The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, July 01, 1871, Supplement, Image 6

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    person en;; a? ed l& agvicuii. i", two
hundred and iairty-six ihottbatid dol
lars. -
For second of four iastalajaou for
purchase of hmt and Soar, under tenth
uUclt treaty of ..' April twen.y-Bine,
eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, and
: tor subsistence of Yankton Sionx, one
. million three hundred and fourteen
thousand dollars.
For pay of physician, IS ve teachers,
one carpenter, one miller, one engineer,
one farmer, and one blacksmith, ten
thousand four hundred dollar.
- For Second ot three instalment, to
be expended in presents to the ten per
' eoaa who grow the most valuable crops
five hundred dollars. ' L
For Insurance, transportation, ana
; tbe necessary expenses of delivering
goods to be purchased for the different
band! of the Sioux Indiana, nnder
treaty ot Apylt twenty-ninth, eighteen
hundred and sixty-eight, seventy-five
thonsand dollars. "
For second of fire installments of
third series for beneficial objects, at
the discretion of the President, per
fourth article treaty of June eleven,
eighteen hundred and sixty fire, six
thousand dollars..
Foe twelfth of twenty installments
tor the support of two schools, one of
which to be an agricultural and indus
trial school, keeping in repair school
h..ii4inrs nod for providing suitable
. furniture, books and stationery, per
fcfth article treaty June eleven, eight
een hundred and fifty fire, fire hun
, dred dollars. -
For twelfth of twenty installments
far the employment ot one superin-
tendenfof teaching, and two teachers,
per fifth article treaty June eleven,
eighteen honored and fifiy-fiv", three
thousand two hundred dollars. ' ' "
For twelfth or twenty instalment for
the employment of one superintendent
of farming, and two farmers, two mil
lers, two blacksmiths, one tinner, one
irunsmitb, one . carpenter, and one
wagon and plow maker, per fifth arti
cle treaty eleventh of June, eighteen
bunded and fifty-five, ten thousand
dollars. . - ,
For twelfth of twenty instalments for
pay of a physician, per fifth article
treaty eleventh June, eighteen hundred
and fifty-five, one thonsand lour hun
dred dollars.
For twelfth of twenty instalments for
keeping in repair the buildings for the
various employees, and for providing
the necessary furniture therefor, per
fifth article treaty eleventh June,' eight
een hundred and fifty-five, three hun
dred dollars.
For twelfth of twenty instalments for
the salary of such person as the tribe
may select to be their head chief, per1
fifth article treaty eleventh June.eight- I
' een hundred and fifty-five, five hundred
For salary of two subordinate chiefs,
as per fifth article treaty of June nine,
eighteen hundred and sixty-three, one
thousand dollars.
For sixth of sixteen instalments for
boarding and clothing the children who
shall attend the schools, providing the
schools and boardinghouses with nec
essary furniture, the purchase of nec
essary wagons, teams, agricultural im
plements, tools, and so forth, and for
fencing of such lands as may be needed
for gardening and farming purposes for
the schools, three thousand dollars.
For salary of two matrons to take
charge of the boarding-schools, two as
sistant teachers, one farmer, one car-
- - penter,and two millers, seven thousand
- six hundred dollars.
For twelfth of twenty instalments for
keeping in repair the hospital, and pro
viding the necessary medicines, and
the furniture therefor, three hundred
dollars. '
For repairs of houses, mills, and tads,
and necessary materials, three thonsand
. five hundred" dollars.
For seventeenth instalment, in part
payment for relinquishment of title to
lands, to. be applied to beneficial ob
ject", per fourth article treaty twenty
sixth December, eighteen hundred and
fir tour, one thonsand dollars.
'That such half-breed or mtxedblood so
entering such land shall thereby forfeit
: all claim to lands within tbe Indian Ter
; rltory which have been or shall" be pur
chased oat of the proceeds of the sale of
- the las of the Oeage. in the State of
Kansas : And provided fi ttker, That the
land so entered shall not be alienable
by such half-breed ex mixedblood.with-
- out the coaseat of the Secretary of tbe
interior, approved by the President.
4 For the purpose of providing subsist
ence and clothing, and said In
dians in establishing themselves in their
new homes, fifty thousand dollars, to be
.- reimbursed to the United States from
". the interest on the proceeds of tbe sales
of the lands of the said Indians n Kan
sas : Provided, That the laws of the
. United States relating to town sites be
extended over all the land obtained of
- the Osage Indians in the State of Kan-
For this amount, to be expended in
such goods, provisions, or other arti
cles as tbe President may from time to
time determine, including insurance
and transportation thereof, in instruct
ing in agricultural and mechanical pur
suits, in providing employees, educat
ing children, procuring medicine and
medical attendance, care for and sup
port of the aged, sick, and infirm, for
the helpless orphans of said Indians, and
in any other respect to promote their
civilization, comfort, and improvement,
seventy-five thousand dollars.
For second of five Instalments on
sixty thousand dollars, (being tbe fifth
series,) nnder the direction of tbe Pres
ident, per fifth article treaty January
twenty-six, eighteen hundred and fifty
five, two thonsand four hundred dol
lars. ..-.-,,.
For twelfth of twenty instalments for
the support of au agricultural and in
dustrial school, and for pay for suita
ble teachers, per eleventh article treaty
October twenty six, eighteen hundred
and fifty-five, two .thousand five hun
dred dollars.
For twelfth of twenty instalments for
tbe employment of a blacksmith, car
penter, farmer, and a physician, who
shall furnish medicine for tbe sick, per
treaty Jane twenty six, eighteen bun
dred and fifty-five, four thousand six
hundred dollars.
For support of a smith and carpenter
shop, and to provide tbe necessary tools
therefor, nve hundred dollars.
for pay of instructors, smith , carpenter,
farmer, and, physician, who snail furn
ish medicine to the sick, per tenth ar
ticle treaty twenty-sixth December,
eighteen hundred and fifty-four, six
thousand seven hundred dollars.
For seventeenth of twenty instal
ments for tbe snpport of ' an agricultu
ral and indnstrial school, and snpport
of smith and carpenter shop, and pro
vidiosr the necessary tools therefor, in
conformity with tenth article of the
treaty of December twanty-six,
rea hundred and fifty-four, one
sand five hundred dollar.
For third of thirty instalments for
purchase of clothing, as per sixth arti
cle of treaty of May ten, eighteen hun
dred and sixty -eight, fifteen thousand
dollars.' " ' " v
For third of tea instalments, to be
expended by tbe Secretary of tbe Inter
ior, tea dollars for each Indian roam
- ing (one thousand eight hmndred souls)
in the parchase ef such articles as from
time to time toe condition ana nec eg
sities of the Indians may indicate to be
proper, as ' per same treaty, eighteen
thousand dollars.
For third of four instalments, as per
aame treaty, to furnish said Indians
flour and meat, sixty-six thousand five
hundred and seventy-six dollars. ,
For oar of obvaician. teacher, car
penter, miller, former, blacksmith, and
engineer, seven thousand seven hun
dred dollars. ;.,;.
For last of three instalments, to be
expended in presents to the ten persons
ef said tribe who, ia tbe judgment of
tbe agent, may grow the most valuable
crop for tne ree pea tire year, lire nun
dred dollars. ,
For insurance and transportation of
. goods, six thousand dollars. -
' ' Oil AH AS.
For tbe fourth of fifteen instalments
of this amount, being third series, in
money or otherwise, per fourth article
treaty sixteenth March, eighteen hun
dred aad fifty-four, .twenty thousand
dollars. r n ; :i" --
For sixth of ten instalments for keep-
- ing in repair a grist and saw mill, and
snpport of blacksmith shop, per eighth
: , article, treaty. March sixteenth, eighteen
hundred and fifty-four, and third am
cle treaty-March six, eighteen hundred
I and sixty -five, three hundred .dollars
For sixth of tea instalments for pay
of one engineer, one thousand two hnn-
dred dollars. ,;,, -
' . Fur sixth of tea instalments for pay
. of one miller, per. same treaties, nine
' hundred dollars. V.'
For sixth of ten instalments for pay
' of one farmer, per same treaties, nine
. hundred, dollars.
