Letter from Munchausen. A WATEK SPOUT DEPARTURE FROM URIOUAV AN UNUSUAL PASSAGE TO . chili.; - : ' Talcautano, Cbili, May 1, I ' loft Montevideo and Uruguayan territory about four days ago, by a route that is not much traveled; winch is not to be much wondered at as the facilities are none the best for comfort, rest, or refreshment. On the morning of the 27th of last month (April), I, with two na tives, went outside the harbor, in a small loop i of tea tens, for a few. hours' cruise. -.. The day was quite calm and pleasant, and we were emboJdeued to keep our little craft standing out to sea ucr.il at least ten miles intervened between us and the shore. Toward noon the breeze freshened somewhat and Donna Maria our sloop, danced over the rising waves in & charming manner. . We were com pletely rapt iu our enjoyment and forgot to look out lor danger in tact we antic ipated none when suddenly we were aroused by a loud noise, something be tween a hissing and the roar of thunder, exactly like the escape of a heavy volume of steam under hijrti pressure. . There Was no time for consideration. A tre- Tbe Death Sentence ot Jesus Christ. inendous watenpoat was beariug right down upon us, and before the boat could be put about she was lifted several hun dred' feet iato the air and fell with crasU that broke her up into frasrments. I just bad time to see this effect of the catastrophe when I was again caught up and shot with amazing velocity by : the force of the column oi rising water. It seemed to me that I must have been carried up at least two miles, when found myself struggling on the surface of what appeared to be a vast sea of water and mist.., lbere was no land in si"ht and X felt sure that my hour had come Being a. good swimmer, however, I de termined to keep afloat as long as possi ble in a desperate clinging of nature to life, and 1 struck put manfully without navmg any definite point in view. I he day passed and night came on, and the full moon rolled clorioulv up into the heavens, bringing back to my mind the recollection of a voyage I made on the Pacific ( Ocean twenty years ago, in the whaling ship Mattakeeselt, when during the enchanting nights, we were be calmed in the tropics, we used to assem ble on the main deck over a hundred of us and sing "Roll on, Silver Moon." It was like a lovely dream lkigerinjg ia tb.e memory. On the afternoon the day following I descried a singular object swiftly ap proaching from the west. I made for it and succeeded in grasping hold of what proved to be the buauches of a tree. I clung to it, scarcely knowing why, and suddenly found myself descending. I was concious that my progress laterally Was stopped, and that I was descending the branches of a tall tree, and judge of my surprise when I found myself precip itated to the ground in the midst of a dense nina fnrr.st trrriwinir nn iKa itnmmit of a high i mountain. My situation was at once apparent. I had been carried up by the waterspout into a deuse cloud, which, impelled by a strong easterly wind, bore me swiftly across the .conti nent, and here I was on one of the peaks of the Andes, having made a distance of nearly one thousand miles, as the crow flies, in twenty-seven hours, as near as I could judge, which I think you will say was tolerably gcod traveling. I was chilled through and fatigued, so that rest and warmth were the first demands of my nature. Having no matches or tinder-box I was obliged to produce fire by the ab original method of friction. So to this I applied myself, and after rubbing two dry sticks together assiduously for more than an hour, I was at length gladdened by a .successful 1 result fiist smoke and then a flame. I at once pushed a little pile of leaves and twigs under the side of the trunk of an immense tree that lay prone on the ground, and in a few mo ments more I was quickly smoking my ipo by the side of a blazing fire. Not ing, however, for in a short . time my log, to my consternation, began to crawl slowly away, and utter angry noises. "Would you believe it, instead of a big pine log, as I supposed, it was an enor mous anaconda, probably the largest ever seen by any traveler. It would have oecn a great pleasure for me to have got his skin as a curiosity for the Central Park Museum, but I didn't do it. I did aot remain there long enough. I left, got awayy exiled myself from the spot. Tha Indians who alone inhabit the country commiserated my forlorn condi ; tion and fed and clothed me in such at tire as they bad to afford, and we e kind in forwarding me to the settlements, -i The place where 1 landed from the load was one" hundred and ETty miles from Santiago, the Capitol of Chili. From thence I proceeded through the Kind assistance of the American Charge d 'Affairs, to Talcahuano on the coast which, you. know is but a short distance below Valparaiso. I am here awaiting an opportunity to proceed to Panama, and New York or San Francisco, as instruc tions which I hope to receive from you on ' arriving at Panama, shall direct. Respectively. v . Wm. K. Munchausen. It is hoped that the officers of the State Agricultural society