Kentucky, , 1H0.000 Tickets will be sold at $10 each, cur rency. . ij. ........ ... i Tlie Citizens Bank of Kentucky , ; ia Trcasnrer and Dencsitnrv. i Immediately attcFbe'CunTCtrt the s'uni of 1 ; ; $5SO,000 la Currency' " " ' Will be distributed by . lots to. th holders of Tickets in the following Th Bed Issue. N. B. Cash paid for all tho EGGS offered. A Great Bargain. and all other kinds of' Ruildius: JIaterial I.I VERY, FEED fc SALE STAB LES! ALBANY, OREGON.; M0.TG0HERY7& BARTGES, - PROPBIETORS.y I E ARE PREPARED TO the public with neat turnouts in FURNISH th way w of Stylish Buggies & Carriages 37 aet St CIS. On the most reasonable terms. Onr livery is all new and of the latest stylos, and we .hall take pride in giving our patrons as neat and reliabloan outfit as can be obtained in tbe State. Horses boarded at reasonable rates, by the week or month. ; Hacks and Carriages furnished for parties, Ac. A share of public patronage is solicited. MONTGOMERY A BARTGES. Albany, December 17. 1870-15 ' ' Al-SO ' !" re pret nrcd to do MILL WORK j furnish Sha )cr Pans, Zigzag Phak. rs. Suction Fans. Drivina Pulleys, of any kind, at our Factory on Lyon trei;t". (on the river bank), next below Markbam'. warehuuse. 1 i ALTIIOUSE Si CO. Albany, February 0, 1S69- 4 ' THE OZ.D t STOVE DEPOT! j on ;v nnioiis, DEALER m THE NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL LIFE Insurance Company of Bost n is the only company on this coast, gnrcrned by tbe : Massachusetts Non-Forleitnro Law. This company was inc-orpora.ted A. D. 1S35. and has a' cumulated asnrts of over $900,000 00, The following lapsed mli.i.-s Lpve been paid on this coast nnder Ihij law : Over due at time ' GEO. W. GRAY, D. D- S. IVOFLD SOLICIT THE PAT Tf Tf r-mstt of all pert ns .Icitir tn? ARTIFICIAL TEETH and FIRST CLASS DBNT.Vpr- tlona. Nitr ns Oxi le adminUturcd for tbe pain. e extraction of te.'th. when desired. Charges moderate. Office in Parri.h, A Co. bride block. Rcti "eoc. firxt hour; g rtitb of Cnf rogational Church. fronting on Court II ttt M cv. Aloany. Orcgoas Jnly 3. l7-43 WAITED. f Orifs BUSHELS OF 0T3. for JlLlallLf LI which tbe highest uiaiket price will be paid, in CASH, at the store f - . N. 8. DU B0I?E. Also, Butter and Eggs, in unlimited qoantity. for wbfh the highest market price will be paid in cash. Call and see me. Albany, Ausr. 20. - No. of poTicv. 1054 ". saoifl 2Ulfi6 36559 of ttoath, . fl months. 4 months. 3 months. 10 days. 11 months Ant. inforcd. $ 5,000 10.0(1(1 1,000 2,500 5,0110 J Had tbe above policies been in spy other com pany, they would have been forfeited. Tbe above fails speak for themselves, and to ihi wise aud prudent tucther comment Is unnec essary. ? i - X' v! V i .'v j.-.J-'-.-i - f EVEUSON ii MIDDLE MISS, -GENERAL AGENTS,': SAN FRANCISCO. Local Ag-ent, t I Albany, Oreg-oa. : Fabrhary 25.1i7I-25y . J TUWtXlXU. 3 33 M ft 1 320. 00 A DAY I TO MALE AKD FEMALE AGENTS T Intr dnw the eetebrated 425 OO BUCKEYE SnCTTLE REYFIXG STTTCH ALIKE ON BOTH SIDES, and is the on It licomcd hottla sawing mvbin in th United State, sold for lass than $40. to use ! elbrate4 Wilaon food, and are acknowledged by aU U b th hast family machine for light or .. mw.. iu wi, roaraec UBtnt STB. dre. MINER A PEARSON. Ga. Arts.. . I A)T PREPARED TO t0 . A LT. KINIS OK TDK S I NO I , I k p n hand and make to r Icr RAWKI2E-BOTTOMED CIZAZKS, SpinatB,' WhtcliV Shop near the ' Ma'-nolia Mills. JOHN Albanr. Nov. B. . I8B.H I . XETZLER - NEW ST TLB PICTCBSS. , THE - r 'Ci : "REMBRANDT! Is th most popular stylo of PboUgrapV ftT; nad. Call and so. A.J. WINTER. Jan. 14-18 . Albany. Oregon STOVES, COOK, PARLOR & BOX. of the best pattoro- AT.SjO ! ' Tin, Slteet Iron ami Copper -w,x"e 2 and the u.ual t3.ortracnt of Furnishing Goods tn be obtained in a EST Repair neatly and promptly exf-Httd, , . on reasonable IcriM. "7v . ! , t , "Short reckonings, make long friends." ! Front Street Albany. . Next door to ManScld A Co. - decifiS-I f ... Lots fl and 7, Lot 1. Lit 8. i Lots 2 and 3, Lots Lot 7, L .t 4. Lots 3 and 4. Lots Lo Lots .1 and 4, Lot 4, 24 Good.houec 14 ' and stable. 