. ....For sixth of ten instalments for pay
. of blacksmith, per same treaties, nine
honored dollars. ,
For fourth of ten instalments for sop-
port of blacksmith shop, and supply
!ig tools forth same, three hundred
I For interest on sixty-Bine thoneaad
one hundred and twenty dollars, at five
per centum per annum, beiog valne ot
- gtty-raar sections of laod set apart by
treaty of June two, eighteen hundred
' aad twenty-five, for educational purpo
ses, per Su&te resolution of. January
-nf ne.eiguteen aaaarea ana thirty-eight
- three tboa sand roar aoadred and fifty
six dollars.; i.ii- ,:....--!.-
For interest on three haadred thou
- sand dollars, at five per centum per an
- aaa, to ' bo paid emienaually, i
' money or seed articles as the 8eertaiy
of the Interior may direct, as per first
article treaty or September twenty-nine
eighteen hundred and sixty-five, fifteen
thousand dollar Provided, That each
half-bread ormixed-btood of tbe Osage
being tautj-ooe years f 4ge, or the
' head of a finally, shall, oader such
ro.tsa4 regsiartions and on ueh
tiroof Ac shall be prescribed by the
"j.r;3ury of the Interior, be entitled to
enter: embcot eoat, wueta tbe dtmia
iabed reeervaiioa of the Osage Indians
ia Kansas, a tract of lad,!o compact
term and by leai scsmsiose, net cx
- coed ing on aad ..sixty acres
uaoa which half-breed or misedblood
have heretofore actually se tiled an
For the eighth of ten instalments for
the purchase of goods, under the direc
tion of the Secretary of the Interior,per
eighth article treaty of October seven
eighteen hundred and sixty-three, and
Senate amendment of March twenty-five
eighteen hundred and sixty-four, ten
thousand dollars. .
For tbe eighth of ten instalments
per eighth article of said treaty, for the
purchase of provisions, under tbe direc
tion of the Secretary of tbe lnterior,ten
thousand dollars.
For the purchase of iron, steel, and
tools necessary for blacksmith's shop
as per tenth article of said treaty, two
hundred and twenty dollars.
For pay of blacksmith and assistant.
as per same article of same treaty, one
thousand one hundred dollars.
For insnrance, transportation, and
general incidental expenses of the de
livery of goods, provisions, aad stock
as per ui article ot same treaty, two
thousand dollars.
'. utes. : ..
- For pay of two carpenter), two mil
lers, two farmers, and one blacksmith
as per fifteenth article treaty of March
two, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight,
nine thousand dollars.
For pay of two teachers, per same
article, two thonsand dollars.
For the purchase of iron and steel,
and tbe necessary tools for blacksmith's
ahop two hundred and "twenty dol
lars. For third of thirty instalments, to be
expended under tbe direction of tbe
Secretary of the Interior, for clothing,
blankets, and such other articles as he
may think proper and necessary, under
eleventh article of same treaty, thirty
thousand dollars. '
For annual amount, to be expended
nnder tbe direction of the Secretary of
with beefrnutton, wbeat, flour, beans, I
and potatoes, as per twelfth article
same treaty, thirty thousand dollars. I
For insurance and transportation of
goods as may be purchased for said
Indians, seven thousand five hundred
For eighteenth of twenty instalments
in blankets, clothing, provisions, and
stock, per third article treaty Septem
ber nineteen, eighteen hnndred and
fifty-three, fire hundred and fifty dol
' For second of five instalments of the
fourth series of annuity for beneficial
objects, to be expended as directed by
the President, per third article treaty
. November twenty-nine, eighteen hun
dred and fifty-four, one thousand dol
lars. ; wSjsV-.,!!--
- For seventeenth of twenty instalments
for tbe pay of a teacher aad purchase
of books aad stationery, per sixth arti
cle treaty November twenty-nine, eight
een hundred and fifty-four, one thon
sand fonr hundred aad fifty dollars.
. TAWS. - i
For this amoaot, to be expended in
such goods, provisions, and other arti
cles as the President may from time to
time datermihe. including insnrance
and transportation thereof, in instruct
ing ia agricultural aad mechanical pur-
: suits, in providing employee, educat
ing children, procuring 'medicine and
medical attendance, care for aad snp
port of tbe aged, sick, and -infirm, for
the helpless orphans of said Indians,
and ia any ether respect to promote
- their civilization, comfort,and improve
ment, forty thousand dollars.
hundred and forty-sixythree thonsand
eight hnndred aad five dollars anu
eighty-four cents. . '
For Interest on one nuuurou uu -
enty-nine thousand ana ninj-ciKu
dollars and sixty-three cents, at five per
centum, to be expended under the di
rection of tbe Secretary or tne interior
foe the erection of bonses, improvement
of their allotments of land, purchase of
stock, agricultural implements, seeds,
and other beneficial purposes, eight
thousand nine hundred and filty-foor
dollars and ninety-three cents. ?r
For the proportion of one nunared
aad sixty persons of one million dollars
placed to tbe credit ot sata inaians on
the books of the treasury, as per fourth
article of the treaty Aovembee one,
eighteen hundred and thirty-seven,
whole number ot ine irioe oeing one
thonsand five hundred and thirty-one
persons, one hundred and four thouaid
five hundred and six dollars and eigh.y
five cents.
For the propoition of one hundred
and sixty persons of eighty-five thon
sand dollars, placed to tbe credit ot
im'i Indians on the books of tbe treas
ury, as per fourth article treaty Octo
ber thirteen, eighteen hundred and
forty-six. whole number one thousand
five hundred and thirty-one, eight thou
sand eight hundred and eighty-three
dollars and eierbt cents.
For tbe proportion of one hnndred
and sixty persons of two hundred thou
sand dollars, placed to tbe credit of
said Indians on tbe books of tbe treas
ury, being tbe amount in part taken
from their tribal funds to pay the ex
penses of their removal from Minnesota
provided for in public act number one
hundred and eighty sevea, approved
July fifteen, eiehteea hundred and sev
enty. whole number one thousand hre
hnndred and thirty one, twenty thou
sand nine hundred and one dollars and
thirty-seven cents. The foregoing
amounts for said one hundred and sixty
persons are appropriated, from the sums
respectively named standing to the
credit of the Wmnebagoes on toe dooks
of the treasury, and shall be deducted
For insurance and transportation of
roods that mav be purchased for said
Indians, one thousand fire hundred
For last ot five instalments, to bo ex
pended under tbe direction of the Pres
ident, as per seventh article treaty of
August twelve, eighteen hundred and
sixty-five, two thonsand dollars.
For first of two instalments of third
series for beneficial objects, under tbe
direction of the President, per fourth
article treaty June nine, eighteen hun
dred and filty-five, six thousand dollars.
i For twelfth of twenty instalments for
the support of two schools, one of
which is to be an agricultural and in
dustrial school, keeping in repair school
buildings, and for providing suitable
furniture, books, and stationery, per
fifth article treaty June nine, eighteen
hundred and fifty-five, five hundred
: For twelfth of twenty instalments for
tbe employment of one superintendent
ot teaching and two teachers, per fifth
article treaty June nine, eighteen hun
dred and fifty-five, three thousand two
hundred dollars.
For twelfth of twenty instalments for
the employment of one superintended
of farming and two farmers, two mil
lers, two blackmiths, one tinner, one
gunsmith, one carpenter, and one wagon
and plow maker, per fifth article of
treaty of Jone nine, eighteen hundred
and fifty-fire, eleven thousand four hun
dred dollars.
: For twelfth of twenty instalments
for keeping in repair saw and flouring
mills, and for furnishing the necessary
tools and fixtures, per fifth article treaty
June nine, eighteen hundred and fifty
nve, live hundred dollars.
For twelfth of twenty instalments for
keep ng ia repair the hospital and pro
riding the necessary medicines and
fixtures therefor, per fifth article treaty
June nine, eighteen hundred and fiftj-
hve, three nuadred dollars. -
For twelfth of twenty instalments for
keeping in repair blacksmith's, tin
smith's, gunsmith's carpenter's, and
wagon and plow maker's shops, and
for providing necessary tools therefor,
per fifth article treaty June nine, eight
een hundred and fifty-five, five hundred
do'lars. '
- For twelfth of twenty instalments for
tbe pay of a physician, per fifth article
treaty June nine, eighteen hundred and
fifty-five, one thonsand two hundred
dollars. . r
For twelfth of twenty instalments for
keeping in repair tbe buildings required
for the various employees, and lor pro
viding the necessary furniture therefor
per filth article treaty Jone nine, eight
een hundred and ntty-nre, three hun
dred dollars.
For twelfth of twenty instalments for
the salary of such person as the said
confederated tribes and bands of Indi
sot may Belect to be their -head chief,
per fifth article treaty June nine, eight
een hundred and fifty-five, five hundred
i " ; I ' UM ATILA TRIBES. .. , . !.
