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About The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18?? | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1871)
rA-wBV-'' - .weaver. aa6m , , lOFFICIAL-1 r-isssa u tnj " ,.,n l ALBJUN F.C!STERk ajjierxs.5ivc. TVo 'y. : ((Jmh'H( row low Snyplemont.) '-'' DEPARTMENT ftF JUSTICE. Office of the Attorn ey C eneral : For compensation of thtt Attoi ley General, eight thousand dollar ; Solicitor Gen eral, tereta thOtsaad fir hundred dol lars: two Assistant Attorneys General, at five thousand dollars eafcb ; solicitor of internal revenue, five thousand dol- lars-; naval solicitor and judge ad ton ' eate general, three thousand fire hun- - dred dollars ; examiners of claims, three thousand five haadred dollars ; law clerk,' two thousand fie hundred dollars ; chief clerk, to thousand -,- two hundred dollars ; fctenograpfcic - clerk, two thousand dollars ; one clerk, - two thousand dollars ; seven clerks of class four; additional tor disbursing clerk, two hundred dollars ; two clerks - of class three, one clerk of class two, one clerk of clas one, one messenger, - two assistant messengers ; in all, sixty - seTen thousand , tare hundred and twenty dollars. ' Office of the Solicitor of the Treas ury t : For compensation of the Solic . itor of the Treasury, three thousand fire hundred dollars ; assistant solicit or, three thousand dollars ; chief clerk, twd thousand dollars ; one clerk ol class four, three clerks of class three, three clerks of class two, one clerk of class one, one messenger, and one laborer ; in all, twenty-two thou sand and sixty dollars. For consiagent expenses of the De partment of Justice, vis : Fuel labor, stationery, and miscellaneous items, fifteen thousand dollars. For rent of building, ten thousand - dollars. For farniture and law-books, six thousand dollars. COHUISSIOIKR TO CODIFY TBI UWS OW " TMU USITXD 8TATB8. For compensation of three commis sioners to codify the laws of the United States, fifteen thousand dollars. - For incidental and contingent expen ses, for clerk hire, stationery, and mis cellaneous items, three thousand dol lars. Sic. 2. That the sum of Ere hundred thousand dollars be, and hereby is, ap propriated, out of any moneys in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the construction, under the direction of tbe Secretary of State, on the south erly portion of the premises now occu pied by the War and Navy Departments a building which will form the south wing of a building that, when comple ted, will be similar in the ground plan and dimensions to tbe Treasury build ing, and proride accommidations for the State, War, and Navy Departments; the buiding to be of such kind of stone as may be hereafter determined by the concurrent decision of tbe Committees of Public Buildings and Grounds of the Senate and House of Representatives ; three stories iu height, with basement and attic, and of fireproof construction; the plans to be approved by the Secre tary of State, the Secretary of War, and the Secretary of the Nary, before any money is expended under the provisions of this act. Sso. 3. That from and after the first . day of July, eghiteen hundred and seventy-one, the annual salary of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of tbe United States shall be eight thou sand five hundred dollars, and the an nual salary of each of the associate justices of the Supreme Court shall be eight thousand dollars, and of each circuit judge six thousand dollars; and all provisions of law providing for ad ditional compensation or allowance to any judge for travelling expenees are hereby repealed. And it shall be the . dnty of the circuit judge In each judi cial circuit, whenever in his judgment tbe public interest shall so require, to designate and appoint, in the manner and with all tbe cowers provided ia an to provide for holding the courts of the United States, iu case of the sick ness or other disability of the judges of the district courts, approved July twenty-nine, eighteen hundred and fif ty, tbe district judge of any judicial , district- within his circuit to bold a district or circuit court in the place or aid of any other district judge within the same circuit ; and it shall be the duty of such district judge as' shall be for that purpose designated and appoin ed to hold the district or circuit court as afoaesaid without any other compen sation then his regular salary as estab lished by law. , Sso. . That the salaries piovided . for in the-foregoing section of this act shall be payable in quarterly instal ments on the first days of April, July, October, and January of each year, and an amount sufficient to pay the same is hereby appropriated out of any money ' in the treasury not otherwise appropri ated. '.::.'.,''"-..'.:;... Approved, March 3, 1871. for tb Per oU Indians in New Mexico; one for V Je Mounts Pueblos in Arisona; ". Pi-Ctes fn Nevada; one for ? pagoee and others ta Arisona; for tfc Colorado River agency; v and o0a for the Fort Hall reservation Idaho Territory, nine thousand dol vn. . ;- v-.-r..- . i For six aub agents: Four for the tribes In Oregon, and two for the tribes ia Washington Territory, sis thousand dollars. ' i-'''- , For pay of clerk to superintendent for California, one thousand eight hun dred dollars. For temporary clerks to superin tendent, six thousand six hundred dollars. ' '' ' For pay of ninety Interpreters, as fol lows: Twenty-one for the tribes in Ore gon and tbe Territories of Washington, Utah and New Mexico, at five bnndred dollars each; thirty-six for the tribes elsewhere, at four hundred dollars; seventeen extra for the tribes else where, at four hundred dollars each; three for the Indian service in Utah, at five hundred dollars each; one' for the Shoshones and one for the Utabs, at one thousand dollars each; one far tbe Stsseton, and Wahpeton bands of Sionx, four hundred dollars; and one for he Sacs and Foxes of tbe Missis sippi, now ia Tama county, Iowa, four hundred dollars; nine tor the Indian service In the Territories of Arisona, Colorado, Idaho, Wyoming, and tbe 8tate of Nevada, at five hundred dol lars each; In all, forty thousand five hundred dollars. For buildings at agencies, and re pairs of same, ten thousand dollars. For vaccine matter and vaccination of Indians, including deficiency for current fiscal year, five thousand dol lars :-n ' ; For presents to and provisions for Indians, ten thousand dollars. For the manufacture of medals for Indians, five thousand dollars. For actual necessary expenses in curred, and that may hereafter be in curred, by officers of : the Indian de partment, in the rescue of prisoners from Indian tribes and returning them to their homes, and for expenses inci dent to the arrest and confinement within the territory of the United States, by order of such officers, of persons chargsd with crimes against the Indians, five thousand dollars. For contingencies, including travel ing, incidental, current and contingent expenses of superintendents and ; agents, and of their offices, thirty eight thousand five hundred dollars. APACHES, KIOWAS, ANCHE3. AND COM- Gsxxnax Tcaa No. 52. . AN ACT making' appropriations for . the current and contingent expenses , of the Indian . department, and for fulfilling treaty stipulations with va rious Iadian tribes, for tbe year end ing June thirty, eighteen hundred aud seventy -two, and for other pur- .. ...poses. ", ' , -J, V , .. ,,. Be it enacted by the Senate and Haute of - Repreetntative of the United State of '-. America in Congrett attembled : That the following earns be, and they are hereby, appropriated, out of any money ' in - the treasury ; not ' otherwise appropriated, for the pur pose of paying tbe current and contia- -' gent expenses of the Indian department, and fulfilling treaty stipulations with the various Indian tribes: For pay of eight superintendents of Indian affairs, namely:' Two snperin dents for the tribes east of tbe Rocky mountains; one for Oregon; one for Washington Territory; one for the Ter- 1 ritory of New Mexico; one for Califor- ' nta; one for Arizona; and one for Mon tana, nineteen thousand , one hundred dollars. -''' '. ''.:, For pay of sixty-two agents of Indi- ' an afiVirsi namely: Three for the tribes in Oregon; four for the tribes in New Mexieo; one additional for Indians in New Mexieo; one for the tribes in New Mexico; one for tbe tribes in Utah, one additional for the Indians in Utah, one .for the tribes in the Territory of Utah; eleven for the tribes east of the Rocky mountains: two for the tribes east of " the Rooky mountains; six for the Indi ans of the Rocky mountains, namely, Sioux,' Seminole, Omaha, Kickapoo, Kansas and Neosho agencies; three for tbe tribes east of tbe Rocky mountains, one for the Indians in the State of New York-rone for Green Bay, Wisconsin; three for the tribes ia Washington Ter--' ritory? one for the Wichita and neigh boring tribe west of-the Choctaws ' and Chickasaw; one for the tribe east ot tbe Rocky mountains;- one for the Indians in the Territory of New Mex "'Jco, Me for the Ponce tribe; one for ' the Pawnees; one for the Yankton Si ' oax; three for the tribes la the Terri- " tory of Washington; one for the Grand River and Uintaa- nana or Indians ia tbe Territory of Colorado; two far the Upper Missouri -and the ceun try edja- - cent thereto; one .for. the Otto was, Chippewa of Swan creek and Black river, aad Chriatiaa-Iadian in Kansas; ; , three agents for tbe State of Califor nia; one for the Kiowa, - Apache, and Comanche Indians; one for the Sisse ton and Wbapetoa bands of Dakota or Sioux Iadlaosi one for1 the hands of . fe-es and Foxes of the Mississippi, now Its Tama eoun'.y, Iowa; ess for the la ' diao la. tbe State of Nevada: : one for , tb Grow tribe of Indians; one for tbe . t Bohoa3 and iUocock; and one for ll.a J--j.oox Iadians of Devil's lake, r -f-ittn tboasicl six hundred dol .