will be able to take such action in regard to the proposed invitation to Horace Greeley, to visit Oregon this fall, as will bring about that highly desirable result. Any rea sonable appropriation of money y that might be necessary to pay his expenses, eteir would be returned fourfold to the Society by aeeuriog Mr. Greeley's attend ance at the fair. The inducement of seeing him and of hearing him deliver the annual address would bring out two thirds of tbo people of Oregon on that : la divorce case heird ; at Bangor, Ke.f on Tuesday, the case was entered in eosrt, noiifraon defendant proved, default ed, testimony beard, divorce decreed, ai certificate Issued in just eight min siee and a quarter. We fi;id in a copy of the New Lon don Coun., Democrat, sent to a friend, the fallowing transcript of tho sentence of death, pronounced upou Jesus Christ, with the specifications upon which the same was founded-'-transiated from the columns of the CahUshe Zsitung a Gor man paper. ; ...s . . ,.- '; v We have been requested by several readers to publish the sentence pronounc ed by Pontius Pilate, late intendant on the Piovince of Lower Galilee, that Jesus of Nazareth shall suffer death by the cross. ; , - . In the seventeenth Tear of tho reisrn of the Kmperjr Tiberius, on the 25th day of the month of March, in the most holy city ot Jerusalem, during the ponti ficate of Annanias and Cataphas. Pontius Pilate, intendant on the Province of Lower Gallilee, sitting in Judgment in the Presidential seat of the prsetor, sentences Jesus of Nazareth to death, on tho cross, between two robbers. as the numerous and notorious testimony of the people proves, 1. J esus is a misleader. 2. He has excited the people to sedition. - , 3. He is an enemy to the laws, i. He calls himself the Soof God. 5. He calls himself falsely the King of Israel. 6. He went into the temple followed by a multitude carrying palms in their. hands. " - '"--!.-- - Order the- first centurion Quirilus Cornelius to' briug hiut to the place of execution. " Forbids all persons, rich or poorj to prevent the execution of Jesus. The witnesses who have signed the execution against Jesus, are 1. Daniel" Rob a hi, Pharisee. 2. John Zorobabel. 3. Raphael Roboui. 4. Capat. Jesus is to be taken out of Jerusalem through the gates of Tournes. This sentence was engraved on a plate of brass, in the Hebrew language and on its 8iaes are the following words : " similar plate has been sent to each tribe It was discovered in the year 12S9, in the city of Aequilla, iu the kiugdom of .Naples, by a search for the Uoman antiq uities by the commissaries in the French army of Italy. Up to the ti'uo of the French campaign iu southern Italy, it was preserved in the sacristy of the Car thusians, near Naples where it was kept in a box cf ebonv. Since then the relic has been kept in the chapel of Caserty. The French trauslatiou was made literaliv by members cf Commission of Arts, Demon had a fac simile of the plate en graved, which was bought by Lord How ard,ou the sale of his cabinet f.r 2,800 francs. There seems to be no historical doubt as to the question of authenticity. The reasons of the sentence correspond exactly with those of the gospel. . A t-'i-rlitiusr Man. A Thrilling Adventure. One dull day in August, just after noon, a balloon- rose in the air at tho foot of Cloet Hills, on the western tdgo of the central plain of Lplaud.T It was inflated with the lightest of gasses which chemical skill could produce, and it rose with amazing velocity. A mile "up and it entered a stratum of cloud more than a thousand feet thick. '; Eiuer"insr from this, the sun shone brightly on the air ship j the sky overhead was of the clearest and depest blue, and below lay cloud-land an immeasurable ; cl ud whoso surface looked as solid as that of the earth not wholly lost to view. Lofty mountains and deep, dark ravines, ap peared below the peaks and sides of these cloud-mountaius next the sun, glittering like snow, but casting shadows as if they were solid rock. Lp rose tho balloon with tremendous velocity. Four miles above the earth a pigeon was let loose ; it dropped down through the air as if it had been a stone. The air was too thin to enable it to fly. It was as if a bark laden to the deck were to pass from the heavy waters of the sea iuto an inland unsalioe Llake; the bark would sink at once into tho thinner water. Up, up, still higher! What a silence profound 1 The hights of tbo sky were as still as tho deepest depths of the ocean, where, as was faund during the search for the lost Atlantic cablo, the fine mud that lies unstirred from year to year as the dust which imperceptibly gathers on-the ' furniture of a deserted house. No Sound, no life- only the bright sunshine falling through a sky which it could not warm. Up five miles above the earth ! higher than the inaccessible summit of Chimbo razo or Dawangiri. Despite the sunshine everything freezes. The air grows too thin to support life, even for a few min- Ono of the generals of the 'Lost Cause" says, at tha time of the attack upon Fort Pillow, the Confederates had converted a