For second of five instalments of third
series, to be expended nnder the direc-i
tion of the President, per second article
treaty Jnne nine, eighteen hundred and
fifty five, four thousand dollars. , ' T
' - For twelfth of twenty instalments for
the purchase of air accessary mill fix
tures and mechanical tools, medicines,
and hospital stores, books and station -:
err tor schools, repairs of school bond
ing, and furniture, and for employees,
three thousand dollars.
For twelfth of tweaty iostalmeats for
tbe pay and subsistence of one super j
istendent of farming operations, oae
farmer, two millers, one blacksmith,
oae wagon aad plow maker, one cars
penter and joiner; one physician, and
two teachers, per fourth article treaty
June nine, eighteen hundred and fifty
: five, eleven thonsand two hundred dol
lar. . ..,.-v .,?.;:,:.;-;.;, , : i
: For twelfth of twenty instalments for
- tbe pay of each of tbe bead' chiefs of
the Walla-Walia, Oayaae, aad Umattllt
' bands, the sum of five hnndred dollars
per annum, per fifth article treaty June
pine, eighteen hundred and fifty -five,
one thousand five hundred dollars. .
- '--i "'i ' f i ' ' ;
' For interest on eight hnndred and
; aiaety-five thousand tour buudred and
aisety-threo dollar and fifteen cents,
at Sir per eeutamj per . fourth - article
treaty November one, eighteen hundred
aa4 thlrty-eevea, and joint resolution
i July seventeen, eighteen haadred ai
sixtyotwo, forty-four thonsand v
haadred and seventy-foot - dollars' and
sixty-six cent.
For twenty-fifth of thirty instalments
of Interest on seventy-six tuoosand one
hundred and sixteen dollar aad ninety,
two cents, at five per ceo turn, per fourth
article treaty October thirteen, eighteen
For third of ten instalments, (second
series-,) '.o be paid to them or expended
for their benefit, commencing with the
year in which they shall remove to and
settle and reside upon their reservation
per fourth article treaty April nineteen
eighteen hnndred and fifty-eight, forty
thonsand dollars.
For insnrance and transportation of
goods for tbe Yanktons, one thousand
five hundred dollars : Provided, That
hi reafter no Indian natton of tribe with
in the territory of the United States
shall be acknowledged or recognised
as an independent nation, -tribe, or
power with whom the United States
may contract bv treaty : Provided, fur
Mar, That nothing: herein contained
shall be construed to invalidate or im
pair the obligation ot any treaty here
tofore lawfully made and ratified with
any such Indian nation or tribe.
' ABIZOKA. ' ' -
For the general incidental expenses
of the Indian service in the Territory
of Arizona, presents of goods, agri
eultnral implements, and other useful
articles, and to assist them to locate i
permanent abodes, and sustain them
selves by the pursuits of civilised life
to be expended nnder tbe direction of
the Secretary of the Interior, seventy
thousand dollars. . ,
For the general incideatal expenses
of the Indian service ia California, pay
ot employees, presents of goods, agri
cultural implements, and other, useful
articles, and to assist them to locate in
permanent abodes,' and suitatn- them
selves by the pursuits of civilized life
to be expended nnder the direction of
the Secretary of tbe Interior, seventy
nre musana aouare.
For the general incidental expenses
of the Indian service In Colorado Ter
ritory, presents of goods, agricultural
implements, ana other nefulartiele
and to assi it them to locate in permanent
aooaes, ana sustain themselves by the
pursuits oi civilised ine, to be expend
ed under the direction of tbe Secretary
ot mo interior, twenty thousand dol
lars. .. ' :r
For tbe general incidental expenses
of the Indian service in Dakota Territo
ry, presents of goods, agricultural im
plements, aad other useful articles, and
to assist them to locate in permanent
abodes, and sustain themselves by tbe
pursuits of civilised life, to be expend
ed nnder the direction of the Secretary
of tbe Interior, twenty thousand dollars-
For tbe general incidental expenses
of tbe Indian service in Idaho Territory,
presents of goods, agricultural imple
ments, aad other useful articles, aad to
assist them to locate in permanent
abodes, and sustain themselves by the
pursuits of civilised life, to be expended
nnder the direction of tbe Secretary of
the Interior, twenty thonsand dollar.
For the general incidental expenses
of the Indian service in Montana Terri
tory, presents of goods, agricultural
implements, and other useful articles,
and to assist them to locate in perma
nent abodes, and to sustain themselves
by the pursuits of civilised life, to be
expended nnder the direction of the
Secretary of the Interior, fifteen thou
sand dollars.
For tbe general incidental expenses
of tbe Indian service ia Nevada, pres-
; eois ot goods, agricultural implements,
and other useful articles, and to assist
them to locate in permanent abodes.
and ruataia themselves by tbe pursuit
of civilised life, to be expended nnder
-the direction of the Secretary of the
Interior, fifteen thousand dollars.
r or toe sreneral incidental expenses
- of the Indian service in New Mexico,
presents of goods, agricultural impl
meats, and other useful articles, and to
assict thera to locate ia permanent
abodes, and sustain themselves by the
pursuits or civilized life, to be emend
ed under the direction of tbe Secretary
vi ins interior, nity thousand dollar
including nve thousand dollars to be
expended in establishing schools among
ine rueoio inaians.
- 0BE008.
or tne general incidental expenses
ot tne Indian service in Oregon, includ
ing insurance and transportation of an
. m'ty goods and resents, (where no
special provision tneretor is made by
irea ies,j ana tor aetraying toe expen
ses of tbe removal and subsistence ot
Indians in Oregon, (not parties to any
treaty,; and lor pay of necessary em
1 1 irees, forty thousand dollars.
For this amount, to survey and allot
lands in severalty to tbe Indians at
Grande Ronde reservation in Oregon,
who may debire and be fitted for the
same, under tbe provisions of the treaty
or January twenty-second, eighteen
buudred and hfty-Bve. with tbe confed
erate bands of Indians residing in Wil-
lamette Valley, tbe title thereto not to
be alienated by said Indians without
the consent of tbe Secretary of the In
tenor, four thousand dolUrs.
For repairs at Grande Ronde agency,
two thousand dollars. :
For tbe general incidental expenses
of tbe Indian service in Washington
Territory, and for defraying the expen
ses of removal and subsistence of Indi
ans, (not parties to any treaty,) and
for pay of necessary employees, twenty-
four thousand fonr hundred dollars
Provided, That the balance not expend
ed as herein provided shall be expended
in the establishment of schools and
the education of Indian children in said
For tbe general incidental expenses
of tbe Indian service in Utah Territory,
presents of goods, agricultural imple
ments, and other useful articles, and to
assist tbem to locate in permanent!
abodes, and sustain themselves by tbe
pursuits of civilised life, to be expend
ed under the direction of tbe Secrataty
of the Interior, fifteen thousand dol
For this amount, to carry out the
action contemplated by act of Cocgress
approved May five, eighteen hundred
and sixty-four, entitled " An act to va
cate and sell the present Indian reser.
rations in Utah Territory, and to settle
: said Indians in Uintah Valley, ten
thousand dollars.
For the general incidental expenses
ot the Indian service in Wyoming Ter
ritory, presents of goods, agricultural
implements, and other articles, and to
assist them to locate in permanent
abodes, and sustain themselves by the
pursuits of civilized life, to be expend
ed under tbe direction of tbe Secretary
of the Interior, twenty thousand dol
lars. -!--
f or transportation, and necessary
expenses of the delivery of annuities
and provisions to tbe Indian tribes in
Minnesota and Michigan, ten thousand
For this amount, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, to pay the expen
ses ot tbe commission of citizens serv
ing without pay, appointed by tbe Pre
ident under tbe provisions of the fourth
section of tbe act of April ten, eighteen
hundred and sixty-nine, tbe sum of fif
teen thousand dollars ; and said com
mission is hereby continned with the
powers and duties heretofore provided
by law : ; Provided, That hereafter no
payments shall be made by any officer
of tbe United States to contractors for
goods or supplies of any sort furnished
to tbe Icdiaus, or for the transporta
tion thereon, or for any buildings or
machinery erected or placed on their
reservation, under or by virtue of any
contract entered into with the Interior
Department, or any branch thereof, on
the receipts or certificates of the Indian
agents or superintendents for such sup
plies, goods, transportation, buildings,
or machinery beyond fifty per cent, of
the amount due nntil tbe accounts and
vouchers shall have been submitted to
tbe executive committee of the board
of commissioners sppointed by tbe
President of the United States, and or
ganized nnder tbe provisions of the
lourth section of theaet of April tenth,
eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, and
the third section of the act approved
April fifteen, eighteen hundred and
seventy, for examination, revisal, and
.approval ; aad it shall be tbe duty of
said board of commissioners, without
unnecessary delay, to forward said ac
counts and Touchers so submitted to
them to the Secretary of tbe Interior,
with the reasons for their . approval or
. disapproval of the same, in whole or in
part, attached thereto ; and said Secre
tary shall, have, power to sustain, set
aside, or modify the action of said
board, and cause payment to be made
or withheld as be may determine.