---s: JW Tbat it shall he tbe . .' ot tlss Presidoat to dispense with E..:"ser vices of sneh Indian agents and - eriiU'riisa'.s tereia mentioned as t ba practicable, and where it is fce staii r'Tuire tbe fcatne 3 . iii..-a ti jM-iTurta tua djt-ics -f two Y'a,gBct? or soporiateaflencieB for ea a x f Oae BLACKFEET, BLOODS, GAN3. CALAPOOIAS, - CLACKAMAS VALLE7. 5? ;" 7' fisa- For fourth of thirty installments as provided to be expended under the tenth article of the treaty of October twenty-one, eighteen hundred aad sixty-seven, concluded at Medicine Lodge Creek, in Kansas, with the Kio was and Comanches, and under tbe third article of the treaty of same date with the Apaches, thirty thousand dollars. ' J For purchase of clothing, as pro-, vided in the same treatise, twentysix . thousand dollars. For pay of carpenter, farmer black smith, miller, and engineer, five thou sand two hundred dollars. For pay of physician aad teacher, two thousand fire hundred dollars. For last of three installments, as provided in the same treaties, to be ex pended in presents to the ten persons of tbe said tribes who, in the judg ment of agent may grow the most val uable crops for the period named, five hundred dollars. For transportation of goods five thou sand dollars. For purchase of seeds and agricultu ral implements to be furnished ech head of a family or lodge who intends to commence cultivating the soil, (say on hundred families,) tea thonsand dollars. APACHES OF ARIZONA AND NEW MEXICO. For this amount, to be expended un der the direction of tbe President, in collecting tbe Apaches of Arizona and New Mexico upon reservations, furnish ing them with subsistence and other necessary articles, aad to promote peace and civilization among tbem, seventy thousand dollars: Provided, That this appropriation shall be ex pended only in behalf of those Indians who go and remain upon said reserva tions, and refrain from hostilities. ARICKAREES, GROd VENTRES, AND MANDANS. For this amount, to be expended ia such goods, provisions and other arti cles as tbe President may from time to time determine, including insurance and transportation thereof in instruct ing in agricultural aud mechanical pursuits, in providing employees, edu cating children, procuring medicine and medical attendance, care for aad support of the aged, sick and infirm, for the helpless orphans of said Indi ans, and in any other respect to pro-' mote their civilization comfort an i im provement, forty thousand dollars. ASSINABOINES. For this amount, to be expended ia such goods, provisions and other arti cles as the President may from time to time determine, including . insurance and transportation thereof, in instruct ing ia agricultural and mechanical pur suits, ia providing employees, duca tiog children, procuring medicine and medical attendance, care for and sup port of the aged, sick and infirm, for the helpless orphans of said Indians, and ia any other respect to promote their comfort, civilization, ana im provement, thirty thousand dollars. . AND PIE- For this amount to be expended in such goods, provisions aad other arti- ' cles as the President may rrom time to time determine, .. including .insurance and transportation thereof, ia instruct ing ) in agricultural and mechanical pursuits, in providing employees, edu cating children, : procuring medicine aad medical attendance, ear for and support of the aged, aisk aad infirm, for the helpless orphans of said Indians, and ia every other respect to promote ' their civilization, comfort aad improve ment, fifty thousand dollars. MOLALLAS, AND OF WILLAMETTE For tbe secood installment of the ' fourth series) of annuity for beneficial ' ! objects, five thousand five hundred dol- ' lars. ,;- CHEYENNES AND AR APAH0E3. - For fourth of thirty Installments pro- t-, Tided to be expended nnder tenth arti- cle treaty October tweaty -eight, eight--, i eea hundred aad sixty-seven, tweaty , thousand dollars. -"' , For purchase of clothing, asper,; same article, fourteen thousand five ., hundred dollars. - ' " . i For pay of physician and teacher, as, per thirteenth article same treaty, two i thousand fire hundred dollars. ': j For pay-Of carpenter, farmer, black- J smith, miller, ; and engineer, as per -same article,, fire thonsand two haa dred dollars.."" ,;. ; f For purchase of seeds and agrieuf-4 turat implements to be furnished each -head of :- a family or lodge, tea thou- sand dollars. " ' t . For last of the Installments, to be expended in presents to the ten persons : of said tribe who, in the jadgmeat ot i the agent, may grow the most "valua- j ble crops for the respective year, ' as per fourteenth article same treaty, five hundred dollars. ' For permanent annuity la goods,., three thousand dollars. t,, s.rx y CHICKASAWS. ' ' . i w .'..'V.:, - "-;-''r' For permanent annuity in goods, - three thousand dollars. , B0I3E FORT BAND, WAS. OF CIIIPPE- For sixth of twenty installments, for tbe support of oae blacksmith aad as si slant, and for tools, Iron and steel, and other articles necessary for' the f blacksmith shop as per third article ' treaty of April seventh, eighteen ban-"1 dred and sixty-six, oae thousand five J hundred dollars. , t For sixth of twenty Installments for tbe support of one schoolteacher, and ' for neeeaaarj books aud stationery, as i per third article treaty of April seventh, eighteen hundred anc sixty-six, eight hundred dollars. For sixth of twenty installments fof the instruction of Iodians in farming, and purchase of seeds, tools and so forth, as per third article of treaty of April seventh, eighteen huadred aad sixty-six, eight huadred dollars. For sixth of twenty installments of annuity ia money, to be paid per cap ita, as per third article treaty ot April seventh, eighteen hundred aad sixty six, three thousand five huadred dol lars. . ., : j- For sixth of twenty installments of annuity in provisions, ammunition and tobacco, as per third article treaty of April seventh, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, oae thousand dollars. For sixth of tweaty installments of annuity in goods and other articles, as per third article treaty of April seventh, eighteen hundred-and sixty-six, six thousand five hundred dollars. For transportation and necessary cost of delivery of annuity goods and provisions, per sixth article treaty of April seventh, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, oae thousand five hundred dollars, v CHIPPEWAS OF LAKE SUPERIOR. For seventeenth of twenty install ments ia coin, per fourth article treaty thirtieth September, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, five thousand dollars. For seventeenth of twenty install ments in goods, household furniture and cooking utensils, per fourth article treaty thirtieth September, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, eight thousand dollars. For seventeenth of twenty install ments for agricultural implements and cattle, carpenters' and other tools, and building materials, per fourth article treaty thirtieth September, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, three thou sand dollars. ' - For seventeenth of twenty install ments for moral and educational pur poses, three hundred dollars of which to be paid to the urana if ortage Dana yearly, to enable them to maintain a school at their village, per rourth arti cle treaty thirtieth September, eighteen hundred and fifty-four three