Mississippi boat into a cot tonclad, the mate of which was a big, double fitted sample ot a river bully, "full of strange oaths," aud enforcing his orders by knocking men about the head, and said: -." Just before we came into the fight he came swaggering up to me and said : "Well, General, I suppose when one side or the other's licked, you big meD'll quit and shake hands i : ; "Yes, Jim," said I, "when . the fight ing is over, I expect every man to go home and attend to his business." "That ain't me," Jim eaid,smiting his left palm with his fist like a sledge ham mer, '-for if ever I ketch a Yank south of Cairo, I'm going to smash bins." A ten inch shell that came whistling over the boat interrupted any further remarks just then, and shortly after we were putting away at the Federal boat in about as hot a fire as I ever want to see. I am sure that there were one hundred guns opened upon us, and we got one broadside so near that the flash of their guns 6et our cotton bales on fire. Our people fought well the other sido were too strong for U3, and we. had to drop down the river. . During the action, while cannons were roaring, boats sink ing, shells shriekiDg and bursting all around and the air filled with flame and smoke, I quite lost - sight of Jim ; and after we had dropped down tho river, out of the fire end all hands repairing daroa-. ges, that valiant hero crept out from behind a cotton bale'," and sneaking past me with a flag of truce, said :;; "General, I ain't so mad as- I was. This ain't the kind of fighting I'm used to ; and when them fellers get ready to stop throwin them iron pots arouod, I'll quit if they will." - The second agricultural fair ever held in Home has just taken place with grat ifying success- Jd ode ral'arm tools were seen there for the first time, and the sur prise arid wonder of the campagne farmers was something painlul as well as inter esting. Wood's reaper and mower mide its formidable appearance. Some modern English farm tools bad been presented to the Pope, but were carefully stowed away as objects of curiosity in one of the museums, instea'd of thoir being used. It is sad to spend long-years in per- Tpntinnr n inVAntinn ftnlir In bavA it fail . 0 j - - -- - -- when put to a practical : test. But ' if any thing can add to the bitterness ' of such a failure it - must be to have it an nounced in such an unfeeling ' paragraph as the following : "The inventor of a new" fire-escape tried it at theAstor House, last week, and in about the time that a fire would have destroyed a block of houses, reached the sidewalk, with all his ' wearing apparel except bis boots, drawn up aruuuu ma iievik. Tha Knrrrx?iiinto Uniim savs that the rapid purchase and large shipments of wool from California are due to a convic tim ' that the - nrevailinsr epidemic at Buenos Ayres will be fatal to the ship ment of wool from the Kio i de la Plata this rear. The amount counted on trom that quarter was 125,000,000 pounds. Aa Iowa farmer inculcated early ris ing ia a little orphan bound boy by set ting him on a hot stove for getting up Iato. The Trinity Church Property. ONE OF THE ANNEKE JANS BOUGHT OFF FOtt Sl,Oj(iD,oOO A GROCER OP IN DIANAPOLIS THE HJCKV PERSON. Indianariolis is steadily keeping pace with her sister cities in the matter of first class sensations The last we have to chronicle is in reference to a settlement of sotae New York property, by which W. II. Caldwell, a well-known grocer oi this city becomes possessed of a cool million. The following is a brief history of the ease : For the past thirty or forty years the relatives of Mr. Caldwell have been identified with the movement of the Anneke Jans heirs to obtain possession ot the Trinity Church property. They based their expectations upon the fact that one or two Anuckes are in the fam ily, and some deeds, leases and other pa pers that have been handed down through the family. Finally they all be came disgusted and gave up the claim, refusing to have anything further to do with the matter. These papers came into the possession of Mr. Caldwell, and when he received a letter from an uncle in the South, saying that a representative of the A n 1 1 eke Jans heirs had called upon him for information which he wa sup posed to possess in reference to the claim, he turned his whole attention to the mat ter of looking up the record. He finally became convinced that the papers he held was of the greatest value to the Trinity Church corporation, and accordingly about five years since, he made a p.