For this amount, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, for the purchase
- of provisions tor Red Cloud's band of
Sioux Indians, to relieve their present
t wants, and to subsist them until July
first.eighteen hnndred and seventy -one,
one hundred and sixty five thousand
dollars : Provided, That so much of tbe
' amount hereby appropriated as may be
necessary shall be used to reimburse
the Subsistence department for supplies
furnished by that department, nnder
the direction of the Presdent of Janu
ary twenty-third, eighteen hundred and
ee7enty-ane. . i :
Fat this amonnt, to carry on the
work of instructing and aiding the In
aians or tne ventral superintendence in
the arts of civilization with a view to
their self-support, to be expended un
der tbe direction of the Secretary of the
interior, forty thousand dollars, or so
much, thereof as he may deem neces
sary, -, j ... .
; Tbe Secretary of the Interior is here
oy autnirissa to defray the expenses
of delegations of Indians visiting the
city of Washington by authority of the
, United States, subsequently to the first
. day of January, eighteen hnndred aad
seventy-one, and to purchase presents
. for the members thereof, ont of the
. amount remaining aaexpeeded on the
: thirty -Qrst day of December, eighteen
hnndred and seventy, of the sum of
fifty thousand dollars appropriated by
the resolution number oae hundred aad
' ten, entitled " A resolution to pay the
? expenses oi delegation or Indians vis
iwng: ine city or wasBtngton, ap
proved July thirteenth, eighteen
hundred and seventy ; aad the para
graph of tbe act entitled " An act mak
ing appropriations lor current and con
tingeat expenses of the.Iudiau depart-
. meat, and for fulfilling treaty stipula
tions wna various Indian tribes, fjr
. the year ending June thirty, eiahteen
hundred and seventy-one, and f ir other
purposes, ' approved July fifteenth,
eigawea nunarea ana seventy, which
si te a follow, vis : " For this amount.
or so much thereof as may be necessary
mi iiiunugn oi ue navnios Indiana
ia New Mexico, for .the year ending
Jan thirty, eighteen handredand sevea.
ty,to be expeoded aoder tbe direction of
thoSeeretary of the Interior,seveoty-five
thousand dollars,1' be, and the same
Is hereby, amended by striking oat the
words "eighteen hundred and seventy,",
and inserting In lien thereof the words
. eighteen hundred and seventy -one
For this amount, to enable tbe See
retary of the Interior to py alvin N,
Blackiidge for servicer reudrea and
money expeoded in taking the census
of the Cherokee Indians, under the pro-
visions of tbe twelfth article of tbe treaty
or eighteen hundred and sixty-six,witb
said Indians, nine hundred and thirty
eight dollars and fifty-five cents.
ror this amount, or so much theroof
as may be necessary," for the removal
or the Kickapoo and other American
Indian tribes roving on the borders of
Mexieo and Texas to reservations within
tbe Territories of tbe United State,
and for their settlement and subsistence
on such reservations, forty thousand
For this amount, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, to enable tbe Sec
retary of the Interior to cause settle
ments to be made with all persons ap
pointed by Indian councils, to receive
money due incompetent or orphan In.
dians, per act of July five, eighteen
hundred and sixty-two, (Statutes at
Large, volume twelve, pages five hnn
dred and twenty-nine and five hnndred
and thirty, fire thousand dollars.
tor surveying such reservations In
Oregon, nnder treaty stipulations, as
may be rendered necessary, twenty
thousand dollars.
For tbe erection or purchase, at the
discretion of the Secretary of the Inter
ior, of suitable buildings for tbe Upper
Missouri agency, near Fort Bertbold,
provided the same shall be necessary,
eight thousand dollars.
or this amount, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, to defray the ex
penses of determining the location and
re-marking with suitable monuments
nd establishing the position of tbe
ninety-sixth meridian west longitude,
from tbe State ot Kansas to the north
line of the Creek country, in tbe Indian
Territory, five thousand dollars : ' and
this amount, or so much thereof as may
oe neceesary, to pay the expenses ot
holding a " general council" of the
Cherokee, Creek, Seminole, and Choc
taw and unickasaw Indian, in the In
dian Territory, as provided by the treat
ies with said tribes in e ghteen hundred
and sixty-six, for the fiscal year ending
J nne thirty , eighteen hundred andse ven-
ty-two, thirteen thousand five hnndred
dollars : fruvided, That any other In
dian tribe permanently located in said
Indian Territory shall be, and is hereby
authorized to elect and send to said
' general council " one delegate, and
in aa anion one delegate for each one
thousand Indians or fraction of a then-
sand greater than five hundred, beiog
members of such tribe, on tbe same
terms and conditions, and with tbe
same rights and privileges, including
right to compensation, as is provided
for delegates of the tribes hereinbefore
mentioned, and a sufficient sum to pay
tbe per diem and mileage of such addi
tioual delegates is hereby appropria
ted. .....
For payment of -interest on certain
abstracted and nou-paying State stocks
belonging to various Indian tribes, (and
held in trust by the Secretary of the
Interior,) for tbe fiscal year ending
Jnne thirty, eighteen hnndred and
seventy-one, via: -
For interest on the Cherokee national
fund, eighteen thonsand nine hundred
and eighty dollars.
For interest on tbe Cherokee school
fund, three thousand and ten dollars.
For interest on tbe Chickasaw na
tional fund, fifteen thousand oae hun
dred and forty dollars.
or interest on the Chickasaw lncom-
netenta' fund, two hundred dollars.
. .1 rtt . ,
wc mtcreaii uu lu, vuoci&w general
fund, twenty-seven thousand dollars.
For interest on tbe Creek orphans
fund, five thousand two hundred and
eighteen dollars
For interest on the Delaware general
fand, nice thousand seven hundred and
ten dollars
For interest on the Iowas' fund, three
thousand three hundred and forty do!
For interest on the Kaskaskias.Weas,
Peorias, and Piankeshaws' fund, six
thousand and seventy dollari
If or interest on tbe Menomonees fund
nine hundred and fifty dollars.:
For interest on the Oltiwas and
Cbippewas, twot hundred and thirty
dollars. i
For interest ons the Pottawatomies
education fond, aix thousand seven
hnndred dollars.
For. contingent.
funds, heretofore
incurred, three th-i
the Secretary of tl
anthonzed to issv
tribe of Indians
States to tbe ami
and fifty thousand
expenses of trust
and to be hereafter
isand dollar ; and
i Treasury ia hereby
to the Choctaw
inds of the United
nt of two hundred
dollars, as directed
by the act of March two, eighteen huoa
dred and sixty-one, entitled "An act
making appropriations for the enrrent
and contingent expenses of the Jpdian
department, and tor fulfilling "treaty
stipulations with various Indian
tribes." - ' .
Sec. 2. That the act approved July
fifteen, eighteen hundred and seventy,
making appropriations for tbeenrrent
and contingent expenses of the Indian
derpartment, and for fulhllmg treaty
stipulations with various Indian tribes,
for the year ending June thirty, eight
een hundred and seventy-one, and for.
other purposes," be amended by adding
the following section, which was inad
vertantly omitted in the enrolment of
said act, viz :
See. 14. And be it farther enacted,
That nothing in this act contained, or
in any of the provisions thereof, shall
be so construed as to ratify, approve,
or disaffirm any treaty made with any
tribes, bands, or parties of Indians
since the twentieth of July, eighteen
hundred and sixty-seven, or affirm or
disaffirm any of the powers of the Ex
ecutive and Senate over the subject."