14 S " 44 10:l ' ' 20 " If " f0 unimproved cheap.. " 5 ' ' desirable lots. 118 box hoiife. 7h acres good timliered land, one mile from Albany, in Benton county. Ten Homestead Lots, li acres each, j mile north of Albany Ferry, at $120 each. For particulars apply to r J. C. MENOTENI1 ALL. Heal Estate Agent, Office in Parrish Brick, Albany, Oregon. 10 THE FARM KNOWN AS "FARM0UNT Lake" is ofiored f.rsale nt $10,00 iu coin $4,000 in hand, and the remainder in fix equal aunual payments, with interest from date. The trai t is iu good shnpe. being nearly a square, con ta'niug abot:t 600 acres of rich soil ; and is diver sified with forgets vast, fair lawns, lordly ouks, and willows sitting by the lake, the woodland and prairie s i ul ernt;iig as to make it one of the most ultra. t;ve plans in the tute. It is pituated on the west side of the Willamette river, within half a mile of Albany, ' Lieh is known as being in tbe heart of tho best agricultural portion of Oregon. Tbe location is healthful. It has a go..l stone quarry, abouijloo acres under fence, attro story frame barn with el. editing !( feet square j a large aud handsome new bouse two-stories bigb, thoroughly painteu insiueana out. tne large cup boards and book- Bscs being fixtures, and the bouse having nndur its whole length a good dry cellar. In addition to the-e there is a neat well- honse, a wood-h use and all other necessary oat honses.. There is a meadow, larao pa.-ture. or thards, garden, Ac. Ac. It is susceptible of be ing divided into four farms, all of them having good soil, fuel and rail timber, and three of tbem navrng storac-water."- --- .-. For particular address J. C. Mendenhall, Esq.. Albany, or the undersign at Portland. J, yt.l.NA JIIUK.MU.. Feb. 14tb, 1S71 2tv3. Attorney at Law. ONE GRAND GIFT OF ...; One Gift of .' One Gift of....i. One Gift ol.... .... One Gift of '........ One Gift of ...... ...... One Gift of.. .,..v., One Gill of.,.'.,. One Gift of....-.., .....,.. One Gift of...... One Gift of One Gift of. ...... One Gift of One Gift of..... One Gift of....... One Gift of ,...,.... One Gift of., One Gift of......i. One Gift of... One Gift of.,., , One Gilt of ................. One Grand Uiit of Ten Gift- ot $1,000 eaih.... . Fifteen Gifts ot $900 each.., Kighieen Gifts of SS00 each Twenty Gifts of $700 fcai h..:. Twenty-five Git ot $C0'I each...... Thirty (iittsnl $5nu cacti-.. Forty Gifts of S4' 0 each Forty-five Gifts f $."00 each Fiftv Gilts of $200 each 440 Giiis of $100 each ,.M $100,000 , 25,00l 20,000 ....... la.ooo ...... 18.000 ' 17.'00 ....... lfi.00 ls.oro 14.C00 l:,(0t 12 0(10 . , H Oao ... lo.ooo ........ 8.000 ...... 8,(00 .. 7.(0n 6,0t0 . 6.W10 4.000 3,000 ........ 2.0' 0 50,( 00 . io ooo , 13.500 lt.40 14,000 15,000 ... 15.00 lfi 00i) 13..M.0 l0'i 44 600 25xro 2 2?lixo! 3?"ixo 2 "A Stitch in Time Saves Mine!" 0 . 1 Fire and Marine Insurance Company ! : Nos. 416 and 418, California street, "' Saa Francisco, - - ! .' Califbrnia. STOCKHOLDERS IXDIVTDCALLY LIABLE Cash Capital. In Cold Coin, S750.0O0. v ..... Wepoalt In Oreg-on, SO,OOOl , Losses Promptly onel Eqm'hiLTy Afijuxta And Paul in Gold Voin. . i THIS COMPANY having complied with the laws of Oregon, by making a deposit of fifty thousand dollars, is now prepared to effect insur ance against Loss or Damage hr Pir. and also against Marin and Inland Navigation risks, on liberal terms. : . ; OUST AVE TOUCHARD, Pres. ' CHAS. D. HAVEN. 