-opo .sitiou to tho trustees- to sell them for 8100,000, which was refused. Mr. Cald well thru mad'i another examination aod discovered that the papers he held refer red to eight acres of land immediately adjoining the Trinity Church property, fronting on i?ultpn street and Uroadway. utes. Two men only are in that ndveti- ! Further examination showed that in the turous balloon the one steering the air ship, the other watching: the scientific instruments, and recording them with a rapidity bred of long practice. Sudden ly as the latter looks at his instruments his sight grows dim j he takes a lens to help his sight, and only marks from his falling barometer that they are ris ing rapidly. A flask of brandy lies with in a foot of him ; he tried to reach it but his arm refused to obey his wilt. He tries to call ou his comrade, who has gone up iuto the ring above ; a whisper in deep silence would suffice but no sound comes from his lips--he is voiceless. The stecn-uiau comes down into the carj he sees his comrade iu a swoon, aud feci' his own senses failing hint. He saw at once that life and death hunjr upou a few moments. Ha seized or tried to seize the valve, in older to open it and let out tho gas. His hands are purple witii intense coid they are para lysed, they will not He seized the viive year 1773 John Cosine, his great grand father, leaded the pr.rperty f r 09 years, previous to removing to Pennsylvania. In leases of this kind, eldom if any thing is heird of the property again ' by i he heirs of the original owner, but iu this instance Mr. Caldwell clearly and fully established lie record to '.he prop erty, the lease ou which expired in 18t."i. lie made another proposition, this time to the porsous occupying the eight acres, offering to -ell his individual interest and the papers in I is possession forSl,0J!', UUO. After .examining Mr. Caldwell's papers and the records, tho gentlemen, through their agent, agreed to the terms, and i'U last Friday Mr. Caldwell left for New Yoik to close up the transfer. Yes terday he returned home, having in his possession the authority of the ac-eupants to draw ou them for 1,000,000. Mr. Caldwell says that after arranging his Anecdote' of O en era! Jackson. busiuess matters', in this city he will respond to h; wiil. l spend the rest ot his days in Kenlnc-ny.. with his teeth, it ' which is the native State of himself and opened a little once, twice, tin ico balloon began to --descend. -.Then swooned marksman returned to his The j wife, lie takes his good fortune very the i considerately, but s.iys he is on hunt for cou-J more. While in 'New York le learned sciousnuss, and saw the steersman stand- j of 200 acres in Harlem that, was in the ing before him. He looked at his instru ment ; but now the barometer was rising rapidly; the ballojn was descending. Brandy was used. They had been higher above earth than mortal man or possession of John Cosine at the time of the lease of the eight acres referred to above, aud he is satisfied that ho can work out full and satisfactory claim to a It lie does, believes it, i Conxiius auderoiit will : have to pay j t he balance of the purchase money on his senses were failing him, ad i iamous Harlem freight dpot site. Jit- with its intensely rarefied diumijiolis (lad.') Journal, June 2d. A disconsolate citizen of New Orleans put the following question to one of the papers published there : . - 'iur. Xioytur-! hat what I wish to ask yoa U whether strychnine what the police gives to dogs won't pizen the hu man being after sassiogers baa been fried. Please put in the paper bow this ia, fur if fried strychnine is pizen, I go again : jours, till poisoned' Handkerchief Drawing across the getting acquainted. Drawing across the the eyes : I am sorry. Takinir by the center : you are too willing. Dropping: we will be frienJs. Twirling in both hands : indifference. Drawing across the cheek : I love you. Drawing through the bauds : I hate you. - JjettiDg it rest oa the right cheek : yos. Letting it rest on the left check : uo. Twirling in the left hand : I wish to get rid of you. Iwiriing in the right hand-:. 1 love another." f . Folding it : I wish to speak with you. Over the shoulder : follow me. Opposite corners iu both hands: wait for uie. s Drawing across the forehead : we are watched. i Placing it on the right car r possession of that property -. any living thing bad ever been before, j and he speaks as though he OnejEuinule more ol l'laetioc ot compulse ry inaction on the parr of the steers man, whose the airship gas, would l:avebcen floating unattended, with two corpses in the wide realms of space. A Stratagem. A few evenings f-ineo as Justice Fvans was leaving his ifKee, he was confronted by two charming young ladies, who requested a private interview. Conducting them back to his office, the bland magistrate inquired iu what way he could oblige them. "You are a Justice of the Peace, are you not?" the eldest and by far the prettiest of them inquired. "Yes," he said. "And can marry people that is, can marry a lady V' "Well, yes, if the lady brings a bridegroom along with her. I'm , not a marrying man myself," rejoined the trembling magistrate, fearing lest ; bis own liberty was involved in the issue. Oh. not at all, said the damsel, and turning to her companion, continued, "I reckon, Willie, j'ou can strip ; on these togs. No sooner said than dooe ; the young lady's companion commenced to tear off her dress with a haste that prom ised speedy nudity. Inexpressibly shocked (for the Judge is a very modest man), he turned to escape trom thcroom, vh.n a second glance he could not "re strain revealed to him the fact that the supposed young lady io process of strip ping