Ssc. 3. That hereafter no contract
or agreement of any kind shall be made
by any person, with any tribe of Indi
ans, or individual Indian not a citizen
of tbe United States, for the payment
of any money or other thing of value to
him, or and other person, in consider
ation of services for said Indians rela
tive to their lands, or to any claims
growing eut of or in reference to annu
ities or treaties with the United States,
unless such contract or agreementbe in
writing and approved by the Commis
sioner of Indian Affairs and the Secre
tary of the Interior ; and all such con
tracts or greements hereinafter made,
in violation of tbe provisions of this rre
section, hereby declared null aad void,
and all money or other thibg of valne
paid to any person by any Indian or tribe
or any one else, for or on his or their
behalf, on account of such services, in
excess of the amonnt approved by the
commissioners and Secretary for such
services may be received by suit in
in the name of the United United States
in any eonrt of the United States, re-
aardless ot tbe amonnt in controversy
one-half of which shall be paid to the
person suing for the same, and tbe
other half shall be paid into the treas
ury of the United States, tor tbe nse ot
tbe Indiann or tribe by or for whom it
was so paid ; and the person so receiv
ing said money, and nis aiders and
abettors, shall, in addition to the for
feiture of said sum, be subject to pros
ecution for misdemeanor in any court
of the United States, and on conviction
shall be fined not less than one thou
sand dollars, and imprisoned not less
than six months, and it shall be the
duty, of all district attorneys of the
United Ststes to prosecute such cases
when applied to do so, and their failure
and refusal . shall be ground for their
removal from office.' And' any Indian
a cent, or other-person in the employ
ment of tbe United States, who shall.
in violation of the provision of this
section, advise, sanction, or in any way
aid ia the making of such contracts or
agreements, or ia -making such pay
ments as are here pronioitea, naii, in
addition to the punishment aeretn im
noaad on the cersou making said con
tract, or reeelvlasr said money, be, on
conviction, alamissed from the service
of the United State, and be forever dis-
ouaftfied front holding any offiue of
profit or toast under the same. '
Approved, March 3, 1871 :
tion of the following public works ,
hereinafter named: ' i
For improvement of Superior City
harbor, Wisconsin, sixty thousand dollars.'
For improvement of Marquette har
bor, Lake Superior, Michigan, sixty
thousand dollars. c
For improvement of Green Bay har
bor, Wisconsin, seventeen thousand
five hundred dollars
For Improvement of Manitowoc har
bor, Wisconsin, eleven thousand dol
For improvement of Sbebovean har
bor, Wisconsin, fifteen thousand dol
lars.. : .: . ' -i i
- For improvement of Port Washing-'
ton harbor, Wisconsin, fifteen thousand
dollars. -:? -
For improvement of Milwaukee har
bor, Wisconsin, thirty-eight thonsand
dollars. ' ; .
For improvement of Racine harbor,
Wisconsin, ten thonsand dollars.
For improvement of Kenosha harbor,
Wisconsin, ten thonsand dollars.
For improvement of Two Rivers har
bor, Wisconsin, twenty-five thousand
dollars. ,
For improvement of Ahnapee har
bor, Wisooflsio, twenty-five thousand
. For improvement of harbor at mouth
of Menomonee river, Wisconsin and
Michigan, twenty-Sve thousand dollars
For improvement' of tbe north and
south branches of the Shrewsbury
river, New Jerssy, fourteen thousand
dollars. i
For improvement of Aux Bees Scies
harbor, Michigan, ten thousand dollars
For the improvement of South river,
New Jersey, fifteen thousand dollars
For the removal of obstructions of
Salem river, New Jersey, four thou
sand dollars. ,
For improvement of Manistee harbor
Michigan, nine thonsand dollars.
For Improvement of Ouachita river
from the Louisiana State line to the
town of Arkadelphta, in the State of
Arkansas, on said river, twenty-five
thous ind dollars.
For improvement of Pere Marquette
harbor, Michigan, ten thousand dol
For improvement of Pentwater har
bor, Michigan, ten thousand dollars.
For- improvement of White River
harbor, Michigan, twenty thousand
For improvement of Muskegan har
bor, Michigan, fifteen thonsand dollars
For improvement of Grand Haven
harbor, Michigan, six thousand dol
. For improvement of Black Like har
bor, Michigan, ten thousand dollars
For improvement of Saugatuck har
bor, Michigan, tsn thousand dollars
For improvement of , Cheboygan
harbor, Michigan, tea thousand dol
lars. .
For improvement cf South Haven
harbor, Michigan, fifteen thousand dol
For improvement of Saint Joseph
harbor, Michigan, ten thousand dol
lars. For improvement of Siint Mary's falls
canal and Saint Mary'a river, Michigan,
two hundred and fifty thousand dollars.
For improvement of An Sable river,
Michigan, ten thousand dollars.
For harbor ot refuge, Like Huron,
Michigan, one hundred thousand dol
lars. '
For improvement of Clinton river',
Michigan, one thousand five buudred
For improvement of Saint Clair fl its,
Michigan, one thousand five hundred
dollars. "
For improvement of Toledo harbor,
Ohio, fifty thousand dollars.
For improvement of Ashtabula har
bor, Ohio, fifteen thousand dollars.
For cleai ing and buo j ing the channe'
of the Schuylkill river, at its mouth,
at Gibson's point, and above to lh-Chestnut-street
bridge, Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, ten thousand dolUrs
For improvement of Erie harbor,
Pennsylvania, twentj -nice thousand
For improvement of Chicago harbor,
, Illinois, one hundred thousand dollars,
For harbor of refuge, at Calumet,
Illinois, fifty thousand dollars.
For improvement of Michigan Ci'y
harbor. Indiana, fifteen thousand dol
lars, r ...... .
For improvement of Dunkirk harbor,
New Yora, twenty-five tbousand dol-
. lars. ... - ....
For improvement of Port Jefierson
harbor, Long island, New York, fif
teen tbousand dollars.
For improvement of Buffalo harbor,
New York, one hundred thousand dol
lars. -
For improvement of Otcott harbor,
3ew York, five tbousand dollars
For improvement of Oak Orchard
harbor, New York, ten tbousand dol
For improvement of Charlotte har
bor, New York, ten thousand dollars.
For improvement of Little Sodus
harbor, New York, fifteen thousand
For improvement of Pultneyville
harbor, Njw York, five thousanddol
For improvement of Oswego harbor,
New York, one buudred thousand dol
For improvement of Ogdensburg
harbor, Aew York, tweoty-hve thou
sand dollars.
Forth improvement of Plattaburg
harbor, New York, fifteen tbousand
dollars. .
For tbe improvement of Peconic
river, below tbe village of Riverhead,
Long Island, five tbousand do lars. '
For improvement of Burlington har
bor, Vermont, thirty thonsand dollars
For the preservation of tbe falls of
Saint Anthony, and tbe navigation of
the Mississippi river above the same
fifty thousand dollars.
For -improvement of the Ouachita
river, iu Louisiana, from the Arkansas
State line to the mouth of said river,
twenty six thousand dollars.
For improvement of tbe upper Mis
sissippi river, and removing snags, and
dredging, forty-two tbousand dollars:
Provided, That no part of such sum
shall be paid for the use of any patent
or patented macblce in which any en
gineer or officer employed by the gov
ernment may be interested.
For improvement of the Minnesota
river, ten thousand dollars.
For improvemement of the Rock Isl
and rapids, one hundred and fifty
tbousand dollars
: For improvement of the Des Moines
rapids, two hundred and fifty thousand
For improvement of tbe Mississippi,
Missouri, and- Arkansas - rivers,' one
hundred and fifty thousand dollars
For improvement of the mouth of
the Mississppi river, one hundred and
twenty-five thousand dollars
For improvement of the falls of the
Ohio river, filty thousand dollars
For improvement of Qaeenstown
harbor. Maryland, five tbousand dol
lars. .. ' -
For Improvement of the harbor at
er, below Hartford,, tbirtj-five; thon
sand dollars. -
For improvement of New Hitvea
harbor, - Connecticut, - forty tbousand
dollars. ; .
For Improvement of the Honsatonie
river, ' Connecticut, ' fifteen thousand
dollars.' -i ; ' :; .'-to.
For improvement of Bridgeport har
bor, Connectient, twenty thousand dol
lars I - - '-.-- V..
For improvement of Taunton river,
Massachusetts, ' tea thousand 'dollars.
For improvement of Uyannts Barber,
Massachusetts, ten thousand dollars.
For improvement of - Provincetown
harbor, Ma sachusetts, six thousand
Be it enacted by tht Senate tmd Uout of
Jiepretentativet or tlte unuen aiatee oj
America in Cemgrtet assembled
That tbe following sums be, and the
same are hereby, appropriated, oat of
any moneys in tbe treasury not others
wise appropriated, ior tne sapport ei
'the army for the year ending Joae
thirty, eighteen hundred aad sevenly-
For : expenses of the Commanding
(General's office; five thousand .dollars.
For expenses or recruiting and traas
portatioa of recruits, one hundred and
twenty thousand five hundred and
eighty dollars.. .". ': T-,;f. '.'