6ec'y. - . - - . ' t.. o. mcNsxotaALaW 1 1 r Agent far Albany. Alhsny. 1871-18 ' AL 15 A I Yr COOK STOItE. ESTABLISH BO IN 1850. Xfc A X K B IN ? EVERY VARIETY OF I Mtllanous Books, School Books. Blink Books, Stationary, Ao, Books imported to erder at snort notioa. . Albany, Oregon, December S, 1870. ' AV. II. KUIliV Sc CO., Having just received a Large and well selected Stock Of ; HARD WARE FARMER'S & MECHANIC'S TOOLS co.vsisnso . .or ,4. ANVILS, VICES, BELLOWS, Uamtners, Hammers, , Sledges, ! Sledges, Saws, Saws, Saw. ' ) ; Planes, Planes, Planes, Corss-Cnt and ITI ill Saws - Together with a large assortment of - ITtOTS IVI STEEL Nails, Nails, Nails', - - l Springs, Sprinars, Sprinps, Axles, Thtmble-Skelna, Bolts, &c, &.c. o - : i Also, a well Selected : Stock bf Wagon Tinatoer, SPOKES. HUBS, BENT KIMS, SHAFTS, POLES, HICKORY AXLES, ETC., All of which we arc now offering to the public at low rates. As we make tha business a spec ialty, we can and will keep a better assortment at lower prices than any bona in this city. Itcceivi g and opening a large and splendid assortment of ' - WOOD AND WILLOW WARS. Which we offer at reduced rates. W. H. KUHX A CO. , In the Monteith Fire-proof Briea, First-sa): : March 12.-70-27 , x . : -A- o x r i o . flHE AND MARINES ISVUArVCE CO.HPAIV, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. Total Assets...... (Gold) ..... 1,"7T7 S6G.63 ' J. HUNT, President. Wit. A LVORD. Vice President. A. J. BAL8TON, Secretary. . A. BAIRD, Marine Secretary. ' "" JS The leading Fire aud Marine Insurance Company on this coast. jf-fjO.OUO deposited iu Oregon. lESf Losses Promptly and Equitably adjusted and paid in Gold Coin. ' LADD & TILTON, Gen. Agents For Oregon and WasJu'ngton Territory. JOBIV tOXLK, Agent, OREGON. March 4, ALBANY, 7l-20y II. C. CLEMENT, I -A. X 1ST !? B B. k LL KINDS OP FAINTING. GRAINING and TOrxr-baBfiaz. Walls colored and wLitcncd. Orders prisnptly attended to. rbop over Adams' Wagon Factory. 8lv3 SETTLEUIUL'S NURSERY, Six miles South of Albany, Liun Co.. Near tlio !Rilx'ocl. T SOLICIT THE ATTENTION OF ALL nersuns dcslrins to Durebase Fruit Trees to cil and examine my stock, which is composed of tha largest and best selection, in th fctatc. 'OU sibt:ng of Apples, P. ars. Cherries, Plums, Prunes, uraves. liUck iierrios, Currants aud Hoses, at... .... . Rlack and White AValnut.' Ensrlish Wal uut, Hickory, Pecan, Redbud," " ' f Honey Locust, llackberry, and a nomlter of other varieties of trees and plants too numerous to mention, all of which are oitnrea at low rs. HENRY W. BETTLEMIBIS. December 17. 1R70-15 . . , , , . city ; :M k: is re 9 , FIRST STREET, ALBAWT, OBEQOIf, t. x BAsms. '. . muam. J. e. iiAtxms & ctx, TbROPBIETOBW. We shall endeavor to J7 always keep on band a full supply of aU K in d of SI eat s ! all of which will bo of th very bst qaality. Th highest market price paid for , Bogs and Sheep. s-. .: i . , ,r : Third door srst f Frry. on south sid of First streets.- J. L." HARRIS CO. Albany. Do. 15. 1870-15 , HJOTIOlls 2 ; IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT I HAVE opened a i - ' Eivery and : Feed k Stable I in tbe town of LEBANON, whera I will be con stantly on hand to attend to tbe wants of the people. - '' .:-,:-.;.