oft her female gear was not a gui but a strapping boy, who had used the disguise to get his dulcina in tbo pres ence ot a magistrate. Of course this ex plained the situation, aud without more ado the Judge proceeded to joiu theic in holy bonds "until death , or the divorce courts should them sever." In remu neration for his trouble, the bride gave him a smacking kiss, and went on- her way rejoicing, lo use the Judges own expressive phraseology, that kiss was beautiful. A. O Picayune. How to Makf, Love. A sugar hearted love-dunce writes to a literary paper asking how ho shall go to work to win the affections of a woman. , Attend Sapsoul : Don't talk about "going to work" to win the affections of a woman ; it can't be done iu . that way. The more you work iu that way the more the will hate you. Push her into the duck pond and pull her out by the hair. If you are afraid to do this, jump in yourself and let her pull you out. Lend her money, borrow some from her. Make her be lievo that she has deeply wronged you, and then forgive her. Deeply wrong her but don't ask to be forgiveu. In short, contrive either to lay her under a last ing obligation to you, or lay yourself un der a lasting obligation to her. It docs not tuako the difference of a headless pin which, so far as concerns the result. Flirtations. lip desirous of you have I have a changed. ; Placing it on tho left ear message lor you. .Letting it remain on the eve . you very cruel. . inding it around the forefinger am engaged. ' Winding it arouud tho third finger am married. N. 15. Practice makes perfect. Comparative Product of Cerkai.s. The United States pr-xJ aces more grain. in proportion '-to population,- than any otlu r eouutryTirThe' worM. " The" Danu biau Principality -iloutiiauia, is second in ratio ! of production, and liuropcan llu-sia third. v :AeCording to the eo:.8us of 1870, the United State, with a popu latum of Bl.I4o.lo. produced 1,21,- 128.452 bushels of grain of all kinds. This "Wan at the rate of 33. 2 bushols to each 'person. Roumania, with a population of 3,804,- 848, produced 134,49,903 bushels, or just 25 bushels to each person. European Russia, with a population or Gl ,325,923, produced 1 ,358,437.500 bushels or 23 1 bushels to each person, while the- product of all Europe 4,58o, lti'5.821 bushels, "and her population 289,375,284; or just 16 bushels for each person. ... Ry the census of 1853, the United States produced 30.3 bushels for each person then in the country by the same ratio of increase in production, our cen sus of 1870 will allow a product of a little over 40 bushels to the person. America i agriculture runs too much to cram We are exhausting our soil for tho benefit of Mother countries. We had better export less grain and import Jessjsugar, tlax, silk, wine, brandies, etc. Wo as a nation ought, and can produce nearly everything, as a nation, wo want to eat, use er wear. . Wc have the soil, climate, skill, labor, and all tho other elements of production.' We only need a systematic application of the means' in our bands, -Pacific Rural Press, NEW TO-DAY. A widow who resiled in Washinston during Jackson's administration, related the following incide nt to an acquaintance of the writer's. "I never knew," she began, "what it was to have a care or a worry about tho future while tnv hus band lived ; but lie died suddenly, leav ing me poor, with several small children. I tried takiDj; in boarders. Now and then a debtor would take French leave, and urgcunnis nurry to ask for his little Din, ana thus deprive me a wholfl years's labor. Oiie inciate, however, a very stylish clerk in one of the depart ments, was kind euouijb. to stay until ha. owed me more thau five hundred dollars. lie wore the finest broadcloth, and the most expensive jewelry, and patronized me iu such a grand way that I rarely had the courage to dun him. At last, the grocer nearly drove me distracted about the bill I was owing him, aod I went iu despeiation to Mr. Jones. '"Now really, Mrs. ," he said, calmly lookiug down ou me with serene pity, you ought to know that this isn t the way to treat a gentleman of mv standing : I aw fear I shall bo under the necessity of leaving if I am to be annoyed about that paltry sum aiiain." I supposed I was a fool, but dared not answer him, aud withdrew looking as guilty as if he had dunned me Now, Jones often boasted at the table of intimacy with the President. He con descended to speak highly of him as a ura nd old hero, on cordial terms with his friend Mr. Jones. In my distress I actu-l'y put on my bonnet and went to asic Jac.cvon to assist me. I met with many rebuffs from porters and servants, but 1 had courajjer, until, to my dismay, 1 lound mvselt iu the very pres ence of the President of tho Uuited States; then my affairs looked small enough. I 'felt as if I could crawl through the keyhole easier thau do such an er rand with the keen look from under Mr. Jackson's brows upon me. lit saw my embarrassment and I don't know soon had ine telling ai! my troubles to him as if he had been my own sou. 'Dear me !' 