- For coottogent expenses ot mo au-
For improvement of Plymouth bar- 1 jataatGenerals department attbehead-
i it... '.kn... n ihnu.. tinl. I quarters oi numrj "'". -
AN ACT making appropriations for the
- repair, preservation and completion
of certain puWic works en rivers
: aad harbors, and for other purposes, j
' B it mnettd bg A Senate and Bonn of
JXeprue, uattvet of the Ui.iteO. stale oj jxmnr-
tca in Cojrets atumbled, -f i
' That the following sums of money
be, and are hereby, appropriated, to be
paid ont or any money not otnerwise
appropriated, to be expended nnder the
direction of the Secretary of Wr, for
tba repttr, preservation, and oomple-
Cambridge, Maryland, ten thousand
dollars. - - ' ' - ' !." "-
For Improvement of the ship-chan
nel in the Patapsco river and Obese
peake bay, leading toward the harbor
of Baltimore, fifty thousand dollar. .
For improvement of the channel at
'' the mouth of Cape Fear river. North
Carolina, seventyfive thousand dol
lars, i K
For Improvement of Roanoke river,
below Weldon, North Carolina, tweaty
thousand dollar. '- .. . . -4,
. . . For improvement of the ship-chaa
pel in Charleston harbor, South Caro
lina, thirteen thousand dollars.
, For improvement of the James, river,
below Richmond, Virgins, fifty thou
sand dollars. .. v ; '
For improvement of the Appomat
tox river, below Petersburg, Virginia,
; fifty thousand dollars. i ;
For improvement of the ttappahan-
nock river, Virginia, fifteen tbousand
'dollars. 1. v- v.r - it
For improvement of f tbe , Hudson
river, New York; forty thousand dollars.-1::
.--. 'wk.;:..v--j ;.v
' For improvement of The Kaet river.
New York, including ilell Gale, two
hundred and fifty thousand dollars.
For improvement of Pawtncketriver,
Bbode Island, seven thonsand dollar.
For coostrnctioa of breakwater at
Rock island, Rhode Island, seventy-,
five tboasand dollars.
. For Improvement of Pawcatnck rU
er, Rhode Island and Connecticut, ten
thousand dollars.
For; improvement of thamesrrivef,
Connecticut, fifteen thousand dollars,
For improvement of Connecticut
river, above Hartford, and below Hoi
yoke, twenty thcuiaud dollars.
' For improvement of Connecticntrlv.
For improvement of Boston -barber,
Massachusetts, one hundred tbousand
dollars. - ' ' -
For improvement of Merrimee river,
above Haverhill, Masaehuaetts, twenty-five
thousand dollars. '
For Improvement or nennecuna
river, Maioe, five thonsand dollar
For improvement of oaco "river,
Maine, fifteen thousand dollar. " -
For improvement of I'orllano nar-
bor, Maine, forty tbousand dollar, a
For improvement or tbe Uocbeco
river, within the town of Dover, New
Hampshire, ten tbousand dollars. -For
improvement of Kennebeck river
above HallOwell, Maine, ten tbousand
For improvement of Kennebec river,
between . Gardiner and Richmond,
Maine, five thousand dollars.. .,
For improvement of . navigation . at
the "Got," opposite Bath, Maine, six
thousand nve hundred dollar
For improvement of the Penobscot
river, at Bangor, and below, Maine,
titty thousand dollars.
For improvement of Union river,
Maine, fifteen thousand dollars.
For improvement of Royal's river,
Maine, ten thousand dollars
For improvement of - Narragaugas
river, Maine, twelve thousand. dollars
, For improvement of Sullivan river
Maine, ten tbousand dollars.
F it improvement of Wiite, Black
and Little Red rivers, in tbe State of
Arkansas, ten thousand dollars,
For improvement of Saint Francis
river, in the State of Arkansas, ten
thousand dollars. . "
For improvement of the little Mir
sou'ri river, in the State of Arkansas,
ten thonsand dollars
'" For improvement of tbe Cumberland
river, below Nashville, Tennessee,
thirty tbousand dollars.
For improvement of Galveston har
bor, Texas, twenty, thousand dollars.
For construction of breakwater at
Wilmington harbor, California, two
hnndred tbousand dollars.
For improvement of tbe Umpqna
river,. Oregon, twentystwo thousand
hve hundred dollars.
For tbe improvement of the bar at
the mouth of tbe Saint John's river,
Florida, fifteen thousand dollars,
For improvement of Mobile harbor,
Alabama,, fifty tbousand dollars
For improvement of the Usage river,
Missouri, twenty-five tbousand dollars
For improvement of tbe harbor at
Du Lath, Minnessota, sixty thousand
For improvement of the Willamette
river, above Oregon city, Oregon, six
teen tbousand dollars
For examination and surveys for im
provement on the northern and north
western lakes and rivtrs, and the At
lantic and Pacific coasts, and for con
tingencies of rivers and harbors not
provided for in this act, one hundred
and seventy-five thousand dollars.
Ssc. 2, Tl a l l moneys heretofore
appropriated for tbe improvement of
tbe Tennessee river, and still unex
pended, shall be expended under the
direction of the Secretary of War, for
the repair and completion of tbe works
heretofore begun betwi en Knoxvuie
and Chattanooga, and for tbe continu
ation of the works now in progress be
low Chattanooga, including the Muscle
Sec 3, That tbe Secretary of War is
hereby directed to cause examinations
or surveys, or both, to be made at tbe
following points, namely: At Galves
ton harbor, from the onter bar up to
tbe Red Fish bar, on on nearest to the
west shore; at Mississippi city, for har
bor on Mississippi sound: at Black
river, Missouri, from hs month to Van
Karen; at Otter creek, Vermoni; at
Norfolk harbor, Virginia; at Eureka
harbor, and at Santa Cms, California;
at Passaic river, between Newark and
Passaic, New Jersey; for ship canal
from tbe bead of tstanreon bay, Wis-
coasin, on tbe line now opened across
the portage through the limber to tbe
shore of Lake miebigan, with esti
mates for constructing tbe same one
hundred feet wide, and 13 feet deep;
at East Chester creek or inlet, New
York; at Port Chester harbor, New
York; at Rondout harbor, Hudson r.ver,
New York; at Maumee river, above To
ledo, Ohio; at Fourche La Faire river,
Arkansas; tor resnrveyiog of Monroe
barbor, Micbigm; for survey and esti
mate for removing middle ground at
tbe month of black river, in Saint Clair
river, Michigan; barbor at Stonington,-
Connecticut; at Urand Marias, Michi
gan; at Neabsco bay, Virginia; at Ac
contink bay, Virginia; at Savannah
harbor, Georgia; at Well's harbor,
Maine; at Coosa river, Alabama; at
Huntington barbor, on south coast of
Lond Island sound; and to complete
tbe snrvey of the Cumberland - river,
and : tbe resurvey of the Tennessee
river, from Brown's ferry to Florence,
Alabama; - at Cboetawatchee river,
Florida; at Aquia creek, Virginia; for
survey of White river, from Buffalo
shoals to the mouth of James fork,
MUsouri; for tbe survey of the Wabash
river, from its mouth to the city of La
fayette; for snrvey of tbo MouongabeV
la river, from New Genera, ia Pennsyl
vania, to Morgantown in West Virgins
ia; for a survey beginning at or near
Guntersville, on the Tennessee river,
to the headwaters of the Warrior and
Coosa rivers ia Alabama with the view,
of determining the practicability of
uniting the waters of tbe Tennessee
river with the waters of the Warrior or
Coora river for the purposes of aava
gation,' and estimates for locks and
dauis to extend the navigation on said
river to the last-named place; fot ex
amination and snrvey of the Etowah
river, from its mtnth np to Gartersville,
Georgia; and a. so for xhn examination
and survey of - Atch-t av ?hy and.
Calasasieu pass, Louisiana ; oi U i .
naula river: from Rome, Georgia, u,
to tbe mouth of tbe Ooosawattee; ' at
Cba'tahooehee river, below Columbus,
Georgia; ot tbe mouth of the Saint
John's river, from the onter bar, to
Jacksonville, Florida; at the mouth of
the' St. Mark's river, from Spanish
Hole to St Mark's Florida; at Apalacb
icola bay, Florida; St. Tampa bay, at
Tampa, Florida; for resurvey of fifteen
mile falls; at Elistbeth and Nanse
mond rivers, Virgina;at Camdea, Ar
kansas, to Trinity, Louisiana, oa Ou
achita river; at Goldsboro, North Car
olina; to the mouth of Neuse river; at
the mouth of Licking river, Kentncky,
for barbor of refuge; for snrvey at the
Cape Fear and deep Ktvers, as far ap
as La Grange, North Carolina; at Cu
ivre river, Missouri, from its month to
Moscow Mills; at Biyon Bartaelmew,
from its month to the Arkansas State
line; for the osaminatioa aad survey
of tbe Tangipaba aad Cbifnncte rivers,
in the State of Louisiana; for the sur
vey of tlorse Shoe shoals, la the Uela.
ware river, below Philadelphia, Pean
eylvaaie; for tbe survey of tbe ' harbor
of Norwalk, Connecticut; for survey
ing the mouths of Quantieo and Chop
pa Wamasio bays, Virginia; far exam
iaatioa and survey of Red rever, from
the month to a point above the raft ia
Loaislaaa.: ' ,
- Sao. 4, That the unexpended balan
ces ot appropriations made by the act
approved July eleven, eighteen hun
dred and seventy, entitled "Anactmak
lag appropriations for the repair, pres
ervation, aad completion of certain
public works in rivers and harbors,
and for other purposes, "for the fiscal
year ending Jane thirty, eighteen hun
dred and seventy-ode, - are hereby ' re
anoroorlated for tbe purpose therein
specified'. Provided, That ay part of
the appropriation made by tbia act
mar. at the discretion of the Secretary
of War, be applied duriag the current
fiscal ysar.