-: I will ran a back from Albsny to Lebanon and Soda Springs, on Saturday of each week. All business cutrueted to ny care will be promptly attended to, Lebanon, Sept. 10, 1870 Iv3m3 j Potatoes ! Potatoes ! rnn bushels potatoes ju&t ki- 1)1 Ml coived aud in store, for sale at $1 25 ptr bushel, by . ' O. 1UJ01S. Marc li 11, isii-2ii Patronize Home .Mauufactures I D R 00 M Q A.t Portland Prices I HAVING GONE LARGELY INTO tha manufacture of ' ' ' : ' ALL GRADES OF BROOMS 1 r am nrrnared to furnish the Oregon publio with as good a broom as can be obtained on th coast, at Portland prices. CrJ e"j ' ': j. 1J.I.....I iirili-ril to tfljAl cm .. CO., Gel cral Agents, 'Albsny, Pecembcr 3, 1870-I3v aET-AIwIT batii uolse. rfwHR UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECT ; I r..llv inform tbe eitisens of Albany and vi- eiuity that ba ba taken ebarge of this establish ment, and, by keeping elean rooms and paying strict attintic ;to business, expects to suit all thos who may favor biu with their patronage. Hiring heretofore carrieu oo noioing w - Firt-01a4i Hair JBriBf; Saleens, . b xpo's to giv entire satisfaction to all. r' ' sr- Children and Ladies' hair neatly cut and ,haWooed. ,. JOSEPH WBBBER. saaaiy seIy :3 721 Priics in all.... , ...J. .$550,0On Afar paying the ixp nass of the cntcrp'ise and iiiaking the distriouii. n ot the tilts, lua bal ancc of tha proceeds arising from the al of tickets will be appropriated to :hc e taV.i sli incut of a Free Litrary iu Louisville, to be called tbe . PUBLIC LIBRARY OF KENTUCKY. Ity the provisions of the charter tuis Library is forever free to tbe gratuitous use and enjoyment of every citize and it is tbe purpose of tbe trns tees to raise a fund sufficient to secure a suitable building, to plain in it l ooks enough to form the nucleus of a magnificent library, aud to so endow it as to enable it to buy the eurrent publications as they come out, and to be aelf-sastainiiig, .Ah concert and distribution will take place under the immediate supervision of the trustees named in tbe actof incorporation, who are as lollows: ""-' -""" "" TRUSTEES." !v. :. Thos. E. Bramlette, late Governor of Ky. : IT, Watterson, Editor Courier Journal ; W.N. Ualde- man. President Courier Journal Co. : . Ben Cassc day. of the Daily Commercial ; Gorge P. Docrn Proprietor Anseiger ; II. M. McCarty, of tbe daily Ledger; J. S. Cain. Clerk Jefferson Court Common Pleas ; M. W. dusky, Author Political Text Book : R.T. Durrett, of tbe Louisville bar. Tbe trustees will be assisted by tbe foliowiu well-known and eminent citizens of Kentucky, who have consented to be present at the concert, and tu superintend the drawing and distribution of gifts : ! -i ' SUPERVISORS : Hon. II. J. Stiles, Judge Jefferson Court of Common Pleas; Hon. T. B. Cochran, Chancellor Louisville Chancery Court t Hon. H. W, Bruce, Judge Jefferson Circuit Court; Hon-J. G Bsr ter, Mayor of Louisville ; Hon. B. J. Webb, Sen ator from Kentucky J Col. G- C. Wharton. V- S. District Attorney Col Phil. Lee, Prosecuting Attoroer Ninth Judicial District ; Gen. J. T. Uyle, President N. H. A K. R. R. Dr. T. 6. Hell, Prof. Med. University. Louisville; Jilson P. Johnson,' Proprietor Gait House; Hon. J. Proctor Knott, late Member Congress; Andrew Graham, Tobacco and Cotton Broker. Tbe holders of tickets to which gifts are award ed will bo paid on presentation at tbe office in Louisville. Ky. Tickets will bo for sal at th office in Louisville on th j t. . .'jji; ; First of July, 1871. A liberal discount will be allowed when 100. 