1 exclaimed at last, I doti't kuuW how I dared come to yn. but Jones pr--fessecl to Le on ; ucli intimate terms with your I'sceHtiicy.' 'Ah !' he said with a twinkle in his eye-; then I think I must send him my aitfi,ytijh. Do will value that!' and sutinir down to his desk he wrote a few scathing lines to his friend, Mr. Jones, who'Wori fine clothes at a poor widow's expense, and commanded It i tn to pay me at once, or resign his clerk ship, by cou-m:tud of Andrew Jackson, President ol the United St:ites ol" America. V. is autograph, indeed .' Why, that Andrew .Jackou crossed the entire thect in h tters as b"g ; nd bl ick ns a thundercloud. When 1 went to pour the tea that uiglit, I gave Mr. Junes the Hole, saying. -l calSud on the President to-day, and ho sent yui this.' 'You V as if I had been a puppy under his 'feet. Then iu his strand way 'One of his lit tle notes on business, brobably. l'utyou should hiive seen his face beiore he got to that auftijrtijJi ; he tried to look proud and indiiluivut ; he tried to eat his sup per, but I pitied him. lie stopped after supper,. laid down what money he had. humbly be'ged my pardon, and iu a day or tv.i brought ma tho whole sum. After that, all went well with me. You see, I had these words always iu my mind Come to me again, 31 rs. ; the wid ow and tho fatherless shall always find in me a friend ' I c.ui assure you that I prize ! those parting words moie, perhaps, than Jotu-s did the Prcsidvut's .auto Wh." . OaKCONiANS in Utah. The follow ing is from llu Dalles Jlounlaiw.er : A private letter from Major M. P. Berry, dated June 10th, informs us that he had arrived at the place of his desti nation iu Idaho Territory. " While at CorimiC" be made a short visit to Salt Lake City to see Governor Woods, wh-o he loun-d well aud doing well. He also met Hon. Samuel K. May, formeriy Sec retary of Stats of Oregon, at the Mor mon Capital. CHABL.S) A. D.VSA. Editor. A' Newspaper ot tie Present Times IntSudad for Peoplo Now on Earth. Including Farms s. Meclianlcs. Merchant. Pro fessional UK, WuiKara. Tulakers, and l Man ner ot Boaei Folks, aa J tba Wives, Sons, and Daatiierj of nil sac&. OKL5T ONE DOLL1B A YEA It t ONE EiCNDEXD COPIES FOR SSO. Or la taan On? Cent a Copy. Let thers bs a 850 Cina at every Ttnt Office. SEMI-WEEKLY tiVTi, 83 A YEAR, or tha ocio tixo aa.l geaeral character as THE WEEKLY, bt vrtth a ereaicr variety of tnift-el!aaeoti rcadinir, and furnljtiia tne nwa to it suDcriouis with 171 cater fraatioes. beeunso U com 03 twice a woe Instead otoaco only. THE DAILY SITN, SO X YEAR. A r-reemino itlv raalih o newspaper, witn sue larks' circ!t aUjit la Uie worul ITo. lnile-ne-tdent. at:t t.-arie-K in nuiitiiv). A 1 ttie new. from ev- ryu-tior... i r.. ceata a cupy : by mall. 50 cwt u m jutii. or SO ajatr. TERMS TO CLTJBS. V -. TI1E DOLLAE WEEIvEY srjf. Five copies, one year, ajuaratelyacdress-d. ' , Four Uollars. Ten rorles. one Tr. eerrately addressed (aud aa extra coi.y to the b"'.t no of "-lap - Eiirltt Uollnra. Twenty copies, one year, senftratelv addretsea . .i.d an ex:a-a cjjiy v tue Hotter up of cinb). Fifteen Do llura. Fftv cnrl"- coe Tear, to one aidren rind tutt 'jtM- eci:y one yitr i s tr inter ni cf elub, Thlrty-thrca Dollars. Ft"Y rrtp'P' w Tear, epftrareiv n-.id-cs-ert (:ii:d t..e Suuii-WjeKly oaeyerirto trt-trer m- o- t'.ir ). Tiiirry-Sva Ioltar. Cn ' r'nTTrp1 cv 1-s, nri? vp.ir. ti rm 1 Q tr-r I in 1 tlii i-'iil-y for wni; yewr u tu f.-usr ot cn. i'iity Sol!ar. Or.p b-i !.lre t e-aii'S. oil's t -nr. stra:-at ly nd-d-e.3'! n.i ! tlioa!!yitrone ysr ru ; 11J- ir-nif r : up ofclu'a;, - feiny l)oiiar. irrr sr.-!ir-v,i's:ii.Y sux. rrc tovl&. oi-e ycct. tPiKU-att-lr a'li '. - ILlgut IJoltar-. Zen cor ic?, o::e verr ftai-n'e'v aarrusod (aii t KiJleen DolUra. S5T-.VD T.JUft r.IONEY In TfT-t r1T.- ole- r"r--s, v (iififr- mVrv Vosis. wi.i-revirr cpvum It .t. ti.tn nguui liti 4;;t e.-i cj:aii, .a lat-. A ilre 6aa nines. Sc Vuric Ctty. S ILLJIKAD r.VPKR. all fizos,' just received ami for hiIj at tros uCn-e, low fur fash. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. AmnaDKr R.H.IfiCBQNALD&CO., Tiioi.r:-;Ai-i2 DzJk ca3 rsisca::, til. Ci.i t'-o R'tnt-on r.f T?a!c-Tj to tlirlrlarir assort. Riv-:'.? i-f '-fwlr Arrived" Cloods, con pnnoil In rart cf tne Hiilowtnit artleles. tiir' t er wtta i v.-rr ti:i: ' I:Tt In a tcil Bcrplicd WUOLE SALE Illtl Ci tiTOH E. KfTO TITO. I Til .llES-' PBIPASAT!!! lUtt-sT MEii"txif. DrKiuia-m' fcejiDEIBa, TitVSSKS: f-ri-POETiBS I Sl!KKlt llEKES, FniTttL Oils, I i KBFl MEBlrs, Eim:xs On.. I Pist8 4JD Oita. Vvlilc'i vra cfl-. r r.t thn towrft Caph rricca, and sre determined not to be undersold. E. n. jlcDOX ALD t CO., Eas FEiSCIECO, C4X- TOli biLLL', Our Iri!j liHaiiicsS lucat'.-d in San Fran- i.-4'.o, t'al. Al-'r oi:r l-c.-t wishes, and expres iiijj Mtr t!i!iiik- f-r tho lilur;tl jiaironaK wo have reci.i.cd l'.ir mi than twenty-ono years, dining which rieritil we have brcn ftcailily encase I in the lrs bu.-ines iu CalittTuia, e lg tn say iu ron.