thousand dollars. , For seventeenth of twenty install ments for six smiths and assistants, per second and fifth articles treaty thirtieth September, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, five thousand and forty dollars. For seventeenth of twenty install ments for the support of six smith's shops, per second and fifth articles treaty thirtieth September, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, ono thousand three hundred and twenty dollars. For fifteenth of twenty installments for the seventh smith and assistant, and support of shops, per second and fifth articles treaty thirtieth Septem ber, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, one tnousana ana sixty dollars. . For support of smith and shop, dur ing the pleasure of the President, as per seventh and twelfth articles -of treaty of April seventh eighteen hun dred and sixty.six, sixhundred dollars For support of two farmers, during the pleasure of the President, as per twelfth article treaty of September thirtieth eighteen huadred and fifty-four ant seventh article ot treaty of April seventn, eighteen hundred and sixty six, twelve hundred dollars. For insurance, transportation, and necessary cast of delivery of annuity and provisions for Chippewas of Lake superior, three thousand dollars. : For this amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to be used at the discretion of the President, to carry on the work of instructing and aiding the Chippewas of Lake Superior, including tbe Boise Fort band, in the arts of civ ilization, with a view to their self support, fifteen thonsand dollars. CHIPPEWAS OF THE MISSISSIPPI For fifth of ten installments of the second series in money, per fourth ar tide treaty fourth October, eighteen hundred and forty. two, and eighth ar ticle treaty thirtieth September, eight een hundred and fifty-four, and third article treaty seveath May, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, four thousand one hundred and sixty-six dollars and sixty-seven cents. For fifth of ten installments of the second series, for the pay ot two car penters, per fourth article treaty fourth October, eighteen hundred and forty- two, and eighth article treaty thirtieth September, eighteen hundred and fifty- tour, and third article treaty seventh May, eighteen hundred and and sixty four, four hundred dollars. For fifth of ten installments of the second series in goods, per fourth arti cle treaty fourth October, eighteen nundred and forty-two, and eigtb arti cle treaty thirtieth September, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, and third arti cle treaty seventh May, eighteen hnn and sixty-four, three thousand five hun dred dollars. : For fifth of ten installments of the second series, for support of schools, per fourth article treaty fourth October, eighteen hundred and forty-two, and and eighth article treaty thirtieth Sep tember, eighteen hundred and fifty- four, and third article treaty seventh May, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, six huadred and aixtyssix dollars and sixty-seven cents. . . For fifth of ten installments of sec oni series, for the purchase of provis ions and tobacco; per fourth article treaty fourth October, eighteen hun dred and forty-two, and eighth article treaty thirtieth September, eighteen hundred and fmy-fonr. and third ar ticle of -treaty seventh May, eighteen hundred hundred and sixty-four, six hundred and sixty-seven dollars and sixty-seven cents. , . For fifth of tea installments of the second - series,, for the support of two smiths' shops, including the pay of two smiths and assistants, and -furnishing iron and steel, per foarth article treaty fourth Oetober, . eighteen hundred and forty-two, and eighth article treaty thirtieth September eighteen hundred and fiftyifour, and third article treaty seventh slay, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, six hundred aad sixty-seven dollars and sixty-seven cents. For fifth of tea installments of the sec ond series, for pay of two farmers, per third . article May seventh, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, three hundred and thirty-three dollars -and thirty three ceats. For aeveoteeath of tweaty : install: ments of annuity ia money, per third article treaty of twenty-second Feb ruary, eighteen huadred. and fifty-five, twenty thousand dollars. . . For twenty-fifth of twenty-six In stailmeats, to be paid to the Chippewas of Mississippi, per third article treaty of August second eigbtea huadred and forty-seven, one thousand dollars. For fourth of ten installments)., for tbe support of a school or schools upon said reservation, la : accordance with third article or treaty or Marco, nine teenth, eighteen hundred and sixty- seven, roar tnoosaad dollars, a For fourth of tea installments, to be expended in promoting the progress of the people ta agriculture, and assisting taem to become self-sustaining, in ac cordance ; with the ; third i article of treaty of March nineteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, six thousand dollars. : ,, y,,a-, ,x y-.; ,; i s i .' t For fourth ten installments for the support of a pbysieiaa : la accordance with third article treaty of March nine teen, eighteen bnndred and sixty-seven, od thousand two huadred dollars.: ' For fourth of tea installments, for the purchase of accessary, medioines, ta accordance with third article treaty March nineteen, eighteen, hundred and sixty-seven, three hundred dollars. , t For Insurance,: transportation,, and necessary cost of delivery -of annuities aad provisions for Chippewas of Mis sissippi, in accordance with tbe sixth article of the treaty of March nineteen, elgbteea hundred and sixty-sevea, one thousand five hundred dollars. CHIPPEWAS OF THE MISSISSIPPI, : PILLAGER AND LAKE WINNE ' ' BAGOSUISH BANDS 0F: CHIPPEWA INDIANS. , ' For ' eighth of tea Installments to furnish said Indians with tea yoke of good work-oxen, - twenty -tog-chains, two hundred grubbiag-hoes, ten plows, tea grindstones, one haadred axes, (bandied,) twenty spades, aid other farming implements, per fifth article treaty May seventh, eighteea hundred and siitjHfoar, one thousand five hun dred dollars. .- For the pay of two carpenters, on thousand eibt huadred ttoHars, and two blacksmiths, one thousand 'eight hundred dollars; four farm laborers two thousand four hundred dollars; one physician, one thousand two hun dred dollars; and medicine tor me sick five hundred dollars, per fifth article treaty May seventh, eighteen hundred : and sixtyfoar, seven thousand seven hundred dollars, j For this amount, to be applied to ward the support of a saw-mill, to be built for tbe common use ot toe untp pewas of the Misi ppi 4 a tl 6 Rid Lake and Pembina bands of Chippe was, as per sixth article treaty of May seventh, eighteen hundred and sixty four, one thousand dollars. For pay of services and traveling ex penses of a board of visitors, to con sist of not more than three persons, to attend tbe annuity payments to tbe In dians, and to inspect tbe nelds," Build ings, mills, and other improvements, as stipulated n toe sevenin article treaty -May seventh,: eighteea hundred and sixty-four, not exceeding any one year more tnan twenij aays ;eervice. threehundred miles' travel, at ten cents per mile, four hundred and eighty dol lars. " ' I For pay of female teachers employed on the reservations to instruct Indian girls in domestic economy, one thou sand dollars, j i ? CHIPPEWAS, PILLAGER, AND LAKE WINNEBAGOSHISH BANDS. : For seventeenth of thirty install ments of annuity in money, per third article treaty twentytsecond February, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, tea thousand six hundred and sixty-six dollars, and sixty-six cents. For seventeenth of thirty install ments ot annuity ia goods, per third article treaty twenty-second February, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, eight thousand dollars. For seventeenth of thirty install ments for purposes of utility, per third article treaty twenty-second February, eighteen hundred and fifty five, four thousand dollars. For seventeenth of twenty install ments tor purposes of education, per third article treaty twenty-second Feb ruary eighteen hundred and fifty-five,' three thousand dollars. CHIPPEWAS OF RED LAKE AND PEMBINA TRIBE OF CHIPPE WAS. ; For this amount as annuity to be paid per capita to the Red Lake band of Chippewas during the pleasure of the President, per third article treaty second October, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, and second article supple mentary to treaty April twelve, eight een hundred and sixty-four, ten thou sand dollars. For