500, or 1000. tickets are purchased in a lot, AU orders acccmpanied by remittances will be promptly attended to and the tickets returned by mail, registered or by express, as ordered, s The undersigned, late principal Bnsim ss Man ager of the very successful Mercantile Library Gift Concert of Pan Francisco, having been appointed Arcntof tbe above enterprise, baa to say that everything will be dou to maka this an entire success, and buyers of tickets will find their in terests as well guarded ns if they, were personally present and superintended the entire affair.' CHARLES R. PETERS, . I Gait House, Louisville, Kentucky. Tha j Mobile JRrypsler, which, ' after fieicely upholding; bamao slavery as the' corner stoCc "tt ires institntioni, and struggling to th? . last to overthrow -m mild and eqaab1 . government which promised to cuvtail (n the Territories frf' the United States "Ihfe'prccious right, of tho Sonthern gentlemfen of selling at ' to' auction-block the uiCther of bit ooforei children, wilh her offspeing which af. ished a' system that waaitho deeradatiotv' f slave and stete-holdef together, and the foul stench "arid .didWace of ' the American name which 'vs - tt tswly foiled in its hope of destroy tDg ib Con- stitution and government of thovpuhlio of the United States, to rear nfton 'it ruins an empire of slater OOW Megf1tv Detupcratio friends and aUiea not to9p". ptfSo ll.a wooticrfti iostititlion". known as Tummany, but to turn all their, cuna 'on tbe Jacobfn tyrant who sits eotbrow ed at Washinpton, to tho terror of U patriots, and to, the eni ot free govern ment." This is its description of th modest and honest ' soldier 'who 'finally rustrated the plans of tbe Mobile Reri ' ler and its fellow rebels, and who', by the will ol the loyal and intelligent friends Of he Union and of equal liberty who are a great majority of the American pcOpfer is to-day in very truth, and to tbe joy of every bonest believer in equal- Tights) the terror - ot snch patriots ur tor Mobile llrgister, and -"the periT of tbr Jreedotn of the Ku Klux, the Mobile Ilcghter'a friends. . , : ' llic precise leeiiog of the Southern element of their party, upon which, tho Democratic leaders rely lor success is shown in the ardent appeals of tbe Register for harmony. Its one fond re membrance . is the rebellion. - Its one passionate hope it the destruction of the results of tho Union victory. Air it illustrations spring instioctively frota its ino.t taiinliur opscctalions. lie friends L Be friends ! it cries to its allies. Don't underrate tho power of Tammany. "Tam ilian y is the right bower of the Democrat. ic ireii"tli. We tare no snots into- Aanar uiatiy w bile it frt.inds a bulwark ofstreBgth, an adanitititine wall, betwixt the Eoipire State and the Jacobin traitor to the Con stitution of bis country. What' wonld bave been thought of tree's men firing into Stonewall Jackson's Blucher. corJ when it came up to sweep the gray-coats-on to victory on the Cbickahominy f The Democratic press and politicians wonld do far better to imitate Tammany,' than in making war upon this Stonewall vlug of the grand Democratic party.", lS. This is do insignificant newspaper hor . nnccrtain sound. " It is the voice of what ' Democratic authority calls the most influential journal now published in tbe State." Americans I Republicans I it is with the same old rebel, cries and aims, it is by gladly and proudly identi fying itself with tbe lost cause, that tho Democratic party enters upon ! the Presi dential campaign. ' We appeal Uevcry intelligent man of every party fo'th land, what advantage to the peace and prosperity ot the country can be hoped from its success 1 The policy of disturb ingthe settlements is the only policy it proposes.- Those who demand it are those who bave always dominated the party, ho will couteuiptuonslj leave to Tauuuany and its lackeys tbe-plunder Which they desire, and to whom Tamma4 ny and its lackeys will be absolutely subservient. "It's voice," says the World speaking of tbe Mobile Jitgtster, "w be beard and heeded in the .councils of the conservative men.", . Certainly it will. It was precisely the same voice that was heard and heeded in the Democratic? National Conven ton of 1868, and which then,, as now, declared the settlements of the war to be '"revolutionary, unconaiitui tionul and void."