-e iticin-e .f the r)it growth tf r. Wttfticr's C'iliiimt:t .Vinegar iiitle.8, now sj.n.a.1 over the fniti.it rt:tt-s and countries far lieyou.t, we are nceeitated to Uavoto our entire tittle 10 said ttr iiKS?1. We are the Oidesi Drug firm on the VaeiBe C-tast tin 1 the o;.ly one. continuous ntider tha same proprietors ine 1 l1.', itnd have lieiermintd t-i s-ll onr larT'.', prt';peru;i3. and v?elt established bu'inySft on favora'-l'. terms. Tiiin is a rtire ooi'oitn: ity for men with tr.eans, of entering into a t ositiihle liusiness Ti ith advan lat.s never hefore ofTete-t. i'or rartieulars t rmuire of it. II. .MeIfXALl A CO.. It. If. MePo.v.U.I, Wholesnle Prajririrf. J. i 'fet:xcFn, j f-an I'rant-irtfo, fal. B. Until a 9M0 is Ta to re' slottl eor.tinne ottr importations aud keep a Inrs;e t:k of fresh ooils constantly on hand, and sell at prices ti defy t-oiajH:t:ti,lJ. T6e Great Mfdical Discovery ! Dr. WALKEE'3 CALIFOBXIA YIN GAR BITTERS, s-f Hundreds of Thousands Bear tcRtlmonr to thlr "Wonder ful CutuUtc XL&GCtB. A FEW REASONS WHY THE ARION PI ADO SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS TIIK ARION PIANO-FORTE tias Greater Power than any other other PisDo-Forts maun - fac-tnrcd... . IT WILL STAND IN TUNE LONGER ' and in its mcrlianieal construction it Is mors per-, feet, and therefore, more durable than any lustra ' meat constructed in the aual modern style. The aran semen t of the Agraffe, tbe manner of "Tinninc, tho peculiar form and arrangement of the Iron Frame, Supersedes all Others. The use of a bart, (which ia a part of lbs Iron Frame) on a Hue with the heavy steel stringing, ' gives Great Strength Where m st needed, and in this respect all other Pianos tail. Tho construction of tho WREST PLANK, into wliieh ihu Tuning Pins are inserted, is such that it s imp s.-iUle for tha pins to become loosened, or he Wr.-'t Plank itself to vplit, aa is toe often tho ease iu othur Piano-Fortes, ' - THE UXTKAOttlrtNAKY EVEN- NliSS, Throughout the entire scale, the e.tccllcot Singing Quaiiiy, tho - 1 Length aud Purity on Vibration, All go to prove what we claim, viz.: that tbo Ariou Piano-Forte . Is tbe Best Instrument Mannfaotured. "I went fn tfie Ijooislafure last year," Raid a Genrgiair. "Well. 1 went to Au pjtista and tuttk tllnner at a hotel. Jli-ht beside ttie at table fat a iiietiibor from one of the liask towns, wh't hud, pel haps, never taken diurier at a hotel before iu his life. JJofore his place was a dish ol peppers, mid he kept looking at them. i''iu.iilj, us tho waiters were slow about biiugiuu up the things, he took up bis fork and soused one iuto bis luouth. As he brought down his grindera upon it, the tears came into bis eves. At last, Fpiiting tie popper inio his hand.-, he laid it dowu by the s-ide'of his plate, an 1 in a voice that set the whole table in a roar, exclaimed . "Jest lie there aud cool!" Dr. Toi belt, editor of the' Kansas City (Mo.)VY w., who recently destroyed hiui- ii-ell 44i tiiorphiiie,- left, a letter to a Incnd id defense of suicide, lie arua.i with much force and some eloquence the riyhtof a man to hike: his own life, and declares self plaapbter ta be no evidence of insani'y ; but, on the contrary, at least in many cases, 01 the highest wisdom. Ilia suicide seems to have been lonji con templated, and to have been committed only after much calm and serious reflec tion. ... 11 1, , '1 11 At the Prospecc Park races, New York, June Hilt, the srreat race for S4,- UU0, free to ail, was decided.-; Twq thous and dollars of the puise went to tins fiivt horse, SI, 0U0 to the comu, $UK to the third, aud SICK) to tho fourth. "Lucy," "Goldsmith laid," "Auierieati (Jul," and "Oeorjre Palmer" started. ,iJ"Aiuer iean Girl', won the first heat iu 2:20, and "Goldsmith Maid" won tho next three io 2:2012:21 2:211. John Boeraft, and old citizen of South Bend, attempted to coinmit suicide by swallowinjr un ounce of laudanum. On being asked his reason for the - act, - he replied ; "Business is business ; I wish to meet General Jackson at 4 o'clock this afternoon, and I am goiojj to eee hiiu." He was pumped out. Little Dear- ' Papa, I wi-h you would give uie aome spirit Tarnish." Papa (puzz.ed "What does the child mean?" Sweet fnnoccut "Why, Mary says tba. is what makes your nose bo red I" If tn ?.cc l S 2 I 5s WHAT ARE THEY ?'rJ j g -J g' - cO.I 2'- - -S. 5 ; j( 5 rS -jSiSfe.'$4e& S T . tl - A III ON PIANOS Are used Exclusively in the ' A.MEBICAN CONSEKVATOllIES of cw York city. J The most severe test a p'anacan receive is con Etunt use in. a Conservatory. Cca! -Slie ollowiii: It uffords mo cinch plc-arro to give jouj in thes few linos, a very sincere testimonial for the Piano Porte of your nianntaeture. Wu Lave now used the '"'Patent Arkiu Pianos" in or.r Coni-ervaturieS f'ora y ar, and have had a fuir opportunity of loft ing their durability during that time. Tbe Pianos have teen flaved- upon almost conetaotiy, from uiumiug till niglit, and a Piano must indeed be m good one wbeu it will l.caisnch constant asewilh out showing of defection-. As for remaining in lr, it out rivals any Piano known to nte. v Their peculiar sweetness of tone hi tbe treble (as compared to other Pianos with the ordinary metal acniffo nrran;;i ment ) is so striking that I haro h.iil u)ils remark, while