this amount, to the Pembina band of Chippewas, daring the pleas ure of the President, per same treaty, five thousand dollars. ' For eighth of fifteen installments, for the purpose of supplying the Red Lake band of Chippewas with gilling twine, cotton matter, calico, linsey, blan kets, sheeting, flannels, provisions, farming tools, and for such other use ful articles and for such other useful purposes as may be deemed for their best interests, per third article supple mentary treaty of twelfth April, eight een hundred and sixty-four, eight thou sand dollars. For eighth of fifteen Installments for same objects for Pembina band of Chippewas, per same treaty, four thou sand dollars. For eghth of fifteen installments for pay of one blacksmith, one physician, who shall furnish medicine for the sick, one miller, and one farmer, per fourth article of same treaty, three thousand nine hundred dollars. For eighth of fifteen installments for the purchase of iron and steel, and other artcles, for blacksmithing pur poses, per same treaty as above, one thousand five hundred dollars. For eighth of fifteen installments to, be expended for carpentering and other purposes, per same treaty, one thou sand dollars. For eighth of fifteen Installments, to defray expenses of a board of visitors, to consist of not more than three per sons to attend tbe annuity payments of the said Chippewa Indians; each mem: ber of the board to be paid not more than five dollars per day, for not more than twenty , days' service, and tea cents per mile for not more than three hundred miles' travel, three hundred and ninety dollars. For insurance and transportation of annuity goods and provisions, and iron and steel for blacksmiths, for the Chip pewas of Red Lake and Pembina tribe, three thousand dollars. Eor this amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to be used at tbe discretion of the President, to carry on the work of instructing and aiding the Chippewas of Red Lake, the Pembina tribe of Chippewas and other Indians of tbe Mississippi Chippewa agency, (not including the Chippewas of Lake Superior,) in tbe arts of civilization, with a view to their self-support, twea ty thousand dollars. CHOCTAWS. For permanent annuity, per second article treaty ' sixteenth November, eighteen hundred and five, and thir teenth article treaty twenty-second June eighteen hundred aad fifty-fire, three thousand dollars. For permanent annuity for support of light-horsemen, per thirteenth art!-: cle treaty eighteenth October, eighteen hundred and twenty, and article thir teen, treaty twenty-second June, eight een hundred and fifty-five, six hundred dollars. ' For permanent anuity- for support of blacksmith, per sixth article treaty eighteenth October, eighteea hundred and twenty, ninth article treaty ' Janu ary twenty, '- eighteen - hundred and twenty-five, and thirteenth article treaty twenty-second June, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, - six huadred dollars. - For permanent annuity for education, per second article treaty twentieth Jan uary, eighteea hundred and twenty five, and thirteenth article treaty twenty-second June,' eighteen hundred and fifty-fire, six thousand dollars. - For permanent annuity of iron and steel, per ninth article treaty twentieth January, eighteea hundred and twenty five, and thirteenth article ot treaty twenty-second June, eighteen hundred and , fifty-five, three . hundred and tweaty dollars. : For interest oa three hundred and ninety thonsand two hundred and fifty seven dollars and ninety-two cents, at nve per centum per annum, tor educa tion, support of the 'government, and other beneficial purposes, nnder tbe di rection of the. general council of the Choctaws, in conformity with the pro: visions contained in the ninth aad thir teenth articles of the treaty twentieth. January, eighteen hundred and twenty five, and treaty of twenty-second J.une, eighteen huadred aad fifty -five, nines teen thousand five haadred and twelve dollars and eighty-nine cents. I t. : - . . CONFEDERATED - t TRIBES AND ' BANDS OF INDIANS IN MIDDLE OREGON. 'For second of five installments, third series, for benefiiclal objects, per sec ond article treaty twenty-fifth June, eighteen' hundred and fifty-five, four thousand dollars. r -For twelfth Of fifteen installments for pay aad subsistence of one farmer, one blacksmith, and one wagon and plow maker, per fourth- article treaty twenty-fifth of June, eighteea hundred aad fifty-five, three thousand five buns dred dollars. - . , For twelfth of twenty installments. for pay and subsistence of on-a pbysl elan, one sawyer, ooe miller one super intendent or farming operations, and one school teacher, per fourth-article treaty twentytfifth June, eighteen hun dred and fifty-five, five, thonsand' six haadred dollars.-' -' - For twelfth of twenty installments for salary of the head chief of said confederated bands, per. fourth article treaty twenty-fifth' June, eighteen hun dred and fifty-firs, five haadred dol lars." v ' - ' "' CREEKS. ' : For - permanent annuity ia money, per fourth article treaty seventh Au gust, seventeen -hundred and ninety, and fifth article treaty seventh August, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, '.one thonsand five Hundred ' dollars- ' ' : For permanent annuity iu money, per second article treaty sitttSntb jane, ; eighteen hundred and two, and fifth article twenty-seventa August, eignt een hundred and fifty-six, three thou sand dollars. 7 . For permanent annuity in money, per fourth article treaty twenty-fourth January, eighteea hundred and twenty- six, and fittb article treaty seventh August, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, twenty thousand dollars. For permanent annuity for black smith and assistant, and for shop and tools per eighth article treaty twenty fourth January, eighteen hundred and twenty-six, and fifth article treaty sev enth August, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, eight hundred and forty .dol lars, y For permanent annuity for iron . and steel for shop, per eighth article treaty twenty-tonrta January, eignteen hun dred and twenty-six, and fifth article treaty seventh August, eighteen hun dred and filty-six, two hundred and seventy dollars. . U v; For permanent annuity tor the pay of a wheelwright, per eighth article treaty twenty-fourth January, eighteen hundred and twenty-six, and fifth arti cle treaty seventh August, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, six huadred dol- ars. - For blacksmith and assistant, shop and tools, eight hundred aad forty dol lars. - . For iroo and steel of shop, three hundred and seventy dollars. For wagon-maker, six hundred dol 'ars. . - ; .. For education, one thousand dollars. For assistance in agricultural opera tions, two thousand dollars. For five per centum interest on two hundred thousand dollars for purposes of education, per sixth article treaty seventh August, eighteen huadred and fifty-six, tea thousand dollars. For interest on six nunareo ana sev. enty-five thousand one hundred and sixtr-eieht dollars, at the rate of five per centum per annum, to be expended pnder the direction ot tne secretary oi the Interior, under provisions ot tnira article treaty June fourteen, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, thirty-three thousand seven hundred and fifty-eight dollars and forty cents. CROWS. to For third of thirty installments supply male persons, six bnndred in number, over fourteen years of age, with a suit of good substantial woolen clothing, consisting of coat, hat, pan taloons, flannel shirt aad woolen socks, as per ninth article or treaty of May seven, eighteen' nundred and sixty eight, eight thousand four hundred dollars. For third of thirty installments to supply each female, seven hundred in number, over twelve years of age, with a flannel shirt, or tbe goods necessary to make the same, a pair of woolen hose, twelve yards of calico, and twelve yards of cotton domestic, as per same article, eight thousand four hundred dollars. For third of thirty installments to supply three hundred and fifty boys and three hundred aad fifty girls, under the ages named, such flannel and cotton goods as may be needed to make each a suit as aforesaid, together with a pair of woolen hose for each, as per same article, five thousand nine hua dred and twenty-three dollars. For third of ten installments, to be used by the Secretary of the Interior in tne purcna-e or aucn articles as from time to time the conditions and neces- ties may indicate to be proper, the sum of ten dollars, foreaca Indian roaming, as per same article, a sum not exceed ing five thousand dollars. - For