-- liar per ' Weekty, ., VI Alhanv. Oroiron. W. D. BELDING. Notice S - - - THE PtTBlIC ARE HEREBY WARNED not to trust my son, Jacob P. Martin, minor, s r will not h respuwibl for any debu of bis -" fw .selvia'mabtih;-: nrrUborg7 Or., May l. J871-38, j & X O O , O O O'. : ; GIFT FESTIVAL ACADEMY OF MUSIC, T OMAHA, : r ; . NEBRASKA, June 80,1871. TICKET-', TWO DOLLAtS EACH t - - ONS, ONE DOLLAR EACH. COCP? GIFTS TO BE AWARDED : 1 Cash Gift . .. ............. ...... ...t20,0PO 1 Cash Gift........ .. 15,000 1 Cah Gift 10,000 1 Cash GiTt..... .. .......... ,'t0 1 Cash Gift........ .... .. 8.100 I Cash Giit......, ...... .,..........,.. ...... r 2,0( 0 I Cash Gift... ..................... 1,' flO 1 Cash Gilt ....-..... .-......., Il,0U 1 Cash aa 1 Cash Gil t... ...... . 1 Cash Gift-. ...... t Cash G ift ......... .... I Cash Gift. 1 Cash Gift......... ....... 1 Cash Gift ...... 1 Cash Gift.'........ ............ t Cash Gifts. $o00 aeb.; ........ 10 Cash' Gifts, S250 each.. ...,.. 20 Cash Gifts, $100 eaoh....... -i.i.. 60 Cash Gifts, $50 eaeb :.,. ....... 100 Cash Gi'U; $30 oach ... 100 Cash Gift.2eaeb 101 0 Cash Gins, $10 each-. 1600 Cash Gifts, aieacb... ..... . l.oio ............... 1,000 1.000 ... 1.0( 0 ....... 1 1.0C0 1.000 tmsutj TfiOS 2.5(0 2,800 .:i v 3.500 8,000 ... ...... ...... u. 10,000 2310 Gifts, amounting to. -...$100,000 .Which will b diatribaUd by th MCTVAL An Association. - . .. .' tsTbis Wtcrpris will b conducted In a pre cisely similar manner to that of th ; iai Grand Gitt Concert of th MERCANTILE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, or Saa Franciseo, which gar SOch lnivereal Satitaeiiom. v. ?., . , . .; Good, responsibl agents wanted, Liberal oosraisetana allowed," i .: .w.. i. ... Fa ftit! n.rlion ' .r. mAAwmmm LYFORD 4 CO., Omaha, Nebraska, x ;' 1 OSo. CaldwU Block. Business Managers 't1 ; r-o-s-i-T-i-v-BkF-i-o-T-s.-ane-Clurk, and old lady of acrenty.five- jaartX of-nge, residing io Jamestown, Seltrr county, Ohio, two weeks ago. ; gave birth, to twius whose joint weujbt aoioaote to 48 pounds. Mr. Clarke, who is in hia. eightieth year, isemployed as porter iu,' Simpson & Co's dry goods atote oa Fleet BtrteLv.-". .,.,t -.r .h.;,;.:.! ' A curious freak . of a cat has lately; come to our knowledge. A favorite torn cat belonging to Miss Zigger of ibis city, lost its kittens about a week ago and haa siuca adopted a- brood of young caoary' birds which it tends with all the aCectioai of a iuoxher.-HultUborovghJieyullxcan " A bright little boy of soveo years ,of age, the son of Judge Stompton of Cattle ville. Blomtner county, Iowa, two years ago, by accident, swallowed a snake with which he was playing. Since tbat time bin bearing has gradually beeo gettina defective until at last he waa completely deuf. i- Lant Wednesday he complained of intenre pain in the bead and at two o stock in. the afternoon a .large anake crawled: from bis left ear. Ilia hearing', is- now quite restored. "The boy's stars are un naturally large for one of his age. " Chuncktown, Chacas county, Cansaa,' is much excited at present over . s calf, which has it horns one each aide of ita? mil instead of its head J the animal is., otherwiae well formed. t ' ' "' " ..There were filteen lioodred rJi"orce' granted in Boxton last year. t : . president Grant has entirely fji'en s the ue of tobacco st the r:iicLtl:'i cf Elder Knapp. . The fdoeess Alexstiris t;,-.tjr " " 1 appears st court with s black tjs. - How to get a-Ioag well bare U r. deep- ?J,; ''f.S- !.':." i A woman's pride and a sailor's guil --the needle 4 ,- ., i loft band and foot. sf