Approved, March 3, 1871
partment, five tkousanu aouars. '
.- For tbe expen of the signal service
of tbe army, five thousand dollars. ,
For pay of tfa army, aoo ior payment
to discharged soldier for clothing aot
drawn, twelve jnillioa three haadred
thousand . dollars, of -which am one
hundred tbouaaad dolUrs, aad no more
may be expended . for pay of lodian
SCOUtS. " . v ' ' 't'i'y i
For allowance to officers of tbe army
for; transportation of themselves aad
their baggage, when traveling oa duty,
without troops, escorts, or supplies, on
hundred and fifty thousand dollars-
ta - .. L . U
. X r-, Kcuoiat c.dciucb, bush ui
, additional compensation of judge advo
cates, ref orders, members, aad wl as-
se while va court-martial service, aad
traveling expenses of paymasters', clerks
and postage oa letters and packages,
and telegrams received and sent by
eScers ot the army on public business,
one hundred tbousand dollar. .. . .
For, subsistence of- regular troops.
engineers, aad Jadian scouts, two mil
lion nine hundred thousand dollar, of
which sum fifty-five thsnsand dollars,
and ro more, msy be expended for tuh-
slstence of ludiaa scouts. t
; For- regular snppliesof the Quarter
master's department, to wit : For the
regular supplies of the Quartermaster's
department, consisting of fuel for offi
cers, enlisted men, guard, hospitals,
storehouses, and offices ; of for aire io
kind for tbe horses, mules, and oxen of
tbe (jtiartermaster'e department at the
several posts and atations. and with
. Qbssbal satdbs No. 48
AN ACT making appropriations for the
. support or the army for tbe year end
ing June' thirty,, eighteen hundred
and seventjtwo, and for other pur
of the several regiments of cavalry, the
batteries of artillery, andsuca compan
ies of infantry as may be mouotrd. and
i for the authorized , number of officers'
horses when serving in tbe field, and
at the out-post, Including bedding for
tbe autmaii ; or straw ror soldiers' bed1
ding; and of stationery, including blank
books for tbe Quartermaster's depart
ment, certificates for discharged sol
diers, blank . forms for tbe Pay and
Quartermaster's-departments, and for
printing of division aad department
orders and reports,' four million dol-'
larS. - . - ' ,"-;.-t
For extra pay to soldiers employed
nnder tbe direction of the Quartermas
ter's department, la tbe erectioa -of
barrack, quarters, storehouse, and
hospitals, in tbe construction of roads,
aad other constant labor, for periods of
not less than ten days, nnder tbe act
of March two, eighteen hnndred and
nineteen, and August fonr, eighteen
hundred and fifty-four, including those
employed as clerk at division and de
partment headquarters ; expenses of ex
presses to aad from tbe frontier posts
and armies ia tbe field ; of escorts to
paymasters and other disbursing' offi
cers, and to trains where military es
corts cannot be furnished ; expenses of
tbe interment or officers killed ia action
or who die when oa duty ia the field,
or at post oa the frontiers, or at post
and other place when ordered by the
tbe Secretary of War, and of non-com
missioned othcera and soldier : author
ized office furniture, hire of laborer in
the Quartermaster s departmeat.mclud
ing tbe hire of interpreters, spies, and
and guides for the army ; compensation
ot cieras to omcers Ot tbe O jartermas
ter'a department ; compensation of for
age and wagon masters, authorized by
tbe act of July five, eighteen hundred
aad thirty-eight : for the apprehension
of deserters, and the expenses incident
to their pursuit ; and for the following
expenditures required for the several
regiments of cavalry, the' batteries of
light artillery, and such companies of
infantry as may be mounted, namely s
The purchase of traveling forges, black
smith' and shoeing tools, horse and
mule shoes and nails, iron, and steel
for sboeiag, hire of veterinary surgeons,
mediuine for horaea aad mule, piukat
: ropes, and fur shoeing tbe horses of tbe
corps named; aiso, generally, tbe proper
and authorized expenses for tbe move
ment and operations of aa army
pressly asiigned to any other depart
ment, nine buudred thousand dollars.
For purchase of horses for the'caval-4
ry and artilery, and fur Indian anon',
four hundred and fifty thousand dol
lars. ' .
Eor transportation of tbe army, in
cluding baggage of the troops when
moviug either by land or water ; of
clothing, camp and garrison equipage
from the depots of Philadelphia and
Jeffersonville to the several posts and
army depots, and from those depots to
the troops in the field ; and of subsist
ence stores from the places of purchase
and from the places of delivery under
contract, to such places as the circum
stances of tbe service may require them
to be sent; of ordnance, ordnance stores,
Sad small-arms from tbe founderies and
armories to tbe arsenals, fortifications,
frontier posts, and armr depots :
freights, wbarfsge, tolls, aad ferriage
tne purchase aad aire of horses, males,
oxeo, and harness, and the- purchase
and repair of wagons, carts, and drav-i.
and of ships aad. other sea-going vea.
seis, and boat required for tbe trans-
portation of supplies aad for garrison
purposes ? for drayage and cartage at
ac in several posts, aire or teamsters.
transportation of funds for the Pay and
otner dispersing departments: the ex
. penses of sailing pnblic transports oa
-tee various rivers, the Gnlf of Mexico,
and the Atlaatie aad Pacific ; for pro
curing water at such posts as, rrom
their situation, require it (o be Drought
' from a distance ; and for clearing roads
aad removing obstructions from roads,
harbors, and rivers, to the extent which
" may be required for the actual opera
tions of the troops In the field, four
million dollar. '
' For hire of quaitrs for officers on
military duty, hire ef quarters for troops
of storehouses for the safekeeping of
"military stores, and of grounds for sum
mer cantoomente ; for the contraction
of .temporary huts, hospitals, aad sta
Vm ; and for repairing public buildings
.i , r tHbed posts, one million dol
lars. ' ' "
; 1 For heeiiog cooking stoves, five
thousand dollars. f 7
.For purchase and manufacture of
clothing, camp Sod garrison equipage,
aad for preserving and repacksng stock
of clothing, camp aad garrison eqcipv
age, aad materials on hand at the
Schuylkill arsenal aad other depots, five
hundred thousand dollars. ' -,.,
For establishing aad maintaining
national cemeteries, two haadred thou-
, seed dollars. ., ! T
For - army contingencies, namely
Such expenses as are aot provided for
by other estimates, embracing all brae-
, abas of the military service, fifty thou-lars.'..--
. , For purchase of medical an 1 hospital
. supplies, pay of private physlsiaas em
ployed in emergencies, hire of hospital
attendants, expenses of purveying de
pots, of medical examining board,aud
. incidental expenses of the medical de
partment, two hnndred s thousand doU
- lars-. . s ..s..
, . For the Army Medical Museum and
'medical aad other necessary works for
the library of the ' Sogeon - General's
!OffVcer seven thousand dollars. , -., -
.. .For trial - with torpedoes foe harbor
and. lead defease and to. instruct, the
engineer troops In ' their practical ooa-
, stractioa and application, tea thousand
, dollars- ---'' .,v -i'--' '- ,. '
. For eompletioa of barracks aad off!-'
foere' quarters at the engineer depot at
Willet's Point, New York, twenty-five
thonsand dollars. '
; For repairs and preservation of
bridge equipage, ten thousand dollars.