pay of a physician, one thou sand four hundred dollars. For second of twenty installments for pay of teacher and furnishing nec essary books and stationery, under seventh article same treaty, three thou sand dollars. For first of three installments for the purchase of seeds and implements for such Indians as shall continue to farm, (say fifty : souls,) one thousand two hundred and fifty dollars. For pay of second blacksmith, iron aad steel, as per felghth article same treaty, two thoussJid dollars. For second of Jfen installments, to be used by the Sliretary of the Inte rior in the purchase of such articles as from time to timeline condition and ne cessities of the Indians may indicate to be proper, the sum of twenty dollars for each Indian enjgaged in agriculture, as per ninth article, of the same treaty, a sum not exceeding twenty thousand dollars. f For second of four installments to furnish said Indians -with flour and mkt, as per ninth article treaty May sefen, eighteen hundred aad and sixty ejht, one hundred ' and thirty one thousand four hundred dollars. For second ot three installments to be expended in presents to tbe ten per sons of said tribe, who in the judgment of the agent, may grow the most val uable crops, as per twelfth article same treaty, five hundred dollars. For pay of carpenter, miller, engin eer, farmer and blacksmith, as per fif teenth article of same treaty, five thou sand two hundred dollars. For insurance and transportation of goods, eight thousand dollars. .'.. DELAWARES. , For life annuity to chief, per private article to supplemental treaty twenty fourth September, eighteen hundred aud twenty-nine, to treaty of third October, eighteen hundred and eight een, one hundred dollars.' Provided, Tbat satisfactory evidence shall be shown to the Secretary of the Interior tbat the chief provided for by said pri vate article is still alive. For interest on forty-six thousand and eighty dollars, t five per centum, being the value of thirty-six sections of land set apart by treaty of eighteen hundred and twenty-nine for educa tion, per Senate resolution June thir teen, eighteen bnndred and thirty-nine and fifth article treaty of May sixth, eighteea hundred and fifty-six, two thousand three hundred and four dol lars, .j,. D'WAMISH AND OTHER ALLIED ; TRIBES IN WASHINGTON TER RITORY. ' . For twelfth installment on one hun dred and fifty thousand dollars, under the direction of the President, per sixth article treaty twenty-second Jan uary, eighteen bnndred. and mty-ttve, six thousand dollars. . For twelfth of twenty installments for tbe establishment and support of an agricultural and industrial school, and to provide said school with a suitable instructor or instructors, per fourteenth article treaty twenty-second ; January, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, three thousand dollars. . For tw elfth. of twenty Installments for tbe support of a smith and carpen ter shop, and furnishing it with neces sary tools, five hundred dollars. - For twelfth of twenty, installments for the employment of a blacksmith, carpenter, farmer and physician, who shall furnish medicines lor toe sick, per fourteenth article treaty twenty second January, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, tour tnousana six nunarea dollars. , ' , FLATHEAD3 AND OTHER CONFED. ERATED TRIBES. , - Forth third of five; installments on one hundred and twenty thousand dol lars; being the third series- for benefi cial objects at the discretioa of the President, per foarth article treaty six teenth July, etgn teen nunarea and imy- five, four taoacaaa aouars. " - For twelfth of twenty, iastallmeints for: the support of an r agricultural and industrial : school, : keeping io. re pair the buildings, aad providing suit able furniture, books aad stationery, per fifth article treaty sixteenth July, eighteen hundred and fhty-five, "three huadred dollars. ; 1 i For twelfth of twenty Installments for providing suitable instructors there for, per fifth article treaty sixteenth July, eighteea hundred and fi(tyfie, one thousand eight -' haadred dollars. ' For twelfth of twenty installments for keeping ia repair blacksmiths', tia aad gunsmiths', carpenters aad wag on and plow makers' shops aad provid ing necessary tools therefor, per fifth ar tela treaty sixteenth Jaly, eighteea hundred aad fifty-five, five hundred dollars. - - - -. i For twelfth of twenty installments for tbe employment of two farmers, two millers, oae blacksmith, one tinner, one gunsmith, -one carpenter, aad one wagon and piow maker, per fifth arti cle treaty sixteenth July, eighteen bun- urea nod hfty-bvs, seven thousand f jur hundred dollars. , For twelfth of twenty installments for keeping in repair siw and. flouring mills, and for furnishing the necessary tools and fixtures therefor, per fifth -article treaty sixteenth July eighteen huadred and fifty-five, five hundred dollars. Fortwelfth of twenty installments for keeping iu repair the hospital and providing tbe necessary medicines and furniture therefor, per fifth article treaty sixteenth July, eighteea hundred and fifty-five, three hundred dollars. For twelfth of twenty installments for pay of a physician, per fifth article treaty sixteenth July, eighteen hun dred and fifty five, one thousand four hundred dollars. For twelfth of twenty installments for Keeping in repair the buildings re quired for tbe various employees, and , furnishing the necessary furniture , therefor per fifth at tide trtaty sixteenth : July, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, three hundred dollars. For twelfth of twenty installments for the pay of each of tbe head chiefs 1 of tbo Flatheads, Kootenay, and Upper Pend d'Oreilles tribes, per fifth article treaty sixteenth July, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, one thousand five hun dred dollars. For insurance and transportation of anuuity goods and provisions to said Indians, per fifth article treaty of July sixteenth, eighteen hundred and fifty five, two thousand dollars. GROS VENTRES. For this amount to be expended in such goods, provisions, and other arti cles, as the President may from time to time determine, including insurance and transportation thereof, in instruct ing in agricultural arid mechanical pursuits, in providing employees, ed ucating children, procuring medicine and medical attendance, care for and support of the aged, sick, and infirm tor the helpless orphans of said Indi ans, and in any other respect to pro mote their civilization, comfort and improvement, tnirty-five thonsand dol-' lars. IOWAS. For interest in lieu of investment on fifty seven thousand five hundred dol lars, balance of one hundred and fifty ceren thousand five hundred dollars, to the first of July, elghten hundred and seventy-one, at five per centum per an num, tor education or other beneficial purposes, under tbe direction of the President, per ninth article of treaty of May seventeen, eightsen hundred and fifty-four, two thousand eight hun dred and seventy-fire dollars. KANSAS. For interest in lieu of investment on two hundred thousand dollars, at five per centum per annum, per second article treaty of Janutry fourteen, eighteen hundred and lurty-jix, ten thousand dollars. KICKAPOOS. For eighteenth installment of inter est on one hundred thousand dollars, at five per centum per annum, for ed ucational and other beneficial purposea, per treaty of May eighteen, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, five thousand dollars. For eighteenth installment on two hundred thousand dollars, to be paid in eighteen hundred and seventj-two, per second article treaty eighteenth May, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, five thousand dollars. KLAMATH AND MODOC INDIANS. For the first of five installments, to be applied under tbe direction of the President, as per second ar.icle trca'y ot October fourteen eighteen hundred and sixty-four, five thousand dollars. For fifth of twenty installments for keeping in repair one saw-mill, one flouring mill, buildings for tbe black smith, carpenter, and wagon and plow maker, the manual labor ecbool, and hospital, as per fourth article treaty of October fourteen, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, one thousand dollars. For sixth of twenty installments for the purchase of tools and material for saw and flour mills, carpenter, black smith, wagon and plow maker's shops, and books and stationery for the man ual labor school, as per fourth article treaty of October fourteen, eighteea hundred and sixty-four, one thousand five hundred dollars. . For sixth of fifteen installments, for pay and subsistence of one