taking their lesoo, that although they had at home what they trap osed to be one of tho best makes of Pianos, still! the treble was very wirey t ned comnared with the What makes them tt'iU more desirable is their itnif.rim vniunie ofiiinc, whii h enables an Artist to rerfirin a composition in i s true character. In total. I run coissen ntious!y endorre all that is ' lainied by the Ar'ma Piano Porte Company for their superb inr'nitnouts, as I consider them u peri'ir to any i iher make. i ; i C'i " Conj:rnti:ljtiti't you upon the great success you' ' eve ol ta i ci in tie iniinnfa tore ot so perfeo sn instrument, J remain yours, Vcrv trnlv, -HENBY't-CHKOEDEK, lirectop N'cir York, September 3, 180. r r . , t ; "' SS $ ax A U5 i THIiT A.T.T2 KOT A VI' FANCY D R I IJ K.,s? ilaio cf Poor Iiuni, "iViiln'ior, PrnoT Siiirltu and itcftiso I.iqaurauoctor. J,cj;lccJ aai sweetened t-i l Iojsj tho ti-,t3, callad 'io: ics,,AmcUo3,, " Ucstorcia," .t-C tiiot lca'1 jo t:pplCi- out) tlruakcnn; s oi'.d ruin, tntaro a trno Mel'tclne,niaJe frosa tl;c 2Cat:vo 1:00:3 and Herbs of California, free frim uli At-oUtlto Stiiuuianis. Tlicvare the U It EAT ill,C331 I'UIllKIEit nil I.IFK JlVIX(j PltlN CIPI.Eapcrr.ct Ilcr.ovr.tcr aiidiuvlso-i'.orof t:ic Ey-iVeir., carrylns cT all poisonous matter and rcitoiius t!.o tlocd to r. tuaUi y c3EC:itio:i. Xo pcoa cas tiho thcra 11 :crs accorJia t'octrcc tlou and remain Iocs unwvll. For Inilamiuiitory nii-l Chronic KUca inntilM aud t'atlt, lj dloila. or Iudi centlau, nilisuu, ICcmUlont anil Inter nilttcnt Fovcru, I1sccm of tho :iood, Liver. Ivlilueyn, nn.l Ittaittlor. tltcco Kit. tets have beca raoat sitcssuni!. fcln:h traMC are catisod by Vitiated Filood. v.hic:i Is ircnorally prodnccd by tljranucrncat of ths Iis:fitSve Orcnun. IIYriPEl'NIA It lNRlGEfSTIOX. Headache. 1'a'al In tho fclioaICo;-!, Coutfhj, T. Lf.it iicbs of tho Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructation of the Gtotnach, Bad tasto la lia Ionth U-Kous At, tacks, rclpttr.tion of tha Heart, lnftauuuaUaa of tho J.nn?.Pai.i la the regions of the Uldaeys.and o hundred other paialnt symptoms, crj tho oi sprlngoof Dyspepsia. TUy luvlorath9 the Stomach and sthnntato tho torpid liver and boweia, wiilch render thorn of un equalled eQcacy la clcaagins t!;a blood cf oil Impurities, Bad impartial newlI.'J a-td v.'ifor ta tho whole system. FDKSlilN ni-ar.AHF.S.Ernpt'.ons.Tetfcor. Fait t:hc-.im, Blotolics. Kpota, 1'liupU-s, Pustules. Bolls, Carhoncles, Kias-W01 ma, fcer-.I J-IIcaJ. Cro Eyos.nrystncla'-, Itah, Scarfs. Ulscoloratior.a of the sail, riamors and Diseases or the Skin, of -vhatcver asms or nature, ara Ktorally dog un andcarrled oat of tha cvstotn In a shor t,nio by tha use of these Bitters. One bottle ta sort) cases will convince tho most Incredulous or their curative ofTccts. Cleanse tho Vitiated Blood whenever yoa find Its Imparities bnrstinK thronith the skin la Fira ples. Eruptions or Bores t ctoanse it when you find It obstructed and sluggish In tha veins; cleanse It when It Is font, and your fooling will tell yon when. Keep tho blood pure and tba health of tho systsci will follow. PIS, TAPS and other WO It 31 S. Jurklnirtn the system of so many thousands, era effectually destroyed and removed. For fall directions, read carefully the circular around each bottle. J.TVALKKB. Proprietor. IU H, McDONALD A CO DragirlBts and Gen. Agents, San Francisco, Gal,, and 82 sad St Commerce 6 tree! . New York, KM pT All TMSrOCTSTS ATSft AGEXTS WAliXElf M'e want fint tin's and rrsponsihle Agents. Iw ' vc y city and town where we have not already ap pointed them. . , . : .- ; J j Vc Iiave jiirl PnblilieX ' Our annual Illustrated Pamphlet, which 'contains a lull uo.-et ii ttnu id the interior eunstrueliuu ol tha Put nt Ariuii l'uiio-t-oi te, and all tbe other lead ing Piutioi ot Hie prim ijial mukes; lllaetrated with cuts, tliiiseotrafttnj; tne rtrioa with all other firsU eiiLrs I'usut, aud proving ' . Why and Where -. ;- - - '' ..- v - - .i:-r 1 cr Our Pianos are superior to any in the market. Onr pamphlet contains engravings of all tbe difV fer -vt styles of instrument that we manufacture, civ in a full description of each, so that a person can elect the tyle they may. desire to order, with the assurance that thev will receive just at good a Piano as if they were in our warerooma to select it. Wo have sold over Five Thousand Pianos. many of tliotn taint; shipped great distances, and we have never yet received the first complaint. 'Arwsrv 1 a written guarantee with every Piano we manufao- ' ture. for five years, the purchaser ran no risk. ' Ihm'tfuil to writtforimr pampMtt tehitk tsestati F i-m, nud tuirn you irrtfe stars mkat paper yon sets 'Am worire t. - 1 . - X. It. .We caution tbepublirfromparchssinfta cheap Piano, which has recently been put ia the mm-ket. henrins the name "Arion." All genuine Arion Pianos h-arthe name "Patent Artoa.'-and can only be purchased from our New Tnrk Ware, rooms, or our authorized Agents throughout tha United States, . . , . , !. All kinds of Slusical InstrnncKts , ABS TBS Anion riA::3rc::::;;;T Ko. 5S4 Broadway. Kw York ClHr.