,: ; For purchase and supply of material
aad labor for repairs of quarters and
barracks at engineer posts, two thoe--sand
dollars. : , t '
For the ordinance service required" to
defray the current expenses at the ar
senals of receiving stores aad issuing
arm aad other ordnance supplies ; of
"police and office dutU Of rests, tolls,
,. fuel, and lights ; of stationery aad ota
ce furniture; ot tools and tnatrnmant
for nse , of public animals, forse, and
vehicle ; incidental expenses of the
ordinance Service, Including those at
tending practical trials and tests of or-
- dnaace, amallarms, and other ordnance
supplies, two hundred tboustni cel
lars. .. ' - ,.
Form manufacturing metallic ammu
nition for small arm,ene haadred thou
sand dollar. ' .-
For overhauling, preservina. .aad
Cleaning new ordinance stores oa head
in the arsenals, seventy-five thousand
dollars. -, - , .. . ,
For sacoaS oaaaon, and carriages
for tbe same, two hundred thousand
dollar -j r . ..,. t m i
Fot purchase, and' saauafWeture of
other ordnance stores, to ft!l, requisi
tion of troopsfifty thousand dollars.
For mannfactars of arms at tbe na
tional armory, one huadred aad fifty ,
thoaaaad dollar.
Ssc. 3. Teat the - President of tbe
United State shall be, and he i here- '
aad by .authorised to nominate, aad, by
with the advice and conaeat of the Sen
ate, appoint a board of commissioners
to be designated as eosamissioaer of
bleims to consist of three commis
sioners who shall bo commissioned for
two year, aad whose duty it shall be
to receive, examine, aad l consider the
jaetice aad -validity of such claim a
bail be brought before them, ef ttose
citizens who remained loyal adherents "
to tbe caase aad the govern meat of the
Uaited States daring tbe war, for Stores
or supplies take or furaished daring
tbe rebellion for the ase of tbo army of
the United States in States proclaimed
as ia insurrection against the Uaited
States, including the nse aad loss of
vessels or boat while employed lo tbe .
military service ol the Doited States.
Aad the said commisioesr la consider
ing said claims shall too satisfied from
tbe testimony of witnesses nnder oath,
or from other sufficient evidence, which
ball aocompaay each claim, taken an- .
der such rales aad regulations aa the -commissioner
may adopt, of the. loy
alty aad adherence of the claimant to
tbe cause aad - the government of the
Uaited States before aad at the time of
the taking or furnishing of tbs property
for which any claim shall be made, and
of tbe quantity, quality, and vale of
tbe property alleged to have beeo taken
or furnished, and the time, plaee, and
material, cireemstanoee of tbe taking
or furnish lug ot the same. And, apoa
satisfactory evidence of tbe justice and
validity of any claim, the commission
er shall report their opinion in writing
in eacn ease, aaa snail certify Tb na
ture, amount, and value of the property
taaeo, luroisbed, or need a afore tid.
End each, claim which shall be contld-,
ered, aad rejected as unjust and Invalid
Shall likewise be reported, with - tbe
reasons therefor; and no claimant shall
withdraw aay material evidence sub
mitted la support of any claim.
' 8so. 3. That said commissioners shall
each take the oath of office provided
bv law to be taken by all officers of tbe
United States, and shall proceed with
out delay to discharge their duties un
der this act. 'The President of tbe
United States shall designate In bis ap
polntment one of said commissioners
to be president of the board, and shall
be authorised to fiU aay vacancy wbii h
may occur, by reason of death or res
ignatitn, in Slid board ; and each com
missioner shall have authority to ad
minister oaths and affirmations, and to
take the depositions of witnesses io all
matters pertaining to their duties. Tli :
said commissioners shall meet and or. '
ganis said board, and hold their sei
tons at Washington. Two members
of tbe board shall constitute a quorum
for tSe transactions of business and tbe
agreement of two - shall decide all
questions in controversy. ' Tbe said
e ommiasioners (ball have anthority to
make and publish rules for tbeir pro
ceed u re not inconsistent with this act
and shall publish notice of their set sion.
They sball keep a Journal of tbeir pro l.
ceeding,to be signed by tbepresideot ot
the beard, and a recrisier of all claims
brought before the board, showing te '
date or presentation, number, name.aod
residence of claimant, subject matter
and amount of claim, and tbe amount, if
any, allowed ; which records shall be
open to tbe inspection of the President
and Attorney General of tbe United
States, or-of such officer as the Presi
dent may designate. "
Ssc. 4. That said 'commissioners
shall make report of tbeir proceedings,
and or each claim considered by them,
at ttfe commencement of each session
of Congress, to the Speaker oi tbe '
House of Representatives, who shall
lay the same before Congress for con
sideration ; and all claims within this
act and not presented to said board
bait b bMtwl, saUl aot be eoter
t lined by any department of the Gov
ernment without further authority of
Bsc. 5. That the commissioners of
claims shall be paid quarterly under
this act, at the rate of five thousand
dollars per annum each, and they shall
bve authority to appoint one clerk aad
one tborthand reporter, to be paid
quarterly at the rate of two tbousand
five hundred dollars per annum each,
and one messenger, to be paid at tbe
rate of one thousand two hundred dol
lars per annum, who sball perform tbe
services required of tbem respectively,
and said board shall be further allowed
the necessary actual expenses of office
rent, furniture, fuel, stationery, and
printing, to be certified by the presi
dent of the board, and be audited on
vouchers, and paid as other judicial
expenses are.
Ssc, 6. That a sufficient appropria.
tioa to carry this act into effect is here
by made, out of any money in the treas
ury not otherwise appropriated.
Sio 7- That the Secretary of War
be, and he is hereby, authorized nod
directed to negotiate with a responsi
ble party to bnild and operate a tele
graph line from Yancton, Dakota Ter
ritory, to Fort Randall, Dakota and
thenoe to Fort Sully, if, In the opinion
of the Sscretary of War, tbs pnblio
servies demand snch extension. 'And
upon tbe completion of each hundred
miles of said lids to tbe satisfaction of
the Secretary of War, be is' authorized
to pay the party constructing the same
the sum of eight thousand dollars ; and
upon tbe completion of the whole line
be shall pay, as aforesaid, the sum
eighty dollars per mile for any a amber
of miles the same may extend over the
nnmoer ox , even hundreds t i'rovtded.
That the -money so paid shall be re
funded to the Uaited .States la the ase
of said telegraph iiae at rates aot high
er than charged private individuals,
nor higher thaa may, ia the opinion ef
said Secretary, b just i Provided, also,
That whea the money advaaced by the
said Secretary ot War shall be refunded
as above provided, the Uaited State
hall have no title to nor lieu upon said
line, but mav at all times use the same
for publio purposes at such rates, as
may be just. . .
8so. 8. That aa amonnt necessary
to enable the Secretary of War to carry
into effect the provisions of the forego
ing sectioa is hereby appropriated oat
of aay moneys ia the treasury aot
otherwise appropriated. . . . ' ,
8xo. 8. That, in accordance with tbe
fifth sectioa of the aot approved July
two, eigbteea hnndred aad sUty.foor,
entitled ' An net to amend aa act en
titled Aa act to aid ia the construc
tion or a railroad aad telegraph line
from, the Missouri river to the Pacific
ocean, and to secure to the government
the use oi aame for the postal, military,
and other purpose, 'approved July first,
eighteen hundred aad sixty-two,' the
Secretory ot the Ereasary is hereby di
rected to pay over ia money to the Pa.
cine -Railraad Companies men tion ad ia
said aot, aad performing services for
the United States, one-half of the com
pensation at the rate provided by law
far such eervicee, heretofore or heare
after rendered ; Provided, That this
sectioa sball aot be construed to affect
the legal right of tbegoverment or the
obligations of the companies, except as
herein specifically provided. e
Approved, March 3, 1871. i v ; ,
, . f . '''WMaaaaaaMaMaHi-:
ttttSOLUTlON to extenA tha
benefit of the act establishing the Na-
. uonai asyium ior disabled volunteer
' soldier to the disabled soldiers aad
sailors of the war of eighteen haadred
and twelve and tbe liexlcaa war.
' f No, 101 ' . '
lialt& bjf tk4 Summit ' tmd fvum Of
Jieymtnimtivme .- mf- Ukv VmUld Sato of
'Aneriea.iw Vongrmv wwaiWi . f.
That the hoard ot man ger cf tie ra
tional Asylnm for disabled vcTrai ir
Soldiers be, sni ty are here"-, ta
tborlsed aadftlr: -i tofstcid t. i
Bts and provlL ) toft's tr :V
it'arch twenty -tr; t, -.l" I 1.
aad sixty-six, e :5e f ' .
tional Asylu-i, l I' i .
teer soUicrs and I ..Mil ( ' ' T
';litea bnndrr it if ! .
Ler'-jao war. . '" '
A;;iovi, XV .ry : ", ll"'. ,