Superintend ent of farming, one- farmer, one blacksmith, one sawyer, one carpenter and one wagon aud plow maker, as per fifth article treaty of October fourteen, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, six thousand dollars. For sixth of twenty installments to pay salary and subsistence of one phy sician, one miller, and two school teachers, as per fifth article treaty of October fourteen, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, three thousand six hun dred dollars. '.'". MAKAH TRIBE. For second of ten installments of thirty thousand dollars, (being tbe fifth series,) under direction of tbe Presi dent, as per fifth article treaty of Jan uary thirty-one, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, one thousand dollars. For twelfth ot twenty installments for support of a smith and carpenter's shop, and to provide the necessary tools therefor, per eleventh article treaty thirty-first January, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, five hundred dollars. - -. . Fortwelfth of twenty .Installments tor tbe support of an agricultural and industrial school, and pay of teachers, two thousand five hundred dollars. For twelfth of twenty installments for tbe employment of a blacksmith, carpenter, farmer, and physician, who shall furnish medicine' for tbe sick, four thousand six hundred dollars; MENOMONEES. for sixth of fifteen 'installments of annnity upon two huadred and : forty two thousand six haadred aad eighty six dollars, for cession of lands, per fourth article treaty May twelve, eight een hundred and fifty four, and Senate amendment thereto, sixteen thousand one hundred and seventy nine dollars and six cents. . t MIAME3 OF KANSAS. For permanent provision for black smith and assistant, and iron and steel for shop, per fifth article treaty Sixth October, eighteen hundred and eight- een, and fourth article treaty June five, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, nine hundred and forty dollars. For permanent provision for miller,, in lieu of-gunsmith, per fifth article treaty sixth October, eighteen hundred and eighteen, fifth article treaty twenty-third October, eighteen hundred and thirty-four, and fourth article treaty fifth June, eighteen hundred and fifty four, six hundred dollars. " r For interest on fifty thousand dol lars at five per centum, for educational purposes, per third article treaty fifth June, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, two thousand five hundred dollars. ' For twelfth of twenty " installments upon two -hundred thousand dollars, per third article treaty fifth June eight een hundred and fifty-four, seven thou sand five hundred dollars. - MIAMIES EEL RIVER.' ., ft -- . -. - -: . i: K: - - ' For permanent annuity in goods or otherwise, per fourth article treaty third August, seventeen bnndred -and ninety-five, five hundred dor!arv - For permanent annuity in goods or otherwise, per articles treaty twenty- -first August, ' eighteea huadred and five, two hundred and fifty dollars.'- ; - For permanent annuity in goods or otherwise, per third and separate arti cles ot treaty of thirtieth September, -eighteen bnndred and nine, three ban- -dred and fifty, dollars. - - -WV MIAMIES OF IND1ANA.. j ' For interest on two ban it red! and twenty-one thousand two hundred and fifty-seven dollars and eigbty-six cents ' uninvested, at five per, centum, per Senate amendment to foarth article treaty fifth June, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, eleven thousand and sixty two dollars and eighty niao cents.... , M0LT3LS. - :; For pay of teachers of manual labo- schoots, for all necessary materials therefor, and for tbe subsistence or vne pupils, two thousand dollars. MIXED SHOSHONES, BANNOCKS, ' AND SHEEPEATERS.- ; ' For this amount to be expended in such goods, provisions and other - ar ticles as the President rear from time to time determine including insurance and transportation thereof in instructing in agricultural and mechanical pur suits, la providing employees, educat ing children, procuring medicine and medical attendance, care for and sup port, of the aged, sick and infirm, -for the helpless orphans of said Indians, and in any other respect to promote their civilization, comfort, aad improve ment, twenty-five thousand dollars.'- . NAVAJ0E3. -, , . For third of ten installments of such articles of clothing, or raw material in lieu thereof, for eight thousand Nava4 joe Indians, not exceeding five dollars per Indian, as per eighth article or treaty of June one, eighteen' hundred and sixty-eight, forty thonsand dollars.- ,:...,,- r . ' , 3 - For last of three, installments for seeds and agricultural implements for fourteen hundred families, at the rate of twenty-five dollars per family, as per seventh article same treaty, thirty five thousand dollars. ; For second of ten installments to be U3ed by the Commissioner ot Indian affairs in tbe purchase of such articles as from time to time the condition and necessities of the Indians may indicate to be proper, the sum of ten dollars to each person who engages in farming or mechanical pursuits, (one thousand four hundred familes,) as per eighth article of tbe same treaty, . fourteen thousand dollars. For pay of two teachers, two thou sand dollars. . For insurance and transportation of goods, fifteen thousand dollars. . NEZ PERCE3 INDIANS. For second of five installments of third series for beneficial objects, at the discretion" of the President, p?r fourth article treaty of June eleven, eighteen hundred and sixty-five, six thousand dollars. ; For twelfth of twenty installments for the support of two schools, one of which to be an agricultural and indus trial school, keeping in repair school buildings, and for providing suitable furniture; books and stationery, per fifth article treaty June eleven, eight een hundred and fifty-five, five hun dred dollars. For twelfth of twenty installments for tbe employment ot one superin tendent of teaching, and two teachers, per fifth article treaty June eleven; eighteen hundred and fifty-five, three thousand two hundred dollars. . OTTAWAS AND CHIPPEWAS OF " MICHIGAN. For last of four eaual annual instal ments in coin of the sum of two hun dred and six thousand dollars, being the unpaid part of the principal sum of three hundred and six thousand dollars to be distributed oer capita, in tbe usual manner of paying annuities, par third article or tbe treaty or tnirty-nrst July, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, titty-one thousand nve nnnarea aoi-lars. OTTOE3 AND MISSOURIAS. For fourth of fifteen instalments, be ing the third series, in money or other wise, per fourth article treaty fifteenth March, eighteen hundred and fifty-four nine thousand dollars. " , PAWNEE 3. ' For perpetual annuity, at least one- half of which to be in goods and such articles as may be deemed necessary for them, per secood article treaty twenty-fourth September, eighteen hun dred and fiity-seven, thirty thousand dollars. For support of two manual labor schools, per third article treaty Sep tember twenty-four, eighteen hundred and 6 fly-seven, ten thou send dollars. For pay of one farmer, two black smiths and two apprentices, one miller and apprentice, one engineer, and two teachers, five thonsand seven hundred and eighty dollars. - For pay of physician and purchase of medicines, one thousand dollars. For the purchase of iron and steel and other necessaries for the shops, five hundred dollars. For the purchase of farming utensils and stock, twelve hundred dollars. For repair of grist and saw mills, three hundred dollars. For transportation and iosnranee,nd necessary cost of delivery of annuities for the Pawnees, two thousand dol lars. V-r -.-' . PONCAS. w , For eighth of ten Instalments, (sec ond series,) to oe paid to mem or ex pended for their benefit, ten thonsand dollars. For this amount to be expended dur ing tbe pleasure ot tbe President in furnishing such aid aad assistance in agricultnral and mechanical pursuits, including tbe working of the mill, as provided by second article of tbe treaty of March twelve, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, as tbe Secretary of the In terior may consider advantageous and necessary, seven thousand five hundred dollars. . : . ; , For this amount, or so much thereof as may be, necessary, to be used at tbe discretion of the President, to carry oa tbe work of aiding and instructing the Ponoas in the arts of civilization, witn a view to their self-support, and for subsistence and clothing, ten thousand dollars. -.; ; .;; ,,. ;, . . POTTAWATOMIE3. For permanent annnity in silver, per fourth article treaty third August, sev enteen hundred and ninety-five, four hundred and eighteen dollars and thirty nve cents. - - For permanent annuity ia silver, per third article treaty thirtieth septetnoer eighteen hundred aad nine, two bun dred and nine, two hundred and nine dollars and eighteea cents. For permanent annuity in silver, per third article irv -cona veto oer eiehteen hundred aud n'n, one thousand and forty-five dulUu aid eighty-seven cents. For permanent annuity ia money ,per second article treaty twentieth Septem ber, eighteen huadred and twenty-eight, eight hundred and thirty-six dollars and sixty-nine cents. ' For permanent annnity in specie, per second article treaty twenty-ninth July, eighteen huadred aud twenty-nine, six thousand six hundred and ninety-three dollars and fifty-eight ceats. For life annuity to chief, (Alexander Ro jinson, per' third article treaty of October twenty, eighteen haadred aad thirty-two, and third article treaty September twenty-six, eighteea hun dred aad thirty-three, five hundred dollars : Provided, That satisfactory evidence shall be shown to the Secre tary of the Interior that the said chief provided for by said articles is still For educational purposes, fire thou sand dollars.1: "; ' ' v For permanent provision for payment of money, in liea of tobacco, iron, and steel, per second article treaty twenti eth September, eightheen haadred' and twenty-eight, and tenth ' article of the treaty of the fifth and seventeenth Jane, eighteen' hundred and ' forty-six,: one hundred- apd twenty five dollars aad fifty cents. : For permanent provisions for three blacksmiths and assistants, and for iron and steel for shops, per third article treaty sixteenth October, eighteen hua dred and twenty-six,' second article treaty twentieth September, eighteen haadred and twenty-eight, and second article treaty twenty-ninth Jaly; eight een hundred and twenty-dine, one thou sand oae hundred and seventy-nine dollars and seventy-four cents. -' Fo 'permanent' provision for fifw barrels of, per second article of treaty twenty-ninth July, eighteea hun dred and twenty-nine, one hundred and eighty-three dollars aad three ceiits. -----'. For iaterest oa tw haadrod and sixty -eight thaasaad niae haadred and ninety -eight doUri aad seventeen cents at ova per centum. In conformity with provisions of article seven of treaties of Jane five aud ssvi-ateea, eighteen han 't red aad forty -six, thirteen thousand four haadred and forty-nine dollars and ninety cents. : For this amount to be chargsd to t h Pottawatomie fund, to aaable the Pres ident of the Uaitad States to earry oat the provisions of then third article .of tbo treaty or November fifteen, eight eeo haadred aad sixty oae, with the Pottawatomie Iadian, as modiiied by the treaty of March tweuty-uine, eight eea haadred aad ity-. by pcy-" to those two bnndsod and fifty mem bers of tbe triba whw bavo aleeted U become citizens, ia' -acoerdance with : said artlels, tha proportion f the) cash value of the Pottawatomie annuities to which they are enttthd, oast haadred aad thirty-two thousand three haadred and fiftyssix dollars aad sixty-five cents, , or so much thereof a may be necessary : to comply with the previsions of said treaties, of which amount forty-five thousand eight hundred aad aeventy one dollars aad fifty-six cents, or so much .thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated lu; coin, as coo-i temptated id treaties of November fif- i teen, eighteea huadred, aad sixty-one, t and March twenty-nine, eighteea hue- dred and sixty-six.. . And the Secretary ' of the Interior is hereby antborized to ; cell two hundred aud' fifty twenty-one-1 hundred-and-eightieth parts of the ser eral classes of bonds origionally held (before the distribution made to the six hundred Pottawatomies by act of; July twenty-seven, eighteea hundred and sixty -eight) by him in trust for and : belonging to said Pottawatomie Indians ; and pay the proceeds thereof without any deduction, in compliance with the provisions of said treaties, it being tbe ' share of the above mentioned two bun- : dred and fifty persons in the bonds be- ' longing to said Indiana. - - POTTAWATOMIES OF HURON. For permanent annuity, In money or otherwise, per second article treaty of November seventeen, eighteea hundred 1 and seven, four hundred dollars. v . . QUAPAWS. if, "'' For this amount, "to be expended Ins inch goods, provisions, aad other arti cles as the President may from time to ; time determine, iaclnding insurance and transportation thereof, in Instruct ing in agricultural and mechanical pur-, suits, in providing employees, educat ing children, procuring medicine and. medical atteadance, care for and sup port of the aged, sick, and infirm, for the helpless orphans of : said Indians, and in any other-respect to promote their civilzation and improvement, two thousand six hundred and sixty -dol lars.- ; " ' ', -' QUI-NAI-ELT AND QUIL-LEH-UTE INDIANS. - For the second of five Instalments on twenty-five thousand dollars (being tbe first series) for beneficial objects, un. der the the direction of the President, per rourtn article treaty or July one, eighteen - hundred and fifty-five, one : thousand dollars. - Fortwelfth of twenty Instalments for tbe support of an agricultural and in dustrial school, and for pay of suitable instructors, per tenth article treaty July one, eighteen hundred and fifty-flve,two thousand five hundred dollars. For twelfth of twenty instalments for support of smith and carpenter shop, and to provide the necessary tools there tor, per tenth article treaty July one, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, five hundred dollars. For twelfth of twenty instalments for the employment of a blacksmith, car penter, aud farmer, and a pbysieiaa, who shall furnish medicines for the sick, per tenth article treaty July one, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, four thousand one hundred dollars. RIVER CROWS. ' Ear this amount, to be expended for. such goods, prortaionS, and other arti cles as the President from time to time may determine, including' insuranoe and transportation thereof, in instruct ing in agricultural and mechanical pur suits, in providing employees, educat ing children, procuring medicine and medical attendance, care for and sup port of the aged, sick, and infirm, for the helpless orphans of said Indians, and in any other respect to promote their civilization, comfort.and improve ment, thirty thousand dollars. , ' I Mdf fifty) Collita aaJI Hi f cents. .,"'!'.:.', ROGUE RIVER3. , " For second of five instalments la -blankets, clothing, farming utensils, and stock, per third article treaty Sep tember ten, eighteen hundred aad fifty three, three thousand dollars. sac3 and f0xe3 of the missis- ' sippi. ; . . i For permanent annuity in goods or -otherwise, per third article treaty No vember three, eighteen hundred and four, one thousand dollars. For interest on two hundred thou sand dollars, at five per centum, per second article treaty October twenty one, eighteen hundred and thirty-seven ten thousand dollars. ' For interest on eight hundred thou sand dollars, at five per centum, per -secoad article treaty October eleven, eighteen hundred aad forty-two, forty thousand dollars. For third of five instalments for sap port of a physician and purchase of medicines, oae thousand. five haadred dollars. ' , For third of fire instalments for sup plying said ; tribes with tobacco - and salt, three hundred aad fifty dollars. SACS AND FOXES OF MISSOURI. For interest on one hundred and fifty seven thousand fonr hnadred dollars, at five per centnm, under the direction of tbe President, per second article " treaty of October tweoty-oae, eighteea ' hundred aad thirty-seven, seven thon sand eight haadred aad seventy dol-.. lars. '- t ri P';:t;-iMi rs v-. For interest on eleven thousand six ' hundred aad fifteen dollars aad tweaty ., five cents, at five per ' centnm, ' from Jane seventeen," eighteen hundred aad sixty-five,to January one.eighteen bna- ; dred and seventy , two thousand six hun. dred and thirty-six dollars, aad forty nine cents. v.-: i-- " ' i .; :! . .;.' t -j SEMINOLES. :,, - , , :. :; -V t-.-,: -..:..-...,'! ! : " For five per centnm interest oa two 1 hundred aad fifty tboaeaad dollars, to ' be paid as aaaaity, per eighth article treaty August seven, eighteea haadred aad fifty-six, twelve thousand five hun-f-?4.t4larav.'.s j.t:'.-.-i . . 1" u't on two hundred aad fifty thousand, ddiltr, at five per centum, to h paid as Muuitr. fiber ha vino- joined their brethren mmtt,) par eighth arucie treaty August seven eighteea ' hundred aad fifty six, twelve thousand five haadred dollars. - ; For iaterest oa fifty thousand dollars -at the rate ot . five per centum per an aum, " to be paid aanually for the sup. port of schools,", as per. third article treaty of March, twenty-on, eighteen hundred and. slxtv-sl, two tboaeaad ' five hundred dollars.., .. i a For Interest on twenty thousand dol lars, at the rate of fire per can turn per ' annum, "to be paid annually," for the -support of the Seminole, government, a per third -article treaty of March twenty-one, eighteea haadred and sixty six, one thousand dollars. , i:..;f.. . . -'.'.'.'.'' ,.-,'-'-:;' - - BTOKflAH.i-wi .' " - 1 - - For permanent annuity In specie, per foarth article treaty September twety- i nine, eighteea hundred and seventeen, five hundred dollars.; . ,:''; ,..,' -For permaaent aunuity In specie, per fourth, article treaty September seven- : teen, - eighteea .haadred and eighteea. five hundred dollars. . , I . For blacksmith ed assistant, shops ana tools, iron and steel, to be applied as stipalated in seveath article treaty of February twenty-three, eighteea hundred aid sixty-seven, one thousand aad sixU dollars. -. ...,, . : '.. Wot miller, during the pleasure of the Presideat, six haadred dollars. , ':. .,-..., 'J-JIij-n fjr :.:,- rjs- . , : 8ENECAS OF NEW YORK. For permanent staaatty, ia liea of in terest -on, stock, per aet of February aineteen, eighteea hundred and thirty : one, six tboaeaad dollars. . i . --..' .1 For iaterest to Uef tavesteseeuVon sev2ly-five -tboaeaad 4elare, at fire . per eeetasB.peraetef Jeae tweetv-tevea igbttea ttvidrtd aad forty-eia, thr thousand seven ban dred aad fifty dol- . -- For iatereet, at tire per eeata a, on forty-three thousand and fifty dollars, transferred from the Ontario Eank to -the Uaitad " Statts treasury, fer act of . Jane twen?y-eevee Ighteea haadred aed fortyilx, two thousand oa hun- Vof permanent' aaenltv.'ta en.!.',. J' fourth article treaty Setter r sevea- teea, gore en ntrndred at J enteen,' oae thonsand dollars?. '- - Wot blacksmith' aad assistant,- shop and tools, lroa snttf steel, on thoMmady end sixty dollars . - - : o - 8HAWNEES, QUAP'JwS, C0NFBD1 ERATED PEORIAS, KASSa:SKIAS", r, WE AS, AND PlANKESAWS, OT-. , TAWAS OF BLANCH ARD '8 FORK,' AND ROCHE DB BOJUF, ASCER TAIN WYAND0TT3. ' " For third ef five Instalments ' for' blacksmith aad assistant, shop - and tools, iron and steel for shop tor Shaw nee s, fire hundred dollars. For third of six lnstalmnU for pay of blacksmith, and . for necessary iron and steel and tools for Peoria, Kashas skias, Wees, and Planksshaws, . one thousaad one hundred and .twenty three dollars and tweaty-alae cants. .-,,'-:-.-' gffXWNEES.""'' "' Vnr nmnisMt aanltr tor ed M nation al purposes, per fonrth article treaty August three, seventeen bnndred aad ninety-five, and third article treaty Mar tea. eignteea nunarea ana nrty- fonr, one thonsand dollar. " For permanent annuity, in specie,ror educational purposes, per foarth article treaty September' twenty-nine, -eigbt- n kfinrimd and seventeen, and third article treaty May ten, eighteea ban- - . a a . dred ana fifty-roar, two tnousana dol lar. -; i-" ' ;:; """ ' for Intjireat. at five ner centnm. on forty thonsand dollars, for edueatioaal purposes, per tnira article treaty saay ten, eighteea hundred and fifty-four, two thousand dollars. ; - . ' . s SHOSHONES. ' .. -' ' ' i - i. k.j- . - i ',':. j ?' - IA8TIRM BASDS. . . For eight of twenty instalment, to be expended, npder tbe direction of the President, ia the purchase of such ar ticles a be may deem suitable to their wants, either as hunters or herdsmen, per fifth article treaty July two, eights een hundred and sixty-three, ten thou sand dollars... t ;sv.;V.tV v ' wesT-aav' naMe.""- ' For eighth of twentieth instalments, to be expended, aader the direotioa of the Presideat, ia the purchase of such article a he may deem saltable to the r want, either as hunter or herdsmen, per aeveath article treaty Ootober one, elgbteea hundred aad aixty-three, five thoaaaad dollar, a. . d-v . . HOBTUWBSTB BAaDS. , . , For eighth of twenty Instalment, to he expended, nnder the direction of tbe President, in tbe purchase or sncn ar ticle as he may deem suitable to their waats, either as hunters or Herdsmen, per third article treaty Jaly thirty. eighteen hnndred aad aiity-thre, five thousaad dollars. O0SHIP Ba0. For eighth of twenty instalments, to be expended, aader direct loo of tbe President, in the purchase of such arti cles, Including caul for herding or other purposes, a he hall deem auita- ' ble to their want ' aad condition a hunter or herdsmea, one thousand dollars. ' SHOSHONES AND BANNOCKS. .. eaosBoaas. ... - For first of three instalments for the purchase of seed and implement to the head of families or lodges who shall continue to farm, (any one hnndred families,) two thoosand five hundred' dollar. . For second of thirty instalment to purchase eight hundred suits of cloth ing for males over fourteen years of age tbe flannel, hose, calico, and domestics for elgbt hundred females over the age of twelve years, and sacb goods as may be needed to makaaoite for eight hun-"" dred boyj and girls,. thirteen thousand eight hundred and seventy-four dol lars., , For first of ten instalments for the purchase of such articles as may be considered proper by the Secretary of the Interior for one tboasand eight hun dred person roaming, and six hundred person engaged ia agriculture, thirty thousand dollars. For"pay of physician, teacher, ear penter, engineer, farmer, and black--smith, as per tenth article treaty Jnly three, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight -six thousand eight hnndred dollars. For first of three. Instalments .to be expended in present for tbe ten per sons who grow tbe most valuable crops, under same act and treaty, five bnndred dollars., For pay of second blacksmith aud furnishing iron and steel and other ma. terials, nnder same article of said treaty, two thousaad dollars. ,' , . . aHOCIS., ' For second of thirty instalments to purchase four hundred suits of clothiqg for male over fourteen year of age, ' the flannel, hose, ealieo, aad domestic ' for fonr baodred female ever the age of twelve year, aad such flannel aod cotton frooda aa ma ha nadad tA maka suit for four hundred boy and girl, six thousand nine haadred aad thlrtv- eeeea doliare.' ruw ,j For eeoond ef tea Instalment for the purchase of each arttole aa may be considered bmbo tv ik Dunux r the Interior for eight bnndred parsons roaming, ana roar nunarea persons en geged In agTleultnre, sixteea tboasand dollar. -! t,t e ... For parches of seeds aad agricultu ral implem.Lt i to to furnish ed the beade ef families or lodge who desire to eem oience farming, Un thousaad dollar, i For Mr ill nhvalelut txkv penter, engineer, farmer,- aad black- luuu, six tnousana eignt nunarea dol lar. . ;:. L.-..,v. - For second of three Inatalmanta In he expended ia present for the ten per sons woo grow toe most vaiuaoi drops five haadred dollar. ; For trananartailnn nf mwula th-ft m. be purchased for tbe btooaaone aad oauoocas, uiieea oouars. SHOSHONES AND BANNOCKS, AND OTHER BANDS -OF IDAHO AND 'Z SOUTHEASTERN. OREGON. ," For thi amount, to be expended la uch goods, provision, or other arti cle as the President may from, time to time determine, Iaclnding insuranc and treasportatioa thereof ; la Instruct ing In agricultural pursuit ; la provid- -lag employee, educating children, pro curing medicine aad medical attend ance ; care for had Support of the aged, sick, and Infirm; for the helpless or phan of said Indiana ; and la any otiur re.'pect to promote their civilisation, comfort, aod improvmeat, forty thou aid dollar. '" - ' 'i .,,--'l'ia.i? lv fx. it, '; SIX NATIONS OF NEW YORK. - - " . . ,,. g, , For permanent annuity la clothing aad ether qserul articles, per alxth ar ticle treaty November seventeen, seven t tea huadred and eiaety-foarj four thoaaaad five haadred dollar. ; SIOUXF DIFFERENT TRIBES, IN- 'I 'CLpDlJid SNTEH BlUUXlJf - STATE OF N8BR3KA.' - .- : For the erection of a steam circular sawmill, with gristmill aad shingle machine Attached, eight thousand dol, .,.: ,.'! . .-,vj . Per first ef throe iostelueots for pur chase of d aad impiemeata to be . furnished head of families or lodges, (say eia - haadred,) 'fiftee i thoaaaad i dollar,': nc-v'-s h s-rt-'" 1 " "! .-. ' For pay of aecood, btaeks-oitb, end furaishiag iroa, teel aid et ier aaater lal, two tbeaaaad dollar t : a . i Far secoad of thirty ioetalmer't to parehaeeelotklBy fr nale evr; sr- teea yoare ef tat k M, s4 Oa:..vj r ;iUl . r; ever twelve fr .t e; r 1 f flea el aa -.tua - t i aeeded te a e - t " -oae hnadr foork-'at' r -- T"' f li ve s